0 - - " Ihe JnlILLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON. OCroTiElYTo, 1907. vol. xiv. NO. 30 LARGKSr TAX HULL BtODNmiHSWRV tccu Million AVlEVIiltM OXE-FOCKIH j,.iMst f C.unlsTs- (hi rrv.(f iy AiMr !" II- Wilcm has mm hUud tl" 1 aatr-ssunwit ,D,llllb largrt ' '"'"'y J V.ltiiK"" t''ty. umklt.K a B,goiuVeiil allowing f the ' nafort of ol.l Wasbii.glio. Th ilt limber valuations are in th n!l,iul !!' ,ll materially h ibnutn total, and It will, as well, ,jil oislerially l lh 'm kct U.ok J lb farmers who d md on ii iin)br,tiii Ut.yiitK '" ft aammery aa given by the a-.-r i f.IU : l,t-llnluat'' '"I. Viiuaul aiii J '. Htm)" mi"1'! "I.SK )ilawiia Ht' lii'lm llinl-r . T.T'i lauli-mi-nt. .i-r.lr, lall.L . '.'. Itt 411Ul I'll) K.l,.i toV!VrairitU IK'1 " . tftri iM't land" ll"l nltai,, Tti4k"i. Ilntfiadi Utt lilim. I HOI .. IM'K II nwt.ll--! ;i CI mil" at lUaneim ml" la Saii ()t K K Vn'iiliii! diti miU al IU',i wf MS S l-', mil miih A ui ii I k ui. li jr.. USm ml k In lilo lira lil)tliriila rl.' Mi, Hilf- sit'l a.-ounU D.atwlHilil lurmlur ItMA .ml iilr. li.UU lii.t itllla. Ur. NV-"J ". II.""' t I Ik.I Niw, J.l.T li-J i-: .- ',it.". ?i,r.-. '4,UI II I 'O' .' t I '! ' Hi iii I I mo Jll.l v. yi lut ji i. ;!ji,ii .ui Zit .1.1 I.'..; tit. .!uii.iii tax i;.; :.t. Tbi reiseon linilirr land and the limlitt Valuations, Ilia latter of Inch ii i in w feature, amounts to I.S.'),! thus making lb litlllter fllu.liuo aide from the land, out UrinJ onn iiftr inil!i"ti, r wrly uii iiirtrr of (ha rntitp UI roll. )i f'n ni-'iii-nl tu lll.rUKS.i.'io, ho mil tlii )rr Wo i rite of il.ar.l.U.s'.l WOKKING FOH YUKON FAIR W. U. Vhrmi(, I'rwiiilont of I Oftfon Hit I'lMiiiuiimion tn tin Aluki-Vukmi Ki)niti(ii, whicli ill b hrKI in Si-tlli in l'.Ki'.i. iMtMunUis K'.'li innl. t tlrnl tbKiin.ih Kail Ditrit Kmr, bich nnwu cm Oct 17, IK .ud JU Tbiolj-Hl of Uih vinl U to work UpHeiilinmnl in favor of a li 0'tt rihitiit at llm Hi-altln Fair. Mr. Webrun'n iilra in tu havi a eoIIcii v dtitia rluliit uii tlire. Ming llm Oron unuiitii-a into futricm, and havuiK dinlriot rk, ilh low rati from Orrnon jMiinin telti Kair. II will aUo work fur Bin lvirlitiiitit of Ore(jiin, in llnihaj) of a ft.l.lur, in wliii h ev "J county in Uih hi ii in will U ri noUmI, llm fulilur tu U j'Ul in biu.ln of evnry vinitor t.i the 'ir, wlmn Manm in ornoiioaliU . HUULICSALE. b UDiInrHinifd will Hell at jml) inction. at hiH ',hvn 1 miloi) oribwit of UoHjvillD, at.lOit. in, TULSDAV, OCTOU1CII 15 Jti dairy ciinniating of Iwrnty tiuaitol I'ull llK,u,Ut i;,r.l Jrr- '". U Irrah Iml 4. an.l they will nh iooiluUo 1 lull I.IoikI Jcmcy "UyearaoUI. Alio OHtmrnn mow nr. Onli)rno Drinr rake, Olivor ntwil I1. hayfork, rope and ,iullfyii. Lunch at noon. Jernnof !: l,Mr llO.canh; ' U tid ovt-r, 1 ynar'n tiiu, hank ""tioln, 7 ,,fr (.llti jir,.i JAMKS HOUWICK B. P. CnriieliuH, Auotionr. THANKS TO JUDGES WenUrn Oregon Stall inn So Ham Moon, rrtwidunt, anl nily Cave, Hecrctary, denira to Juilgra Manninu, ll lh,,ir PintkR "f"1"18 J JUJmr,K the knrMMi at Ih" Htrool lr- Timir work was dona with -tid Rood judgment. Sam Moon, 1'roa. Kilty CavojHuc. FOR SALE "U BOllI wnrlr A..n' ciloally Buurui ami lrue ,,uierB, - uigie or double. J no, A. Iloblin, llillaboru, Ore. Oet jour Auction Hale luuchca 'Mh Citv l!l,.,r - - ' ' ,,:m6rgon. of Kormt Orovs, '" towu the last of the week. ib!.oph tl!iBP. or Helvetia, in him v flhis ranch loAbra- iniT U,1KBI 'or year or more, 'atherland mil v.ir. down HuinUy .i i with a lianrli.il i.ioi, .ml ,t 1 icala by a rrorn of 'Jli 7, li.i-i 1. ..1 - 1.1 . 11 1 - llm Thu .i uj a pi'iirn 01 nt in , , loraU had a had oil dav. an.) Cor liBlliia, lirioK rriiifiirciitl y nrveral ' "'i ny 9r- lint (!,,ll 1. t ... . hi 11 ..... ... -.rir, u, , B ,j M.d dandy ;amK. liiirr Cornel iilrhi fur llm vixitora, and (Jul ......l.l ti-:i. llllX atit ill lli-r caujji.i, .m, Willi. ma pin a 1 t 1 1 t IimI 1 ir iiiiiHixiro, navfl lor Dm .M innioira !.',, (',,, k :. 1 two n " 7 uiiijiiini ir a om. Mr. Cook nay ihal w I....L . . !m llh th Iwo tcaiuM an. nvrtily inalt liKd at niry fiami. I oil) IIHallK Catjjfht for IIiIUK.im. ManaKPr (irag aay Iim ia rra.ly to j . 1 y a rt-turn game. atna caught For 8al About -10 writ brml lioala and broo aowa I ixitiirn of Ir W I 1 I. .. .. ,i -i .. r. 1. . i'rimilBIl, III I It N MlUtii Wlxiutif, a rotia llm road from Tual aim 1 lain church. 1'. (). addrew. Uili.Wo, K "lor ii pay lo xpray," wa llm iniiitl aiitu dilayml at the Mill Iniru Fair, UhI trk, over a half domli at.i.Ui arlii. I. I . ll- I I . " ... " ' I I'VtllJ falrii up with llm Han Jooe Hcalr 1 . 1 - . . . ami inorr iruu hvim. ,ar oy wem many line, healthy apple 1. ;..u l t . 1 . 1 uii 11 i irariy iiiiiiurau ii iim value of prayiiig A practical ohjerl ll'f.Hiill. llnllfio oti liv Krttit IfiMi.w.. r iiarna, of Foreil (irove. lit ...,i it,. ..t 1 " .Ml. I1T. III IJK1I1( your valuable papr btinifd or elulen wlmn you can have a r-afely deMiil b.K at llm Hillhboro Com inercial Hank for tl IKI jut year. J. M. Mill-, of Hank", ralltxl riday. John and the tireni rdi- lor and I'lwtinanli-r Coriicliun, were liiMoUri of the name heading and 1 i : . . . k . inrecniiig ouiiii on uie .orib I'litiiiH, ;t l yearn ago, when wheat waa king in Ihe Willaiuelle valley, For naie: Kay driving inure, yrare; gentle and reliable; winkle or double. Woman can dm e llauiblrtoiiian ali ik, fair traveler. C. Kehite, Faruiington, or 1Ii1!mIm ro, Koule 'J. tieo. lulling", who made IIilU Uiro ti i a home for many yean, and now a reaidfij of enla, waa out the last of the week, participating ill llm fair. "JodIi" (till Ima a warm place in hm heart for the old county neat. For Kent: Farm of 117 acre, over lul acre under plow; on rural mail and milk Mute, 2 milri from llillihro; telephone conuecliou. For term call Farmera' line, l'aci- lie Hlatee J. V. limine and wife, of alnive L.....ui i:r..... iii it.M i'ilti ITri. riMi'p mu.?, " " .1 itiw ' .l.u kfiMtii.iitii liu,k itiir iii'xr thn at- i r..-t m of llm fair. Wib never overlimk" thegoiHl ihingt. I.oel A heifer calf, 5 months old, red and white; aet-n on Shady lSntok road, Saturday, Sept. 7. Keward Notify Allred Albert, Corimliu, llouto 1, or telephone May Lro., iiieiicoe. I ir I L,Vr of (imU)ii. wan arraigntHl U-fore Judge Kagley, .. ? .. i .... . .. . ..!. t ..lln.a .tioiuiay inev, on maio v o.....p, i; ..I, tinmliv Tim diH'lor i a lianton drtiggiHl, and pleaded guil- . ,i i . I . C. I ty io uie cnarge, boo ho uu t" I'ider apple wauled. For jar ticuiar, iuouir of ti A. Brown, .. . i ii:ii..i - Miine warenoiiHe, tuunnuiu, .ii.. i ii, I iw I, a in VuiKirar Com- i" " " - pany, CI Albina Aveuue, I'urtland, Oregon. (ie-jrgo tlihnon and wife, of Seat lie, Waeh., were hero the lant of llm week, gueala of relative. They came over to eee what we could do iu the way of a etreet lair. Thn. (I. Todd, of Forent Orove, wa down to Hie city Friday, a looker on the fair. Mr. Todd has raihtd Home of the timm urau horee ever seen iu the county, t ... . r.i.l.l Durham nicer. i.OHi 'I Jim red. Notify Toni.Smay, Cunie- .... til I ...Im.un. llllH, Oie., K. - i uonti, iiiur. dent, Line 22, No. &.r, ou Scholia Line. Kt. i,- it Tnnmm bad a number of nilver cup ou exhibition at In. Fair, trophies oi me iri " chaee. K. H. treer alo had three eilver cup on exhibition. Mr. and Mr. John Miller, of Monlavilla, atteuded the Fair, on Saturday, and remained over Sun day,gut'U4 of Mr. Miller'a mother, Mr. Sunan Brown, of tbi city. Denni for Villi wii - griHieriea. A complete and up to dutu line always on hand. J A. Tboruhurgh, of the Foret Orove National Bank, wai down to ihe city to take in the carnival, the lant of the week. For sale-White Kantail and Homer pigeon, cheap, il old t once.-K.L.HohhB, Fourth Oak. Julius Abibr,of South Tuala tin, and Claus Jesse, of Banks, were county seat vibitora, Monday. The various concessions at ine IlilUboro Fair, paid in to the fair fund the sum of C. K. AdamB, of Scholia, was in the city Saturday. v J. F. Schleoht, of Mouutaimlale, t'orii"liti raiim eaw the Fair Saturday. mm a Siiii I join riOOO to i()00 People Here on Saturday V'UfcV MADGE 0 THE THROVE NpltodiJ tibil.il Mike t lie Fair a Crcal Suctcm "Il'a a kucchm,'' wa the generally expre, (minion of the tboimamlM of people, who attended the Hills born Street Fair, on Thursday, r relay am Saturday. (.1 ant week Saturday was the banner day ft,r attendance, it being e-tuiiated that there were from five to six thou. and jieople preeent. (Jueeii Madge (Min Madge Iinbrie) ai crowned by Matnr 1'i-i.niii at noon. Thurs day, and gracionKly presided dur ing the Carnival, attei.ilul by her maids of honor, .VinHe Maud (irJ- (ilhc, I.ucy SVatln rrni, l.u! u Don elaon and Jont-phine Foib tte, aod paffs, Maatt-rs Bruce ami 1'aul itlllb-V 'I'hH rnval 1 1 il Iklmr i li n.l furi.ii-bed muic for the occaHion. and Ibecaruival iirit and C'info'.ti held away. Ihe lunibill gtmi'S were holly conteete.l, IIilbiro wiuoil g firt place m.il IUhk s c- ond. At the race track a county record wa lowered. The hi ck ex hibits were fine; and tho poultry exhibit aa the le-si seen here f ir ; vrnm. Tim ex liibil of I oil train ami VHLi-tiilil-M wait biulilv cintila. hie, and rtCfiiv-d nnii:h favorable comment f;om visitors. The j ia-! neer relics and curio collections attracted much attention. The usual Dumber of concessions were here from a dinlance. and the din of the spieler made the carnival impression more re.liHtie A car nival is not a carnival without the fakir. The carnival committee exect t be able lo meet all ex- nente incurred by it. ihe general expression was that the old county fair ought to be revived, and steps probably will ue taken in mat direction. Henry Harriogton, ou the old 'halmera place, showed ft squash, reigning S5 pounds. Ueo. Harrow exhibited a pumpkin, weight 88 pounds, also a souash, weight, .2 pounds. Broom aim, by Berj. ScholGeld, tine specimen; white Driiit fm'd corn, bv Jos. Kobinson. of Farmington, hard to beat; 11 ftKit green enrn on stall, ex. ny Wm. Tupper, raised on A. N Sianton place; fine exhibit of Saries btese, by A. liuerber, 01 Helvetia; ,s. Kobinson, fine boxes of King, loiiinhherc. Red iluhricani. North- em Spy and Khode Island (!reen- ing apliles etUal to Hood Uivers Ul. Joint St well sli iweil specimens of .biiwiii se lea, rnisril nnht bt-re in Hills- U.to, II I'll k, of Wist I moil, fvlnlnti-il a line cnwiuli.t. raisecl on his mm li; Jtiilgc I'liinilull t-. Ilnw.uirtii IsLtiul pumpkins, and alfalfa 3 feet lii(;ll, tin- latter sown ttitll oitts (or Hay; iwisctu in jiny; noai- r .n.lv iii ml. Mrs. 'e lt-Ite in ti.'n " '"j ..... ..... showed fine almonds raised in this coun ty; WII Morton exhibited Kri-e" nonse ...ut,,Mtt I'liiiKiitiiii' of roses, lilies, car nations, smilax, and green Iioiim- lettuce; , ... . .... , h as l.amKiu ioi'. iiii i"i ui. n iulilin wiiiishes, and one Hubbard Hiiash, raised in llillsboro, he also ex hibited a line line ofiuaile iu llillsho ro" copjier and tinware, which attracted imii-li itlleiition; the ilisplty of caiiKid flints was line, me ni- uun vc,..tlniis .t Kerr llros.. I'ortl.iml, for the be.t ipiarl Kcommiy i.irs of preserved meat, was awariWd Mrs J A Ziniuieniiati, of b'arminj;ton, U-st fruit ami vegeta bles, to Mrs 1. W House, iiiusooro. ti,. lm,u lioai waa one of the best ever seen in the comity, aud the daily parade was a leading feature of the fair, contributing largely to iU success. Hol lowing are the premiums awaroeu ov ine iu Ikies l.oui Manuiug, J. C. Beaclt and Thn. Howe: lllack Diamonil, Fereheron ttalhon, it Hanks Horse I'o.'s imported l'erche roii stallion. 1st; Oliver J , lat; King l'alchen, and; K. liviuis, grade, 1st; Til dy, a yr obi, lat; I'ointiiedian, lat; Nan batch, lat; Oregon Lady, 1st; Lady An non 11, it; Klta Ibiiim' Maggie, let; Clyde stallion, Davis, 1st; Billiugs' tuare ami colt, and; Beach's mule colt, lat; Pavne's mule colts, and; sorrel mare.lst; 2 yr lilly. ad; mammoth jack, 1st; colt, Ud; liersham'a, audjShorey's 3 yr old, isl 1'aine, colts, anil and 3rd, A. Cordon, a yr old, 1st; ' ol,l. (1i yearling. 1st; N. Womer, colt, iat; l'aioe. colts, lat and '1. I....K.,.. ...lt Imtli first: Council. mare, it; colts, and nnd 3rd; Peterson, colts 1st aud and; McCormick, colt, and; racer, 1st and .d ; llinlsell, uraii, 1, a, 3, W 11 Kalston, let and 3d; J- Kcrron, ad; Cieit. Billings' Shire, .railed stallion, 1st. ltegistereil Miorthorns. Win Chal mers, 1st prem. on registered bull, 3 yrs old- 1st on cow, 4 y old. Registered lerseys Wullace niarsn, isi picm. uu bull t 'vr old ami nniler a; Dr A B Baik-y, j,l premium. Bulls miner 1 year, uicn ard lleamisli, 1st prem. Registered cow, lolin lKiinis. 1st prem. I nreglstered, i.urebre.l Jerseys.-Wm Banigrover, 1st tireui. 011 bull I yr and under a yrs old; cows, Gegriu- Harrow, 1st prem; Sunt M L'C'ase aT"e,n. Heifers t yr and un der a vJTC.eorge Harrow, 1st prem. Heifer under I yr. George Harrow, 1st pieiii. Sboit horna, unregistered. I yr and under a.-James Price, 1st prem. Holstein cow, unregistered. Mr. Asehbachcr, 1st prem. Hogs 1st prizes as follows: Richard Beamish Berkshire boar end sow; John Dennis Poland China boar aud sow; r D Slalford Chester White boar anil sow urr der 6 months and boar over 6 mo; A H WWott Aut under 6 nioiitha and artd Ix.ar and on bri.od sow mo and under- aiao alio prize on piK umler t uionthi. Sheep Joe I'awtw it tm Cotawold lamb tat on ewe lamb itt on yrling twr; Henry Matthea lat on Cut -.wold rrgiat'd buck No 3V1 1 e No 11 1st Ojtawold laitnb 3 43: Wesley I'aine and Cotawold but k lal Merino ewa al Cotawold ewe 1 year and 1st and and ewe lamb. Cliickena Pen No 3 Barred Rocks old trio lid. Hall Itailry on J'itt Garnet; Nchniidt & Kuliach liltie Audalueians lat on trio; Geo Harrow itt and and old trio llrown IK'iorna; Cheater Stewart 1st oil China gceae aud Mallards; Pen No 10 ad liaiiUma; Sam Moon lat Cornish vamet a set trios; Pen n old pair Pitt Games and; A hiegrlit Roundhead games 1st, and Jap garnet lat young Pitt; pro 17 a ou cm kerf 1; J C Grerar I black Cuban Karnes, O Si hwartz I old trio Dorkingt; pen a 1 and on pair bantams; pen aa itt on pair bantams, Geo Wilcox 1st on pr young ouii orpington; pen 24 3m on w Wyandotte; pen 25 1 white Plymouth Koi ka; R II Greer 1st three blk Minorca pullets and three cockerels, Sbr Leghorn hens and old trio blk Minorca;Sam Gow an a br Leghorn, S J Lindsay 1st bull LeKhorn hen; Grant Landeu it homer pigeons; R Kubn 1st young Bantams; K rauli and hen and-chicks; l-.d Raiuuien lt pen 44, Robert I rubric 1st pouter piv eonn, Mr (ieo Ledlord lit 3 young Buff Leghorn, Kobt I inline 1st Pekin ducks, Mi Ledlord 2d four Buff leghorn bens, R K Simpvin and white Leghorns, K1 Wann 1st four young barred Rocks, K Kuhn lt pen blk Langshan, J M Brown 1st bull leghorn cock and hen, P Chal mers 1st white Wyandotte and bantam cock and ben, pen 60 1st Kantail pigeons, I' G Hanna 1st young R I rede and pen young Blue Andalmians. Those who baie not received ribbons can call on or write G. A. Paltcrs-jn, Hilkboro. Pioneer relics and other exhibits: SUiul, by Mr W M Jackson, heirloom, suppow d to 1 ovvr 100 years old; kettle, bioiiglit to Oregon 111 1S45, Mrs Stanley t'miihlelte; child's chair, made bv Hen Thomas in 1S45; camphor wotxl trunk. iKiught iu 1H30, brought to Oregon by Dr Alexander Kvans 111 1S45; set China, year old. brought to Oregon in by Sarah Shorey; blue China platter, brought to California in l5 ow ned by Mr Juhii N-well; act China bought in i.SV, bv Mrs W K Hovt; silver cup, 70 years old, owned by Mrs K J Barrett; silver swon brought from Ireland in 1 I S bv r.lizabeth Malonev Imbrie, mother of the late James and Rolicrt Iui brie; knee buckle, worn in Scotland bv James Imbrie, father of the late James and Rotiert Imbrie; frying pan brought acros the Plains in KS44; Mrs J B Wilkes showed a family Bible, with family records 'luting hack to August 14. 1757; mall pitcher that came over Atlantic ocean 52 years agoowned by Mrs W O Doiielsou; mastodon tooth, found on the Joe Council fann, near Hil'.sboro; mas todon tooth from Alaska, ex by Mrs Win Hare; iron kettle, crossed the Plains to Oregon in 1S47, owned by Mrs John Sewell; ctipjier tea keltic, presented to Mr Klualielh Nicklin by General Geo Washington in Philadelphia, before he U-came President; brass candle stick, in use since 1 S31, owned by T R Imbrie; brass candle stick, in use since 1S47, owned by Mrs W R Hoyt; Confederate J so bill, Dr Ad km; brass candle stick, originally owned by Mrs W M Jackson's great aunt, whose husband served ill the war of 1S11; ll.ix hackle ami cover, brought to Oregon ia IS45, owned by Mrs Mary Mtore; clothe bnish brought to Oregon in l!45, by Mrs Stanley I'ui phletle; Nehalem beeswax; violin made ill 1761 146 vears old, owned by II D Si-hmelt.er; violin owned by Thos Tuck er, brought to Oregon in 1S52 over 75 i-ears old; wool cards used ui IH30; wil ow basket 60 vears old; powder born used in the Cavuse War; brass cannon brought across the Plains in 1S45, owned by J 0 Lanikiu; silk banner, with hand (tainted cabin in center, by Miss Tillie Cornelius, of Portland, ow ned by Grifiiu Cabin, N. S. O., No. 7. Kauri-emu from New calami, W S Tilton;knit lace, made bv Mrs Smith, So years ago; piece of wheel from the wrecked Yamuna, Mrs P Boacow; moose teeth and sponge from Alaska, I) McCain-; ish; walrus tusk totem ole from Ahuka, J A Imbrie; gold coins, Dr Wood ; ostrich eggs, Sewell, Imbrie and Wiley; raphia baskets, Miss Simpson; raphiaand Indian baskets, Mrs J A Imbrie; bed spread and cards used in 1S31, Mrs M Moore. Smok ing basket used in 1S45, Mrs M Moore. Wedding dress bought in 1S47, and silk dress bought in 1H49, Mrs J A Imbrie. Bedspread mailt- iu North Carolina in iSa, Mrs I" G Gardner. Chiniiware from Canada, Mrs Poole. Brass candlestick, 130 years old, Mrs It C Vaught. Coins, loo and loo years old, Dr Wood, llible, 1S3J1, Riley Cave. French assiynot, Dr Wood. Coins, too to 150 years old, Sew ell and Powell. Gourd used in 1X40, Mrs Rhoad. Basket and brush, 60 years old, Mrs P Hoscow. Candle stick, "1S45, Mm Redmond. Hair wreath, 1S54, Mrs Kale Reynolds. Platter bought iu 1S49, Mrs W II Council AiiiIkt cup, bought in 1S53, Mary Sewell. Gold dollar tnade iu 1H37, Mrs' RichtiT. Copper ore and spike, 1S50, Mis M K Olson. Petrified shells fi.uiid iu tunnel at Iliutou, laoo ft above sea-Uvvl, yoo ft under ground and 35 miles from ocean, P'ted Cornelius. Turned wood ami copper ore, Mr Bauer. German pipe and bow l, Fred Cornelius. Art and etc Mrs Risner.t and a, rugs; Bessie Shomburg, l, sofa pillow; Mrs K Adams, 1st, sofa pillow, Mis W O Do elson, 1, centerpiece, Willabelle Moore, a, postal card pillow, Mrs K O Crandall, 3, centerpiece, Mrs R B Collins, I, piano scarf, Uobt Weatherred 1, sofa pillow, Mrs W J Jones 1 burnt wood and wall ornament aud glove box, Lucy Weath erred t painting, Mrs Stuebe t drawn work curtain end bedspread, Jessie Don elson 1 roses 1 fruit, Mrs V A Uainea I fancy work, Miss Simpson I basket and ii;ilt, Mrs L A Rood 1 leather and snio iug pillow, Mrs R II Greer I pillow, Mrs A M Collins a picture, nirs r, u v.rsn dall 1 picture. Only lit prizes tollow Florence Kemp quilt, Mrs Algesbelmer belt, Elizabeth Milne cushion, Miss Simpson pin cushion, Mrs John Bailey pictures, Mrs Mattie Smith quilt, Mary Sewell pictures, Jessie Donelson picture, Mrs W O Donelson waist, Mrs W R Hoyt sola pillow, Mrs II V Gates ptlace hd'kf and centerpiece, L.izzie musseu aoia pil low. Kdna Imbrie tea cloths, Liola House picture, Ona Ford silk tmilt, Qelia Greer burnt wood bdkf box, Pansy Sheldon burnt wood and picture, Mra F Barr cushions, Mrs Sigler cushion, Miss Alli son cushion, Mrs L K Ingles bedspread, Mrs J A Imbrie sofa pillows aud cuau'n, Mrs Ida McNutt cnemise, Mrs Ada Aiit ion doily, Kliza Shorey battenburg, Her tha Johnson pillow, Mrs Bertha Johnson baby's suit, Mrs Salgard tidy and shop ping bag, Selma Nelson c'plece, Mrs (.Continued on Third Page) L' HL'L'T i'P n IYAS 1 GREAT SUCCESS Hundreds of People Witness Some Splendid Gmtests PORTIA LOWERS TRACK RECORD E. B. Tongue's Roadster Makes Pretty Mile lo i:zz 1 z The racei at the Tongue grounds last Saturday were attended by nearly 3,fXX) people, and the large crowd witnessed gome very pretty racing. The prettiest race of ihe day was the mile mixed race, in which Portia Khight captured the honor in two straight heats, break ing the track record. The mile in the eecond heat wag made in 2:22 J, without a break, and thia ia the best time ever made on the local track, Fred Ilambleton having made a mile in 2:20, away back in 1880. The first race waa a running con- toot between Ward Downs' Mike Wiedom, Adolnh SiegriBt'a Jack Burr, and Humbert, in which Wis dom won the quarter mile dash in 1:2';;, with burr and Humbert lied fjr eecond place. Ihe mixed half mile race was won by H. D. Schmelizer'a bar gelding, pacer, tsking two beats, second and third, beet lime, l:2'Ji. Buchanan a hlbert Hubbard took the first heat, and then the Schmelt xer horse came down out of the air and captured the next two tricks in pretty going. In the mile mixed J. W . Con- neii'a Wallace Drew, sorrel geldicg, and Buchanan's Midget were com pany for rortia Knight, but the little mare went the pace that won easily. Connell's Drew went the mile in 2:2G, and for a roadster gave a pretty exhibition. Portia Knight' heat of 2:22 J waa decidely the nicest mile ever seen here. The half mile mixed, for three year olds was an exciting mixup, and waa won by John M. Wall, driving Thoe. Talbot, time 1:40$. The little bay worked like an old veteran. He won in two heats, with Bob Greer's black filly a clofe second in tho first heat, and finish ing right up to the nose in the sec ond. McQuillan's filly, Maggie Lovelace, naa speed, but his never been indulged in brushing, and did too much breaking. With training she will be all to the good. Greer's black is a pretty performer, but the stolid little Talbot seemed to have it on the black hands down, as he is cool headed, and drives like a prize winner. The quarter mile dash between Willie Cornelius' pony and H. H. Herdman s John Boggs was won by the latter, by just about a nostril, instead of a nose. This was a pretty race, and Cornelius won it but for quitting his work when about fifty feet from the finish. The lapse just put him out enough to lose out. The buggy race waa won by Harry Lane, black horse, of Come lius, Ed. Schulmerich's Mrs. Hay wire second and S. B. Lawrence's horse third. W. H. Wehrung and Thos. Howe were judges and J. W. Bailey, timekeeper. C. W. Redmond started all races at the half and three quarter poets. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction, at the old Thomas U. Tongue place, 3 miles northeast of llilleboro, at ten a. m. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 Bay horse, 4 years old, 1300 lbs; black home, 4 yr old, l.WJ; black mare, 3 years, l.'W); pony, with saddle and bridle. 10 vrs. W; Spring colt; gray mare, 11 yrtt, 1350; nay iteming, s yrs, isoii- nay fieltlliii;, yrs, IA); good family horse; bay till v, 2 yrs, 1300; black yearling geliling, likkl; 4 mourns' oiu colt; 13 neuil or cowa, all fresh or soon to be from Mi'Uarry herd good milkers; 8-yr-old heifer, fresh; 20 niontbs old heifer; 2 yearling heifers; 3 heifora, 3 calves,? 2-yr-old heifer, 1 fresh iu October and 1 lit February; Spring lieuer; hi neau shoals; a bows. Z wttn g by aide; 2 A-eallon milk cans: disc harrow . T-ft cut; lC-inch Bradley riding plow; 2 horse cultivator; Harden cultivator: liMn steel beam walking plow; 2 Oliver plows; lever narrow, i stx-uotu; woou narrow, Ouudlach drill; McCormick tinder: Deer- ing mower; Osborne mower; Onbonie hayrake; open buggy j top buggyi set dou ble harness: No. 2 lobular cream ttenara- tor;3V lumber wanon; 3 inch wagon; 2 nayracKa; spring seat) geese, turkeys anil ohfckeiiH: 3 tons votcln also household goods and other articles too numerous to mention, iiuncn at noon. Terms of Sale: $10 and under, cash; over $10, 1 year's lime at 8 per cent with approved security. a. Thomas, L. R. IngleB. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. mri HL'L'T rr Tuimli aju mm Ai I liAtf Try City Bakery Cream bread. A. L. Thomas, of Cornelius, was a Fair onlooker Friday. . Slate SenaUltCttn. Schofield and wife, of Astoria, were Hillsboro ybitors the last 0! the week. . Do You Appreciate Fine Stationery? The letter written on good stationery always makes a better impression than one written on any old kind of paper'and envelope. This applies equally to social as well as business correspondence. Our stationery will please your friends or customers ou accouut of its fine quality. It will please you on account of its moderation in price. It will please us to please you. Hillsboro Pharmacy Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by the Comptroller: DEPOSITS March 22. $46,223.17 May 20, $59,622.25 August 22, $130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, - - - Oregon Bailey's Wc sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. J. E. Bailey, THE DELTA Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line, upon the Ex-" change and Introductory plan. ' We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no Credit. Saws gummed, filed and bet, at R. Lee Sears' bicycle shop. Hops have taken an upward trend, and growers are correspond ingly happy over the shift. Ai high as ten cents was paid by Moo day, and it looks as though prices will range still higher. Big Store Forest Grove DRUG STORE I will sell all nj stock of shrub bery, roses, bulbs of many kinds. houseplaoU, etc, at greatly re duced price. .- Her is your op portunity. - Greenhouse, gtwtath & Fir. Phono. lodopondent, K3. Mrs. Agnes Uewrai. - Argus sod PaoLe Ea&Ij CIO j