The7 iniiixseeRe i VOL. XIV HILLSBORO, OREGON. NOVEMBER 2). 1907. - i . urn dairymen TO JIT SOON DiK Cuuvcntlou IMauiicd fur December llUIIMH kJM tOWtMlUN fobliiUa Caaety Ualrjaiea will T.U Tbt iitntb annual convention of Own dairyman will meet un j itia aul of the Portland Conmorcial Club, la Portland, un D-wmUr I2lh aud 13th. 1'rmi dot K. T. JuJd, of Turner, will Tba ThurnUy mIoo will hear a Ulk by ltn lilur, uf Hrooas, on "T-lini Milk on the Kami." John DiotiJJia, of Wood burn, will umi on "Winter va Bummer Dai rjiug" To this ulijct will l tiin a .Ik-umIoo for 'JO winuUa p brina out Ibe viee and afl rd opportuuity fur an ficliange of natful liinta on the rare of roa tad dairr product L li. Zuu af, of TillativHik. will talk on th .NWilf fur Clean Milk," and kit addrxea trill conclude tha fore- JJnQ arMicin. In th afUruoon T. H.TonanJ. af Portland, wilt dircuas ' Care of Craaiu fr Hliinment, and there till ix a -u mm umi ricnange or on I liia aulijt-ct. ' Succulent fad fr Wintet" will I deoorlUd br William rkhulmerich. of liilla- boro. Tli" InteriMilrg toplo of "Milling Willi a Machine" will iw pnwnM tr Mr. H A. Yoakuiu, of Marah(ild. "Tha Dairy Cow at Hoiuaand Abroad" will 1 dianuea ad bf Joaopb K Wlof, of Median leaUirf, Ohio, who will make a few ofartmliona on tba dilTereni math till of dairying ia Oregon and tba aaatern elates. ATTEMPTED HOLUUP Latt Friday night, about 11 o'clock, al L. i. l'alruateer, of thl lawi, tartad to aaa to tba rear of bit toafeciionery alore on rteoond Ht , to id Utaira In bia living roorns, a Baoiteped out from the shadows, and ordered biu) lo tbrow op hie haodi, at the aama tiaia di'rbsrg leg a revolver in bia direction, the bullet from which, Mr. Pelruateer etya, puae within a abort dUtanoe from bia head. Being armed, Mr. Palmateer Ugan firing at bia aa tailaot, wbo loat no lima in making ail getaway. Mr. TaliuaUxir thinka OU of tba ahuU niUtt have hit the hold up, aa be waa heard to utter a cone, aa be ran. Tba robber' ahol taut through a woodahed, and Wrack the jamb of a door leading to tbe rear of V. M. llridal'a real JUU oflu-e. it waa too dark for Mr. Taliuateer to get touch of a da Wiptlon of tha hold-up, and while "has bin iunplclona, as to the idea Wj of the man, lie ia not aura. oi man made bia eauim in a pass- 31 oy, to tbe rear of tbe Bigelow otal. . Whoever be waa, tbe fei nt muat have been familiar with w promises, ao In hla getaway, be h1 a hoard, which waa nailed cross the paiaage way, whlob prob Wy would have stopped him rath- suddenly in bia flight, bad he M been familiar with the pre mines Argus and Journal, $2.25. P.9 Wenger wai in from Uelve M, Monday. 'Art. 8hute v lilted Portland on Tttuday. iornos Robb waa in from Cen "villfl, Tuesday. Qui. l'atieraon waa a Portland "'lor, Tuesday. Joob rtchmldt and wife were In wn from Laurel, Monday. foreman Barber, of tbe John ftiy ""0b' WM in lh9 oUy, Mr. MoOill, of the Oregon Nur fines' 'D lWn Mondy' 00 , Tn wan wbo fares beat, usually, M maa who patronizes hla home PoitmaHter B. P.' Cornelius and 1 1 !! Connell mended the funer ""Mrs. Meaiham, Tuesday. J?' "aJ: Twenty five pigs, 8 Sr.!?' 7. I h UHboro and Cornelius.- ' ayior. J,he it5bt of a million dollars in E!wC?Ln' lu K'i bauled on a Un7 ,ibro"Rh th Btreete of Port HJ ,a' Saturday, to the First f Moual Bank, did something in la i? 4 of wotorlng oonfldenoe arill. Aoily. in the state gen- Kina MM of llaii.ilun.Brown ahoee, tt Jbn Dennia'a. I.. M. Coinmoiia aud wife ai.eut Nuoday in NewUrg. W N urrelt wife Tueeday in 1'orll.ud. Auapelle huree and lap covara for aal. by Carhle. ir 6 ' Ualpb t'glow.of Mouutaiudale waa In the city, Monday. do to Webb A Hoover for atock food, Oregon cedir and yalluw Gr are aid to make tbe lal of violiua. Brfore you buy yoUr U)ni m take a look al tb ana at tbe If ilia boro I'harinary. baw if. of of Chrlalofl IliUer, of neaUed villa, Nov. H VMl, a daughter. ' Hbe., Ituugbl. Ml, H.,i , bifi and lf rattle Independent Telephone, vertoii J. U. Uavneav. IVler Hmuker, a prominent Hel vetia dairvinan. in inn Mn.,. . ' uaj, un nuaiiiraa. Ham Kun., tbe Bethany mer chant, waa a couuty eral viailor, Monday. J. K. Krench, of near Roy, bai aolj bia farm to C. (iriUln. late ef Miaaourl, tbe price being I3,0U). io to (ireer'e for your groceriee. tie haa everything that ia kept in a urel claia grocery store. 34-tf Claua Jree, of near Banks, waa In town, Mondav. and reoorta ev. erylblng going along smoothly ip that way. It II. Walker, one of the beav taipayera of this county, waa io munuay irom ma ranch near Cedar Mill. Mrl. JiXlibine (liluuin ami Mr and Mra. U. I.. Weet, of l'ortland, vimte.1 tha Bitelowi tbe Oral uart of tbe week. Waalav I'tvna rif fllitnrvMi nna nl tha leadinc alocktneu of tbia coun ty, waa in town Monday, tranaact- lug nuaiueea. Wa will diaixiee of our entire line of meu'a auiu al ooat. Here ia a chance to dree well at a atnall value, rtchulraerioh Bros. 35 lf (J. C. Out. lattilv from German v. was in thecitv tha rlret of tha week. looking for a location to engage io tbe atock buiineae. The 1'. It. .( N. Railroad Com pany ia operating tbe Hilleboro end of the road regularly. Loge are coming in to the local mill, which is running on full lime. J. H Hleinke. of Minter brida. waa in town Mondav. and reoorta thai he rained aome gigantic pota- taloea, one or whictj weigbeu inree and one half Hunda. Herman Oitrrman. the nouular Ceuterville merchant, called Mon day. Tbe dance and shooting match at that place, last week, waa i big success In every reepecU For Sale: Fifty seres cleared land in the vicinitv of Hilleboro, on rural mail and milk route; near tefepbone line. Fine location; ;ood building site. inquire oi Argus. Acrtordina to the Oovsrnor's proclamation, all of tbia week is thahi.lidav lid. Lal bual- oeaa la badly tird up, and there is considerable grumbling in oouso mienoe A number of real estate sales are pending in this plaoe. Jual received at Morton's Plant and Flower Hardens, a choice lot of fruit trees, from 1 to 3 years old. These trees are free from aphia and other peU. Alao a lot of One roaee from 8 lim peon's Kose Nursery. Csll and see them. 35-tf Mrs. B. K. Dunning, of Forest Grove, who died at the l'atton Home, in Portland, on the 18th inat.was buried at Forest Grove, Tuesday. Mrs. Dunning waa 81 years old, and had been a resident of this county for more than twen ty years. Farmers are busy plowing and seeding during the tine weather White winter wheat and fall oats are the principal grain crops. Many farmers are trying the Blue Stem wheat, this fail, ap it yields better than olher varieties, aud brings I or 3 cents more iu the market, lor milling purposes. Portland clearing house certifi oatea in large and small denom na tions are circulating freely ; in this city. They are backed by the Port land Clearing House Association , and buck of them are tha wheat salmon, and other oom mod W .of the northwest, and are redeemable in coin, February 8. The thirteen year old son of Joseph Boyd, of near Dilley, ac ol Stall; discharged a shotgun one day last week, the load of shot nSssing through the right band of I eUUl. five year old sister badly mangling the member. ItapM eible that amputation may be ne cesaary in order to save it. NO. 3G "IMTIID intain 111 To Methodist (icncral Com mittee, Portland CESTEmitlAN CttANDMA WOOD la Oldcat Livlag Uctbodlat, aad la a ttcaidcat ef (bia cily Mn. Mary Uamsay Wood, of Hilleboro, tbe oldeat woman in tbe world, aent greetings, Monday, to tbe Methodiat United Htatea Gen eral Church Extension Committee, now in H4ssiou in Portland, and Rev. L. F. Belknap, local pastor, carried tbe mesnago. Upuu motion Y- cA of Bishop Wilson the meeting ac knowleged the greeting, and t-z-tended its felicitations to the aged woman who hna tbe distinction of being a Methodist for over a centu ry. A committee of Bishops came nut and called on the old lady. It ia unmcesoary to publish the fact fir local readcra, that if Mrs. Word shell live until next May she will be 121 years old. It ia olaiux-d for her that she haa been a Methodist for 108 years. MASS MEETING Notice to Iegal Voters: There will be held iu the City of Hilleboro, at lbs City Hall, on Monday, Novem ber 25, l'.IOT, beginning at 8 p. m., a maas meeting of the legal voters of the City of HilUboro for the pur pose of nominating a city ticket, consisting of Mayor, for tbe term of one year; three councilmen for the term of two years; city recorder and city treasurer for terms of one year, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly oome before such meeting. By order of tbe City Council. Dated at Hilleboro, Oregon, No veraber 21, 1U07. John Dennis, Mayor. REMOVED August Tews, the Tailor, has re moved from his former shop in the Uousley building, to Room 3, in Bohulmeriob's building, upstairs, where be will be pleased to see his old customers, and all others who may be in need ef bia servioes. Measurements carefully taken tor suits, and cleaning and pressing dons. All work guaranteed. Give him a oall in his new quarters. HENRY CLAY BIRO Died, in the hospital at Vancou ver, Wash., Nov. 13, 1907, of ty nhnid fever. Henrv Clav Bird, aired 48 years. Deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Al. A. Bird, ot Hillaboro. and four brothers and one sister, as follows: Mrs. Jessie Perea, Curry county; John Bird, (Irani oountv: Wm. Bird. Crook oounty; Frank Bird, Dufur, and Edgar Bird, the latter living wun his mother, in Hilleboro. Mrs. Bird was born in this oounty in 1S39. Her husband has been dead some time. CHURCH DEDICATION The dedication of the German Lu theran Emanuel's church, ot Cor nelius, will .take plaoe Sunday, November 24th. The people will meet in the Adventist cnurcn, im mnfltinss have been held. w a " an - ml fi-nm there nroceed to the new ohurch, where dedicatory servioes will begin at It) o'ctooz, a. m. After the dedication by Rev. C. Bueohler and his brother ministers, Rao. A. Krause. of Portland, will aMvht a sermon in German, aad after the meeting, dinner will be served at the Corntlius hotel by the ladies' society of the ohurch Tha ftrnnnn services will be held in English by Rev. J. i Doeecner, . a nfllnflk. Kvervbodv invited. Ws desire to thank the Adventlsts for the ub6 of their cnurcn. u. Bueohler. Raloh Wann, ex-county record er, now teaohing school at Bethany, was in town saturasy. t "V Johnny Halvoraen and wife were up from farmington, Monday. u. jvooniz, oi esi union, was in town Monday, transacting busi neas. Umbrellas covered and renairfxl as good aa new, at li. Loe Hears' cyclery. Are vou a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Ezcellencia Oregon manufacture. Alonzo Phillipa, of Portland. waa a caller at the Argus office Monday. T. B. Perkins, of Buiton, was registered at tbe Tualatin Hotel, wa a rriuay. Our real estate men all say that business is better than it haa been at any time this year. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rhhh11 It Frost, of Uillsboro. November 15. l-JVl, a daughter. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Exoellencia and you will iry mem again and again. t i w-ta . iieinricn ivoni. specialist in horse shoeing; general repairing One block south of depot, Corne lius, Oregon. 36-9 T. R. RatclifTa, of Scholia, was a county seat visitor, Friday, and gave tbe Argue a pleasant call. Edward Waite and Maud Davis. of Uillsboro, were given authority to wed, by the count v clerk, on u- l . . . Movemoer 10m. A marriage licenan waa iaanai nn November 15th. to W. K Mrf!o of Foreat Grove, and Etta Dilley, oi me aame place. Benjamin Birdsell, of Forest Li rove, was in town Saturday, vis iting Lis daughters, Mesdamee Mc Cormick and Dennia. Smokers like the Schiller and the Exoellencia. These cigars are of tbe beat atock. You can t fool an authority on a good cigar. Pearl and Harold Greear, of this city, started to San Diego, Cal ifornia, last Wednesday, to join their parents at the latter place. They will remain some time. "Balaam oi Myrrh," a guaran teed remedy for sore shoulders on horses. Money refunded if not satisfactory. For sale by A. M. Carlile. 35 6 C. Blaoer opened bis skating- rink in tbe building formerly occu pied by the Greer grocery, Satur day night, a large crowd being in attendance. Jos. Hayes and wife, of Sheri dan, were in the city, Monday, on business, lbey formerly resided at Glencoe and Forest Grove, and lately owned the Yarley plaoe, west of town. For gentlemen's, ladies' and children's hose you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennis. W e have them for everybody, and at prices that are values. E. K. Lytle and wife, and their son-in-law, J. E. Ellis, and wife, ot Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. U. K. Lytle, of Hilleboro. Mr. E. . Lytle is president of the P. R. & N. railroad. Lost On the Nehalem road, be tween Banks and the upper rail road camp, a 1214 heavy duok tent, nearly new. Finder will please leave word at Argus office, or with Turner Brothers, at Banks. T. C: Wadsworth, cashier of the Amerioan Type, Portland, waa out Sunday, accompanied by his wife and children. While here Mr. W. went out and looked at a ranoh in the Maple Hill section, with the view of possible purchase. W. O. Donelson is building a neat bungalow on his property, at the corner of Third and Maple streets. The main building will be 26x30, with a kitchen, 14x16. The building will coet, when completed, in the neighborhood of 11200, and will be a credit to the town. Five cases of typhoid fever are reported in one family near Reed ville. The sick people Arrived lately from Minnesota, and the physicians believe they contracted the disease before they left that state. The prinoipal cause of ty' phoid fever is impure water. This often occurs when water gets too low in tbe wells. When persons have a suspicion ot impure water, they should boil all used for drink ing purposes. This is the advice of the physicians. H. D. and E. E. Schmeltier, who spent about six weeks visiting relatives and friends in Iowa and Texas, returned to HillBboro last Saturday. They oame home by the way of California, and report ft DleaBant trio. I be onlv diesareea ble feature of the trip waa when they reached Los Angeles, Cahfor nia, and attempted to get some checks cashed, The banks there refused to cash checks on Oregon banks, but they found some friends who would, so they got home all right. The boys Bay that Oregon looks good to them. At Big Red Pippin Show io Portland STRICTLY A VALLEY ORGAXIZiTIOM Atwtll, Fareat Grov; aad Overheltzer, Tigardrlllt, wis caps An exhibit of the apple product of eleyen Willamette Valley counties was made in Olds, Wortman A King's store, in Portland, Novem ber 14, 1907. The prizes given. consisted of cups, which were award ed as follows: Box of Baldwins, Uomtr C. Atwtll, of Foreat Grove, and present ooatmaster at that place. Bo of King, J. 11. Orerholtzef, of Ti-gardville. Boa of SpiUenbergi, Wallace estate, Folk County. Box of Jonathan, E. Keabler, Leban on. Boa of Northern Spy, C. J. Tidcotnb, Siappooae. Boa Ben DavLa. T. P. Pachler. Alhanv Box of Gano, L. T. Reynolda, Salem. Arkansas Black. D. C. Van Dorn. Day ton. Brat packed box cf annlea. Hiaa Celia Kirk, McMinnville. As will be seen two of the cans were carried awav bv Waahinaton county growers, which speaks well lor toe sou and climate. The ex hibit was better than a Hood River exhibit, held at the same time, at another olace in the citv. Hood Kiver aDDles are not aa eood as the vallev. having neither the bouanet . nor oesuuiui coloring. lo J. ft. Uvernoltzer. of near Ti- sardville. and H. C. Atwell. of the Grove, belong the credit for this splendid advertisement of Wash ington Countv aa an annle section. and that we have won first priie on two oi the leading varieties of ap ples, is an honor and distinction worth having. An aasociation of the valley grower was formed at tbe Imperial Hotel, Nov. nth. Milton () LownaHal. or T.f. ette, waa elected president; L. T. Rey nolds, oi aaiem, waa made eecretary and treasurer. There were vicnrMii1nta chosen from every county in the valley, aa follow: Laoe, J. H. Buabnell, Inac tion City; Linn, H. Bryant, Albany; Benton, D. V. Rumbaogh, Corvallia; Marion, C. A. Park, Salem; Polk, Panl Wallace. Zena: Waahinptnn. H P At. well, Forest Grove; Yamhill. H. C. Van Dorn. Davton: Colnmhia. A. HnII1- Multnomah, H. C. Dosch, Portland. THIS COUNTY WINS (1ST APPLE PHIZES WILSON WHITMORE Wilson Whitmore, of this city, af ter ao illness of several weeks, died at the family home, November 15, 1907, interment being in the local cemetery, Sunday. Deceased was born in Cosbockton County, Ohio, October 26, 1832. Moving to Iowa in youth, he was wedded to Ellen Coesel, in 1854, and to this union were born three children, one of whom, Jacob Whitmore, of Hilla boro, survives. He was again mar ried, in 18G8, to Rebecca Fleming, at Bladensburg, Iowa, two children being born to them, Tiberius Whit more, and Mrs. Nora Miller, both being deoeased. Tbe family came to Oregon in 1871, and settled on ft homestead near Laurel. They re sided there continuously, except a time spent at N ew berg and Golden- dale, and the last year or so in this city. Mr. Whitmore was highly es teemed by a large circle of friends. His widow survives. A dispatch from Seattle, dated the 17th inst , says that the Hawai ian girls, who were entertained in Hilleboro some time ago, got into trouble while returning from a trip to Alaska on the steamer Jefferson, bound from Juneau, Alaska, to Seattle. The girls tendered drafts on Honolulu, for their fare, which were refused by the steamship offi cials, so that the girls are in the position of stowaways. The fair maidens, however, are under the protection of some big hearted miners,' who are coming down to Portland and Seattle to spend the winter, and who promise to settle the matter of fare when Seattle is reached. Mrs. Weatherred, wbo is ft siBter of Leroy Totier, appealed to him, and in spite oi the protests of the steamship officers, the girls were taken aboard. The fair Ha waiians had not figured on meeting money stringency, .when they lett borne, and the steamship com' pany did not want to accept ex change on the Honolulu banks. For the beet pictures you ever had made, call - at Pope's studio. Special inducements until after the Holidays. For good pictures, oome between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p.m. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. 36-7 Billy Albere, who yeftrsagowas a partner with Herman Kamna, in farming operations, and now in the firm or Albers Bros. & Schnei der, was in town Tuesday. We make Chocolate Chips. "The Den of Sweets." A BIG PUFF And a Dainty Lady A BIG PUFF And a dainty ladyt. How well they match. The"puff" is one of those "selected stock" kind used by the smart set. PUFFS AND POWDER BOXES we are now showing, add beauty to your dresser. Other articles requisite to enhancing facial beauty we keep the best of. To be sure, buy of us. Our goods are standard. Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by the Comptroller: DEPOSITS March 22. 945,223.17 May 20. $69,622.26 August 22, $130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Prts., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua. , Forest Grove, .... Oregon Bailey's Big Store For WOOL BLANKETS IO 1-4 U 1-4 12 1-4 Prices. $3.5Q to $9 COTTON BLANKETS Same Sizes as Above Prices, 73 cts to $2 We Carry the Largest Assortment in Wash- ington County J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. , Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line, upon the Ex change and Introductory plan. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Oaly. Positively no Credit. William Davis, of Beaverton, was ia town Monday, on business. Geo. W. Patterson, of Portland, waa in the city the first of the week. ft.!. as 11 1 rati A 1a Tlltl. niai L il groceries. A oomplete sod K?fc date line always on band. Christmas and wedJir j cakes a specialty at the City Eslxy.