r,a. JnlILLSBR6 ?! 'I HILLSBORO, OREGON. FEBRUARY 20, 1908. NO. 49 nn ittilll Hull J. Claude (War. of Summit. T VI (M mm run STffllffl NO. I R(i0ulion Introduced by the f BAKUI9 LIAUS TBI TALK met K. I ...mMllDi held leal Saturday .A.lTualelln, Winona Orang. jjl retolationa ,n Um 01 Oiuaet)t No Tbwiln bid ha ca led pi jurily bwur lJ"'"' ,)V W g. UirfU.f'uit loapector lor Wash ...,nn county, and there wi I .'.a attendance. During theeve- .in. ihe ubjct of tbe primary l.. and Blalement No 1 "toe u M dloulon end I' .u.ni oulnioni er. (' Mr. B-ory.ln hit addreas aappufliog n. ..li.ilnn it! that the in il.r t.iliiril.le of 'Itrrcl e!r- I si,.ir artialuf rl oul iZrtl. ib Huu-wil No, I sprang Uu -II -... l.n.i- Ira.lrt.wUi. tl w "4 " ... i i. MKltollif primary " a-" fedlmUun of "l( ilo Ih U.n.1. f lit mm - - ..... lit Wflulr uf '" ml ro,,,1 x)" I .. . ...... TI.. .l.. I.1..1 bs.ar.ui mm '' ' ,...----- J. (Manila fir .war nf H urn nrul wm in town rrlclav. havmt coma over to HilUboro to attnd the nddina of hi brother, which oc- furred that afternoon. Claud y he l (leliithinl itb ranching, and he. eojuited the habit o( early tie- ri, which epjar to i a wem- try uirt ol lartn lire. Borne of Claud. Ililltboro frieinln v thkt when he get. up and milk about ten cows before brt-akfaet, for t few inontbi, he wilt bruin to bin- ker for the joy of town life. ('til tt tbe new GrwnhouM for roeea, hulbe, plant, etc. I htve t nic Um k l HfUrt from. Thank in tbe public for at patronage I riciitiiiy eoitcii e share lir in figure, lndfpniirnt tihoim, 323 Mr Agoee (lower), Hevrntb D( Kir M HilUWo. 4'J-u'2 li V, (;t erul (ituahlor, Mi llcln. ml hid itr. Mr I.tfton .-- J , lfi UJy fr IiunvilU, Kmitucky, vie i;;iionita mi new vmoeni Tbry i to he preeent tt t ftmil reunion of the (lr Umtly, whl occur el Iiu evil e. l h"T nict to return to Hillnlioro iu thuut three month Many TakloK Advantage of the i Per Cent Rebate Any one wishing to punhtee t 2io line eiiKine houia ctll on fkihuluieriih Hroe. We bte uiiile el our lore. Come tnd tee it opertWd. We tte tgeut fur the lnirnetionel. the (tronKeet tnd brl engine mtde. 3Vtf 'AX HONKY JINGLES n OFFICE Argue tnd PtciBc Monthly, 12. Cbtrlee Jtmee. of Corneliue, wti to townTueedty. Robert Johnoon. of near Cedtr Mill, wm lo town Tueedty, ptying ttxea. DEL1S"L'EST AFTER APKIL SIXTH Or, Flrtl Pijoitat la April, ted Litt ia October Hhcrifl Connell onened the tai book lt Haturdty, Feb 15th, be had expected to do. lie bat a 'orce of at-eiettnta who are fully tble to handle tbe eager crowd of TAX AMENDMENT I'TIJ See Our Full Assortment Will Exempt 17 Per Cent, of Assessable Property TBI USD OWSEBS PAY TBE TAX Billtbore Atteraey Figure Make Seme Chria. Leu t her. of near LinntoD, waa in the city Tuesday . John Kieni. of Cedar Mill, waa a city tiaitor Tueaday. Hhermen MurohT. of ManoinB, waa a county teat visitor Bunday. W. J. Btoler, of Buxton, had I ! !A AMn W ariIbV ouBineee iu vunu .. ,. , . ,. 4,i1. In an address to the taxpayers o! Dr. L tok ater made a trip to the K Roee City, Monday. Mty, Benton Bowman a Ed. W.nn and Jo. Williams had Hillsboro attorney, gives tome fig- : d..i-j r.r,A. ures to ehow bow the proposed . ... . . j -,i amendment of the siniile taxers to auis 10 uauuio wuo jwuiiuM , w . Tiara, oi i igercmue, w laxpaytri. Many are taking aa- In tbe city Tueeuay, paying laxee. -r vantage of tie 3 per cent, rebate. c B. Buchanan, of Cornelius, pie who pay the taxes in thi, conn Tnoe who with to pay but one- wm In town Tuesday. The amendmen referred to half their tax, will be allo'wed un- Born, to the wife of 8 A. D d'trea tbat"all a weinngs nouses, .:i .1- .. u..i. s i a I u t . i w-v. li i barns, shede, outhouses, and all ... .. I nnnfiimiiNw thereto, all machin make that payment, then until toe a ion. -."--- G.at Monday in October to pay tbe Born, to the wife of Orin Fair, of ery atd all buddings used exclu hal.nce. Then who fil to p.y near Buxton, February 15, 1J08, a -ively for manufacturing purposes .nvthi.,ff b, the first Monday in daughter. and the appurtenances thereto, a 1 ' I . n . oi fnm mahinarv an1 annll April will be counUd delicquent, rrea Beacn, oi near u-u, , . -rr- nd.lur that date the statute re- r",DB ,B " r. VTj In .u i do wrll to cut Ibis statement out M B . of porlUnd, wm in V for rH.rence, unlets they already gu. th t of j, A. of the tixeg for 1907 Imbrle end family. shows f 16,592,774. If the above tt ii nu..na oi The laTpmntinn should be made, it ., . ? . .:.J. i MHI.Wa wonlrt rosnlt in a deduction Of ua ues, vieiiea muuiu ..- -- .. . b'i i ahnnt 17 ner cent of the above m UK Hni Pl VI tug nwx I r - fif.L . . . .aumtnt. or lmost one-fiftb. Miss Stella Boscow, of Portland, tmountio8 to thoueands of dollars, spent Sunday with her parents in Tt Qt 0M i lewtt ia this city. put a, big share of the burden on iana, winners at lead- mercantile Duaineee venwri". w. H. Wenrung weni 10 oaiem. timoer lanaa. mi, wiwumi ...nil. .n,i w kraU hut will continue mr discount sals unnta oa hueinees connected what would be the value of these ; unnn n v . . . VAWUUSB w. i s. II W for aetting of for a few more weeks, before re- witn ihe Alaska-Yukon fatr. lands, when the ti '.. oi ...li. .iivkinn ihaatnre. Thankini the! . .... ,r nff He ficmrea thai MarriaR 1 ie-n were Usued (o it. f..lli.MinK naivtM.I iurinnl hv IMBn UK ...... I - . .. inn IlIIIUWIMK H"t'" ' ....... w J . j ... .I.i-i ihr aUlrutrnt itl llii'W .1 ... . .. ... .1.... km w - .. . . 1 ina rouniT c hi uii 11m uaw jffiV rra tlof L.Ureear and Lola ' .1 1.11-..I ...hiir.l Iu.. fl... l.l.r. 14th: J H. wiirul. WolfiHirar and Fay M. Common, $2. .3.80 wis taken in Th roUitloB ImUinnna: HuinrU ,.,,. ,ifc it. I Ko 1.1.4 l.lr.tKH.K tlir mtUlt of Wl- rru.u-., ... ... - - - !L .o"l'-t wmHtaira f. atroh and Flora Ktbet Haho, reb- a. u.i.Uiui mUa did nut aiifn for Oic ruarv 1 7 lb. tuttiucttt bkI lih hr.rty .... . . j i.yer.? I bave concluded to remain In the H"'"'1- Blu. Ad.lug.Un7.w!nu,r.atLd. mercantile bu.inee. at Centerville, aiunua I ina shows. I it H..t.mi.ii !v KulUch. 21 miles stocking tbe store. Thanking the know ih time of navment. Tbe collections for Saturday were 243'J.7. On Monday tbe sum ol Notice to tbe Public 13 Schmidt X Kuliecb, muee siocuna voo u-u-...b . Married, tt lbs CorgreBttionil oor,bwetof Hwverton.on Htwline public for their patronage, 1 am, iksrcb.Hundey, February 1, 1WW, j 4.S N0. I V "'y. . i it vi'nif.nr. Herman Osterman A Co., 1 ..J W"a M .' Common-. Rev 8. A. U. Meek, of near Glencoe 4S.0 Centerville, Ore. COUNTY COURT 1,. . . . ti.. l..r,.,. ... In tnwn Tuetdav. Mr. M,ek teaVi couple are erjylnf short baa conclude! to be a rand date ' ." ... ' "w .1... r. nai v hut has not vet twUinf tour mi wm, i ,v. . , Mies Logan, oi roruuu, wo w - . .b.h lb., .ill l uauww. JV J. At .. -U ' - ' r - tJjg&t , autre mey win refi.i. . ' i;,.. h.l he county commissioners, oaiuruay, aunaay. '. ".. fh. nur ionium of i. a t.ak.r t.v trade. mnv of hi friend predict tbatoec"J , t. many ctses. Ihe psr centum oi T f."'- ..ii.i ..i-u .111 iu out lb a tear. k"" ,u B Miss orneua "..'". ina win rui um w . i . timber is taken He figrurea that the real bur- Jas. Kerr madea trip to verno- - niaand other Nebaiem point. -M-ft." of to ' ioU.nd itIooks aa if th.t wonld be the case. One W T T .mIum nf nBir Shftf- 1 . 1 ; .MAn ka nonnlA IP WU jars. 4. v M lailJ IBaVIUCUV, iuo yrwym wood, waa up to the county seat ing given many alleged reform Mnnrta navinc taxes. I nrnnnaitinna a'l at once. The Ioi- .r- " ,V.K- . Mias Logan, of Portland, was tbe tiative ana Keierenaum pr.uc.jnra mibb uogau, u. v. . ,, lft -heck craft, but voters necessary lo petition or ini- (ha City Bakery, where he has worked for a year, Tha hii U la the daushter of Mr aiirf Mra. 1. M. Commons, snd is toiol HilUboro's (Ktpular young UdtM. For Stle bull, com t(d: land, was a puest of Miss itiosi . , nroDoeed laws sbou ,1,-An Ayrsbire-Durhsm County clerk Oodman wai .or- WebrUDg last Friday and Saturday. V ing two yetrs. Olor derfd to drtw order on . f I depos- Uj ..U ihi. ..on. Sulendld type itBi bv estate of Leaers rougeron, Mrs. Ueo. uoeD ana ..IIII,! ..... 1 . f j. built 3. M. Ubapman. in fIVor of Dr. lamieeie, ior uioui- FRUIT CROWtRS' RALLY aVIH. - a at 1 J at-Saa viaaAnift Ml and well outit o. n. y.p.miiiiMri - , f. mii.a i of Hi aboro. on P.i Mrv cea. in bum oi a ana mre. a. v. "- ,wu " JO n D .l.n a J. tl...lina mail. W M 1 nurSVOB, omuiwui OUUUir. M",l,lv " " I . 1 1 . - ... 1 . . , should be prao and sensible measures brought before the voters be NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS 8cb.ift.lin Bros, .old half of their J H &i.j;rhTar.ta.a . "'"t'L The Post Office Department ha. is-1 As Invitation is e.Unded through "ft Minnesota. , The deal County roads 441 and 442 order LJe than on. ye.?', credit to sV Ib. column, ol tbe Argue to a lnTOfVed about I24.1XX). The other d w ?w inted juB. Misses Lelah Patterson and Eva it Bhall be liable for first- fruit In atUml t UU I . ........ 1- . 1 aiiluhvlded 15 1$ iveevee waa Ft"',uluv J n . . . . t.1.,1 .mU . 5 ahanlntal . . .a r u.aHaBia w i -oirninir 1 1 i ma auu nvi , km i ii ie avn. m naiuk a w tio.pl the peace .or uv-.-. thig cit over Sun-r":; thkt all such papers get P??.,nc.,.. , .... -u. ,,nnn a cash basis. Failure to do! fruit grower, to attend . UIM f th. tract is to te sutKlivided fors' rally, to be held at erta , .j io maU ,creftge loU Ball, Forest Urove, on reorutry - Cod. Prof. A. U Cordley, oi tne rivt wna oi pnu uo f this within one year, may result in 0. A. C and other spiers .enting I. ... ' Jul K Jf .r. 5 cJJ' ?B ,0w Mondav and a newspaper be ng excluded from lUts repuUlioo, will be preeeo by ploture and by ""J ".un, ung .ml coi...so U g,M r a , 1 am w a n ts to rent the mails, which would mean ruin Md addresa the meeting. Special f.cte relative to the important .fruit ""j 6 oo called. Mr. Adams wants to rem ' Th9 Ar(,a8 has been attention will be given to th. most dietriots ol Oregon, have own u. Um Munloff relief a larm. extremely loth to ask subscribers practical methods of fighting tbe lribotd by the Portland Comber Ann FeBia ' n Fof gaieTwo houses, with a aa it has one of the best seals, and other .nemle. of tbe ap Club within the last few K M, "court ao 83 iot and a half each, n cely located. in the BUte. But we pli. It i. hoped that all lovers of Hrhillio of McMinnville, k Arciibold, tenogrpher fee "oo a bargain. Inquire of Hartrampt ghaU now be compelled to ask all the far famed Orego i red apple will Ai , p," 'im. 0n the day of Maya Hro. relief 36 40 & Cornelius. 49 50 perBons who are more than One bsnreaent and unit In an effort to 10 ,VU " .,', nr. -hioh n..v. .-A A-nhiA Hahn. of ear In arrears, to kindly send U8 r revenue to the wreck, w . For g,u or EKchang. r. vu "r. J":,,. ihe J. e. in order that we ft me wreva, . - ...;.. - 1 n. him. inu iu m -r 1 r aflinc universal, i,uu - 1 " - - , , . enr farm.ra f'nm. earlv. and was owing nim.au ., . hB rMino ' j. u.n iu. ni.M Sat. ma. ftomnlw w th the law. which hrln. ,nil and note book, "ben the t o w.. " . . . . f -ded Jewj Wu " ' Lu.a n. V,n other alternative. A Aov'fnlo ma ion in regard to the lott all tai M, w..-- - WtBta: Tea to fi teen araay nign. tatement of account will be mail- Ma.iin..iii K-..mn. anwered. htspocieii. . h vt milkers. Call on p0r Sale-lwo noueee, wnu - deeirioa to eee ' W.K. Curtis., Fred Undrock, the shmaker We bops our President Forest Orove Uortlcul- now hM his shop in o. .re. x 19( Koule 4, Beavenun, ihts city. friends will kindly respond totuie ra.1 Society. on Third Street near . J'l"f J; Oregoo. of Hartrampf & Cornelius. 49 6U 9Utement 4 L?yVl" ... -. "n, Full blood Brown. Buff and , Delloquent Llat 1006 tural nalrloi. ts before. Kam-n0"'" y chalaieri, 0( near Glencoe. for gale: setting place. . was in town Tuesday. . f 50oente Samuel Gowan, I iL. a aaDB - . I- ... a. TI.ll. I The delinquent tax list for UXW Herman Osteruir.n, Mr. R.Foster, of Portland, was gth and xt streets, nme- tmounted to $8102.23 The list cheerful Centerville nffnl' w" L Hiu8boro visitor over Sunday, 49-62 was advrttMl anma time a io in I n town Tuesaay, ou . a!...i-a nf nreenvllle. i.k n.rtvamnf has oDened a h. Argus. nd Independent. From termtn bts concluded Vl nr 'tti& TrinVon the uppr floor ru.... u. : ir I. .. lurna.1 I i l- .1,1 atanil. IH1 1110 n iu"u" . was -' . i . . M ,1 I. Koine in ' . .. ....... I . j .. i. ilui'iKion. 1 ir..in Ritter. of ai tbii week, that of the total amount ..leased at his decision dslliiquent, I2IC8 73 were paid af . d wife( parents of l. .,1 .'. . k.r,..a aaln. I 11. 'uu... . ...... nait r. . auvnriineuieiiv, uui uo"'" ,, p.att VlCaerB, revui u Ths cash sales amounted to Mrs. i raw , to gt 788.47, and . the county bid In "tU cam. back via ana upon woicn taxes w-reuoiiu- --- . viBiling B.verai fu'u1 qutnl to the amount of flu .iw y- ' e route home. 1 IU vu PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will eell at public' auction at his farm, 1 mile north east of Buxton, at 10 a. m., on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 . .. i. k..;i,t? ain .. .mi anv tence w run 3i"-a iibyo mnn we rr .n we oan save you money. 8.C. Brown Leghorn tnd White MP S Plymouth Rock cookerelsforbreed- high, for 40 cents per rou ing purposes, also ben. ot - u teaching wrtette. Irom prire winning siooa. Artnur tupp, - . -I htve in my pen the first prUe n AmBtrong,s BwSMKf Brown Leghorn cockerel exhibited inland, waiotil hom.th. tot oi at the Oregon State Poultry Show, the week, confined to bis room, in 1007. Eggs for hatching pur- uisleSohmidt and daugh: posts, in incubator lots, a specialty, "vt Helvetiat, were passengers and satisfaction guaranteed or ter.ofH eive laftd Tue8. money refunded. Pacific States' from this place Phone. Hillsboro oentral; farm, one day. T?adville, mil. west of Philllpa. Frftn T,T nowder, caps and D. B.'booley, handle stumping powder, c P 50 R. D 4, Hillsboro, ore. luBe. uei r 47.9 Mr.. A Sandford, of Glenooe, was u c CartenB, of Roy, lo in town Saturday, on business con- Tuegday, He was "BPM, neoteii .ith h.Ut. huaband's es- 0Wu.. hi. wife and daughter. . ttta. Mra. f4a.m lf.ird'a dauahter is 18 ' .... .nii Drocerie8 at .Uendingth.Bhnke.Walkerbusi. Buy your m -, t nets oollege In Portland. ; Km mo tts.ao purohftge. 46 tf M. .n,t m A. L. Treber, of ' itningon. of Ulencoe, Unnton. were tuest- of Adam Tre- r t0 Portland Tues ber and family, last Saturday. Mr. Trsber was up to pay taxes. is tn town jnonuai. udi iuuu " " Ci rruuAi, saoi iTrin Ritter of Bethany, was in of hi new warehouse, and i is being - we, hl l6oo , Krwin khmt, , patronized. It is said to be ifk one wiU be wniuesaay. rink in tbe county. one in August; i heifer ia year; gooa fresh in May and 111 1 1 & WM ... . . town 1 uesaay. . . ,nk j lhe oounty, one in Auaust; heifers, 1 will be rean u.Ji. ih. Huh Land Plas- . in Auau.t; a heifer elves. 7 mom ' ow; Ore. u- wiie, vu. - - Separator; 3 beehives, wiin oee., was a guest oi w. . . .. 8atuiday night. over Sunday. a.i a r..trof oood drivinn Miss Edith Blusher, of Portland.! ,r old .pent Sunday witn mi- lvely;next May ; also 3 head graded Wehrung. jereey cows, and a yeaning Misa Trella Ford, of Portland, heifer.-J. Q- Adams, residence it visited with Mrs. John Connell, milea due south of Job's Cross over Sunday. Ing. oi . j :r. r Rath. i . a.... T..i.nari iinmmission John Marty inu w.io, v. own ""' jonu i.;A,a . . j .i-.t;n tha Fnrnat anv were couu oHiwun"t . any, . .l , aMi.. Since the n o . kMhivH. witn uces. ureaoi otw'vi,o , ----- - 4 empty beehivei, 5 aoien snitacu., 0 iev loose hay ; 45 nouaenom i. .iinn and nnmeroua other rticleu. Tarma of Sale $10 and under, cMb; over $10, one year's time, ap proved note, at 7 per cent, interest. N. P. Nielsen, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. VfoiBAWta. sKl SX of three people, there has seed, Vetch and Swesh Select deal JerableVk in this coun- 7m SimWtVS of IrfuTthe bad oondiUonof the w.u n-.iis. Biaiaa nhono. road. . D.nihA nTsaLnkl UUUUVJa I I vtsve Ulencoe. " ;Q.f . , . . n., wa. NO. " . .. . . a Mr and The St. ValenUn. mqu. bal , given ai .ae - U.lia bSW n 1 n II I. l an a-aa. MA maju av Hjaana ar . i- t... nf Miaa Mae Enochs. An .1 j j...vinnAi t.ffs-.nnll was tbe .ards oi 150 persone partioipanK. u.u J"- " Those ores- Thfire were also a large numoer oi eveu. d Meedamee fT. D.. .. inH MIAN I Mul WBIV. hood.. Zach Gragg, Wallaoe Brown uari r ... Wa lar HBnnBH. UUUUD. , Misses Evelyn Dooher and Mae B M . a IJItalaWaV Geo. Kirkwood, of Forest Grove, was in the city Friday. While k. k. a.!Ia the attention of the Argus to the hot that while he was a locomotive engineer in Iowa, his engine left the track one day, at East AeoKua, ana oomuou iu. .laomKnat. Andv Johnson, which was lying in the river near the track, and tore on tne guarue . u. ht Thia ia the only iu Ol VUO wm.. - - stance on record where a locomo tive ever ran Into a eteamooa.. outside points. IU1BBOB " ' "'J " ., Enochs and Master Cecil Gragg. Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and gijre satisfactory service are alwaya to be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY . Any article that i made of rubber, and intended for home ne is in onr well assorted stock. Always remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them yon must depend more or less upon the hon esty of the dealer. Therefore buy lub ber goods only from a dealer who ha a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National Bank DEPOSITS iMTrcb 22, 1907 $48,223.17 MAY 20TH, 1907 ' $89,822.28 Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907 $130,722.92 December 3, 1907 $160,372.46 Reserve, 65 Per Cent. Officers & Directors: B.Hai rrea.; J, A. luomDurgn, v-asuicr, iu. v. .w, j. .... -i Forest Grove, Oregon 1 i mm taa. BAILEYS STORE For WOOL BLANKETS IO 1-4 11 1-4 121-4 Price.. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Prices, 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove ' a n TTiiatnn. for manv years a .Hninx nt thia OltV. WaB leauiug "w'j -- , in the city ITriday, enaxing uu with old friends. Henry Hoffman, o Bacona, was in the city Friday. THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. Tf we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it ior you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants m me vatuwi Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively iw Credit. I' We will dispose of our entire I line of men's suits at cost. Here is a chance to dree, well at a small value. Schulmtirich Bros. 35-tf Smokers like the Schiller end the Eioellencia These otgars are oi the best stock, xou oan i row authority on a good olg'. Ir.,, I . Mi '1 ! ? t . 1 1 i U f t ; li r V M a ' J' ,1 at ' f K ,1,- 1 i: ft