The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 17, 1907, Image 2

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    Entered at tha Foat-office at Hlllsboro.
Oregon, m aeecmd-elam mail niattor.
HKNHf O. Ol IL1, Editor.
County Official Paper
Subscription: II.SO per Annum.
iMaed Every Thmraday
Thare promises to be an apple
famine in Hilleboro, this Winter.
There are very few fine apple ofl'er-
iag in the market, while raisers of
averaee atock are afraid to offer
their products in the market for
fear there mar be a worm hole in
one or two of the lot, thus making
the owner liable to arrest for viola
ting the law relating to the sale of
diseased fruit. Most of the farmers
will feed their fruit to the hogs,
since they cannot dispose of it. In
the meantime, the general public
will go hungry for apples, or pay
exorbitant prices for the strictly
fancy, uninfected lots. Either
farmers must get rid of the fruit
poets, or dig up their orchards, so
long as the present law remains on
the statute books.
At a dinner given by the Port
land Commercial club, Tuesday
night, several speakers, among
whom were representatives of the
railway and other trusts, took a oc
casion to say that the Initiative
and Referendum amendment to
the state constitution, was a bad
thing, and they might have added
a dangerous thing for the trusts.
There will always be opposition to
any law that gives the common
people a chanoe to hold down cor
rupt politicians, and defeat rotten
special legislation.
Washington county has a rich
black soil, which reminds many
neweomers of the soil which made
the Mississippi valley famous aa a
corn belt. Speaking of corn, it
may be pertinent to remark, in
that connection, that the Willam
ette valley grows fine crops of that
cereal. Vegetable cannery process
ere Bay that our corn is the finest
for canning purposes, known. This
is especially true of the sweet corn
Oregon is far ahead of California,
in the quality of the English and
French walnuts produced. Wash
ington countyla destined to lead
in this new and important indus
try, both soil and a sheltered loca
tion, making the above statement
I be Willamette valley prune
crop, this year, exceeds all previous
ones in volume. It has been esti
mated that this year's crop will
bring in the neat sum of $1,200,000
to growers.
Isn't there some danger that
when the Portland Rose Festival
fund gets too large, that some en
terprising fellow will want to start
a "four per cent" snake sign bank
with it?
A Woman's Back
Eu many aches and pairn c;ml by
weaknesses and falling. or other tliiU.--menu,
of the pelvic organs. Oilier symp
toms of female ea lilies are frvijneut
headache, diuincss, (maxillary spvks or
dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw
ing sensation in stomach, liravtrintf or
hearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic
region, disagreeable drains from pel ic
organs, faint spoils iih general weaiviu s.
If any considerable number of the a bove
Ttnptoms are present there Is no remedy
that V civ quicker relief or a more per
manent tVr than Lr. Tierce's Favorite
years of cu?
miligJOHii: a
t has a record of over forty
It tbc wort itcnt
,i strcngilieni;;.: m r-
ne n to nicilical science, li is inado
c( the glyceric extract of native medici
nal roots found in our forests and con
tains not a drvp of alcohol or harmful, or
habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are
11 printed on the bottle-wrapper and at
tested under oath as correct.
Every ingredient entering Into "Fa
vorite Proscription has the written en
dorsement of the most eminent medical
writers of all the several schools of prac
tice mora valuable thau any amount of
lion-professional testimonials though the
latter are not lacking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In uumbers to esu-eed the endorsements
given to any other medicine extant for
the cure of w oman's ills.
You cannot afford to accept any medicine
of unknown composition as a substitute
for this well provou remedy or know n
composition, even though the dealer may
mawe a mue more prom im rviy. l our
Interest in regaining health is paramount
to any selfish interest hi and it is au
Insult to your intelligence for him to try
to palm off upon you a substitute. You
know what you want and It is Ins busl
ness to supply the article called for.
Pr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
original "Little Liver Pills first put up
by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago,
much Imitated but never equaled. Little
sugar-coated grauulos eaay to take as
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice i herebv given, that the under
signed Executrix of the 1-ast Will and
Testament of Thomas Otchin, deceased,
has tiled in the Oountv Court of tiie Male
of Oregon for Washington county, her
hnal account in the matter of sui estate
and said court has fixed Mouduv. the pith
day of Pee., liHC, at ten o'clock A. M. of
said day at the court room in Hillstxiro,
Oregon! as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and for
the final settlement of said estae.
Dated this l'ta day of tct., lv 7.
Executrix of the Ijui Will a:id Testa-
meut of Thomas Otchiu. Deceased.
Dissolution of Co-Partntrship
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing hetwem M.
N". Honhini. J. II. Collier and J. li. Hart
lett. doing business under the firm name
of M. N. Bonhain ei Co , Is this day dis
solved by mutual consent, J. H. Collier
retiring irom saiu firm, au aeoomiiK
due said firm will tie paid to M. N. Hon-
ham and J. 11. bartlell. they to assume
all indebtedness and liabilities of said
.31. . Honham,
J. H. Collier,
J. B Hartlett.
Laurel, Ore., Oct. V2, 1107.
Sheriffs Sale oa Foreclosure
Wben you feel you're gettio' morbid,
An' your blood begins to bile,
Take reef, quick, in your feelin's
Per it aint wntb while.
When your nabor has a tantrum,
An' it jest about to spile,
Don't you go an' losi vour temper
Fer it sint wuth while.
Wben the wort' is actin' badly,
An' its bard to raise a smile,
Don't you start streak o' cussin'
Fer it aint wuth while.
Wben there's notliin' seems coiisolin',
An your tongue fc;ls like a file,
on't you let it start baranguin'
F'er it aint wuth while
If ycur nabor 's talked shout you,
An' has spread it fer a mile,
Jest you lsff, and don't you worry
F'er it aint wuth while.
Life has joys; an' life has sorrows,
An' we meet with toil an' trial;
Stop complainin'; stop your growlin'
Fer it aint wuth while.
L. A. h.
A good country Btore building, in
onnrl location, can be leased on
reasonable terms. Address, X. Ar
gus office.
Argus and Pacific Monthly, $2 00
W. T. Simpeon was in town from
Buxton, Wednesday.
a. L. Roy, of Banks, had busi
neea in Hilleboro today.
Tomorrow, the keys of the city,
will be given the belles from Ha
L O. Brown has ranted his farm
near South Tualatin to 8. H. Fries,
of near Minter Bridge, and J. H.
Dnoe, who was on the farm, has
moved to a place near Laurel,
which he hai rented for a term of
two years.
Exclusive Line
Strictly Up-to-date
Ladies' Belts
Tinted Embossed, White Kid,
Black and White Silks, etc.
Life in Leather
Is what you waut, combined with rchx!
workmanship. We use only the best
Led t her Findings in our Harness, etc.
A complete line of harness, halters, bri
dles, saddles, robes, whips, harness, find
ings of all kinds, aud sell at prices that
can't be duplicated in Portland, quality
and workmanship considered.
Give us your repair work. All work
done promptly, and charges more thau
reasonable. Shop next door south of the
posteffice, on Second street, Ilillsboro.
Notice is hereby riven that bv virtue f
an execution, decree and order of ale, is
sue out of and under the seal of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of On-con, for
Washington County, in that certain suit
wherein Isabella U. Morrow, is plaintiff
and Andrea Brasi-exco, Kose Hegditto. K.
House and Washington County ure de
fendanta. and Andrea Hrau-eceo by cnv.-
coinplaint U plaintiff and IsalelU (j.
Morrow. David K'elntto, nose ueeni'i"
and Washington County, are defendant,
date.l the 4th dav of October. 1!)7. IIDnli a
judgment and decree of foreclosure, en
tered in said court ana cause on me
day ol July, 117, in favor of said lsatvella
O. Morrow for the sum of llurty-eiriil
hundred and tifty-lhree dollars and twen
ty cents ($3s53.J, to me directed and de-
If. 1 T ...111 II .1.,. Illk ..f V..
UVrnru. 1 will oil .MUliuay, mi: iini ui
veniber, l'JitT, at the south door ol tint
Court bousein h dishorn, Oregon, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. sell
at public auction to thte highest bidder for
cash, ail ot me loiiuwing oescrioeo rem
property, lying, being and situate in
Washington County, Oregon, ami particu
larly described ai follows, to-wit:
C'oiiiniencing at the northeast corner ol
a tract of land ow ned bv John holier, on
tlie line between sectiotm three and four,
township 1, south range 1 west of the N il
lamette Meridian; tlience sotiin iu oc-g
west, twenty cliauis to the center ol a
small ditch; thence north U deg. wen,
ri.iHS-100 chains to the center of a large
diteh known as the Mam ditch; thence
north l deg. and 'iO mill, east, M X', loo
chains to a point in the raid Mam dil'li
where another small ditch intersects it;
thence north 4ti deg. and .'iO loin, east, one
chain to the north lineof Law rence Hull's
Donation Land Claim; tlience south Mt
deg. east one and 5!t-IU) chains Pi the
northeast co;ner of a two hundred ai re
tract fonnerlv owned bv A Selllicim
w here tliere is a ftake on the "ei-tioii line
Ijetween sections 'I and 4, township 1
south raiure 1 wst; thence south 4.H' W
chains to the olace of beeinning. contain
nig twelve and ninety-six hundredths
acres, and all right title and interest ot
the said plaiiitill'and defendant!) therein.
fSaid real property w ill be sold in parcels
ax lollows to-wit:
First Tract. Commencing at the north
eaHt corner of John Huhei'v land claim
on the line between sections 3 and 4 in
township 1 south, range 1 west Willam
ette Meridian, tlience south K deg. west
9.S0 chains; thence north 32 deg: W ti '7
chains to the center of main ditch ; thence
north 05 deg. 30 mill, east, chains to
a point tin the main ditch where another
small ditch intersects it; thence north V)
deg. :0 mill, eaxt 1.U7 chains to the north
line of the Lawrence Hall Donation Land
Claim;thence south fWdeg. east 1.3!) chains
to a stake on the section line between sec
tions 3 and 4 ; thence south 4.H8 chains to
the place of beginning, containing O.lrt
acres of land, and
becond Tract. Commencing at tiie h.
comer of a tract of land owned by John
Huber on the line between sections 8 and
4 T I S 1! 1 W W M; thence H ttl deg. V
a. cti8. to the center of a small ditch;
thence N li2 deg. W O.W chs. to the center
of main ditch ; thence SIB deg. :(o min,
K 2U.HS clis. to a point in the main ditch
where another small ditch intersects il;
thence N 4j deg. 30 min. E 1 chain to the
N line of Lawrence Hall's DLC; thence S
(fi deg. K 1.59 clis. to the N K corner of a
200 acre tract ot land formerly owned by A .
Sellheim to a stake on section line between
sections 3 and 4 ; thence b o.ns chs to the
place of beginning, containing 12.90 acres,
excepting 0.4M acree, described in doeil
from I). Keghitto to Andrea lirascesco,
recorded on page 28 book " Y" deeds for
Washington County, Oregon, containing
(i.4 acres of land.
And in the event the amounts bid for
such tracts collectively shall not be suf
ficient to pay the amount of said judg
tnent, then I will ofler the whole of the
property above described in one tract and
if the amount bid for the whole theieof
shall exceed the amount for said tracts in
separate parcels the name shall be sold in
one tract, to satisfy the hereinbefore men
tioned sums and the costs and exjietiMcs
of sale, said sale will he made subject to
redemption as per statutes ot Oiegon.
8aid judgment and decree having been
duly sold, transferred and H0f?ned to
George H. Bagley, and George It. liagley
being tne owner thereol, and said execu
tion having been issued at the instance of
the said ueorge it. nagiey.
Hated this October 7th, A. D. 1 W.
Sheriff of Wash. Co., Oregon
By Ward Downs, Deputy.
Pioneer Harness Shop"
A. M. CARLILE, Prop.
JftlUSK MM t
Successsors to Climax Feed Store
J& J& ? ?
s Carry a full Line of Flour and Feed
"Ai Poultry Supplies and Stock Food
Seeds, Paiuts, Spraying Material, etc
All orders promptly filled on short
85 notice
Former Patrons of the Store are In-
vited to give us a call.
m J& Hillsboro - - Oregon j&
Tl I. 1 I I ft ' ft If 1
Peiitton For Liquor License
In the matter of the application of W.f). I
Martin for license to sell spiritous, vin- j
oils and malt liquors in less quantities;
than one gallon, ill Gaston I'n-cinct. 1
To the Honorable County Court of the
State of Oregon for Washington County; j
ti... .1 1 : 1 I I
vtc, Luc iiuuL-rsigiicu peuuonrrs min
legal voters of Gaston 1'iecinct, Wash
ington County, Oregon, ami constituting
a majority of the legal voters in said pre
cinct, and being actual resiilcnts of said
precinct, and having actually resided in
said precinct thirty days immediately
preceding the date of this petition, would
respectfully iK-tition your honorable ho ly
anil ask that a license to sell spiritous,
vinous ami malt liquors, ami fermented
cider, commonly called hard cider, in
lets quantities than one gallon, in Gas
ton I'rccim t, County and State aforesaid,
be granted to W. i. Martin, a resident
of said precinct, for a period of one year.
Hated this loth day of September, A.
1)., 1907.
11 Kleischauer, James Hooth, Jas lAn,
A II Hoherts, il Hraun, Henry W Hcott,
K Hraun. KA Henlngtoii. H V Roberts.
J It Tompkins, Ixiuis Hctring, 1'erry
riabbert, K 0 Tabbe, I) C bain, Kugene
Wall, II Norbate, A UHavis.K W Witte i
berg, Kdd Oray, W K Kobertfton, W Mc
Kau'l.t! I) Williams, Hon Wells, B H Jones,
10 A Thomas, M H Savage, John Yimkr,
C A Oerrish, Herman Jones, Karnest Co
hen, C iteinemer, Henry Dames, W H
linos, J H White, J O Hoos, A H Tanner
Jr. Andrew lioos, W V Hushe, Jake Htu
art, J K Heath, A A Walker A I'eter
Bon, C L Peterson, J H Hinkley, John
Fisher, li iiinkley, (ieo r Aydelott, Oeo
Haae, K L i'arsons, W It Freeman, J K
Parsons, J Challaeoinbe, T A Hoodenpyl,
J Masters, Win J Lunney, 8D Rolston, K
Vandehey, K A Hall. John Tniutuian,
fawner Hall, Kred W I'orter, J If Hall, A
L Hill. T k nail, J Kopplin, Oeo F Har
ries, Martin Linch, (! J Carstens, rUopun
I'eclioeck, t K Miller, John Bergeron,
Ham Miller, J H Wesoott Jr, W C Free
riian, Arthur ilium, 1 W Hamrick, F h
Koberstein, W W Thomas, H j sryant, j
11 wescott, C nest, Ohas Wescott, james -y
King, john Dames, I' E Wallers, Alex
Haines, 1 t Larsen, August Wiese, K b
I'owell, Krnest uerr, Jos Heilenrath, O M
Oosser.jack iiyrne, Oj Oosser.M Carsoim,
Ken naif, 8 K Wahl, 0 Haitun, j H Harris.
Notice of Li(tior License.
Notice is lierebv given that the under
signed, W. V. Martin, will, on the 1st
day of the November term of the County
Court of Washington County, Slate of
Oregon, to-wit: The 6th day of Novem
ber, 1907, present to said County Court,
the above petition, signed by a majority
of the legal voters in Gaston I'recinct,
County of Washington, State of Oregon,
asking that a license to sell spiritous,
vinous, malt liquor ami fermented cider,
commonly called hard cider, in lets
quantities than one gallon in said I'rc
cinct, I granted to William Martin for
a period of one year, and that the under
signed will apply to said Court in said
County and State, for such license on the
6th day of Novemhrr, 1907.
Hated this 3rd day of October, 1407.
K. B. Tongue, Attorney,
Executrix' Notice-
Notice is hereby given that the inul-
signed has b-en, by the Comity Court of
Washington Co:nty, Oregon, appointed
executrix of the last will and let, uncut
of Kli A. Heinich, ik-ceascd. mid has
duly qualified as such, and all persons
having claims against said estate arc
hereby notified to present them to me,
with proper vouchers, at the law office of
W. N. liarlett, at llillshofo, Oregon,
within six months from this date.
, Dated this Octolier 1, 1907,
, Hannah Matilda Ilcllieck,
Executrix of the last will mid testa
tnent of Kli A. Ilcincck, deceased.
W. N. liarrett, Attorney for Estate.
Administrator's Notice
the undersigned has been, by the Coun
ty Court of the Htate of Oregon tor
Washington County, appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Catherine Hcnf
ten, deceased, and has duly qualified as
such, and all )rsons having claims
against said estate are herecy notified to
present them to mo, with proper vou
chers, at the law olllce of W, N. liar
rett, at Hlllsbjro, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice,
Hated this September f, I'HI7.
Administrator of the Kstale ol Cather
ine Benfteu, deceased,
W. N. Harrett Attorney for I'laintlll'.
Do not run the risk of having
your valuable papers burned or
stolen when you can havn a safety
deposit box at the Ilillsboro Com
mercial Bank for $1 00 pur year.
klUMlll BROS.
)ilrk lit
(hone Kal Istul IrmU
K.iuv;inyj from a house
aiul lot; acre tract, u
acio tract, tip to a urain
or tl.iiry r.trin. It wo
hauu't what you want,
vc can yet it. II ills
horoatiil I'oitlaml prop
it ty exehanyeil lor
Washington County
farm laiuls.
Come ami see us lie
fore you luy.
Money to loan ou
reasonable terms. No
taiial work done.
Main St., Ilillsboro, Or.
HilUb tro Argun. t rt) a yrar.
Lead in high grade goods
and low prices. Watch for
bargains on our bargain
counter -.placed there ev
ery day. Come in and see.
We ask our customers to prlco
gooi's of other merchantH, in.
clutliiiK Portland (kmltT.s. and
thon compare pricoswith our
lines of Latllcs' Dress t-ootls,
Moil's & Boys' Clothing, Gents'
Furnishing Uoods, V. L. Dou
glas' and Dr. Hood's shoes for
men, and tho Drew Selhy Co.
shoo for Ladlis. Wo can y a
complete lino of Groceries, at
bottom prices. Highest mar
ket price paid for all produce.
Season is Now Open For Birds
Wc are headquarters for Guns and Ammunition.
We carry the llammerless Parker, Remington
and Ithaca, and the Winchester pump unci
Stevens Hammer and IIammerleM Guns
50,000 rounds of shot gun catridgVs in
both infallible and ballastitc powder.
Wc have the whole Slove I cimily.
' ft
II ll.l,.NItolt Jl rtTll'K ok TIIK
I'KACK A Nil ('ONMTA HI,K Iilrt.
t'OI NTV, iiKKtiilN
u, m. i!nnk, riiiintiir.i
vs. ;
i(fiir(i' l'il.:i, Il'ftiiKliuil.)
I n I'apiiH, Hit! kIiiivo iiaiutiil lift
In tin- ririnio (ifllit Mnio of Oihimii. vmi
Hii' IkthI iy c i 1 11 1 n 11 I 1 Hin ri'iiilrn to
1 (i inul iipiiciir In I tie itlinvf ciil itliMl Court
1 . I hi- iilmvci enlillml riiunn 1111 or lii'fnnr
" i-iinition or hij wiikH frnni thiiiUln
"I HmlirU iul)ll(Mitinii or tlili miiiiiiiniiii
I 'i Dm IlillNlinii) ArKiw, IIih lirsl ,nl,jn:u.
lion IIiithoI' IicIiij; S.t, 12, l!K), lo-wll' '
On or liefnri! Oi-tolmr 17, l!7. it 1 1 I Himwiir
iliH(Minilujiit IiIimI Imriilu Hi-Hi n VM j
noil il' yon fail to Himwiir Mill I'iiii).Iiiii,
tlio iliiiniilf will liikn ImlKiiii'iit iiKUiimt
yon for miiiii of Thirty. Onn llnlliiri1
ami Ninety OiiIh (fil.Mi) mid for tlm rout -inul
iliMlinrariiKiiil.), of Hum waion, anil u '
jinliriiii'iit for Hit; Mali, of tlm itinoiiiiL dun
yon li-oin tlio I'ncili,. Hallway mid Nuv j
1,'alioii ' oiiiiitiiv, lii'iTlofoni nttarliiid ami
KiirniMliiwI, to-wlt:-W.un, mid for miii'Ii
other order mid judgment hh may lie no.
CMum y and proper.
'I his siiinnions Ih nerved upon yoll hy
puhlieilioii hy ordnr of . 'I'. JHif tiy
JiiMliee or tint I'na. (,r (lie uhovfl entitled
HiHlrlel, n.aile an, I ditteil on tlm nth iIhv
ol Sept., I'm;, hiiiI whl. h order riiilreH
you to appear and HiiHwer on or l;oi th
(ixpiiation of nix wnekH from llioilateof
I he lirMl. mihlieittl to-wit: On or hefora
tlio Will day of, IIK17,
II. T. ItAUl vv
.Iimlleo of Hie I'i'hi'h for alulvn DlKtrlel.
liaKley A llaru, AtUirnevH for I'laintlll,
Executor'i Notice ot Final SeUlemtnt
Notiee in herel.y (rV(m ,llt t)(, UM,r.
MiRiieii him liled Iiim liiml aeeount us Kxbij.
11 lor of I he la,, Will itinl TeHtammit t
r lank li.iiiuird, Imeen l, mid tluit J. W
1 1101 in, JudKn of tlm (;ounty Court or
1 "Hhiiititon County, OreKoii, low on HiIh
day, niaile and enternd au ordor apnolnt
inir and Hellini' HhMo Mondiiy, the iHth
day of Novum her, Imff, hh tlio day for
hear nn ol,.i;,e,tloi.H to nald llnal aeemml,
an. or 'he liiuil Hetflement ol Naid eli.t
Dated HiIh I7tli (Ihv ol Oetolior. 1U(
t'HAItl.Rs HKItN A III),
I'.xeentoro the KhIhU of Frank Unr
mini, lieiHiiHed.
K. U, Tongue, Attorney,
The tut shown here illustrates the m-w oullit fr
the Home I'liononq,!,, which took dial Octolier
h W. Ml l'hoiuruph.s have a tliatige
in their outCts. .Call at my store ami sec llicni.
The prices and tf,ls 1.;,, clirul;C(l. ( )vcr 3n,,
records in stock. This js a yoj time to nwU
your selection.
E. L McConnick's Music Store
Ilillsboro, Oiecjon
Execulor'i Notlre
: 7; inniMi inn n,reV noli lie, I i,.
lrwjM.l them lu , will, prom- v . ,,.,
at tlm Uw Oille hi' 'w J v ,.",'"' i'
In JlillHhoro, Orei on wli .o, ' ' n" '
M. thHdaMofmdt'1''
I'atiMltliUNepteml,,,, Wi m
W. N. ilanott, Altorne, or Ex8CUlor
..Central Meat Market..
cmmott Bnos., rrof"
Keep coiiMtntilly on J,
Riipply of IrfMll tti'it',"0' SU
A Now Era I" Prlat
We are koImh to mil tneat i il pgd,
erthiiii tli ) which have l,rcWeB)lrt
the punt, v-all in ami ' p ljverjr
Maia Street, UUlnboro, 0g