The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 06, 1908, Image 4

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When You rave
a Bad Cold
tmmmn ohmiwi
You vant a remedy that will not
only five quick relief but effect a
permanent cure.
You want a remedy that will re
lieve the lungs and keep expectora
tion easy.
You want a remedy that will coun
teract any tendency toward pneu
monia. You want a remedy that ia pleas
ant and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all of these requirements, and
for the speedy and permanent cure
of bad colds stands without a peer.
A Severe Cold QuicMy Cured by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy.
"Lost winter I caught a Terr vr cold
wrhlca lingered tor wwki," says J. Cr
quhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. " My coug-a
vu very dry and barh. Th local dealer
recommended Chamberlain's Co lifts Rem
edy and guaranteed it, ao t car it a trial.
One small bottle of It cured me. I believe
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be tne
beat I hare ever used."
It is Equally Valuable for Children
It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask your Druggist for it
For Sale by The Delta Drug Store.
Kattie Keirmeier.and Frank Keinneier,
Plaintiff. vs.
W. A. Karns, Defendant.
ToW. A. Karns, defendant:
In the name of the jtaie of Oregon, you
are hereby required to apj-earand answ er
the complaint tiled aeainst you iu the
a hove entitled Court and suit on or before
th Hth day of March, HJ. the lan day
prescribed In the cnier of publication of
this suinmon and if you faii so to appear
and answer the plaintiff mill apply to the
above entitled Court for the relief "prayed
for in ber complaint in the above entitled
sail 10 witj
I having claims against said estate vt ill
j pleas prewnl the same to tbeunderxntn
I ed at the otti.-e of ( has. J. Mchnabel, in
; Kooms 612-iill Chamber of l oninierre
, Ktiilding. Purtland, Omron, on or lfoie
1 six months from date hereof, duly ten
t tied as required by law.
Dated lo-eiiiler l'flh, 1'nT.
Administratrix of the Knate of Julius
, I tel. defeased.
Chan. J. ttchnahel. Attorney for Admx.
Executrix' Notice
Notice is hereby siren that the under-
For judgment and decree against defen-! teLhJ,te?"i1,:,,.,b VlT' .'V'" "'
dant for 941.00 with Interest thereon from i J 'J,?? "? I'. ' "J", ?
? vember. . until pari i fa and 1. or liwT C. il
'attorney's JSWZ i 'VZr T'
strti ;
east o.iW?r o ih. n.Vthlaft n.Z n I""011" '""ch- ". t .V resident
Section W Tol i 5 Vonh Ka .Ji f w f w,r B-averwn. Oregon, oral .he law of
Will Mer Iown'2'Nont' Kange " of;ticeofS. K. Huston, Mil) Chamber of Com
meree, rortiamt, Oregon, within six
months fmm this date.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 17th
day of January. lMu.
Executrix of the last will and testament
of DeWitt C. Merrill, di -ceased.
Notice ot Final Settlement
(second tract: Also the tract of land be- '
ginning at the southeast comet of the a
bove described tract of land and running
thence north 40 chains, thence east 4
chains &4 feet, thence south 30 chains,
thence east 12 feet, thence south 20 chains
and tbence west 5 chains to place of be
ginning containing in all 5 and 2-a acres
of land more or less. j
And a lien subject to the rieht of wav
for a wagon road SO leet wide from the ... .
south east corner of the tract of land last Notice is hereby given that I, tho under
above described in a south easterly dirvc- WKnefl, nave hiel in the County I ourt of
tion to connect with the couutr road near, i Washington County. Oretfuu. my turn!
est by and the reservation of a right of : Rc,""1 in tne waiter of the es ate of
way tor rrea Aarup. bis heirs and as-' campi, uecenseu. anu iriat sain
siuns, one rod in width, and described as court basset Monday, t'ebruary 21. l!..
follows: Commenting at the s-juth-easl . tD lln"'. nd the County Court room,
corner of the tract of land last above de- " Hilltiboro, Oregon, as the place for
scribed and running thence north 2 chs.; : hearing objections to said account and
thence west one rcxi; thence south 20chs t,ie nnal wtlleruent of said estate,
and thence east one rod to the place of; J1''1 January lux.
beginning. ! U..lV. SAMPI.K,
inn summons is published oursuant to ; u'iirinx oi ine estate ot James
an order made on the 21st day of January, ; p,,J!P'f "eceased
lHW. by the Hon. Thomas A. McHnde, j Barrett, At
presiding Judge of the above entitled i
Court, by which order it is directed that
this summons be published in the Hills-1
boro Argus once a week for six consecu-;
tive weens, and the date of the hret publi
cation is January 23, lnux, t,e date named
ill said order for said rirst publication.
A. R. MKhDfc.N fUI.L,
Attorneys for PI lintills.
First publication January 23, 1".
Last publication March 12, lwjs.
ttomey for Kstate.
Sheriff t Saie on Foreclosure
Sotice is hereby given that by virtue of
n eircuuoii, ue;re arm orner ot sale, is
suel out of and under the seal of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Washington, dated the 22od
day of January, I'.kk, In favor of John A.
Fixite and against John W. Hcwell, Kliza
Sea-ell, W. B Cate, Mary A. Cale, H. U
Hartrampf and H. L. Stephenson and (j.
H. ctepheuHOii, partners doing business
under the firm name and style of 1 he
.Stephenson Company, for the sum of five
Notice is hereby given that the under-1 thousand, six hundred, seventy seven
signed has been appointed Administrtrix j do. n ,""d farty-eigbt cents (.y77.4j,
ol the Estate of Andrew Fuhrer.deceased, 1 llnf ,lhe "ount due on said judgment,
by the County Court of the State of Ore : after deducting payments, together with
(fon, for Washington County, and has ",trest thereon at the rate ot per cent
qualified. All perons having claims against ' I"'r a"',um from the2lst day of July, VJM.
said estate are hereby notified to present V' nie oire;ta and delivered, command -the
same to me at my residence near Kal-1 !"K u,e n!ake le of the real property
eigh, Washington County, Oregon, or at hereinafter described ; I have levied upon
the law ottice of Allen &' Mulk'ey, Room ud pursuant to said execution, decree
21, .tlulkey building, Portland, Oregon ; and order of sale 1 w ill on Monday, the
villi proper vouchers and duly verified ' Qay of March, pjfw, at the south door
ithin six months from the date hereof. ' 01 1"? 19011 rt house in nillsboro, Washing-
Dated and first published Jan. 1J. !! . Hm. county, uregon, at the hour of 10
vouchers therefor, at the law offlcw of
KagU y A tlare, in Hil Ur, Wathiucton
( oiuity. (regtn, wtlhln sit month nom
dale li, reit.
lUte.1 Jaimarv . PK
William O. Boyd,
J.cph Boyd,
Kes-ii!ors of the ette of Jan-hael iloyJ
lil v.
Ui;lv A Hare. Attorneys for estate.
In the Circuit Court f the Stat of Orun
lor Wa-Hhington County
Harltata Ankna, riaintitT,
IVter Ankiw. defendant.
To Vcter Ankoa.Pefendant alov named:
In the Nam of the State of Oregon:
Yon si hereby notified that the plain
tifl h filed a complaint tgalust yon in
the above entiilel court and rauae and
you a herhy reuireil to appear and
answer the aid rtMiipiainl or tUemat
prarance thereon on or before the last day
prescribed hy the order of publication
liereof, lo ii : on or brf,re the l'h day
of March, lv S; and if t mi fail so to appear
and answer the complaint or Ale some
ppeaiauv herein, the plautiirj will
ea;i vour default t beeulenpd and no
tol and will apply to the Court for I lis re
lief praved tor in said complaint. to-vlt:
a decree forever diiMolving tit bond of
niatrnuonv now existing between you
ml plaintiff and for such other reutf as
to the Court may wm proper.
Thedstecf ih first publication of thta
suiomons is Hie Ann day of January,
a nl this summons is to b publwued on
everT Thurwi iy of each week for a period
of six successive meek betweeu said
I bis xuniniiois la pubtiahtsl by order
of the lion. Ihoui-ui A. McBrul. Judm
of the U entitled court, made in
ChauiM-rs tin Sth day of January, A. l.
Attorney for I'lainttff.
win ri nnr.n, Aumimstratrix.
Allen & Mulkcy, Attorneys.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that I, the u nder
sigfied, have filed in the County Court of
Washington County, Oregon, my final
account as executor of the last will and
testament of Joseph Friedel, deceased,
and that said court has set Monday, reb
ruary 17, 19U8, at the hour of 10 o'clock a
in. as the time, and the County Court
loom ill Hillsboro, Oregon, as the place
lor hearing objections to said account and
for final settlement of said estate.
Dated this January 18, 190X.
KM 1 1, BTAl.DKR,
Executor of the last will nud testament
of Joseph Kriedel, deceased.
W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Executor.
o'clock A.M. of said da. sell at onblic
auction to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, all of the following described real
property, lying, being and situate in
Washington County, Oregon, and particu
larly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the north west corner 61 the
Donation Land Claim of Walter Pomeroy
and wife. No. 39, in Township One North,
Range Two West of the Will. Mer ami
running thence West 10 chs. to th re
entrent corner of the Donation Land
Claim of H. Kewell and wife; thence South
3H.75 chs to the North West corner of the
land formerly owned by Thomas H.
Tongue and now owned by Jasp -r N.
Urabel; thence Kast 10 chs. to tho West
line of said Pomeroy Donation Land
Claim; thence North 2.25 chs,, thence Fast
10 chs., thence Houth 2.75 chs , tb-j.;
Kast 10 25 chs., thence South, f (i(5 .)H
theu.-e Fjwt J:.ot,5r more or less to the
West ljp.5 oi the land now owned by Grace
Wood ; thence North on the West lineol
the land of said Grace Wood and the West
line of the land of Kliza Hudson, 4S .fi4 chs.
to the North line of said Pomeroy Dona
tion Land Claim; thence West on said
North line of said Pomeroy Claim 21. 7 1
chs. more or less to the place of begin
ning, containing 120 acres, and all of the
right, title, and interest of each and all of
the defendants above named had in and
to the same at the date of the execution of
the mortgages ujoti which s id judgment
' and decree is based to satisfy the iierem
; before named sums and for the costs and
expenses of saie and said writ. Said sale
I will be made subject to redemption as per
statute ol Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 25th
day of January, A. D., Urns.
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
Geo. R. Bagley, Attorney for Plaintilf.
First NJclce to Credtiors.
In the matUir of the estate 1
Of f 83
Julius Itel, deceased
Notice is hereby given that Maria Anna
ltel has been appointed administratrix of
the auove entitled estate. All persona
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed have been duly appointed and con
firmed as executors of the estate of Mi
chael Poyd, deceased, and have duly
qualified as such. Now, therefore, all
persons having claims against the saiJ
estate are hereby required and notified
to present the sauie to us, with proper
in the Matter of the Kstal of Fred
Sonituera, Deceawd
!'. John Summers, t'lrioh .Soninir. Ja
cob Sonimer. Andrew Soiumem, Mart
lirumlbat'h, Kathenne Mommera, John
Stegnthler. Frt Slegenlhaler, Lout
Sietrenthaisr. Mrm. I.ydia Hartnian, ami
Mary Sirgenihaler, and all other belr of
the above named rred !soiumra, un
known and non- resident:
In the name of the Slat of Oregon
You and each of you r hereby pom
in sii.le. I to be and appear before the Hon
J-V Ctssliii. Judge of the County Court
ot the Mai of Oregon, for n aahtnfton
County, at the court bouse lit the city of
rtilisOoro, county of Washington, nut
of t regon, t one o clock in U afleruoou
of the 3rd day of March. A U and
(how cause. If any exist, why an"ordrof
saie should not be mads by aald court.
authorising, ordering aud directing said
estate, to sell at public auction or at pri
vate safe in the manner proiriaeu by taw,
the following real property, belonging to
said estate, in Washington County, Slat
of iregon, to-wit:
The South quarter iOof the N K Quar
ter ( ) of the S K quarter I ', I and the K
K quarter (',) of the 8 K quarter i,) of
Sei t ion nine fsi TpTwo-2 Norm of
Range Three -S- W ot of the W U, con
laimitg fifty Ia0) acree, exoept a two acre
tract heretofore told to John I Ueiuilrg,
recorded in book t. page 3IM Records of
leel. Wt'liington County, Oregon: said
ml day or March, A D l. being a term
of said court subsequent to tb current
term and being not less than ten day af
ter the service ot this citation.
Witness my hand and the seal of this
court atli ltd tins 6th day of January, A
D V iei.
(Seal) K.J. OODMAN,
Clerk of said County Court.
C'has. J. Hchnabel. Attorney for Adra'r.
Notice ifi hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Wash
ington County will bold the regti
lar fxtmination of applicants for
state and county papers at the
Court House in Hillsboro, aa fol
C'ltnniencing Wednesday, Feb. lath at
9 o'clock, a. m ., and continuing ustil
Saturday. Feb. 15th t 4 o'clock, p. m
VedDeslsy- Penmanship, bis'rry,
spelling, physical geography, reading,
Thursly Written rithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physic, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, Com
post ion, a'gebra, FOoglisb literature.
Saturday liotany, plane geometry,
general history, school law.
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. nth at
9 o'clock, a. m , and continuing until
Friday, Feb. 14th, at 4 o'clock, p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, resiling, physical geogra
phy. Thursday Written Arithmetic, theory
cf teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Ctograpby, school law, civil
government, Kngluh liteiature.
Very truly,
M. C. Case,
County School Superintendent.
Insure Your Stock
Insure your horses and livestock
and when you loee one you will get
cash. Don't take chances when it
is not necessary. Take out a policy
I am agent for the National Live
stock Association. Insures against
death from any cause. Drop me a
line. Terms reasonable.
JOHN VAN'DERWAL. Beavf rton, Or.,
K. F. I). No. 2
The old relia'jle fire insursncg msa, "
All kinds of Fresh Meats. Prices Ilea
sonable. Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry always on hand
upon order. Free delivery to all parts
of the town. We buy fat stock.
0of A fc)fses)
Second Street, HIIHboro, Of
..Central Meat Market..
Keep constantly on hand a fine
supply of fresh meats of all kinds.
A Mew In Prtome
We are going to sell meats at prices low
er than those which have prevailed in
the past. Call in and see us. We mean
business. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door East Tualatin Hotel
Main Street, Hlllebore, Oregei.
Argua and Journal, 12.25.
8 C. WiUton, of Bd, was m ,
town Monday.
J. C. I smkin had Wines in
Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Thotxiott, of .
rel, were in town Monday.
Herman Ostertuar, of Cenlrr
vil'e, a io the city Tuesday.
Floyd B. Daytoo, of flrn, had
bupineaa in HilUhoro Saturday.
I. B. Kturtck, of thia place, ba
been laid up with the grip the past
Herman SchtuUt, of Crfcuwell, i
in the city, vieiliog with friends.;
Mr. Schroitt i a brother of Mre j
Win. chulmerich, of South Tuala- :
tin. j
Sereral elrds and sleighs were)
ewn in town Monday, bet the day
paed easily without any rife)
raepberriea being exhibited at thiai
oflice. '
February Htb it St Valentine'
day. Get Tour valeoiitx at K. I., i
McCormick'e mueio store. Va'en-j
tinea range in price from 1 cent to,
t. fUl each
1 eter hvere, of erbiwrt, wa in :
town Tueaday, and called on the j
Argus. He eya the late nowj
did much goHf, falling on the;
fmen firlda of winter grain. 1
Win. Jolly fhipptd from hi
hop ranci, nrrth of town, this
week, to Portland, 110 bale of
bopt, to be handled by the Associa
tion, of which he i a member.
J R. Linn, a Salem hop buyer
aa io town the first of the week,1
liokiog fter the eh'pment of St)
bale of hops from tbi place. It r ,
Uatlin A Lino, 8alm hop dealer, i
Huntington A McXtff, YskimsJ
Waih., hop dealer, sbippd tl !
balea of Washington county hops I
from Hillsbofo, Monday, to tlej
Kaat. S. T. Huntington, of VakU 1
mavwaaintown to attend to he!
hipping. j
Farm lor Sa'e
I wish to sell my farm, Containing
152 aire. 110 acre under plow,
good houe, bara and orchard, 3J
mile south of Hillsboro, and on)
mile west of Farmiogton. For fur
ther information, add rest.
K. llurklialtff,
4 It'iti Htll-boro, Ore.
Niw Airangtmciit
The new ninety i-ent round trip
ticket from IUUb.iro to Portland
end return, nuisl now Ihi Knight on
Saturday attention or Sunday, of
each wk. TickU may le tur
cha-cl any time duriiitt Sunday.
Person iltairiug to avail thtu
rlve of the aUive rale, will do
well to remember th; change
Pratt Vl.Vra.
Agrn', S. P. Co
1 4 Ss
r T '" 1 ' I If
Vou vsill Im- Sdiisfi
Ilr-.,,M we,.rlU w
t.f.lo,v sh ,
h.ri.y, W, . , lml, f
on lh s,iot n, ,ll!llr t,, ,,v ftto
f tiigh,.i.lijf ,M (
fiU., H,tMlr, ,Uw ttmn
ill not .y .,.,,! tuf
For Sal
A doien graded Cotiwold ewe, to
lamb tbia epriog Call on, or ad-'
dree the undersigned, one mile
tonth of New Bethany Store, Hills i
boro R. 4, Box 52. j
44 i't John Meier.
Nrli K. t"rn. PUInttT.
J11I111 K.lssr.f 1 ranr, t feiiilalit.
To lohd Kdasril I rne. li sbovs
natoisl iltfriiitant :
yml re liijinrr, in 4rsr and n,wr
the iiin'Uoil II 'nl ataiuM yu ill tl
lHin rntu nil on ur lfur lli lanf
Uy of II" time irM nUo. In lbs oHer
for publli alinii ol tins it. iiimn, to aft:
on ..r Is-Ior the dy ol Mao Ii. .
said itay Ik-ih t'T.iplrsU.iii of all wks
frm iimt pollin ation of this itutiii; tod If
you fi so lu apmr and orr, for ant
llirni.l, the l.unlUt il! apply to lb
niurt tor lh relief prayed fur In llm coin- !
plainl, to a: I In! llm Isiiult of nalrt-I
Ittoriy now utttit)g letwei yoitrlfj
slid pliiloliil Im dixihtnl and f .rrrcr an ! and fur such ither rhf to til I
t-tmrt tiisy wrciu )ut and etiiiltaiil. I
1 lu iimm'i la polilih.d by tli
... 1 II... I U- ii Ii.. I. 1 1
of Hie County Court for Wishlngton
County, t rgoit, mailt- Jsou.r y Xh, pjnw,
lb JU'lgf of 1 lit- ( In int r.iuriuf uiul mun
ty I tig l .. ol from aald nitinty t said
time. Jty Mid order. It as drel that
this uiiitKotis be uiinlinl in I lis Mill
UiM Affc'iln, oil. Mi'b sn-t tor all iic
i-wcittr e.-k, tid the dale of th first
publiiwliott thnreof Is January lull, Itsas
lln- date tiamml In uld orlr for Hi said
fust pitNuaiiun. K. It. Tn.Niil'K.
HUNkl V. p' It E K M A N" ,
Allornr;. for I'UtntifT.
Notice of Final Settlcmrot
Paaeenger train achedule tollow:
Leaves for Portlaod
Forest Crov local 6:St a. m.
Sheridan Flyer 9 07 a. m.
Forest Grove local 1.4'j p. m.
Corvallis overland 5:0s p. ui.
Arrive from Portland
Corvallb overland 8:16 s
Forest Grove local u7 p
Sheridaa Flye 6:s p
Forest Grove local 6:47 p
Leaving Portland
Corvallis overland 7:00 s
Forest Grove local 1 1 isj a
Sheridan Flyer 4 10 p
Forest Grove local 5 40 p
Arrival in Portland
Forest Grove local S ou a
Sheridaa Flyer.... io:jo a
Forest Grove local y p
Corvallis overland 6:5 p
The Foreet Orove local doea
carry baggage.
m. '
. m. i
, m.'
. m.
, 111.
, m
, m.
. m. :
, m.
, m.i
. m.i
Nolle is hereby glten that the under
signed Administrator of the ratal of Ml'
cliaci Wrlrb, ilrrrsw.l. ha filial til tb
CtMintt Court of tb folate of Ornnn, fur
WsolduKtuii iiiinty. b final s.Toiint In
the matter of ssnl ruir, and all Court
lin lu-l .Monday, Hi ITlft dy of PK,
I , at the county (-ourt ntoni In ltlllsti
ro, iirrguo, at leu o'clock A.M., of said
day, the tiinr and place fur hMrlng ott
Jrctious to said Dual sccounl and for lb
linal M'ttlemeiit of ii ratal.
I 'air. I lln Jan, In, mm
Adinlhistralol of the Ml air of Michael
Wrlrtl, Dtifiawtil,
Hl,cy A Harr, Attorney f..r Ailnitnla-
Hillsboro Argua, II 50 per year.'
Notice to Creditors
Notne la hemfiy tfivrn that the under
! slKiird lias tieen iltily s.Hilntnl sdmliii
trstrli of ihr rlt of (j.-orga A, UorKan,
dri eitsrd, and has duly qualitlm! aa such.
Now, then-fore, all (Mrrson having
.claims ai-iti nat said twilale ar linrrliy 1
' quirml and lioiillmi lu prraaitt th same to
' me Willi projr vouclmn tlirfor l tb
: law blliir of llaglry ,t Harr.. In IMIalmro,
j Oregon, on or Istlot sis. ol) months from
j the ilatr hrrrof.
ltaicl this llth day of Jauuarr, A. D.
Ailiniuistralni of tint mtaln of tlwtrg
k vi .1 1
n 'ikmii, iinmwui,
Hiilflny it Hare, Attorney for Adminl.
34 i acres, 10 ) miles from Portland, three
fourths of a mile from good railway station;
all cleared and in a high slate of cultivation;
all well fenced, small orchard; on two kx1
public roads. New 5-room house, new ham,
good outbuildings. House all plumed for
hot and cold water. Price, ?.S,ooo; one third
cash, balance to suit the purchaser.
20 acres io miles west of Portland; all
cleared and in high state of cultivation, well
fenced, on good public road; good U-ariug or
chard; barn cost $650, good house and out
buildings. $7, ocx). One of the Iwst buys iu
the vicinity of Portlaud.
acres 10 miles from Portland, all clear
ed and in high state of cultivation; some good
bearing fruit trees; on leading public road,
half mile from good railway station. $1575.
12 1-2 acres, one mile fro hi good railway
station, 2 acres .fcccWanee stump pasture,
soil rich, t'ua lays well; gond running water.
Price, $150 per acre; easy terms.
7 acres, -'mile from railroad station, two
acres cleared, balance good timber, soil rich
and lays well; on good public road. Price
$125 per acre; easy terms. '
19 1-2 acres half mile from good railroad
station, f8 acres cleared, balance fine fir grove;
good running water, on good public road; soil
rich aud lays well. Price, $250 per acre; $50
per acre, cash, balance to suit.
10 acres, all cleared, and in high state of
cultivation, on two good public roads, all set
to Winter apples of the very best variety, now
2 years old and in healthy condition; fenced;
good large chicken house. Only 4500. One
of the best apple orchard buys near Portlaud.
21 acres, all cleared and in high state of
cultivation; all fenced; 8 acres of good two
year old orchard, set to the very best of Win
ter apples; good 9-room house. 6250. One
of our best buys. Must be seen to apppreciate.
245 1-2 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon.
1 .- -in IS
There Is As Much Difference
Between an unpointed floor '
and a floor painted with !
The Most Perfectof FloorPainls
As thctc is between tho two above illustrate! kitihcm It tl)U( 14
Uiscaie germs, save Ubor, lend hatmotiy t the home.
Mad by
Wc have just received t larjje hiprnfnt of all kinds pf
Hcafh & Milligan Paints
Your for a Q Deal,
Rovvell Bros. & Co., Scholls.
An yo-Openr
I Ife-t MattrwUf I vUeik my Wyvn pyMhl
mm- mvwm htigl (I
r wblaklrsol ti walil Thar ' laklabtsv
Hrr1lr. at SDulall Iui iS' U lart ar xnllrat.
All Ihal asak tif..l vkl.k f fcaa tHtt4 1st
IS wtfris ml IM Nona txaa-ta. l( m 104
At m sMfftT. OLUmt assaf OtALtM. '
', "" 1 " I : 1 1 i "" . 1 .'.jji'mat
w. mi damn a (..ts .aMraJaHt. utrua. tt,
V W f tr" . aa a
(Oa rygil
The best of all Been.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
UR PATRONS should al
ways feel free to store their
private boxes iu our vault.
Also your private papers.
Only fire proof vault in
Washingtou County. We
make no charge?, , , .
J. W. SHUTE, Banher,
This Spray is Endorsed
By A. B. CorULy, Oregon Agricultural Colll(
We guarantee our Spray to test 30 per cent, a"a
each barrel is marked with the test. To introduce .
the Phoenix Spray to every fruit grower I will
quote special prices, barrel lots. Write agcut below.
, ,, ()orvallU,()re, Bept.O, llWrt.
David M. Dunne t!o , Portland, OniKon, , ,.ij.
Hear hlr: In reply to vour totter of the 4th Inat. 1 ' , '
aide to report that tho result obtained from the use of vour 1 1"
KP-ay were very satisfactory, Indued 1 leatnd it by tllliiU"K
llltM'll, The dllillml siiravs wnr aooliitd lliorollirlll V Stld faVorillliy t
trees that were simply iimrusted, and even a weaker solution i i"
appareiitls wmiptoUtly eisdicated the iwat from sprayed trees, i
that examination made about two weeks aito failed to reveal any vui ,
scald upon tllher fruit or trees,
A. H. 00 HD
$I1.50P.r bbl. of 30 gallon, f. o. b., .ilh.r Portlana
or Beavorton, or 23 cent par gallon at my (arm. Tf
lsa than barrel quantitl.a brinti your can.