The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 09, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 43
Thirty-three Tltounand IM
Url More Than I" Ver
gilltft l'l',llJf U" lb,B th,t '
Xb County Court latt Saturday
lt-itd ii" 1,J0' u" amenl at
9J oillk on total valuation of
It659i 774. nuking a total iv
ufor tbay-ar of $164,311
rtarlb lv y brought in total ol
1130,437. or uirtereuoe 01 tJ.i.n.t
kjtwtra tbl tnd Utt year'
Ml. Tbt road Ui It llUMi
rttf than lt Jear. Following
jitkeliXC levy:
fund. Mill. Ami.
IHU 21 I34M48
QiODlf.. 1& '4HHU
Cioot; JUd ... 2H 47.787
School a
'r 1
Tsui tat 1'7 mmhmio'I IIM.31I
ti Prwidoul Urover Cleveland bit
irltun renarkable article on
Our Pwplf end their Ei-Preai-dam"
fur Tbt Youth': Companion,
lo it Mr. CUvUoJ tavt:
"At I in ttit only uimn sow Itlu
tW coaM al tbl Unit profit by Hit
Mm I bat advuealtd, I hop tuy lo.
Mfttt alll tot l quituttt4 when I ujr
lktlaavdali uh lbutijcct with
atftawletal thought of ptraoD.I Interval
alttaiif for itml advantag I am
Ntiaartd of tid (torn tbt public Tint
ttf, 1 hope ill J btiievt thai i bate
prttUnl Iw wrwll .nd Iim drpendtnt
apt tM t mlotbU otalutenaor.
Mlklt Iht lltull ol acxtutouitd ptu
WtMii economy, aod llit ItioM lu
tear I ox iht hlyhcat earthly July
UI to nil wbttt I m goat. Thro
MfttiUoot hate rm tied nit to Ural
till tbt muMwl ItM.lotn topic which
rntlm no rool conaidfiatlon and
ally lo do la my mind with Camil
la that may ante la tbt futurt, but
urMitlbhnl la the r I'ltaldrol of
toby; sod I tat aurt lht I am actuated
tl!) bj m prtttnl llr ltil Ibt
Ham tad Hitw of justice cbaractetta
Ik tf trot AuitiWanlsm ahall nrtibcr
Tbt walnut grovMi of Tbomat
mflct, n Dundee, are tbe largett
ItlbttUle. Mr. I'ri net nlanUwl
MO irttt la 185)7, and 2000 tree
tt following yer, from thett be
awtwled Utt year bttfreto four
atf fivt torn of DUU. tie hat bad
ITItl IUQGM1 with hi arnoaa anil
alUao importing larga quantl-
w ttta nuu for hit plantingt
Walnuli Brown in Ornon ara of
Mutual tiie .ml f McIIbdI (tual-
"7. ai timt lbs California walnuU
HM Ukntl fit kaaIlM ..uv.aa
NtdmlupmtQta iodioala Ihit wat
itukt, and growers are now ira
rWiDg the tuore vigoroua French
twitliea. Anionir the varieiiea
Hat DromU mnat Kara aM Mav.
Paritienne, Chaberte and
Pamnger train eobedula tollo
ltiM lor I'orlln,t
J2Cmv. 1(KI ;5l ..
yZ""" r,7r 9:07 a.
""Wilt ovwliud S8 p.
""" irom Portland
wmt ovrUn.t 8 ,6 ..
"Ntt Orove loc.1 p.
iZ"?n r'yr B:8 p.
'Wt Oro,. Ioc.1 6:47 I,
rtdio Five, ..IOB.
rgnu r.K.... i.. ' ' 7 r
Arrival in d....i- i
MttGrovloc. gffloa,
provi loc.l i;,op,
overland... . 6m V.
uo rorent Urove local does
r7 oagaage.
Argue and Oregonlan. 12.25.
Argutand I'aciflo Monthly ,12.00.
Karl Miller, of Portland, vitited
relatie in Ihit city Hunday.
A. M. Jciimti. of Ilioona, watt
county anal vitilor Haturday.
iUintuilr, the Oregonian ami
Argue, only 12.25.
T. W. Hin, of (Utton, wat in
town Friday Int.
V, r, Hatumi-tt, of Laurel, bad
buhiiiMi iu tbt city Friday.
For talt or trade, f.r a farm, a
one half Internal In the Climai
Mill J. M. M. Urear.
Adam Hoil. of Ceuterville.wat in
ilm oily Monday.
For tenllimiaii'e, ladlee md
clul.lraj'i biHwi you can do no but
ter man Ui buy of John Dennit
ll.rnian K-irahaw. of HherworMl.
traoaii-tiHl luni(jMi in town lent
Call on or phone to Dennit for
grocerii. A oorupMa and up to
dile line alwayt on band.
I. Oardtier. of Wsat tlnlun
bid buiinem at the county n.t
Mra.Tbue. H.Toneueand Januii.
Ur. Iirtha, went to Portland Mon
ey, to remain durlug the winter.
Mie Pearl Urerar, who went to
'alifornla tami mnnthi nn for tha
a. - i - .
Iwnefll of ber health, it reported at
being tllKhtly improved.
For Hale Table and ttock beett.
ble and ttock carrott. cabbage
nd toineloee. IMivered. Pbone.
'acific Htatee. f.7 N. W. Chiloott
nd W. U. Mardeo. 34 tl
bKii , verton Grn iH
FI)II0 installation aI nPR namm n
t 1:00 o'olook D. m. J.
C'Wo.o! Evening Btar Grange,
la.ii.,,,ln?tallinB oflioer. All are
-Miaiiy invited.
Tl. .
ei... newomcert
C.rM"' B K Denny
C!!r a w pikt
Btc,r,r'r Mr KI.I Chrlttentcn
W,7. Mn Ruby Uoyd
8wlrd C B Hed?e
Udl i i, CaWIn Barnei
Oiuk.. lHt owward, Alice Kberharcl
Cpi! 8 K NeUon
Cr(, 0 Mri. B K nenny
Jlori Mta Eva Wheeler
t Ml., m.,.,1. n..bl11
Mrt I'alU
HilUboro Arirua. 11 nr vnar
MU Cora TeflPt and her brother,
w4of Mrt. AiiM Vri
0. A. Heidel, of White Salmon,
Wn , baa purchased an intereat in
the Clitnai Millt, at thin place,
and will be identified with the
bueioect hereafter.
Have you any fence to build?
If to we can tave you money. We
tell a good tubttantial ftnee, 4 feet
high, for 40 cenla per rod. Seoul
ruericb lirot.
Dr A. B. Bailey wat pained thit
wr( to bear of the death of Dr
S'icbolat Henn, of Cbltutgo, one of
the unt eminent eurgeont in thit
country, aud wbote clitic Dr. Bai
ley attended in a Chicago boepital
io 1MH1.
Any one witbing to' purchase a
gatoline engine abould call on
tkhuluterich Broe. We have a
ta tuple at our ttore. Come and tee
it operated. V e are agent for tbe
International, tbe ttrongeet and
belt engine made. 35-tf
Marriage licenae were issued to
the following named erom oo
the date named: Jamea K. Apple
by, of Portland, and I.ucile K.
Payne, of thit county, leo .H; til-
ram O. uavit ana iaune i-iomt,
January 2; Herman Koehnke and
Uerlba Uemkow.Jaa.
K. Halm, of Bummit. Oregon, re
cently traded for tbe interest of J
M. Ureear In the Uiruex Mill. ana
will become a permanent resident
of thit plaoe. In the trade, Mr.
Ureear iwcomee poefa oi r.
Ileim ranch, near Bummu, in
Benton county.
MlaaTanniMaee Weatherred chap
eroned a party at tbe second per
formance of Unole lorn L.aDtn, ai
the Cretoent Theatre, Saturday
night. The party consisted oi tne
Miaees Lucie Wealoerreu, Maviie
wiin f.unil I no brie. Maud Grif
fith. Mary Sewell.and Messrs. Will
Corwin. Kiohard Wiley, rraui
Pauli, Kingnley Lytle and Konald
v.K Tha aame were entertain.
edbyMits Maud Griffith Friday
Card of Thank
Uft Thin County for Tilla
ni(M)k iu 1881)
fug up by Sue, Walur Churchill, tad
Jo. Lawrttc
Win. Wolf, of ibis city, this week
received a letter from a friend, tell
ing a atrange ttory. It will be re
ojeaiiwred by old timers here that
one Uichrd Churchill, in 188,
left HillHboro for Tillamook.
Churchill di.d a few years ago, hit
ill iim having been heart failure
A abort lime ago bit (on, Walter
Churchill, and Joa. Lawreuce, botb
formerly of tbi place, look up tbe
remain for removal to another
cemetery After exhuming the cof
fin they concluded to look in tbe
carket and lecertain the state of
body, ami found that tbe position
of tbe nkelfton conclusively proved
that Churchill might have been
buritd alive. The body was turn
ed on it face, and botb arms were
wung to the left tide.
It it thought tbtt Churchill
muet have b-n in a elate of coma,
which was mistaken for death, and
the unfortunate man wat consign
ed to the tomb with life not ex
tinct. Tbe position of tbe body
clearly provee that Churchill must
have made at least one conclusive
turn after interment.
ur. i.h. iKIa mathod of conveying
our thanks to our numerous friends
and neighbors who have so kindly
assisted in the care ol our husband
and relative, DeWitt uunwm mer
roll, during his last sioknesB.
Mary raerrcu,
Charles P. Merrell.
Beaverton, Ore., Jan. 1, 1908.
Tha petition necessary to get the
QUvStldll UI B wuuy .- --
upon the ballot at the next June
.r.. l MaA Hfiltl thA
election, nas oeeu u
required number of names, and the
county court will have it placed
upon the official ballot in this
oW Yamhill county now as
two high sonoois, one
villa and the other at Newberg,
. .. li.u .-a malntainea DV
hnin 01 wuiuu -
oountv aid. Two-thirdsof all tbe
counties in tbe state have county
.. . v...). Tkl. anhnnl. If adODt-
DlgD BCnooio. " " ,' " T S
ed by this oounty. will be in he
interests oi u
xenship who cannot we, afford to
aanrl their CnilUrou uui.i.
to be eduoated. There iB a
growing sentiment io favor o! a
county high Bobool, and it comes
Tbe following claims were allowed
at the January ttrm of county
court: II Wilcox, aaaeuor loo oo
Mai Craoil.ll, aaacsuieot roll. ... 3J 5
R II Grerr. relief J 30
inutprourDi, prmiiDK anu .. . , 7000
ArUt, aarne .. 10 00
t". W ttiita .tin ul ic m
- . ......... r . . ...
Ptter VaodecoavtrioK, relief. ... lo 00
Tboa Murphy, ttupv ul 16 00
H 11 uui, am attorney 14 00
Nrlaoa Hardwire Co, road. . . .. 38 06
Wallace Brown, wltoeu dut Hty 4 00
II T liagley, justice feci - 14 60
1. A I.onir. iuror circuit court ... . S 00
M II Otn, traant oliicer a uo
J W Council, board priaoner . . . . 65 00
aumt, eipenaei ineriu .... 5000
lndroendrnt Telenhone 660
C II 1-ry, dep iberill 5 35
J W CoitBcll. ihll and deputy.... l5 00
J J Krelx, iurviaorl' sal ,. . , ,, tl 16
V XI W'-luv aBm . II M
J T Fletcher, lime I 25
ti w Stilt, tame a so
jonn never, iame s w
A HTodd.uuie Jo 00
I. J Hollt, tame ao 00
ilaaelin Lumher Co. roads, lbr. 9 ao
Ann i-'recuian, relief 6 00
joe Kgo ... 6 00
John MolTett, witnen dial atty.. . 3 60
G Laney. aame - ' 00
Koacoe Tliomuaon. same 3 ao
Samuel Phillips, Mine 3
Harvey Uance, tame 3 4
Alfied Mullov. lame 360
Ward K tines, lame 3 ao
Chai Whiteaell, same 3 4
I W Sewell, aupv al la 50
Lloyd Commons, witnes dlit atty a 00
Ward Down, iheritr bunch... 60 00
W W Uwl. supv al ao 00
W I Rulner aal and ttlilense .. 30 3o
O B Hnrhanan. lauie i 00
C K iShorey, upv sal 35 oo
Knne & Lindew, road etc 36 Z
I U llirkaaml . IU Sll 2 W
Jake Relclien, upv sal ao 00
John Nynerg 3
j W Goodin, county judae etc... 106 40
1 k i'ratni. roana anu n wavi.. 10 07
Dr A B Bailey, ex insane patent.. 5 00
F Sturm, juror circuit ctun 4 o
Smith Hhotwell, juror 8 00
K I lylman co clerk and deputy aio 00
A K McCumiey, road 9 16
Wn lone, road, etc 11 00
Reeve & Reevei, relief 4 00
Klnier Holt, relief a5 00
u m Tonal all rn acli nfT'ra conv. . a OO
. ... .. .... 1 ... . ...
j K Zimmerman, juror lo 00
nr I P Tamie lie, relief 4 00
John Jack, toad etc... TTrrrTTi.v 3 5
I, c waiter 13
J K Gill & Co, atationery 17 7
Dr W D Wood, health oflicer 96 ao
A M Collin, janitor 4100
W K Harrii, co fruit Inspector. .. 5 40
Simeon Nelson, road - 5 5
J C Corey, juror 400
N N Varley, ame 3 3
Vanderzanden, tatne 4 40
W 0 Hocken, juror 5 00
T Q Mencham, same 0 00
Michael FitMimmon. Mine 4 4
Frank W Bennett, ame 5 00
Curti Btrdsell,anie 400
Claud Whttmore, wn aist any ... a 00
Guv Meisinger, lame 3 7
Roy Mullensame a 00
M J Trump, roads etc 6 48
United Arusani, cietuou -..
W it Lvda. lumber 14 50
A I Roy, crepoor farm 139 60
M C Case, imv exp atu ju
At rv aal mip arhnol aunt. ... v8 94
ni . i Unlirla rirrult iudoe. . . ao 8t
Willis Ireland, recorder and dep. 160 80
W M Jackson, treasurer ana exp. 51 00
Card of Thank
Argus and Pacific Monthly, $2.
M. Mabler, of Blooming, called
F. W. Irmler, of Corneliun, was
io town Haturday.
A. C. Hbute was a Portland pas
senger Monday.
J. C. Greear went to Portland
Monday morning, on bueineee.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hedges, of
Beaverton, were in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Willis, of
Banks, were in town Friday.
Mrs. Roy Miller, of McMinnville,
it visiting relatives in Ililleboro,
For a good smoke try tbe Schil
ler or Excellencia and you will
try them again and again.
Earl Harding, of Gaston, who is
attending school at Corvallis, was
in Hillsboro last Friday.
W. M. Jackson and wife, of
Portland, spent Sunday with Coun
ty Treasurer Jackson and family.
Mrs. Daisy Bucban, of Portland,
visited with ber parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Rice, of this city, over
A lot of 7-foot cedar poets for
sale. Inquire of J. M. Bridges,
HiIlBboro, Ore.
Miss Bertha Johnson departed
for McMinnville, Sunday evening,
where she has a position as stenog
rapher for Dr. Clark.
Miss Esther Wilson, who has
been visiting ber parents at West
Union, returned to Portland last
Sunday, to take np ber studies in
St. Mary's Academy.
For Sale: Fifty acres cleared
land in the vicinity of Hillsboro,
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line, rine location;
good building lite. Inquire of
J. W. Henry, of Minnesota City,
Minnesota, writer tbe Argus that
be will soon be in Gaston. He
adds: "The Oregon mist ie far bet
ter than the cold and enow in this
Miss Florence Tongue, who is
now in Baeton, is making good
progress in muaiouoder the tntelr
age of Miss Villa Whitney White.
Miss Tongue was entertained at
Anapolis daring the holidays.
Schulmericb Bros, are making
some necessary changes in their
store. They have already put in a
large hanging deck, and will case
in their hardware, and paint the
interior, giving them more room
and adding to the attractiveness of
their store.
Colored Horsethief Pleads
Several Divorces Granted Uismaied
Judge T. A. McBride opned circuit
court Monday, and passed on the
following cases:
Ruby E. Brown vs Herschell H.
Brown; divorce granted.
Nancy Johnson vs Sarah E.
Sphere, et alt; referee ordered to
distribute money.
J. W. 8hute vs Anton Pfanner;
decree for plff.
Isabella G. Morrow vs Andrea
Bracesso; distribution ordered.
Isabella G. Morrow vs Andrea
Braceeco; sheriff ordered to amend
certificate of sale.
Pacifio Railway & Navigation
Co. vs Western Timber Co,; dis
PaciSc Railway & Navigation
Co. vs Detroit Trust Co.; dismissed.
Natalie uarbarino vs Aneelo
Gbigliazza; dismissed.
Eliza Lichty vs A. Groesen et
als; dismissed.
Andrea Braceeco ve Isabella G.
Morrow; deeds ordered to issue to
Geo. R. Bagley and Joe. Strucbler.
Chas. A. Wyman vb Caroline
Ladd et als; judgment by default.
Chas. A. Wyman vs Caroline
Ladd; decree for plff.
State of Oregon vs Marshall
Robinson, grand larceny; defendant
pleaded guilty and was sentenced
to penitentiary for one year.
C. H. Kuder vs Maggie Kuder,
divorce; decree for plaintiff
A. J. Schwartz vs Barbara
Schwarlz, divorce; referred to C. E.
State of Oregon vs J. A. Baker;
Gaston liquor cases ; continued to
March term.
G. A. R. & W. R. C. INSTALL
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, at tbe Daniel Stoller farm,
3 miles east of Glencoe, and 3 miles
northwest of Phillips, at 10 a. m.
Sorrel mare, weight 1150: 7-monthi-old
colt; 3 good tuilk cows, I fresh Boon; a-
year-om neuer, iresu soon; yeaning ueu
er; a hogs, 100 pounds each; 3 dozen
chickens; 3-inch Bain wagon, in good re
pair; new hay-rack, new spring wagon;
hack, with shafts and tongue; new top
buggy, steel lever harrow; two 12-inch
plows, as good as new; new cultivator;
McCormick mower; wheelbarrow, a
sleighs; 300 3-inch tile; 500 feet of roiifch
lumber; set double work harness, single
hack harness, set single buggy harness,
ico sacks Ilurbaiik potatoes; about 6 tons
of mixed clover and timothy hay, ton of
gray oats, sacks wheat; ta-gallon kettle;
barrels, forks, shovels, axes, new spray
pump, 3 ladders; household furniture
and other articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cash; oyer $10, one year's time,
bankable note, at G per cent, inter
Lunch at noon.
Daniel Stoller, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Ed. Shute, Clerk.
Th nndersisned takes this method
of expressing to thepeopleof Hills
boro his appreciation 01 tne Kina
nhown durinn the illness and
funeral of hie wife, tbe late Mre. Jfl
k Vflch. EsDecially are my
ihanka due the M. W. of A. of
HiUohnro. for fraternal acta of
kindness and sympathy.
H. J. Veaoh.
Hillsboro, Ore, Jan. 4, 1908.
Clement Mellis, aged 21 yearB, and
August Larouge, aged 17, Portland
boys, who went to the Nehalera
country last September to hunt,
are supposed to be dead. A boat
which belonged to them was found
on the Nehalem river, turned up
side down, and a dog which acoom
panied tbe boye. returned to Port
land some time ago, bo it is feared
the boys are dead. Relatives have
given up a search for the young
men, and people on the Nehalem
have not Been them for some weeks.
The fruit inspector oi this county
has found that almost all trees are
infected with fruit pests, and the
law requires the owners, or persons
having possession thereof, to de
stroy or eradicate such orchards or
pests. You are, therefore, notihed
that unless such orchards or peBts
are destroyed or eradicated before
the 8rst day of March, 1908, 1 will
proceed, under the law, to either
cut down or destroy such orchards,
or have the trees sprayed at the
owner's expense.
W. R. Harris,
County Fruit Inspector.
General Ransom Poet G. A. R. and
tbe Woman's Relief Corps held a
a joint installation at the Odd Fel
lows' Hall, last Saturday, and en
joyed their usual big dinner and
program which go with the event.
Rufus Waggecer, assisted by Col.
R. W. McNutt, installed for tbe
Port, and Mrs. Jennie Haines made
tbe induction for tbe Corps.
Ibe U. A. K. omcers installed
are as follows:
Wm. H. Morton, post command
er; A. W. Barber, senior vice pres
ident; Wm. Hayes. J. V. P ; Fran
cis Haines, chaplain; F. Doughty,
officer of the day; George Led ford,
officer of the guard; Rodolph Cran
da.ll, adjutant and quartermaster.
lhe W.K. U. officers installed
are as follows:
Pres., Mrs. Miriam Brogden; S.
V. P., Mrs. Agnes Norton; J. V. P ,
Mrs. Julia Wheeler; Sec, Mrs. E.
0. Crandall; Treas.Mrs. Fannie
Archbold; Chap . Mrs. Sarah Farn
ham; Patriotic Instructor, Mrs.
Sarah McNutt; Con.. Mrs. N. J.
Haines; Guard, Mrs. Mary Sabin;
Assistant Con., Mrs. Orpha Carlile;
Assistant uuard, Mrs. Jennie K
Haines; Color Bearere, Mesdamee
Amelia Simpson, Mary Barber,
Susan Brown, Lydia Collins.
The Face of the Prescription
A number of the hop growers of
this county met at the court house
last Saturday, to further talk over
the matter of a permanent hop
growers' union. The committee
appointed to solicit acreage, re
ported 300 acres secured, making a
total of 900 acres. Col. Haynes, of
Forest Grove, was present, and
delivered an interesting address,
touching upon the value of organi
zation. Committees were appoint
ed to organize their respective lo
calities, as follows: Banks, John
Carstens; Springbrook, C. N. John
son; Laurel, F. M. Crabtree; Sher
wood; C. M. Barrett; Forest Grove,
J. N. Hoffman. A meeting will be
held at Laurel, on the 10th inst.,
and another will soon be held in
Forest Grove.
Hop Growers, Take Notice
There will be a meeting of the hop
growers of the Laurel and Farm
ington sections, on Friday, January
10th, at 1 p. m., at Laurel, to dis
cuss the question of organization,
and to Bolioit and accept names in
full membership. All are welcome,
and growers are especially request
ed to be present at this meeting:
Lay aside your work, and lend
your presence and influence in a
common and just cause.
F. M. Crabtree,
That you hand us is an order
from your doctor which we
would not presume to modify
or change. He knows the ill
ness and how he proposes to
effect the cure. Therefore we
are exceedingly careful with
Prescriptions at this Pharmacy
If you have confidence in
your doctor, you should have
the same in your druggist.
You can do so absolutely if
you entrust us with the filling
of your prescriptions
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Forest Grove National Bank
March 22, 1907
MAY 20TH, 1907
$ 89,822.28
Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907
December 3, 1907
Reserve, 65 Per Cent.
Officers & Directors: W. B. Haines, President; John E. Bailay, Vice
rres.; j. a. inoniDurgn, lasnier; Thos. u. Todd; J. w. Fuqua.
Forest Grove,
IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices, $5.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices, 75 cts to $2
"We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
. plan.
We also have a full line
ot tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School , Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We will dispose of our entire Smokers like the Schiller and the
line of men'e suite ai cost. Here is 1 Excellencia Them eigara are of
a chance to dress well at a small the best stock. You can't fool an
value. Schulmerioh Bros. ?;tfv 1 authority on a good ot;ti
from the country people.