The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 50
Mm KKTTI.INI! s"d.TD!'n ,226-
IIIAIIlJlUJ UUiiu'i'u "B. weiuer, 01 Uiooiuina. wi
Il IV V. LA11U J- l).,rl..1J..11KJ.NorlhrU.
VI' v 01 Hhady Urook, were la town Hat-
"7. ...... ... urur-
p Co. IIolJ ;ie. Acr
B VVaahloglou iawdiv
.. .. IMMSID AT I5HM.2U5
, "iqutuu" ' Craleleg
Ibt LM
nnnii i unti
I Indorse Lime and Sulphur
tir - I 11 .i t . ...
n t otnuie in i un l.tnd run
ler. Frank A llorwlck. Iterdvllla
Or. 4 j M
W. B. Jolly, of Portland, was io I TLL BY PKOP. CORDIEY OP 0. 4. C
w a . ... .1
wwo Monaav, ana oallcnl on tbe
A .
f BL ti B .. . . . .
nm bikI H.l U.l..t Vt.
unn (i. v . Mirih at I'mUf.
.111. ... In Ucm.Mirilln
! I iiat lit Itt.M.I.
. .. .w.i 1 known furl
kil, h u.7 - - - Benetor K W. HtiiiM, of Fore.1 " "T
(j.U osv.rtb.l-.. I fact, thai 0f wm ln th KriJ orcbard.ats
1 . niil.1 Uhomeeleader. " " ,.. a...
..."muatliig " ienisoan
Senator K W. Haines, of Forest A T?1 ' Wuoa Cai'
I Corneliui
4'J 60
in moat efficacious,
I.unU of trees were e ibibited from or-
(hn!i recently sprayed where not half
Grove, Balurdav. and was well at-
. .. . I .,).. i p. ,.i v...n.- r iv, . n.
i . ..a . u u ." i .1-... .. I .. ... I ..... , ii. . ... I tcuuou . iui . uuiuiar. ui kuv uvi
G k iba Oregon California K. , lb a, WM.k.trring their luck. ellis eiperluieMt itation, wai pree-
t rnmrjaor. ot won irupilji Home od ctchm are reported. lent, and bandied the lubiect of
m. 1 - , ...
t-kiDi. tb ttin" , Mllfl.. Ilf ,l. ,,; irmi, fruit ipraying io a thorough man
r11 . i. ikl. imiinit Ai airlt I i.. . , ,. I u. l.j l j i.; i. f
1PB7 ,u ' ' i mui, ai maoiiing, wii in ice cut u- i ui bwv wuihuw vi
tli fall, nmai "tqvaiwra rnoay. the Lime and Hulpbar Hpray, and
-iiiDooUie Compaoj'alanJa, lo Vot HaU Two houMm. with a Ie It ai bi earneit opinion ibal
l.k.motiDUloi above Mlliiiwro.anaiiot i0j t half racb, n rely located, if thoroughly and correctly ueed, it
iH" I.. .1
Lum art prepailnf lo placai qual- A Drgin. in.juueof nartrampj
W riibU uiwa W oomp.oy
Lublf timber Unda lo thle cjuo
la tiamlnalioa of tbe com
. I - - i L . fl
hoiJiDie unatr i wi
mmw w w .
i r. fnroia lanu ir.uv,
.tu.n outcome of tbe pend
. i ii i .
Itf mil egaluei me o. i ,
. ... .. . L. ...t- I . . I M .
Ikiuot luat me oouvu u tuu
.... .11 H.'IS acrea io ibte
i a i . .
i. ik. ii aAjifiiviii ii hi i air
mtaiy, waiuu -" I wrote, ana no nai iwen noming coiiuiirrri, ikiipv
latoid laod grant uf toe u - down tbat eeclion for over yran, ur ipmy the br.t.
e f- nf ihta number of aoree. i,u..u. v... I Count r Inuirctc
-v"' " . I w" ,u "7 l, on lh
are unuer oouw.. . .-. lb AriUI omct a pieeaanl call. ,,, ,..,,., eunine .... trff, back to
uJ 17.9J6 acrea remalo uneoliJ.J -,u,i.i.mi . foot of the around and
. mm ill a . r I " ..
nn..n hiob Ibere ll 00 0OO- For PBie A pairoi gowj uriTiiig .ni(,, int0 ,i,e ,,unip. By this
..... .i ..I. Tk. a.uul .lu..l RlliM. 4 and o veere Old. reUCl- method the tree will again Dear in two
a.i i..a.. . .1 U I'lH I'a la f nWI1wiaV'Kiai.ifiBaIl aTramUBU ui uiht
m W in. ...a n o - V'-' , frrte4 by the attendant fruitmen.
iMtateeaeu Taiuauuu vi - ' ,
aadar eobtracl of aata la I3W.345. batfer.-J. Adami, rwKience H
Tbe Boat taluable limber ii on tbe I uiilea due eoulb of Jobe Lroea
udracl Und. Io CaM IDi Ittll W ling. ... . , . . .i..
Z.-T ik. la ..ined by :.,... t... r. All Boeoiiow aeiinquen a iuuu u.
" 7 inowa iiu.uijj, wuu . lor over will be Dlaced Wllu Dagiey
lai loTaroiueol, J4.Jfl acrea, com for 35 mri 0n Cooper Mountain. . u... .fur March 15.
ariiiDC the total holding! of Iba uu. R.(lil.. haa moved to
mpaof lo tbia counly, will ,Norih Hillaboro, changing hii reel-
torovo Open 10 ooaeeieaaera, auu
to krri under the Timber Laod
1. u k iha rntituu aiumui-
,: b, la 000. For H.l.-Ao Ayr.htre-Uuih.m
... r. .1 . t . t
I UII"WV ajtiPIV lUklilUUVI BUM HIH" . ..... w ... ,
ily Jobnaon. of Portland, viaited in of the Urk had been covered. He had
10W0 over Kunday. alao found nixrt o( tue commercial iprays
' I. .... il.. .....t.l II. rl.im1
For Hate Ten inilk Cowa, all ! tltwl h tudrnta hwl found by actual
freab tbll Bprlng, or eaily In aum- count un'ler tne nicruacope inai 9$ 10 yo
roer. Aaod, lien. ZLTZ. MfFS&
oaglO, i Uiilea Boullleaal 01 lleeu- 1Ilflvini., ne .txiut the time
villa. 601 the liuili heimi to awell. and another and
,, . ., , . weiker aolution, about June 1. He re-
S. U. Pari. ci norm 01 rorriii . iMlt . .. ntfi
l()roa. and who haa been bold i ne I , ,,i,.i,lrrni brheved the lime and iuIdu-
titrd ot teveral ipraya, Iwt all thin
lotiiiderrd, believed the 1
ur pmy the bet.
County lnatector Hrr
onatrttion on the methoit of reatoring an
:ave a dem-
11 Hare, attorneyi. after March 15,
19()S. Ur. J. r. lamieaie.
liaeeline road. u ,.,1... t Mr. flannra Harria. of
i i i uu a v a www B t
For Hale-Ataike and Red Clover ... Glencoe. and wai aged 83,
1.1 v.inh and Hwediah select i..ik rMtiitina from old Bie. lie
ibvwu, v ' ( i uvbim . "
i..i n.i. .1 r.aaonaoie rrtcee i .mm Mra Harm, mere are uve
a-m rk.lm.ra II milei aouin oi kmth.ra. four of wbom live in
V HI VMiw" - -m iwaw.v.v( m. a
(ilenooe. l'acifio Btatea' pnone, portUnd, the other brother living
So 73. 4J 11 in tbia county, near tbe line d
. n. twiwn Waahinatoo and Multno-
wu ivirn anil ma rriawi n an iibiiui i. i mm mm anna m i aium . ui w iovwm i -
lod came weal about forty Lin, departed for Waabington, Sat- mah.
... ..nil., i- uf..kit.. nl I i f . -. . with her
iA ki. m ?' i .nJ f.milv. Hhe Notice to the Public
tbia enunta. Ha ar.a a member of I-.. ...Anm.niml bv her grand
M.n.hur. Mme Vrancee uog, oi , k... nnnrludad to remain in tbe
i --- - - . ,,.
Vancouver. mercantile buaineea at i,enierviue,
iilaca the effeoUva Biualler'i ngbt.
J. A. AoJeraon. a well known bull
I man of Uaavarton. died on tbe
JOth InaL. of tvDbold fever. Ua
tu born and married io Mieaourl,
tb Methodiat church and the K
of P. nril.r.
Beeidei a wife, ha leavea tha fol
I i tKa a a a
M..Dg cDiidren: ftd. Ana.rton, . . 0i
arrang Arm.otrout, Mra. uo-. . . . frora
ray Fordney, Mra. John Davla and - r M . . ..... illro0age
Nn L AlberU. all of Portland. 7 ".l," , ,ii0U a .Lara for the
iad Mr. M. Hlatl. of Forett rjTZ. ITlt n,ne. 323
T . k , k . n . -Mra AgneaGowan, Seventh and
j::' " ""v .. Fir an . HmiMro.
ww iui w T v I awl jvmtmt wsuu v mm
Minnaull awitlk Ika tUI KliklnMA I T i rim nf T.a MeflA. CaI
Atone time be wai a partner with Ik., flniihed a nice bungalow in
Call at the niw Greenhouse for but will continue my discount eale
1 have a
. Thank
fnr . f.w more weeki. before re
.iiin. tha Btore. ThankioK tbe
DHA aa u fa, -
publio for their patronage, i am,
i oura iruir.
tl.rman Oaterman & Co.,
43 0 Centerville, Ure.
Argui and Paoifio Monthly ,12.00.
Tk.aa vn rarv Anil I. C. Peterson
Atone time be waa a partner wilt) btl flniahed a nice Dungaiow .u UUD- """" " ,.,7n 7 UnniU
Breedeo in Iha Grova flour iM vtM, and ii proceeding lo an- were up from Beaverton, Monday.
Mill. . !- I- Ui.nna P.llfnrniB. MiSI .. m rtl...l.t nr.
joy uie, iu fuuu jrrlll u,ioer, 01 luiiauu, uy
Pearl Greear ia improving atead ly, . . . Mondiy,
FOR SALE nd will loon he able to leave me
I'" , .ml ramovel rt....i. nr...r nf Hummit arjent
i . louan air iiihw""""i I i.ww i -
in n. r..k .-.i wkh.L: .k. r.mii. hnmaat La Meea. sundav with his brother, in tbia
va VIUWU AJVlJtlUlU " " V(J bUQ IHaaaj " ' " - ar
Plymouth Rock cookerela for breed- . -uhlnir to purchaae a oitJ- ,
log purpoaea, alao bana o! tboae Any ooa wi "J u 0D Fr(knk Routledga. Bam Moon and
Ur etiea from nrlia wlnninc alock. gawline eng'D Wm .... . ., Vanrierbera. Centerville, and
I lata la my'pen Iht Bral -wi-a K?ur.tore.' Cotneandaee C. R. Bloyd, of Phillip., were in
Brown Ughorn cockerel eihlbited "mP" ott,'l " enta for tbe the city, Monday, interviewing tbe
t the Oregon State Poultry Bbow, 'l ?P"1. , Vh. .tronBeit and tax oollector.
InlOOL Bggi for hatching pur- nwu-""" 7' 35 tf t.u. r..,Bi. a ho livlna
pcaei, In Incubator lota, a .peclaUy, .T . ... . I . -"u- . ha. the brokeS
od latiafaotion guaranteed or Mr. Doach, of n..pu - ""T. HMBE on
noney refunded. Paoifio Btatee' llo!e in la.t .Friday a u--. , r &
phone, Hllliboro central; farm, one D which beauegee i "- .V r;"T"j near the Grove. The
.... W..t of Phillip. u on fruU tree, liable XiriXuiee
45 50 R . D 4. Hlllaboro, Or., o b.7on.lder.d 1. which ta more f0.d oommi on o v.
uy your mean ana grownee me ireee - . Inn .nd th. D0T Di0gea up
Kmmotu, and get a fine oil paint- lh, bee. would eaoape ir0n to be kept a. a .ouvenir of
log for every $20 purchaae. 46-tf not Bonie g00d layer? the wreck nd ii wai traced to hi.
Mil. Eugenia Bandford wa. out Blue Andaluelana, winner, at lead- MMgion by a Portland reporter,
from Portland tb. lait of the week, , ho.,. Pullet, and cockerel. lece of broken ra, i, now io
viaiting with her mother, at Glen- Eggi. 1 5VLi iii. lh PB8eBion of ihe Iailr0d com"
ooe. H3 Bohmidt iuiw. - -- mtaaion.
Dave Kuratll and Miaa Klai. northwe.tof Beaverton.onhaieiin ArguB gnd ,ournai, $2.25.
opeaker, of Portland, ipent Bunaay roao. Mayor Henniger and Mayor Wil-
with J. C. and K I Koratll, of The boiled egg my.terr I. a. MTrfl ., , We.t Bide.
G. A. Weatgate, a well known coawre u. - d , - hal ofttbe twin ciuea ia. w a,
Oregon .took authority, .ay. that complained to loci aeaierB ou lhe right of way for the P. R.
breading 0 high grade .took will among the number of aw &N from SaggeU MUIh,
n ' " ur ..i Mveral were aireaay oo i.rnr..n Ka.Ha. to Seaside.
urviion larmer.. nr. nwi" - . ... nni. 0n me dd iuif"" ...
ub( goau in ine woria am ... - ine a-1 , i . i. ,v.
rv. f . i...... .k..n ki 1 eirsa ia not piaiu. -,,ij kanhtained free by the
"regon. mere are no uevwr ut i -D- . .kou me on- wt ----- , ,
than are found grazing in Oregon lUu preiumption that railroad No
f ai ia ezoeoted by
panurea. Huperintenaent r " --t . . k0iied egg. ie '" " 1 ,t " j" ii ,ftu
downey.oftheLaddAReedfarm., m0Be,h'VthTmin to fili Tin a the committee a. tha da J
ha. a Berkahlra toar valued at over, and put tbem in , f doaely hug. the bluff. nd would
W,.Twa.blngton county ba. fiM not injure the farm, through whiob
ome of the beit bred dairy berda an amateur detecuve u pMed
1 alA.f.
Argua and Pacific Monthly, $2.
Fred and C. L Rofli. of Banki,
were in town, Monday.
John Ihach. of near Banki. wai
io town Saturday, and called.
Michael Cantwell. of Mountain-
dale, waa io town Tueaiay.
K Baat and Lee Anderaon were
down from Gaston, Monday.
J B. Delnlanche. of Centerville.
waa in the city the fint of the week.
Arnold Vandomelon. of near
Banks, wa. an Argu. caller Mon
A R Flint and Aus. Wedekine.
ot near Kinton, were np to tbe hub
Freah milk cow for Bale. In
quire at tha John Bahgeber hop
yard. ou
Pamv Alllain and wife, of Port
land, visited relatives in this city
Frank Peioldt, of near Phillips,
waa io town Saturday, and called
the Argua.
C. Jaaner. of north of Forest
Grove, waa in th. city Saturday,
and called.
n Rnhlar and M. J. Bondsbue.
of Foreet Grove, were paying taxee,
W.nUrf Roll. 18 months, or
yearaold. Shorthorn preferred.
Morels Schmidt, Hillsboro, Ure , K
1, Boa 51. 50 51
P. J. Vandenanden.N. J. Bur
nett. and J. W. Allen were in town
the first of the week.
L. A. Leonard and Nellie C
Hawkina, of thi. countv, were
sranlad a license to wed. by the
county clerk, on tbe 22d inet.
Chria. Allenbach and Roeie
flmllar. both of this county, re
ceived license to wed, from the
clerk, on th. 84tb inet.
Frank Weieenback, Jacob Loeli,
C. Swanaonand Goitalson,oiKeea
ville, were in Monday, paying tax
ea and greeting menus.
J. K. Rcevea. a orominent stock
m.n V A. an A M. Reitiel and L.
C. Rodgera, otyjCorneliue, were in
ine city monaay, pajmg vou anv fence to build
if n nan aava von monev. We
aell a good substantial fence, 4 feet
high, lor 4U cenu per roa. ocnui
merich Bros.
M. E. Anderson, Otto Depun,
Aug. Rossi and Geo. Hugbaon, of
Beaverton, were up to the oity, the
Drat of tb. week, paying taxee
frnratli Bros, sold the Mark
Pbelp. house and three lota in tbi.
. . aar. wni! T
ni.Aii thia io mrs. ciiie j
Sawyer, of Woodland, Wash.; con
aideration, uu.
On Mnndav morning Recorder
riu Rhnlmarich imDoeed a fine of
$5 against Delbert Bridges, and $10
again.t Wilson uraaiey, woo wore
arrested by the marshal Saturday
nia-ht. charged with disorderly
Apprentice wanted, at The Delta
Drug Store. Must be not leas than
17 ..r nld: have an education
equivalent to the ninth grade in
tk. nnMin arthool. and be able to
aatw grwws.v r -
carry on a conversation in the Ger
man language. w o
nnlnnlat rates aaain in effect:
From March 1 to April 30 colonist
rates will be in effect on the S. P.
..iin R Xr N line from the east.
From Chicago to Portland, $38;
i nm Miaannri river common Doints
or St. Paul and Minneapolis, to
Ptttl.nd tha rata ia $30: from Pu
eblo, Denver or Colorado Springs,
to Portland, foU ena wi. cup
ping to your friend in theeast.
In the debate at Foreet Grove,
Friday night, the decision was
olB.n in tha debaters from Whit
... a l tit V . 1 1 T 'C.
m.n Ilnllaaa. Willi wi ia. I auiuu
University going down to defeat.
The question was "Resolved, That
iha United States should continue
to admit the Japanese upon the
same basis as European immi
or.nta. " Whitman had the nega
tive. At 8alem the .am. question
wai debated, at tne same wme, ana
p.nlfin takins the affirmative, won
out. Attorney W. N. Barrett, of
thi. oity, wa. one of tbe judges at
the Forest Urove donate.
Tk. Rnn)av Jonrnal contains an
.vtinla nn Radwood tree, in Oregon.
i m.ntinna tha fact of there being
such trees in Portland, and also at
Forest Grove, ln tbe uuisooro
nnn t hnnaa vard m&T be Been some
VUUll aiv. J - J
fine redwood trees, which were set
out in 1878. Tbey were Drougni
ki. nnnntf bv tha late John Por-
IM.M vw..; -j
ter, who bad a nursery north of
nnrn.liua. The tree, are rapid
grower., and while they are not the
tame a. me uig vbuuhuib
they belong to the redwood specie..
. . a til
Just how nign ney win grow, iu
nAt h. foratold. but they will aver
age about 40 feat, at tha present
ttm. Thav mm to be at home in
this climate, and do not require
any care, v
he Cost Would not Exceed
Vesld Faralih Werk far Vamca aad
Wm. Scbulmerich, of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Tuesday, and
in the course of a ' conversation,
said the time waa not far distant
when Hillsboro would bavs a fruit
and vegetable cannery. Othera
have spoken about tbe same thing.
of late, and there seema to be
sentiment in the air in favor of
such an industry. No where in
the Willamette Valley is there bet
ter soil for tbe raising of 'email
fruits, vegetables and sweet corn
than this section of Washington
countv. or anv section of it. for
that matter. Mr. Schnlmerich
thought that local capital could be
enlisted in sucn an enterprise, ana
raid the amount required for start
ing a cannery would not be more
than $5X00. Canneries for tbe
rtanninir of email frnita and ves'ta
blee are springing up ail over tne
valley. Newberg ia to have a
lame cannery in operation thia
anmmer. and the experience of al
communities, where canneriea have
been started and maintained, is
tbat it put. many a dollar into tbe
pockets of tbe man with tne small
tract, and furnishes employment
for numbers of women and cbil-
Hrn Mr Hchul merich aaid that
thousands of dollars worth of fruit
is annually allowed to go to waste
in tbia county, lor lack ot a can
narv: Wa hone the matter will be
taken up by our local fruit men.
The committee of three appointed
to settle ud the affairs of the K. W
Haines bank have taken step, to
adiust one of tbe bank . asset, by
. . . . -
61inz in tbe circuit court, lasi
week, a suit aeainst Frank T
Kane, to recover a balance doe on
a $10,000 note held aaainst him by
tbe bank. The amount sued for is
$1935, with interest of about $800,
and $100 attorney's fees.
The amount sued for is the rem
nants of that much talked of
$10,000 note held by the Haines
hank. The note waa Riven on
August 29, 1903, and is signed by
W H Weacott and F. T. Kane
The note bears four endorsement.,
and it ia understood that they rep
resent divers properties transferred
by Kane to the Haines bank. The
payment, and the amounts were
made on tbe following aaieB: oep
tember 1, 1903, $3300; April 22,
1904, $3000; April 22, 1904, $1000;
April 30, 1904, $765.
A writ of attachment has issued,
and an attempt ha. been mads to
levy on property, claiming that F.
T. Kane owned the same.
See Our Full Assortment
Of robber goods of every description of a
kind and quality that wear, and give
satisfactory service are alwaya to be
Any article that ia made of rubber,
and intended for home use is in our well
aaaorted stock. Alwaya remember that
rubber goods are deceptive in appear
ance and tbat in purchasing bem. you
must depend more or less upon the hon
esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub
ber goods only from a dealer who haa a
reputation to sustain.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Condensed Statement of the
Forest Grove National Bank
at call of the Comptroller, Feb. 14, 1908
Resources. Liabilities.
Loans A discounts..! 100,480.16 Capital Stock $J5,
U. S. bonds & pre- Circulation 25.000.00
miuma 26,165.63
Real Estate 12,106.28 Undivided profits I 5?3 2l
Furniture & Fixtures 3,263.04 DEPOSITS 185,324.09
Dne from V. S. Trea- g
sury I2.850.00
Due from banks 0
5i.87a3 ' 't
Uasb on Hand - " .
89,989.96 0
' w
$94,712.19 t94,712.19 n
$236,827.30 $236,827.30
Correct. Attest, J. A. TbornburgU, Cashier.
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice
Pres.; J. A. Thornburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, . Oregon
rianaaa Rflhiffler VS. Chl8. Schif-
fler is the title of a suit for divorce
filad this week in the circuit court
Tha nnmnlaint Bets forth that th.
twain were married in Dee Moines,
Iowa, in 1881, and tbat tney came
tn, nrron in 1393. and that in
1894 defendant deserted plaintiff,
and haa since remained away.
Plaintiff ask. in addition to a de
cree of divorce, that .hi b. award
ed the custody and care of v era a.
4ch ftlar. a minor child, ana mat
defendant be made to pay her $500
for support of nerseii ana cnuu,
and for the education of the latter
V f DnnalBon and wife return
aA (mm a fnnr weeks' visit to Call
fomia. Saturday. While absent
th.v viaitad twentv-lour ciues in
California, and then went over the
line into Mexico. They bad a nice
trip, and returned satisfied mat
Oregon is the beet country on the
Vnr Sal A team of matched
geldings, weighing between 2400
nH 9fdMi nnnnna. renecuv uroacu
and ready for any kind of work.
Jno. A. Hobbs, corner Fourth and
Oak St.., Hillsboro. w-oi
attarnav Geo. R. Baelev thi
week reoeived a lot of alfalfa seed
from Pendleton, and which he will
sow on the Dudley farm, on ground
irrigated by tbe mm raoe.
nr. n Hannnck. the Foreet
WWI " ,
iirnv. livarvman. has announced
hi. candidacy lor .nerin, ana wm
be out with his petition in a snort
w TT Stuart. Surjeiintendent of
th. Waahinvton Countv "conden.-
ers, wa. down from the Grove
Tuesday afternoon. T.andei. of Firdale. wa.
in town Tuesday, and made the
Argua a pleasant can.
IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices. 75 cts to $2
"We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We will dispose of our entire
line of men', suits at coat. Here is
iaobanoa to dress well at a .mall
value. Schulmerjlch Broa. 35-tf
Smokers like the Sohiller and tha
Excellencia Tbeae oigare ara of
tbe beat stock. You oan't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
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