The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 17, 1907, Image 1

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0!N(J M
LotJ Va-lititii County,
.... ..,... ii i K Inn
yixMru at roKEsrcnove
.. .... II.1IM Coilllll lMOBC(
limit! 1la
iWi oo .l :ri.t.H r,f the
I' I I II.IL i
,ltBl(l 111 H" '"
M (.u'u "f 'bat company,
I t I III. .IliVIII' II I 'M tl K f
.apMiwIl'J their wiv.s and chil
iw8 Sitor H-itH-n r-XUntlol
itkoiu t H dairymen ' '"''"'I
IbtrilV. Add'ecee wr
, fiwiJeid Kerrin. of l'n-inc I'l.-
Maj.A. I. v'" I"""''
allflb company. J W. lUiU-y.
I M 1 .... I I I .. i ( i .I...I .
f C. A. M:b-.ui-l. f tl'" p
Bjrin Hunter, of the State
Ipk-oituial C..11.V". Mr. lUil-v
im prl; ' Tli d.iiry c..umi
wrtlti jif'tcjriOH ninti'-, win re
rJ in glowing ' H1'
mm auiii'int! account of a In k
luJol ti' it i-inc nh Juiiiph
rvcretary 'f Agriculture.
It, 1'itwn u l hardly I" ln-ve
Ul k! valuablti co I'ttl,
kII r-ftiw.l t" brieve that II
iXiU pntlu .' ! r nere
It liil'T told f lif i"g ill H
l,brt each acre of land
ilicf n avrrac" of I! ! ion
ic!ll that the WlUatllflte
llinj toulj tilell He alfO
,4 fiJ lui'king u i 1 i tiin a n
Kf, tin! told bat lit' had KtHMi
lad.iir(! in il uri' in t)il fUt
B;to Hunter, from lh Apictit
ill Cuihte at (' irvalb. talked
INtUltl (! Unit l'lirtV4ti.i' ill
difiog dairy fn'iU. lie believd
MlO U tlm l'"t (.-ft'OII full. If
ulNtar'y it would l rrady to
Maractoii by laetof Atuut.
pi tvuld continue good until next
W&, II rfMittin iulii! plantit p
f mf luirow f it i j-H in ii in iii i v
it, to it rinili) l o I hih (in
H or illuul ilnviiiK
tpoUtHl III l HCillhir. U)t
a teU'h iiiml in Si i ( tn ) r
pI'Joiikitg.HMl d-nl tlm follow inu
MOW. tflrr kuln KKH uonn. . ll
P Bfgwl ftruirr to B t the
Je!lliniof tlm Hutw.iul
Vicliturtl l.-.r!iiiiiitH, wbiili
ttm, t,d cintniiii J th rwnilu
Ithludic uf uprrtH mi tlm vr
Jwltlt'jrClH UlH UHtii.
h'D&ilrriiflli'il mil H..11 !,lix
Vti it the Jamb Wimner fur m.
Wlinlldnmah of iil.l r,,.ihiii.
mile iinrlliHi'Ht i.f ( ilr
4 M 10 s. in., on
Mt, ", vi-urn, l.'KHI; liotne, H
l. lll'n); ,,rHl, liHKI: lirooii
KTitOitw,, 2 Vr coltK, WH),
m lt, Ki.iki.irn dour, Uo
1 iin-, li.tiii wrhoii,
i. i. . .
"mwk hiii.h r. mower. Uvmke.
itooth ami ,UA ImrroiVH, ilini',
10 P'o, ilrili, t rnnt n.irnlnr,
"""ml Imttnr wotk.r, )mrH!n
puueys un mrrirtg,.; J tii'tH
htrilKHK hinril.. K.r,....- !..
li I '-mihi inn in nn, 1 ' J
f.i2 Ihii jjiill,,,, miiij riU
JUtSemiia nil.... i
'minii nrurii'H.
Wlioh Kill I... I ...
m ' ' lll IIO'lll,
''fflnnf HiiIn.-hi ....i i...
I ' BIMI . II' l'l ,
;ovr in .:
A ' ", ri III. Mil. in lllltli,
1 8 Dtr i'ui.i i... .i.ii .
. - -,,,1,1,, hi,h iioin,
Htiildiif liroa , t)wimrn.
,l" KiiMlli, AiietioiiKur.
klrwt fnir l. IlilLI.., I....
rlhet that formcm
f wEHlinr innr fr.. iu tl,-..
ndonl tl.v Hhouhl haw
r.PaeinHhh thry t-an utk-
r-.uin evrs
kit.! I . J " ' "llPHt'l
r,u. Wh i i .i.i ,i.
- iii,ii,iniuiii iiinit inn
nnnri ; i .
Vi , ,n wmM)WflrU tl) eHl
- tllH
V tlm l
in muu piir nniittni
1i"lit of tlm rimnt v fnir.
tail thru it will form u
tlllcltMIH fur i ) f,
'"y fuir fun.l ami it wouhl
nlu lor u,,,,, ,.f .i... i i
J 'tun l i . 1,1 l,ln lenuing
U , Wlflii"'Aon cmmty to
I " U II 1 II A .a K . .
niy fmr n ,..:.. b-m i..
(10 . , " -""","'.iii, IIM'IO in
oe r to llB8nml hy the fruit
llkfiri.l.hH,UHl,1y f line fruit
Kt..' mroflur olijoct
Kn ,".M 10 ilillVrmion Ih
Wl, f IfU,t tt"l that w hh'h i
lit.;! " ,uti,i 'H "'ala and otlior
I tin.... t .
iiu. .: r nin ''''i iih mi cot to
lllll. f ? "0rk f'TKSt'rtBllit.Gton
hum, r 111x1 yr will 1."
Neil i ,um IH 11 counly 01
nnil litf nu turn-lr
Nd!BLll",w tHlt "J Itive the
l Chill, Ma t i V i,r . 1
QHn ilo.-Tiimin.
Art'iin mi.l Jniinml, fJ'J.'i
Chrm l.uetkl. of riiilli., m in
the illy, MuiiiUjr,
l''rmik Vtfilk,i, lluxton, rn
in tlm city, Mum y,
Alfrnl ('Ullilliilik'ii,i, llilltnli, WH
a viiiiiily iet vintor, Tui4..lny .
ti i to I,. K tiotlum fir A'iu
j.elln liuroe (Mver ami Ui roliea.
Hugh ItoKer-, with tlm I'. U. A
N , at Itiuton, mi in to mi, Mm
.Uy. We Imvn j'i-t gut in a lot of
ntuuii'iiiK Miil. r. Alio full line
of ruliU't ami lii,i'H. ('onio an. I
rne u Amli-riwiu .V H in, Ur.lvilln
Mr. Iliirvey Northrup, n IlilU
h r.. nn. I f i r 1 1 1 e r 1 of Mm.y I'.rnok,
m.J Mm Samh Ki-ltir, of I'ort
laii.l. wrrn inarriei! in tlul citv.
the lirnt of the km k .
Kor gentlemen', ladle-' ami
i liihlreii' howi you ran .In no U't
lr limn to huy of John leiinin
Wo likvn them (or everylxxly, ami
at 'fHin that are value.
A (i. Stuart, who ha Uen mil
run !iii( in Ax tori a, w an in tow n thr
lirnt i.f the Week, el. route l ) Alhatiy,
(o viNit with hit run, t'Uu.le, w ho ir
workinn fortheCorvHllii-.V Kmlern.
A Hula aon of 1'hrintian urcher,
of mar tV.Ur Mill, had tlm minfor
tu'io to fill from a i; it' uil hut
Friday, while playni,', and hroke
h: ri(ht arm. lr. 1'amieri net
the hreak and the little fellow U
.in uirrly.
Mr A. I., (.'rjeni, of nrar lUth
any, ran a runty nail in'.n hfr foot
lut Miimlay, and within a fi-w
hour had a I. a, I re ol IiIuxhI ku
(.niii ,kih wh hrotiKbl lo lilt lt
l im iii the aftirnuon, and treated
by lr. Tamiwie
J. M. tire ar and wife, K. I).
I'hofiie and wife, a;id I homo
ulld wifnrlrled Ut Tuerday, on
the ttfii-rnoon train, for 1'ortland,
from w hi. h place thry will goto
"n I'leo, I'al., a holed in the
Argtia if Ii-l week.
Hen Cdlina, formerly of (ialt-e
l'r.k,iid wh i ha been tu Seattle
for peveral earn, i in the city thie
wi ek, viaitinit bin brother, t't. A.
M.l'oUiiiH llo ban bought a home
in t'iiliforni. and he .miii leave to
make that etate hi home.
An-efmr Wilco' report ahow
the county hart over I'.ju acre more
. f cleittvl land than a year back;
ab ml ft. hi bend morn of tiorrea and
mulid; hU head of cattle; lit ad
more w in. Thin a H per cent, in
i reat on tmtnu of the item.
T. U Iuit rit returned from Med
ford, .Sunday ui irniug. Whlla ou
bin trip he neaired an option on
l.uni h of fruit acreage in that fain
oil horticultural dirlricl, which,
he nay-, in attracting much atten
tion in the eatl, a well a the en
ure. iHirlhwrl.
M.irriaL licennpH were IhiuihI
net we k in thixciunty to Kdward
Corncliurt farmer, and Mibk
Lena Mtttthie. of rorint tirove:
lobert 11 llarr er, of Hub" I reek,
and lierthft Moint. .f MillHlioro;
I'horwtild Klinktir and Anna May
er, i f Waehiniiton county.
Cun. IlffKi. a H-averton naloon
ke per, wa arrefted laid Monday,
i n:.... i;. r t.i
nn a c mma oi renioK m " Krt wti arrniiiiied Iielore
.fudge lUglcy, of thi city, luet.-
U Kin ii e tl lint euillY
heuiitiff wa net lor next Saturday,
at thin place.
The planking f Kirxt Street to
Hardine, from the depot, and on
lUelinu b'dween 1'irHtand 1MB t.
i A - Mini ii line in completed
Work im progreHioKit Third.three
block Mouiti oi main. i i-
uhmI i ih.eeinchM lliirk, and the
rotulwav in Hi iVt wb'. i.ounc i
man I.. A. Uood ha cliarg" " '
u ioli. Dim '20 vear hoii of John J
' ' . .. .1 .1.1. ..U.llQ
Norl hrun wa culling uiki
at llm M mill l'f'tb other evo-
- f II ...i.l mud Miftaineu a iau,
foroed lo iump il'iiti diatancfl in
mdnrtoRavebimHdf. lleei.rained
tit ankle uil wpiirated .tiw om ee
and MiwUiii' d other ti junca
Oinipany I. I'irst Oregon
Mounted VoluntccrH
tampan? n Oraaicd on llaia
Uilllioro, Oct. i, ihs
Monday, Octoln-r I I, 7, waa the
VJnd anniveirary of the organi.a
tiou of Company D.Firet liiyiment
iregun Mounted Volunteer, whi. h
ervel in th Yakima Indian War.
I.i company wa (rgani.ed on
Main nteeet. thi citv. with 101 en-
ted men, and thdre are perhaps
ul twenty of the old guard left
1'he late T. U Cortieliuc faihir cf
lillfli .rn'c prei lit poKtti.a-ter, wan
colonel uf the regiment. W. II. II-
Myeip wan tbcltd a lieutenant
A rcatiered reiuiinnt of the com-
any met lure Monday in co n-
itiemiiratioti o( th.i.i.'n l unntverfa-
nf it for tu r.i.iii, n n 1 after Uit-
Jj"illed Heeeiou the VeteraiiH were
the gueeln i.f JbImi Wilkee, at din
ner. The l.llowing ilb.eia wiro
W II. II. My en, if the (irovo,
Juliex Wilke, HiilKboro, Secre
Tlm f..Ilow tug reaoliiiioriH wr re of-
fertd and ad.ipled, and will b" n-nt
to the renator and ic.riHrnl tici
f tiregon:
We, the ludiitn War vtlernind Wanh-
iiiKlon Couutv, Otroi!, I,: totivrtilioii
ntrinlilcd ul ililUliolu, Dili l.tll liny of
Oclolwr, ly'7. do icmclfuHy lewilve an
luiuiw v
Tbt it it the irrise uf tlii.s mertitig
that r tcuiirl the l oiit-rcoiounl ilc'.e-
rcalion ol l licgon to ut thru uioft cain-
ct en leavuit to encnirc t on);rrKi to
u a law l.titiniK the Itnlmil War vrlrr-
n un thr tatnr plane, and uuhjet'l to the
amr prtiiiu.i lruUlloti a the veterans
uf the Civil War. -
The undersigned will ncll at public
uctioii at the TainieeiB farm, 4
mile north of HilUboro, and one-
half mile went of Ihe Scotch
'liurch, at 10 a. ui., on
Sorrel mare, lt yearn; o cow, all
milk; heifer, 5 months old;G
... . i ..i.ii
doien chiclteiia; iihck, i uouuie
harnecK, net hack harnen, eadd'.e,
S ton of mixd timutliy and clover
hay, hay rack, 1 1-inch plow, culti
vator, etetd harrow, Walter A.
Wood mower, drill, grindrtone, 2
ten-gallon milk cam, cupboard, 5
gallon honey, 4 ntand bee, hook
ae, 2 heating Btove and oilier
hou-ehold furniture.
I.unch at noon.
Term of Sale:-! 10 and' under,
ash; over $10, one year' time, at
pur cent , bankable note. I pt r
cent i.ft' for canh.
J. B. lamiecie, Owner.
H. P. Cornrliu, Auctioneer.
J no. Vanderwal, Clerk.
T. Iuik later attendt tithe cupo,
u-. M.dmlmprich. of Farming
ton. K'T. Judd.of rorlland. l'rol.
i,. ii...n.. mid Dr. Withy-
i. i'j. in nu u r - .
(.(;inb, f Corvalli. spent all ol
i ..v on.i a nnri on i
pr,.nMntone,tiHl.HNehaleni vaUey
holding farmer inatitutea. Meo
. ... i.l.l nk Varnonia. Nt
i.i ,w iiitfbiirii and Mtul.
'1MIIII"I n .. .
t k i.iinront was manifest
ed in the riibjeetH prefented by the
aeveral upeakerH.
u..... a tl Smith. Supt. of con
Hiruction for the i'. H- ?, J
down from the rront, monuwy,
.. . ..., for the erade are
riZ,m work having been
.. . . ... i lo.hern In the north
(lllinpicimi """" . .,. I,.,
went. It baa been a great year lor
ZVek when the tunnel will be
bored through, ami uayuBuv a
l'iea and cakia at City Hakery
Min K Weil, of Vernonia, wa
in town Friday.
Try your Independent Telephone
for long ilinlanco.
Rudolph Ziegler, ol Laurel, wa
in the city Fliday.
John 1'eUd, of Mountaindale,
wa in the city laat Monday.
Mr. It II. Greer and eon were
Portland visitor, Saturday.
Fine line of Hamilton-Brown
Hhoe, at John Dennie'a.
Mr and Mia. M. Palmateer, of
lieedvillp, were in the city, Monday,
For Rile or trade, for a farm, a
one half interent in the Climax
Mills J. M, Greear.
Horn, to the wife of Fred Rood,
of near HilUboro, October I I, 1!K)7,
a daughter.
Wanted about 1 f 0 ton of good
oat. Highect market price will be
paid at llillnhoro. John Milne.
Minn Etta Bchulmericb left Mon
day morning for a ten days' viait
with friend, in Spokane.
Call on or phone to Deoni for
groceriee. A complete and up to
date line always on hand.
Died: at lieedville, October II,
DM7, Albi-rt, infant eon of Mr. and
Mr. M. I'ltlinateer, aged 4 months
and 20 dayB.
Hotuwtf kern are pouring into
Oregon at an aHtonihing rate, nay
the Portland p.-tera. Washington
futility i getting it ehare.
Dr. W. E. GarreUon and wife, of
Portland, Fpent Sunday in Hillsbo
ro, gueetsof Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow,
of the Bigelow Hotel.
J. F. Wood, of the Foreet Grove
New, wa a welcome caller at the
Arp.u oflice last Monday. Come
again, Bro. Wood.
E. L. Naylor, of Forest Grove,
shipped over 2000 pounds of Mo
hair wool laet week, to a Massa
chusetts firm, last week.
Geo Hohulmericb, John M. Wall
and W. H. and G A. Wehrung at
tended the Blag social given by the
Purl. and Elks laet Thursday evening.
Do not run the risk of having
your valuable papers burned or
stolen when you can have a eafety
deposit b xat the Hilleboro Com
mercial Bank for $1 00 per year.
W. II. II. Myers, of the Grove,
watt in town Monday to attend the
annual meeting of the Indian War
Yetergns. "Buck" is as full of
practical philosophy as ever.
Cider applee wanted. For par
ticular, inquire of G. A. Brown,
Milno warehouse, Hilleboro, or
write to the Ingham Yinegar Com
pany, Gl Albina Avenue, Portland,
Mrs. J. C. Lamkin and Mrs. Lot
tie Smith visited with Mrs. L. A.
Clark, of Ridgefield, Wash., the
first of the week, returning Tues-
For Sale About 40 well-bred
shoats and brood sows Inquire of
F. W. Delsuiau, 2 miles south of
Glencoe, across the road from Tual
atin Plains church. P. O. address,
Hillsboro, H. 3.
Kucl Hisbee Loses his Arm
last Saturday
Ltavtt a Widow to Mourn Lom. Wa
Mtoibcr DelphM Lodge K. of P.
Ruel M. Biabee, well known in
and around Forest Grove, and a
son of II. M. Bisbee, while sawing
wood, Saturday, had an arm cutoff
just below the elbow. The saw so
completely severed the arm that it
fell to the ground.
Bisbee was given surgical atten
tion and removed to his home two
rxiilea west of the Grove, where he
died Sunday morning, lee than 14
hours after the accident. Biebee
was born in Page County, Iowa, C'J
years ago, and came to Washing
ton County at the age of IS. He
graduated from Pacific Univerity,
claei of lS'JG, with the degree of B.
h. Bisbee was a member of Del
phoa Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of
Foreet Grove, and that order had
charge of the burial, Tuesday, in
terment being in the Is ay lor ceme
tery. His parents, a brother, and his
widow, survive.
And a Dainty Lady
On Monday, a (all and well dressed
stracger walked into the Schul
niericb Bros.' etore, and remarked
that he was "ready to pay for those
shoes, now." Herman Schulmer
icb carefully sized up the stranger,
and informed him that so far as he
was aware, there was no account
against him, but the man persisted
that he owed the firm a balance of
$2 on a pair of shoes, purchased 14
years ago. "I'm sure of it," said
the man, and he couuted out the
money, remarking, "It is a pleas
ant October day," and went out in
the street, where he produced a
camera, and took a view of the
etore. He did not reveal his uame,
and seemed in good financial cir
cumstances. The only excuse he
made for his dilatory meeting of
the obligation was that he went
East shortly after he bought the
shoes, and had just returned to the
Mr. Schulmerich is hoping that
some of the other old timers in in
debtedness, will be taken with a
spasm of honesty, and imitate the
mysterious, but honest stranger.
And a dainty lady! How
well they match. The "puff"
is one of those "selected
stock" kind used by the
smart set.
we are now showing, add
beauty to your dresser.
Other articles requisite to
enhancing facial beauty we
keep the best of. To be sure,
buy of us. Our goods are
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Heckles automobile searching in
Washington county, will someday
get a serious seinuca inn inner
lay as Dr. r . A. Itaiiey ami james
Young, of thi city, were coming
from Forest Grove, and had just
driven upon the long bridge, west
of town, an automobile occupied ny
some Portland boys, bound lor tlie
irove. hove in sight. As the
bridge is narrow, the Dr. held up
his hand for the chafbuir to stop,
uit instead, the machine came on
at full Spued, ill" oixupsiiiH ui
the buggy just bad time to get out,
and seize the frightened animal by
the bits, when the auto whizzed by,
narrowly missing Hie buggy, ah
they passed, tho hoys yelled and
i-rd at the Hillsboro parties,
... .-1 ll.A ...lw1,. mallAV
seeming 10 re-gam me nmo mow.
. . . II. AHpA.1
as a good jokp. wr. muo mi
of having the outfit arrested, but
that evidence to convici
would he lacking, a neiriier him
self nor Dr. Bailey could identify
the fellows, having no lime to noie
iu nnmlier of the machine. Much
complaint hes been made of late
about reckless roruauu mm. put
ties In this county, ami wnen ar
rested and convicted, the authori
ties here will give them the ,limit.
Later: uepuiy ouni
went up to the Grove and took
possession of the machine, which
was in charge of a crowd of Port
land Academy football boys. As
.iinini that there were some re-
sponsible persons in .the party, he
arranged ior ui a.(.v.. ...
ti:ii.i..irn. whon notilied. Frank
read the law to them, of which they
.1 i.i iunoranco. and let them
tha mne.bine. It ifl doubtful
lIBVD wiv ; . ,
whether they will he prosecuted
i? Ha1 White Fantail and
cheat), if sold at
Sam Yarley the other day sold
SherilV Connell the big span of gray
draft horsee which have excited so
much admiration the last six or
poven months. The consideration
was $500.
For Rent: Farm of In acres,
over 100 acres under plow; on rural
mail and milk route; 2 miles from
Hillsboro; telephone connection.
For term call Farmers' line, Paci
tic States 281.
A birthday party was' given last
Sunday in honor of Mrs. Andrew
Heckmann, of near Bethany. The
Kuratli brothers and their families,
Mrs. Chas. Ueimer and Mrs. Hu
cuenin. of Hillsboro, were invited
guests, and report a pleasant time.
John Milne sold 100 tons of last
year's crop of oats to Lenech Bros.
of Portland, last Saturday, for
shipment to California, for milling
imrimseB. He still has about
1,000 bushels of gray oata left over
from lust year.
Pheasant hunting is pretty good
in Hillsboro. sometimes. Last
Monday, a voung and foolish pheas
ant alighted in the big maple tree
which etandB in front ot tne luaia
tin hotel. Mr. Jeffries, the barber,
saw the bird, and took two shots at
it with a small 22 calibre ritle, but
without f fleet. Then R. L. Sears,
of the Main Street machine shop
took the gun, and fired, when the
bird cave ud the Rhost, and Mutter
ed to the ground. The incident
created ouite a ripple of excitement,
and will probably form the basis of
copious commentary in tne euitori
al annex to the editorial columns
of the Sunday . Oregonian in its
next isBue, iu which the "bright
vounc man" crows witty at the ex
uense of us poor chroniclers of
country events.
The sawmill of Wm. II. Lyda, at
Bellingher's Bridge, between For
est Grove and Greenville, was con
sumed by Are, Sunday night. The
mill and machinery were valued
at about ten thousand dollars, and
carried an insurance of $3,000. The
blaze started about 11:20, and the
men were uuable to check it. This
is the third sawmill (ire Mr. Lyda
has suffered within eight years, the
Bret occurring when he operated on
Gales Creek, bis insurance having
been but $300. The eeoond fire
happened three years ago, at the
present site, and there was no in
surance. It is not known whether
the blaze was incendiary or not.
Mr. Lyda has been peculiarly
unfortunate in tire losses, but he al
wayB rebuilds. He is one of the
pioneer millmen of this section.and
an indomitable hustler, and his
many friends in this county will
regret his loss.
Forest Grove National Bank
Commenced business, March 4, 1907.
Comparative statement upon dates of
Call by the Comptroller:
March 22. $46,223.17
May 20. $8.9.822.25
August 22, $130,722.92
Accounts invited.
Officers and Directors: 4 .
W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, - Oregon
Bailey's Big Store
District 76 School Shoes
The Very Best For
For Wet Weather and for Hard
They Satisfy. Buy a Pair.
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Having removed to our new and
commodious quarters, we invite our
old customers, and the trading pub
lic generally, to call and see us in
our new business nonie. lo all
those who have patronized us for
the past fifteen years in our old
quarters, we extend our sincere
thanks, and hope to be better equip
ped to merit your trade in tne fu
ture than in the paBt, by reason of
more room, more goods and better
service. It. H. Greer.
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank the friends and
neighbors for their kindness,and for
the sympathy expressed, on the oc
casion of the sickness and death of
our infant son, Albert Palmateer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Palmateer.
Reedville, Ore., Oct. 14, 1907.
R. L. Cate is still quite sick at
his home in this city.
Beautiful October weather, and
the farmers are improving it.
- Full-blood Black Minorca.Brown
Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock
cookerels, pulletB and hens for sale
by R. H. Greer.
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
plan. ' .,,
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc
School Books win be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
Saws gummed, filed and aet, at
R. Lee Sears' bioyole shop.
Ten or twelve teams are now
grading near Beaverton, on the
Beaverton & Willsburg cut-off of
the Southern Pacific. When com
pleted the line down Fourth street
1 will not be used for freight trains. ,
I will sell tU my aioak of shrub
bery, rosea, bulbs of bmo; kinds,
houseplante,' etc , at greatly re
duced prices, flora k yeui op- -portunity.
Greenhouse, Seventh
& Fir. Phone, Independent, 823. ;
Mrs. Agnei Go wan.
Argus and Pacifio Monthly,;! JO
cit7BakTcreaia bread.
from both benches.