The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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Pratt Vlckera, local agent lur the
Southern Tkolfio Company, report
lkM .... mm mllnh I ra uhl .,l
V M . MWf" W IUUVU itiiiri, biiu
i much rreliiil snipped iroiu mill-
boro, tod that tbe office rcipti
an tiatLar fur Januar 11MIH lh.n
-w - 7 I ' w 1 , n
for January, l')07. There ii aUo a .., ., .... .
large amount of travel from Wert Sheri,T Conne11 Hies Twenty
ill A ttsJ rttM Ira I Km V.i.1 .Vtei U.mJ Tttniiunnrl flfan.l
! VWIU uw aean, iuv taaavwa lllUUiMUU VajVB
ii a . 1
if not eiclinffl
. . . .
tola time.
.... M..tlnii
I full iut in
."T.v tbi r.wnvi lhtof iMtymat
W " " AD7 0M "bng to purchase a
l iBirtff aa uu""1 Schulmerlob Broe. We bate a
f ' ,. i.. I .an.nla at niif alnra. Cnma anil im
II Ul r a " i -f"'
It operated. We are egnnla fur the
"". .. i i. International, the itronEeet and
(U0 b.lJbfM bt
bana. n
Ktiniladcr of isoiry Clalaia.
Adjsuruef Satarday
The county commissioners'
Iubwuoi bt engine made. u u edhuroed Saturday after
.t. idii oena, " l . .... .. i . . . . -
OWi ,1 nliH ID ine circuit court lur
i.laat Bid a I win n It a iuii ior aivoroe
" ... . . . . , . i. ... i I .... i
Argua and Pacific Monthly, 12
T ifr.h. nf near Farmineton
W ww. a w
area in town Saturday.
Fred Bereer. of Bethany, was in
the city Saturday.
Gordon, of North Nains,
wai in the city Saturday.
Url W N. Barrett, was a Port
land visitor Saturday.
CM. Tendon, of North Plaint,
CI . l.
was in tMCiiy Daturuay
W. M Moore, of near Tualatin,
wai in the city Monday.
m;. fi. r.nmmona visited in
McMinoville the Uat of the week.
R. S. Alexander, of near Uorne
M. S. Barnes, of Beaverton,
was Foreman of Jury
auj IU1UCU UftVUlut a.wi m aw... g( AlcIlUUBI, Ul Ul
i tity, baa dji' silling. Tbey fixed the Ui liui, waa in town Friday.
1 for lhi, collection bond of Sheriff Connell, Herman Collier, of I
i from bn . .. ,,.r.-y i . mni ruui . ..j v.. :n ii
. ikai a .linrt. 1 i i n. u...l.n u .i.ok V,. lorineiwi iey, at uranaacveu uuw
patina to lh ln, ' b.,.i Mardrn, in winch he ' ,n a.Ln,Hi..
- ., i I . . i.J inhuman Iraat.l IIHWUUII lil uiivk. n.
MOf laOilW, ourr- ' ""r"-- rrV"" ".J u.k..' i ih. I RalnK .nd Hallv Ireland, of
I . . I - ll - I ill B II 1. IB lllrnui Ilia uuiururuiuv. I eaae-wtvaa -
(OS, reJn-" rh(l pi, ww mrriad AuRu.t 8, Lent roll, autborifing collection by Portland,
oHbebena. uf M907' "J ,U d"fDd1 lL
B0 flora imiw- .
tk.dbolo.urwpfoJuoea.t.n. carriage. . .
nyoo.mcUUy M Mr. Hootl Oorneliua, a "bred and
TZ pUoeJ the blama on lor- born" Waabioglon county boy, wai
of the bind. W. B. In thecily Halurday.ihaklng bandi
Bplojofineo, .Uhold fri-nda. Hoott ia a rei
BliIOou.nortn.aenar w.. A.Voria, and b. been A
I . .il.- MawawliftaT AT. CI. ID I ... . t ... I -
collection by Portland, are vialting their father,
I I f 1 ki. nits
.-j.l. V 1 Warrl ai-nntintt commit
namr. bduiuv - . ,
.. i . Uloner of Oaaton, had buaineaa in
nt n nl.M. D.irv nreo net. con- B,oner 1
r town Saturday.
Unuea lo Marcn term. . . ., .
... ,. .o.o Adolf Schumacher and wife, of
Burrin uonnei. c.r Mill, were in the city
lo cover laxea paia in error uy u unn(i
J Francii, Birdie R Brown, A F Mon(U7; tL
pent Sunday with relatives in
Givea I'olil
April te
Hove far a New
See Our Full Assortment
1 t
The trial of John Hall, ex United
States District Attorney lor Ore
gon, came to an end last Friday,
when the iury returned a rerdicto!
"ffuiltv. as charged in the indict-
menL" M. S. Barnes, of Beaver-
inn. a Dromioent farmer of this
-ouDiT. wii foreman of the jury
that brought in tb verdict. Ban
ram nnt with a statement, in
which be says be is not guilty of
intentional wrong doing. He was
given until April 1st next, to move
fn a nn trial. The CSBS USB 61-
.:. m-mmmt inlAriwt ill Over the
UIVCU ft,vw ...... .
state, on account of the prominence
. u.ll . l tka nnnartinn nf the
01 mil, IUU ftW
case with the land frauds of Oregon.
.1 it., jc .nnni i if.fl.nK. ui i - , i - i i(Mnrnfvr i if uui vo er auu
W"7. ,n' " ' Ueliui. and now a bot.l man all , P rrik nn(i.
a .h. lio.ouo ahoit-1 Kamlab, Idaho, apnl aiveral mn rennrta reoeioU. same month,
'""":'. 1 1.. i ...b a I nn od IrleoUS el ......'.... ' '
lt M . , , .L I ., . Ha alnil
aM. lKl : wiiiwiiui, wm " r
Broa. have fitted up a
Drivate office, to the rear of
their main otnee
Dr.. mn,tr maala and BfOCeriefl tt
wui " o . ,
n ... . mmt a Rna nil r.lint-
2MW .... uu-.JlMfbftv.fT I20purchase. 46-tf
,. Mr. lUlwa amt Joha . - al iini.Wo. Mondav. ou L, j ik... a n.u r,knn In Dennis for
lainu ibf o8-rn f K Mcnhanu .Si- friend. brie and Kd Schulmerich at sure date line alwayt on hand.
I kti potlli'iii,
tkaal Hank. liU M rvnium
-Woo-WbI TUt Uiler. Mr
mmTwwr Uk Ike
iixl oul mt an nwM.,
au.le.l. Tbrv l't the t
at lalrtul ami ruuM uull mruuxu.
to tbf horUitt.
r . .
Dap0i,Hherin Kp mat
tutttttnt in the Oregooian of
Maediy, in which be raid in part;
I aotk (bat Hcuntor llaih't y
Ikm .u i hort- of nHiie ..
akkk h diro(itt In I J. arB hUh
kt attribain lo lb rnijUoytiof In tutiik
t tkat llmr. I eainwr
Itiatt lnk (or nro ynr. iat tf thtr
at aav htife tl ai wot known to
xWf to Mr. Hattwi. He wnt orrr
Ikt boot! ir.utaily and aa (amillar
Nkill b imnaacttoniof th inKilu-
fti I .tiftrkataait but BVC HD
tat caakkl'l puattion in ortirr to go Into
tkt kwglRI buatftra. Tbrt at no
te ut ru(ur Ulweto wjrH '"'
MrJIiia. . , , ,,
"-kUt tt i lf that till biok hoM
wv MU for $io, ouo, all of which U no
fui tietot irw hun ltl dollar, tbr
nU m 11... -
now baa hla ahop lo bia reaideoce, petition A Parsley etals for tele-
. . ... . ff 1 1 I. , .1... uhmIi mftmn
on Third rureei neir uwi", pnone lyivem iuuB wuu.( . ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, of
Portland, visited at the home of JS.
L Abbott, Sunday.
j i
WM Thurston, John n uavis i """""-: r;;-- V" to n
si "rOT.w,,k" isass: res tok
n t I I wan nn iiM.imdi.ed I Saturday.
I 4 IHI" HIO glim I -
.f i. . nanaUiall n. . n.aa nf TYalvAtia. WaB
UDOn DBTHIOH K""" I I OVCr viiubowm,
r. i. ii CI! I. ,i . J knainaaa Mill.
In town oaiuroay, ou uu..u. w.
....- Si f . a u 1 Tn.
where he will do all kiodaoi re
pairing, at bfore. Remember the
Pratt Vickers, B. P. agent, tbii
a,,hl a round trip ticket to
tt T..U, nl am II. 10 r"" k-j - . " .1 .
nn. " - - , i ..... amntintins' Lo id 00. Aan Matiirnav. on DUBIDOea uuu
Aoka, Nebraska. Mr. tcka w c Brown-. report on ne0(ad wilh the German Mutual In
tbe only authoriied agent on im Lambert approved lur.noa Company of Bethany.
A. A. Morrill, deputy countv Q Filch, iuetlce, ordered paid. JJ,fJJ tuei? pVioee before bay
auiveyor, went down to Tigaidville gm, 0,d.r State vs Irglebritsen. u" J 47.9
' ." ... ti. twtl. . -.1.. i.i.i .r ik Klil j n.:.v,. nf Mnitnnmah
tbe Oregon luectno ur, for January ia too ui u uoorau iwiu,i - iTiT
.1 1 1 1 a n aw naaii avru t w b.wah im rv av 1 nn raiiini v iblhjiu 1 as. in w atrifi lyaiaUVBi v
er. which amounU to nearly 1400 county, were given license to wed,
Continuation of claims allowed: Dt County Clerk Qodman, on tbe
... ,,.i. -inr 1 7 80 10th inst.
K J Gotlman, co clerk, etc "880 Q f Portland, Wnh B.
I Hi lf-IM-IlllCU I. W n'tn""" "
- j t.
Of rubber goals of every description of a
kind aod quality that wear, and gu
satisfactory service are alwsyl to be
Any article that is made of rubber,
aod intended for home use is in our well
assorted stock. Always remember that
rubber goods are deceptive in appear
ance and that in purchasing them yon
must depend more or less upon the hon
esty of the dealer. Therefore buy rub
ber goods only from a dealer who has a
reputation to sustain.
d- ik. .nlino nf tka nnatnffice de-
Oj . " - r
...iminl nnhtlahnni nf dailv DiDers
1 1 .ninn tn an k.
musi svop au vpoio guius
ecribert who are more than three
months in arrears.
U....:n nnhliahara mtlBt itOD
the magazines going to subscribers
.? 4 .Ika la VSBaaaW wal
more wid war ii.ob.ub w wiwo.
Toe ruling IB araauo ouo wuiuu
leaves the publishers no alternative.
. 1 I . - ..11.. Dm mk.
He Simply uae w ouud-
1-.:.. .lmial tn ilata or aloe aton
the paper going to that particular
1 : 1
tuoeciiuer. a
Tk. nanali nraafiTibed 19 a B6
vereone that no publisher will dare
. I ! m n.n. It.
to cnange, me maxiiuuiu "j
oerag mat ior rpo vuvu -
. , . . :it k.. ka miK.
postal ueparimeo, wm u w
rnm iVa 11 aa nf the U. S
liwuuu iivw - - .
mails under the second clase p3etal
T-nnlr nn TOlir IOCS)
Priviio. - r 4
. n. . mnt it vnn am in a r vuv
Bend in the amount without
Hillsboro Pharmacy
the old
1 Ti.ardville. The
- ' m
ill be about a mils from
town ofTigardvlllav
. ik. Pnrit.nd visitor. Sat
Among m - 1
nrdavwere J C. Kuratll and wife,
' ... . v II V II. la.
Deputy Hnerm '
kftftua county. 114 Mr. Ilainet my
kaMkHltft of any crooked work i
ppasr IIUl lie wimm narw ium. m..
ktvf bwi dtputy ihtritf for nearly four
ytars, sml have rnrt Mr. Halnei nearly
mry wk conatantly all trill time
alto what action 1 shall lake in regard
to kit iitKtures, I cannot at thli time
Hf. The insinuation ts both abrl md
8 40
6 00
i;VLh. 80m. of the farmer, in thi covin- V M -kion ire.. f
ne. any tT WDo have potato crops Stll in L C VWlker, r and h ..... . i
L ground, are of the opinion th. JwJ ;
A;. .K.",nt cold weather injured 'I ,lurlon 6
manv of tbe tubers that were clone Wm iugiey Sr
to the top of the ground.
u..a nu anv fence vo ou..u. cWKinson
If so we can save you money. We KCH.g. .'i ,. 40'
illl a god substantial fence, 4 feet Hj
hieh for 40 cents per rod. Sohul J , m IJreUndi recorder and dep...Mi
I ; 1 w Council, sheriff, etc.. "5 00
merlchBroS. , V R Hsuier, asseasiog and col 10
u.i.i Arihlrr-uuruaiu , ... .... .. w
rorrsiv-"--;-"-. . 1., " r ' 1 . oo
: .... k..n nm ni twoyeara. i.v; .
awntBai itrKi.i. '!'. si niMHn uu ii w"-i i t i at..i niiti ivh piidjiuciism..i t
r:-..","wu, V,r u" ..riioethiaseaaon. Bpwnoia ivf- f.Tru 9
irwo cows ueavy mi.aon. - w..ili .tt M. (Jntpmao, - ,,
o,.ddrW.,A.8cWu.rlon Bacon aod wjll buiH-S. M. c ( ......
farm, Box 19, Route I, Beaverton, ,0(WJMl 48-0 K C.. P.
Oregon. Baseline roaa. . ,h. o v Stitt, supv sal
Tk... .ill be no services at toe neiclien "
IU... - . ., 1. nloht. ... ,, II
PRUIT GROWERS' RALLY M K churcb next "'ZLatm jut atty
For Sate er Backings
Tso bead of good graded Jersey
eowi. Wanted: Tan
9 00
9 00
.109 49
. 5 00
. aa 50
, 10 00
. 10 00
on account of Union 55
An invitation I. extended through Meeting ' w &ar 6J
lbs column, of the Argus to -U L. V. Belknap, p. oS 80
fruit rna.ara tn a I Unit a fruit . ,,.v.. i.avalinff freight J", 1Vl. .herirTs office 44
row.,.' rally, to be held at Vert.' " .h,8oubsrn Pacific, and Uc iW-.:
Bowsrr rally, to oe neia a. v r . . tne Houlhern 1 aomu, j win am,
all, Forest Grove, on February yjfi, local .Rent at tb K J 0-f. S
ana. rror. A. u uoraiey, 01 ..a D the oity uruj. H G Kitch, jury list
0. A. C, and other Puu
depot Monday, 'WZm ?
;rely mashed hi. right band, and prickett ; ...... 6
V . i r. a few daVS. 1. 1 Creos ..
Ute reputation, will be present
and address the meeting. Special
attention will be given to the most
pnctio.1 methods of fighting the
aVtalla. .trwl kaaas a.n laevt laa tt ttv.fl A II
-ntawi miu u.uor ruriuivi wi r
pie. It is hoped that all lover, of
ue ut laroea urego t reu npi,,,n"'
k. . i l.. 1 . .M.. Ia
vreeent ana unite in u
sdd another tootoe of revenue to
our farmers. Come early, and
bring your pencil and note book.
Any information In regard to the
meeting will be promptly answered.
President Forest Grove Horticul
tural Society.
B. C. Brown Leghorn and White
Plymouth Uock oookerel. for breed
tog purposes, alto ben. ol those
Virietlita Irnm ! aflnninU Stock.
I have in ray pen the flrit-prUe
Brown Leghorn oookerel exhibited
ft the Oreson State Poultry Show,
u imn, ugg. lor naiuiuuB p
Poses. In incubator lot, a specially
d tatlstaotlon guaranteed or
a.. ii t. .ia. ai.laa'
uouey reiunaea, i aoiuo
Phone, Hill.boro oentral; farm, one
hail. a TttL I it I
une wen oi rnimpe.
46 50 R. D. 4, HilLboro, Ore.
i. G. Gardner wai a pattenger
to PorUtnd last Friday.
Henry Hogrefe, of Portland, was
verely mMhed hi. r.goj , , w
Will be laia up - Bledsoe
nk.. Kami of Cornelius, called A Craft
.,Ch. Mr'Neen nd Wlhwill KAWMdron
Monday. M'. P M ho K A Kiru . -
leave soon for Bcto ' City, W.J , ertchx (
where they go ior iu. - ., - .,
latter'. Wann. oDsuiey "
Ur6nmb.r.0fftUt-I .raBrcw.,
rn,Th, .u orndlDg country ti biericki;; .
farmer, of tbe surrouuu Theo Green w
for inring planting. Rdwin Hughea
I0riptiBI' n...tam. n.iln. Lumber Co
Mrs. H. 0. LaM, ?i ta" I Jit Hatley, justice fees
tailed her mother, h o Fitch " thi. city.over Sunday. Wr
... j nt the Forest I m in,"i v . i oo
WnnH. or .OB i",v , , u.ii. unnv aal J
day. and caiieu u - -
" . . a aiannfiM. .. .. - vs
Wm. Batchelder, o. J coroneVfee. . 5 ,o
traniaoted business in H'BD0 ' f)r0WRn'bin90, cor phy. '
Tuesday. . 4 ... ,0 pw Gay. i"';"""
,a. React). 01 Uicuw, ciauscu
L,0bu- Tuesday, on court house AAinke ; ;
tbe city luesaay, ktuiloch "
p Carlson, juror
6 oo
14 oo
I 15
I 50
a 30
3 50
5 as
9 00
7 40
1 30
4 10
15 50
1 3
9 75
business. o1b0.
T.aner Keffer wa m
ooe,TMd,y- ui. .a.
John Goodio.of Monsavi.-,
in the city Tuesday.
1U im ' . n...i Tt.aa.
m.1 Bnhulmericb a busl Q
ka ninwiuK
I K Summers
V, A Uixon, witnesi
MW Patton
H H Clark.
las A Hoover
J . ..-...... ftiinv sal
GUStave nru""- r-
Goodtn, si.
n.ilnrr sal "
C B Buchanan, sal...
C. UUUIVU, vu " ' ' , , , -
17, 1908, beginning at 10 0 clock, a
m. Everybody invited. Rev. L
F. Belknap.
Why not get tome good layers?
m 1 winnnra at lead-
inc shows. Pullets and cockerels
for .ale. Eggs, $1 50 for aetting 01
.0 Q.1.1.U1 at Kiinacn. 2s uiuoe
northwest of Bee yarton, on Baseline
road. -
:.. if...j iiaannar entertained
IU1BH mum"-
nt r.tanna Mnndav niabt at
Wm kAml nn Third and Oak. The
evening waa ipent with games, mu
a.iA at vt a. wninn uiud avuvai
BlUa Oiv. aaaav "
... sai1 Thoae preeent
rjUU at taw ww
were: Mrs. Susie Morgan, missoa
Effie Godman, Mela waiiace,
tie Schomburg and Bertha Hesee
a...:. ni.ninn.. 1R aara old and
CUBIC VIUU"B" j " , ,
a daughter of TbomaB Cloninger,
formerly well known in this city,
either accidentally or unintention
ally .hot hereeu a.
laMa. n a at at MAei ntVVafM. P lluaTi aaw
BUUIV uvea, hjwjfr 1 a 1
girl wat in ber room, and alone, , at
. .... i .! Tka aknt
the time 01 me Buoouug. u"-y
made a severe wouna in nor
1. .. .u . :ii .aMiHir. me uiuu-
DUl buo wit. " , ;,, 1
inger. lived near Lewyville and
.1 mnn.n frnm here about 14
veare ago.
Plan, are in the handi of the
building committee ol the Metho-
diet Kpupopai cnurcu .u-v
im aaHilitintl tfl LflB UIDBOUI aaa
ia contem-
IDS, 100 lIliyiuTW."-
. . 1 . ...I. K.aamnnt
Dieted inciuae " , ,T "
r . .. . .. . .m linn
end beating appnraiuo, u
to the north tide of the church,
with a modern steeple.
are planned to the building from
the north and east. The interior
will be fitted in an up w aavo ma
nor The cost of the whole im
orovement will be about $3,000.
v 1 lf.W.m arhn inlVftd OU
jonn mui. 1 , ,
Sunday from Forest Grove, with
enter v. T" ALtr, n"ni
wwt 11... Bini 'emaini. 1 ill im vjuumv
for the P. R.& H.,to b of the r
hard trip over tne wiwa
road. During tbe heavy wind, of
the past week many wew nu --,
r .L . ...J .nJ in a nil.
en across me ro, - -"a
tance of five mues, iour
The Portland Gruetli the
name of a Portland swiss-American
Society, which is a flourishing con
dition. It was organued priman-
1. tnr lha nnrnOM Of aidlOZ SWISS
immigrants, wno arrive u "
i:.ii. . nn .nnorlcwtan nf the coun
try, and tor the further purpose of
OUWI1uiiwm. ; .
Swiss of Portland have organized a
rins clUD, ana einco .
war with Japan, tney assert m
the event of war, they will organize
a company, ana peruaus ib"""
of SwisB-American iharpshooters,
subject to this country's call for
volunteers, i nere are eeveia.
j 1 oir in waanmsmn couniv.
urvu o " --o
and while they are counted among
n. hast ritizens. thev are also
UUI awww 1 ,
among our most loyal Americana.
Forest Grove National Bank
March 22, 1907
MAY 20TH, 1907
Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907
December 3, 1907
Reserve. 65 Per Cent.
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines. President; John E. Bailey, Vice
Un".. r .Slknt,. rhier: Thos. G. Todd; I. W. Fuqua.
JTICS., i X.. A ufc" 6 ' " ' -
Forest Grove,
i oo
1 oo
I 00
I 00
t co
I 00
i 50
i 50
I 50
1 50
15 oo
ia 50
itoa ao
. AA 40
44 6o
168 Wall ftF v - I '
The nnderBigned will sell at pub
Ho auction at hie farm, mile
norrtheaetof Old Betnany, at iv
o'clock a. mn on
Double seated hack, with top; top
k..nn- Miiwauiie UlUWOt, wi
66J .'.!.
i. . .i n am- nnm iui liui .
. r . "1 '. ;i.
form icalee; neiier, ireeu iu nVi",
household furniture anu umw
.i.. iu. mim.tnna tn menuen.
Uioa iuv uwiMv.v.-
Ttt.m. nf Nai' aii auma UUUOI
$10, cash; over $10, 1 year', time,
approved note, at o per ecu.. .
tereet. Lunch at noon.
LoulB Stark, uwner.
J.C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Health Officer'! Report
til. r.ii;n vital atatistlos for
the month of January, 1908,; were
fnrniflhftd DV Vt. V .
health officer for this county:
Births males, xi; reiuaioo,
xfalaa 0- ftimales. 9.
liTID -I . .
rinf antnlia diaeaaeB -Smallpox,
yuuwftiw '
i. anariAt fever. T. measies, iu,
diphtheria and membraneous croup,
Hnmiiar nf marriase licensee is-
lUftUVW. w- D
sued during tne monin, o.
Notice to the Public
r i tn vamain in the
l nave uuuuiuuou
.:i- knainaaa at Centerville.
but will continue my discount sale
p . . mint bmih. imiuro iu
ior a "w mwv - . , . , . i
....vim K atnre. Thanking the
oublio for tneir patronage,
Vnnva Irnlv.
( i TT ... rtalarman .V IjO..
4.n uentervuie, vr.
lO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices. 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carrv a complete
line ot hne sunanes.
Tf wp do not nave what
vou want in stock, we will
. - . . . e .
cheertuiiy get h ior yuu.
iVpti atvnointed
1IA1 6 V L
K1i'crinri' ncents. we are
1 T . . 1.. .11
now preparea iu suppiy ai
.1. O-t. .1
your wants in ine pwuuu
Book line.
X7 alcn Vrnvp n full line
of tablets, pencils.slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no treaa.
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