The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 19, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 40
tmm mm
Currtot Mm Knocks Fred
Lehman to the truumi
inlMMtKl li Hittb WUd lkri
l-i Kcl l.tbiiunn, o( out
cAn Mill. cmiing into mi's
toMtltb lol of milk, hi bam
HtiuWt "I't'lrh wlrw, t tbe
nrairef Main ami Ninth iUhU,
Licb bJ I"''" thrown d"0 by
ii,bib it"l Htl prevailed the
uki Ditviuu Tb wire atrurk
twti lb roti'e, which Mr. Lb
au iu Jriving, ud instantly
killid it Tli driver, while at
IMplioi 1" K1 b other iuuU out
jj raoeivtd a ixa uku
ltd! him il u li lhn e
w) 10 e ami aeverad the lit,
iti 'I lb oilier animal out ol
WtfJr. Tli uiuU killed waa a
H ' . . 111..
!ii.iW ot. i'i wnuw ii u in nut
'mJuMlti th l"u. rrl bade
fr.nti ilndth himself
-f -
jVi ! entertainment given by
)ii CiuuuiU Aiiwuibly at lb
, I church, which cl wwl Mull
if night. 'K til J'hvI, hut lb
ismdm wa nxir. lb lecture
C4. Jo'.iu H.ibieki, alone, wa
b the price of the entir
rat II J Inland eticcredrd In
rtoluliuu hradml by th lo-
i father. Col Hobieekl woulJ
mUo king of I'olanJ. U fell-
hotiw, ami tin Col., then a
tf Of year, together Willi bi
)Sd mulLrr. aril naHml. Cnl
iwki in revolulioniel, hut of
typMhst IhiIidvmi In the free
i of tba tnaa a int a ilnmiv
ilk f)i m nf government. Hi
tow oq r.u'i, was literary
biltiricl treat. I it bia Irctur.
HictJ tbat within tan fear
7 monarchy in Kuroim woulJ
Vi rapublio.
itWrt Tojtier, cf IWlland, an J U
f Toiler, u( Kairhaiike, Alaska,
WBuuday ilh friend in Hill-
N. LrOf Wm l.irn In IlilUluirn
id bd not Un he-re for a nutn-
yri. II. i living in Kulr
".bira ha ha btuincM luter
u. To rriftulH beru he b
IM tb north counlr, and that
wera g.xxi up ttmra Jlf
lb mmmv trl nannrtt had tint
l4 that .rt of the country,
that it wan lutnir .lavlniBit
n 'v '
"jnnJ the koonrladgA of paojila
" nil fairhunk irl';ui naar
II tha TffAtablaa tg iwpulation
H"J. VagaiablM, by aome
Pf naturr, j-mw ah tut twice
wlopiharMtbey do In Ore
(Mnl etiily come to maturity.
kindi (n u ralaed, how
i Lroy will remain in Ore
mm tima, powihly all winter,
? lbo return to his Kalrhanki
(reioraHMofimall pox at
C01, ?'l,B re Frank
m i and wiir, who came hack
nuhmgum about two week e
I . raff are leolaled, end
Jtnded by )r. nrow0t ol Kor.
"'ova. Keporlafrom Glencoe
y, er to the effect that
uu 2re "nt Mvsr onte, and
. "? Hmitl, ig alm,Hl I'nntulMi.
bill wif It I ikviit.t
nOOVnr in .1. r . 1.
ht that there will he any
me uiaeaae.
f J I. Kent, of Corvallle Col
C ' leoled President of the
Cfi, 1)ft'fynn' Aeeooiatlon, at
wmiing or that organiza
Ihm tu ... :.i 1. l 1
anlL . lu 10 Da ueeerveu
( M., ui" ft"'1 8- A- Voftknm,
lM'hB(.ld. wera .ImiI .
f"tia Comm,p.i ni..k ...
r"l j . '
nu ireaeurer.
r desire tn oi... u'...w
J to all our neighbors and
flfrl?th nd.boflalof our be
'n an. hfnK..
"i IDll M 11 t
""o. u, vnauaonmoe
and Family.
Argua and Journal, f,12V
(J. U. Wolf, i, ,outh of Ue.
VIII, callwl Haturday.
Alaakanaalt barring at I'.lin
tear' (iriM-ary. ij-,
U r' 1 ..1 ...
t . v.. jii 01 lileiio.e,
lu tb city Monday,
Oo to the linn of rWta for
hoiue-uiade candy. 'Mil
Mr. Huaia Morgan iit Hu
day with relative In Portland.
It. M
vnniiinaa iirenetiu For every
botiy, at iiaird a. )'.) u
K. M. Heldal bad buiiiiiNa ir
Cortland, Haturday.
Mialon uiagaxina rack, at I'at
Dr. ami Mr. H. T. I.inklater
er In Portland tail Haturday
Cblldrnn'a rot-kera anil Inith
- - a -
ctialr. at I'altaraon .
f I 1 r
uaire ere a la recover n irom
an rddrCuio of lb Uteaele.
M. Kin ami it. of It iv. were
f - . - . ft.
in miwq mouuay.
l't rmrranbio oulfila and auimliea
f - !
at tba ilill.Uiro Phirmary. J'J tf
The Koreel (Iruvecllv tai lew
- - 1
lur in coming year will tie t tuill
Larga line ol Cbrialinaa alalion
ery, at llillalioro i'baroiacy. 3'.i W
Mr. W'm. Itellinirer. of Korea
() rove, flailed in tba city Monday
I.arM tine of perfume in the
oily, at IlitUhoro l'liarrnary. S'.'lf
A V. IteoJitr. of l:lvil!e wa a
caller al lb Argun office Turaday.
A CHtuiuu. of near Hberarood.
waaln tbei-ity Monday, and called.
Cbioa atid Jtanee ware at
John Utnnia'. Nir. Chiiatinai
preaent. Hoe them. aS 41
KreJ Ki-haer. of IlMhacv. wan in
IllllalKiro Haturday, and called o
tb Argua.
Blitrs. lit felt and leather, al
obr Pennia. A nice Cbrialmai
preient. 3 41
Born, to the wifa of Btanler
Hahn, ol Mountaindale, Hc. Ulb.
ml, a aon.
Uur coffee and teat are all
icht. A trial will convince Hot
John Dennia. 38 41
Mra ltarher. of Hnokane. it viait-
log her brother, 11. D. Schajelttr,
of thl city.
Before you buy your toilet eoapa,
ake a look at the line at tbe Uill-
horo Pharmacy.
Born, to the wife of John F.
Kice, Dec. 10, UXl7, of near Corne-
iu, a daughter,
(lenllemen nuree. hill book.
card caeee, ainnkera' Uiplie, al
the IIIllahoM Pharmacy. !W tf
Tbeo. V,ndebey, of Verboort,
a a calljr at tbe Argui office,
ITnr antu amoka trv the Schil
ler at Kioellenola and you will
try tbein again and agin
K.U. Mulloy, a well known Lau
rel hop man, waa in town Monday,
and made the Argu a call.
Knr tentlemen'. ladiea' and l... m, nn iln no hot
cniiurowa J , . i iL I-na and Alma menan, Anna ana
ter than to buy of John Dennle. jm iHm yilie, Louie and
.... .. ... it T....
Mi Stella noaoow came oui fauline ymau, raotere.
i . i...ti.n.i Hinr.Uv nioht. and l.n.t irvan W'aliera. Carl WiBmer.
viaited over Sunday with tbe home Carl MoriU, ictor Schwander and
folk. Ktuii Dappner
I have for iale 10X) pound
clean tare eeed. Will Mil 'to
farmer at wholesale price, in any
ouanlilv. John A. Hobba, Hill-
mmm hull
Of Wushinnton Oiunty
the Present Vcar
Uur &lite
Uillloai and a Half
Following U a summary of th
iialiiiou i.f the a(srnHnt roll
of tbij county, just finished. TLe
value of city l.iU wis raised f 'JDO
iiioiiey, note am! account were
lowered I.S); tillable land a
rained M,S(,ii) tb tlanding timber
anaenement on lion tillable land
wat hwerrd 1.1'iUH.T.':
Ann ul IllUhlc Uud. j',,i
Value ol hiii f 5. 7 J.l to
Acre ol nun IllUliIe. tsl ji t
Value Mint ioihl'lllilf timlirr. 6.(i.XiH
ImtiioveuiruU ilrrilrit litiiiti i.Ji'j.uo
Value ul city !it. 4'1,i'k
Iiupruvcuienti oo the wuie 4'y).47
Value mii't land not ilrtilnl 6,6;$
T(leli(iiie, lrlef i li an elrc
If It liura. ItlW Uiilrt 1A ?-
OCR K ro.lH-.j 14 04 tnilra
at tK.oiKi orff Ifiilv Iru'lmve tfjii fx
UCK K Vamliill li Him si V
oniri. ai iii.ujii tier nine 119 ;
PKfc N lb', oniri hj.fjo
Uailtoait rulilnv t'ck . vi.imu
Sta roginri & tu'nT uxi h')'.. 1 7 J, '05
aiuae ami ten in tiaiie
l arni unplciiieunric 174,1110
ilunrv. nuttiaiiit accuuuts 2fi6.(i')
lluuvliul"! luruiluie 2),l6o
llorart ami mulri, bxilt b-al . 4'",tuS
CatUf, 14.HJ ?ai! .. J'
Slirtu m Kiwi, 11 V77 hrn'l . tf.3K
"(K. 'dhrad J O
Swim, j.r.'7 beejt. .. l;.
Tvtal valuitiou tax toll J 16,1.774
Michael F. MeKsineer. if Laurel.
Oregon, a pioneer of I.Hti j, died at
bi borne at lauml, triJay, Ua
13. l'.H)7. after a hng illness of
d ropey. Deceased was horo in
Delaware county, Indiana, Mar 'ii,
1S5'2. In be went to Iowa
with bis parent, and in 1HC2, with
bit parents, crossed the p'ains to
Yamhill countv. Oregon. Oa Oct
ober 12, 1S73, he was married to
Mary Davis, in ainbill county,
who survive him. In addition to
bis wife, seven children survive,
namely, Mrs. D. Hill, Hillsboro;
Mra. J. A Thorpe, Aberdeen, W n.;
Mr. J. Thompson, Kelso, Vn,;
Mr II. Matthes, Laurel; Bert,
iuv and Claud MensitiKer, Laurel.
Tbe funeral occurred on Saturday
ast at the Laurel cemetery.
A surprise party was given at Ce-
ar Mill in honor or Mr. Arnold
I. U'vman. Dec. 4. UH)7. The
evening was spent in playing games
and singing. Kelresntuents were
ervmt at midnieht. A most en
joyable time was eiperienced, and
Mr. Wyman'B menus joineo in
winhini ber many happy returns
of her natal day. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wiemer,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob btoller, Misses
very pretty wedding took place
I h l:hiirch of. the Good Sbep-
. , . . herd, on Vancouver Avenue and
uijiM On ami Bertha Johnson ., ,, ' , Q, , ; p...i,n,i ni
... n" u - " . ineuwoijii owrcot, iu . ui
ni m ua Anianiia liariraiuin iu
down from MoMinnville the first of
the week to spend the holidays
with their parents.
When you need groceries of any
kind, call on or phone to John
Dennia. H kP fuU ins f
tha best that can lie had, and
which are alwayi fresh. 38 41
D Bhaw, of Beayerton, was in
the city, Tuesday, and called on
the Argus. He reports that his
brother, A. 8. Shaw, who recently
moved from Portland to Beaverton,
died last month.
A roan heifer, three years old in
the spring, no marks peroeivable,
came to my plaoe about the first of
December. Ownor can have same
by proving property and paying
;pense,-F. 0. Burkhoher, .Bux
ton, Ore. 4(M3;
The after thought of the financial
care is that while ibree Portland
banks failed not one of
country banks had to take in I s
sign. Probably some of the people
who took their money to Portland
for "safe keeping" and got caught
in some of the three banks there
that failed will now have more
faith in the little old country banks
that have stood the test .and came
nnu.iKd The safest banks
today, in the whole country, are
the country hanis. am
of tbe men behind them is what
makes them good.
o.h l!)(V7. when Mies Edna Pres
ton was united to Victor Tamiecie,
of Kast Portland, The brides
maids were Miss Ethel Wilson and
i.a Arabella Preston. Tbe
groom's brother, J. C Tamfesie,
acted as beet man. The benedict
is a brother of Dr. Tamiefie, or tbie
city. Dr. and Mrs. iiuniesw ai"
... i i mi ' 1 0.
tend d tbe weuaing. i np grooiu
a business man of the Cast 8ids,
.a I .ft . .....La Waa nil I (I !
and tne nnue a popuiwr jruuuH muj
of Portland. c:..
On December 23, 24 and 25, tbe
Mnnihnrn Paoifio Company will sell
Christmas tickets to any point in
the state, at one and one intra rare
for round trip. On December 30,
31, and January 1, 1008, the com
pany Will sell ticket to any point
in the state, for one and one-third
fare. TicketB may be had of Agent
Vickers, of this city. If you corf
template a trip during, tbe holi
itava. you can save some money by
applying for the above rates.
Argus and Journal, $2 25.
Paper Christmas bells and crepe
paper, at uaira s.
rtiaa. J. Sohnabel. one of Port
land's prominent lawyers, oame
out to Hillsboro' Monday night, on
legal business, and made tbe Argus
a pleasant can.
Bamboo good, at Patterson'.
Henry Hogrefe, of near Corne
lius, wa in town Tuesday.
Baird ha tb stylish line of
men tie and ladies collars.
K. Stalder, of Bethany, bad legal
business in Hillsboro Tuesday.
Boya' sweaters, all sizes and col
ors, at Baird's.
Nelson Wilcox, of Cornelius, was
in town on legal business Tuesday.
Fancy leather bag4 and purses,
at Baird's.
J. Asbabr, of Bouth Tualatin,
wa in town oo legal business
Watch Baird's store for Christ
mas good. Something pleasing
and useful. 38 tf
Bjrn, to tbe wife of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred liobman, of tbe Fern Hill
neighborhood, Dec. 11, l'J07, a
Can't you think what to get
"ber?" See Baird' awell station
eryall styles and price. 31 0
Geo Hancock, the well known
Forest Grove liveryman ha gone
back to Peoria, Ills., for a three
months' visit.
Buxton has completed a tele
phone line to Vernnnia, in tbe Ne
balem, and on to Kist, hut no one
ha been "kist" over the phone up
to date.
Herman Collier, wife and daugh
ter, of Scholia, were in the city
Saturday, and called. He reports
everything lovely in that neighbor
Agent Vickers authorizes the Ar
gua to say that tb new 30 scrip
b-xik will carry a fiat rebate of 14
SO. Tbii is a ticket tbat should be
very popular with tbe traveling
men, and of considerable interest to
tbe general public.
While in a fit of temporary in
sanity, one day last week, Mrs.
Nelson, of Buxton, took carbolic
acid, with suicidal intent. A doc
tor wis called, and succeeded in
saving ber life for a few days. Tbe
woman died Friday, leaving a hus
band and son.
The value of all property in
School District No 7, of this coun
ty, as just equalized, is 11,037.980.
Last year tbe valuation was rJ.U,-
0o5, showing a net gain for this
year of 167,925. This is the school
district in which Hillsboro is located.
D. M. C. Gault, of Cottage Grove,
editor of a paper at tbat place, has
been recommended by tbe Oregon
delegation in Congress for the po
sition of postmaster in' his town.
Dan s many friends on his old
stamping grounds Hillsboro join
in congratulations on his ability to
knock the persimmon.
Tillamook is angered at the
Governor for turning llembree
loose, on parole. Parties over there
whom Hembree threatened to
shoot when he goj; out of prison are
preparing to give him a warm re
ception, should he come back to
that part of the oountry. Hembree
is considered a dangerous man to
be paroled.
Tbe following marriage licensee
were issued idib weea: w . a.
Richard, of Hillsboro, and Merrill
A. McBurney. of Gaston; Wilber
Weston and liessie Sams, both of
Forest Grove; A. Hergert, of Cor
nelius, snd Anna Geatter, of Lau
rel; J. N. Alberg, of Portland, and
Clara J. Robinson, of Farmington;
Chas. A. Rears, of Forest Grove,
and Dora F. Haney.
Monday, the first day without "a
lid," passed off Bmoothly in Hills
boro. Tbe banks too in more
money than they paid out, and the
lawyers and business men general
ly,' wore a satisfied smile. Business
at the oourt house kept the officials,
especially the clerk, recorder and
sheriff, very busy. There was not
the usual number of Deonle in
town from the country, and that
night it snowed.,
Mary Btrassel, of near Buxton,
appeared before Judge lhoe, A
McUriue. at the court house, rues
day, and asked to be admitted to
citizenship, whioh request was
granted. Mrs. Btrassel renounced
her allegiance to William 11 of
Germany, and is now a citizen of
the United states. Mrs. Strassel
enjoys the distinction of being the
nrst woman to be naturalized in
Washington county, since ' Judge
McBride came upon the bench in
this district.
' Gale Grange, of Forest Grove, at
its last meeting elected the follow
ing oflicers for the ensuing term:
W. M., L. J. fori; Overseer. Mrs.
Ella MoPherson; Lecturer, Mrs. L
L. Todd; Steward, Mies Miller;
Chaplain, Joseph Marsh; Treasur
er, H. T. Buxton; Sec, Mra. Rose
Corl; A. 8 , H. L Bates; Oatekeep
er, H. W. Boyd; L. A. 8., Mrs
Ciara Hughes; Ceres, Mrs. Dorothy
Beymour; Pomona, Mra. itta Fo
gle; Flora, Mies JeBaie Qoge.
Kffort of Willamette Valley
Apple Association
la tbe Product! f Ibis Splendid
Tbe Willamette Valley Apple
Growers' Association is planning
to make Western Oregon tbe great
est Yellow Newtown apple district
in the United States, within tbe
next three years. Wateonville,
Cal., it is said, is now the greatest
Yellow Newtown district in tbe
world. We can easily get tbe cham
pionship away from California, by
beginning at once to plant tbat va
riety. Mr. Lownedale says that
within three years Oregon will be
shipping hundreds of carloads of
the above vsriety to Europe. Tbe
kngush are particularly fond of
tbe Yellow Newtown, and other na
tionalities have it on tbe preferred
list. Washington county should
see to it tbat she does her share to
ward making these fine apples
more numerous. There is now no
belter investment than setting out
a ten or twenty-acre tract to good
varieties of apples, and of course it
pays to get the beet.
On January 14 and 15, 190S. the fruit
grower of Oregon will bold an impor
tant meeting in Portland, to which all
fruit grower are cordially invited to at
tend. Classified apple will be discoaa
ed one day. prunea and 'pears tbe next.
and antall fruit on the laat day. Cups
and prize will be offered for the beat
display of tbe following varieties:
Best boi, 3 tier, Yellow riewtowa. ,
Beat ho, 3 tier, Spitzenlierg.
Best box, J-tier, Northern Spy.
Best bor, 3-ief. Baldwin.
Best box of 4 tier apple of each of the
four varieties above named.
Rest boi of each of the following vari
eties: Arkansas Black. La4y. Wiaesap.
Red Cheek, WascBer, Ben bavia, Win
ter Banana, Ortley.
Beat exhibit of five varieties, one bos
of each.
Best five boxes grown in Willamette
Valley, at least three varieties.
No exhibitor can enter more than one
box for any one prize.
In judging, 33;! point will be allowed
for color and form, 3;' , points for free
dom from blemishes and 33' points for
All apple of each variety and size will
be grouped together on the table.
Prizes wilt be offered for pears, etc., as
Best box of P. Barry.
Best box of Boac.
Best box of Cornice.
Best box of Winter Nellis.
Best display of Italian piunes. .
Best display of English walnuts.
Nearly 300 cases were filed in
the circuit court of Multnomah
county, Monday forenoon.
For rent for the winter: House
of seven rooms, near city limits of
Cornelius. Inquire of A. A. Phil
lips, Hillsboro, Ore. 40
Gus KemDfer departed Mondav.
for Ho, Idaho, where he will re
main indefinitely. For several
years Gus has been working for
the Main street livery barn.
The niftiest and suicieet selec
tion of ladiea kerchiefs and neck
wear, at Baird's, that ever struck
town. 390
Agent Vickers, of the S. P. Co ,
laBt Monday sold a ticket to G. G.
Hanoock, of Forest Grove, over the
O. R. dc N. to Peoria. 111., where
he goes on a visit to relatives.
Have you any fence to build?
If so we can save you money. We
sell a good substantial fence, 4 feet
high, for 40 cents per rod. Schul
mericn Bros.
Mrs. L A. Rood, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos
Humphreys, of Heppner, is expect
ed home tbia week, when the Judge
will quit baching.
Don't forget to read Patterson's
ad., on the fourth page. Nothing
is more appreciated than a nice
piece of furniture for a Christmas
A basket social and entertain
ment will be given at the Barnes
school house, about a mile north
west of Beaverton, Friday, Decern
ber 20, 1907. Money to he used
for a library fund.'
Walter Zurcher, of Cedar Mill,
was in town Saturday, on his way
home from a visit to the Scholls
country, and he thinks it is a fine
section, and that any one ought to
be proud to live down there.
The best is always the cheapest.
When you need shoes try the Ham
ilton-Brown, at John Dennis'.
They gave satisfaction, and tbat is
what you want 33-41
John R. Bailey, of near Buxton,
who has one of the finest little fruit
farms in tbia county, waa in town
Saturday, and called. Mr. Bailsy
was on bis way home from Port
land, wbere ne bad been to see
about a shipment of fruit.
Accurate Measurement
iff 1
Is just as important as pure
drugs in a prescription. Thus
only is the -efficiency of the
medicine assured. Christmas
will find the invalid in your
home getting all possible good
from medicine if
We put up the Prescription
The care we take to make it
exactly as the doctor orders
makes his work surer and the
cure quicker. Don't hesitate
to come at night if necessary.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Statement of the Condition of The
Forest Grove National Bank
At the Call of the Comptrollers Dec. 3, 1907
Loans and discount $7202.71
U H bonds and premiums Ut
Real ut. 1014,177
Furniture and fixture 2JH8.37
Overdrafts -. .89
Cash on hand, $43751.
Due from bank. 4K2S.91 .
l'n from Ui u s ; l -
Treasury i 125O.0O
. $210,83i).;d
Capital Stock..
Cinm lation....
Undivided Pronta..
Deposit. ..............
o .',
, 't D
, . ' ' - o
... t2WOO.0
. . 160872. 18
.. liW.-!6.7C
Officers and Directors: : ;
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Prei.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G.Todd, J.W.Fuqua.
Forest Grove, - - - Oregon
Bailey's Big' Store
lO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
" P"ces, 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having ben appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
plan. ;
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Csh Only. .' Positively no Credit.
For sale or trade, for a farm, a
one-half interest in the Climax
Mills J, M. M. Greear.
Infanta' -xephyr jackeU, colored
toque and legging-drawers, , at
Baird'. 39-0
Call on or phone to Dennis for
groceries. A complete and v? to
date line always on hand.
Are you a smoker 2 Then call."
for the Schiller or Exsc"r::!
Oregon manuiactsra,
, i