The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 39
" II Ml - W
r .1.1..
PCI Mill
u 0r. lib
Cee4 Haste
Qntd b. IkmI holidays off,
Gjjul the old regime of unef
G bMilnw. Jy. Tbeliover
Crt ibis idlou ,or lb
G ir it proving every
C,Ubotb lb Ke.t ami Weal,
that tli neoraeliy fur
nJ htuki u have heavy
J HHTtM, end bve the
WWokt thir iii.ney.eo that
bust ire iww reJy fr ibelr
Cpiw. There will be do run
, thi back ban ibe people
in tbil ibajr rtn gel Ibelr
Vj, md ilibuUKh ire mono
J lis dueo out, to Oiiuplele
Qaminl. It will return to lb
i single bank io YYah
Mcouoi; hi lm ooropelled
kpM ill duura. and all are lo
SltlM condition. The people
Swlftd ConflJeiire in their bank
lid lb latter have striven at
lliMi,ivn during the ortt
leel lb ware, to accommodate
Wish Tbe lawyers and buel-
bo till be glad to welcome
Vtwl old huiiixwa day a back
Sit A Urge mount of legal
jam bu accumulated, which
M b worked uft, tod there ere
jar net estate deal in thia pari
Itwttuotr, which are tied op
Jk deposits, waiting the Iranefer
I mi lud ibe legal touch of
II .osm day lo make tbetn
xtf, The Argue rtjoioee with
Vpropiilhil the dark day are
laull .l.l . l I I... L . 1. 1-1...
Vniiht about lU'tt) pounds
V Mf high grade buggy, tod
Biiliboro, Greg
K. M. ileldel.
j .! I a a
fmuy a n. i Haiunla were
), without a sign of
if restriction, but tbe Monte
IbitUUdid not know it. The
Mrikintml those two dT
WUul tO Bee bat lb p0-
oald do. but lbv diiln'l da a
la (aft lta m.t
jlWrwIiMthat ibaywfropro-
t yoar i ue old regime of no
l Whtt lol of buiioM
ut been done bv oar law-
kid tber known of the Cover-
UMU jk? And then the
wUdnli that were pending
wen would have been lor
Of then to have haan nlnaad
The Guvernor tilaved a wood
MthailAAr IUA.t a k il lkH
know the nature of it until
Ul over.
1. M. Ilobiqeon, of Beater
i" in ihe city Tuwdey.
"wmaDi puriPi, bill booke.
nuiiboro .'barrator. 39-lf
f re hundred and twenty
CT Mil wai received at this
C .''"y. lor tbe 8ha
Jolted Brethren oburoh.
weew, of tbe Hilleboro
arttr In
"IQ over the entrance to hit
Million". Short 1.1.1 .n.1 II
llU Donna nmllnKI. In th
W "Mother, Home and H-v-(
U Christian ohurob neit
rl night. Everybody InviUd
n of the Argus, in tbe east
r me county, are nqueeted to
r)b.Bohuiidt A Kulleohdii
I J c1ling attention to their
l'0 Wudneeday, Deoember 18
at the
I Barer, I- U
i r--"uvn, mr, ana nri
f ' HllUboro, Oregon,
fipp, of Uiinoi,, Dd
Bill, of Hilleboro, K
home of the
r. and Mre. J. J
and Mini
, ui niuBooro, ney. u
"Heraent of the National
tblt thav kal ..vinU .k
'ban the mnat. antknaUalln
"dm throiioKnni tk tiA
"orkiog on the John Connell
Argue and Journal, tl 'lU,
J. II. Wilket m a l'ortland via
lor Haturday.
Ataakanaalt herring at Talma
taer'e Urocery. 3, if.
A. H. Hholea had buainmi
Haturday In l'ortland.
I.adlee' fine abiNi end avertdat
bote at DenuU'. 3S 41
Kd. Hcbultuerich bad bumnmia in
the uietropolia Haturday.
Oo to tbe Dan of Bwiwli for
home-made candy. 3H 4 1
Dr; J. K Adkine. of thia cilr.
wai in 1'orllaiid Haturday.
China and Japan ware at
John IHonla', Nice Chriatmaa
praaente. Hae them. il
1) 1). Cooler and wife, of near
I'billip. were io HiiiaUiro Friday.
Mr, Mulloy, the well known hnr
man of Laurel, wa In town Mot.
day on buainein.
For a jfxxl imoke try Ihe Hchil
or or haoellenuia and you will
try tbetn again and again.
Wbarlon Haughiiian, formerly of
thia oily, lul now oi I'orilaud, via-
led frlenda her tail week.
Watch Il.irJ'a ature for Chriat
maa good. Hornet u 1 ng pleaemg
and ttavful. 34 if
Mre. K. M. Kice returned Tue-
day from a villi with her daughter,
Mre. Mark MoMlnnviHe.
Before you buy your toilet eoapa,
take a look at the line at the ililhv
boro rbarwacy,
Hubert Bernard, of McMinn-
villa, forruerly a well known Waeh-
ngloo county man, wat In tbe city
We will dUpoee of our entire
ine of men'e euiu at coat. Here l
1 chance to dra well at a email
value. Kchulrsericb Broe. 35-tf
Mre. Ktiia Chamhere, of Olyin-
pia, Waah , wai In the city thii
week, vlaUlng the liaileya.
Prof Tavlor, of tbe faculty of
Pacific Dniveraily, filled the pulpit
of the Congregational church at
thia place laat Hunday.
I have for eale 1000 pounda
olean tare ated. Will H to the
(artnere a I wbuleeale price, in any
quantity. John A. Hobba, Hill-
baro. "
County Trurer Jackaon, on
Tueeday lait, received a receipt
front Btate Treasurer oleei. ior
M 426 V elate Ute lent io over
eix week ago.
For Sale: Fifty acree cleared
land in tbe vicinity of llilltboro,
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line. Hoe location;
good building aite. Inquire of
Tbe eUteuient of Tbe Foreet
firn.a Nat one Hank, whlcd !
iMiara In ihil Dxue. ehow a gain 01
30.000 00 in depoeite, and a re-
eerve of nearly CO fH r cent. They
have not Uken advantage 01 me
bolidaye, but have been canhlng
their check! in full.
Anyone wUbing to puroheee a
gaeoline engine ahould call on
H.,i,nln,erlih Broa. We have a
iaa ile at our tore. Come ana tee
Il operated, we are agenve ior
lolernalional, me eirongoei
beat engine made. 35-tf
Herman Reeee and Lena Lielie
Ar itinnmine-. were married on
Thankaoivina day. by Kev. L. F.
- .. - . . mi
Belknap, of tbla cuy. 11 y"B
mla.i oeonle live at Blooming.
tbli county, where they have many
frlenda who wish them a happy
and proeperou married life
Mra. J. A. Hobbe, of thie city,
allv eteDued on an upturn
ed nail, which waa attached to a
board, last Saturday, In her yard,
with the rfiult that the nail pene
trated through the anoe, anu near
1. tki-miah her riaht foot, and re
k.. twrannal f ffortf) tO
aieim .--" , ,
i her ladv neign
niravi . - - - ,
1 .i..i anon, however, ana
the nail was withdrawn. Dr. F. a.
n.ii.- .nr..mnned and dreuea
the wound, and no aerioue reeulu
are apprehended.
t ...v ihe fine Cooker Span
1.1 Ann of Geo. Sobulmerioh waa
-L.. t-k h aome unknown
lL,-i iaetil alive and may re-
Afi. iha ehootine.
".I natituted inquiry
In. a the door of Norman An-
J.r.nn. of lleed vine,
(Man iOMI about 17 yeare,
day laet, the young man appear
JdUore' Juetfoo H.T.Bagley of
.a . a the inaaLBKlljtl VI
inn cuy, ,Jmi
prosecuting attorney, r
iulltr to ths charge oi maiioioM-
GASTON saloon fight
IIt Contest
Susg Fed
he cloeing hour of coinmianion-
er' court laet Thursday, were taken
up by argument for and againat
the petition of W. J). Martin, oi
tin-ton, for a liquor license. A
number of peraou from that place
PvrosraDbio outfits and lunr.lie.
at the Hilleboro Pharmacy. 3'J tf U. C. Uaogbman, who bu been
A. L, Grleb,of Laurel, was in jtd in the Foreet Grove Con.
the city Monday. denier for some time past, waa ar
Wm. Neleon made a business reetwl Monday, by Deputy Sheriff
trip to Portland, Tueeday. Kane, on a wtrraot issued by par-
The Forest Grove Board of Trade l" in Umatilla county, charging
were in town, opposing the license, UDd Commercial Club has been re him with the crime of larceny by
notably K X liardina and othrr. organized. bailee. Deputy Sheriff Kane found
, . . ..... ...
iure i ongue appeared ror Martin, B noera. in felt and leather, at uaognman, wno is a ratner nice
while lUrMt and Bowman per John Dennis'. A nice Christmas appearing fellow, working in the
formed a like ollice for the remon P'eseilt. oo 41 condenser at the Grove, and arrest-
itrator. Martin had the neceHoary 0. V. Marsh, of CenUrvilie, was d him. Baughman appeaitd much
uutulier of petitioner, and won
tD in ,the city Tuesday, shaking hands apprised and professed not to
. . I eat i f K f riaan 1 a I. ......
coiilexl, which wsb a bitter one know wny be should be arrested.
from Mart to Gninh. On Tuesday Our coffees and teas are all He was brought to Hilleboro and
Martin appeartd and fil.d hit bjnd right. A trial will oonvinoe. Bee confined in jail. On Wednesday a
fliu, with WM.iti((-r and John Dennia. ds4l deputy eneriff of Umatilla county
n. vi' n T..Mi. r Aik.n. ... arrived and aUrted to Pendleton
11, If t V 1 UIIV Vl niUIUW T awv
fUilhecbiM, of Weinbard'a Brew
ery, roriland, an auretien. He also
laiit, ibroiiKb hie attorney, h. B.
01 gue. KKJ into tbe county treas
ury, lor bis Ill-mine, the (nl b)ing
pproved by Ihe county judge.
Notici to Stock Owner
'here are five bead (I cattle in
paeture on the Ucorg Bmith farui,
one mile eait c HilUboro, tbe
ownera of which are unknown to
the undersigned. Ownera are here'
y notified to call on Mr. urogden,
on Ihe tlace. prove nroperly ana
nay naeturage hilln, etc., at once
w . ) . noeiewer.
August Tews, who lives in north
Hilleboro. exhibited a lot of ripe
raspberries Monday morning.
Last Thursday night, the Women
Beat boa, 3 tier, Yellow Newtown.
Beat bos, 3 tier, Spitzenberg.
Best box, 3-tier, Northern Spy.
Brst box, 3-tier, Baldwin.
Beat box of 4 tier applea of each of the
four varieties above named.
Best bos of each of the following vari-
Voido who can appreciate highL Woodcraft, at Cornelius, rare a ti: Arkaesae Black, ,Laly, Wioeaap,
grade entertainment will be pleased mUBic.l and dramatic entertain- ,RA.?.?. 'SET' B" """"
Beat exhibit of five varieties, one bos
of each.
Beat five boiei grown in Willamette
Valley, at least three varieties.
Mo eshibitor can enter more than one
box for any one prize.
In judging, J3'-i' points will be allowed
for color and lorm, 33 J4 points for free-
la know thit arrangements have m.n -hinh waa well natron i zed.
been completed whereby Hilleboro fhe order realized about 30 from
will have a popular winter mau- the tiokeU sold.
. . . . . . l.i a ate ini m sv 1
iam ua AsumiiuiT . b.i!. -j n... ti.iu
1 . .: l t 11 1 11k tk. iflik Vuarioe reux auu uuo icmr-
cnurco.uoiu .u . .u a.,,A.
-..I. ,;... I n ohl the famoll" uujvao worn
UWUl'i -.- V . An
. ., hi. n ... . ... 1 iroui r ariuiuKvuu. uui mma uu
,t;,l .i.j.rti ninenl. 16 a laree audi- u, w R . a uom irora uiennsue uu WJ pwuw ir
l . . " I l. ,r.. I . v.m...!.. IKvak. nl.ffkA. H.
T,nlolit (1 W R lin. lh ol' tuwl" u' f"i r"'"', ... .. . . . ,k. H.ll.hnr.W. ranch
.nil tnnsitiir I Kiunu vu .w..-.- T
.r,.w.A .1 a l L. a
i V. ,"""" ime pan, oougui
VDk Da' 'ob near West
XMilng of 80 aoree, pay
'jWSOO. John Fisher, of West
fabda the trade. '
R aid wactonly frjuring an an
V.i .l. .nnrt of another
Kng' AnKn waa bound over
i the next circuit court, in he
sum of $60, which aura wa. fur
nished. Anderaon'a mother, who
i, a widow ind highly reepooieu
feala the matter Keemj
lit CoiiiniisHion-
o( it Gaaleo,
fr sod
Argus and Journal, (2 25.
J. C. Greear made a business
trip to Corvaliia Tueeday.
Judge Goodin was a Portland
visitor Tueeday.
Largeet line of perfume in the
city, at Hilleboro Pharmacy. 3'Jtf
X. H. Bchiedel, of Leisy ville, was
in town Monday.
Large line of Christmas station
ery, at Hilleboro Pharmacy. 3'J-tf
J. C. Lamkln made a business
trip to Portland Monday.
D. C Baughman Wanted in
Umatilla County for Larceny
Claimed he did eel Kaew why he waa
Accurate Measurement
in the city Tueeday, looking after wilh hi" cbrE-
busineea id teres ts in this vicinity.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's bote you can do no bet- 0n jtnuary 14th tn(i i5tb, 19O8,
ier man to ouy 01 joon ieuui. the fruit growerl 0f Oregon will
A. L Ilolcomb and Charley bold an important meeting in Port-
Holoomb, of West Union, were in land, to which all fruit growers are
town Saturday. . cordially invited to attend. Claeei-
IMtl W
, .... . . . . nea apptes win do aiscussea one
J. oung, of this place, was al ... .p
pasiengerto Portland last Satur-L'.,, .n!la rTk. 1.. a. J
uaT I Cuos and prizes will be offered for
Albert GriUmacher, of Lenox, the beet display of the following
bad busineea at tbe county Beat varieties
Is just as important as pure
drugs in a prescription. Thus
only is the efficiency of the
medicine assured. Christmas
will find the invalid in your
home getting all possible good
from medicine if
We put up the Prescription
The care we take to make it
exactly as the doctor orders
makes his work surer and the
cure quicker. Don't hesitate
to come at night if necessary.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
e.ereopwco. - -.. . ..k.. -.i-hed 15 nounds
picture lecturer win appear, using --
125 colored views, illustrating many A ghooting match will be held at
interesting parts oi vne worm. nr. tjje Tongua "Bungalow," at tbe
ilaio bas traveiieu extensively, weet en(j 0f Hillsboro-Cornehus
and his views are oi tbe nneei. bridge, for geese and turkeys, on
'riday night, Cbaa. F. Stalker, 01 8unday. December 22, beginning at
llinoia. carricalurist and lecturer, in . m. Rifl.. and blue rock traD
will amuBe nia auaience who Bhooting Everybody invited W.
All apples of each variety and size will
be grouped together on tbe table.
Prize will be ottered lor pears, etc, as
Best box of P. Barry.
Best box of Bosc.
Best box of Cornice.
Best box of Winter Nellis,
Beat display of Italian prunes.
Best display of English walnuts. .
ightoing sketches and witty com- H Taylor,
ment. lie Use uueu eeveuij .uui ensasements, ana
VU mi a .J
. . . . J..I Q. 1
comes nigniy Sobieski two and four years old, both iust . ... ,
urday night, Col. Jobn hodmmm ' . Mrs. E. L. McCormick visited
.1.. i . 1 nr nM. win enieriain " -r- . . . . . i.
r-- !. . 1 r kmk.rH. imit iMiii i uer uarvDiB. in roroe urero, un
ki. . iiv ami inntructive leo- "u -j
wnu u. ".-v ------- - - , 1 .l..n .. I .m thnrt nf I OUOUBT. mile west Mrs. McClellan.of Baker City,
Pacifio SUtee' phone, 1. i the citv thia week, visiting
Meneiey uu.rtet, singers and enter- Hilleboro central. d 40 Dr. and Mra. F. A. Bailey.
tainers 01 national latre, woo ai- av me gooa roaas meeuag at The county clerk issued a mam
.. tdease their audiences with 1 Forest Grove, last week, J udge .M license laat Saturday to Harri
their songs, impersonations and Qoodin said he waa in favor of Lq- Krauo. of Areola, 111., and
musical chimes. meeting the people nail way in Hill, of Hillsboro
mailer 01 oeer roaue, ..,.,.,, u..m.n .nd -if of
AUCTION SALE lieved the com miss oners would do. -"-- - . nr .
- Commoner Buchanan, wbo waa - ---"
There will be an auclion sale at presem earn J.ftA druggist
11.11 K.iiiniav AVAninir. i nurcnaea oi a eicnui iwn, ww-
nloember 14th. of pretty and ubo- vided the several districts were die- Have you any fence to build?
ftilCbristmas presents for the ben- posed to do their share of road If bo we can save you money. We
fit of a Chriatmaa tree at the same building. sell a gxd substantial fence 4 feet
place. Free lunch after sale and Whn. hUched tt th, 8. P. depot J 40 nt P --ScM-
prizes lor tne prevm Rin u . Monday, a team Deionging 10 jonn 1
laiieet man. Everybody Invited. ff:8k.r , 0f West Union, broke from The Hillsboro Grange will hold
their moorings and Bailed rapidly its annual election of ofneers on
OSCAR CHALLAcombr uptown, leaving tbe owner ana Saturday, December I4tn. ah
., some Portland friends, whom he I members are requested to be prea
Oscar Challscombe, who lived 6 ve went to meet, in the lurch. Ihe ent Philip Olaon, Master.
' . m. 11.1 ..... 1 i.. a a m aM iasi m a Ptonniin ns paai 1 . . .
miles south ol Uorneuus, oieo very waw nu uH 1 . The beet is alwayB tbe cbeapeei.
mddenly at his latber s nome, on graceiuuj uru.u. -- when you need shoes try the Ham
s.mdav mornina last, ine youug rouw, suuuiwj "T"
39 40
Freeh Cows for Sale:-Will aell
two young, high-grade Jersey cows,
A. Duncan, of Cornelius, was in
town Monday.
John Kieni, of Cedar Mill, was
in town Monday, on business
s 1 J .!.1-J I.Ia t nuK,
of rare intereet. Monday y rZZWLZZiT
night, Dec. 10, will M JTfi
:. . i..t Th vnunw rnuta. ananorea Baieiv in vuttir om n t.i rk..:.i
Hunaay moruiua . "-7 7 . . " ,v. ion-irowii, -wuu
man had not been well for Borne hitching place, in front of the court They gfcve 00, and that is
was noi nougn 10 bWuuui.. what you want.
I -II.. L. - U:l1.k P.m UnJlill JBOBO OMWSrfc WUU ISOTUHT to-
Viera ui iii'iouuiu ""ci - - i, , , . ., J u ...
VV1m.n nf Amnr na. reoaivad a mrnwu iroui aiaoaa, uu w-
1, uuuuua. w ' . I I !:.: 4 U ..J Vis.:
tk. V.t Nat nnal Rank o Timuug as unteuuiu u vt
aaw .. w . I . n t 1 J ..
ieei urove ior several ubvb uo,
Yakima today,
into bust
UU1D. V,.. ' ' .
jan.rnnalv ill. Sunday morning,
--, - ,, , .. ,
kA..ur hia iiiiner uauou uiiu
UWWW.wa, - J.J' .
t....krt and when he did not re
anond. went upstairs and found him . k
nnoonsotoUB. Dr. P. A. Bailey, ol of Magon CUy( Iowt) for lh9 BUoa 0f rove wr everai
HillBboro, was caliea, oui wnen w qqq in pt,yment of the cerUB- lvl
. . ,.n ... tAd I .' . ' . . r' .i. 1 u iwhera he exoecta to BO
arrlvea me jouuh joaie neia Dy anu in iavor ui mre.
naAaaml fliitTered Witn BOinai trou- n.n.uu. Mnresn. widow of the "
ki. rnr anma time, but heart disease i.t. n.n w Mnroan. Mr. Morsan When you need groceries oi any
" ' t! J... I. I a- " ' " ... - ,, , f, T.l.
was the direot cause 01 uis joined the local camp or Modern xina, can on or pnono w wouu
He was 27 yeare old, and had Woodmen, August 15, 1900, and at DenniB. He keepe a full line of
... fi Mill k. n mvul ilinilini It Ut UIM ID! DOBI IOBI OHO UV UIU, auu
m.u H.n...M b". 7-1 , . dii
. . of hie deatn, ntawiaownas reoeivea wmou aro amajrp mwu.
.. , MA.llnM tt Ik. I . ... ... I '
at tun reouiar uictjuu. v. iih mil anmoi niainBuranue. wuiuui . n l. n .
"7. ' o.:. ii-i ITnreet Grove. :V: "7r.w " .k.,..j Jn. 1 ranx uowan, wno quit ore
j. k. fniin-.ina nffloera for -ni.. .1 1 . t ia ri..v ft.. wroTw, wnere ne waa atwnaing
Monuay, iu- M me oueoa w w.-. . Bohool at Ptoiflo University, to ao
appointment aa a cadet at
Md., baa left tbat inetl
rill not ratnrn.
u.nnkia T unitlev. Beoaeiary: "i.t th. hurt nffioa. The members 1 '
inneville. treaBurerj Mrs. S. Q. of the local lodae here are pleased Ernest Lehman, who Uvea north-
aj.-k.. nnnduotrees: Mrs. J. Len-l.i,K v, nrnmnt action of the I east of Beaverton, had the misfor
neville, asst. conductresB. Head Camp. The Modern Wood- tune to dislocate hit right knee,
Rhnotini matoh on ThurBday, men Is a splendid organizauon.ana ih
chooung maou ..... !!.. L. in u. daath I lima that Mr. Lehman haa axner-
lyui, witu buovkuu 1.0 tv. ... :
ine eneuiug j ... uy sua uwu viaia, .n
n W M M J. tiOQ. W.I.I J.. .I.. Mf Aff
R; Mrs.'A.'K.lourse, A. Morgan's death had been received i1
tfjtfarI Newton, not aurpaaaeS by any beneficiary A. B. ley, of the oity, waa called
"u j: . liuA 89 I order extant. ' na auenuea ue uywy
SUitement of the Condition of The
Forest Grove National Bank
At the Call of the ComptroUer, Dec. 3, 1907
Loans and discount 178202.71
IJ 8 bonds and premiums a?.is5 3
Real EeUte 10148.77
furniture and fixture 2SSS.37
Overdrafts.... .gg
Cash on band, 43751.4rt
Due from banks, 48228.91
Ihie from tbe U 8
Treasury 1250.00
. 1210,836.76
Liabilities '
Capital Stock.. ..
CirCU l.tinn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I'ndivided Profits ..
DepoeiU .
' D
e .
Officers and Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, - - . Oregon
Bailey's Di Store
IO 1-4 U 1-4 12 1-4
Prices, $3.50 to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices, 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
V and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you. ,
Having been appointed
publishers agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
plan. " . , '
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc..
School Books win be aoW for
Cosh Oofy. Positively ao Credit.
For sale or trade, for a farm, a
one-half Intereet In tbe Climax
Mills. J. M. II. Qreear.
The Maaonio Building Aeeooia
tionof thia city, held a businea
meeting on the 10th hut.
Call on or phone to. Dennis fct
Jrooer.eSa A oomplste and up to
ate line always on hand. -
Are you a amotu? Ttea cill,
for tbe &ihille off Exicl-
I Oregon poann!aotari . ;;vi :