The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 28, 1907, Image 1

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.mm- Mswew -waw ..awavaw . m
L ' .
l If. . 1
CmifiiITIVIU" I ill1
A Ifjiivn wEi
i yuua
Argua and Journal, $2.25.
W, A. Hernieue, of Yerboort.
, wa ft county seat visitor, Mouday.
(Id to Webb A Hoover for aLk
Aug. Ilellebliyrk waa un from
Rood's, Haturday,
Miea Manohie Lanalev. of Fortm!
I Wawa MikAiti UiiH.l.u lie ftt
.... . . ...... i eve v intu iiuuuav III1 IM
WOrflClKs now Viiuiniu Su, ,..:.,-"-
I J.
, Ln.ii,t:u Mm you buy your toiltt eoape,
to t Tir r.. Dell... Ft. uk, t Wk rt J,M lhf Ui,;
tti lur.Meiest boro i narmacy.
Mre. J a rue Milteoberier visited
this week with MIm Yada reek, of
Lk Public School of the
l(Btf School Superintendent M
lkftoIW legieUture has lo-
-J th attendant in
iHMrtJ, gwaily, Ul1 vel ,u,e
itabeto do cv here penalties
inipoJ The law says it
.B h ihe Jul v of teacher to
lh rniollinent with the
Sheep, hoes and beef cattle
bought. Independent Telephone,
551, lUeverton. J. 0. II ay nee.
II A. Miller, of Portland, and
who a formerly a resident of this
city, waa in town, Friday.
(lo to Oreer's for your iroceria.
lie Ilea everrthln that la Itaut In
Wdia etMu of the district, U firat-claaa grocery atore. . 34-tf.
Uif.oy pupil M.een the agee , RJ . .... .
,ud U aw found to be absent, wifo,0f North Hllleboro, November
fell be iurumtiMit on the teach- 22, ll7, a eon.
nlodounhecaueeof ecch ab- por Mutlemen's, ladiea and
,id J call the attention of the children', bos you can do no bet-
Sato the la, lo all eaaee ter than to buy of John Dennla
ntb U i dierrgaideu, and Conrad U roach and wife, of Port-
tiwM f r alienee lit ii.cullio- land, spent Sunday in this city,
it, lha tt-aober report the care to gueel. of Adam Treber and family.
axfjtiryuf the Uialncl hooou. Perrv Kills, who ia one of the
bMN, and that body deter-L.W kin..nKc f ik. n,.,ik.
Klibetber cune for action ex- unn4i. t .w. -t.
-i -1 i j -
If action u iiiiued tieceeaary, I It.rn, to Deputy County Hecotd-
itttioct th truant oUii-er to er K. L. Perklnaaod wife, of Hula
the parent to eend the pupil I boro, Or., 0T. 24, UK)., a eon.
Rkooloo the Monday lollowiog, nw.ik.fl-kl-..n.l ..
t Ve llo ... ,. I a,htll I i'UlWWIW IIBVVMV WUIIIVI HMW MV
rtuan wkvwk we h a
WeiUmuitin hit uiiik brought the beat atoci. iou cant loot an
tart io4-i juiu of ihe pcecc. ho authority on a good cigar.
r ' - . .... ... .
Walter M, Jackeoo and wile, and
oo. I'aui. ate jbaoiagiving am-
ner with County Treasurer Jack
aon and wile, today.
We will diipoM of our entire
line of inen'a auita at coat. Here U
a chance to diea well at a etual)
value. Hchulmerlch Bros. 35-tf
(n,f Imptiwin impfiMiomrnt ia Ibe
St ul iut mi lima iwo aeyt, nor
ibta ten .Uyi, ot Mb, la the Jt
Mtl Ibe com l. The tupeiinleBd
(anit it lot hU purpoM to b rU-
anpt in eitrtnie i , aad tbet
km been but lew cure bere it
WntutT la notify parrot ill tbi
Wy.ud that ihfjr complied at once,
JtMtl Slier i It kanr hat brrn appoint
mutooicerlor Ilillatioio, aol nc
o( tbr other olitil, bo for
IT...k Btaaa.l aim mm tin
Pi", M,""n y -t.!il .lik irUn
Mniiixrlcii, have duly unalibcd aa " -
W I it for a fortnight, departed Satur
day night for Ban Fraocuioo, to re
aume hie duties as postal inspector
For Sale: Fifty acres cleartd
land in the vicinity of Uillaboro,
on rural mail aod milk route: near
telenhone line. Fine location;
eood bnildini site. -Inquire of
K. P. Neal and wife, of Ashland,
1905 a law waa paaml by the
ilitore, creatina a fund ill each
oty to be rained by the impoei
efaipecial taiof ten cents for
prwo of school age in county
ibotn bv the lant cf niua. The
tu to be invented io libraries were io town, Hunday, gueeia oi me
ch school ili-trirl and ia an I Palmateera. Mr. Neal IS drawn
, -r I " . . , . l
nn the Federal tranu jury, anu
d according to the member
f Thia year the fund amount
KZ2.70. rihould this law coo
in forc, fach district in the
iv will soon have a good libra-
This law ig of ecpecial benefit
nmoie mountain diatncla. aa it
m the scholars who have small
to get hooks from public li
so opportunity to get muoh
auoo ihey would not other
receive. The Htate Library
miwion MlnctH and sends out
. I. .1 !.! Im Ik.
slaying tn roruaoa, waning iu
courts to grind.
Lost On the Nehalem road, be
tween Banks and me upper ran
mail itamn. a 12x14 heavy duck
tent, nearly uew. Finder will
i.Imm leave word at Argus office,
or with I uroet nromera, . u.,
The Thanksgiving turkey will be
io evidence today, u giau you
k... nr that vou have oeen
Kach dimrict appoints invited to help eat one, but don't
brtrian, who does not neceasari
You may be sorry
eat too much
Jnat received at Morton's Plant
The book! d No 0de?, ',b0lCe !?
ige with re- f f w tphB td
Mrs to be a school oflicer. I n
j caaeaoicn Hecretaries are pro
witb glHs doors, which are
oil to the district
aUke a wtde range with -z froq - hli .od
'"WMMWynnp':. Alsoalotoffine roses
ji KDYnrrimnni. invcnuoDi. . ,
. v.:.. l:.. from Bttmpsons
HOD. etn I hiiM the nrrl narw
" - i ...
' Pupil Htande a rhance under ir. iha Kanefit of the hundreds
library law. to hersome well Lr a..... adara who reside along
, , v ui n awn - , . .
i wore he leaves the common tne )iDe 0f the Southern raoino, 11
oil. and Hhnuld ha deaire a Li.kt k- nf a1na to know that the
- mirm ra ve - . i a
education, hii readina will i..!nu that carrv Sunday mail
fH treat Imnefii tn him when hel... .k. mmnlne and evening runs
v . vv w - r tarn iuv uiwi"-n
M a collegd course.
Hilliboro, bemdee having the ol
iha morning
of the Corvallli overland
Mike Reese, of Salem, was here
I... -lr aariinUna LODS 10 r tD
"toman in the world, h.solaim iJiTi tomM. of Salem, 7
.-ttrthweit annuity 'of not tSS.B
-r.t frame couri house built io "T L'6re among tb. lot.
Dty eat when Portland was gj letvesno prof-
-part of this county. It was i P'lf!'' ';n(1 one wag
in 1852. and it ia. replao- JS"4lo.UJf.
the nmHHnt hrink atrnrttiira. 01 B prouui-oi . . .
Jurors DiMiiisHcJ to Return
ou Second Judicial Duy
all Jarera sa head. Ceart laalrncUd
Sheriff le luaaa Vcalr
Thirty one circuit oourt jurors at
aetubled in Uillaboro, Monday, at
9 a. tu., for the November term of
oourt, and the entire venire was
excueed, upin order ot Judge Mo-
Bride to the sheriff, and by him
directed, the jury to return on the
aecend Judicial day. Thia means
there will be no oourt, civil or crim
inal, until two week days shall
have elapned from the last holiday
proclaimed by the governor. This
may mean neat week, and it may
mean after the Oral of the year.
The lurors took their temporary
diauiiiwal in kmh1 spirit They will
get three dolura and mileage for
Iheir day's work. The pantl re
ported aa follows:
Kiloiund J Ayrrt... Galea Cirek
Ctiaury beDitirl , Dairy
Albert Lincoln , GIuior
Kicbaul HrauiUb Hilliboro
Michael I'llxaluitiioua Ileavrrdam
Kugcn Schlllrr ..liravrrtoa
T li Mracbaat Mouataiu
CyruiJ Men.leukall Hualon
Henry M Van.leuanJre Dairy
R N Vailey w IIUWikwo
Wm Kaynatd South Tualatin
Frank A Dennett.. North Porrat (irov
J K Zitumerman -Waablngtoa
Adolph Clroiito Kait Cedar
J C Corey Columbia
C J Birdaell... South Portal Orove
Thoe Tucker North Uillaboro
Antoa licrnirui,,,.,, t'ornellua
L A Long houtb IHIUboro
Smith Sholwell Gaatou
W O Hockrn Bravertoa
Sylveater Ree.ler Keedvllbt
Humphrey Boyd -Dllley
Ole Olaoa writ Butte
(leorge Meyer Coracllna
Walter Hog -South roreat Groye
OU Dooelaoa South Illltoboro
Cbarle Hubbert -Dllley
C LJoboeoo North Uillaboro
Frr18trom.. Kaat Butte
0 F Uraon heat Cedar
Auguat Tews, the Tailor, has re
moved from his former shop io the
Houeley buildlog, to Room 3, io
Hohulmerlcb's building, upstairs,
where be will be pleased to see bis
old customers, and all others who
may be io need ef bit services.
Measurements carefully taken for
suits, and cleaning anu pressing
done. ' All work guaranteed. Give
him a call in bis new quarters.
f the preaent brick structure, 01 " J ..Ten Ina to buy back
uwohl andm.rk was sold to " " 'e crop after it get. the
ate Wll lam U Jar.kaon. who PV " V - .r
Ur moved it to its present .if, D on l0P 01 lu"
Miss Wilms Waggener, Hllleboro's
Ulented pianist, and who is now at
Berlin, Germany, finishing her mu
aical inatruolion, is a class mem
ber under the tutelage of Alberto
Jonas, the most famous of that mu
sical center's pianist.. Ten dollars
per lesson Is the tuition, bnt the in
vestment is well repaid. Mia. Wag
.ener was olanist at Pacifio Univer
sity last year. She i. the youngest
ii.iiakir of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus
... . , l . !
Winner, of ibe noiei luaiavin
a iwlin musical review ha. the
following commendatory notice of
the famous instructor:
Alberto Jonaa baa moved into his new
handsome apartmcDie in iu !"""
ui.i Rambcraeretr. at. whither the
many pupil and frlenda of the famoua
plaotat ano pedagogue -w "v-----a
their way. Me oy-moomiy vot.pici
et, where aome of the fineit young tal-
in n.,tin arc heard are started again.
lonaa ia one of tboae atrong, magnetic
peraonalitiei lhat command lucceaa ev
:...v,. .ad nowhere more to than In
BerllO, wnere ne w w
priced , yet moat aougnt ior kbcoc.
v h.. trained aod "brought out"
many succehil concert plaoUta, among
otnere Kin von OraT. Alfred Caljin,
ci Beutel. John I. McClellan and l'ep-
ita Arriole. score oi on pupi w.k.
ile the Tualatin Hotel, tnd it .a. N. Stanton, who is general
sow occupied by a barber shop Buperintendent for the Meter
' oicycie eHtabliHhment. Tbe $tnt Company, came out
Wer bo&rdH are of radar, and itL. .nn1 the dav with Mrs. Btan
IU in a good state of oreserva- tnn and his son, at Holly .Farm,
P-The upper story still con- nortb west ot townf Mr. Stanton
'Mils aot mmhul or.,1 OA nanrl kt. MimninV 1. OOing a grew
Mh window, being made by the er business now than for the oorre-
Bill Aoia lrm re-l Jn. nariod U.t Tetr. H
nlu the interior and the front. Xk. oninion. however, that the
. . . . .. . I -r . l J. auia .
" rool anil IB l..ll.r atiires are no uuuB w n
me old ternoleof iustice. aod ..iu-. H.iah
vi a i -m jm bui a :aaaisii isni at e- -
nerr r.f n.un. II a- Aix juoarw '---.-'.
-----, . v..w,u,...v,, ----- i , . pnrtiana. wee "
.nr .j t- tki i vine coueui. -------
. - -w..,.UD, , ,,r. ,,, H.turdav. on uuei
"hom are now deceased, bafl aiuaw ----- knAettoti
HVhI . a a I .aaa Ann aTlHIlLrJU Tf - '
-"""act, and uenry wenruog
"owooro. and Wm. Kane, oi eeuiw. BA .
Grove, did .be vWBU
nu noirj are alive and prom- .ai th Consul ' ha.
"olive a few veara more. Fifty- nd Korope, ,ano
lat M . .. . . i 1 I J kaarl I I mJ MJ AWKSan. w
-jear. ua long tthlnk: 01 ---onnled to
I a gej wjaj ajea rv -
$3000, being tb. proceed-
of the
. was an uncle ot J. A. im- -oww, -tm tkla-oaDty
".i....t I.ra aalarled DOtitlona with
IUU1...V.., --n .. a "
nlraitlea. Normal ocuouia. anu
...i.. r Muaic all over the United
Slate, which fact ia probably due not
oily to their own brilliant qualification.,
bnt also to Jon..' numerou. connection,
and atrong Influeoce in all themu.lcal
ciaelea of America
TtiA man friend, of Mis. Wag
onnnr. Here anu i-oio v.w-,
are pleased to know that her. pout
graduate course naa laiien in auoo
a pleaean anu
Umbrella, covered and repaired
. anntt aa naw. kl n. in
mm p,v - '
Miaa Anna Banman.ol Portland
wa. out Sunday, the guest of Mr.,
L. A. Long.
Chaney Benefiel, of above Bank.,
..t iha Hnndav in the city.
coming down to report tor service
on the oirouit oourt jury.
Alaskan salt herring at Pal ma-
leer's Grocery. " 37 tf.
Snow baa fallen in the Uig Baud
country, Washington.
Deputy Sherifl Kane wa In Port
land on business Saturday.
C. 8. Reynolds, a Mountaindale
merchant, was In town Friday, and
Are you a smoker? Then call
lor the Schiller or Kxcellencia
Oregon manufacture.
Bupt. of Construction Smith, of
the P, R. A N , was down from
Buxton, Sunday.
For a good smoke try the Schil
ler or tioellenoia and you will
try them again and again,
Mr. aod Mrs. Jaoob Milne, of
near Centerville, have returned
from a tour of California .
The Argus goes to press one day
early this week, just lo penult no
"meaaly" roast turkey to get ahead
of it.
George Hathorn and K. C. Mul
loy, Laurel hopgrowers, were in the
city the last of the week, delivering
Heinrioh Kohl, speciellat !o
horae shoeing; general repairing.
One block south of depot, Corne
lius, Oregon. oO-U
John Vanderxanden, of north of
Roy, was in town Friday, and call
sd. Mr. Vanderxanden Is one of
the crack baseball players of this
Agent Vlckers, of the Southern
Pacifio, reports the car aituallon at
much eaaier than thia time last sea
son, and shippers are not as clam
orous a. heretofore.
Saturday wa. a record breaker,
tbla fall, for, rain. It started in
early, and kept it up all day. A
heavy wind prevailed during the
Ralph Watson, of the Portland
Journal, was in the city Saturday.
looking for a story, but be refused
to be Interviewed. The Argu. ac
knowledges a pleaaant call.
Matt. Ulmen, of Cedar Mill,
was in town Saturday, and called
Mr. Ulman sold his farm laat sum
mer, and expects to move to Mt.
Angel, Marion oounty, next spring
The wheat crop of the north weal
a a t
I. to be moved tiarriman nas
agreed to furnish 1000 care for that
purpose. This will relieve the
money stringency io Oregon, to a
great extent, and is good news.
Detective Vaughn, of Portland,
well known in - this county, ia get
ting considerably ' notoriety witb
bia bloodhounds. He reoeutly ran
down two negro robbers in Wssh-
ington, near Kalama, and captured
For the best pictures you ever
bad made, call at Pope's studio.
Special inducements until after the
Holldaya. For good pioturea, come
between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3
m. Satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. 3G-7
A. M. Beofield, of Gale. Creek,
was thrown out of bis wagon at the
forest Grove condenser, Thursday,
and rendered unconscious by the
fall. He is a man about ur years
of ace The left side of hi. face
wa. badly lacerated. A physician
was called to attend to hi. wound..
J. M. Greear. who left thia city
(or San Diego, Cel., a whort time
ago, write, that he has removed to
El Cahoo, where he will spend tne
winter. He like, the climate nne,
and ha. gained eight pound, since
be left Hlllsboro, and reel, mucn
better in health.
It I. reported in a Portland pa
ner that the present unpretly clear'
ngbouee certificate, are to be caned
' . m a . a
o. and a new lasue made by toe
Portland banker., to take the place
of sold, during the present money
stringency. Tbey will be .mailer
n ize, and, therefore, more con
venlent to handle. ,
Sheriff John Connell. who went
clown to Deer Island lhst Saturday,
to have a duck hunt, reported
good time and plenty ol ducks.
Saturday was an ideal day tor duck
hunting. Ducks are now coming
in at a lively rate, and the inland
river, and lakes will soon be plen
tifullr supplied with these fine
game bird.,
Henrv Lund, a brother in law of
Pratt Vlckers, the popular agent of
the Southern Paoifio at this place.
met with a singular aooident in
Portland. Baturday, while unload
ing wood. Some sort ot a missile
a .a m a a
struck him in tne race, creating
hi. left jaw and knocking loose
.a .a i a
nearly all tb. teetn on tnai ue
Where the missile, whatever it waa,
came from, the injured man doe.
not know. It i. one of the most
sinsular on record, and the
victim cannot acoount for it. He
la in St. Vincent'. Hospital, and
his sister. Mr.. VJcksrs, went to
Portland. Tuesday, to assist in car
ing for him. Lund formerly lived
at Cornelius, where he i. very wel
And a Dainty Lady
Curinichnel, a Salem Buyer,
(lets the Lot
Sen. Cent pf Peued Paid for Prims
Prsdact '
Five hundred and .iaty, six balee
of hop. were bought from growers
living in the Hillsboro district, this
week, by Carmlobael.tbe wellknown
Salem buyer, through bis agent, E.
M. Reeee. Reese, in speaking ol
the bops, Baturday, pronounced
them "fine goods." The price paid,
according to the statement of the
agent, waa 7 cant, per pound, al
though one lot wa. secured as low as
six cents. The purobase will be
shipped to Wiggeo, Richardson A
Co., London, England, and will be
sold to the brewing trade. Rec
says: " Wealway. have been high
ly pleased with Washiogtoo Coun
ty tope,'' and he hope, to get more
ol them before the end of the year.
Those selling to Carmichael, in this
vicinity, are:
Zina Wood, IHMihoro 176 bale.
Andrew Jck,Faruilnglou 57 bale.
George Ilatborn, La ore 1 93 balee.
ltd C. Mulloy. Laurel 16 bale, '
C. Joheaun, Feruiiagloo .31 bale.
Saw Ornilnff, Laurel 8 bale.
Total number pure beard 666 bale.
om Kmerick, who has been io
charge of lbs Robt. Wakefield Co.,
the railroad con tractor., for the
past year, ba. decided to remain
here with the .took for the winter,
despite tb. rumor, that he was to
take tne horses outside. 1 he com
pany ha. twenty-one bead in the
alablee at preseot that have bad
pleuty ot bard work during the
spring and summer. It was thought
best to winter them here lhat tbey
might be in good condition for
This i. good new. for Tillamook
when ooe oonaider. the amount it
will take to keep the stock in feed,
etc., aod the confidence the com
pany had in Mr. Kmeriok when
eaving him here with so responsi
ble a charge. Tillamook Herald.
1V 'A
And a dainty lady! How
well they match. The "puff"
is one of those "selected
stock" kind used by the
smart set.
we are now showing, add
beauty to your dresser.
Other articles requisite to
enhancing facial beauty we
keep the best of. To be sure,
buy of us. Our goods are
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Forest Grove National Bank
Commenced business, March 4, 1907.
Comparative statemeut upon dates of
Call by the Comptroller:
March 32. 946.223.17
May 20, $69,822.28
August 22, $13p,722.92
Accounts invited.
Officers and Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Bailey's Big Store
IO 1-4 li 1-4 12 1-4
Prices. $3.30 to $9
Same Sizes es Above
Prices. 75 ct$Jo$2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. E. Bailey, Forest , Grove
There will be an auction .ale at
Qlenooe Hall, Baturday evening,
December 14th, of pretty and use
ful Christina present, for the ben
efit of a Christmas tree at the same
place. Free lunch after eale, and
... ...
prizee lor the prettiest gin and tne
laziest man. K very body invited,
We make Chocolate Chips. "The
Den of Sweets "
For Bale Table and stock beets,
table and stock carrots, cabbage
and tomatoes. Delivered. Phone,
aoifio gtates, 57. N. W. Cbiloott
and W. H. Marden. 34 tf
Herman Mat thee, for ten year.
an employee of the Benson Log
ging Company, io the capacity of
ooomotive engineer on their log
ging railway near Clatskanie, wa.
n the city, Friday, enroute to Lao
rel. where he home folk, un-
til alter the holiday season. He
say. that svery thing in the loggini
ine i. .hut down on the river, and
operation may not be resumed un
til 11)08. Then, in hi. opinion, wa
gee tor labor will not be as high ..
o the past. ' ,
John H. Steveneon, formerly a
Washington county boy, and later
a well known newspaper reporter of
Portland, ha. been admitted to the
practice of law and ba. been ap
pointed a deputy district attorney,
under John Manning. He worked
for many year, on the Telegram.
Hi. father, who is an old pioneer
of, tht. county, wa. recently ap
pointed game warden of the state,
by Governor Chamberlain.
The party ot Hawaiian belles,
chaperoned by Mr.. Edyth Toiler
Weatberred, formerly of Hillsboro,
have arrived in Seattle from their
trip to Alaska, after many trial.,
and will be detained at the above
plaoe until Mrs. Weatberred reoov
er. from the effect, of a bad fall at
Juneau, and nervous exhaustion,
following the accident. While her
oondition is not serious, she will be
unable to proceed with her party
before the ls.t ol this week. Tne
bailee from the coral lales, where
arow the oocoanut trees, will prob
ably miss a contemplated trip to
trt . e 1 . tA. a AT
aj attaiaa savti v iffinniiw nu av rvi mm .mm
IUvUtla fleixu t sjbjuvwu wwa wuf Mini 1Tab sieilaa tm aariai ffntt am faavm si
Weatberred will make every effort 0M.haM intoPe.t 'in the climax
0 get no in ume w w Min, M M Q
those places. The girl, will .tart
for their home, to the West when! J. C. Kuratli transaoled buslnes.
they get through teeing the sight. I in Portland, Friday,
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also cariy a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you. .
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Book, will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
Call on or phone to Dennis for
groceries. A complete and np to
date line always on hand.
Christina, and wedding oaks, a
specialty at the City Bakery.
i waa no unoie OI
iT. R. Imbrie.of tW. city.
1 sale oi.rea w