ME SLLSBR vol. XIV. HILLSBOKO, OKKGON, OCTOIiER 24, 1907. NO. 32 m m Thirty .Mill!"" I rucr than l-jtihiinlc of a Ycnr l,MtV()K HVSbMEO MILLION CUT A Natural Kruun lbal B( Is Hi( Huivh f Maaff A yir ago tiulr rnn predirUd a I lmiil' T cut of rUly million fwt (uf thr ynar l'H7, for i.hingtini county, and fig"" l btwit ovrrrrat Ijrtl iit nUrlling in tfc I'y tlia Ul f Jr the Washington rotinly mill) will have cut it 1 11(1 "i!Ii)" ft f I11"1 bar, w hi ill iiirana a grout income of otr II.UKl.tKni, ihn way lumber h Kiting. Thin mean an Income of Jfly dollar wr yrar for each man, wuitito and cliilii In the county, Out of tli million dollar U paid (b little army of loggnm, mill la borer, lumber hauler, eli? , ami ibii money nearly all got into rir culallott. ThU in rwijuMialblo for a )irg nr cent, of our prosperity, ai lb ii mean an annual upeiiditure of at 7.V),MK hi eatiuielcd that ihe many lilllo ii. ill hava cleaned up a dr lr of a million dollar to apply to profit ami Mlerment of their mill plant Th oflkial record in the Am oi't olln'o oliiiw that at tli prem-til lutuul cut it a ill take f'i ) i r to itiaunt th supply of the lirnlclat merchantable timber, even ahould tbara l n amounting for growth, abiih in thai length of time will U oooaidorahle. Hera i ono nat ural reaource that will ik tig aourca of revenue for year to rmiii, PUBLIC SALE. Tb undmlgned will null at public auction at lh Jacob Winroer farm, l ball mil aouth of Old lULhany, and 2 ruilea nurUiweal of'Cedar Mill, ai 10 a in , mi TIU'IIHDAY, OUTOHKU 31, Taam horaea, II and 12, weight T,W, boraa, Ii yeara, l.KX); horrw, S rtari, lOfiO; horae, llKJ; brood mar, I2l It; two 2 yr coll, 2M, ipting colt, lturkahire hoar, two brood kow and pigit, llain wagon, 3, Mitchell wagon 31, buggy, Me- Cortniek binder, mower, hayrake, tiringtootb and drag harrow, dun, lo ilow, drill, cream neparalnr, tburn and butter worker, harpoon fork, jiulleyi and carriage; 2 eet work haruea, dingle harnen. bay rack, 12 tun gallon milk can, and Duuieroua other article. I.unch will be nerved at noon. Term of Hale: 10 and under, cah;over tlO, nix montha" time, It 8 per cent, bankable note. Htalder ltro , Owner J. C. KuratU, Auctioneer. CONDUCTOR HAS CLOSH CALL Jacob Orilhlh. the well known V R. A N. conductor, met with an locident Monday afternoon, about inree mil en beyond Inuton, which came near proving fatal, lliseu gioi wag punhing a big steel car in front of a box car over the new track between Buxton and tbnlun nl, when the steel car jumped the trick, and the Imx car followed. Conductor Uriflilh had junt reached Ibe top of the box car when it left lha track, and waa thrown head' long down the grade, where he wan picked up in an insensible condi tion by the train hand, and "ought to Hillahorn, where Or. V. J lUiley, the Company' phvl o'an, attended lo hi Injurie. The ooidnnt wag due to the imperfect condition of the new track, and no ' blame attache to anyone for the ). Conductor UrillHh hne bn with the Company ever ince it began in oimrate the road, and bl injuries will lay him up for ome time. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT Lint Kridav. aa l'etor den, who live a mile and a half north of Hoy, was driving through neitreeUof that ulaoe, hi tm became frightened at a p.widng in, and ran away, throwing Mr Vinderzanden out of the wagon H head came in violent contact with the ground, rendering nim UooonHoiouB. He waB taken to the "eldenne of a friend in Koy, when Dr- Llhklater, of this f lace, wbb billed to attend him. The unfor tunate man remained In acomntoe toto, due to oonotiBBion of the brai". until late Sunday, when he gine conBoiouaneBB, ana was re Hoved t.o Ma hnmi hm he now ion. The attending' phyeioian has upeB or Mb recovery. " -' " "j .Fine line of Hamilton-Brown woeB, at John DennU'8. Argu and Journal, 2 2.1. (ieorge Iimen. of Vineland. waa in town Muiiday. Try your In Tel for lung dixUlicn. Myron Heard waa out fnon I'nri. laud, Monday. Mr. l.nU and family, of Laurel. were in town Monday. to l K. (iolhain for Aoua- lle borne cover and Up rnliea. John Graf!, of Itnthany. waa in the city, Monday. T. (i Murium, of alHive Moun- laiii'Iale, waa in the city Monday. Oitvid llice, of Kant Portland. wa out Hiinday, the gueet of hi daughter. Mr. K. I'. Corneliu. Kor le or trade, for a farm, a one half internet in the Climax Mil! -J. M. (ireear. Ward Oown and A. W. Hiegriel attetidixl theatre in 1'ortland, Uet rriday. Call on or tdione to Oenni for gnxeriea. A complete and Up to late line alwaya ou hand. County Treaxtirer Jackeon and wife viiid with their eon, Waller Jarkaoti, SumUy. Win, It. l,ouignont, of dale Creek, wa down lo the cjunty eeal, Monday, on legal buaiiiFM. Wanted about JtaU ton of gnM oU Ilighertt market price will be paid at llillidioro. John Milne. (!eo. Itantz, of near (Ilencoe, wa in HillaUiro, Friday, lie report everything lovely in hi bailiwick Mi Lettlia Connell.of i'ortlnnd, virile, I her parent, Mr. and Mra. , II Connell, of tin city, over Huiulay. Full-blood Itlack Minorca. Urown leghorn and llarred I'ly mouth Um k oh kerrla, pullet and bvn for rale by It. H. (ireer. Aa Kaglelon and wife, who apnt U"l aeek vieitmg Inemlaaiiu relative in HillftHiro, returneu lo Portland Monday. Huioker like the Hchiller aud the Kxillencia. Tbeee cigar are of lb lt elock. You cau't fool an authority on a good cigar. Mr. Schofield, of near Buxton, wa down. Monday, and report coi.elruclion on the Tillamook ex tension a moving rapidly. We have iut cot in a lot of aluuiping powder. AIho full line of rubber and hn-. Come and . . o ... ,i..:iu fee u. Anilerwin v non, ivwuvnir. Kuratli Bro .and R.W. McNutt, of Corneliu. lt week old the Power.,' i.lace. II mile northweet front Hillb,iro, tc a Mr. Uuehley, for IT.t'.rl. The place contameu 170 acre. For gentleuien'a, ladle' and child ren ' hniw you can do no l;t- ler than to buy ol John I'enni. We have Ibein for everybody, and at price that are value. Several of our eligible young men are aaid to have a longing for the coral elrand and emerald green of Hawaii, induced no doubt by the weet einger from that inle, who vieited our city lael week. Cider apple wanted. For par ticular. inquire of 11. A. Brown, Milno warehouse, Hillahoro, or write to the Ingham Vinegar Com pany, 01 Albina Avenue, l'ortlaml, ttregon. M, Geiuer, of Buxton, while cut- it, t'u WOAK . ting log on m P?, " fell and wa caugni in von by a auag, and was injured inter nally. Ha waa attended '7 1r- ,. Bailey. For Kent: Farm of 117 acre, nui under nlow; on rural mail and milk route; 2 miles from HilUboro; telephone conne, ... . For term call Farmer' line, I aci lio Htalea 2HI. J.mde, the ix year old daughter l A WlllH 1'iBii.ib, Saturday, at the home a miloutb tn uit,,.. fell i own a lligbt of i). VJW. , . . ... I .1 ,u IrU'ttlWI Htair IUi , i,:i.l ,s. v a luilnu idaced the chilil under' theinlluenoe of chloroform nd reduced the iracmro J S. Hmith, of Salem, bought inn head of graiieu -len ..,. i in this county, COWB i - u.lm (or hi dairy herd, near balem l,r ....,!,. :,it,i head from Ed. IIS IlilOK.H v-B-- , . Hohulmerich, and wo head from John HimpBon, and they were all Jne cowswhich the ownen can guarantee as to mtin wbi Kmrnett Quick, of Bux.o n, w down to the city Monday, lie ie HONOLULU lilKLS visit in COUNTY GIVES BIG Chaperoned hy l.dyth Toier Wcatlierrcd I'AKIV VISirtI) I'L'ULIC SCHOOLS Diof.1 at HiitluH Hold, and Civen Kc crption at C'ructnl Theatre Keven Honolulu young ladie. chaperoned by Mr. Kdyth Tcxier Weathrrred formerly of tbi city, arrived in the c ity Friday morning from Forent (2 rove, and were met at the depot by a committee of Hilleboro ladifH, and Mayor Den tiin, who drove them over the city in carriage. Later, they were driven to the Hilleboro public w-hool, where- I'rincipal B. W. BarnB and bin corp of teacher were an-einbled with ihe school children, in one of the principal room. Mr. lUri.ea welcomed ihe vi.ilor cordisllv, lo which .Mra. Weathern-d fittingly reepon'ld. Mie lto Aloiui, oim of the Ha waiian lailieM, i-atig a h nn in the Hawaiian tongu, fo 1 wed by mu eical number In choru by the parly. The party then repiind to ihe Bigelow houl, whir a fine hindooo awaitwi the vieitor The liiriing room wa taetefully ileco rated for the occaaion. with beauti ful pltiiiH arid 11 iwer fmin the ?r-n bonne, and the t-er vii;e waa all that chi Id b deired. Afn-r lunch eon, at 1 :,'') p m , a reccpti a was given th viitora at th Crescent Thr.ilie, ln-ir Mauir John lirmiis hap pily rliiim-i! the gut-sl, followed hy ir. F. A. lUilry, in our of his always ni'proprmle ahlrvi.ra. Mr. W'ciUherreil rrHtiil (I in a pU-iisiiiK wy. Minucal iiuriil-i m r rvinU-rnl hv M:n 1'lorrncc I'onKtir nml Mu. I jiy ton. in mniincr tliiil i li.utiii il the rnu! iirr, which amply lilleil (lie miilitornnu. Thr visitor then rrtulrrcil wwral ihiiiiNts ill the Hawaii an ImiKii.iKf, thi ir vouvs Mi'itiling sweet ly in the wiik of the home l.tml. Then foth.wrd the social lurt vt the Mm. Wfiithrrrrd prewntiiig her proteges to Iter old 1 IilKlru Ineinls. 1 lie young Indira created a wry fiivornhli- tniprva ioit hete, and were erfortrd to the depot at 4 p. ill. hv large iiuinl r of I l-o'lr, when tliev took the imin lor Portland. The Hitmen of the visitors are: Misse Katie Sadler, Daisy Tinld, Hester U-iiion, Lillian Mundoii, Callie Lucas, Hattie t,. S iOerv nud Rikv Aloiau, all of lionoluhi, il.iui.ii. THE "HAZELWOOD" BOYS In 1SS-1, on a dairy ranch, near Spokane, were two young men by name of Brown, brothers, and a man named Smith, working for wage, by the month. They went into the creamery bUBinew later on their own account. Today they are the head of the great Hazel ood firm, ami are the Urgent ice cream and butter producer and lealen in the world. I heir in . . ai.i Aim l . 1 come IB annul u,im a uay, ami thev are growing, lhev control the nrice of butter and milk in this etate absolutely, and have been the irreatt'Mt factor in the etate in huiU ins ut the dairy bueineea. Their miccee can all ne KUtnmeu up in one word puh. I'iea and cab at City Bakery M. V. Palmer, of Buxton, waa in town Monday. Miea O'Jhinnell, of Buxton, viait- ed the county eat Katurday. H. W. McNutt, of Corneliu, waa in town on buaineg, Monday. Min Baker, of (iervai. ia visit ing Mrs. V. Kiegriet tbi week. Carl Morelock, of Forest Grote, was a Hillsboro visitor Sunday. L Hollenbeck, of Farmington, was a Hilleboro visitor, Monday. Mark Noble, a Forest Grove real eetate man, waa in town Monday. John Bryden, of Buxton, trans acted buineae at the county seat Monday. Harry 0. Hart, the well known hop buyer of I'ortland, was in tou Monday. Many of the WaBhiogton county dairymen are busy putting up ensilage. II. T. Bigelow and wife were gueetB of the latter' parents at Gaston, last Sunday. H. T. Blair and wife.of Portland, were gueeta of Mrs: Ruth A. Blair, the first of the week. John Fiaher, of Sherwood, an old Argus subscriber, was in the city Friday, on bupinese. Len. Guild, of Laurel, has rented his farm to OUs Myers, and will move back to Portland. T. A. Becker, one of the sub contractors on the P. P.. & N., spent Sunday in the city. Sherman Elliott, of Portland, was in town Monday, the guest of his brother-in-law,C, W.Redmond. Forty Pupils From Here At tend at Corvallis LIST OP TBOSE ATTENDING 0. k. C. If all Counties Gave Like Support tbt Enrollment Would be uSu " . .!,.f..i never .ml eavs tnai iuien.i- otes lgly. A short time ago he had a valuable horse kled ,g tree falling on the animal, while it 1.1 hi tched in a four-horse earn, Z l work for the Buxton Lurn f L f P, moanv The horse was the b UMhe yf r. and the loss was S agreeable to Uke, particularly while the owner was laid up with a broken leg. EDUCATIONAL BOARD ACTS The Slate Board of Education, con trary to the advice of the Attorney General, has adopted a resolution declarine that text-book publish er, who furnish books in Oregon, must retail mem in hub euue low a thv are furnished in other stflte. I tie lSiiaru win auoere to iKia msilion. and. unles the put)' liuhnrn Bconiesce, the Board will either sue on the publishers' bonds or ask the Text-Hook Commission to adopt other hooks in the place of those sold in violation of con- Thi i a matter that will vitally concern every school child in the state. BALDWIN-JAMES About three weeks ago, Miss Bird Jamee.of Oxford, Nebraska, arrived at Forest Grove to visit friendB. While there eho met Harvey Bald win, a well known young business man, who on the 20th inst. accom panied Miss James as far as Port: land, she having started on her re turn journey. The next day Mr Baldwin surprised his friends by returning to the Grove with a bride, having persuaded Miss James to become Mra. Baldwin. This is a fitting termination of a nice ro- ,n.nni n whion Utitnu, ana me en ticing climate and other charms of Oregon, playeu a winuuiK piv. Thos. M. Haines ia building a new house on bis place at iaurei The big mill of the Tillamook Lumber Company, together with its electric light plant, was destroy ed by fire last week; loss $25,000, partially covered by insurance. E. J. Crabb, o( this place, will start soon (or San Francisco, to visit his father, who is in poor health, and advanced in years. Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook, was in town, Monday, bringing in Harry Kldredge, of Portland, who has been out on a deer bunting expedition. W. H. Forney, formerly of La- Crocee, Wash., has bought the Geo. Harrow place, 14 miles west of town, the sale being made by S. S. Barnes, Kuratli Brothers last week sold 5 lots in Highland addition, for Mrs Fugery, of Portland, to Ever ett Crocker, the consideration be ing $500. Wm.Q, Hale, a Portland attor ney, who claims Hilisboro as his birth place, being a son of Green Hale, formerly of this place, was in the city Saturday. Job. Kiser, whose Bale was adver tised in liBt week's Argus, has sold bis Block, eto , at private sale, and the sale will therefore not take place, as advertised. L. R Ingles has bought a lot in Buxton, and the old school house on Bame, which he will convert in to a feed store, and go into that business. He formerly lived on the North Tla, b. Oregon fruit growers will receive for the entire fruit crop this year, the sum of 14,275,135. The esti mate given above is made by Hon. W. K Newell, of the State Board of Horticulture, and ia thought to be approximately correct. Frank Stewart, a former Hills- boroite, and now a U. S. poetal in snector with headquarters at San Francisco, was here Saturday, on a short visit with friends and rela live. He was much gratified at Hillsboro's evident improvement sine his last trip. II. L. Hatchetle, of Gaston, re cently from Illinois, was in town Friday. Mr. llatchette is a saw mill man, and may locate in this county. He thinks ashington county's soil cannot be excelled anywhere, and he is right. I am now prepared to show you the Chas. Stevens & Bros, samples of new Fall and Winter styles in Ladies' and Misses' dress suits', shirt waist suits, and dress skirts, made to your special order, and of your own selection of goods. Fall and Winter coats also carried. I carry a standard line of corsets and underskirts. will be glad to bring my goods to vour house upon .request, lnde pendeut phone, ISO. zbt. Mrs. m K Caudle. The Thorns and Orange Bios some Co., which played at the Crescent Saturday night, is one of the companies that ia making good on the road this season, ine en tire cast was good, and bo realistic was the work of the villain that man from the north oounty called out "You're a liar 1" That's going some, and should get the actor a raise. A little more and ihe audi tor iDubt hava gone up on the stage and taken a fall out of the villain, not unlike "Three Fingered Hoover," when ModjeBka played Camille in the Tabor Grand, at Denver, if all counties in the state 32 in number gave the State Agricul tural College as much support as this, the ichool would have 12S0 pupils. As it is, there is an enroll ment of only 870. Following is a list of Washington County studentB at Corvallis this year. It will be seen that Hills boro leads the list in number: Bacona Amlre M. Jeppeson. B?averton Alhert F. Bernanl, Harvey VV. Bradley, Robert B. Denney, Iva C. meraon. Cornelius Albert Asbihr, Lester R. Cypher, Page E. Gardner, Cecil G. Raf- lety. Forest Grove Ezra S. Dixon. Carton Karle P. Harding. Emma Pnrdy. llillsloro brace M. Bth, Jamea L. uatcbelder, t rank J. Beach, Harry Bow man, Cecil M. Broaden, Kdith S. Brog den, Mary K. Cate, Frank W. Connell, Grace K. Connell, Earl I. Done! son, Ru by K. Galloway, Walter C. Galloway, Samuel H. (iraf. Cbarle W. Marlin, Nellie L. Naill, Lawrence A. Turpen, Earl vv. Wallace. Hilladale Koiwell Dosch, Hallie A Mc Murphy. MouDlaindale Bradford rowles. Sherwood Charlea H. Hayes, Jamea Koehcr, Aene M. Sanger, Kavmond Seelye, John G. Vincent, Dorria S. oung. bcppoos R. i George A. Nelaon, waiter L. eIson. My own typewriter, as bright as a dollar, And witn lonntliat is pleasing to ste, With tonch that is light, and with ribbon so dainty All this gives a pleasure to me. Her gait is so springy; she never gets crank v: She's a kwel I cannot fort eo: She takes my dictation without agitation, Aud answers each thought 1 bestow. I can't do without her; I love her, adore her. The fairest I ever have seen; My wife isn't jealous it jsn t a maiden It's just my typewriter machine. L. THE QUEEN OF MY HEART A DIG PUFF And a Dainty Lady BARGAINS a big purr And a dainty lady! How well they match. The "puff" is one of those "selected stock" kind used by the smart set. PUFFS AND POWDER BOXES we are now showing, add beauty to your dresser. Other articles requisite to enhancing facial beauty we keep the best of. To be sure, buy of us. Our goods are standard. Hillsboro Pharmacy A SILO SEAL A. A Hansen, of the Commercial Cream Company, of Lewiston, Ida ho, and who drove over this coun ty the first of the week, is one of the men who is talking silos in and out of season. He believes in the common stave silo with the cement foundation, for the average farmer. ffe believes in cutting the ensilage pretty fine not more than three fourths of an inch. Moisten it a little, especially as the corn is be ing cut at a little more matured stage than at first, pack it well in the silo, then put on top six or eight inches of chaff or chopped straw, and sow some grain. This ill spring up, grow rankly, and completely seal the silage on top. He found Tew silos bere, owing to the preponderance of milk sale to the condensers. Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by the Comptroller: DEPOSITS March 22. (48.223.17 May 20, $69,822.26 August 22, $130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, Oregon r STEWART MOHR Mr. Arthur W. Stewart, of Port land, and Miss Minnie E. Mohr, of Hillsboro, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mohr, Sunday, October 20, 1007, Rev. L F. Bel knap officiating. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Stewart, of South. Tualatin, and is now in the employ of a Portland telephone company. They will reside in Portland. Argua $1.50 a Year Bailey's Big Store r District 76 School Shoes The Very Best For SCHOOL CHILDREN For Wet Weather and for Hard Knocks They Satisfy. Buy a Pair. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove Remember, that the Argus is $1.50 a vear, and all the other county papers are the same. AH subscrip tions from and after Oct. 1, 1907, must be paid for at that rate; As before stated, the Argus has not voluntarily made the new rate, but has been forced to do so, by the pa per trust. All country papers must raise the prioe of their subscription, or go out of business. Gus Rossi, the Beaverton saloon keeper, was arraigned before Judge Bagley of this city, last Saturday, on a charge of Belling liquor to a minor. Benton Bowman appeared for the State, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Wall, being sick. Rossi was defended by W. Q. Hare, of the firm of Bagley & Hare. Wilson Brugger and Alonzo Hoover were the witnesses examined for the state, both being minors., As a re Bult of the examination, Rossi was bound over to the circuit court in the Bum of $200, which was fur' nished. ' Try City Bakery Cream bread. THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line, upon the Ex change and Introductory plan. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will bo sold tor Cash Only. Positively ao Credit. Saws gummed, filed and set, at R. Lee Sears' bioyele shop. Tom Handley. junior, of Tilla mook, a former Washington county boy, has been admitted to the practice of law. His father, the late T. B. Handley, was for many yeara a Hillsboro attorney. I will sell all my stock ofibrob hty, torn, bolba of many kinds, houseplants, tto, at greatly it duoad prices. , Here it you op portunity. Green boaO. ros& & Fir. Phont, Indtptodtot, K3. Mrs. Agnes Qowia. Ntxt Thnrtday it Hill??.