1 HILISSONO AftCSUS, JN ICS 19, J 9 ' i ! - M 1 , I , i '3 K,.uri at lb, Pcl oitl at HilUboro Orir", a ixwn.l-cl"" mail nialUr. HKMlY O. OVII.B. KdHor. County Official Paper Subscription: !.' Pr Annum. -BY- GtlLU MctUNNET ""When two or lhr are gthfrti together" nowd.?, it" F"? ( bet that tbf rcV little politics being discus!. Under the direct primary law, it is free pitch in, mi the fellow who can wield the longest pole is the one who will knock the persimmons. The Ar gus opens its advertising columns to those who wish to announce themselres, at reasonable rate. The best way is to let the people know who you are and what you want The Argus is under obligation? to Senator Jonathan Bourne for public documents, including the Congressional Record. TIME TABLE Passenger train schedule follows: Leave (or Portland Forert Grove local 4 Si ra. Sberidan Flyer 9:07 n. Forest Grove local 143 p. n- CorvaUia overland 5 P- m- Arrive! from Portland Cortmllii overland 8:i6 a. m. Forest Grove local u7 p. m. Sheridan Flyer 5:jS p. m. Forert Grove local 67 p. m. Leaving Portland Corra'lis overland 7:00 a. m. Forest Grove local nso a. in. Sheridan Flyer 410 p. m. Forest Grove local 6:40 p. m. Arrival in Portland Forest Grove local Suo a. m. Sheridan Flyer 1030 a. m. Forest Grove local 1-5 P- m- CorvaUia overland 6:35 p. m. The Forest Grove local does not carry baage. SUMMONS IS THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGOX. FOR WASHINO TOX COUNTY. Geo. R. Baglsy, Plaintiff, va. L. A. Bandy, Defendant. To L. A. Bandy, the above named de fendant: In the Name of the Slate of Orejron : You are hereby commanded and r.fuired to be and appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled .-ause, on or be fore tbe expiration of six neeks from the date of the h rat publication of this sum mon in the Hillsboro Argus, the first publication thereof being on January , and the last publication thereof be ing on February 27, la, to-wit. on or before February 27, and you will please take notice that if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint the plain titt will take judgment against you for the Mim of $15 and the cost and disbuise uients of this action; and aim for a judg ment that the real property attached at the suit of tbe plaintiff in the above entitled ac-tion, described as follows: Lying, being and situate in Washington County. Oregon, and particularly describ ed as lollows, to-wit: Commencing at low water mark on the south line of the Tualatin River, on the west line of the land known and descrilied -in the Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, as the J. T. Jacob's D. L. 0. on said Kiver, said west line of said Jacob's D. L. C. being identical with the west line of Sec. 15, T. 2 S. of R 1 W.,Will. Mer.;ihem easterly along the river at low water mark 40 rods; thence north 1 rods: thence west 40 rods; thence south 68 rods tr the place of beginning, containing 17 acres, more or less, including the Tualatin Kiver, and being tbe same tract of land deeded to Joseph E Sedlak by J T Jacobs and wife, on the 'ih day of Novemlier, 1K73. by ieed recorded on page 'if! of Book K of Records of Ijeeds, Washington County, Oregon Also described as lying, being and situate in Washington County, Ore gon, and being a portion of Section 13, Township 2 North Range I Went of the Willamette M.'ridean, particularly de scribed as beginning at tbe center of mic tion IB, Township and Kange aforesaid and running thence east on the south line of the ' of said section 15. ten bains; thence north parallel with the west hue of said N E ,4 of said section Fifteen, 17 chains; thence went 10 chains to the west line of said section ; thence ttouih 17 chains to the pla of beginning, containing seventeen (17) acres, he ordered and adjudged to lie sold by the Hheritt of Washington County, Ore gon, in the manner provided by law for Hales of real property upon xecution, and that the proceeds of such sale be applied toward the satisfaction of the claims and judgment ot the plaintiff. This summons is nerved upon you by publication in the Hillsboro Argus by order of the Honorable J. W. Oomlin, Judge of the above entitled court, made and dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on the Oth day of January,, 19US. and which order prescrilieM that you appear and answer on or before the expiration of six weeks from the dsite of the tint publication thereof, to-wit, on of liefore the 27th day of February, 1!8. BAOLEY t HARE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that I, the under signed, have filed in the County Court of Washington tjouniy, wregon, my nnai account as executor of the last will and testament of Joseph Friedel, deceased, wnd that said court has set Monday, reb ruary 17, 190S, at the hour of 10 o'clock a in. as the time, and the County Court loom in Hillaboro, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said account and for final settlement of said estate, Dated this January 1H. ISUH. EMIL BT ALDER, Executor of the Inst will and testament of Joseph Friedel, deceased. W. X. Barrett, Attorney for Executor. DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said ofton to N1 burWvl si f't nnd.-r ground. But many tini" women c;fi 00 their fimlly pliMcian. !! r.r. as they Imagine, one trmdYi't- another front heart disease, another from lixrr or kid ney disease, another ftvm m-noii pn tration. another with pa n hem and there, nd In this v tlnv rrvwent alike t thenivlve and their eav-oing or over busv dork, separate u;'ws dr Uu li he. awiming them to N sn. h. pns, r;U hi pill and potions. In rv.iiuv, tlu- sin all only vm.v csumI ty some uterino disease. TliefKician.'Krant ot the cuuse of sutlerinrTWi ui-TNOnitnienl until large bills are nVle. Us. rltig patient eels no NutejJJ?ri'NiOvlLe wrong tratmenU but irvlilly vrn. jef LmgUQDfJilif.lJ ,1 qjr,Ji oril r 1 111 in 1 fcv J.jT'T.n'is ihoM crr. v-.i. yn uims, and Instituting comfort lnt.-4d of prolonged mix-ry. It h rsT-n well said, lint's disease known is half cured. lr. Puree's Favorite l'n-Ncription Is a scientific medicine. carvfuKy devit by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate ssU-m. It is made of native American medicinal roots and t perfect1? hsrr!e ;g it tS-ttt it TT-: . 1::; . rAi a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs d.s tinctlv feminine in particular. For orr worked, "worn-out." run-down. debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-giris." hoUM' ke, (kts nursing mother, and feeble women ge n erally, lr. Pierce's Favorite. lres.Tiplion Is the greates.1 earthly Un. N-ing un eu,ua!ed as an aypetimig orial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and stn-ngtlienlng Penn ine "Favorite I'rvsor.ptMn is uueiiualed and is invaluable in al'.avlne a:d sn) duing nervous excitalkiity. Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysu-na, spasm. St. Yitus's dance, and other ditre.inc. nervous symptoms commonly attendant Usit functional and organic disease of the Uterus. It induces refreshing sleep auJ relieves mental antietv and despondency. Dr. Flen-e's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. I'ne w three a dose. Eay to take as candy. PLUSH LAP ROBES Horse Blankets Fine line of whips 10 cts upward A Large Supply of Security StocK Foods, Liniments, in stoch. Guaranteed. Repairing of all Kinds a Specialty Carlile's Harness Shop Albert tlartrarapf . ornvttu HartrampfiVis Cornelius Have Opened a Real Estate Office in the For mer R. L. Cate Location Opposite the Tualatin. We can sell your farm We have a fine list of Prospective Buyers for City and Farm Proper ty. If you are in the market to buy or sell, give us a call. We will buy your hops. Loans and Insurance. HILLSBORO - - ORE. a 11 m m m m m m WEBB (8l HOOVER Successsors to Climax Feed Store J& J& J& Carry a full Line of Flour and Feed A I Poultry Supplies aud St(xk Food Seeds, Paints, Spraying Material, etc All orders promptly filled on short notice Former Patrons of the Store are In vited to give us a call. Hillsboro - - Oregon CITATION IN THK (vr.STY OOrKT OK THE STATK OK ORE0OX, KOR WASH1S0T0N COl' STY 3rd day of February, A. I). I', ami the enmity eiurt rmmi in HlllaUiru, Waaliliirton County, (irefii, hat Iwn tlia.1 by aaiJ euiirt an the time tlt nlri fur hiaartli ii1imii iiiita li, I hnafai vomit, am) for ttie tinal wttleiueni i o I Mid elal. Watch Hillsboro Grow! KIRATLI BROS. Dealers in Choice Real Estate Tracts Ranging from a house and lot; acre tract, 10 acre tract, up to a grain or dairy farm. If we haven't what you want, we can get it. Hills boro and Portland prop erty, exchanged for Washington County farm lands. Come and see us be fore you buy. Money to loan on reasonable terms. No tarial work done. Auction sales cried. In Uie Matter of the Estate of Krtnl botumera, ItecraseJ To John $0111 mora. I'lrieh Sonimeni. Ja mli Soiumer. Amlrew tkmimer, Marie liruii'U'iu h, Kathenna Komniera, Jobn Siegeiithaler. Kml Sienthaler, Louii Sifeiitbalr, Mr, l.ydia Hartuian, aud Marj hirueiilhaler, ami all other hmra of the above naineil Fred .Soiiiiuera, un kno ti and iion- resident: In the name of the State of Oregon Yon and eavn of you are hereby com manded to be and a()r before the Hon J W Coodin, Judge of the County Court id the Male of Oregon, for Wanulugloii County, :it the court houae in the city of MilUtxiro, County of WathinitUin, Ntate of iregon. at one o'cloek in the afloruoon of the 3rd day of March, A U 1?, and diow cau. if any exist, why an order of HHie xlmnld not be made by wild court, authorizing, ordermg and directing said ai Sie;eiilhaler, Administrator of said enfiic. to sell at public auetton or at pri vate sale in thw manner provided by law, the following real property, belonging to Mid estate, in Washington County, Slate of iregon, to-wit: The South q uarter ( V, of the N E quar ter of the H K quarter (') and the M K quarter C.i of the 8 K quarter ('.;) of .vrtion nine (H) Tp Two 2 Nortn of I'.ange Three 8 - West of the W M. om taining fifty (.TO) acre, except a two a-re trait heretjfure told to John j ileimlerg, reconled in Bonk page 'M Hecord of l"-e)s. Washington County, Oregon: Hatd ;rd day of Mareh, A ll 1SW, lieing a term of i-aiil court iubequeiit to the current term mid Ix'ing not less thin ten dayi af ter the service id thi citation. Vit!ie hit hand and the aeal of thm court alii led U11.1 0th day of January, A 11 Ifeal) FJ. GODMA.V, Clerk of said County Court. Chan. J. fcchnuljel, Attorney for Adin'r. j DaliHi Hi m janimry 11, le. rKAMu MAK1A 1I1WA1TK, AdnuniMratrix ul the mtate nfjamea Tbwaite, dereanml. Hagley A JUre, Alloriiryo fur ailuiiiiln- train 1. SUMMONS IS THK CIHCl lT COCKT OK Til F. STATE OK OKKtlON. Foil WAMlllNUTo.N COUNTY Aistiiment Notice Not ire is hereby given that the City Coun cil of the City of HilUlmro. Oregun.wlll. on Tuesday. February i, !!, at o'clock i. 111., at the council chain bem In Hilliibo m. Oregon, pnxeed to bear and determine object ions, il any. to the levying of annena iiientn for the street improvement In Hillboru, Oregon, on First Htreet from the Southern facillc right of way to Wane Line street; on llane Line Street, from Fir-t Street to the right of way of the Fa eitic Kailway A Navigation Company, and on Third Htreet from Lincoln Street to Washington Street, I which aaid; im provements were made under Ordinance No. HA of said City. hated thin January 10, luOH, by order of tiie city council. OKO. SCHULMKKICH. Hecorder of the I ity of U lllsboro, Ore gun. Executrix' Notice Main St Hlllcfwtrn He aj itiuiii wf him jvvi j 1 g NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notloe in hereby given that the under signed have been duly appointed and enn firmed a executors of the eHtntc of Mi chael Hoyd, dei-eaMi'd, and have duly qualified an such. Now, therefore, all perHuna having claims agaiiiNt the -ml estate are hereby required and notilicd to present the same to iih. witii proper vouchers therefor, at the law olllces ol Baglcy Hare, in Hillaboro, Washington County, Oregon, within nix montlm from date hereof.' Dated Janimry 4, 1H08, William O. Hoyd, , Joecph Boyd, Executors of the eatate of Michael Kovd deceaned, j Bagley A Hare, Attorneys for tatale. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has btcn, )y the County Court of HashinKton bounty, Oregon, appointed executrix of the last will and testament of Michael P.Messinger.deceased and has ! duly qualified as such, and all persons I having claims against said estate are ! hereby notified to present them to me. I with proper voucher., at the law office of W. N. Barrett, at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. iMtcd this January 15, 1908. MARY M. MKSSINOER, Executrix of the last will and testa mt-nt of Michael F. Messinger, deceased. W. N'. Barrett, Attorney for Estate. Yot Sale: Fifty acrea cleared land in the vicinity of Hillsboro, on rural mail and milk route; near telephone line. Fine location; pood building site. Inquire of Argun. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the under signed adniiniNtratrix of the estate of James Thwalte, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, her final account aa such udniiiimtratru and that Monday, the A.J. Hoy and Julia Ky, Ins wife, Plain tiffs. vs. Itwin Kli.m Hoy and lloy, hi w ile, Klla Virginia I-aughliu ami Oeorge iu glilin, her hiistwn.1, lona Nevada Ity nuin and Chan Byuiim. her husband, An na Holme" and Oliver Holmes, her bus band, h. U. Hughe. Nellie Ftirdln and Mile Furdin, her biwliaiul, l.oren Jack son and I.011 Jackwui, bis wile, I. lira Jackson, liaoiel Knnls and (imrgla Fu nis, his wife, David Black and Hlack, his wife, Henry Mack and Hlack, his wife, F.va Curd and Mansfield Curd, her husband, Cruse Black and liaisy Fra r.ier aud Thou. . Ira.irr. her husband, id ith .Heaion and Chas. Heaton, her litis (and, l.lllv Ulaik, .Nellie !ln,k, and Fountain I'rmUni Black, defendants. To Klla Virginia Laughlln, Oeo, l.angli lin, liavld Hlack, Black, his wife, Henry Black. Black, his wi., F.va Curd, Mansfield Curd, Cruse lllaek, liaisy Fra.ler, Thm. O. F"raier, Kdith Seatou, Chas. Beaton, Lilly Black, Nellie HUck and K011 n tain i'reeton Blai k, sixteen ot tbe above name.1 defeudaiits. In the name of the Mate of Oregon You and ea:h of you are hereby comman ded and required to lie aud appear in the above entitled court and answer the -amended complaint filed sgainst you In the alsivo enti tled csuse, on or before the explralion of six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this ntiuimoini In the ilillslxt ro Argus, the first iHihlication thereof be ing on the 'Jlh day of Jaiiuary. J and tbe last publication thereof being on 1 the 27lh day of February, l!t, to wit, on or neiore ine zan nay or renruary, i:i-: and you will take nolle that If you fail to so aear and answer said complaint the plaintllts will apply to the court for the relief prayed fur am! demanded in their amended complaint fllei herein, to-wit' For a de. cree adjudging the l'lalntlir, A. J. lloy, to be the owner of a lile estate in the v.lmle of the premisea hereinafter described f,,r the life of Amanda immerman, aud that the Plaintiff, A.J. Roy, ami the dnleud. aula are the owners in fee of the following described real priqmrty lying, being and situate in Washington County, Oreg m, and detfTilied as follows, to-wit: Being a (Mirtion of the donation html claim of John Harris ami Mary Harris, his. wife, Number Fifty Flve(.Vi) In Town HtiipOne North, Hatigu Three West of the Willamette; Meridian, particularly dit ncrilitd as follows, to-wit: Commencing at 1 point 011 the South lino of said dona tion land claim, South 67 degrees 15 mm. Utes West, iW.l'l chs. from the Southeaet corner of said Harris donation land claim and running thence north HI degrees wet 21.33 chs,; thence weat I9..'J7 chs.; thence south to the soutn linn of said claim; thence north 71 degrees east, 111.30 chx; thence north fl! ilngrooM east ai hi ctis. u the place of beginning, containing HH aires, In proortlon as alleged in the -amended complaint of the l'laintllls filed herein; that aid real property can not bo partitioned and that the same lie sold ax upon execu tion, and for payment to the plaintiff, A J. Ilov. the yalue of the nald life estate out of the proceeds of hucIi Male and the payment of the costs and disbursements of suit and of sale; that the balance of such purchaw price lie divided between the plaintiti, A. J. lloy. and the defend ants in said suit in accordance with their reapectlve rlghtH as net forth In tho amended complalut and that a referee be appointed to make such sale, and for Much other ami lurmer decree as may te necessary uml proper in the premises. llils summons Is served against you by publication by order ot the Honorable J. W.Ooodln, county Ji'dge of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated on the 0th day of January, BKX, and which order prescribe that vou shall appear and answer 1111 or before tbe expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion thereof, to-wtt, on or Ix fore the 27th day of February, KX18. baolf;y a Hark, Attorneys iyr Plaintiffs. Grand Opening at Alexander's Slorc fnl ul l Great Buying Opportunities for all. Ladies' and Men's Wearing APPAREL Sacrificed Goods at unheard prices, as we waul your Approval let us show uu how to make SI buy $2 worth of brand new, up-to-date, quor- antetni Merchandise SALE OPENS SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1908 Regular Aleck's I'rke S Kwjular 5 AlckSPriu $' y Ladirs' Tailorrd Cents, fancy A pUiil , SS " Mrii'n W.sd So. tf S jo , l.t", ! jtt Mm e V oik Mints. fj 4 5o ., li.i'i Ss'l Mrti'a Vnl Mints sj f usi , .. f i v Mmi o.irn shnt , IJ J tf.ii j , f yi Mm lUue W iIru Mutts ! - li.y't j )Mra lh Ttra . . , gft) JS is Iti.tl I j IUI MtK's lUiw fir Je(, Jii CliiMrru't Citt, I ei y Oration I.W.'t lovt Mrn II ui.lknrlil. f, Si Children' ttr Sams, tu all ii.lnn ;t.'i Jjit .Meii Su-tnt r . j ? Children' l ain y V iaU , ('. And Wuy tchrf !'k'uis tint I I IRS I IRS MRS WAISIS WAISIS WAISIS Cooiiey. alnsk, Kats, Sahlra an I III KIM other. ' la n, I. Incus, ami Silas, lit Wsi.l., and t) Kanu'luif In I'rirr from $2 to Ji, torlost. mil at oihrr l)lea. Uangliiif in I'rlre, from f) i0ja u MAI I PRICt MM I PRICt to Makr Hoom fur the Coming- itig Kirlnir Stork I to t.w ibrm oot. Krritliut tUrgalu f.ift.sj Miisllu I iiderwear? Why, Ye-t, Imleed! have t hrinisr, irarra, Mght I. own. furrt Cut rn tad I ltderatrt-Kir lelo rrn Ihe Hare I im of ilanufarture. Opening Day, January 18. 1908 Linklater Building, one door North of Argus Office Second Street - - Hillsboro. Keystone FIELD I and Poultry FENCE The Nelson HARDWARE Co. AGENTS Hillsboro, Ore. The Fence that af ter being once put up, like the old flag "stays put." The Keystone Fence is an all-purpose fence. Since the fence buying public has decided that woven "wire is the most desirable fence, we have the Keystone, which fits every requirement of the farm. If you want fence, go no farther. All Styles, Heights and Grades. BEST TO BUY REASONS WHY f ----- - ... . The top and bottom cables are each composed of five wires. All others have one. There being no splicing, conseqiienily there arc no loose ends to injure stock. This fence is suit able for fencing all kinds of enclosures against a'L .k !.n.4s lit J1!1!!1! Sj doniesticLor otherwise Sold in IO, 20 and 40 rod rolls, and the best 46 inch field fence on the marhet, today, at 40 cents a rod. Come in and sec? it