The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 31, 1907, Image 1

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f0L. XIV-
NO.- 33
i0&n mm
wtr Oilcrcd $2M lor
frtMcuuJ Oeie' Assails
lis WrtU
tu,.I I'iii I''" 1 'he
) fckl. '"' Wi.l.i(.(tno county
potfii virtually control lh price
product in the Norlhweet
Tt Canfrlrtml Onion (irnwrra
jauriatiim 'pl 1,1 ll uti, Iel
MutdjJ. ' n'i,r nf the A
Million real"" tt. l they control
rf.tfJ U r hundred fitly
iiU'I. I'"1 th 1 w
Ipulluf r. p lilirl that
lU '.l7 r,'P ' than l''t
lit (x'.liii year, and it i
IftJ that tt "ill l"'t I enough
Oiu oiiimi in n't I. M v-
BMittif Hi " 'r"l' '
f.iliiw: Shrrwml. I" 'ar;
IVwIim. I ear. n.l :i far lu'ure
Wiwry; TuaUiin, '21 ; (ViUt
flil,3c', aud .t V serk f r fi
! iWivr'r. ('(i nl HI i ei'iio
ibtl lIlvilM t'l tll I III m
Matt tf tbe ntirkl. I'Ut til err
BOlwl ill til" I'pil'i'UI 'In I III Ul
titlkot iU H' "d 1,1 "
fclliaf Olrgn - trt'ullt lraitullil,
fttmai, llir lank ul lltrgiia ant of
tat Wri lie Ufjfr balaiire du llintl
b hnk t NrM Void, liilill, t'lil
inilil. lUllliiiixr, I liii,;0. St
Si fill, MlllllMHlH, Olltll ""'I t.llici
twins I tie , l Ih-ciim- ill Hi aliaui
ti tsasnal tuiHun I It rt tif Hout (lir
IU4 111 .ttV la MlJ lltirs bat r
Iwl I mil .hipiiirnn u( ruin nr mr
ttfn tnrii ul Mi l tilmr .In
iWlastiol Uiron au.l utlirr Wrltn
UtU. ibJ
t'trraa. in if a't of llir or I in cil
tt'i Kailcfti I. in, l( liiiMMmlilr foi
iW bai o( Uirnn In c hiIilii In lb
nnciwul in it lum limit without grrl
iMty lo Hi n( llir llr. nn-l
WlittrM, dif the rommnn mu of llir
pqkit Hi wli.i'f lUIr, ll V ntifiHif
tbl I h jIi.Ut l j.rn Imnifil In nnlet
IblllBuplioMiiiilly limy twill.ii.ini lo
lb hoinil t n 1 1 1 ul i ti til li uir u
ociM (iiiiii Kttirrn l.k Hie ImUurt
Kwiu Ihrm ai licirlnlif lor llil.
Ibnilai. I, I'.rurpe i CliaiulirrUln.
(.nitrrwi ol h M.Hf ol lli((in, l.y vlr
In a Ik mill. .illy iu III tritrd, 'lo
"by pfoclniiu Hie inih mi, n,
iUj ol Iklnlirr, mul Hi n mul Jml
iipM Ninrriuiirr, ti;, Irjm tiolt.Us ,
tJikitml tint liui anil ojiiiiimi
Mkiii ihr haiikiiiK tllilulliiil of
Iw Malt lu mi iuk for hlpiuriil ol
' now ilur tlirtii 1 1 urn III Link In
Ik tUatcrn ruir-i hrlflliUli.r lialllf.l,
libml bnli riny iri.tiiHry In Die
Hit Bii.i Miiirr ami the Krowlh ami il
"K'tlflH llirirof l,r )(laUv trlai.lrd.
illiri.. hrfri I liavr tirrmol'i
Hi my itaiur ami rananl Hi ;rral
! of the H.ilr In Iw allitr.l at tin t api
wiM.k tily of Salrm lliia iHlli day of
rtolr. A. li , i.7,
"'") (iivriuor
nr in.v. rnor.
' W, Hrnoon. S. rrlnrv of Stnlc.
B'lforl 0 HtKveinmin, well known
W'wn nl nir KortBt (Irovn, hnn
imiiitr(l ,St(o (1 n). mul
forMtry Vinl..i, hy (lovcrnor
JlrUiii, in ,,U,.0f John W
kr, of Cnitan (irov", mHiiineil
ntuvmiaon in ,r,,ri vwir old . nixl
nl th UtH Uiith T. Swtt,
'Nlntha fHther i.f John Htfvun
JM!! known Portland nnwii
P'pw man. M Htnvnnmin lm-
Urtnch i,Hr tho (Irovf, whrrn
"ill tvmtiniiH to, pxot
N nw, i hiMilllciftl dulii-B.
n onm carri.-H t aaltiry ol $100 a
""Mil, and travnlinR PXieiHn.
.puliliHlirira of tlii Weekly Ore
lOIn havu .,il....:....i .1... a.....
"I'voaratH of $2.'2f) a year, for
"OlD ro. ...... IT r. .1 ...
. ri.nln. rroui biiii aiier huh
Hie nliove ratn will he in
0,c. HuliHorihBrH to the ArRU
"in ine Wflnkiy ureifonmn
""wgainiiM hy the new rate.
Hurt Wanted
Argun and Journal. I
1 C. ( lark, of lluilon,
Huiitlay in llillnl
Try your Indiidmit Tr.filioii
for lull lliaUlH.').
of liny,!
!... .1 . . ... . .
Iar T W1" !ftR" ,l)r
, -1 vh yon tin, trouuie 01
'iping. Try me. I reHide just
rril of the wuHt end of the lonK
H" mile anHt of Hillnhoro.
(V. ian l,,avB y(mr f"" Rt the
-"n .v. Ui,lel hmohfir iihop.
Karoe, llilltiboro, Ore.
rut .
u t,he Wu 0 Dftvij Wenaer. of
' vt', was. deHtroyed hy lire last
p"ay ninht.Rt Hhnv. r:1T oVhwk.
ih !?l,y;,iva '"lHhfil barley and
th. i 5 lonH of hft3' loHt il
lUinn. The total innurance
iit :U,,"J ll'fl I will run to
if IK n irivsHU me origin
then i iH Bhrou,Bl, in myfyi
UBtarted It while lighting
Mr. II. O. CraiM...
wa iu tlm ( ity Katur.lay,
Ki Him of Hamilton ltrown
alio, at John I'miiiia'a.
Atuliu I'urdiu, of llaiiko, aai in
t wn Halurday.
Kor al or tra.U, for a farm, a
on) half inlnrl In tU Climax
Mill J. M. (rir.
W. T. Hiii)(in, H. Pnimfml,
Ivan (iatra ami W. K. Uvondnr,
of lliulon, wnra in th city Kriday.
('11 oil or iliuiiD In 1 e mi in for
jr.riM"rii A ivhiiiIiIb and up to
data line at way a on hand.
J. I. Merry man and wifx, i f
I'urtland, x iit Hunday with Ir.
and Mr. A. it. lUilny, ol (hi vily
Vntd aliiiiit UK) ton of immI
oat llighral luarkrt irir will he
paid at Hillloro. -John Milne.
John ll aurhatnp, a f irinnr llilln
linrdiln, mi rmiilrnt of Klickitat
o itirity, Wanh., i iu the city, vimt
nij frirtidii.
Full hliioil Hlack Minorca llmwn
leghorn and Harml I'lyiiioulh Kork
cm kervla, pulldii and tie dm for al
hy K II. (irrr.
John Wall, drputy diniiicl attor
iy, mIhi haa Iwu under thawealb
rr for aniiifl limn pat, waa on the
UMi tftaiu, Monday.
Him ki-r lika the Ki hiller and the
Kii'r'llriicia Thr) cigar are of
llm licit ilK'k. Vou cau l fool an
atilhorily on a giKxl rigar.
Charltiy Ku r.of !illiii)t, Monta
na. vhiuhk hi lirnllii-r in law,
K liuoiid t'. rii'lim, of thia tdaie,
mul incuifiiuiiy irnewing oiu ac
Kor, ladlca and
rhildreu' ho you Cu do no ht-
lr than to luy of John lmnnu
ve Imva thnin lor every body, anu
at prictNi that are value.
C. V. llarri, travellinf aWinan
lor the American Type Kounder
Cu .ol Portland, waa in the oily
Monday, and railed. Mr. ilarru
formerly li in HillnlKiro.
For Hent: Farm of 117 acres,
over 100 acre under plow; on rural
mail and milk r.uMe; milei from
HillclMirt); telephonb connection.
For term call Farmer' line, Paci
fic Htatr 21.
Cnorge Irrland returned from
(Sttwiiville, Hunday, where he haa
lui lor eome lime al, papering
and painting the residence of Lewia
Carelen. which i one of the neat-
put reeideiiOia in that aection.
Cider applca wanted. For pr
In uiarn, linUire ol u a. nrowu,
Milne waiehouie, IlillHiioro, or
write In the Ingham inegar torn-
any,CI Allnna Aveuue, forlianu,
Henry David, of north of Forest
(irove, was In the city, Moiniay.
lie milled tl.100 from ma prune
crop thin eeaaon, getting a tine nry,
as the rnsult ot a new evaporator,
netahliehed thin year.
Hmoke the Banner cigar, the
Imnt 10 cent cigar in Hie couniy
and the only H) cent cigar uiaUe in
WaHhington couuly. Call lur ii,
and help out home imiusiry.
Chan. H Finli, Mountaindale, Ore.
Henry Hesse, of this city, exhib
ited this week a vme ol ripe reu
raspberries, which apieareu io w
nut a nine as mose raumi
J mm ' l f It ua ina.
and Atmusl. mi" '"
bound Kaslernere, a seconu mop oi
Oregon raeplwrnea in the latter
part or October,
(lefirge Hc.hulnierich, win spent
several days last ween nun-...
RefM near Arlington, reiururu
Monday. Ih reports that he and
a Portland friend killed SO geese,
in tho wheal fields near Arlington
If the number had been greater.
George would have eaid so.
1 am now prepared to show you
the Chae. Stevens & Bros, samples
of new Fall and Winter styles in
Ladies' and Misses' drees ui a,
.hirt waist euite, and dress skirts,
i.. i. m we ml order,
, .1 nun HHlsCtlOn Ol
aim in yi'ii
Joods. Fall and Winter coats
?i... I narrv a standard
hibii ini"""' . i I :.i
I : ftf nn.rill
will be glad to bring niy goods to
vour house upon reurD.
pendent phone, No. 2(H
IC Caudle.
i D..U vi (a rnnninff as con
duotoronthe Forest drove local,
now has his old partner, Joe Lee,
with him on the run, as ore-u
Twenty Ove years ago, "
crew on this branch consisted of
Cohurn, conductcr, ami
. .i i .ii i...Vman. and they
., i i Kal nanaoitV. until
oonunueu iu --r- -',r.j
n..inV death, which ocourred
(imo In the 'HO's
Wlillc Driving to Portland on
(xiriicll Road
WuuoJtd Womia Taarn ta GvoJ Sa
warilao lluapital
On Hunday evening, OctoW 27, at
about (!:.'!0, aa .Visa Hunie Tboinp
Mm, of Cedar Mill, and Mina Boet
tiwher, ol Portland, were returning
U the latter place, alter having
spent the day with Mixa Thomp
on' parents, Mr. at d Mrs. Kobt
Thompson, of Ibis county, and
while descending the Cornell road,
a mai-ked man appeared when with
in three miles of Pun land, and or
dered the young 1. lie to halt and
throw up their hand. Ii. stead of
coo p'yinf. Mi Boel timber, who
l l
' 4
waa driving, applied the whip to
(he home in an endeavor loescape.
At this juncture the highwayman
fired at the occupants, the bullet
taking eftect iu Miss Thompson's
shoulder, pawing through the shoul
der blade, and coming out at the
back. Having escaped their mur
derous assailant, Miss lloettipcher
drove to Portland, where her com
panion was taken to the Good Sa
maritan Hospital for treatment.
The attending physician is ol the
opinion that Mis Thompson wjll
recover unlees blood poison sets in
She baa baen working as a domes
tic, in Portland, for eome time, and
does not know that she has au ene
my in the world. The Portland
police refused to act in the matter,
when notified, and the Multnomah
county authorities, were slow in get
ting started on the case, bo it is
probable that the thug will escape.
Mrs. M
Joe has
Burnetii"" - ., p0
i. ..ii-.! ins all over the Coast
but 7 h. i like", the HiUeboro run
,1. Van H '
Scholia Orange No. 33S helda its
animal lair in connection with the
Farmers' Institute, Friday and Sat
urday, October IS and P,, at the
Artisan Hall, Scbolls. Friday in
the morning was spent in arrang
ing the exhibits, which included
frtut', fresh and canned, jellies,
grains, fancy work, art and school
work, relics, ami cooxery, ana were
credit to the exhibitors, nr. J as.
Wilbvcombe, of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, opened the insti
tute with one of bis characteristic
addresses on rotation of crops as a
means of preserving the fertility of
th bo 1 Prof. Bradley, of the chair
ol ohemietry, then gave n excel
lent talK on chemistry ol tne eon,
answering the (lueetions asked by
interested persona, lite evening
program consisted of ultimo by the
Itowell orchestra; lecture on house
l.nid wonomv. by Mrs A. T. Bui-
ton; illustrated lecture by Dr.
Withycombo, ami vocal eoiob Dy
J aa .' lt..1t
A. Kowell ana miss imau
f .innh. Saturday morning, v m
liiilmerich cave a lecture on dai-
rvinir. and after a vocal solo iy
M ihs Orace Hopkins, Hon. J. lv
Judd, of Scio, gave an interesting
milt on
the draft horse. The after
noon iifssion consisted ol a taia on
home canning, by Mrs. Huxion,
song, Oregon, by the Orange; reci
tation by Lean Morrison; recita
tion. Mrs. John SohmelUer, and
mis io by the howhiib.
The entire mueical program was
vollnt. Soule liros.' piano
, r , .in.
house kindly lurntBDea a meivuie
Clarke piano, which was much ap
preciated by the musicians and the
n I 1.i..Mr anAMA an-
listeners, loo leutu oio
airnntive and entertaining.
The display of canned fruits was
.Hnr.iallv aood: There was also a
mvi Himdavof amle8 and walnuts
rua J m w , a
the relios was a violin
made from Oregon wood by 1). V
Chambers and exhibited by J. H
Thfl front of the hall was drco
rated with two large flags fastened
i.ih. nnnter by a bunch of barber
ry, and draped to the aides of the
Pies and cakti at City Bakery.
T. G. Todd, of Forest Grove, was
in the city, Saturday, on buins
Wart! Five or six cords of Cr
wood, at this oflice.
G. H. Wolf, of Beedville, was an
Argus caller Monday.
Mark Noble, of Forest Grove,
was in tbs city on buniness Tues
day. The farmers are all glad to see
the rain, aa it will make plowing
Charles A. Lamkin is putting
a cement floor in part of his store,
also a septic tank.
Mrs. Fannie Clark and son, of
Forest (J rove, visited friends in
Hillsboro Monday.
John Wunderlich, who recently
moved from this city to Banks,
was in town Tuesday.
J. W. Hiatt, of North Yakims,
Wash , is in the city this wek, the
guest of his sister, Mrs. It. II. Greer.
Chas. J. Miller, whese father ie-
cenlly purchansd the Sodenuark
place near Beayerton, was in town
We have just got in a lot of
stumping nowder. Also full line
of rublierrand ehoes. Come and
see us. Anderson A Son, Ueedville.
H. W. Jones, of Mountaindale,
was a caller at tne Argus cmc,
Moi iUy afternoon, renewing old
The 5:27 train from Portland is
overcrowded every night, and tbe
conductor has put in a reuuieition
for another car, which is badly
needed lo accommodate the travel.
John Shafer, of thiB place, re
turned Monday, troro a trip to his
old home in Akron, Ohio. He
thinks Oregon is a pretty good
place to come back to.
Mrs. M. A. Powell started for
Clarkston, Wash , Sunday evening,
in response to a telegram stating
the critical illness of ber daughter,
Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, who is Buffering
from a malignant attack ot typhoid.
Cbas. K Fish, the cigar manu
facturer of Mountaindale, was in
the city Monday, and passed the
time of day with the Argus. Mr.
Fibh manufactures the best grades
ol smokes, and he should be en
couraged in his enterprise.
L. W. House has just finished
nulling in a one oak counter at tbe
sheriffs oflice, which is a creditable
piece ol work. The counter is 21
feet long, with a fine walnut top,
end the sheriff and deputies are
well pleased with it.
Most of the hay up on the line of
the P. R. A N. has been shipped
out to tbe Portland markets, and
as a result, the parlies who have
contracted for delivery up that way
are compelled to ship bay back to
the front.
The West Union District of the
Washington County Sunday School
Association will hold their Conven
tion at the Tualatin Plains Presby
terian Church, Thursday, Nov. 7.
Iiev. C. A. Phipps, the btate bun-
day School worker, will be present.
There was a ripple of excitement
at the depot of the . 1'. Co., at
noon Monday, when two young
men of the city engaged in a knock-
lown argument. Claret flowed
freely for a time, but no Berious
damage was done.
The Argi.8 acknowledges a ticket
to the Portland Horee Show, with
thanks, but as our Prince Albert
coat is a little passe, wo probably
will not attend the society horse trot,
this load of poles. Sorry; but a
country editor must draw the iine
Next Sabbath, at the Reedville
Presbyterian church, the pastor
will preach in the afternoon at 3:30
o'clock, niBtead ot in tne evening
The Christian Endeavor Society
will meet at 2:30 instead of even
ins. These hours will continue
until the fine weather and good
roads of next Bummer.
j.rmv r,
If Her Orchardists
Spray Diligently
County Fruit Inspector Tell Hw It
May be Dane
County Fruit Inspector W. R. Har
ris writes tbe Argus a letter which
should be read by every farmer and
Iruit grower in thia section. This
county can raise finer apples, pears
and prunes than any district in
tbe Northwest. All it wants is
care and work. Read the remarks
of the fruit inspecior:
"I with to say through the column of
your valuable paper, that the late Kali
aod tbe early winter, are the beat time'
for spraying for the San Jose scale, the
Wooly Aphis, and the Kg of the green
and Olac k A phi, the Anthracnoie and
brown or Hitler Rot, ami other fungi.
The laat breed of the San Jose acale it
now locating for winter quarter, and be
fore tbe scale it fully matured, it is eaai
ly deal royed with tbe tulphnr and lime
olution. I adriae everyone thnt bat
fruit treea, to spray aa toon aa pcasihle.
No fruit can be grown in tbi county, fit
for tbe market, without spraying. Our
lawa do not permit wormy or acaly
fruit to be aold in the markets, it it is
up to every one of oa to prune and spray
our trees. My observations thia season,
confirms tbe statement that the San Jose
acale ran be controlled, and that we can
kep from 90 to 95 percent, of our apples
iree irom Hie couiins mom. ibe hair
at Ilillshoro waa a credit to tbe county,
and shows what can be done, and when
we Kt waked up to our best endeavors,
we ran make a showing in fruit, that
will be a credit to the state. If every
fruit man in tbia county, would take tbe
same interest in bit. fruit, that stockmen
lake in eliminating scrub stock, and
raining; fine breeds, and grow premium
fruit of all kinda, what they are doing at
Hood Kiver and botitnern Uregon, can
be done right here in Washington coun
ty, where both climate and soil are tbe
beat in the state. e have a lot of men
in this county, who aic going in to win
on tbe lines laid down, and the man
who raises wormy or scaly fruit, or wbo
take rotten prunes to tbe dryer, will be
left out in tne cold. Clean packing.
clean fruit and a clean conscience, are
what every fnnt raiser in this county
snould have. Then, and only then, will
our county be able to lead in thia impor
tant industry."
Jabez Wilkes, of this city, exhib
ited a turnip Tuesday, which for
size and weight eclipses anything
seen in this section for some time,
The vegetable was grown by Henry
Jones, 12 miles northwest of Hills
boro. on mountain land. The tur
nip in question weighed 20 poundB
and 2 ounces, and its circumfer
ence was 2 feet and 10 inches; di
ameter 10 inches.
W. H. Wehrung returned Satur
day from a trip in the interests of
the Yukon-Seattle flair, in boutn
eastern Oreson. He thinks that
the Klamath country is a coming
one. To hear him tell about tbe
big crops under irrigation in that
country, bears out his prediction of
that country's future. lie was one
of a party ol thirty who attended
the big fair at Lakeview. While
there he saw Dr. Geo. Merryman
who. he says, is doing well. Mr,
Wehrung says that the Klamath
oountry will one day be tne great
f.lJ.nmim ftftnnrvn fn tha oal
L. Cate, the well-known real es
tate man, died at hit residence in
this city, early Sunday morning,
October 27, alter an illness of eome
weeks. For some time it had been
evident to his physician, Dr. J. P.
amteBie, that Mr. Cate could not
lve, so his death did not come as a
surprise. Mr. uate was w years ot
age, and was a native of Morris
town, Tennessee. He came to Or
egon in 1S81, and engaged in the
hardware business. InlSSohewas
wedded to Miss Laura Dickinson,
who, with three children, Burvivee
him. Most of his time was spent
in Portland, where he was a suc
cessful real estate man A few
months ago, he came to Hillsboro,
and established a branoh real estate
oflice, and later purchased the T.
Humphreys homestead, on Sev
enth Street, where he made his
home. The surviving children are
Robert, Leslie and Helen. A bro
ther, W. B. Cate. of east ol Hills
boro, survives of his immediate
family. Funeral services were held
at the family home, Tuesday, at
1 1 a. ua., and the remains were con
veyed to Portland hy a delegation
of Elks, of which order he was a
member, interment taking place in
Riverview cemetery.
Argns $1.50 a Year
Remember, that the Argus is $1.50
year, and all the other county
papers are the same. All subscrip
tions from and after Oct. 1, 11)07,
must be paid for at that rate. As
before elated, the Argus has not
voluntarily made tbe new rate, but
has been forced to do so, by the pa
per trust. All country papers must
raise the price of their subscription,
or go out of business.
Notice to Stock Owners
There are five head of cattle in
pasture off the George Smith farm,
one mile east of Hillsboro, the
owners of which are unknown to
the undersigned, Owners are here
by notified to call on Mr. Brogden,
on the place, prove property and
pay pasturage bills, etc, at once.
w. tt . Hosteller.
W. A. Finney, of" Sellwood, was
in town Tuesday.
W. F. Desinger, of Beaverton,
waa in town Tuesday, and called.
Sherman Murphy, of Manning,
transacted business in town Tues
M. S. Dailey and wife, who have
resided at the Grove for Borne time,
i4ljOHu)flrinV--lA. U -..
And a Dainty Lady
And a dainty lady! How
well they match. The"puff"
is one of those "selected
stock" kind used by the
smart set.
we are now showing, add
beauty to your dresser.
Other articles requisite to
enhancing facial beauty we
. keep the best of. To be sure,
buy of us. Our goods are
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Forest Grove National Bank
Commenced business, March 4, 1907.
Comparative statement upon dates of
Call by the Comptroller:
March 22. S4&.223.17
May 20, $59,822.28
August 22, $130,722.92
Accounts invited.
Officers and Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, - Oregon
Bailey's Big Store
District 76 School Shoes
The Very Best For
For Wet Weather and for Hard
They Satisfy. Buy a Pair.
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. ' Positively no Credit.
Saws gummed, filed and set, at
R. Lee Sears' bicyole shop.
Dr. Linklater, of this city, haa
Magoou strawberries for dinner
Tuesday, from the garden of W. S.
Tilton. dipe strawberries the laat
of October are found in few climes
I will aell all my itoek of sbroV
bery, rosea, bulbs of many tiatia,
houseplants, etc., at greatly rt
duced prices. Hen is yosr op
portunity. Greenhouse, Stnoih
& Fir. Phone, Iodepsattatt, C3.
Mrs. Agnes Gowan.