"" I -i t I n pro KrgBs. lnllLLSB HILLSBORO, OREGON. I KBRl'ARY 0, 1908 NO. 47 .I it II I II T ( HI' II I 11 1 I HI Hi If GROVE aou Securities) LciU CKKDirOKS TOCItHIK Cm I'.y all U )r. last ar. did a or.. i dal of buililinK, principally rrni iImicm, ami iIiom who prof. ii know, say tht the building this year, In raaidem portion of the cily, will far ced thai of lint year. Oa. incentive to build ii the fact that building material in cheaper than ll wat taut rmioi), Home tmt pretty reiden have been oonatrucWd In HilUboro ibe tiaat fa yean, and it bid fair to Im a fu-tiiiit.F iila... tJ ...1.1...... Ti la and it la believed that mat y IVrt- land people will buy home out here, when the eleclric lino rearh .... iu. anu ai me same Hum continue l.-i f Hula Benator mines, in i,,,.!.,-,. i ,k n,.i,n,u,ii. ti.. ftrnt Urova, clod ll door. o rat on the Kouthern I'acilio, from . . i.l Unt n.nnlh. Tim Hlllaltoro Lo Portland and return H . uaa of Ibe aupii.ioi, '7 ,h 'ona Lib cluing ' tb. M-rcl ata. u Mj pmaiiM . ,.or UM, Liooal Baok. of I'oriland. which tt, Uva ln n.u.boro. ..d a temporary au.p...u. . 0aUlf,n, ,.,. ,,, u,. 'draft Grova during I chi!lr-n if Kirdale achral, arooiii' i.-a knlutat a. Tha bank !al ntnied by Iheir narenti and f rird. Ml irw l l ' .L.i I. I ..,.1 .1 Ik. I (Aiujif to tba i uaci mai it wan wi h.fu. ww, ...i . toolo.foflbaranlba. li'Vyy .'.' .ae bad. after "a ,. (,i iwnicn rains a mm aocni inn m u ni ra iaonlUacurHlM, .... , , . imM irrarj t s niMw wirB iiiiriHiucwi uj vU stay of lb dapitllora bad k JirH.n t,T a ciIorI rbii- j.kJan thoir oinnar. It It tUinan. f.illoard by many otlivr I.l ai..l ika BMnr lil.a ara xmhI cradilabU i IfirU. Tbon followed ,B " : " " hi.. ..!-.. ..u. . K AGAIN ON WAVE'S CRKST Leases Property to the Wxh1 Pipe Gtinpany I'll'E LINE MAN MAKES TlkN L ,u li.hilhlra A call for , ''' l'". CEi of cr.Hllu.ra baa Urn la h.na..n. um oi 111 4... lb. u... ffi uch will dpaod 0,n Ulcl and ll. patron, aro to U con ff.r.V.k. ih.m gratulated on tha mMraat taken in ftiTZi U tb. bank t. 'cbo,l .ff.li.. J I. W. Halnaa, lata I 'raeidnnl The ground hog cam out Hun C lU 0ron Igialatura, and at day, and ttwiiift bi ihadow, prompt- i . " . ... . .... I I . . . L I ! I 1 L : M Ufflt pMmlOOiiy nrnuuneu iiy want oaca in nie num. rmm LikanomlDaiion for ttata lraa- wtwka ba will continue to day in W Joil wbal (Tot Iba auapen doora. It it a UMiion whether 'in of bit bank will bava upon the ground bog know more than candidacy fur the Male aenale, ibe weather bureau, about tb tot known. It baa been wbia- weather. There are cloee obeervrrn CI (4 about lor tome lima that Mr of weather oonditiona who would loet would U a candidate for bet on the ground hog, if the :uat tWilaUttnaU from tbia county, ler were to be made an imua. kwooaed bimaelf, but ba baa tbut ,-c.n.U received a lelier from hia father, who aayi be ill return lo Hill-boro about April lat and remain until rome time tbia fall. He i building a collage at La Meea, in Ban Di?go county, and repirU that hia daugb ler, Mia Peart, la alowly Improving in hraltb. ar Bad do publto aonounoement i bit InUnllon. NOTICB Any one wlabing to nurrhaae a U..tlna aritflne ahoilld Call On Srhu mer ch Jroa. e nave 1 uka Ibii method of calling altn to lo Iba uarcbanla of tbia ooun tf to ba la illy diaplayed by them la tM Miaul ctgarellea and lonac la minora. The violation n( libit in forcibly Illustrated lo t a 1 a lawa ooourlon laai unaay ai- (', .ml wt imami J.nn.t- t,ri.fl aample alour alore. tome aou we SLT: tifS ll.l-'ir. llPreUd. We are agenU for tb, ftlM.ftboyof twelve yeara of age r- . ..--. tna k . m l a i i i - i a u wwi i iintiwuMii ---- - m pgrcoaiea looacoo anu pigar- - . , .i Uaiof anumUrof mercbanti lo I bat eogine made. altio violation of the ttatute oil ffahmar 22nd ba been aeleoted lltllaUU I .kail nnn.l.l.p ll ml ... II.!.. KlVO iolr to oroaecuU all olTi-ndere of ikn.,..n,i hnahea will be planted V . , - M v ' - Ma , Ikii la harrafur. Kindly famil-lik-i .1.. in the rllv nark, and it kriia youiaelvea with lb provi- j, confidently llived that fifty woo thereof. thousand more will be put out in Dated at Hlllabnro.Oreson.tbli m. ..rd and aardeni of Portland till day of January, 1U0H. tn() vioioity. John M. Wall. .,.., lr. .i rroaacuting Attorney lor Wash Argun and Pacific Monthly, 12. II L. Ilollenbnck, of Hoy, wag in the city Haturday. Frank Zuercher, of Cedar Mill, was in the city Friday C. L. Bunn, of North Yamhill, wae in the city Haturday. John Yungen, of Helvetia, was in the city, Friday, and called. Meadamei Frank Hell and Win. If ... I -t T L . (binjioo tuoty pipe Line to be In i . u.tur(i-T Operalioa r.n nn n. rihnne to I)(,r.ni for - r - . I .... I. aftt Pence., h ) eiiDl tbounandr date line alwaya on hand. of dollar building the Corneliug John Lakson returned lant Bat- (ap Hume Imui Portland into tbia urday from a three month' vinit to county, ai,d hoe extm.hive opera- rslativea in Finland, Kuscia. tion went down with a craub when Mrs. Adam Trebc-r went to Port- the fiuanrial tiiuetticame laat 111, ,sdJ. Hunday, to ate her mother, .... ... ...I wbo had her arm ditdocated in an ha entered into a contract to de- . , . ., , .... ,. , ... , ... accident, the day previous, liver of) n.iilion fet of lumlwr to , , , v ,. . ... . ... Dance at the W. 0. . Hall, the National oik! ipo Company, near Cvdar Mi, Saturday evening at Iortland. Ibin company will peb, i5lh Tickef, N.00, includ- build and opera's on iVne'a ex- jngaupper. Member of the Camp, poeition groun l property, and Pence 50 cento. allenei lie on pay out ineide nl J, JJ. Imlay, the Resdville warf. In vr. 'Pin. U' . 1 I'ina (' in hnnan mm nu in the nitv Satnr- pany now hi mill in California, (,7. ,r)d f11". ai hieopinion, that but it, Ponl.nd plant i to be the up 1 "V 0,18 Rr'" Cl moateiteiiaiveof all. unuwrmeu. IVi.oe ha e. en much Unancial February Htb if St. Valentine tribulation, and tune and again be day. Oet your valentines at t, L hm ben coiDo-lied to iUfetwnd McCorraick'a music More. alen operation The Title Guarantee tinea range in price from 1 a nt to .v I runt Co rmanv Ioine l him f.s.oueacD. llfUWUKl ar. 1 m Kurt I Wail lit n It mnt . i i to the wall th c lain, wa regarded LloBed Ust Fri(Jft on acC()Unt c( a a very doulitful afel. It now m..u. nf .a,iB, f.,. look a though Ponce will tjull out Tha Bcbool wm be closed until i - : .. .1 .. n u..k ..n. .. . . . . rebruary 10th. Phaa. Fitrh. formerly of Come liu. but latelv of Forest Grove, has purchased the George Eaeon place of 150 acre, one mile west of Oil- ley, consideration Iz-KKJ. Dr. A. B. Bailey extracted a ttood-eized fir splinter from the wriat n( Fred Rowlhv. of South Tu alatiii, a few daya ago, which hid been bothering nim tor eome time Fred L&ndrock, the nhoemaker nd a.'ain din iljtiie in Washing- . . i ton Citinty. Pence ha alwaja naid hi men ton waeef ane thing highly in bin favor. AUCTION SALE be undi reigned will ell at public auction, mile ei', of Hank, on the old lunch place, beginning at 10 o'clx k a. m., on SATl'HDAV, FEBRUARY 8, Ten Urd cowi. j fresh now, 5 fresh In iaftoa County. FOR SALE ilnna are that there will be - .nr.vinv done la tbil UJUI IIUI j..-.-b iki vr than ever before Farmere and other an finding out that It peye loapray, ami win u- tun y 1 ,i. t I & iL.. . AMkavild in IhH v. uiuwu iKiiurn mu """" beet poIDK Plymouth Rock cockerel for breed-1 rruii return. VlMUiMi'; r m 1 beet poaeible condition for good . I 1 1 U I luiui lAf huritnua alan h.n. il IhnaAl t , 7 r: """" , f n non.ion. writing irom JfOm ifrom prlae winning atock. J '.Xmlli and wife Ihataln my pen tha flr.l priie Vha Thornea and the roD Leghorn oockarel exhibited - - "w : ; 8an ui b. Oregon 8UU Poultry Hbow, -J.a.? T 'mZ I they Kgg. for bftkblng pur- pi".-"--; l0 ff0 t0 Mexico. poaai, lo Incubator lota, a ipeclaliy, " " " " ,0 Uy a w6ek Md . latiifaotion guaranleeJ or theT "ett 10 7 autna ..I....I..I n..: (I. Ui.u' OT B0. pkooa. HilLboro central: farm, one A building owned by wto' .ii. . ' I .. irnni Ht. rori- "i w uiiiiua D, i nuivn, , 11 It finnU. i.n,t .a badly damaged by tire M R.l) 4. Hlllaboro. Ore. Mnndav afternoon. The loee wae 1 . '.-..,, J .t 110000. covered oy . - vi UJ a v ' l tatape. Prom Rocttvlng Horn (naurance. The building was ereei- Ld in 1884. Tto boyi eeoaped from tha Ueosiv j0Wph Gaetoo, of Portland, baa Ika U . '.a w a a I.l I J Jiia liuliiva LUH i nome oi ine uoye uina I o,)me out a a canaiu.in AldfWl..t. .i pii...l l..t Hnn.l , i.. fnr the nomination for itu a..j' ..I I . Mr. flaston -"i ju-i miter Dunuay eoouui. ..urnad 0oniine"ul" , : Tk ir- . Jl'" . ... . raaiH.nt Ol 7 wero rvenneiD norgan, ageu wM or many y v- , ut ll ,etra. and Bruce Donel ,hl count?. and Gaston waa named 00: the l.ti.r Irnm HllUhnrn. t.i. knnr.r . ..wm. . . . I Q UIB Uwuui lOUnn Dnnnlann la nnlw 12 vearB . ..li .1 Dlar Mill. Jt and w.. ;.nt to tb. Home J-JK? of a aurrTrise ja Hillsboro, laat week, by order Jhe d ,ve. IbecountTiudae. You ni Don- M'4hdtl P"lZ '.Ur. number WM arreeted Monday night. ,n , present, and an bi. grandfather' . plaof, in tbia of young peop a p the boy having !m. her.. f tt P, . -mg Portland. On Tuelay A co.a j - y waa orought pe ore juage py ,ree.u Ko "wain, wbo eenUiooed blm to tne three or iour uj- . bMn tform School, wher. h. wa. taken Lerlou. damag 5- i"Ji jaaeputy aherlfl yeaterday. reporiea iroiu . 'I JI1 ll L VnttTIHVWT KN MAN IN TILLAMOOK 'raises Work Thus far Done on I. R. & N. TBl.NKS THE ROAD IS A CERTAINTY Sajs Road bit Beta Coatemplated ',fr Year Richard V. Holder, eeneral aseot of the Chicago-Northwestern Rail way, and the Chicago, SL Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad Company, waa a visitor to Tilla mook county, last week, with eome other officials. While there the pirty visited many points in that county, and incidentally inspected tbe road bed and bridges of the P. R & N. Co. In an interview with the Herald, Mr. Holder said: "What work the P. R. & N. ha done," said Mr. Holder, "is well done. The Krnltrn i& as (r.wl a. .nv fin .t.r liniMt -fs J Tbe bridge and trestles are good enough r... Tk.. ... .ij. any uian m v.u.il.t. iu.j ... wu look as though tiiey should last for vears." When asked if he could eive in bis opinion that thia road would ever be completed, Mr. Holder said: "Why man, any company that has gone to the amount of expense that this one has, and the showing it has made, the material it 1i:m nn hanii. and from the eeneral ob- Ht rvations I have seen, the prospects are fir brighter for this road than the great m.inv now in course of construction in the eastern states. ith the coming of this road, the country Between nuisooro and Tillamook will become richer; more people will locate, farms will be divined up into smaller ones and your prosperity ..-ill inrrpflu Tt ia hnuna ta come. "A road to the Oregon coast at this point u;is to come, ana nas oeen in con tRninlutirm for vrAni. no matter which lines take it up. Should it happen that one line laueu to complete h, anomcr will take it ud. Kneiueera have been figuring in this part of your country for many years past, but although it is a nam one to oiina into, in uieir opiuiuns, their reports have always favored Tilla mook.. See Our Full Assortment ICtl ue.O cow., 3 nnu ti livau m - . T ' Hel.runry, 1 in March, J year old heifer, now ha bis ehop in bis residence, freh in April, imii, of good milk train; 0Q fbird Street near Lincoln, I yearling heifers; aorrtl horse, weight . . ... . ,. . f Ijoo lba: Uiestnut ui.re, wiw 10... ws - - ,. . aorrel mare, wght U50; sow witn pairing, mo uciuio. hcujdujuu ll pig. 17 Kt. S tloien hens; j-inch place. 46 49 Hain wsgon: luw tiurk steel wheel wa- gon; McCorunca mower, .ticiArniica mu . - rake; disc barrow; disc grain drill, lever dent of the Verboort section, was a harrow; u inch plow; spring tooth har- caner at the Argus offics, Saturday, row; piii. looth cultivator; milk cart. . ... . . alternate I sets work Uarness, nc iiainns, o --- , , . ? f 11 - tha and Irofia comes the w nter loeai mua iu, iuo1 .w , . stone, crocut saw, platform scales, log grain will oome out unscathed. Chain, Hoo feet fence boards, 400 feet . , 1 ' . , . ., ..1... frtt M.ii Martin. Bond ..i. will- lumler. oo cenar lencr poM, j uuuuc. ....... .- shingles, 75 sacks potatoes, 8 tons hay, 0w of James Martin, who died on some shorts, all small tools, Chatter Oak q-i.. Creek. February 1st. from an cook range, heater, set chairs, a rockera, ,. . f nn.unaoni.. wftg bom in extension tab e, beuroom set, wasoinj . ' , . ' ... .., machine "dock, sewing machine, iron Missouri, and came to this county . :. .1. . ....... .linn.. ... I ,L!... ....... ... (Jk. laatfuB . fl bedsteads, aucneu iiea...iv, m.uu. ..tiiuiriy jcbio lot of jars and fruit, ilinei, etc. adopted son, and a daughter, Mrs. Teruiaof bale-iu anu unaer, Clementine Lilasson, oi fcigin. vrr tQ, nine months time, ft T R . . F. Willie, a hardware merchant Banks, was recently elected President of the Federation of Ia.nl ware and Implement Dealers Mr. Willis is the organization's first Proeident. which includes all tbe Northwestern states. He is a na ti v of Illinois, and was well ac quainted with Abraham Lincoln, whom he knew wben a ooy, ana oe fore the great commoner became fa mous. Mr. Willis is an old travel ing man, and went to Banks about two years ago. For Sale or Exchange bankable note, fi per cent interest 3 per cent ell for casb. Lunch at noon. William Markway. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. HILLSBORO HORSE SHOW Th Orpuon Tax Reform Associa tion has filed Us propoeed amend ment for the election next June havioz Beveral thousand more names signed than is required by lav To nhow the widespread in terest taken in this amendment it is said that the names were easily secured throughout tne etaie mi place this spring, Riley Cave, one of the pioneer horse show men of this Valley, aiu: , "W. H. Weliruug told me, the oth-r ' Ieecurcu vurouguuu iud pi.w r ing it the Btrongest petUion ever Cl I nrOSpeCl l"r Iioinn oil.. UIIU, place this spring, Riley Lave, one q gchool Di8trict No 34 r month endinu Jan. 31st: Dave noht. 20: number enrolled. 15; ..... ..... .... .... A.n.r, ... ... inn ram u.c, -...mK.r H.n attnni1anrn . . ...1 ... ...i.l. nmi . 1TUU1V uuliiuvi. 1 " linn lie nan iniv i.u uii . , , t i i wnniA nnm nar LimPH mruv. riesfrom l'orllniut oorsemeiii.owu:u.- - - ----- .. .. . ..i.l i.r.i.1 Um annual pi I l,nla nnmhAr riava ahannoe. 6: V18- er uiusikmu wu.u -- i . uu.u j , . i . r ..... .. . tl.l. w.ar. nt lliev I 1A. . 1 nA,il,n. .Kaonl r.r.1 ninii oi e ; . , , : I Horn, i, iuuod umvum out-rm ..... wished .to irticipate. 'rnl, ,i. tardy were: Ha.l, Kiltie, Felix impression . "k.Y. .n fiAnfTr-v O'Donne 1. Willie nlivllt lie Ca leu HOOD wucrcuu...- j - - irUlU V I a.aaa-a Burgholzer, rueouore, B.iia xsoi aoseiu lenge HONOR TO BANKS MAN Of rubber goods of every description of a kind and quality that wear, and give satisfactory service are alway lo be found at the HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Any article that ia made of lubber, and intended for home nse is in our well assorted stock. Alway remember that rubber goods are deceptive in appear ance and that in purchasing them you must depend more or less npon the hon esty of tbe dealer. Therefore bny rub ber goods only from a dealer who haa a reputation to sustain. Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National Bank DEPOSITS March 22, 1907 $48,223.17 MAY 20TH, 1907 S 89,822.28 Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907 . $130,722.92 December 3, 1907 $160,372.46 Reserve. 65 Per Cent. Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice Pre. J. A Thortihuivh. Cashier: Tkos. G. Todd: I. W. Fuowa. Forest Grove, Oregon t .honlil like to see a friend- n..i nriHU.'.a. " - -- ... u. i lv contest between exhibitors, as that 1 I j Rrtha firanatski .11 that it could be, is the old western - ? Lt. .c.li. iMvrmhr.aallthe but tardy. Frank O Donnell.- country west of the Cascade Mountains. Mai 816 O'Donnell, teacher. K. About 25 couples attended a leP had such stnunch patrons aaW.S. Ladd, year dancing party at UillBboro 8 O Keed, l. r. w . v!ululuy 'B Hall, Friday evening, ana a very Laahmutt. and manv other pron '"M enjoyable Um. was reported. The Valley horsemen. These men I have J . nhanid iiifiitioued, and many otners nave nem uu..v.. A. , 3" membeiship in the association since Its at the party, the ladies escorting o'Kinistion, in 1S7. when the firat pa- tne gentlemen to the ball, and then rade was held in tbi. city. Of the old . .. . homeB alone It is st.lrpt?;r o?eaent president, amf myself, as .ecre- ed went through the ordeal, rather tnry. What we called a good team, used tnan pay ft fine of $2.50, which to .ell for $150 to faco, and now what . been imp0Be(l had they 'T'.t..:.. .a vn,tmnA 1. hut little nd. nf ohna home alone. drlvlUE cuib", c ... v. . 1 ww w. p, " o . .. " re ..i.l. .t,.ar. ami nnnl. l better 011. j" '""r - r- Clearing Up Sal. it.. rou anr fence to build? """'I monT. We If so we oan ev r- IOWBOSU "'",. ' 1 fa.( o aell a good subBtantiaHenoe, 4 feet Herman Overman & Co., of Cen- ? j'V ,Bor 40 oente per rod.-Schul -vllla, will begin a clearing up Br0B. . on January 1, 1908, , which . ed by d. continued until an me a marriB r,-".i.rav i8li ook la sold. A $3000 -took of tha county clerk, on February , WMral merchandise will be sold to Wm. R. Spark, and Bertha u. coat price. Enough said. Dyer, bow oi r" u r.. t, nr. . . n.inir nt Resdville, uDiiuiu vr.boi w.u w v, I KranK ca bi'v,i . . ':: . . , . Iubb. ue. mou v -- - ainart h h.ii .,.r..rintannnni i . n " - MP,., bmv.."". infl 0 the Hlllaboro water and Jigbt lDn . r 1J .mam at tVOB i... - , i o..- Hoffman, oi iuuu.,- a passenger to rorwanu . - - . enroule t0 rort tondav. lniuwum - nn. nn . hand Ha reporiea -r R.K.n..- u.k I. at VaUntina'a . .... -k.n ha IaH. "J. Get your talentlneB at B, L. MnTfinnev of Portland, MoCormlok?. music .tore. Valan- H. J MoK nney, J rf !. rB la price from 1 oent to spent Sunday in town, g TAn head of eood sraded Jersey cows. Wanted: len to ntteen fresh cows; heavy milkers. Call on or address A. Schaffuer, on Bacon farm, Box 19, Route 1, Beaverton, Oregon. Pacific Hop Growers' Union aawaawwaaaaaa A Pacific Hop Growers' Union, ac cording to us promoters, sianas ior tbe following: Finance-growers. Export surplus. Regulate home supplies. Secure a minimum price of ao cts. per pound. K-Miarcm nnr inreicn maricei. Save ii. 000,000 on cost of selling crop. Kill snort selling. Pnt a ct,-,n to forward contracting. Collect market and crop news and dis a...inato it for benefit of meaibers, Keep track of the consumption of hops and stocks ou hand for our own informa tion. Buy all supplies in bulk at greatsaving in cost. . , n.(T1at.. liHrwstinir pTnenses. Regulate labor supply go all section would be careu ior. frt. imnnrtntinll flf bnirini'. I'vvn.. . . .."j ......... . no. o 1 I'romowujuanuiaciure m uagiug m state prisona Adopt a uniiorni coniraei ui saic. Froviile tor arDitration. V i.lni ,1 i.-ciil talent to enforce our rirrlita - . , , . ; 1. 1-ostt-r nome laoor oy payiug uciic. I ,... . 1W iituMnrntTp mile huu Luuitni., taw.. Kncourage . social intercourse . among growers. rt r BAILEY'S STORE For WOOL BLANKETS 101-4 111-4- 121-4 Prices. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS 1 Same Sizes as Above Prices. 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash : ington County J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove trvare.at least, 1,000 per cent, better. J . ' . . V. ...... (linwn. M The horse snow uas uruiiuv .u."' people together at Hillsboro, and the misshapen brutea which used to be lm- noseu upon tsoiaieu Kuimuu..-, I ;i..r..l. Washinoton county is lunuei iw'.' ....... a t everywhere congratulated on its tine stock, ami I am sure umi mc u i annual horse show nas nao niucu iu uu ... .i. ..,it,.r l..t ua all work to wn" me .. --- r . . .. , gether for a line Uispmy oi sioca i m CUlioi'K "- or Sale n.(1o (.nn team nf mules: weinht, "'"""l " T, .ill. T" . 1000 tollW lbseacn. Kooo uroo, near Centerville. Address, Forest Grove, Ore., R. 2. 44-1 f a hnndrerl And fifty P60 UW" - - - TIL thn ice at leverloo .ba r.or town. Saturday night, ib.o, ."-. . I enjoying the pastime pi Biaung. ai triolnflal trvout held in Marsh Hall. Fort Grove, last Saturday evening, W. E. Gwynn wsb chosen to represent toe Bcnoot, in marou, at Monmouth, mr. uwynn s buo "A Vindication of a Na JCVI nmv . - . - - Unn " a.u. a ien receiveu et-ouuu nlann with his oration on "True Heroism, two prizes were prt nt.n in Mr. Allen and Mr Oojnnri a first nrize of $ir and a . -..L HAnnnd Dnze 01 umeu voui- 1 . r i Jl- T natinir wf.rft Helen unanuiBr, j ...... j Ward, tt fli wunam anu rruuoe Clapp. Judges on composition a?a. Mr. uvoii. oi rortinnu i rui Herdman, of the Portland High School; John r. Carroll, oi tne lei i n . . ... egram. Judges on aenvery were: PreBident W. . errin ana juuge HolliB, of Forest Grove, and Prin cipal Barnes, of Hillsboro. THE DELTA DRUG STORE PUBLIC SALE .... Tho nndnraiirned will sell at pub' lie auction at niB larm, t mu nprrtheast of Old Bethany, at iu o'clock a. m., on : SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Double seated hack, with top; top .... ... . , . .i hnoov mi wauKia mower; oieoi karrnw 9 nlrtWS: bone CUlten pl.t' .",-' -.-:i. form scales; nciier, iresn in.-Apni, houHnhold furniture ana otner arti niaa fnr nnmpmua to mentien. . Torma nt Sale: All sums under m paab'nvpr $10.1 vear'atime, ' v. " .... ! approved note, at o per cen.. in teresl. L.uncn at uuuu. Louis Stark, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Wa will discos, of our entire nnr moaiH and sroceriea at I line oi men's suits at coat. Here is ttmmotts. and get a fine oil paint-la ohanoe to dress well at ft small Inn fnr avnrv 20nurchase. 46 tf I value. Schulmerich Broa. 35-tf Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you., Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line.; We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cosh Only. Positively no Credit. Smokers like the Schiller and the Excellencift These cigar, .r. ol th. best stock. You can't fool an i authority on a good cigar. t I : ( i 1 47 relatives. .ou each.