0 1 OlLLSBR0 vol. XIV. HILLSBOKO, OREGON. SEITKMBK K 2(i7l907. illTD mm NKAIi WWMU Mm- Antlioiiy Toiikiic Scr lmily Hurt TBI UUHINE COE1 IMO A IUNK I'pttU ! lr ,u Oupaai Out While returning from th Mm. Aoltxitiy Tongue fr. nrtl of lon,U"t Sunday afternoon, iy Lombard' automobile, rotitiiiiii Umm( and wit'', Mm. Hum. II. Toniu. MiM Floiene Toukihi, rt. Auttumy Tongue and A. V, Ilirk cbatleur, went Into the bank, toJ npet. ibrowiuR the occupant til out upon the ground. Peyond tb ffUlit ml i'9 minor bruir.e, til the parlie hh-ji acrloua cm qumcea, but Mr. Anthony Tonu, who tiile ,,,,y bruil, lM utaihing a bad fracture of 01.0 of her rib. 0iin tobr advanced K". her I iJ "" art dinnleril Uile iM'fiinii, Iy lr. f. A. lUily, lb attending phyai iiia. The accident caud by tb breaking of the aiming gear, tbii'bru il lb machine In plunge Iulo bank by lb" roIni.ir. with Ibt reault. Mr. Tongue, lb leiured lady, rwcin to Im pur iud by tt ilurk, of lata, aa h rmnlly had a narrow e.cap from dtb, during the fire at her farm bo, t week or two ago. Tim for ward aU of the machine waa bad ly tainted, and one of the front bwl waa (mwliiHl in pieeea. Mr ltd Mrt. Ii ml Mini are rraidml of rllaod, and were visiting the Toottrt it lbi place. PUBLIC SALE. Tb undesigned will sell at public auction at Witch Hail farm, one mil wwt of Reedvllle, beginning at 10 1. m , cm 8ATIIUUY, HKlTICl H Kit 2s 4 Wkl hot-, lUjr muff, Wright m'io, S Jtn olil, iliiik.kiii KrUliMW, )"t old wlhl iki; lhincliKiM umfr. 4 vtr oiil, tilil it. lUy ri'll. t Jraia fill. mit)(j j, right JV. ' inik'll cui. $ l tullili, unr lotnlnK (rcli; J v.f oM Ixrbam Uill, yearling lirilrf, i IicmIi, fiKlno( Iroin TS to iy mmiiiiU, our I Urn, to.! call; nut J1 I ur ti lutittx-r wa ne, art llvhl Itariiraa, art work liainraa, K ililll, liarmw hme I'll! b.iii. I J iKkJutin icm alul.lilf .lo,lc i nlan torn chirk rut an it aniia K"ala. I.uncli ill U mti it noon. Ternn of Hle: - lit? nrnl umlnr eb; over III), on yw'n Ituin with btoktbln noto at 7 jfr cwiil; 2 r cnl diiH'oiinl for cunh. !'. H. ANDKKSON. B. P. Corimliun, Aucl. VETERANS ATTENTION WtitiinRton bounty Indimf Wnr Vttrtn, Co. II. will tnwt Dot. I I, l)7,t the Court IIouw, llillnlM. n,0rDn, at ID . ru. Iniorttnt baiiDUM to bf. trnnetn.l. W. II II. t.).r.., Pio. Jl Vilke, HfC. PUBLIC SALE. Tbonilr"iRntil will noil tl juih ' tuiition t furin, mi la utb of Ib.tl.nny, on IlilUbiro ronlind rod, twRinuing t 10 . FlUDAV.HKl'TKMIllCIt 27 'I""! w.irk limn-a, wriliiii(j .sit; 7 "wunlknma, s ficsb, J Ih kIi in i wk; J i.h. en, ,; V4 fir lit ion; iing wiioii, idw, I'mrrow iliw, l"Mli.r, iim.wiiiK iiimliin.., linvrukr, "' work h:ini. Hs, s milk runt, miikihk wii JUi iuk,..,i,h; hii.I i.IIut nili. h-a " miliirrmiK to itx nlu.n. I.iiiu h ul DOOII, JeniiiofHHl:-l(), hh1.; ovm yv, one j ,,' iimfli ( ,,r cm Qtereat. n PKTKIl UICICHION J 0. Kuralli, Aunt. Hm nd OrpKonion, $2. KJward Ilannnn in building a n,l bw raHldanoa at Iluxton. I Howard, of Buxton, was city Haturday on bunineHtj. tn'u ,,ttrrBlt- J'-iftartod for B " V: Naval Acadmy at An ff"' M"ylnd, lam Sunday WUh Wi parent, in this city. llcuu ,n'lH8 Wftnled- For par iln. ,,D,Hire of 0. A. Hrown, Z. "larBhm'. IIUlHboro, or OfIJ;o Albln Avenufl, l'ortUnd, io!l.!r,ner nflar Hillnhnro, had a biiLl,luh'whi(lh BliPIetl out of indZf0,0!181 onllay l"t w.k. oil lr in 6 nallon can of coal ott.n i ?" 1,8 fi,he'' It ou ly mj leLr- till running. tooM 1 " epB botler tlme thftn .fin 11 ITfMflTfl I I II I linn WI.MUU& HILL lt SAY ITIS RUINOUS I ti UhI Hjturday, Cutintr i"r iiilUinaii ,KI ianued 10.", 1. 1. I: tl.tlii I. Ml. I 1 . ll u. . .... 1 n,,r" 10 inn num. i iit lw rK.U tl,,i li,,,,!,.!! m ......i to any r.l(i upoii rireipt of nc d-.IUr. Tb- la. H Um, tul i( auowa any MKht to U-n yeir old ly riKbt to hunt, who i,rr.t,L iiiiimni an.i i.yN tlm rrumrKd f. Many Imya ..I in;r KBi VM imikiucm w.lh a Kuii of any kind yi-i ui v.ii-rk Iikm no diKimiion in th itiatUr of induing lirMmn. pro vi.lf.1 tbn dollar in forlhroming About liinn tfittba of lb- gUn n iridmiUarn riiHd by oyM, through Oari'lraaiBH. For Hal About 40 wi-ll brml ahoatii and brixxl Huwa In.uireof K. V. I'.'Uiiian, 2 toil.- M.uth of lilmiror, acriwa tbn roadfron Tual alin I'lain. cbiin h. I'. (). addrewi, IlilWwro, It. 3. N. Hlolli, who diml at I'.ankn, K.iii,inb.r I7lb, lat( wm aKnd HI yram, and bad Iwn 1 rraidont ol Ibia county (or a Tiod of 2.1 y-ari Ilia will am admillnd to probate lat M.nidiy. Aftnr providing for bia burial and ImiiUloii-, tlm will difjo.i of tb ratal an follow-: To bin tiaiiKhtrrn, be (iivn Mm. Vimi, of Hank, Ij.'t; Mr. Mary Vandnrwal, IVUI; Ui y on, I,w r-m Kdward Hiolu, ha givr the nun of til; the tulanreof the m latu, wliirh coneiit! of luoity in tbn baiik.l (ivu to hi mm, Hlrphan Hiolu. of Kank. Oregon, who in iirnol Kxtviitor in the will. For Ilrnt: Farm of 117 acre, over 1U acre un.lrr plow; on rural mail nd milk route; 2jnilri from llillvhoro; telephone connection. For term rail Farmem' line, Paci fic Htate 2s I. An Arxu rejMtrter the other day aw Nm. Wolf, or North HilUlioro, threeldng wheat with an old faah ii.ncl Hail, audi a thme ured by our father many vea't aco. It wan a inllicaul cominentary on tho advance of the aim, when Under are in common um, and even a reir a rarity. Mr. W'nlf ki tbreebing out chicken feed, and a binder would lie too inuili of a luxury for hi ir.i', which covered but a portion of a lot. I,ol A beifer calf, ft month old, red and white; Hm-n on Shady Hrook road, Saturday, Sept. 1. Keward Notify Alfred Albert, Corueliu, lloute 1, or telephone May Hro , Cileticoe. Will A. Montgi inery, of Moun- (aindale, who ha lived in W'axh- ington county for more than forty year pant, will rent bin farm and move to Woodlawn, Portland, with in the next few week, where he hi a home awaiting omnia no y. Will think he ha worked long enough, and now proMMea to lake the world eaey for a while. I).i not run the rink of having your valuable paper burned or Hlolen when you can have a eafety leiioit box at the. II illnhoro Com mercial Hank for 11 00 pur year. Mr. McCormick haa dioplayed in hi abow window this week, antue beautiful BpeciiniMiri of the King apple, rained by J H. KnhiiiHon, of Farmington. Hood luver cannot Im'iiI lliife eiiecimen. Mr. Hobin- mm will have a niceexhibit of fruit at the Carnival. Irf-wia U. SlinHon, firand Keeper of Hecord and Heal of the (irand Iidgri ( " Oregon, Knight of I'yth- a, vmiied (irand Chancellor Jonn M. Wall, in Hilleboro, lant Monday, and gave the Argun a pleanant call. For Halo: Hay driving mare, S year; genua ami rename; wiikio or iloutilB. woman can unve Hambletonian atock, fair traveler. C. llehHn, Farmington, or Hillsbo- ro, Route 2 A. Niman ha old hi residence jual eaet of the old Kvangelic.al Bite to a Mr. V eaten, a newcomer irom the' eaet, and a friend of 1'eter Hrown, the Centerville (old towu) merchant. number of people were in Hillnboro Saturday, from Sherwood n. . . n;ui.;,.i and luaiaiin. wejiuvj i'i"" Wall wan InveHtiaating the liquor qiKRtion it Sherwood, and the lit tle old trouble wagon la in mouuu. n W. Thomas, of Cedar Mill, haa dispoaed of hia interentfl in this county, and will aoon remove 10 Madras Orncon. leu vinit lor nit) new home the latter part of this week. Frank Crfthlree. Oeorae Hathorn, V. llHinnek ami Fred Schmidt, of the Laurel district, have finished hop picking In their respective yards. T IT. Ttrnwn. of Laurel, was in town Monday, and took out bills for a public sale. He was aocom- panied by nts Droiner, na. Mrs. Hioklin and daughter, Mats Daisy Thomas, visited uranamt. Wood and Mrs. Reynolds, of this place, over Sunday. Mr. And Mrs. Gay Lombard, of Portlandwere guests at the Tongue borne Sunday. lor Apples That Kival Hood lUvcr'h licst FINE Fktir IS Hil) TO THE HOGS Ncbilttu One of the Hut App'c Su tiooa in lie Slalr A Nehalem man came to Portland one day tin week, with .';.' l.m bi-lH of the finent (iraviin.tiii ajiplif In that market thin jear. The man who brought them in, i K, K. Nickeraon, of Vernouia, and be "aid that hundred of Lueh'-tH of the beet apile in Oregon anniuly go to waate in that fe. tioii of tU atate, or art fed to h-g. f t Lu k of market fitcillie. an thn mad in winter prevent liaulinif to thn out aide market. Many of thi-e an pie would brine ten ceniM esrh at tetail iu Portland. Thin condition of affair, Mr. Nickeraon eayn. will disappear when the P. H. A- N. (roni MillnlHtro to TilUn. ok. i compleleil, a the nurvey of tint new line is within 2 inil.M of hn limim Nickeraon nay that th fume of llixtd Uiver will fade awav like front before a cuimy day, whi n the Nehaleiu ii'opln once ret a chanch to eend their beautiful fruit to tin; nutnide world. PUBLIC SALE The undesigned will Hell at public auction, at hia farm near Mountain- dale, at If) o'clock a. m. on Tl'KSD.VY, OCTOUKU s Hay mare, 15 cr. Mi iht ii,rMi:or- rtl mare, 5 via, 151; liny Imrw, 4 vra. l.'iai; 17 rowa giving iinik, one ti.ilf Ifrah; t yearling lirilria, oue frrh in Marcli; liurhani lmll; I'.crkaltire luinr i muntlia old, llctkahire hiooil now. j vrs; S lm ll lialit waon ; 7 arat linc k, lut;, MiCuriiiick bitiilrr, uuiwrr, i-m .Iih- culluaior; 60 toolli harrow; i6-f..ut apring tmHh lintnm ; garden wer.lrr, hay lane, walking pl.ma, lioih 14 imh; km tiutlicla wheal; ImalielaMIs; Chat ham lanumg null; 20 alau.lsof lirca, and tm- lurroua other artirlca. I.uuch at noon. Terms of Sale: till and under, canh; over 110, 10 month's time, with approved note at S percent, intereat. Two jht cent diecjunt' for caah over f 10. VM. A. MONTliO.MKRV. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vauderwal, Clerk. GRAND OPENING BALL At the Hillnboro Hall, formerly the llillfdxiro Opera Iloiife, on S.ilur ilay eve, September i'S, PH)7. The old Opera Houe haiepn remodel ed throughout, doubling th l! tor space, and adding two i cw ilreen ing room, with a balcony for the orchestra and spectators. It is hoped by the management thut nil who appreciate an up-to-date hull in llilieluiro, will buy a ticket. Tickets $100. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction, at the old Thomas II. Tongue place, 3 miles northeast of ilillriboro, at ten a. 111. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 , Hay hiirne, 4 yearn old, Piil H'; t'hirk li.irw', 4 ytH olil. liWiU; l.lm k mare, ,'t yenr.s, i.'W); poiiy. with sHddH' mid lindlc, 10 yr !i0; hprlnir eoll ; gray iniirti, II yrs, l:i.i; Imy gelding, 'I tm. i:WI; hay gchling, !' yrs, t'-tai; g.w.d faiinly lioi-'j Imy lilly, " yrn, l.'kai; (dark yearlnig lri'lilmi;, 10 0; I liliinl Iih' old t-oll"; 11 lirnd ul' onws, all frt-sh or a.win to he -from Mi iiarry herd -KimhI mllkera; '.' yr old lu-it'er, IV.-.-li : Ul) imiiitlm old hell'iT; 2 yearling hi'ilcis; ;t hclliira, S ralvm.li 'J-yr-ohl Iteilera, I lr. h In Oi-lolwr itit.t I In l-Vhrimry; Nprntg iioif.ir; 'JO Ih'iuI nIhmiI; 'I how a, 2 w iili 'U;s liy aide; 'J A gull.m ml Ik i-iins; disc harrow, 7 ft nil; liMiieh llnidh-y ri.tinu dw; 2-hnr.-i riilllviilnr; gnrdioi cnlliviilor; IO-in Hlcrl hin witlking plow; 2 Oliver plow ; Irver harrow. 2 nik'Uoii-; wond hun-ow, UiliidhmlnliiM; M.'l'oriniok limler; IV'.'i--lug mower; (Mmriin niowei; I'sliorne linyriike; open hngi;y : top ImirKV: set tlon lili. hni ntwa; No. 2 liihulio-civaiii s.-para-tnr;;i' luinU'r wagon; A inrh wimon; 2 liavraekN; apriim aenl; geexe, lin keys and clid-kens; 3 tuna vetch; nlxu h.nisrliohl goods unit other uilioles too niiincrous to mention. l.cni li ul noon. Terms of Sale: $10 and under, canh;over if 10, 1 year's timo at S per cent with approved fecurity. S. Thomas, L. R. Ing'ea. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Lewis Knnes, of Laurdl, was in town Monday. Dr. J. K. Adkins and eon, visited Portland laBt Sunday; M. C. Collier, of Scholls, was in town Saturday night attending lodge. t V. N. Birrett Bold his Newport l it and cottage last week. The Davis sals in this city, last Saturday, attracted quite a crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welming returned from a two months stay at Newport last Saturday. The new school house at Huxtoii ia nearly completed, and will be ready for the fall school term. Try City Rabry Cream bread A. C. Wirmey, 0f beyond (;ien coe, was 111 town Saturday. Oi t your Auction Kale lunches nt the Lily IUkery. Cnclrt Iko Allen, of Reedville, was iu town .Monday. hirie line of Hamilton-Crown Miot-H, at John Deiinin'a. John (Utgs, the hop raicer, north 01 town tias tinifhed his yard. Dr. Lowe, the Optician, will he in JlnJ-lx.ro, Monday, October 7. Dr. A. R. Railey visited the State rrtir I'Mday and SaturJay. Mr. and Mr. J. L. Ranks, of i.rikH, woro iu the city Moi.day on ouoinef s. (Jail on or phone to Dennis for gr'ceri-s. A complete and up to ui line always on hand. Mr. Rndiii'tml and family, and James Sewfll and family, returned irotn the Mate Jh atr last Sunday. LouiH J. Rrant and wife, of Port land, s pi-tit Humlay in Hilloboro, vihitiug tne ureears. Mrs. R. V. McNutt, of Corne jiur, was in town Saturday, visit ing .Mrs. Iv. Cratulall. H. T. Rlair and wife, cf Port lind, vihited the f irmer's mother, in t hid place, laet Monday. Charley Hancock, of Cornelius,, in building a line new residence, in that growing town. Mr4. Ci. L. D.ggers, of LaGrande, is viniting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Abbott, of this place. Sherill" Connell has moved into hi renovated ollice, at the Court limine, wliiclx loika neat and in viting. A P.. Le-is, an old time eub ecribrr of the Argus, and a hotel man at Cornelius, was in Hillsboro Tuesday. KIder A. A. ISwy'u next ap pointment will be the first Sunday in October, when he will continue revival services. Thos. Withj-combe Jr , one of the progressive far'ners, of this county, was in town last Saturday, from Farmington. Ktrl Wallace, of Portland, was in town Saturday. Karl will go to Corvallia Ibis Fall, and attend the Agricultural school, Mifs KtiMbeth Gordon, of Port land, is at tho home of her father, AU x. Gordon, near Glencoe, for an extended visit. Lost .'J year-old Durham steer, red. Notify Tom binay, Corne lius, Ore., R. 2. Phone, Indepen dent, Line 22, Is"o. 55, on Scholls Line. William Guild, recently from California, but now a resident of Laurel, where he has purchased a fiirm, was in town Saturday night Dr. W. L. Harrison, a Seattle dentist visitul Willis Ireland this week. He is a son of John Harri son, formerly a well known North Plains farmer. The Semi Annual Reunion of the Washington County Veteran Asso ciation has been postponed to Oct. 17. It was firet decided to hold it on the 3rd of next month. The Kpworlh League held a box lawn social at the residence of J. M. Greear. Friday night, which was enjoyed by those who attend ed. The bae ball Rime scheduled for last Sunday, bntween Cornelius and Hillsboro, was not played, the Cornelius boys failing to material ize at this place. "The Little Proppotor," which was put nn at the Crescent Theatre, Monday night, was a good clean show, and people generally got the worth of their money. W. V. Boscow finished picking, in his hop yard last Saturday. He got 80,000 pounds of green hops, lor which he paid to pickers, most of whom were Hillsboro f Iks, the sum of ifSOO. He had 15 acree. Wo are agents for the Deering and Osborne harvesting machinery, and have a complete line on hand, received direct from the factory. Schulmerioh Bros. Saturday was a big day with Hillsboro men, aa the hop pickers were in. evidence from all parte of the county. They were about the healthiest looking lot of people imaginable, and tan and rosy cheeks were fine substitutes for cosmetics. There's nothing like it. The Oregon State Fair, at Salem latit week was a record breaker in point of attendance, and the Bpeed contests were the best in the history of the Fair and aroused even more enthusiasm than when pools were sold. The twelve new stables which housed the splendid live-: stock exhibit, were visited by many thousands, there being as many ladies as men present. NO. 23 Sawmill Men Say Freight Tariir is to the Had CAN XOf SHIP TO THE EAST Sajt Weak Mills Will So Down and Stronger will Survive The Nicolai-Xeppach Company, interested in the Cornelius eawnlill, avers that the freight tariff on lumber to the east is practically prohibitive, and that the small mills, which are adapted to cutting for the eastern orders, must fall be fore the stronger institutions. In a recent letter to the Timberman, A. Neppacb, the manager, writes: Portland, Ore., Sept. 13, 19C.7. The TimU-niian: Aa jer your request to have us art forth our view of tin-effect of the increase of the K;iteni rail rate ou lumber, we w ill -iy th.it we con aider the same absolutely prohibitive On all nulla iu this city and state the re sult will 1 a matter of accumulation and depression. It means that we will have to sell lumber for either foreign shipment or within the borders of this stale. Nine-truths of the mills are not adapted fur foreign shipment. It means that the weak will have to go dow n be fore the strong, and that three-quarters of the great industry in the lumber busi ness will have l ouit or to to the wall. Do You Appreciate Fine Stationery? PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction, at the J. II. Brown farm. miles south of Hillsboro. and 1 mile wtet of Laurel, at 10 a. ni. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 Gray horse, 5 yrs, weight U50; sorrel lurse, 11 yrs, 1300; mare, J yrs, 1450; yearling colt; 3 good milk cows; yi Kushford wagon, kooJ: 2 half strinir covered wagon; carnage, buggy, set hack Harness, set single harness, sixty tooth harrow, spring tooth harrow, 2 plows, fanning mill, set blacksmith tools, pair thills for 3 horse wagon; 1iav fork and car, S lo-ga!lon milk cans. Terms of bale: 110 and under, cash; over 110 1 year's time, bank able note at & per cent. - J. H. BROWN . B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. The letter written on good stationery always makes a better impression than one written on any old kind of paper and envelope. This applies equally to social as well as business correspondence. Our stationery will please your friends or customers ou account of its fine quality. It will please you on account of its moderation in price. It will please us to please you. Hillsboro Pharmacy 1 awamaamaa mm FALL MILLINERY The ladies are cordially invited to call on Miss Coleman, Cornelius, or their rail Millinery. She carries a new and up to-date line, including ladies' shawls and fascin ators. Remember the place. In regard to the matter of the complaint filed against Frank Kelsay, of this place last week by County Fruit Inspector Harris, the Argus committed an unintentional error in saying that Mr. Kelsay was arrested, as he voluntarily sought the Deputy Prosecuting At torney, as soon as he was informed of the matter, and offered to pay a fine, if required, but the case was not prosecuted, that oflicer being convinced that Mr. Kelsay had not conciously violated the law. Mr. Kelsay, like many other farmers is not a fruit pest expert, and says he was unable to discover anything on his apples that would cause them to be considered unmarketable under the law. No one who knows Frank Kelsay, would for a moment believe that he could be induced to do anything that he thought was not right. When a man begins to ornament portions of his vest front with particles of food at the table, which fail to reach his mouth, in transit; when he no longer primps bsfore the mirror to see whether his collar button shows between the tie and the collar; when for a $50 bill, he couldn't tell whether the lady with whom he held a gabfest on the street, wore a green, blue, yellow or red dress; when he blindly gropes about the house, looking for the glasses that already repose on his nose, it is all significant of the fact that he is no longer a spriug chicken. The leading newspaper men of the United Statos have Btrongly pe titioned President Roosevelt to at tack the paper trust, which is op pressing every newspaper in the country by reason of excessive and unwarranted prices. All the news papers in this county have been forced to raise the price of sub scription, and other papers in the sftate have already raised their rates or are about to do bo. The movement is general all Over the United States. The writer re members when the price of country papers in Oregon was $2.50 a year. Prof. Edward Kirkwood, a grad uate of Pari 60 University, who has been at the head of the botanical department of Syracuee University, has been Bent to South America, aa an expert, by a large Eastern rub ber concern. Kirkwood was born in this state. Argus and Oregonian, $2.00. Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by the Comptroller: DEPOSITS MarcK 22, 54S.223.17 , May 20, $89.822.2& August 1130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd. T. W. Fnnna. i Forest Grove, Oregon r Bailey's Big' Store We sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove viitiMMWuua mm GRAND MILLINERY OPEttlNO Friday and Saturday, September 27th mud 28th f Com mini m thm Lmtmmt atylmm jjj In Fall and Wlnlur MIHInmr. MISS LULU COLEMAN, Corncllm, Ortjgom m: 'Hi m. ini' Hfl' 'MMMr iMMiini .UHrMKiHhiM.iiaiifMkitmuauiim mm., .. ,..... 1- ,wi ,m,. .mi m, mn i mi. .iani..aauiau vnaiaWi .n. laKKUnf THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. ; Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line, upon the Ex change and Introductory plan. - ' We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books wiH be sold for Cash Only.' Positively ao CreW