it ir JnllLLSB6R HILLSBORO, OREGON. JANUARY JU.'lOOH. OL XIV. ft INS. MUTUAL ITS ... ... tl...Km i.. kt iIIICUV A B0M8 OKCASIIiriOS Vrar Gfruitn Mutual losurauce Lpanr, of Bethany, this oounty, LlJiiaauiiual riniion ai uraoge Mis lbi city, Mondar. Th- UbiD( person W,M e'cl of- of the company for the r nu- inar: I'resideut, Fred larger; xntarr, Pter Groswn; Treasurer, Ifcrk ScbinJtxr ; Auditors, K. I Iiralli nJ Krvin Rltter. The jafUJ U in flourishing condi C ioJ hu a membership in tbii wj of more than 000, an J U VjjcteJ on the mutul plan. jntnlM'.j member atlud 1 the Vsuil mtiDR A an iudicstioo i it prosperity of .th cutupauy, CjiJnot have t o lovy a dingle as Vawit last er, there b-ing am Slfun d io the treasury to Keel inlands. For Sa'a qoiti penile, 5-year-old Jersey bferU rich milkers. aio li,tfu tram of mulee; wHight, to 1 100 lrweacb K ibb II roe , Oolerville. Addree, Forest Jtot,Ofe.,R.2. 45 7 JXTON TELEPHONE MEETING Iirpt m enthusiastic meeting 111 All I Mia January 11. at ma oeuey ml house, four mi! north of uton. for the iuirtoi of buildina uliohone line from Buxton to la Kelt;' place, on the other SJe of Grt-n Mountain. (Mr. F. RutleuV, 'h promoter of Vi line, presided at the meetiug. .hobcrirra formed an nrgani- iifeatobe known a the Own Ituuio Telephone Co The of emtlectad are aa follows: Free.. .1 Bailey; Sec, A. H U'olford; iim,U unhner; Direct ore, Her- a Hart and rred (irner. IW line is to cnnueot with the !tfhi telephone line at Buxton, branch from the nrnnoaed line ill rao to Hoffman and Jeppesen'e WWII it Bacon a, to comtnuni- Wulb Portland. PIONEER BREAKS HIP Tucker, pioneer of 1H52. and rowaides on Main, fell from a hp ladder Saturday, and fractured "(Di nip. Mr. Tucker waa ding on the ladder, nrunins a 'a tree. The ladder closed to- ,tod he fell, striking the hip the ahsrp edge of the frame, ci 1 fracture of the hone. Dr. oklaler wa eummnned and at- the irjury. Mr. Tucker ia f1 w'-v j; 9 k" fairly well, although hie ad Ft ge will make his recovery ,w ins u. T'..i !. i - " I .Til. A 111. K M r IN IIDB III ''J pathfinderB. having reach- iana in 1852, and in 185a lOClted nna IU.,.in huh AJ'-t v I iaip T? uva v up a donation. At present UV HIT with hia Hiitrhtr 0. 0. Oerd er. His many Mi id Waehington county wish m peed recovery. Farm lor Sale to sell my farm, containing orea, HO acres under plow, 7 bouee, barn and orchard, 3J wuth of Hilleboro, and one oi Farmington. For fur " lDI(irmoi; ..l.i 'mation. addrees, K. iiurkhaller, J Iil labor o, Ore. fii"boro Argus, $150 per year UJder Beery will preach at the ;nin church next Sunday eve- Sub ect, "What is '"raion?" ltihiB.,,i. KrlHv TIB In in... ' ' Argus and Oregonian, $22.r). N. H. Jonee, of Vinelanda, was In the county aeat Tuemlay. Arguaand 1'aciHo Monthly ,12 tX). K. H. aahltwt, of Hanks, was la town Saturday. Peter Penne Jr. was iu from near Farmington Tueeday. Mrs. L, A. Rogers, of Buxton, was in the city Tueaday. John Moreland, of Portland, waa in the city the firet of the week. J. II. 1) trland, of near Glenoo, was in town Saturday. S. A. 1. Meek, of near Glencoe, whi in the city Saturday. Arthur Cummints, of Moitavil la, ai in the city Tueeday, and called. About IH) full blood Buff Orping ton cck lt.1. k Uatrline. II L and W. C Hatchett, aaw mill mm from Uaelon, were iu town Tueeday. childrec'a hoae you can do no bt- wr man o nuy or John Dennis. Krvin Smith Tu.l. atin, waa in the city Tueeday, and ii. i .,- ' (.lieu on tue Argus. Call on fir lihnnn In ILnniri fnv groceries. A oomplete aud up to ui line iwiye on nani. Jos. S. Kobiueoo. of Karminirton waa in the cttv Tueedav. on btiei- nees at the court hou. A lot of 7 foot cedar poeta for sale. Inuuire of J. M. llriduee. Uillsboro, Ore. Thoa. Ifnwe ami Kilna Kihnnr ------- i both of this city, were given liceoee to wed on January 8. I'.HtS. by the county clerk. Klnrian Km. whn rooentlv nl,l , ; hia S(l anrn film rinar Mhnroitrui and who baa moved to Portland, was in town lueeuay. If. O. Fitch, of Corneliua. who waa drawn to serve on the Federal grand jury, baa been excuaed on the grounds that he la a luetics of the peace. John R. Bailev. of Buxton, and whoee frienda in hia narl of the county are talking of running him for county uouiuiiMiouer, waa In the city Tuesday. Have, von anv fence to build? I ( mn nan ava vou tnonev. We aell a good substantial fence, 4 feet high, for 41) cents per rod.Bcnul- mericn Uroe. Pur Mala Table and stock beets. table and stock carrots, cabbage and tomatoes. Delivered. Phone, Pacific Statue, 57. X. W. Cbiloott and W. II. Marden. 34 tl Jnhn Jnoa. formerly of Glencoe. now of Portland, was out Monday, greeting friends. John came out to attend the annual meeting of the Belhsny Mutual. C W Phillina. of Astoria. bmther of A. A. Phillips, of Ibis city, visited with relatives in this city over Saturday and sunuay last, returning home Monday. The middle West ia in the grip of a blixzard. It is the swish of the blizzard's tail that we have to fear, on this coast. We are bound to have a little cold weatner oeiore spring dawns. Kv Rut' Viftv acres cleared in the vicinity of Uillsboro, on rural mail and milk route; near telephone line. Fine location; good building site. Inquire of Argus. n P Alccaniler will open a j a .-- - i general merchandise store in the Linklater building, next door north of Argus office, Saturday, January 18, and he offers some great bar gains in hisdieplay. He will be a permanent factor in DUBineea iu this city. Colonel Medorom Crawford, now in charge of Fort Wadsworth, New Vnrk aaa born in Yamhill county, and has been in the army more than forty years. Io woem in tervlew In Washington City, Col., i i.a ..(! "I remember see- ing Colonel Jos. L. Meek, as Sherifl or Federal Marsnau, nann ber of the Indian ringleaders in Whitman massacre." The Colonel followed with an interesting ao count of Oregon Incidents in pio neer da a. Mrs. A. C. Bergeruon, of Verno nla, met with a severe accident last Sunday night, while driving near Gaston with her father, v. Richards, over a bad piece of road, in whioh a slide had occurred. It was nearly dark when the team got .u. A.Uri. f the elide, and be- In, young they became frightened ana upeev throwing the occupants ou . Mr. Richards escaped tinhurt, but Mrs. Bergerson sustained broken cerge u" .-a . Hialonated knee cneea uouo, -. , . joint. Dr. Tamiesie was called to attend the injured lady, and nporti .. . l.J .na rlarabla dlUlCUltV mat no uu , , - in passing over the road where the , on Three Juds and Three Clerks for I'ach Precinct GBfTING UIAOY FOR THE FKAY Will Act Beib at Prltnary and Juat EUctleas Petition for quit claim deed; lots 21 aud 22, block 14 West rorlland was sold to Waehington County through error. Ordered that quit claim deed inaue to Mrs. C. K. Lawrence at eipenne county. Petition for telephone franchise; franchise granted as per petition; line to follow boundary of road. Report of recorder for Deo. 1007, apprnvrd, fs 1330 20. Report of clerk for Deo. l'.M)7, ap proved, fees $237.50. Judges aid clerks of election: It in unlrrrd Unit the following iinmril r'!iii c n'n intril an jmlc ttixl rleika of rlniiiMi, Ihr lirt tlurc imitinl lriitif jtlil(!-, Ullil thf lint iialiinl liriliK the liiiiimin, .ui.l Hie Ut thtt-r iintiitil IjtIiik the cErrk: llravrrilutit Clum Silntnllrr, I'rril Brjrr, Unlit TtlilliMii; V JiiIiiimhi, J J Wlaitirr, 1 1 C lliutuii. Ilcnvrrlmi Jolm A Joliiimm, M S lUriir. A I'lki jC V Allen, II t. Vin cent, C K llrilKm. Iliutiin-t I' Went. T H IVrkiui, C A IVlrrMii; j II Kink, I, II Hull, ti I' Jolnmm. Coluiuliia J II Ivi, I'ritiicin Clml- mni, John Uiftu; A K U'Cumey. J I Nurtlini, Clmt MilU r. Conielmt Juhn Manth, A Itcmmi, Ivtl Krnhiiirr; Antlt Wolf, Ilrrmnil Siliff liieriimnii, A Itrrinrit liry John I'riilny, Frul Wilcti. I'rlrr SMrnnKi; Unu Caratrim, Chat tlarrrtt, J C Si iiulnu-iiih. Inllry Atmrr llriifK'. Brvk, W K Stcvnu, A K kuUrit, II J lUnaru, W in llauiiuclliiait. llntlc-C I' Titfiinl. J V. Howard.! ('. V Hitoth; Alfred Zwriuer.t; A l'lcitli. K A KiiolU. Kl l'diir Oeo Hymn, I,oui JurKrim, V. Henry; K I' Green, Clout teilier;er, lonunl Smith, Gale CreekJohn Hrilcr Sr, Win iHitiKlaa, 1) (' HiIU y; Civile Hyan, M T Co, Francis White. GaMon-K Mattirnoti, F M Hill, K licit; F. F HanliiiK. II Wcacott, K J Ward. Mountain (J I' Kwiier, Cleve lohnwm, Thoa Murphy; J J Meacuani, C C Nelnon, Mevc Hollenlirck. North Foreat Grove Thnraton Ituxton, 11 F Gonloii, Victor Crop; J C CUrk. J T Fletcher, Chan Miller. North R II Greer, J W Bai ley, I'etrr llom-ow; C Jack Jr, W li I'll teii((er, Fred Sewell, ReedvillexJ " Imlny, Amlrew Jack, J W York; Geo Jack, Ailriun Pant, Nick Kemincr. South Forest Grove-John ThornljurKh, J N Hodman, W M Uiirfley; t)ar llnlil will, Rolla Peterson, J II Wirt. S.ulh HilhtWo John l)eiini, (i A I'atterwm, C Hlawr; llctiton llowiimn, C H iK'ichumu, Cha Crocker. South Tualatin C K Ailniim, W II Mc- Cormick, iMn llurkhalter; Frank Siiup aoti, J J Krel.a, Kd Hoj;c. Washiniiton Alfreil GuerlK-r, Thou Council, Will Fuey; Clyile Liucoln, Henry Kuratli, (. I Darety. Went Butte Chrta eneii, Olc OIhoii, A V Denny; I, M Ih-iw, llerry Robin- son, Iliriimn (iustiu. West (;clr J A (iustiu, A S Craven, C F Hall; S U Foul, J A Chapman, J C Smock, FOR SALE A span of young gentle, lively mulee. sounii auu irus, iwuo or drive, eingle or double. jonn A. iiooDS, HillBboro, Ore., Cor. 4th and Oak Streets. EMMA BARTLETT TORRENCR Mra Km ma Bartlett Torrence, of Gales Creek, a pioneer of 1854, died it th home of her daushter, Mrs. Thomas Cox, of Gales Creek, last Friday. Deceased was born at JU uul lWaan.. where her girlhood was spent and where in 1839 she was married to Jedutnan torrence, wno died at North Yamhill in 18'Ju. w,nm V.nRfAA she moved to near near Chicago, III , from where, after a three yearn' reeideoce, ene moved to Oregon, spending the first year at Milwaukie, then moving on to the farm at North Yamhill, whioh she owned at the time of ber death .nA hern he had resided almost continuously ever since 1854. The following children survive ner: j. H. Torrence, Dayton, Wash ; Chas. F. Torrence and Mrs. Thos. Perry, North Yamhill; Mrs. Thos. Cox, Gales Creek; Mrs. Lydia Eunice Miles, Portland. Interment was in tv,.Mnrth Yamhill Cemetery by the side of her husband, Saturday. CIRCUIT COURT ir.,.lf M. Vincent vs. Emeline Vincent et al; sale approved and affirmed; sheriff to provide deed. . n V Qlnlna anil M. (1. Stftfl- Darau dwi. - pies vs. Elmo Bradford et als; sale T 1 .nnAMmaJ. Ian1 n. approved auu uuum muu , uotm v dered to issue, etc. Argus and Pacitlo Monthly, $2. Miea I.eti'ia Counell, of Portluud, vUiled home folks, Sunday. Mrs. Bigelow was a paeeenger to Portland Tueeday. K. L. McCormick visited the me tropolis Tueeday. J. F. Camion and wife, of Banks, visited Porllaud Tueeday. Jaa. Jackson, of West I'nion, waa in towo Monday. Chas. Loudon, of Blooming, was in town Monday. Jos. Duhiuden, of Banks, called on the Argus Monday. Grant Mann, of near Cornelius, waa in Uillsboro Tuesday. Harry Hall and Wen Davie, of Shady Brook, were in town lure day. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Portland, vieited relatives in thie city, Sunday. David Tschabold, of near Glen coe, waa iu town Saturday and called. Mies Sneie McKinney, of Port land, visited relatives in the city, Sunday. Mrs. Julius IVterron, of Come liue, was a caller at the county seat, Friday. F. KlattandG. Klalt, the Utter bis son, of New Bethany, were in the city Monday and called. Geo. Alexander, of Portland, pent Sunday with relatives in llillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thnrnburgb, of Foreet Grove, were the gueets of Mr. and Mrs. John Counell, Sun day. Mis Wintf.ed Brown, of Forest Grove, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. h. C, Brown, the last of the week. Chas. May, wife and child, of Portland, came out Saturday and went on out to Vinelanda to visit the family of James May, There will be a dance at Alpha Hall, Saturday evening, January 11 Tickets, 175. Walkers' or cbestra. Kverybody invited. Hereafter there will be no pub lic da noes at Helvetia Hall. From now on these atlaira will be strictly invitation. 44-8. L. Schwanke and his son, R. Schwanks, of near Centerville, were in the city Tuesday, and call ed on the Argus. T. C. Johnson and wife, of John son's mill, left Tueeday fur Oak land, Ca) , on a visit to Mr. John son's uncle, A. B. Clark. Any one wishing to purchase a gasoline engine should call on Schulmerich Bros. We have a sample at our store. Come and see it operated. We are agents for the International, the strongest and beet engine made. 35 tf Dr. J. C. Kornick, of Salem, State Veterinarian, while at Uills boro and Foreet Grove, recently, visited Dr. J. II. Knox, the veteri narian at Foreet Grove, who was Kornick' classmate at the Ontario Veterinary College, at Toronto, Canada. At the Poultry Show in Portland last week, R. U. Greer of this city, received the following award from the judges: "Browo Leghorns. First cock, fourth and fifth pullet, firtit hen, first pen." This means that Uillsboro has the finest Browo Leghorn chickens in the Btate. It is said, as a reeult of experi ments made by the government, that an ordinary fence poet, when treated with creosote before Betting, will give a service of twenty years. The price of creosote on this coast, is about 10 cents per gallon. Ibe cost of treating a post will vary from 4 to 15 cents. Ira E. Barrett, with the Uillsbo ro Pharmacy, is now a full Hedged pharmacist, having passed a suc cessful examination before the Ore gon Board of Pharmacy. He be gan his studies at Corvallis several years ago, and graduated in phar macy from that institution. He received his certificate from the State Board, Monday. Hon. Kd. H. Webster, Chief of the Dairy Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States DeDartment of Agriculture, haa no tified W. L. Crissey, Secretary of the Oregon State Dairy Association, that he will arrange to have one or more Government representatives in attendance upon the State Dairy meetings of both Oregon and Wash ington during the present year 11)08. December 10th and 11th have already been chosen as the date of the Oregon meeting. For Sale or Exchange Ten head of good graded Jersey cows. Wanted: Ten to fifteen fresh cows; heavy milkers. Call on or address A. Schafftjer, on Bacon farm, Box 19, Route 1, Beaverton, Oregon. nr JURY PANEL H 1908 Names of Two Hundred Cit l.enn Selected SIXTY FOLK OF LIST TO BE DRAWN Entire List is Published, Majority ef Veslrs Fsrmera The county court has drawn the jury list of 200 names from which 31 jurors will be summoned for the March term and a like number for the November tertu of circuit court The majority of the list, which fol lows, are farmers: 8 K Nrlson.W W Oa.klll.Iohn Welch. Theodore Pointer. C Kimunli-r, I'. ) Thom as, Jonn winie, w r. hiilre, John I'e lersoil, Hiavrrton. U M Kyle, 11 V Kchloltman. ChrU Schiiiiller, J C Wilson, F J Owens, Her man Rittrr, John Sullivun, Rohl TIkmii son, rW-averiliim. John R llnliley, A II Unvis, Jinin s M Flippin, Henry Ihiiinnn. Ctins I.nhott, F I'etmlktt, S I'aisley, Win I Rnvuioiul, A II Wulfonl, Huston. Iaiilel II llailry, Walter Iteniaril. Gcr- hniill (iiKte, Ko k Hull, I'eter Jallnen, John Koehiike, Henry Ksmua, Clms Kr.iliinrr, Win Mahler, R II I'oMer, I'reil Hiirrta, A II Snlweilel, Cornelius. J C Iteai ll, I,nl I'owers. J II Ilavil, Orel e.anlner. W S JInlui. Jas II Hutch inson, W C Jackson, Aileu Keen, Siim'l Moon, Jas Itolil". Clmi Taylor, W W Williams, Columbia. N I llurrett, Nonh linker, Hurry Brail- Icy, Hiram linker, Anton Carstens, llci nmn ("up. W C I. milium, John Friday, I'rancls itcrii.W V. Ingles, J II Kenueilv, II G KIiil', Wm Mnrkway, II Heynolils Sr., Iairy. ruui lteck, Martin Coimell, Wm Mu- ir, lK-lmar Martin, Henry l'arsoiis, W8 Smith. Dilley, (iistuve Ilroiiuer, A V (.errant, html Heiluiun, Juhn Overholtrr.Chn Schaui- lirrK, K Vincent, A Schlecl, John Sax, J Kii'lianlsoii, lt iitittc Sam Gallirrnth, John U Henry, W M Moore, Wm Willar.l. J l Worth. A J Hesa, A Kraus, A C Hull, Kast Cedar. Henry linker, Win Crolher, H. (.. Iilplchiccht, C. I. Jumes, Win. l.ce, J. I. .Micklc. Jos. McRoherls, C. W. Finile. O S Parsons, Geo. W. llenls.Jr., Gales Creek. John C. Cnllaluiii, John W. Gilmuti, Fre'l Kubrrstein. II. I) Mutlison. V. M. Melrixl. II. F. I'linly, W. .. I'arsuns, R, J. Thompkiiis, Gaston I'reil lturi-oorfer, (,lve Johiuon, J. J. Meiichum, Dan 11. Roe, Jos. II, Thomp son, Mouiitinn Homer R. Ktinnolt, (ii-o. Frost, 1'. (1. Ganlner, ('. A. Il.uilev, A. 1,. Ilolcoinh, Ii. F. McNelly, DwiKlil I'omeroy, A. I. Roy, Clem Sliniier, Annuit Tews, Xortli HlllNlMirO. (). AhlHtrnhni.Jolin Amlersou, Ira K. Itrail'icy, llcrmaii ). Ilirunnls, II. F. CutchiiiK, Henry David, C. A. Dhont, (). M. (iiillowuy. Win. Kemper, II. II, UiiiKlilin, J, 1'. .Mcliill, U II. Siarks, North Forest Grove. John Jack.C. W. Illoom, V. R. Clark, Henry Miller, P. Olson, F, Weiariiback, .S(", Rlusiiles, John Sorcn, James Mo liu, Rcedvillc. Julius Asbihr, loruelius Illaser Sr., Chna. F. Gmll, L. W, House, S. 8. Jclirics, W. A. Marlin. Win. Mcquillan, ti. A. rutlcrsou, II. I). SchuiclUcr, South Hillslsiro. John K. Iliillnnl, John I,. Ilnrrett, Win. Iloyil, A. W. Crvi, O. I lhwne, A. W. 4 ail lias, Carl lliniuan, . K, IhriK. H. li, Johnson, A. W, Russell, Geo. O. Sloan, W. V. Scliultz, South 1-orcst Grove. C. K. Adams. 1-rauk A. Rower, I.. C. Hrown, John R. Kniiis, John Heaton, Fred Hasse, Geo. K, Hathorii, W. W. JiitiuiOi, 1. C. Mulloy, Chus. K. Mnrra, Kolit. 1.. Kolmison, Kiclinril Kaycrolt, J. W. Rnvnard, U. W. Wliltmorc, South Tualatin. J. C. Bills, Jos. Counell, Peter Gros sed, wm. Jesse, Allen c. jannoca, WaHiiuiKton. Cuaa. 1', llarrett, in. li. lwrrniKcr, Jos. Cowman, Clins W, lilleson, John A. Kdy, F. I Guatin, M. r. olinston, II, 1,. koclu-r, Henry Alitrsli, 1 1. o. Ilnyes, J. R. McPolnnd, West Cedar, Fred U. Aiilcker. John Dolatnl, jinniei II. Cooticr, 1.. M. Hesse, James Jacqtiot, Chas. O. Km'lier, llernmn Metentine, Samuel Rice, Kulcih S. Robinson, West llutte. AUCTION SALE The undersigned w'.3 '.! mt publio auction, at the llauial V.zt Ica, 3 miles east of Glencoe, tad Stsllw northwest of Phillips, at 10 a. a. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, Sorrel mure, weight 1150; 7-moutha-old colt; 3 good inilk cows, 1 fresh aoon; t-yeur-old heifer, fresh soon; yearling heif er; a hog", 100 jh)uihIs each; 5 dozen chickens; j-lnch Ha 1 11 wagon, in good re pair; new liav-rack, new spring wngou; hack, with shafts and tongue; new top buggy; steel lever harrow; two u-incli plows, as good as new; new cultivator; McCormick mower; wheelbarrow, a sleighs; 300 3-inch tile; 500 feet of rough lumbt-r; set double work harness, single hack harness, set single buggy harness, ISO sacks Ilurbauk potatoes; about 6 tons of mixed clover ami timothy hay, ton of f;ray oats, sacks wheat; u-gallon kettle; mm-ln forks, shovels, axes, new SDrav pump, 3 ladders; household furniture aud other articles too numerous to mention, Terms of Sale 110 and under, cash; oyer $10, one year's time, bankable note, at 0 per cent, inter eat. Lunoh at noon. Daniel Stoller, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Ed. Shute, Clerk. NO. 44 Pensions were recently secured in Congress for Wm. Sohutte, of Sherwood, and G. K. Johnson, of South Tualatin. John II. Humphreys, of Buxton, was in the city Monday. The Face of the Prescription 11 ' w. ''il That you hand us is an order from your doctor which wc would not presume to modify or change. He knows the ill ness and how he proposes to effect the cure. Therefore we are exceedingly careful with Prescriptions at this Pharmacy If you have confidence in your doctor, you should have the same in your druggist. You can do so absolutely if . you entrust us with the filling of your prescriptions Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National Bank DEPOSITS March 22, 1907 $48,223.17 MAY 201 H, 1907 $ 89,822.28 Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907 $130,722.92 December 3, 1907 $160,372.46 Reserve, 65 PerjCent. Officers & Directors: V. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailey, Vice l'rcs.; J. A. Thomburgh, Cashier; Thos. G. Todd; J. W, Fuuua. Forest Grove, Oregon BAILEY'S STORE For WOO L D L ANriETS IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4 Prices. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Prices. 75 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County r J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove 'CtatfrDELTA DRUG STORE fcr H Tcra Drugs . Ve also ca lis Cat fine si vlf we do t you want in cheerfully ge Having bt publishers' a now prepared Vour wants i .tti line, plati,;1.', We also,ltave full line of tablets, pencil, skttSj etc. School Books wilt fcj tc'J tw Cash Only. Positively m,,r. We will dispose of our entire Smokers like the Sohiller and the line of men's suits at coBt. Here is , Exoellenoia. These cinara are of a chance to dress well at a small value. Schulmerich Bros. 35-tf the best stock. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. a. au invited. slide occurred. 4