The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 30, 1908, Image 1

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i !,
NO. 4G
Argue end Oregonlan, 92 25.
John Hlewart, of Portland, wa
In town, Motility.
J. U. Bat. of Uaalon, bad btial
newa in llilleborti, Monday.
P. 8. Ilruiuby. ol l'ortltnd. wee a
RAH Itll Ul Ml I rP M t
0 prencnce of Family ... ,,11.,, of UwlvllW, wa.
i county Mit visitor, Monday.
T0 KILL HIMSELF p. w. HebuUrt, of Keot, Wash.,
A i . t, a . t
Lftlallni ' B""H Mr..MUU.Url.r,ol Tigardville. '' Gw
. .. I..! I l.u I.. 1.. Ul'i.. I aa Itriard Plat f tail A
i . i...ti uifi i Tiiiim wim urr iuu. jmm. nimu'
beraer. Sunday.
Hoom M bi ioas, M Bu' our n"U 'n1 t'0"6'11 h'BKlon County Pomona
Argus and Pacific Monthly, $2.
C. VanDoro, of Forest Grove,
nnil Mmnni nnnmni , i "pent Bunday in llillBboro.
f m An Mi 'US LAN w. t.
in ilia onnnll aa.t r mlav.
3 I)
Takes Ihsuc With the Oregon
Hardware Dealers Aan'u.
IWlbh Wann. of Iietbany, was in
the city Saturday.
John B. Stewart, of South Tua-
latin, waa in the city Friday.
N. C. J. Christeosen, of Laurel,
waa in the city Monday.
H. C. Todd, of Laurel, was a
Hillsboro visitor Tuesday.
Herman Collier and wife, of
Growers who Held on to Crop
are Jubilant
The Face of the Prescription
Tbit Conatv Biggeat Onion Pr.ducer la
Hrhfilld were in the citV Saturday. Th nninn marV.t haa
i fldOYIf 11' nl" "- I'M J yUi HI""" UJ gfiaiviiu II - -r j - 1 -
....on, on Monday, Ktnmotta, and t a floe oil paint- Orange, which held ita quarterly W. A. Tupper, of Portland, visit- to t3 per hundred pounds in Por'.-
tailing Ma daughter, ln 'or '' t' purchase. 48 tf aeeslon with Ueaverton Grange on ed hia parenta in thia city Sunday, land, and Washington county grow-
! I"" . . ti ........ flan V ravin 9 nf It., war Inn m tba 2.'til Inat . ailii'ilnd the following f U n.. nt naar Cwmr Mill ra . a hn hav. riald nn In thair f!ror.
Ik school ai !" - . i 1 i o v. . ui i, ... I --
111 la I I ,i .k- ft nf th araak tin I ....... ,l.t . ...I .....1..;nna ahtih .... ! n Tnaailiv mil mllfd . I HI V. . : f
'"" i i. ih-U'lo"' eiolalo themaelvea. u r f in. R.,tv;n Moat of the onions raised in the
The grangera diacuu auch mat Marion county, Sunday, on buei- Northwest are grown in thia coun
tera fully at their meetings, and if ness. ty, on account of the rich beaver,
the general public has an idea that y-m jxih Jonea, of Portland, dam land, which is a aoil in which
the are not full noeted on all the iwnt Sunday with her parents, in ooions eeem to thrive better than
Lamina fttmatwina th I..V. h tbil City. in jtnv nthftp. THa nninn cron IB
I ' -V t M 'J ' " W- w I - J " - - I
cauae tbey live in the country, let Dr. Hints has been appointed always profitable, and the growers
soma of the uninitiated jump the local health oflicer at Forest Grove, have a, protective aasociation, which
farmera up fur an argument. Fol- b7 the citT councl1' enables them to get the top prices.
lowing are the preamble ana reeo- vi uuw jjuu .v. nere are Deaveruam uacie in ev
,,.,! . grooeriea. A complete and up to eral p4rU o( this county, and the
.... .. , i data line alwaya on band. most, if not all. of such tracte are
I-,tiIIK ut tiir column, of l'ottian.l p.- v j McCormick and wife spent umd for onion be w aeb
it,,.. ...,..i. 1.1 la. a au railed tjui I .. . ... .. . .1 n. I inirtnn rnnntv onions alwava com
!,c- uuMuccuminK.onlinK to HU1 Sunday wltD ID- I.muy 01 o-u - . '
JTOT " " ket,.ndare.,aid to be superior to
L i. kat tiitihAnd'tf htnd U- thu wife of Otto IM
IB If " . . ,1 . . -
jyo." Atied if be had mn, of n-r H-lv-lia, January o,
I U( dI !l, U" 09 I wo, uaugnier.
Nr.. Hoover, unm-aiate.y, () c Thornlon tnj C. II. Fry,
I)f. Kouioeon. lluor
lBOW u" ww I ... . . .. ..
a.. U. Kia arlfa A I"1 "I I lom cexiar ui-jia iui
0. Tburaday. hi . MirBriJllMi
lanarllM In this pIoa, in- ,.,.
tbarbu-Uod. About '
k, Booday worntng, Blck(0f Uural, January 20, 1M08,
Jboovtrtd that bar bus-L daughter.
k thi bouaa. W nils aha . . . ... , . wv. nrnln.
m till w " " I n
(bildrio wart at braatal, ll)n for ale C. Rboadea,
ll'claci, Huorar opneu tut ym dt naeiine.
rgoo door and asked bla Kaufman and son, Qua, of
ful t drim oi wair. HdvilU, lo the city,
oiotbitg wrong, Mfa. Monday, and called oo the Argua
wlIHoom what was tb. ,ilUinn.. ..ji and
Come in a. 7- l . . . T n ,t no bet
tkar.i, nd. Mra. llooverr . . ' . . . .T" i.
ikai rnnrn ifitl MW A
Ml a"
r i i ii a i a . . .1.. ia. i tia-aat mail ikTmiivii iv arruruiuir w want i
loover wwr a don T .mrlc" i.o,,V,r.t .,,,1 r-iu-bl, p- Birdsell, at Murray,
amall rr 'u,u w " ' "M Uittm of timuknt of the krUil Hutu-1 (jrove
war Ialrr' Auurution, ami , ... ft .,,
Wbrrraa, T)ii. aocullrd butineaa man Uanoe at tDS W. U. i . nail,
arruu to or inoraiit of tlie well known n.,r Cedar Mill, Saturday evening,
fact that the farmer. a a cla, are un- j5lh Xickets, $1.00, includ-
animooalv favor of a parcel, poat; Membera of the Camp,
I Ita rv ft ire Ian tl r
the California grown product.
tt, ! , af An. I 7. . it. -,..... P.v.lfin rnU
m -.. , . i m iwiftrion. wviv iu .uwvi.j i KoiYri. iiv huiukwhviiii . .
liklt' OMOf the ObUdren U , at the COUrl bouae. mona t;rn.e. c.mitKrd of rcpreacnta
li -kUk ika nhltil ra. I " i,r.n,..nnil ihnr farm irt in araioi
Mil U U . WUIVH mw ' "
biifa Tht unfortunate man
laaa Ukn with convuUiona.
The Dndersiitoed will sell at pub
hc auction at 01- rui, ? um-
r. ,w f.m.hra in tranion veu' tofttHeiit cl um ceinany, ai IU
I ... L..Ut tinW.ta nf k -ant VlpkBra fI It--t- -
8 A. D Meet, of (JlenOOe, WM aawniMrtl with llravrrton urangc, in uuuKu -, . JT O ciock m. m., ou
.. . a a F 1 L u I a 1 r.l 1 tt II al rv I Ui in Illill W C RV 11 M a I v a v i l nia 111 ftl'V. L II 1 H WDOai IUI W a va tai 4
laaa Ukn with town Saturday. t .J-iiii Tm-ure that we unHinioualyiT....
Ijiad jaatafiertba Doctor ar- waa given at Glencoe, Saturday uw , ;(Kf)tv ena-tment of a parcel! "
L Daaallonetl by bit wifa, night, under hi management. ptwt. .m1 aKm a.k our mrnilwra of Con- p,rc
r. . . i . .. t.1 " I ... ..m. .v.rv niratia ttoaatule for the .....i-
kadiad. aa to wnv ne wu . ... .... j. io.i
- - '. .1 vi .. i.m ni t'ntiitita. ami rn ...
najioo. Sunday aiternoon, ' ..... ... a.irrinN sale
.a i rami mm trw tcii wa ak"i i
ajasw waa "
Tba verdict, returned by
That you hand us is, an order
from your doctor which we
would not presume to modify
or change. He knows the ill
ness and how he proposes to
effect the cure. Therefore we
are exceedingly careful with
Prescriptions at this Pharmacy
If you have confidence in
your doctor, you should have
the same in your druggist.
You can do so absolutely if
you entrust us with the filling
of your prescriptions
Hillsboro Pharmacy j
1f.rm.ra in
i to uac rvrry meana potwible for the uniY have
Hje of the meamte probata oy " ,.(-'
Double seated hack, with top; top
parte of the buggy: Milwaukie mower; steel
at ! tat . D ' a 1 a
barrow; plows; Done cutter; ptai-
lirv.aaitotbeetToCt that -de
IT'".. . . . .
I died from the . llecu oi
inlna. admlnUtered by hla
I, with auicidal Intent 1 Tba
l aimed prraona conipoeeil
- . .
. . .LI .... '.. fall.
and came to ima avav- v"
fornla atwut a year ago.
putting in
spring grain. form scales; heifer, fresh in April;
H. L. Kocher, of 8herwood, and household furniture and otner aru-
Chas. True, of Middleton, were in ciea wo numerouo w luOU0u
- . .a a I rPnaaMa .1 all onmo
town Tuesday, and made the Ar
It us a pleasant call.
Buds of fruit trees are beginning
. a a 1 ...
Tarma nf Rain- All BUms under
$10, cash; over $10,1 year'e time,
approved note, ai o per cent, in
tereet. Lunch at noon.
Louis Stark, Owner.
J. 0. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
The undersigned will sell at public
a i . t at i ... i Manara nn
Any one to purcnaee a auction, i m m . . -. . . . . - hloom
galin. engine ahould cal on the old ibjjb d it. . .Td. Jack Frost is still
;SKtoirK:C 8AmDAY,kFiBRffiUARY 8, - b. with.
jtn: Dtvid W. (lay, Peter u ' We are agenta for the Tt0 be,j cow,, j frwh now. 5 freah In Fred Landrock, the snoemaier,
I r..ll.k 1 V M.. ...i.,.r. 1 . .' . : i .1.. n.t .nri n.i . In March: l-vearold heifer, I nnr Kaa hia shoD in hlS residence,
fUaandLClauan. . . .TeVln. made. BMf Thid W Nancy. K.ylor, .egistered Angora
Wat waa born In Audra in 1 . . . ." . . LV tnii -Uht where tie win ao au aiuun oi doe kid. in a class ot 14 ur tumor
Ut. Miaaourl. and came lo Ore- Frel V. Uolman, of Portland, an " rt , .ow with pairing, as before. Remember the de kidg at tbe Dinth annual An-
lihtatU rears ago Haleavaa authority on roee culture, aaya ine , , ioiea hena; j-incb pi,ce, . 4b 4V gora goat gh0w, held at Dallas, Jan-
. "... . I. . .i . ........ in thel . .'. i. ....!. .iaal tahccl wa-1 1 D . r j . e...
tod three children, alao i wi uine ! iil imk moarer icCcrintck K. B. Tongue went to Oregon uary io, io ana n, won ur unw
r.Jnhe Hnov.,. and a slater, winter. Thia may. or may Dot. be goo: McCormick mower b Edira,d L.
Ckaa Wbite, bath of Patlon newa to r-,pla who hay. rown. ra.n. .. AUornS; candidacy, with re- Nay lor, of Foreet Grove, who has a
Hoover waa a laboror, hereabouts, out uwri-iu., row. iptiu lootn cnittvatoj.nm. . blicanB in (jUckamas county. Boca; oi aooui xuu registereu ,
VU arlilirla.1 lii iMtrlndlcai 1 irviOI. acta wma m.. ,
ikiu. Ha was burled Tuesday. t..i,,
,wihiii. mi tauiiiT '"m iiinrn.v ami uranu vuiuw"" i chain, boo ieei tem. l- . in ma. section. i . : . . . .
iatary lood ciroumaUncM. fl- LV f Pvlhias. returned turner. oodar fence po.u. 3 ,. , . which cost him several nunarea
it. 1 u ....... . ...1,. mtitoH. 1 tana hiti Kiinnman nruiu
J- home Friday night from a trip up .-. ..t ;chMtM r.-, .
at . .. .aiilk lOUig BUVItll " . I LIB V U UUIVUWOVU
tk. VI I .matte VI
FOR 9ALE ..t.i....i .(.Ui
a muwi - o . 1 .
k" nf P. lodaea. enroute W tbe lat
Brown IBhnm anil White
I " I .' '
WhMlU D L I 1. t V. I I . ...LII.
until (tuta oocaoreie lorursou- time wnue
Forest Grove National Bank
... nl tKia nitv. wn.!c
C do lars;
1 portion of the ,
Milne tract north of town, and wil . gongijared the greatest Angora
1 t . a ..a Iab i na 10iai 11 .
" lur.. ,i,v-k.arwiDlf machine, a iron manuiaoture otiua. iui . aho . imer ca. Oregon ranks
... .( """"Tm vr" .... ... ..r,in niune vraci norm ui tuwu,u.
timg a eiletieloa a. ... . - ..... btick
Mr. Nay lor also owns the
The Dallas show
porpoaea, also hena of those brethen
JKm imm nr a nn rg i mtl. .
r , - -- 1 t r, imnrie anu who 1
w in my pen tba firat prlxe U..I ... nuht from a trip to Astoria ,
1 . .
. 1
I Ill.l-UIU. . ' . .. .. . .. 1. . L. n . .. .
. z:.i.....u .itrhen treaauie. ainner aei, trade, and lor sninmeni. 1 nojr o . . .
H. reporu a P"' mrr.Vmi rtc. .1Deri.nCed men, and will thus add "
rraternuing w..u w( oJ 8alei0 and under, .nother Industry to Hillsboro's al-
.L.ah-nver $10. nine months' time, ready growing business. J,.,
.1 : r- Mliipfl.l ; .. . . a - Int.rALt I
uniiDie ouw, " f vv.
March 22, 1907
MAY 20TH, 1907
$ 89,822.28
Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907
December 3, 1907
Reserve, 65 Per Cent.
Officer. & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailay, Vice
Pres.; J. A. ThornDurgn, lasnier; inoa. u. ioaa; j. w. ruqim.
Forest Grove,
r m wvaoi vi a a a w
tktOraion Htate Poultry Hho
fit, t.m iur hatch n nur
about a week.
1. . " . , theT viauea
w nouoaior iota, a specialty, h,.;h..
ranlM.1 M
) to Astoria U t ojy for caBh.
J . I ja,r I a
.inlnitv. after an aoeenw t.,mfih at noon.
aa ii u ivtHi-;i
whila in Astoria,
.iih Mrs. lmbrie'a
nnrwlin. and Mr. I
that on Sunday,
I ttnVi nnnr..
; William Markway.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
show in America. Oregon ranks
1 in the raising of Angora goats,
much attention is beinir given
breeders to the improvement of
r atnnk. The mohair manu-
.UV.. uv .
. . v. .v.- ..... fafttiintra ni BOBion Bav lull tue
Lias i wees, me airuo u.i ; - - .
that there was not a case of conta- Oregon mohair when fine is equal
..... . .-ir . 1 . - ik. (,..1 frrnarn in 1 nr.
bioub disease in HiusDoro. whuid w m . uixu... 6... ... ...
two days after, a case of diptheria key.
j t J i. tk. (omilii nl Thomas I
uevuiu .u " " " ru.ri.., I! Sala
nt.u. .h nh h.a hMn auarau- a -r
J UOVU , nuiwM -i
Tamiesie has cnarge oi
hoped that there Herman Os term an & Co., of Cen-
ipreaa. tervilie, wm Degin a clearing up
.u.v.u.i. sale on January i, ..ajo, .-
a .. a a.i tuaai i ri m iH'naaaa ewiv z ai.naaai avun iruia uodwi - - 'a-a a la amara f i iiim vniiiainui idi i ... . i a : t ik.
H0U ueaurn" . ,K. iuioo . ' a"" ' """ - will DS COniinuea unwi wu iu"
running mountain high during the u irM th. owners, or peraons . fcnd the buBine98 men of Clats- 1 k . Jd A m Btock of
atorm. and presenting a. igbt worth ha?lng po-8lon thereof, to j da- have inoorporated th. Neha- "j8 merchaudUe wiU be sold
beholding. . J0rdlcallu:",. Enough said.
tu- Hha-Fear Co.. o Portland, pests, i ou ro, will ouna irom emou . .uu Herman Osterman & Co.,
w haaala? "f eU trough Mist to Clatekame a 41..fU6m Centerville, Ore.
which has a large aoro.B v r . ,v.j or -radioated before ,. , .hnnt 35 m ... The ,l M
1UWI" . .. . ...rvo T :11 I UlO.WMW w. - ... I 1
r, u' .... . ui aiinm ni ..iiiub uu iuiicd. M " i
March, tt)08, 1 will ComDanY wui make other outside
. L . 1.. Ia aitharl . .. l:ai
der me in, . oorinecUons in time, one 01 wmuu
destroy sucn orcnarua, 1 be in the direction of Hillsboro.
IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as' Above
Prices, 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
mien, na a icaiut ui -
.umination, the boy waa sent Acre.. - - - .. . tiu
! Boy.' A Girl.' Aid Society, o"""?' "U"'T ,or IUoh traota,
Nd, fo, an indefinite term, .ti 1 ne from Port-
7 he was Induoed to 'futon it fini-hed.
I he money through the infl- dt . t0,nnH . fusing peo
Charles Doty, the sx soldier, and Uke notice, eepTo
' If wanted b, the authorltie. Pjto"P.S lpl, who are
n tbe above robbery case. ":hurban homes, wltn
pUlnt of hi. parents, Lester look 'I J "Jjf a.Dnd " obanoe to
J,.nother Incorrigible, alao keep B0m. poul-
Diore the Judge, rne -
'1 U Was allaa.l na with. try. . . . .
vil associations, and is a County School Supsrlnteeni,
'"tfrou, school. Ha 1. aged 17 M. 0 Case, nnonoe. him" J M
7- Aiw neartng bis case, candiuaie ior uu7'"""" .i his
J! Goodln turned him over to fio8 in which he is now "wJjB"J
Jatlon Officer Kane, who gave flrBt term. Supt. CtohgjJ
li re. the latter'. l0 raise thestandard 't
" uo oeiier ana awenu m mi. oouuv -.. . - are
.ri of our state.
louna iu . rZ - , , . ood
Taanhnra are receiviuB
New Arr.ngem.nt wages, parenU are mors i njsreeu
I in the puoiio bouo".-,
km ninety cent round trip ant Indications are
ff 'fom Hillsboro to Portland ton couniy W,'VB"T for the 6588
P n, must now be bought on County High School I
ffT afternoon or Sunday, of school on - "j Bohool.
Jwk. Ticket, may be pur. come toge herfrom b erw
H 9 time durinj Sunday, and continue heir stud
l?"M desiring to avail them years 7""uft ' "t Caee has shown
C f the abye rates, will do The courtesy ...'Vaiihool of-
" K remember thia change. in Mailing "T" thelr du
Pratt Vloker., Boer, in the awJJJJJ,, d un.
Vsand Pwlfio Monthly.t2.00. land r-laoted for a ncona
W. R. Harris,
County Fruit Inspector.
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
trees sprayed at the w , . Come to the Spinsters' Convention,
1. axnense. 1 08 "tusmai wuwiiwuo.o.i, 1 an(j gee me 01a raaiug ir-.uoiu.iuou
owners c y .:. Iinnotroiorl annon. at the Christian 1 ! ,.,: he-
Church, Monday night, was one of ore your own ey6B) a8 put 0n the
the best entertainments of the kind b th Ladv Maccabees at
ver aivenin this city. The seat- nrn.nviii. Hall. Feb. 8th. 1908,
. :. -f iV.. nhnrnVl .11 l.T. I O .V..n
log B.icnjr ui tut ..." - comm&ncing at o uuiuuav, uiu.
-.nil. li.alv ed to its utmost, and the whole en- Admission 25 and 15 centa. Music
A span of young sP. "J terUinment reflected credit on all b Banks band. After the enter-
, . . .1 .nn triia. iwiue ut mi . . . : J ..... ... .
drive. Bingle or double.
atreets. . but one case oi auwu , . ,. . . . , ... - ..r,.inmi)DL 46
neignnornoou oi vucuwo, " i
Will Smith, a brother of Frank Alexander, who
" Smith. Frank smtin ana w. ------ Q , 1Q
Passeniter train schedule toiiows: who came to visit vanaeneys, ne "T: out on 'the fftrm for Portland- Glencoe, have gone naca . . wa9 Btruck on the
Koreat Ora-a local 6: J a patcbe, W. .Tn head by two bird shot, which in-
Sheridan iyer..- a - - me aiBBane uu . '"Tr: flioted elisht Bcaln wounds. The
V . , I I1JI3LL1 UOl O vl f 1 .
arrive, from Portiana- - . , Aiaa.alt ing, was udhtou.
CorvalH. overland ,ro7p.m'. n t ft, Tifl.variori called When you get ready to spray
Forest Grove local P I B. , Leis, pi B8yMlon1 caliea J B B(ja.
t.vlnif Portiana
n .Ilia nvetland 7:00 a. HI. I , . 1. tBR. I m T) T..Vina th TtllTtOTi mef
L.U1T-...- - lino a. m. appiea give uiuto, uu uHu-" 1 t"'i ,
"nwer '.r.V.;;;. 4:iop.m. Uimony to the value of spraying, aB chan and Engineer Banks, of
Sheridan Flyer , v,!,K thoo ware o.-v. n tnn Frirlav eve- a a mvB awaaa ,'- iud na w ar vwh-i-i - -
a I . . a.A nai-.lntai1 ATI.
Arrival in Portunu taken, iwo yearn -f
Paraat Grove local 8:00 a. m. I pjgg which were so diseased as to
siarldan Flyer...... "In'm be totally unfit for any purpose.
Forest urova r;- Th.y are D0W -wong ana neaiiuy
Corvallia overland -3" ' and ..1. ear bore a fine crop
The Forest urove tooai . 'j a ' le9
oarry baggage. 1
Chas. J. Herb, of near Green
nia ... in the fiitv Friday and
made the Argus a substantial call
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carrv a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply, all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We will dispose of our entire
line of men's suits at cost. Here is
a chance to dress well at a small
value. Schulmerich Bros. 35-tf
Smokers Jike the Schiller and tbe
Kxcellencia Tbeee cigara ar of
the best stock. You aan't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
l A-
: 1
1 !
M ,
i !
1 i
, ji
. i,.
'if,' if
' H 1
..ri !