The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 27, 1908, Image 4

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7, 19CH mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
, S
,. 1
. 4
IS You Have
a Bad Col
lrtf 25 cnt
You want remedy that will not
only rfre quick relief but effect a
permanent cure.
Tou want a remedy that will re
lieve the lung and keep expectora
tion easy.
you want a remedy that will coun
teract any tendency toward pneu
monia. Tou want a remedy that ia pleas
ant and eafe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all of these requirements, and
for the speedy and permanent cure
of bad colds stands without a peer.
A Severe Cold Quickly Grid by Cham
berlain's Cotrgta Remedy.
"Last winter I caught a Try mtm oold
which lingered for weos," says J. Cr
qullart, of Zephyr, Ontario. " My cough
was Terr dry and harsh. The local dealer
recftmmended Chemborlauve Cough Rem
edy and guaranteed it, eo I fare It a trial.
One small bottle of It cured me. I believe
Chamberlain's Couf h Remedy to be the
beet I have ever used. "
It is Equally Valuable for Children
It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask your Druggist for it
i II
term and being no! lsa than ten days af
tor tht servioe l lhia rtlatioii.
Wit new nir hand ami the arai oi mi
rvurt atniM inta tun ear oi lanuaiy. n
P l'v ...
(Seali K. J. (it'liMas,
Clerk of said iVtmly tVurl,
Cha. J. S.-hnalet. Attorney for Aoni r.
N'orah K. Crane, Vialtilifr.
John Kdaard I'rane, IWendaiit.
To John K.I ward Crane, the U
named otteimani:
von are required to appear aud anwr
the complaint rtled against you in the
above emitted ami on or belore the last
,Ut of Ihe time preen-ribe.! in me oroer
for publication of thl summon, ui wh:
..ii i.r iMrorp iiih inn oav m i.i.., .-.--,
.-..I ,Uv liMimtlHaaiiornilonolalx week
frvim tirst publication of Una notice; and if
vou nail bo to appear am? answer, mi wm
ihereot, the plamtirt wilt apply lo th
wurt for the relief prayed for in the com-
..Uim towit: inal the twniia oi wain-
uiony now uhiting between youmelf
and plalulift I disoived and f..rver an
nulled and lor snob ,Hher relief aa u the
court may -em Jut and eoiiitahle.
puolianeti dt hit
im 1.1
lion J. W. lloodt n. J iid ire
This summon
I onl.T ol the Uoi
of the County Court for Wawalngum
Comity. Oregon, mad January xto. iw.
tl imlire ol the Clrviiil court of aaid eouti
lv be tig al-MMil from said cniinly at Mid
time. Hv aaid ordi-r. it waa illrei-lel mai
this summons be imMitdied in Hie Hill
Imra Arii. onoe each week for alt aiir-
I rtmcive wet' ka. and the date of the Hrsl
piilli.alin thereof la January Hh, mm
llie dale named In said outer for the aaltl
ti at pnbiuation. r.. n. H'.yJt r..
rtiA.iv r. inM.i.i.
Attorney for I'lainliff.
Honry tier Jr , of near Helh
any, we in lown sionaay. i
I , a.!.. A.lM.liiIa
Wm. Benronsnd wife. of I.ut,. i-er .. . -.
..... Li I i,avra ioi i oi"u"
were in the city Sunday. i , ...
IllllSt '
Jits. A Leiter, of Cornelm. w shetuUn KWcr
in MonJ.y. ..V-.u-" ."i:
K. F. tH-hiiffrlin, of Ceulervillf, j A4vr, f.w I'oiiUe.i
wm ia the city Monday.
MiM Klmabeth Smith a vis
itor to Cortland Motulay.
Cha. Matthir. of near I.urel.
a... ttt
en in town Monday, and (turn.
K. M. Ileidel and Albert Meier
had buineM iu rortleiul MooiUy. i
Atuval iu ruituuil
Knteat C.rove Uval . .
Cotsalli meiland . . .
I'oirst t'.ioie Unal
Sheitdaii User.
I'oirnl C.iove Ual
Leaving I'onUml
Cotva'di ovnlanil
-"riet t'.iove local.....
Sheiidan Flyer
6 Hi a. nt.
V 07 a. m.
1 it p. m
SxkS p. m.
Sift, m.
Iix7 p. u.
,:tH p. m.
47 P- "
7 10 a. nt
11 a. tn
4 to p. ft
A 40 p. m
Mrs. F. Bocktuan, of near Hev
ertoo, wan in the city Monday,
and called on the Argua.
J. B ThompeoQ, of Mountain-
dale, waa in towa Monday, on hie
way to Portland.
Fred Sieariat returned from a
aix weeki trip through cauiornia,;
laal baturday.
James Butler and J hn Humph-
reys were fortland paenaera
Call on or phone to iVnni for
Srooeries. A conirlt and up to
ale line alwava on hand.
8am OrndurT, the Laurel hop
grower and old time eamill man
wae in town Monday, and rallrd
on the Argus.
Full Mood Brown. But!' ami
H iv a. m
10 .10 a. m
y p. w
bisi P-
Shrtidan r'lvef
r'oirat liiove Uw-at. . . .
Coivallia overland . . .
The Koreat Drove local doe not
carry buguage
Argua and Oreaonian, t'l?.
Shrtin Sl on tUtcutlon
NtHice 1 hereby given that by virtu- ol
an alUi'hnienl eve.nllon owned out of anil
under the aval of lliel'ounly t ulitt ol ihe
Mat of Oregon, for Washington tSuiuly,
In lvr of William Nelson doing bust
, a. the Nrlaon har.iw are Co.. plain
Ull. and aKint l.oui W01I and III oir.
ilfleiulaiita. hr Hie sum of t'f I" S' .lii. with iirie-t thereon at Ihe rate
of sit pr .Ttit. pr aiiuuui from Jan. If.
p, and Ihe lurther soul ol eot
nud ilnhiirwmenla. "d directing me to
olltherral propetir herelualter deafffil
il Hieirloloro atta.die.1 III Mid aillon al
the mill plainlill ami against me urien
m HillUStitisfRid
Il.ceu. we cany H,f B10., M
I. lai loiy s.h (i
II. city We ... . , ,
1111 Ihe .i o( ,nitl(,r
pi.fri lo.ti.w i,y tMu
nf;.iialuT HM ,v (hf
piiie., uw ,i(1Uft
will noH.ur sl.ptr 1K1(,, M
Fcr Crushing; and
Kiuli ( Rock
Wbl'e Leghorn I Ba-S f r ale; aetlillj .laut. U. u.e dnei-le.1 ami t will
'! T.i . a. 10 'on Monday, the nd -lay ol Waicli.
of 13 for 50c-n-wriiiul I'owan, ',;;;; lf ,' tVllirUlouM. m
sod Fir
iirreta , 11 Ha
For Sale by The Delta Drug Store.
Il.n.l-.r,, Drrtfiill. al Ihe hour f
o'clio k A. M. of said day. sell at public
auction to the Jih-d bidder for ah In
hand, all ol the folio-lug deerithed real
Iviii. Iwlim and situate in
Wa-hlncton Coitnly. Oregon, and panic
.t.ri .InM riiw-i as loilowa. l.ili
i I'.niiiitrni-liiif at Point on the aoulh
1 L.nmlarv llneol the I UC. of Caleb Wil
! klna and w ife in T.I N. K 1 W of II Will.
; M,r. Mouth ? degree r'aet Is 44 rhalns
I from liil a here Ihe division line ol said
irUi.n ii.infanta the Mouth iMUimlarv
.line of Mid claim: tliriice North 31 75
; chains; llieni e rioiitll rudegreew mK SU )
; rhalns: llieni e South 21. ": t hailia lo the
MM. Geo. Maei and daughter, '.Soulhclemi line; then. North o'Wree,
. . , 1 . Vel ai chain to Ihe tleo of Iwgln.
Mies Qladya Cohen, whi has
been vietiing Mia Maud liHUi'h,
of this city, returned to her lion e
in Ueppner Monday.
Pits for Sale -Some Polanl Chi
na pigs for aale, on firm of Pr. A
B. Btiley, 2 tuilea north of HiiU-
boro. Farmeis phone,
and order of sale I will on Monday, the
2nd dav of March, ly at Ihe south door
oi the court bouse in hi Unborn. Washing
ton County. Oregon, at the hour of 10
STATK OK OREfiOX. FOR ' o clock A. M. 01 saia aay.ieiiat puoiiv
umurr, i'r uiwi in
auction to the highest
band, all of ihe following doNcnbed real
property, lying, being and situate in
Waihingtoii County, Oregon, aud particu
larlv deHcribeil a follows. tiw it-
Beginning at Ihe northwest corner ol the
Donation Land Claim of Walter Pomeroy
and wife. No. S, in Township One North.
Range Two Weet of the Will. Mer am!
running tuence Went 10 cha. to the re
entrant corner of the 1 donation Land
Claim of H. Sewell and wife; thence iSouth
36.75 cha. to the North West corner of lh
laud formerly owned br Thomas H,
Toneue and now owned by Jatn -r N.
Orabel; thence Kaxt 10 cha. h the WeM
Kattie Keirnifier, and Frank Keirmeier, '
FlHintiffs. vs.
W. A. Kama, Defendant
To W. A. Kama, defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appearand answer
the complaint hied ananm you in the
above entitled Court and suit on or before
the 14th day of March, ISO, the last day
prescribed In the order of publication of
this summons and if ynu fail no to appear
and answer the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled Court for the relief prayed ' iM 0f M1j Pomeroy Donation Land
for in her complaint in the above entitled Claim; thence North 't& chs., thence Kajt
suit to wit: j 10 cha, thence South 2.75 cha, thence
dant for 4n1.0U w ith interest thereon from then.-e st 4.75 cha. more or leas to the In tor collection, and payment ol U
the 15th day of November. 115. until naid 1 vi ... 1, n.,.rih 1. nH nn nn,l ilr cs. on Saturday. 1'ebfusiy IS, IQOS, and
at the rate of a per ceDt per annum and 1 Wnnrf: thence North on the Went lineol
100 attorney's fee and costs and disburse i the land of said lira. Wood and the West
nientaof the suit and the same are the , jne 0f tbe laud of Klira Hudson, 4n.4 ch.
nrstnenon nrst tract, nemg tne soutn- to the North line of said fomeroy Dona
eaxtquaiter of the ntrtheat quarter of tjon und claim: Iheme Weet on said
Hection 30, Town. 2 North Range 3 W. of North line of said Pomeroy Claim 21.74
W IU. Mer. Ch, more or less to the place of begin-
Seule' bids will be received by the Conn
tv Comt of Waahington Counly, Oregon,
until 2:0U t. m. on the 14th dy of March,
lK Hn.! tnen ooeiied. for the rruahlug ol
iiisj cubic yard of rvxaX. via: 2UW yards
at the Thatcher quarry four mtiea norm
of Korest lirove: .WW yards at the Spring
Hill quarry four miles souin or rorest
Itirove; and isou yams si me vwiar kiii
ouarry three milea north of Heaverlon on
ihe Cornell load.
The County will funiiah ine eruaner
una ii mr 1 naicuer uuarrv. aiio hw nm
traciorwiti 1 nriUirel o inw -i . - . 1 v eat 11 IS1 I nams iu low ytm-m n
ud the machinery at ine ainereni uuar- luruu-any uwiniwu, auu tiu .,,1,. i-mta niug 4t acrea. 10 Mtisiy in
nes Siding: in Portland, were in town, thereinbefore named soma and the coals
Bidders will be required to name a u . , ,, , , i,., f and eiie of sale ami of mi. I w, it; mui
iric rjer cubic yard delivered in the btna. mouuay, sun m . , . .u w ,ui,,. i., rrdeinplluu M per
the two liner grades 10 compriaa at leaai in.- -n 1 : tin ! Malule of Oregon.
45 per cent, of the pnxiuoi; aiso a prio UT. . u rvuua win i 111 iiiui the exceiis neenleU bverthe 45 lMr cent. I w... T,,u.l.a Thn,.,l.u . ,.,)
of the two tiner grado. I . , ' ... . . . I
u,.l. .ill .1-.. h. r.-elve.l al the aam SaiUrUaT. tna Will De preparoi 10
time for the hauling of said rock, bids U I at U diseases of liotnealicaled
rb Headquarters, Conneir.
alone, or on ihe cruahing and hauling Liver Din. W II
. , . . t ..... V. -. . 1 , .. .. I "
MHfeiner, or on an y i w uw uiik.
The court reserves the right to increase
the aliove amounts or rock lo be cru-neti
i ier cent, at each of Ihe quarries, and
also the riahl to reject eny or all bids.
Hy order of the County l omniumon-
en. . ...
J W.UUllDl.l.
Dalr.l Oils Jan. l ot
J. W. CO.NSF.l.t
Slienlfof Waahington Counly, Oregon,
llaglry It lli. Attorney for I'laiultS,
Peter Jscobson, of North riains.
was thrown from a load of hay last
Friday, caused by the upsetting of
the wagon, and fractured a email
bone ia the left leg. Dr. A. B.
o'yJue- Bailey was called and reduced the
Chestnuts do well in the Wil
Notice is hereby given that the ta 1 rolls Uooette alley. A ircu rairer 01
for Washington County, Oregon, will be this vicinity predicts that in time
tber will be generally raieed in
Notiee to Taspaytra
Price &c Stilts
Meat Marhet
all who make full payment of their Ul
belore larcn IS. 1900, win recrivr a ic-
bate of 3 per centum Half payments
can be made by the brt Jlonilay in
April without interest charge.or penalty
snd the remaining half can be paid at
Second track Also the tract of land be- containinz 120 acres. and all of the any time prior to the first Monday In Uc-
nning at the southeast comet of the a- rjKnli tite, and interval of ea h and all ol tober. 190.V Where no payment is made
the defendants atiove named had in ami
hove described tract of land and running
thence north 40 chains, thence east 4
chains 54 feet, thence south 30 chains,
thence east 12 feet, thence south 20 chains
and thence west 5 chains to place of be
ginning containing in all 5li and 2-3 acres
of laud more or lens. ;
And a lien subject to the right of wsy
for a wagon road 30 leet wide frorn the !
south-east corner of the tract of land iatt
above described in a soutb-eaMtcrly dlrec-1
tion to connect with the county road near
t by and the reaervation of a right of :
wsy for Fred Karup, his bwrs and as
signs, one rod in width, and described as .
follows: Commencing at the south-east .
corner of tbe tract of land last above de
scribed and running thence north 20 chit. ; I
thence west one rod; thence south 20 chs., '
and thence east one rod to the place of ;
beginning, j
This summons is published pursuant to ,
an order made on tbe 21st day of January, j
1908, by tbe Hon. Thomas A. Mc Bride, j
presiding Judge ot the above f milled:
Court, by which order it is direct d that !
this summons lie published In the Hills- j
lioro Argus once a week for sii coiiKecii
tire weeks, and the dale of the first tmbli-1
cation is January 23, 1, the date named
In said order for said hrst
to the same at tbe date ol the execution of
the mortgages upon which s Id judgment
and decree is based to satisfy the herein
before named sums and for the costs and
expenses of sajle and said writ. Said cale
will be made subject to redemption as per
statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hilisboro, Oregon, on this 'i'rth
day of January, A. D., lu.
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon,
lieo. R. Bagley, Attorney for Plalntilf.
this Dart of (Jregon. lbere are
several chestnut trees in bearing in
Hilisboro They do not bear large
crops, but are good for a crop ev
ery year
Mirko X. Savljicb, a Greek la
U . ... 1.. ..:..! LI nr..! ,. - .1 Ik.
bv the fi.rt Monday in Apnl, 1. the 7 i ,1 i " "
t.' trr,meiieiiiuiuent. and the statute Cedar Mill cemetery, death having
requires, from that d de, a penally of 10 resulted from an accident which
per cent., and also an interest charge of occurred the latter part of last
one per cent, per month or 1 td tai un- . 8,.Uich W4B woriin(, wi.u
ill IS PIU. J- II. VU".".HW, I . t ...
. J. , I a M.r.anina In a oetilihma
Shcntl and ei-othcio US collector lor uu wmjwtu.w... a
U'athi. Btnn Countv. OreBon.
Hilisboro, Oregon, rebruary 13, 190".
aid hrst pi
llDlHTallOU. i BIIHW.Ar Ilia uuiil r-.iti r.lni nt tr
First publication .
Last publication .
Farm lor Sale
I wish to sell my farm, containing
152 acres, 110 acres under plow,
good houee, barn aud orchard, 3
miles south of Hilleboro, and one
mile weet of Farmington. For fur
ther information, address.
. Burk baiter,
44-6m Hilisboro, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregun
lor Washington County
Barbaia Ankos, I'lainliff,
Peter Ankos, defendant.
To Peter AnkoM.Defendant aliove named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that the plain
tiff has tiled a complaint against you in
the above entitled court and cause ami
you are hereby required to appear and
pearance thereon on or before the last day
the Pith day
fail so to appear
snd answer the complaint or tile some
appearance herein, the plaintiff will
cause your default to be entered ami no
ted and will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit:
a decree forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you
anil-plaintiff and for such other relief an
to the Court may seem proper.
a tnuriiii.L,, ! prescribed by the order of
Attorneys for PUmtiffs. iereof, m-wft: on or before t
"' i1U!!7o .'J- - "t March, 18; and it you fail
n March IA l.m. , ...j ,l,H .-.mnlaint f
Remember, the
Argus, only 12.25.
Oregonian and
Executor'a Notice
Tbe date of the first publication of this
summons is the .Stlth day or January, i:M,
and this summons is to be published on
every Thursday of each week for a period
successive weeks between said
In tbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon for Washington Counly
Thomas Kidd, Plaintiff,
Letitia S. Kidd, Defendant.
To Letitia 8. Kidd, the above named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon : You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled herein on or before
the expiration of six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this summons.
the first Dtibiicatinn thereof being on inn
uary ;ju, I'fus, ana u you in o w appear
and answer, the Dlaintitt will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in said
com olaiut viz: that the bonds of matrt
... . . i . , i
mony now existing neiween piauiuu sou
defendant be dissolved, and thai plaintiff
be awarded the care and custody or Mar-
caret I.. Kidd and (iertnide K. Kl
nor children of plaintiff and defei
and for such other and further rel
mv I ine.t and rviultable.
This summons is servwi uon tou ny
lublication by order of Hon. J. W. Uooil-
i . . .1 . I ,lf L. n llnnnl.
11. CliUIIlT luilktv Ol nmuiuRwu vuutnj ,
OreKon. which order wsy made and dated
on January 30. 1H0H. W. N. Barrett,
Attorney lor riainiui.
, it . .
crew, when a limo ieu irom a tree,
striking bim on the head. Medi
cal aid was secured, but tbe unfor
tunate man died from bis injuries
Saturday night.
Eggs for Hatching
of six
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcbride, Jude
ot the above entitled court, made in
Chambers this 29th day of January, A. D.
Attorney for Plaintiir.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been, by the County Court of I
Washington County ,Ore., duly confirmed . IN
' executor of tbe last will and testament j
1 of Helen M. Gates, deceased. All persons j
.! having claims against said estate are j
j hereby notified to present them, with
proper vouchers, to me, at my residence i 1,1
tn Hilisboro, Oregon, or at the law of-1
fice of S. B. Huston, Bio Chamber of
Commerce, Portland, Oregon, within six
months from date.
Dated at Hilisboro, Oregon, this 14th
day of February, 1908.
Executor of the last will and testament
of Helen M. Gates, Deceased.
S. B. Huston, Attorney for Executor.
Sherift's Sale on Foreclosure
Notice la hereby given that by virtue of
an execution, decree aim oruer 01 saio, is
sued out of and under tbe seal of the Cir
riilt. Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Washington, dated the 22nd
day of January, 1H08, In favor of John A.
Fobteand against John W. Sewell, Eliza
Hewell, W. B Cate, Mary A. Cate, H. L.
Uartrampf and H. L. Stephenson and O.
H. Btephenson, partners doing business
under the firm name and style of The
bleuheubou Company, for the sum of five
thousand, tlx hundred, seventy seven
dollars and forty-eight cents ($5877.48),
lieing the auiouul due on saiu j augment,
after deducting payments, together with
interest thereon at the rate ol 6 per cent
per annum from the2lst day of July, 1H0B.
to me directed and delivered, command
ing me to make sale of tbe real property
hereinafter described : 1 have levied upon
aud pursuaut to said execution, decree
Matter of the Estate of Fred
Soiuniers, Deceased
To John Somtners, Ulrieh Summers. Ja
cob Bommers, Andrew Sommers, Marie
Urundbach, Kalherine uommers, John
Siegenthaler, Fred Siegenlhaler, Ixiuis
hiegi'tithaler. Mrs. Lvdia Hartman. and
Mary Siegenlimler, and all other heirs of
the above named Fred Hummers), un
known and 11011- resident:
In the name of the State of Oregon
iou and each or you are hereby com
manded to be and aDoear before the Hon
J W Coodin, Judge of the County Court
ot the fitale of Oreeon. for Washinirton
County, at Ihe court house in the ciiy of
iiiimuoro, uounty or Washington, mate
of Oregon, at oueo'clock in the afternoon
of the 3rd day of March. A D V.M. and
show cause, If any exist, why an'order of
sale snouiu not be made by said court,
authorizing, ordering and directing said
Ixiuis Hicgenthaler, Adm inistrator of said
estate, to sell at public auction or at pri
vate sale in ine manner proviuea by law,
the following real property, belonging to
said estate, 111 Washington County, State
of Oregon, to-wii:
The South Quarter (K) of tlieNEnuar
ter(ilof the 8 E quarter (W) and the H
K quarter (M) of the 8 E quarter i'4) of
Section nine J P 1 wo n.jorin 01
Hun ire Three 8 West of the W M. con
taluing fifty (50) acres, except a two acre
ir.M ii.misiforA sold to John 1 Heimlierg,
recorded in Book 09, page SOW Records of
Deeds, Washington County, Oregon: said
ir.1 rial of March. A D 1H0M. being a term
of said court subsequent to the current
S, C. Minorca and S. C. Brown
Leghorns; II 00 for a setting of 13
sbbs. Al me last wrpgon ntaie
Poultry Show, my birds won tour
first out of a possible five prizes in
oomoetition with the best breeders
in the state.
R. H. Oreer,
47 3m Hilisboro, Ore.
We Handle theCiOV
ernment Inspected
Meuts, and sell the
beat steahs that can
be found in the en
tire Nothwest. Call
and be convinced
that inspected meats
are the hest
Both Phone.
Morhet on Main St,
Opposite Odd Te-
Thcre Is As Much Difference
Between an unpointed floor
and a floor painted with
The Most Perfect of FloorPalnts
At there is Wiwern the to aUne tllustiatrd ait. hrnv It tliuti out
dixave rrni. uvo tUr, lendt hainiuny t tlic home.
Made by
We have just received tarRC shipment of all kinds of
Heath & Million Paints
Yours for a Q Dtvil,
Rowcll Bros. & Co.1, Scholls.
An j0-0pei?r
la lM UOe Men lwv sidrB
taitMKsrMlbi.iuah.Ml lb Uf.
r wkUkmof lb San luy. Tby i tWuU,
Arnie. ul (iuMI lu'M I rt. VI llm.
All thai r-. !.- . .ll !
Ik tifcviat ul lb lui.s l.l. Il r"
m B$. OLUmt mm OtMLtM.
a i " - 10
. i v kat'wra a co. a. atur. Maruss. ait
WEINHARD'S (Os srswgKi)
The best of ill Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
m triii
Idd. ml- f
fendant, I '
relief asl'
Insure Your Stock
Insure yout boraes and livestock
and when you lose one yon will get
cash. Dont take chances when it
ia not necessary. Take out a policy
I am agent for the National Live
stock Association. Inaurea againat
death from any cause. Drop me a
line. Terms reasonable. .
JOHN VANDKEWAL. Beaverton, Or.,
R. F. D. No. 2
The old reliable fire insurance man.
All kinds of Fresh Meata. Pricea Rea-
annahle. Will meet all competition
Chickena and Poultry always on hand
upon order, Free delivery to all parti
of the town. We buy fat stock.
Sooond Street, Hilleboro, Or
..Central Meat Market..
Keep constantly on hand a fine
supply of fresh meata of all kinda.
A Mew Era In Prtoem
w are twin lo sell meats at pricea low
erthan those which hare prevailed tn
ih naat. Call in and see na. We mean
busineaa. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door Kast Tualalin Hotel
Mala Street, HllUbore, Oregsa.
34 acres, 10 lt miles from Portland, three
fourths of a mile from good railway statiou;
all cleared and in a high state of cultivation;
all well fenced, small orchard; on two good
public roads. New 5-room house, new baru,
good outbuildings. House all plumbed for
hot and cold water. Price, fS,ooo; one third
cash, balance to suit the purchaser.
20 acres ioj miles west of Portland; all
cleared and in high state of cultivation, well
fenced, on good public road; good bearing or
chard; barn cost $650, good house aud out
buildings. $7, 000. One of the best buys in
the vicinity of Portland.
19 1-2 acres half mile from good railroad
station, 18 acres cleared, balauce fine fir grove;
good running water, on good public road; soil
rich aud lays well. Price, $250 per acre; $50
per acre, cash, balance to suit.
10 acres, all cleared, aud in high state of
cultivation, on two good public roads, all set
to Winter apples of the very best variety, now
2 years old and in healthy conditiou'; fenced;
good large chicken house. Only $4500. One
of the best apple orchard buys near Portland.
21 acres, all cleared and in high state of
cultivation; all fenced; 8 acres of good two
year old orchard, set to the very best of Win
ter apples; good 9-room house. 6250. One
of our best buys. Must be seen to apppreciate.
245 1-2 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon.
This Spray is Endorsed
by A. B Cordley, Oregon Asjrlcuilur.l College
We guarantee our Spray to test 30 per ccut, and
each barrel is marked with the test. To introduce
the Phoenix Spray to every fruit grower I will
quote special prices, barrel lots. Write agent below.
rorvallle, Ore , Hopt. ,
David M. Dunno Co , Portland, Oregon. . , , , (-
Ii... ki.. i ... . 1. ... - . r .1.. i.i I am a ad to '
... .j., . .1, nifiij wi your ioiiT 01 in 111 ." , t
able to report that the result obtained from Ihe use of voiir I
Hliray were very saliafactory, Indnsd I testiid It by diluting on
nfteen. The dlluU-l sprays were thoroughly and f",v"i has
irr wiai were simply Itiorusteil. anil even a wriiaer
apparently compll"ly eradicated lb peat from aprayml tree
mai eiainliialiim mrde. about two wees ago
H isle- upon either fruit or tree. (Nlgum!)
1 peat rreim apreymi i..
ris ago fallisl lo reveal any I vll
Nlgned) A. H. t'OltDl.hi
aolnlloii !
I nun
ll.30prbbl. of SOg-.llone f. o. b., elltver Portland
or Beaverton, or 23 eenls per gallon al my farm. Tor
1 a than barrel quantities bring your cans.
Successsors to Climax Feed Store
? & J& J&
Carry a full Line of Flour and Feed
A i Poultry Supplies and Stock F'ood
Seeds, Paints, Sprayiug Material, etc
All orders promptly filled on short g
Former Patrons of the Store are In
vited to give us a call.
Hilisboro - - Oregon
Ii "Hi; ,t '!! :aa mmtamm aM. . .M'MBBiai
- . .Kii vi iv m .. vjv,4wmiiii , ntJssiLv1 ll-r-
id oo