The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 02, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 42
Away Sunday
qiui. at S O'clock
tar run
ItttoitJ bv all
JnH. V. 01 l .! t Ih fami
(.ooThinl Ktr-I, thi city.
! noma from O A i' . i-...
W,l.h thir lwnu, Mr.
.ami Mr. Jo Contmll. of
J VllMtOi. While hum.. h'-.A .
KmiUeJ a hum r coyulM, ami had
Uii MimUrium of howling ovtr a
wyou which wigii 2iJ pounds.
I ht COVOtU rhMn,l
J and Kraok wat i ky enough to'
in nol that laid ihet-hw,.
killer low. A few coyote have bwm
living (at on hrup iu the (fennell
neighborhood for yars pat, ami
have bm-n fly mmuh to kwp oul
of thi way of th farmer, hut now
thai one ba h,,, kill!, there
probably will he an Mlort u.a.U to
wip out the whole band.
1 ViMI Want I. . .
3li:ilSan,.Uk.ltrrw,k.ofi1jrwin8 California town, within
'Jtfiait- Hfr ueaui ivu uiv mi nan unit oi Mia Iwauiiful San
ntttd h" ,u'' l"H,u "','-'"y ! ,'"n' 10 "onanire lor a tii'tun!,.,,, r,,ch or. "dishorn lot.?
i"i .i i jrliKKl taction m Central Califur.
h-r ibruunbi.. fiir cUft ;vr
BkaJyanifJ'!. Her tuaulaii; and rheumatiu trouble. Call at
Wo - i Ort . I tad ami abstract.
J I) ('bapiHtlle viaited friHiul
'am Ml llin Jieivma
L .rJ ) boru in
W Vi York, Sfptfmlwr
3Jt. Sba r'ivid br education tin Portland, Sunday.
The Five Hundred Club waa en
tertained at the home of C. K. I-y
tie, lal Thursday evening. The
evening was epent in playing Five
Hundred. C'btn. Kollette won firet
prize. Thone pn-eent were Mieeei
Kuril Itnbrie, Lucie NVVatberred,
Jonephine Kollflie, Mml (iriflith,
Mattie WiU.n, Mary Hwell;
Meears. KiuRHlcy Lylle, Richard
Wiley, Chae. Follette. Wayne
VauRht, Hrr? Lytle, Will Corwin
and Itimald Vu?ht. Mrs. Lytle
waa iHHinteil in entertaining by
PWmineot in lfxlue and church j M re. John Dennis and Mre. II. C.
21 iiixmlr of the Vaught.
ffSte' .church,from Any one wlehing to purchase a
SdLt i .1 ,! ftB lT.Tlmn,1 KHne engine ehould call on
Jtof the Oregon W nmanV 5Piin,I1Hri:h Bro8. We haw a
T'P' ?nd ' il wit" "ifC-! uftm,.l at our etore. Come and lee
WRlllT. 1 .... I I ... I '
i ,..nrrii nun ainu
' lk Pierpont Manor SerninAry,
i th family later in )Vd to
8b wait wedded to Mr
,J V. Gat at DeWitt, la..
W18,1S70 They have lived
Witt, LaClaiw, Iowa; Colby.
J; Cheyenne, Wyoming, and
ifcifineiico, and moved to Ore
?l880,reiding firnt at Cor
bere Mr. (iatee wan ciiief.
iftttrof the Oregon Pacific Hail
They moved to HillNhoro in
Iaiiid tbii ba been her home
rwiwMiy since that ti.ue. Hhe
TWOI loalatin Chapter, KaHt
?w.Dd in l'JOl wae Worthy
iol tbe lodge. Mr. (iaU,'8
t?"tonnnof rare.ewKot dinpo
."id her culture and catho
,V mind wax Mich an to gain
( wva anj mim,lu of Urge
IT of frieii,i throughout the
Her husband, Hon. II-. V:
rr-'bo widely inttireeted in
rbt and water plante, and
5" ODterprieeB in the Pacific
t"5"K. lurvives her. ,
"" reniaing at Mam-
w-'oueciariy, nw y0rk; and
"B17 residence
r" OfTiClIlt n t. .
ki m r ""e- uii:rrnni wbh
u. U. F,
d -----
I ltcct a Temporary Or-Kniii.atiou
I'trtutoeot Orgaolatioa to bt Uadc
Saturday gf Ibla Week
Waabington County hop grower
tuol in HilUboro, Tuee.lay, and
perfected a leuiMrary orgauitatiou
The lusting waa called to order by
W. it. Jolly. A temporary organi
tation waa ellWted by electing Mr.
Jolly aa chairman, and Ralph Iiu
brie, mrelary. K K. Woolward.
a Santa Koea grower, and organ
iser of tbe I'niou, then addreeeed
ihe meeting, elating it object. A
wuniuitteeon Cnnalitution and Hy-
Law wax appointed, cotmivting of
K. M. Crabtree, Jan. 11 Sewell, C
I). Karnhatn, K. C Mulloy and
John I'areona, ho male a report,
wnii ti waa aJop nl.
AImui thirty hop gro'wrra were
preeent, 15 of whom eiitoed the
Conetitutlon and Byd.twa n the
I acilto toaei Hop Orowere' in ton.
AUnil all H J Birm of hope in thin
county will lima go into the union.
A committee, ronpiHtug of Frank
Crab-re, Ch. Ilarref. J.M.H ifi-
man. Ualnh Imbrie. W. H Cat...
W. F. Young and John Careteue,
waa a pp tinted to Solicit for acnane
in thia county for the Union. The
CWtituiiun of tbe I'lcitio Coaet
Hop Grower' Union provide lor
Ave director from California, three
from Waehii gton, and even from
Oregon, who ehall In directed in
their action by a referendum vote
of ail the grower, which practical
ly luakea tbe grower bin own teller
Hope are graded by an eiterl, no
that tba owner of good hope will
not have to accept the figure given
for Iboee of inferior quality. On
motion, the meeting adjourned to
meet at the court houe. in HilU
boro, on next Saturday, Jcuuary 4,
at 10 a in., when a permanent
union will be nrganu). Kvery
bop grower i invited to be preeeut.
"ervineo were hold at
llT'mit inBhfir.1,,. -.1 ,U!
r.'ia that alnjoHt .11 ir ,
Wi!,fruit IH-itH, and the
f "Mir. v. ' ' ' l"
WJt" th9 owners, or peraons
v HUC orcDftrilH or
ari therefore, notified
"uth orcharde or peBte
"r eradicated before
' "ibi nan f .
W -v w March, V.HW, I will
er the lw tr ailKur
rou nil..). ,....i...l
to..'08 treeH nprayed at the
R. Harri8,
Uunty Fruit Jnepector.
Ml. .I .
it operated. , We are agente for the
International, the etrongeet and
lieet engine made. 35-tf
" Mr. (ii'dette, H. P. ngent at Ku
Bene, wae in town Haturday, look-
;,. .riur hlx fid-acre tract near
Newton, which be eipecla to im
prove thin year. Mr. Oillette wa
entitled to the H P. itation at thi
place, by right of eenionty, tui ae
clined. After vieiting thie place
however, he regreta that he did not
accept the agency. . L
For Sale: Fifty acre cleared
land in the vicinity of HJHaboro,
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line. Fine location;
good building eite. Inquire of
Dr. W. I). Wood, health officer
of thi county, was called to Foreat
Grove one day laet week, to quar
antine tbe family of a Mr. Knox,
in whoe family two deaths bad
occurred from a dieeaae supposed
to be memnranoue vivuV. -
family was duly quarantined.
For Rale-Table and stock beets,
table and stock carrots, cabbage
and tomatoes. Delivered. Phone.
Pacific Htatea, f,7.-N. W. Cblloo
and W. II. Marden. J4 H
No new canes of diphtheria have
occurred in the Bhiewe fami ly, , at
U,lville. and the two
who were alllicted are now (Conva
leacent. Tbe quarantine will prob
ably continue all of this wee.
b. nr mde. for a farm, i
.t,.lf Intereet In the Clim
uwn -
Mills.-J. M.M. Greear. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frewing.of
Tigardville, were guests '
Kuratliaud family, over Sunday,
One (10 tooth lever harrow, $5.(X);
11-inch Oliver eteel stubble plow,
MX); 3 inch oleel ekein Moline
wagon, wiih ImhI, top box, brake,
and spring eeat, $."); milk rack
with eeat top, capacity 38 cans,
in good condition, 111); roan horae,
weight 12U0 pound; good worker
any where and in any way; light
gray horee, HX), no better work
horse in tbecouutry; will trade one
or both of thece home for team of
mules or mare colt, or will pay
caeh difference on team of 1100-
pound mulea, or 1250 mares.
John A. Hobba,
Hillaboro, Ore.
Corner Fourth and Oak Htreeta,
opposite school houae. 40-2
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Glencoe,
who have I men eick with small-pox
for some time pant, are now well J
and are acting a nurees lor seven
members of the Vandehey family,
including Mr. Vandehey, who now
have the dieeaae. The Bmiths
brought the diaeaae from Montana,
when they came some time ago, to
visit the Vandehey family, having
been exposed, it is presumed, on
the train while enroute to Oregon.
Mr. Smith is a son of MrB. Vande
hey. Tbe disease is not or the
worst form, and it is hoped the
members of the alllicted family will
pull through all right. Precautions
have been taken to prevent its
HilUboro Argus, U 50 per year.
J. It. Phillips, of South Tualatin,
. .
called on the Argus, Monday.
Fancy leather baga and purses
at liaird's.
Call on or phone to Dennis for
oroceries. A complete and up to
date line always on hand.
C D. Klmberlain and wife, of
this city, were guests of their
daughter, Mrs. Marshall Maddox,
at The Dalles, last weex.
W. B. Wilson, an employee of
the maintenance oi way oi me u
dan. anent the week with bis
family) t th WW8 Ireland home,
ur it Clark and wife, of Port-
u-wi'viaited with Mrs.Clark'B pw
ents, 3.0. Baldra and wife, over
Sunday, returning home Monday.
J H. Stanley, principal of the
Hiahland School, in Portland, and
who was principal of the Ilillsboro
Bchool years ago, was in wwnu
j. .haklno- bands with old
oy, u o
Argua and Pacific Monthly, 12.
County Treasurer Jack noil waa a
rortland paakei);er Monday.
Mr. Weaver, nl Portland, vieiled
friend in Hilleboro over Sunday,
llev. I.. F. Itelknap was a Port
land vlnitor, Monday.
Mioe Ona Ford spent Sunday In
Heaverton, the gueat of Mia Cora
Horn, December 2S, 15)07, to Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Knscbede, of tbe Ore
gon Nursery, a daughter.
Mrs A. K Keames, of Jackson
ville, ia in tbe city, gueet of her
mother, Mrs. T. H. Tongue Sr.
Mie Klhel Donaldson, of Port
land, wa tbe gueat o( Mia Ona
Ford, 11 week.
For a good euioke try Ihe Schil
ler or Kxcellencia and you will
try them nyain and again.
Mr. Pratt Vickera departs this
week for I.oa Angeles, where she
will spend a month with her par
ents, Mr. and Mr. H. J. Lund.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Kxcellencia
Oregon manufacture,
Kev Docker, of the German Bap
tist church at Bethany, waa in tbe
city Monday.
Mr. Oliver Holme returned to
ber home in Portland, Sunday, af
ter a week' viait at the home of
her father, P. M. Jackson.
Have you any fence to build?
If so we can save you money. We
ell a good substantial fence, 4 feet
high, for 40 cents per rod. Schul
merich Bros.
Tbe Ninth Angora Goat Show
will he held at Dallas, Polk county.
on January l.", l(i and 17, 1WS,
Space will alto be given (or tbe ex
hibition of heep and swine.
W. H. Uingle, superintendent of
the light and water plant at this
place, left last week for a vlit with
relative and friends in Belling
ham,Wah., and returned Monday.
Born, to the widow of the late
KJward D. Kerr, of Laurel, on De
cember IK), 1D07, twins, a boy and
a girl. The mother is tbe widow of
IC. D. Kerr, who died Iat July, of
Daniel Stoller, of Helvetia, sold
his 40-acre farm, laet week, to John
Urbach, of Portland, for 2GO0,and
Mr. Urbach sold a bouse and lot in
North Irvington, to Mr. Stoller, for
I1H0O Tbe latter ia an addition
to Portland. Kuratli Bros, made
the sales. Mr. Urbach, it is said,
will move upon bis place within a
short time;
A basket social was held in the
school house iu District No, 77,
near Blooming, last Friday night,
Miss Nettie Thomas, the teacher,
originated the idea of holding the
social, for the purpose of raining
money for a new chnir and a flag
for the school house. There was a
good sized crowd present, and
11175 was raised. Tbe prettiest
basket was bought by Dan Bailey.
A jolly time was reported.
Clatakanie people are excited
over the discoverv of cold numieta
in the craws of domestic ducks,
raised within tbe city limits. Gold
nuggets have been found in the
craws of ducks raised outside of the
city, and it is thought by many
that placers exist near tbe town
Dozens of shrewd prospectors over
there are now keeping an eye on
the duck ranges, in tbe hope that
they may discover where the gold
came from.
The Oregon Development League
offers $100 to any one discovering
silica sand in Oregon, which will
run !) per cent, pure silica, and
free from iron oxides. It will also
pay $0.00 per ton for the silica de
livered in rortland. Ihe Columbia
Steel Works, of Portland, makes
the above oiler through the League.
Here is a chance for those who
know what silica sand is, to make
little pocket money, provided
they know where it can be found.
Newspapers in Oregon nave talked
of its existence In this state, but
whether they can "make' good" is
tbe question.
B. Leis, of Beaverton, was an Ar
sua caller this week. He has an
advertisement, in this issue, of in
terest to fruit men. Mr. Leis is
one of the progressive fruit growers
of this county. He has about 1000
trees in bis orchard, near Beaver
ton, which is set principally to
Ben Davis, with a few apitzenbergs
and other kinds. He, last year
raised Blue Pearmains and Bed
Cheek Pippins which measured 14
inohes in circumference. A year
ago, Mr. Leis could find no sale for
bis apples for the reason that they
were Infected with scale and codlin
moth, but he began spraying, and
now has fruit that will sell in any
market. He says that persistent
snraving will do wonders, and wil
solve the fruit problem in this and
all other counties. Mr. Leis also
has a nice prune orohard, with
about 6 tons of the dried produot
till on band.
OrcKon Dclejiatlon in Con-
Krcss Considering Names
The Hllltbor Altoraey May Wlo to
Brietol will not Im re-nomlnated by
the President, for the position of
United Htates District Attorney for
Oregon, ami the Oregon delegation
n Congress will recommend hi
successor, rive men in this state
are now prominently mentioned
for- the position, including Chris.
Scbuebel, of Oregon City. They
are Muir, of Portland; Fee, of Pen-
He ton; Bingham, of Salem, and
Barrett, of Washington. Senator
Bourne ia for Schuebel; Fulton baa
named Muir and Barrett, and Con
gressman Kllia la for Fee, and Haw-
ev for Himrhain. Kottnn ia a warm
friend of liarrett, while both Kllie
and II a witty are alao good frlenda.
n the case of a compromise, Mr.
Barrett ought to eland a food show,
a be spoke for Bourne in tbe pri
mary election, and supported him
Q the l.egiolature. Many puliti
ian here and elsewhere think the
ocal man has a good chance to
win. Mr. Barrett has bad nearlv
welve year' experience as prose
cuting attorney in this diotrict, and
his friends think him amply quali
tied for the position, should he be
the succeetdul man.
Mrs. KQie D'Atley, well known
here as the daughter of the late
Charles Stewart, a pioneer of 1H43,
reported duad in Montana. Sbe
visited relative here thi Fall, and
ut recently departed for her home
She was compelled to travel by
stage through a portion of Idaho,
and the vehicle overturned, so se
verely injuring tbe woman that it
was neceettary to convey her to a
hospital, 20 mile from the eceneof
the accident. When thev arrived
here medical aid could be secured
she was in a very bad condition
and died within a few hours afterward.
Mrs. D'Atley waa wedded the
second time, her first husband ba
ng the late John Jaokeon. A son,
'laude Jackaon, well known here
and at Scbolls, and one daughter
survive of the first marriage. Her
husband, James D'Atley, and sev
eral small children survive. Of
ber immediate family two brothers,
Charles Stewart, a Portland .dray
man, and John Ken Stewart, of
South Tualatin, and two sisters,
Mrs. Andrew Jack, Farmington,
and Mrs. James McClarkin. of
-aurel, survive.
Accurate Measurement
life kmw
: J
Is just as important as pure
drugs iu a prescription. Thus
only is the efficiency of the
medicine assured. Christmas
will find the invalid iu your
homegctting all possible good
from medicine if
We put up the Prescription
The care we take to make it
exactly as the doctor orders
makes his work surer and the
cure quicker. Don't hesitate
to come at night if necessary.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Frank Gordon, formerly of North
i'lains, this county, but now of
Portland, and Miss Nellie, eldest
daughter of Alexander Couture and
wife, of Portland, were married at
the home of the bride's parents, on
Christmas day, On Sunday last,
a reception was given the young
couple, at the residence of the
groom's father, Alexander Gordon,
of North PlainB, at which a num
ber of guests were present, both
from Portland and this county.
The bride's mother is a daughter
of the late Col. 1. 11. Cornelius, and
sister ol Hon. B. P. Cornelius,
postmaster at this place. The
marriage recently consummated
unites two old and well known
families of this county.
Forest Grove National Bank
March 22, 1907
MAY 20TH, 1907
Aug. Twenty-Third, 1907
December 3, 1907
Rescrye,J&5 Per Cent.
Oflicrr 8c Director: V. B. lUint-s, I'n-sidmt ; John K. Bailey, Vice
I'rt-i.j J. A. Thomlmrgh, Cashier; Thos. (5. To11; J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, .... Oregon
lO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices, 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Mrs. Kflle E. Veaob, wife of Harry
J. Veach, died in Hillsboro, Deo.
2U, 1U07, of pleuriBy. . Deceasod
was born in Grinnell, Iowa, in
1885, and waa married to Harry J.
Veach in September, 190G. Came
with her husband to this city from
Sheridan, Wyoming, in September,
1007. She leaves a husband and
one child, the latter only 5 months
old. Funeral services were held
at i the Catholio church, Wednes
day, at 11:00 a. m., and interment
waa in the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Notice to the Public
All persons are hereby warned not
to trust my wife, Mrs. W. II. Mar
den, on my acoount, as she has left
my bed and board. I will not be
responsible for any debts of her
contraoting. W. II. Marden.
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., Deo. 81,
1907. 42
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis,
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
Hue of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you. .
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared , to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
plan. v
We also have' a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
We will dispose of our entire
line of men's suits at cost. Here is
a chance to dress well at a small
value. Sohulmerioh Bros. 35-tf
Smokers like the Sohiller and the
Exoellencia. These cigars are of
tbe best stock. Ton can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.