' ' ' I ; - . "ILLSBORQ, OREGON, DECEMBER 26. 1907. ..--.. .-: 1 : ' vir. I.. ICucW, of Bberwood, was 1 I L . . iwwr "7 ""Li. i trouo" - .aald BC f bi5 : furs ' ior 11. UntO. V taMtV I 111 WW B I SiUm TiJt ""SI up 1 1) u, ,,1U . SP :. -a.:w- . I UVUlMlVUkl I lift 1 " Argus, ' i' m iH i A WILWRI Knl l II " 'V r.-f i r i , iin Lumber Compiiy:; ' KL' tfgtt " j OUT; CASES FILED OIAPftAl 1 .' v' Jvt ' '.-I' 'j BsdecUee Male by Bea'rl ef EqeaU- ' " ?"i 1V Y " H I ' i i , r. .., - ; . III-. I" I I i M . ,- ' ,'' cjr r South Force! .ro "d District N: Pertst Crm Vou K-.FSfttfl to Tflt r Ihl UifM Nli.l ,11. nor rtJ Ui. ! 'Milpl Na II, 't the Union school bouM, u prwJ,,ct. JyJg a. u. j,0a, of Orwo Moua- u w u. u.n of 8mU for - if .tnuel UtffMy, of Portland, wu in "iwro,BtturJ7,oo buninaM. rfftl Dai tb ityll.b lib of men ia ana ltdiM oolUri i-cif)! eotumtrcitl prlotlog, DfllUi. lrlM.l(l l!i.vrLwi I If. I T ' - . . - . - . I II f r.fr "iT" It(!!ug ilrtwrp, tl 390 an a . Im iHan f il, K. aiUh atil !( pct n y I K w 1 70,r 101 M P " Jtwk at lb lioatt Ibt Hilla noi tod -ax Oroya I. bt a I TWO STIEBT BAH ATS PBOJECTEO CHy aal Cu.iy 5it Farsla( Staa- II; A bud HiiUboro bat vow a coniidarablv Ibl out VMr. anil tV year wbiuh to cloa opoo ua Lida flr to tea a Hill traatar trowth. Tba r. R. A N. railroad will doubt. law I oearlr fioiibad to tba eoaat from tbii plica, if not quite, durloa tba oouilog juti Two electric Hum "ara beaded tbia war from Portlaod, which, If ihr matorlalize. ougbttoa4raouibacitand aur- rouDilini country to t nurDriaina oerta. . uurioc Ida t- - N. 1) JJwt, and ft ia Iwli.rr.l li.r nad diatricta will ;fall proj))iou S forviiw will Um k.t.l o Houtb ,iochttrt!b.Btoo, a . I JtnUaati IfllaL al mad lai "o. sltit Suvolaainl CouniIIn. a it j V r w - i '"'" mm i. VL M'l only fi it liiai lor man i.m In 1 3 vT . . .. II. nui( URMW Hi. mai ma tMHnia ara ina on Hmi atrojii ... j: viuinii,iiiUVirlll, . IT mm cva Bi a. uf iKI. wba Lai bean UiB. I. i.vi..j for aaaarat waka, raturoad bomt PUBLISHERS HIT HARD 'I""ay. r it.. t. . T yu f'ca to bulldt Bt uquiifnnnnn Miiam I If an mm mn i., U.liH I- T . . I . TT . 4"?,.Hn7' Wl " P-r nuonrvd, or aau t loou aubaUnuai Uooa 4 faai , HMi.urm varioau mia j nigo, wr iu oanta par rod.8cbul ca ulp, from arbicb prlol raaricb ttro. - ootd, with ampla UBy. of foreat qMt 5i It U tux 9A .. 7:..i o bout too acraa of U ' - v iiuiui wauu i a. . t i . - Vd .auui.it: ii Vn lnof. U$ baa ntor p,d .7lb n a raTr .!!?Jwr COUlricl' a can r win i ,b ra..eti..; H:irew "WicaB iovonUoa comw lo T, alwayi tba cbeapaat. u" i r nao Toil owu ihoaa try iba Ilam tllim Gold thai Aff. lllton-llrowo. at John' IVnnl.' Tbay gara aaUafactioo, tod tbat la wnai you wtou 88 41 . Tba Biaelow botal haiknaal.ua wbicb tuoato lha Uaina Tha T. alalln botol bua alao maato tha J Tba delinquent Us lint will be fiOnd io tbia totaa of tba Argtii. Larseat lioaof narfnm In k oily, at Hlllaboro ?barnaacy. 39tf John Koratli.ol tbii city, vlaiu ad Portlaod, Saturday. , County Traaeurer Jackson tod iaf .a . . win, wara roruana rieiton Friday F. If. Beidel wta t paaaangar to roruana, oataraay. Jaa. Maaainger made t trip to Portland, tba laat of tba weak. Jaa. Cruikabaoka, of Cedar Mill, at in town Monday. Mite Abbia Wilkea. who teacbaa aobool tt Buxton, wu la town Sat urday. t 'li;. 'Our ooffeea and teaa ara til rif bt. A trial will ooovinea. 8a John Dannie. 38 41 For food imoka trr tba Schil ler or JtMellencia -and you will iry mem aain and again. 4 " h Born, to Mr. and lira. Geo. II. Wlloox, of Hilliboro, December 21 1907. an ft.nnnnJ tm ' i-- V Judge Ooodin attended the mtil A m D. ... J L . ! ' I it BTBruaiu acuout ; OOUM, ooif iTio, County arnjl I 'jr n-f 1 wblngton oounty ahonld adopt and tha d-J'l indualf 0 I for One of ita imorovamant alnaana. 'I-.. it. - . . . . im I At. . - .... ' . ' uiwaouy, onm, waantO' i . I Ba ory oi -uooa Kotda." ileaaid f,.r iba Invention aa Ami r..r tba tttaent ptiot. Iply If currf ataika could be waking pa pr, aod it ia -y wrniw, at the pre ;iw oi pajwr, auika will h I Dure .money . than an aver n eruOal 40twnlanav K...I..I cImi of Sunday pirt al it) mai ta toon aa tba icanirecu eipirt. Tbedol. i':ne will eotm t a thing inanawe print trust nortunilT if raw malar. ! I . I . . . " - - - ' aloof rlaht llm-V oiUtaoa pwdlct 'l ,!i)f for Hilabro,rln "th. .1.1a 1 flcretied i wintor In Ctlifornit.; ,.. t . Editor Wood,of the Forwt Groye or' nt w ifvlsJftVr TV Pw "a Argot a fraternAl d& of lbe mm ImI Saturday. ; . iii 1 li i a . 1 WMWUCWlftltlar.. I.DB llttal year. 'V'. SF.vrffON3 OP COLP ' Foor Wona w gold hire been biptynl Portland within tha pteJVJy daya,aoaay tboaewbo kaoavl te aaid to be t oonterva lit.tuau, mat auring ictiDove tig4dren tone of gold bare come toivrtland. and la the adfanoe vr of atill creator aaoaa due tbia . . 1 1 . j 1. a irom woroau. uu ciiwin ui no, fruit, lumber, eto. Tbii aev toni of gold it but the twenty S nart nf lha anm that annually loneainto the eUta foritavarUd tnn ViCtw. man far X "1 a 1 wavawwata uuwt au aa 1 bblb 11 a iiaw au aajaaaa u 1 paiwr. eialke will be tri. ...i 1. 1. . v... u urn nn.1 lionet than an ana. 1 1.. 1 .it. 1. . . . A.. . .l. i 1 . H...L... ..A iinii iu waia up m iu fain, jj"u u nunuiunu.i Hhnnil. n.aih .ifli.Jwy1 n roruana ine ower oay: rtwatoS fi J U55aPaciflo Northweat ia the beat Z:XDf'lM PorUon of the Uuited BUtea.tod.y, being with the ,1 mootha, baa id the win- oal Bat. V people coun Oroa naaday. January 1. fOOS. with and abolguor for turkeya gewaa. Cltaaifled abooting. yana uroa. '1 i ' wing iba reeult in a year. The city achoola wlU not bpao Mlplin8 war on truito, the again on Monday, Deoembi ' 30tk. taper IruHinaraaeed Tbey will be cloaed oo Nw Vat, kjock I(iO,()00,0(, and and again open on the 2ni of Jifc r, vuntnn oi loeiuary. , . (Cell-1 U'han and naa.1 Dmna'rtaaJt alt kind, nail na oi a4tona to John ifennto.- ua aeena a ran una' oi not only for future outlook, but for preaeni conaiuoni in timoai every . n - Dflldlll't Uknlaln I lUcord. S. 8. ASSOCIATION? VJiAineton County nioi woibaia wm be WM. 1-Jtburrh.ln llil!- 'ny, J M ember 29, begin- ;ltp. m. . : iuwiin(f the purnoae of 7 wuoot will be difouea- ICe I'rual.l.n. l t lint - 0- v. I,UI rve Tha nurnnaa nf tha Cimventlon, by William .VI. 4ib Diet; the pur pone van li t p.nu...iin k.. u ,, "rf v.ini,iitiUu. UJ HI g"E. of (Union, let V, P.j P"of the Bteiirw.n. Biata Field Worker C. A l0 the hart ath ulna .ecretary and preeident ' roll and borne depart m in the Sunday School 'Im. AddrMiiaa Ui. ll.. jpWwQ d othera will be wia a tbe beet that can be bad. and which are alwaya freeb. - IS 41 Tba abooting match at " tba Bun aalnwweat of town, on Suodav taat. drew t large orowd of oriok abota from yarloua parte of iba cimnty. Soma good abooting waa retwrted. ! . V A roan heifer, three yeara old in alaak akavialrtal nA ttAwlwl aTTdlaTit Wf hilt IUV vpU taw Mtawtaai - cant to my place abont tba flrit of ueceuiDer. uwnercan oavo eame by proying property and paying eiper.Be.F. 0. tt urkholier, box- ton, Ore., '. - . w II . nu.k.a iMulltna fralaht agent for tba Harriman linee Jo n i nillA... e.lil.. uragnn. waa in nuiaoorw, riiu and Saturday, on company bual nnaa Hlllahnro il 000 of the im nortarit ehioDins : Dolnta on tha J-eat aide. V Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Ktod the follow term -4 aaa f V v y i Adverttaed Leltcra nmillav U'ni. Hmmttrd Mr A. Booth Mel mt, Baroea Mm Frank, Cnepio K"v; Collier Rcy li, CUrk Mr Kffie, forwta Mi Myrtle, Chatuberlaln Mix .. i m n anatuK aa Vai laa a eaea it t li rnan 1 vaaaaajajti m ! " -.-- Mn K Mr liiiipn VUiiil JVvint Irwin, Davit wm, imvii mi niaiK, iwuimmK .-t..li. D.in.l Mix Imiu Knnl K V tJrwn W U, Uootle Artlmr, Hciuf. Huf- tiUJW, Hotchkias Mn K H, ltiwaa 1 1 . ...... ti uAir.i.ii M IBM l, I111UU 011H 11, uvuvwtw. . 1 , Judaon Mrt T r, Jemlsoii Mr KOa, JoUnton Miu With, Kohl Cart, Long iv liwvrr Mra Dfati. Miller Wm. Moore joec, Maitin V II, McCortuick Ttioe J, McOurie Mra Maria, McDonald . . v . . . T ...1 ttl..a Uiwn. DIM KOH, IBKIXW JIUT, i..i.v.ivp. inlttt Maurr Mra Carrie. MoahrelAtiiaa. ftoe Miu NelUe.Owen A TS, Oliver Ialie, Reitnar Aoa, Kobineon waiter, ui.i.lu Mra iwriha. Baik Fretl. Smith Mi larrie.fr d' .i.8chuiHUeiiberi Re H It, Smith U K, jpagle Chaa, Thscker- 1. W, . inomaa r. . n, run nvuuui Tribuil, Tufford. Mise Vera, Ward Rev T W, Walker inca, wauu mias nc.cu Warf MrtMame.Wtlllami Mra Ratlmle Uaecn Insurance Co. HOLIDAY RATES !' .aaaeaa-aeaeaaBw. . : , On . December 23, 24 and -5, tbe OAntham Parti do ComDlOV will eH Chrietmaa tioketo to any point in the elate, tt one and one tnira nre for round trip. On December 30, 31, and January 1, 1908, tbe com ptny will eell ticket! to any point f tk. alaia tnr nna and one-third --l. . -7" . . , t, Ticteia may nau wi ngeu. Vof tbiaotty. it youoon l-irt rlnrlna tha boll ".ye eome money by , Mf. Judd. of Turner, araa in tow Saturday. Ha ia intereeted rirmar Inatitnt- arnk-. . . . gentlemen's, ltdiea' and noee you can do no bet- to buy of John Dennis. -HulWood But! Orping- aje. kj. Kboadea, 1-to-do Oer- )t Cnrnalina. WH itt UkL .ainaaa Hatna. day. A. A. Metv aountv eeat ( deoartod. and tar in roruana urday. A great n ware In from tbeaurV try, buying holiday g Miaa Eunice Paiilefv t i . r-.J oer ouuie at duim mv holldava. She was mx. by Mra. Seara. - A A portion of the tide tracl aaw mill and out laat woei. aome piling to being put ln week by tbe company, to prev further giving away of the track Tha Foreet Grove lodte of k:o. n -i.... j . t. . : m... n 1 I . ViCUlCU luo lUlluniUa viumii, u C, D D. Bump; V. C...H; B Jobnion; Prelate, E. W. Hainaa: M. of W., J. U. UtU; K..01 K. and 8., W. W. McEldowney; M. oftF, John Anderaon; M. of ., C, 0. Roe; M. at A., K. K. Wtrtz; l. U., A- R. Let bo: 0 G.. W. R. Hicka; Truajtoe, W. B. Hainee. ; .. R.VL. Grabel, of Reedville, oallad Saturday; . He reports tbat hi wife who baa been In St. Vinoent'o boa. pital, for eome time past, ia almost, convalescent and will aooo be home. Mra. Grabel underwent a severe operation about three weeka ago, tnd waa reuevea oi a tumor weighing over 20 pounda. Tbe op eration waa performed by Dr. J. P. Tamieaie, of Hiilaboro, . eto Vthe tliree big corporations, two of wbicb are situated in tbia county, have filed with the County Clerk. their tppeala from tbe decision of tne Kjualiiation Board, Waebiog ton count The Baseline Lumber Company appealeom tba -ment on their, ti ruber ands in .this county, tnd it is a matter worthy of notice, that tbia Is tbe only tim ber company baying timber tana's In tbia county, that baa appealed from the equalisation made by tbe ooontj board. . The other two ap- petto come from tba Pa fin Cnaii Coudeoaed Milk Comnan-Zarwl am formally entered for the eondeneer. at roreei urove. and, tha nha ml tbia nlace. The ntant aft tha fimmm waa aeseseei at t50.000 hn tha tn deneer, anitl59 on tbe mer- -t f B j a onanane ana s toe- u trade, tKue- gating 18500: The Hillebero ptont waa taaetaed at $35,000 flat. NT ion waa allowed by the hoi "Uoninthaea-f ellb, One 60 tooth lever harrow? 14-incn uuver steel atubbie plow, 1500; inch steel skein Moline wagon, with bed, top box, brake, ana epnng eeat, 1 50; milk rack with eeat top, capacity 38 cane, in good condition, $10; rotn boree, weight 1200 prande; good worker aoj where and in. any way; light gray horae. 1400. no batter ernrk horse in the country will trade one or ootn oi tneee noreet for team of mulea or mare cilta. or will nav cash difference on team of 1100- pound mulee, or 1250 mates. ' John A. Hobbs, ' Hilleboro, Ore. Corner Fourth and Oak .atresia. opposite aobool house. . 40-2 J FEW ONIONS LEFT IN COUK Only IOC car loada of 4n main unsold in this state. cars represent tee quaff available, til but T car Y . 11 f L! .-i ,-- V n aauiugi.ua t cor nty leads the eta linn nf ftkfa Wti.' iivu ve waaaa m tM Is just as lnjportant as rare -drugs in a 'pescritwn. ,1 htis uuiy. ia me exacirncy or 'tee.- . . medicine awufedt Christibas will find the invalid' ia, yoor ;;' , homegetting all possible goc4' " irom medicine if - We put up the Prescription' ' The care we take toiniake it '' exactly ras, the doctor orders makes hte work surer and the : ' . cure quicker; : Dotft hesiute to come at night yl necessary ,-; ' r Hilleboro Phchriiy - z Unrest firovefnqfjolCcn:i " Loans and disco? V 8 bonds and 1 Baal Eauta... Knrnitura y Orardrafts. Caah on V Ina trow' Due fror Trea ... c: Mi: amoje ..,..'..1210,888.79 V,..- I2SHO0.0O N 86000.00 irVt.S) i " " -o- - . f li Totals 210,83478 A" b. llaSStPres., " jna E. Bailey, Vice Fttis.. : .. . a A sua a a . a j czn a. i nornDurgn, Ferret Crcvs, r table will tV 1 aptr7-trri& at lkawrt Milwtuk' Srolla.. HiHaburo. Voodbnrn CedarMils. Total.A The deeatn shown bv ' The amount of taxable property ithln tha oorrjoratioo of theoitv of Hilleboro, io round, numbers amounts to $730,840. The five mill tax levied by the council , at its last meetina upon the above amount will bring in a revenue of $3,654 40. A portion of tbia sum will be used to pay city indebted neae, atd the balanoe for current expenses, " Dr. Tamiesie reports tbat another little eirl in the family of Geo. Shiewe, of Reedville, aged three -'.a ta'atnlr aitlt rlintharia. Tha j oai p, a D.vm " I 'ataae thus far has been confined I ; -"vinilyi with whom U'orirA r............... - ........ 4 for oniott thai .v. rjaat twro1CaAaJhhUk.t were ehippV UiVan t from Tualatin Vaukie, together ipped locally, tricars, lie- from Bberwc and two froi with 610 et makins in al aides the four int ebtvment tin renerted fo coming week oars. - '-! i At 1 1 Id and await 'ariwt Tn.l.. 1 go out the lelius three Imiii an1 J nn TWr i4" Mise Nellie Uobuveto, of Beaver ton, waa the guest of. Mine Lucile Imbrie, Saturday. V .3 v - Edwin R. Morrill apd Lydia.M. Pointer were glven marriage li cense. Monday, bv -Mha' Onnnt- LClerk.'' Tba groom, fci tesid-' auieooro, ana me oriuv ter of Theo. Point dale, this coue- A 'me Cho-1" XI, BAILEY'S SI " F I) . ' . . ... $ '. - . v' ' '4,,:!, cr; -: ft For WOOL D LAM It EtS IO 1-4 . U 1-4 IS. 1-4 Fricoa. C3-5Q to 09, COTTOM BlXMnETS Same Sizes as Above Prices. 75 cts to Q2 .- V e Cerry the Lerast Assortment in JVVash- ft ingion VsllUaaljr Ml J(.?Ea Dailcy, ForestGrbvc, vCbristian iays arematk' .vrat thatohurch 'v L . rl j . (mll 7, with whom It orty,t- Jjf "g"- " wara w X Wood, health officer V r.itbgrM ladiea in vh8 bad tbe matter tweburch . Velta; drug STor P ' a. "S. mmmwmm awawea , ,i , V ; W Dealers in PureDriri ' and r&dxfccs . We also carry a complete line of $ne sundries. - If we do not have "hat you want in stock, we will aw a a . a jcneeriully get it lor you. ' - -w. a. . , s , . . y. i4 l ' e 1 - f ' " , ; i i , . -4.it..'. . ..... f r: i 1 . V, f ' ( mA: