The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 14, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 35
yilltoii on Ocpiwll In l ive
111 oV S
UilU Keeelei.
fl0Bfil lfble ilo not appear
tebiork.l any bad reeut'eoo
WMbliiKl"" t'uunty, w'l 00,J
l(opp4 of w.rk bee Uen the
tilbdr1 f"r,M 00 lh
nfte Biiy Navigation
J, tbirli i projected between
ihii place end Tillamook. This
tort, bowtvrr, would have but
Iwl throuKh Ihe good weather,
ioj i abut ln wnuIJ have oc
cttwJ m n M the Winter rain
taoieiKed. t.a.t year there wet e
,bui'Jowi i-arlier then this season.
nilUiuil""'1''" to grade ilurlog
Ibtlncltuiptil eelbrr
AH tlit twmtlte io the county
in ilill running, riot one Shot
feta btiui rKrtl. 1 1 I eell
nil lliat I ha lumber cut Iblt
mr will nml the hundred mil
bo mark, and it ie estimated (bet
It beat $ bae hern eipetid
1 (of labor n l aluaipage,
Cartful In jury be Ibel thi-re
bit let, in lli iWtdUDly bank,
JtpeiU in ilm um of I l,0ts,iK)O,
ItMy Holding tbe drKeii of
lb tut end of lbs r tunly, there
Uribore and tuillioen generally
buk in Portland. Tbe two coo
imwti, it llill.h ro end Forest,
ut Hill bur i'K ll tbe available
ilk, enJ ire running lull bieet.
Ctrtfur b i ( i tC are mure eeeily
tbleiowl l In n in former yeere, end
Uratn ir. having uo trouble get
libfmouey for their bey end grain.
Auguit Tien, tbe Tailor, bee re
Bofeii frmii ht former ehop io tbe
HotuUy building, to Room 3, in
Sebulmericli'i building, UeUira,
ibm be will U pleased to m hi
14 cuilouirra, tod all othere who
nay U iu dmhI of bit services
MftuuremenU rerefully taken for
niU, tod lfoiug and pressing
dme. All work auaranteed. (live
kirn a cell in hie new uerter.
'ortland, Irani
liilletxiro Mun-
Fine line of Hamilton-Ilrown
shoe, at John Iniitii.'a.
Tbe Hanks b.xil will l
rrady for use in about two wtwk..
Dance, at HilUboro llll, Hatur
day evening, NovmuUr .
Try your I ndeK)iideiit Telephone
for long di.lanus.
(lue MiMeingcr, of Laurel, was in
lb eity Friday.
We make Chocolate Chips. "Tbe
leu of Sweets."
K J. Wood, of I
acUd bu.itina. in
Sheep, bnga and beef cattle
bought. Independent Telephone,
Ml, HaverUn. J. U. Hayuee.
Mra. Joe. Downs wait In Portland
eeveral dayt tail week, tbe guest of
Mr. J.C. Hare.
Br fort you buy your toilst eoa,
take a look at tbe line at tbe Utile
boro I'liarniacy.
II. 1'alton, a (irominent Halera
man, waa iu town Monday, aud
celled on the Argun.
Io you wtut a buggy? We have
tbe Ant-el linee ever ebown iu tbii
county. -Mchultuerkb ltroe.
Mr.. Win. Clark, of Tortland,
vieitetl with Iter arnla, Mr. end
Mra. Hicberd Ueldra, Huoday.
(io to Ureer'e for your groceriee.
lie bee everything that la kept in
a tiret claee grocery alore. 34-lf.
Iavid Kuralli, of Portland, via
iUnl friendi in Hill.boro, over Sun
Are you a tmoker? Then call
for tbe ft'billrr or Kicllencia
Orrgon luauufaclure.
C. K. Ly lie and wife aud Mayor
John Dannie aud wife alUndel tbe
rloeiog night of tbe Horee Show at
Wanted about UK) tone of good
oale. Higbril market prire will le
paid at Hill.boro. John Milne.
Mra. Virgil K. Wattera, of Cor
vallia, nee Dora Wiley, of tbit
place, i. in tbe cily, vititing rela
livea and friend.
For Sale Family borae, fair
driver, eafe for woman and chil-
ren. aleo top buggy. Inquire at
(iuardian if Little Sun nf Ca.
rcy Snyder Hrinni Suit
bioita Coaety Tragdr Broegbt
te Mind
Mloeing i. the criminal docket
for tbi Noveitiber term of circuit
wort, to del.:
Stale of Ofttiron va Ausuat lloaal:
tiling liquor la minor.
otaleol Oreirou va Andrew Hoe-
Mb; rtie.
Slate of Oregon va J A Haker;
lliog Ihpmr to minor.
Bute of Oregon va Marabal Hob
" and Waller Heynolda; lar
WJ of hori-n
8UU of Oregm ea A J Baker;
M'iog li( tior in lees iiuaniiliet
ooni gallon.
DUto of Oregon va William Wil
o; aewault and battery.
Bute of Oregon va J II Kitiger
; liroeni' Uv ImiU.
Slate of ()rgon va A Aoderaon;
Jully throwing down a fence on
na not Ihh own.
Stalaof rgon va George Tur
P; Maault with a dangerous wes
Slate of Ofon va Ramus! Sam
""op; titling out fire without
State of orpKon va James Atwa
on iiiriiriuatiun by Proswuting
"wrney ,
cfi irom juBtioe court.
io, of
ft loan exhibit given by Miss
the art department of the
"oilete. i...i u a ...
decided suooess from
"wy HlKudpoint. Twenty ihoua
'"O UOllars' worth nf
!VXbii,l,ilion' and tbe people of
wiunge ana town took sdvan
"8of the opportunity. The die
l'J Wan nn d'ri.l.. o.i.
SfOMwho loaned piotures and
K'n were: Of Pertlsnd
'o B. Ayer, Mies Georglns
m Mrs. H. W.Corbett, Mrs.
5,". Mm. Hugh Hume, Mrs. Henry
Willi ' "iiiiarn jones, mre
" 8. Ladd.Mrs. William M
""r. Herbert n Nlnhnla. 0
f'0'., H. 0. Wortmsn.
h, l,rve-Willlam Abernathy
J'ofesaor Joseph W. Marsh, Mrs
to "ogHts, Mrs. Uvlna Lyons
(o0o to Webb & Hoover for stock
J' M, fiarnes, of south of the rlf
ma Wood'a farm.
J. 11. McNew.of twlow Reedville,
was lo the city Monday, renewing
auld ecuueut, and incidentally
called on the Argui.
For tale, a nice, dark bay Per-
cherou coll, 4 years old; weight
bout I'AJOIbe., sired by Old Ore-
... . . L I
gooian; well orote vo wore.
Hebee, harmington.
Ira Purdin and daughter, of Port-
aud, have relumed from a trip to
the Jameatown Fair, and otner
narU of the Mouth and Ka.l. Mr.
Purdin was out to hie farm near
tbe Grove, tbe latter part of la.t
Juat received at Morton's Plant
n.l k'lnaiir (larJeue. a cuoice 101
t ruii traMt. from 1 to 3 years old
These treea are free from apnta anu
other ueeta. Also a lot of line roww
rom Btimpaoos uoae iiumcrj
Call and see the iu.
Km! K.ller. of Portland, was in
tnn Fmlav on Dis way w viu
Hrl Chrlslner. of Mountaindale
Mr k'i.llHr waa emDloyed on ce-
" .. .'. 1 1 ... .u.
ment work in Poriianu, out m.
contractor discharged all tne men,
and Mr. Keller ie looking lor a joo
Read the change in the time of
trains on lue r. i no uuiuj-.j
ought to put on an extra train or
two, Saturday nighU, from Port-
i.,.i Hhnr i an. as many nin-
boroites have to stand the entire
distance from Portland, ahi imv
master Cornelius U it ten t a isih
j-r V.'. Reed, of Dillef.
bachelor, aged 74 years, died of
cancer, on the 7th inet. Reeil was
.n Oreonn nioneer oi toot,
was born in Tenneeeee. He was a
resident of near Dilley for upwards
of 6() years, and took part. w a vol-
. n 19! .aw I nit lain
unteer, In tne itogue ivivm
u-u,J In Portland. November
urn? .i Mm iitrnonaiie of tbe ot
., iui, r."
Lawrenoe Uatnonc unuru .,
Hankel, of Hartlioe, w"
Miss Mary LeBeau, of Soholls, Ore.
i- VaiixiK k'inrnan performed
Ivor, r
the ceremony In the presence of a
u. nl mlatives and
IBrgq huiuuvi w-
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sparks, of
v . nthrated their 45tb
. u: .nn varaarT. 0D tbe :'in
.. u. H...rka was born in Ad-
ami county, and d.b w
maiden name was oaviu
Beon,was born In Cedar county
r... Thev were married In 1 eo
lie aix-year old son of tbe late
arey D. Snyder, whoee partially
eooinpoMd body waa found near
tathany, a year ago tbia fall, has
Ixtgun a auit in the Kaoaas City
court to contnet his grandfather'a
will. The mil ie brought by his
uardian, the will having diBioher-
ted the child, who is the ion of
nyder by a former wife, and waa
e.erted by Snyder when only one
ear old. Tbe grandfather' estate
ie iuite valuable, and tbe content ia
aeed on tbe alleged fact that "cer-
in iolliieuces aud conditions sur
rounded tin cinilaliit. Snyder.
ben the will made," but does
not elate their particular nature.
Young Snyder came lo Oregon tJirre
rata ((' At tint time Mat with bun
Mr M'le Snyder, who hrcauie infatu-
letl with 1 i in while he waa ervnK a
ertn ii. piiDou ir highway robbery.
m tut (rlruae they wen: uiamrtl, and
I the t'lgentioii of the younv man't
father. fcnilit a retreat in the country
near .MoiiuUitid.ile. The elder hnvder
-nl uj,iiiiii io hn etforta to rcdretu
ie yuting until.
iiiiiik Snyder and hit wile lived or a
ear or more nn the Oregon ranch. Par
ing that time the pliu-e became the ten-
levotia for aotne of the moat tiotoiioua
riKiki iu the country, ami waa the place
f rerieatmn for miiuy deniens of rort-
and'a under world.
Soon after the rohliery of the Forest
rove Hunk, two vrr ago, Carey 1).
Suvder diwmicured. Ilia botly waa
ound veiir ngo, near llrthanv, with a
act ure near the line of theakull. There
at evidence itilticienl to catite a coro
ner', jury to return a verlict of murder,
ud it wax generally Ixheveil Uiat lie
ad leen (Hit out of the way because he
uew too much concerning the bank
Sheriff Counell made every poaailile
Ifort lo aiipreheiid the murderer, but
tlhotit avail, a a chain of evidence to
Convict the uaiect waa lackiug.
The ehler Snyder, father ol Carry Sny-
er, waa killetl in an automobile itccnieui
n KaiiMa City a year ago.
tuww. . tr.oi
na came w o
Tbe obildren are
ria. Iowa, a
Grove in 1M
Mrs. Kmily Fleming, Mrs. W. A.
KingerL-'., SS
and H. W. Sparas, mu
Grove. H. W. Sparks is assistant
editor of the Washington County
Arg'ia a Year
Uememlier, that the Argus is $1.50
year, and all tbe other county
arera are the same. All subscrip
tions from and after Oct. 1, 1907,
inuttt U paid for at that rate. As
before slated, the Argus has not
voluntarily made the new rate, but
has been forced to do bo, by the pa
per trust. All country papers must
raise the price of their subscription,
r go out of business.
About 3 o'clock Tuesday morning,
as Deputy Sheriff Kane lay peace
fully dreaming of the hour, when
Oregon her knee in suppliance
bent, to the Governor s holiday
nower. there came a ring on the
iihooe. that called bim to the vicin
...... . , . .
ity of Dilley, to use into cuBioay a
ild and woolly fellow, who was
threatening to kill his aunt and
uncle, aud possibly other good and
inoffensive citizens It was pretty
tough on Frank to get up and face
the nippy morning air, with its
of frost, but he lost no
time, like any other good otuotal,
in eetti na upon the road. When
he arrived in the vicinity of the
nlace where trouble was supposed
to be troubling, he learned that
one Otto Hensky had been on the
tBimath during the night, and that
he had attacked the citadel of his
uncle and sunt's houke, with
nife. BlaBhing door screens and
kicking on the doors, meanwhile
uttering with a rather tangled
tongue, dire threats of bodily harm
to his relatives, rinauy ieviug,
without gaining entrance, tbe lei
ln. who is a Swede, sought i
shack and laid down to sleep it off,
nerchanoe to dream, who knows,
At anv rate, he was found sleeping
and was yanked into the deputy's
buggy, and now has quarters in tbe
county bastile, with the colored
. tl a. 1- 1.1
boy, who is said to nave boju
horse not me owu.
J. A. Long, of Mountaindale, was
in town Tuesday.
Saws summed, filed and set, at
R. Lee SearB' bioycle snop.
rr. J. K. Adkins returned the
first of the week from Eastern Ore
We will dispose of our entire
line of men's suits at cost. Here is
a ohance to dress wen at a sma
value. Schulmerioh uros. m-u
Andrew Eag'iman, of near Cedar
Mill, and who has taken the Argus
I manv vears. was in town Tues
day, and made the office a pleasant
Postmaster B. P. Cornelius and
ife were in Portland Saturday.
Aouapelle horee and lap covers,
for sale by Carlile.
Arthur Bacon, of Portland, was
n Argus caller Friday.
"A warm baby" is tbe one that
weara lleunen a starts lor rale at
Eli Howell, of Mountaindale,
was in town Friday, aud called on
the Argus.
A Bsnks orowd charivaried Alex
Dames, of Buxton, one night last
week, and got f 2 io cash to let up.
Umbrellas covered and repaired
as good as new, at R. Ie Sears'
J. U. Thompson, of Thompson
Brothers, sawmill men, of Moun-
taindite, waa in the city Friday,
and gave the Argua a call.
For sale or trade, for a farm, a
one-half interest in the Climax
Mills. J. M. Greear.
The Southern Pacific Railway
has again changed its time table.
be schedule is found on the fourth
Smokers like the Schiller and the
xcellencia. Theee cigara are of
the best stock. You can t fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Mr. and Mra. Rufus Wsggener
went to Portland, Friday, to
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates off to
their Klamath Falls borne.
"Balsam of Myrrh," a guaran
teed remedy (or sore shoulders on
horses. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. For sale by A. M
Carlile. 35-G
Hubert Bernard, of McMinnville,
former resident of this county,
was in town Saturday, shaking
bands with old friends.
For Sale Table and stock beets,
table and stock carrots, cabbage
and tomatoes. Delivered. Pnone.
Pacific States, hi. X. W. Chilcott
and W. H. Marden. 34-tf
August Hellebuycke, who has
been back at Detroit, Michigan, ar
rived home the first of the week.
Gus is now married, and has a son
five months old. Gas thinks be
ill locate here again.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
ohildren s hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We have them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Peter Johnson, of this city, an
enthusiast on the Oregon climate,
ast Thursday exhibited some ripe
raspberries, and he declares that
Oregon can beat any country on
earth for climate and products.
Lost On the Nehalem road, bo
tween Banks and the upper rail
road camp, a 12x14 heavy duck
tent, nearly uew. Finder will
please leave word at Argus office,
or with Turner Brothers, at Banks.
For Sale: Fifty acres cleared
and io the vicinity of Hillsboro,
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line. Fine location
good building site. Inquire of
J. D. Roselair, of Albion, was in
town Monday to get a lot of fruit
trees for his farm. He was acconi
panied home by Fred Kotber, i
young German recently from New
i ork, who thinks of settling in tbiB
Portland Clearing House certifi
catee have made their appearanoe
in Hillsboro, and persons wishing a
check on Portland, can use theee
certificates, which are received by
ortland business men in lieu of
K. B. Tongue, John Bailey, A
Siegnet, Ward Downs, J. W. Con
pell, Ed. Schulmericb, Dr. Pitten
ger, Ira Barrett, J. C. Lamkin and
several other Hillsboro people were
in Portland Saturday.
Seven wagon loads of discharged
Greeks came out to the Grove
ast Thursday, from Tillamook,
where they had been working on
the P. R. & N. railroad. They
went to Portland to join the army
of the unemployed.
Not to be outdone by exhibitors
of ripe berries, Mrs. Geo. T. Led
lord, of this place, exhibited sever
al bushes of the Golden raspberry
last Friday, the fruit .being in all
stages of development, from the
embryo berry to tbe fully ripe pro
duot. Verily, Oregon taketh the
cake for ripe berries in November
The sixth annual convention of
the Orewn Good Roads Associa
tion will meet in Portland, at the
rooms of the Portland Commercia
Club. November 14th and 15th
ia learned that . James McDonald
State Hiahway Commissioner of
the State of Connecticut, and Pree
ident of the American Road Mak
ers' Association, will be present at
the convention, He is said to
the ablest man in tbe United
States irf matters of highway im
provement, and 1b also an eloquent
Sheriff Connell and Clerk
GoJman Draw List Friday
Ceurt Coa rents aa Header, Stvcaibcr
On Friday last, County Clerk
Goodin and Sheriff Connell exer-
sed the official authority vested
in them to draw a list of jurors for
tbe November term of circuit court,
bich begins at tbia place on No
vember 25lb, Judge Thomas A. Mc-
Bride on tbe bench. Following ia
the list of jurors drawn:
Kdmond J Ayer .Gale Creek
Chancy Beaeuel Dairy
Albert Lincoln Washington
Richard Beamiah North HilUboro
Michael Fitzaimmoat Braver dam
Eugene Schiller, anreyor.,..Bevertoa
TO Meacham Mountain
Cyrus J Mendeohall Buxton
Henry M andereaod;n Dairy
N Varley, liveryman.. S Koreat Grove
Win Raynard .....South Tualatin
Frank A Bennett. ...North Foreat Grove
K Zimmerman Washington
Adolph Cimino
V Corer
J Iiirdaell
Thotna Tucker
Anton Herman
A Long
Smith Shot well....
Sylvester Reeder..
Humphrey Boyd Dilley
Ole Olaon West Butte
George Meyer Comelin
Walter Hoge Foreat Grove
O IXjoelaon South HilUboro
Chaa Hubbert. Dilley
L Johnaon North Hillsboro
Fred Strum Eat Bntte
O F Laraen East Cedar
, East Cedar
. . S Foreat Grove
.North HilUboro
. South HilUboro
, Gaoton
be following are tbe remainder of
the claims allowed by the county
court at the November term:
Splering & Sohler, road $ 82 08
O W llinea, road 15850
A Keverman, sal .up & bridge. 2s oe
W 11 Lyda, lumber bridges 69 55
reter vandeney, relief 10 eo
H L Ruasell, road etc. 75 00
A K McCumaey, road I37 84
Riley Cave, court house .50
A J Roy, care of poor farm 14I 00
Willi Ireland, recorder and dep 137 95
m 11 una, justice court 3 00
Vaughn Detective Bureau, work
Diat atty, liquor case 68 so
D W Bath, printing and ta . . . . 27 80
W H V ehrung. relief 10 75
Erne God man, work tax roll... 1680
M C Caae, salary Supt ch etc. . 84 86
M C Case, expense 13 75
A B Hint, roaiU 57 00
W Connell, board prisoners... 23 25
W Connell, shfis expense.... 4000
Ward Downs, assessment roll. .. 65 00
Hillsboro Arsus, printing & its. 23 25
Midland Chemical Co, relief.... 35 00
Wash Co News, printing 6 80
C H Fry, sheriff office 1 90
n. cunning, rosu ana orwei. . 3 00
Hancock & Gordon, same 7 00
Li W House, court bouse 4 10
W Connell, .hff and dep 32b 00
Star Lumber Co, roads 9 59
Weacott & Son, road I5 35
Hiiiiboro woml Bnk, roads 1000 00
S 00
8 00
49 00
5 75
4 00
8 00
4 00
8 co
24 00
8 00
8 00
16 00
16 00
6 25
3 50
10 00
7 5o
17 5o
3a 5o
7 60
5 00
20 00
27 40
1 5 30
82 75
36 ou
lo 83
16 50
21 78
3 49
4 60
5 co
2 00
20 00
Il5 90
2377 "
81 00
3 50
3 So
3 50
3 50
3 50
3 50
3 50
3 5o
- 3 50
3 50
3 5"
Geo Hull, road.
Dtck Kamna, roada
Wash Co Pub Co. printing. .
J J Kreba, roads
J W Raymond same
B Peterson, same
A W Moore "
Moore "
W Raymond "
R Raycraft
r red Stevens '
Theo Miller '
Ed Miller '
Dan Lel.y "
T Fletcher ,
LJ Holta "
W W Lewi. "
John Bor wick"
Simeon Nelson"
John Beyer "
Uu Bronner "
GWStitt "
Jake Keichen "
J W liutner, salary, etc
w b rsucnanan "
Wolf Broa, rand h
W Denslow "
J W Morrill
h g ntch "
Buchele "
A B Bchoonover"
M Sischo
Broderick "
JW Goodin "
Forest Grove Nat'l Bank.. .
A B Todd, sunt sal
John Rice, wit J P court. . . .
JSCoates "
J M Howlaud
K W Anderson "
Herbert Inglea "
Marjorle Inglea "
Sam Guerber . , , .
Clarence Miller "
Arthur Anderson" ....
Wilson Brigg
Alonzo Hoover " ....
H T Bagley, justice feea 17 90
E C Brown, coroner Io 30
Dr Robinson, coroner's physic'n io 00
rrana wuson, " witness..
EWHanlon ' ..
Guatave Bronner, r and h
Ann Freeman, relief
Jane Murdoff "
Joe Ego "
W H Lyda, brldgea
1 7o
1 70
200 00
6 00
2 00
12 00
150 47
Stock food of all kinds, flour,
field seeds, etc. at Webb & Hoov
er b, Second Street. 35 6
J. C. Lamkin went out Tuesday,
to the ranch of Christian Zurcher
near Cedar Mill, to do some tin
ning on the latter's farmhouse.
And a Dainty Lady
And a dainty lady! How
well they match. The"puff"
is one of those "selected
stock" kind used by the
smart set.
we are now showing, add
beauty to your dresser.
Other articles requisite to
enhancing facial beauty we
keep the best of. To be sure,
buy of us. Our goods are
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Forest Grove National Bank.
Commenced business, March 4, 1907.
Comparative statement upon dates of
Call by the Comptroller:
March 22. $4.223.17
May 20. $&9.622.2&
August 22, $130,722.92
Accounts invited.
Officers and Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, .... Oregon
Bailey's Dig Store
IO 1-4 11 1-4 12 1-4
Prices, $3.5Q to $9
Same Sizes as Above
Prices, 75 cts to $2
We Carry the Largest
Assortment in Wash-
ington County
J. . Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are,
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, . upon the Ex
change and Introductory
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
Argns and Journal, $2.25.
Banker . W. Haines, of Forest
Grove, was in the eity Monday.
Judge Hollis, Chas. 0. Roe, Ira
Bradley and B. H. Laughlin, all
of Forest Grove, were in town
I Tuesday.
A. B. Lewis, ot Cornelius, called
Tuesday. :
Dr. Burger, of Banks, waa at the
county seat Tuesday.
W. R. Stevens, of Dilley, was a
Hillsboro visitor Tuesday. .
" io th city, Tuesday.