The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 03, 1907, Image 1

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ou xiv.
NO. 29
Urf ncJ- OM,cr '-""
y urn
4 H0UM OVtk
,aj Tmitlin
llniwuiu Fln
Mr a ttt
v. Pncutii'K Attorney Wal
Mt Ntwn men at Tualatin
' I I 'mImI!
tre rtllwl r iimbj in
Court. Mr. "all
lor l!it Htale, and W. 1
lr of d
u.lorlli mil'"
Ll.iW. Th rase of Kred
i" it f I
Cl ol Tu!!, was .ifiiu.tMMi.
chirp w lr kHiiutl !""
-IfoiiiUr. u,, c,r" 1
UML ' Tualatin, defendant
i u .niliv. to two rhrB '
r " .. . , ,
toi 0 on earh ronut. The
dtrol lii"lf li'tU'T t' minor-.
frtkCollll,'f HhnrwoHl. pladed
.!it lo la rbartea il arepinii
(waooBuntlay.and wa finl lid
irtfb chMrgt. C. II. Smith, of
su(J, plead! K"'t(y 1,1 u"
tir t'f krt (i tc "!' '
fc;, ioii t'l'fil H on each
'Aitp 1 lis raw again! " i"r
!;m l' minor, ami per-
lllUCf (mi uK ' place,
tt bilh iliMindMil lr. J. A.
lilrt, t'l (iiilon, w arraigned,
ltd turn! rtninatun on Ibre
ebfiH, to fr selli.ig liUof to
snort, inJ un for eelling liquor
itl iumlilie than one gallon
tttfottdiot UhiikI over to the
yil (nnJ jurr, in the sum ol
IWC bail, aim h h furnUhed.
ft toJtrcignml will at public
llOdioO, It 111" old ril"lll II.
Ttw pin-, .'1 mile northeast of
HJliboro, il Un . in. on
kf tun. ( in,, ill. I. I hi Id.; Iilm li
km, i fl ul.l. l iUl; l.lai k Mint. .1 Vrt.
Ittf (.nijf, villi mul l.ri'llc, 10 vr,
rlii( n.ll; (rv hmrn, II II";
1 (Mliif. 3 t.. I lutr Krlillltit, Ii
nslMv'"-l luirwi liajr dliv.'J
rn.Ui), vmiliiiit Kr.n,f. in), I
alia' ul.l l IP, f iiio, nil
Mini hiii In I, ft. .m Mi liaria lmi.1
Vol Ullkeri .' yt i.l.l hrllnr, flfli, Jl
Mihiiilil hfilii; 'I jrmfllnit lirtf.-r"; .1
tnbn.loilina.V 2-yrli hntfotn. I ft-li
it Utwtttf n, n Kxlirunr: r(.rinif
U(r; ai brail ali.ta: 3 t M llli
kj-lr, 21 miu raii: llw liairn .
Ml; 16 Itirli lliaillry rlilH'K t
fcriilliti,r; Kur.lfti' rullUalm : iHn
Dot taatil na'kii.K .ii; i III I of ilnw .
w birriiv, 'J MH'tiu;!; inmI liarni.
tmajlarb tlrlll; M. i.rmli k I inilrr; Kir
M liiuifr; H"U.rim iimori; I'.U.inr
Wlrkt;iin liiiKi-ir ; tup IniiKf ; nl tlnil
t baoiKM; Nil, 'i uiliiilar rrram areata
liimUr wniruii: 3 Inrli wifiiii;'i
rrrk iirniK i-nl; grrnr, liuki.y. ami
3 tun. vrli Ii; n I . liollahntil
fi tii4 iHlior aiiu lm Iihi luiiiirruiia In
'"ton, l.i' nrli nl ihhhi.
Trmiof Hale: ?0 ml Hiiilfr.
k;ovr tit), 1 ynir'n litim nt S
pwnt with .irovft Hwutity.
S Ttwrna,
I.K. Ing'ra.
B P. CorrifliiiH, Atirlionerr.
Wlinn tbr lily of IlilUUiro
IkiiihIiI llin imw ily i.rk, thprn
witu a railrokil willi noon it.
wbirh tlm Houlhirn 1'nrilio lalr
rxtliovrtl. Til" rity adkml tlm roiif
liany lo rcplim tlm iwitch, or pay
II I b film of 4.'S5, the company
chooniiiK to do tlm Utlnr. Motulay
Uat, Ibn city ofliciall rrcirnil
vouibr-r for tht alwiva amount,
which will materially aid llm cor
iMirallon in ih tiayment of tl
cit of llm park, rodui lriK thn origi
rial iirrliK j.rui df 1 1 ('.'.', down
to II'.'hT. Wbi-rt-at ti e city mnilm
way luck to it ear.
For HaU AIkiiiI 40 wrll
bot a i) 1 1 briMjiI ow lnitilrnof
K W. I)lniiian, 2 mil- aoulb of
lilcnrop, acriMoi llm road from Tual
tin Plain, church. P. O. ttiMrecu,
itiiuimro, u :;.
Tl ara going bargn Wallarut,
lxavra Porllatid thin wk, loaded
with a liig r.iiiimfMit of railroad
In. n and otlmr nu j.j'l if , for Tilla
mook rod of t)i P. It A N.CV
road, Tlm cargo includa lot of
crliiidir iifrn for the ntw tl
briilgc which am to ppan the
WiUon, Kill bin and Miami river
on lh n ule of the road The
rail hied on the Wallacut, are
Ullicient to build ii iniU of road
Kr Kent: Farm of 117 acre,
over l'Hl acre uiidrr plow; on rural
mail and milk route. 2 mile from, Ulephine connection.
For trrnm call Farmer' line, Paci
fic Htalr "jsl.
Tlr ha b"n a fruit jar famine
in IlilUtKiro for tome time pait,
much to llm annoyance of the good
hmiarwive of the place. Our lo
cal oaier. However, are nov rn-
nonnihle lur the horlK, a the
irouble i with the Portland whole
Dale men. who did not reckon witb
the coming bumper fruit nop, iu
their order to the Kt.
biel A beifrr calf. 5 month
old, red and white; een on Shady
llrook road. Saturday, Sept.
Ueward Notify Alfred AHrta,
Corneliu, ltouta 1, or telephone
May Hnw , Ulencoe
. (ieo. S:hti!tnerich and wife, who
have been in the Kant everl
jij a. ii
Seventy I'tvc lx Wimlfull
l alh on I.iiiiibcrmaii
W Tao Ttrui County Clerk of llii
'two. A. Morgan, for two term
county cl-rk of Wahingtoii Coun
ty, and who for the paU yenr ha
leen cnnnfcteil with the i I iilnlxir')
Lumber Coriipaiy, nierating the
mill at ll e foot i f Third Strwt, wan
killed by a Ion rulline on him.
while at work above P;iiik. Mon
lay forenoon. Mr. Mergun and
--ay ew? wiiwa--!.
. - . .
I A ;
i At :
crew were pulling in eluice h xes
to run water down a gulch to the
donkey erigine. An old rotten
alder detrude I the wa'er level,
and Mr. Morgan win culling il o i'.
The alder impported a tree, about
a. . a . 1 ,i 1.1 f , ...
I . A ...... .1 1. ..... . laul 1 I (J irCl III i I 11. fliU HI l I 111
kvu.k4 iMa.i ri ii r ntwi iiniiin iipi i -
. i. T, v led manv diaineier. wuicu wis a wii,uihh
ii .inia of nli-reet n the Kal. una- anu wincii ui )"is i'R".
.11. ami .n, ...nth rnltirn us home angle, aiong me nnna oi luucmi
via I,o Angelee and San Franciaco yon. limey, wtio was on i ne
kt i-lnitiiiKrirb ha aiwumed hi oppoeite bank from th windfall,
.I...':-. ..v,i... tst ihaHninnmri'ial Uin ke to Mr. Morcan abiut the
tlUHf a- .rii.-i 11, , . , . ' . -
bank atlhi i.lace. uJ wiiiR noariy cm in iwiid,
i i ..- i i. ... i .,! r..
. . . , . I anu CBUUOiiru oiiu w uui hm
I)j not run ine rma oi navm
your valuable paper burned or
atolen when you can have a afnly
depoit h.x at the II illeboro Com
mercial ILnik for IllHlper year.
the windfall, a it moved slightly.
Another blow of Morgans ax
and the alder severed, precipitating
the huge fir. He started fir the
other bank, but the trie caught
. i . . . . . i , i .. ... i
T. Vaughn, of bun lielore lie nan scarcely nioveu
Hillshoro Mon out of hie track. Uib client was
The crushed, and it h iiounuui u ne
Councilman W
Portland, wa in
i i it t iKm A r it tin
II ft V. lltl lJ1i-n I .
.i nrilmanbaadone more ever wa conscious oi ins injuries.
...... .... .' " . II'...
. . i i.. .fi in i-iirLiaiio i y in
than any man elected to that otV.ce ing there was an ye witntri to the
....r.lLlin recent vear. More roll.nK of the log, i.nR down the
" - . 0l.t.a l i aila Mr
rHllVUIl Ul PMUI V uirinuvv.
For sale: Pay driving mare, : rai(ej lne tree from the piowtrate
year; geniie ami f"","r nlan, the time requiring rd.uu .
(1 1 1 v
Try City Pakcry Cream bread.
Wm. Ailon, of Cornelim, was in
town Monday.
Fine line of Uarnillon-Drown
slims, at John Dennia'e.
John Pearson, of Kecdville, bad
liiiMtii'SB in town Saturday.
(jet your Auction Hale luncbw
at the City Pakery.
Otto Kraue, of Cornelius, wa a
llillhhoro visitor, last Monday.
J II. Staus. of near Phillip,
was in the city Monday.
J. I). Wharton, a well known
Portland timb(-rdealer. wag in the
city Monday.
Fur sale White Fantail.and
Homer ifon, cheap, if sold at
once. K. L. Hubbs, fourth v Oak
lister lliwkina, of Sellwood,
fnrtnerly a resident of Hillsboro,
wa in tow n Monday.
('apt J. 1). Merryman and wife,
of Portland, spent Sunday in Hille
b; ro, visiting with relatives.
I!-v. Pu-lknap and wife attended
the M. K. Cmference, at Portland,
which ended la-t Tuesday.
P.ichard Wiley, who is attending
chool at the Bishop Scott Acad-
iiiv, Portland, spent Sunday at
Thn Loom Knd eale duoration
within and outside of Wehrung'
lore, this week attracted much at-teuiion.
John Lnftui. who redemed a
ni.e little h ine from the wilder
u-i-s, n'r ulenooe, many year
ago, was in loan Saturday.
Thfl llolnteio herd of P. A
Friikep, of Scappooe, won the blue
ril)h;ui at the state fair, for the best
milk lest.
P. S. Anderson, the well known
IWdville business man, was
ounty seat visitor last Friday.
Tht bate ball game between
IliiUboro and Bink, at this
place lat Sjnday, wa hotly con
tested, the Banka' club winning
i tie game by a acote of 12 to 8.
S. J. White and wife, of near
Kwlville, were in town Saturday
Mr. White came to Portland in the
year 1S51, and is therefore entitled
tj rank among the old timers.
Cheese factories in Tillamook
county, last week Bhippsd out by
steamer, to Seattle, Portland and
Tacoma, a carao of cheese valued
at fHi 380.
Wm. Finney and a force of nine
cirpenters worked hard all day
Saturday, on the pavilion and arch
erected at the intersection of Main
and Stcond Street, for the Carnival
Publication of the Dclioutnt
EiHflqeck, a well known ciil.n
South Tualalin, dropped dead
J Chriitsimon'a auction nle, at
lattsi'i pUcf , Ut Friday, at a
fler ten o'clock. He bad
ot been Uling well when the mid
"Bwdcime, and died almost in-
n"y. The ale was etopped,
omlioul nsHietance summoned,
: wimout avail. Dr. A B
""Ti who waa phoned to come
An . .
-". pronounced it a case of rheu
""Hi of thn heart. Deceased
"M IgeJ 5 year, ami an & citizen
J.Mt,1l teemed by all who knew
"J. na tils death is much regret
Servinea wre held l)V Hov
; Utlpalrick, of HillHhoro, and
"nalns were laid away in the
HondVy 17 Lure1' lttBl
He kysi a wife, two eon, and
or daughter!. Urban and Uoy
Mri. Hirah CrlstetiHon, Mrs.
2fHUl and Miss Lydia lie!
Ueorge Morgan was born in
Missouri. January li, lbb-l, an.l
came to Oregon when a child, with
bi4 narents. Chas. Morgan and
wife, who nettled in South Tuala
i in Deceased was wedded to
u"m" . II...,lr nf Ifnn
a ' . a 1 1. ........ It hltnl 1 Ilfliritlli IIBir, WIIHklltt't
urday. to aae I'"" " ""' ui Hare. March 27. 1SSS, and
111 lirrmi 'i- ....
t 1 II' ... ... t I'
a .f..ll! Ik fllll HI1 IRII
11 am'". '
Ilambletonian tik, fair traveler
C. Ilehne, Farnnngton, or iiu.soo
ro, Bouts 2.
k'nnib Hi.nnett. son of Mra
Amanda Purdin, of Portland, for
.....i,,i Itillnboro. came out sal
111"! J r
a pneae
with t'liariey jurrew, - - , Phildren.
Ureenvilie. u..i..a Alfr.l and Russell, nir
Cider applm wanted. For par- . of nig immediate family,
liculars. innuire of u. A. irow... brothers and two nisters sur
' I 1 I I t . - A rm i ' . "I
Milno warehouse, iiiusuoro, vive. John J. Morgan, rortianu,
ii. i.. il.. Inoham Vineear Com- , t uA..,, f Kaii Francisco.
pany, CI Alhina Avenue, I 'ortlaml, Cftl Mfg Martna Clark, Hubbard,
Oregon. Oregon, and mrs. niiuy
T.a s.,,,,1 Annual Reunion of the Warrenlon. Oregon
Washington County
in nas iteen i.onii"'iiii - ...... j - , .
in nan I I , , . anhnr and ItldllBtriOUS. and
..Mh an Indefalieable worker. He had
oil wiu .no t ,.. ,. :,, ... suction.
Uinta the weather prophet, , . portlftnd. where fur some
....,. n ..entile of thia coast to
naara lm WRR 0116 of the publishers
..... f..f n.itobsr. He predicts f, ,T(.(i rj.z0ta. He wbb
rain, hail, froet and snow, but the niember 0f the Modern Woodmen,
now-part of the prediction m l , cnrrieii 000 insunnce, which
. .'. . ... iKa Will- .... e !l 'PI,. Innnra
irohably not appiy Uglellio nisiamiiy. n.o .........
..... I. Vl Uv. thm rnonm. .,v,w ..Una vestordav irom me reei-
111 l VJ . J , . . ' I , , ..
. ii M...1....1 atenr. Mancn. anil lnlerilieni v ua iu mo
m it r. NinUV. I Jill I ID I IIJU I'D! v v- . - ,
f.6'.'.'... S o Pbnne. Indepen- Morgan'e personal acquamtanre
i J Mn. 22 No 65. on Scholia was very large here and no was
dent, Line ll, no. w, uu for bis svmpnthetui nature
liuvua v a
- A
g '"P". last honor of
thak ' nu iiia
"Home of their parenta." Music
A hlrll,J. .
"'IBB Man - - 1 li
B tlnma i.'i .i .
folli i ""P1"" me aiiernouii,
il? y rBfrehmentB Many
bik ne I'resentB were received
J We young ladies, from frienda.
''present were:
'OllMau V....f. .
atl K i 1 .-vuuiiiiKn, ninrnrri aim
Alic ,'"r". Freda and Mny Hi iTnmn,
b'e Jnimtall- ci....n.L.
waM l.i ii.ri;1"""""!
ion c. A,be,t Kftulliimii, Hur-
lu.V'I(i Will It.ll. I...... Itmoka.
" Mimnon, Fred Trachael.
and hiB impulB?s of generosity.
n ty
Grant Mann and family are now
living on the old isen. dchu
farm! near CorneliuB. Mr. MjJ
.... .nt - nnh nnar 111118-
Bold tUBOU acre - , ,. . .
K TLZ .mage trade at Action, at his place U miles
p" . ft." northweet of Ueedville, at w a. m
.n nnnr nhone to PenniaforJ TUESDAY, 0CT0B1CU 15
grooerisB. ,A oornplete and up , , ,10,
ttaie lino -"-7 vcow all fresh but 4. ami they win
The IliiUboro band rendered boo1), r1s0 luI, Woo. leney
.,. fine se ectionB Irom ine buii, 4 year om. aibo ou... ..v.,
BOine me , aAlurday , ..ncn at noon.
S and uiauy cf our to.nefolk JmM of Bale: Unner ,0 cash
were out to enjoy them. $10 nd over, 1 year's time, bank
in iiiiisoo'". jj p corneiiue, Aucuoneor
ur T.lnn. an old ArguB '
V. 1. . ijuuwv"i - in I I o
iuhsoriber, of mar Glenooe, , was in UoaMjt $1 60 ' troducton
.L. .n. iii. Arat of the ween,
rails to Safeguard Interest of
Property Owner
One of the "penny wise and pound
foolish" acts of the last Legislature
waa the repeal of the law providing
for the delinquent tax list in this
state, before same becomes alien
upon the property. This means
that the man who omits to pay his
taxes, for any reason, will not re
ceive any public notice that his
taxes bate become delinquent.
Tbie, however, does not include tie
notice ordinarily piven by the tax
collector. The new law dof 8 not
become effective this year, and the
next Legislature will have time to-
amend the law, if it chooses. The!
old law wai cleirly in the interest j
of the property owner, while the;
law just puBrSJ, mak-s it easy for
the tax title shark to slip up on
tbe blind side (f the delinquent
owner and get a clamp on his real
estate." Of course tbe tax title
grabber wants as little publicity as
possible, and the new liw gives H
to bim. The law was no doubt
framed by some ehrewd member of
tbe "third house who sang tbe
song of retrenchment in the ear of
ihe new member, who was just
dying to make a record for economy
in the interesta of the dear people,
and incidentally pave the way for
bi own re election.
Coder the old law, delinquent taxe
had to be advertised befori becoming a
lein on the property, ami at delinquent
tale anyone waa allowed to pay the taxe
and receive a provistoual title, redeem
able by prior owner within three years.
The new law abolishes the advertising
feature, but provide that when the tax
become delinquent anyone may pay the
amount due, with I5 per cent penally
added, and receive a emiheate wtucn
entitle bim to possession in case prior
owner fails to redeem the certificate with
interest before the expiration of three
year. It was voted as the sense of the
association that the certificate plan does
not apply to 1907 levy.
Do You Appreciate
Fine Stationery?
The letter written on good stationery always
makes a better impression than one written on any
old kind of paper and envelope. This applies equally
to social as well as business correspondence.
Our stationery will please your friends or customers
on account of its fine quality. It will please you on
account of its moderation in price. It will please Us
to please you. ,
Hillsboro Pharmacy
While cleaning up his yard, the
other thy, K. D. Thorne, of this
place, unearthed an old copper one
cent piece, hfiiring tne date la-ii.
Mr. Thorne co'noidera thia a valua
ble rilic.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii. Stewart, of
South Tualatin, celebrated their
silver wedding recently. Mr. Ste
wart and wife are both native Ore-
gonians, and sir. Mewari is a
grandson of Mary V ood, who cele-
rated her P20:h birthday last
Klmer Council, of Deer Island,
wB in the city Friday last, await
ing a shipment of a hundred head
f cattle from points up the valley.
He will receive these cattle here,
nd drive them to his big ranch on
Deer Island, where he haB about
three thousand acres of pasture
and farm land, hlnier was a meny
In of the last Legislature from Co
lumbia county.
The Yamhill county fair held at
McMinnville last week, was a great
success. 1 ne exninus 01 biock,
fruit and grain wan fine, and there
whs a large attendance. Senator
Fulton, ex-Senator Mulkey, Con
Bosnian Hawley, Geo. H. Himee,
Col. Hofer. and other great Oregon
ians were present, and dispensed
oratory and shook hands with the
legal voters and kissod all tbe!
babies that didn't Bhy and cry at
the sight of them.
A wind storm, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, passed over
this county last rriday. Out south
of Cornelius, it blew Clem Shane's
fence across the wad, and rain fell
in torrents at Cornelius. Geo.
Zstman's silo waa also moved two
feet from its foundation, and stand
ing hop vives were cut down to the
ground. Out near Ulenooe Borne
fencing was blown down, and other
slight damage done.
A party of Hawaiian belles
chhperoned by Mrs. Edyth Tozier
weatherred, the latter, wen Known
in Hillsboro, are echeduled to ar
rive in Portland, October 6th. The
nartv will come to Hillsboro, when
Mayor John Dennis, is expected to
make the speech of bis life, and
preeent the distinguished guests
with the keyB of the otty. The
The young ladies are all reputed to
be wealthy, and several of our eli
gible young men, are feverishly
awaiting an opportunity lor in
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, at bis farm near Mountain
dale, at 10 o'clock a. m. on
Hay mare, 15 years, weight 1 i5o; sor
rel mare, 5 vrs, 1 500; bay horse, 4 yrs,
i5oc; 17 head cows giving milk, one-half
fresh; yearling heiters, one fresh in
March; Durham bull; Berkshire boar lS
months old; Berkshire brood sow, 3 yrs;
j'4' inch Bain wagon; 2 seat hack, buggy,
McCormick binder, mower, ioxso disc
cultivator; 60 tooth harrow; 16-foot
spring tooth harrow; garden weeder, hay
rake, a walking plows, both 14 inch; 100
bushels wheat; 900 bushels onts; Chatham
fanning null; 10 stands of bees, and nu
merous other articles. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale: 110 and under,
cash; over $10, 10 month's time,
with approved note at S per cent,
interest. Two per cent discount
for cash over $10.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Yanderwal, Clerk.
Forest Grove National Bank
Commenced business,-March 4, 1907.
Comparative statement upon dates of
Call by. the Comptroller:
March 32. S4S.223.17
May 20. $89,822.28
August 22, $130,722.92
Accounts invited.
Officers and Directors:
V. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.,
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier,
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua.
Forest Grove, - - Oregon
Mr. J. D. Wharton, who was in
Hillsboro last Monday, is one of
the stockholders of the Kellogg
Transportation Company, of Fort
land. He was purser on the
steamer Joseph Kellogg, on the Co
lumbia for many vears. When
here, he spoke of the fact that the
Kelloecs used to navigate the
Tualatin river, after spending
good many thousand dollars in
clearing it of obstructions. Frank
Kelsay, and other old timers,
remember the little steamer On
ward, which used to ply between
Portland and Hillsboro in the
Sixties. The little steamer finally
struck a snag, near Oswego, and
Bank, with about 800 buBhels ot
oata on board, belonging to Hyer
Jackson, at one time County Judge
of Washington county. This end
ed Joseph Kellogg's dream of navi
gating the Tualatin river, and ne
lost about $100,000 in the effort
which about broke him up at that
time. T,h9 raging Tualatin has
never been navigable for anything
except saw logs, since.
Bailey's Big Store
Washington County Indian War
Veterans, Co. B. will meet Uet. 14
1907, at the Court House, Hillsbo
ro, Oregon, at 10 a. m. Important
business to be transacted.
W. H. H. Meyers, Pres.
Jabez Wilkes, Sec.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.
John Hoffman and wife, of near
Phillips, had business in HillBboro,
We sell SELZ' Shees;
They make your feet glad;
They make your feet look stylish;
You walk around like your feet
were comfortable.
Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf
Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball
and Oxford.
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line, upon the Ex
change and Introductory
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively M Credit.
Mrs. Anthony Tongue, who sus
tained a fractured rib, in an auto
mobile accident near this place,
last week, is now able to be upon
the streetB, and is improving nice
ly. i I will Bell all my stock of shrub
bery, roses, bulbs of many kinds,
houseplsnts, eton at greatly re
duced prices, uere w yoar op
portunity. Greenhouse, Seventh
& Fir. Mrs. Agnes uowaa.
Sawa gummed, filed and set, at
B. Lee' Sears' bicycle shop.
tae oi'