0 Brgus. MiLLSBeia HILLSBOKO, OREGON. SKITEMBEK 19. 1907. NO. 27 MNWi II BIG ' SIIM FAUl AvsMinlna Shape. iv.iiimltcei Huny Virs io bTITpucb ocr. lh ... , . tltrn-t Fair. met t ' . m.t. Tta !" " Lj.lbs4 '' tn Jt,UM ' f !t wiist aiitmuat'oJ tbit y,J l '"' that .hy lo tnt.HfrrU. It JrClded' u r,i,!y, ini'h.i ii(t rxhiWtor ol k.lh.t rXUA'M h'tutd U M hwh w-' thttfalr. and th (Miatltf-uu um-ia waiauthoru-m n ifftu; f ' 1,4,1 1 to"11 on lbil4(lr(-! Ui fair.aud fflf duW is l'l'V "r 'rU' TU .u.mit i-.'iH-tiitto m author ial W lvtt H 1 lH CHtWt, M1, :ub M r reiM f!, ami the .1 i.ft, r'.nlt t.( IWfiv A raid) u rtf A nmttlrr fl come I tlicir rlfiht,ml .,L..., r 1rr..iK.I'.!Ut2 Wtlh tile t.Dn.i.'.f. At Mt Woodsy ..h trranei-mt-blM will l OOIU f ,r ilm h.tiaw racw. Mr. I. W.fUiii. mvl Mr C. iawl l.i'l vl ftutt lP. " Tba unltl but Jin rrt iniurr to tint bi)i crop io tinny ytnli in tbti WillmielU vtlUy Ib'm year. John 1 1 u i ii i ti r a r . who went uu to ft Vtiulilll hop jrrJ to pick, ro- inrl thai thii hop uiao net itis uimi to tbrtHihliig Rrtio, ami whan tbat job w dona, oooty in(ormat them that or curtain raaon, lie Koul.ln'l pick bin crop tbii year. lUIn Win KunJav nlsht. lottlv FOB attiril, and tbu a if to let the pwiplo know that JupiUr I'lutiua ki U bi tom(lcUd by Nov yw tn fivil iuiui m y w vuviuuai j affaira, it fall In torreuta. Ju rma t) bare a iitn at the Hlata Kair, and rarely fail to tthow bit ilttplaaiurn by pulling tba hung of lha clHilial atr wagun, and aoak ini ua plenty when that society lumila. IMW Tliruut;h Medium of Iron Horse. Within u Year HKIIH.ES ES KOLTE inbcf M'a art alriviug liard to gt l' mile of track laid at Tillamook Bay Iwfore tba first of the year," aid A. C. V. I$erry, reprecentiiijj 1',. l..i W'.tl-,..!,! ).. ,in( . ur I r nri A. H"R, of KrnilnKtoo, waa In I, , ,. ;i ... town Monday, and called. Her"0 v, yatbat many Lopt4a hii com- 'atul paper laal waiur.my. e muuity hae Ut uined by tha need both men and tnatn, but w mold, lie reporn fine yield of nQW have aeven Rang at w.irk, and t .. I.;. ..l..t.lw,h,wri.t ur1 .... . . . .. .. 1" ui ii'.U..w keen riitbt on during tue in-field-yielding from M to 00 buih- ' TilUmook, one .U per acre. On. farmer near b t. , plact . got I2 a ton fur ul crop. at iutuij, (ieo. W. Mtrab. of C.nterville. Miami river, where ...rk on the av tba Argua a pleaaant call tel bridge wtll commence next Monday, and cbattml about tha week, and four gntr, are bitten lime when he and the editor used hj,, (-jt. nJ Jl.jbwnvill. (daoga together in th old The foru,mio0 l Mn,i r.u-v nn.l it Tualatin awiuiming hul," in the lrlc out to quckljr. evu in the Wniicr, rarta MvtmLiM hbit it will bt uMiljlf for in men 10 early ai-venuaa. ' i- . John Wunderlich, ba aold hiin too. irorij ijhi..p, - - i. ImL e.rlv neit week nmt iu othrf vhitrn ha will tike charge of the rit,tl,i-f mFr for the t-i-l bti l a lhal ikA KflQ ll.vl I xiiui in Mtailil. iituu au'i rvn1 VICIIUVI I HW r w, . . ---- - . . .i . .. II- I rUr iImI li.r ti lnilci of tMCk.tut h from HMMlvilla. Arus and Oregonian, 12. J. B. Imlay, of Reedville, wa In to n Friday J. McDonald, of I'ortland, waa in the city Tuwiday Thru. H. TonEUi and wife, left fir the rotate Fair Wednesday H im, to the wife of John Rones, of (ialea Crwk, Kept. 7, VJW, a eon John I. Nartb, of Mouotaindale, whu a county aeai imvn, rrmij. Jarnea Gumming!1, of Buxton, ia hi town Monday, on buBioeaB. C. F. Mattbea and C. F. Grabel, ADVANTAGES OF And Summer Irrigation This County in TBKEE CHOPS OF CLOVER k YEAR Ground Will Mot Bake Wbca Sub- Sotted Do You Appreciate Fine Stationery? W. Ile-l- h'rllru commit I'l'DLlC SALH & ... Tfc litiJofciKn-l will ppII at public itUntt ! r.owp'.l llr.n. frm. at 8cbaii,bfiniaiij; at 1" o'cl"k a to,, oa wk!)npiy. Hi:rri:M uku sr. How, .-'!il 1 Uir. ii!bt lion fcialr I trull t"t. WU"llt ti'K 6it. f.,:'..i ti'-i. ijmjr "' w'I't Ifiw.l tt ii!4 full, writ't !'; w i.ii vriir al.ttteilrtt.ro b!it H Kn ! I. lout IMilk tu, 4 t'l'' fun V tfi I ft "" baatt. !,)i'infi tti.'.k cti. Krl !. r , lillUH it ; M luitt ,i I. I I in. li trt! 1,1, . i, 3 lt..fc, 1 1 j I mvU turtuw, ,!, til; or, id hmiirit. .'llie buitwtw! I luii.i.utc mitl ntiuiciuti "llitr miiim. Terui f Htli f 1(1 nDd titulfr, Mh;ivt.f till, until Jan. IJlHy, withntit in'.i'HM?, npprnvtsl Hriirily 4 pf-r rnl ih-f .tml f"r cafh. ; F. K. JtOWKl.U : l! I, I'urnoliaa, Aui'tionwr. : UAIK V STATISTICS tecoiitl tletiu tliovtl to bt tent do" t'Y ... .n,l .n..llirrrnlllti elceoHllIlU Oil'. 111. .. i .... i. VW H.l Almlit 4U We 1 breU h.ii. r.,. Au,.n i if . ... . . , coDlictr on me in""""" - utiotUt and brood aoWa-intUiraoi lUe1-ll Tlt lon;et tunnel, nccora- ... rt fl it. . . :. r . K. V. lieleman, i tuuta eouwt uiitog to uie tuncy. i. . !,-. acr tb. ro.dfro.n TuaL U J--- "-.irr,: tin l'lalna church. I . O. adilreaa, lrrl of t!ic tunnel ua irc tin- UiUahoro, K. 3. Ulird. o.l tli wholctuiiticl will be com- ,, . pitted li November I. Married at the Court llooaw tn rxeoty-itf tnltra of (trmle out of Hilltboro. Oregon, September 16. Ilillibom Uve l.cen tmuhed en.l the I-.10,, by tounty juuge "ei, on , )ir,100 o( the Oondio, Hoy Murletta and Addta u o( lhe fcVjjound type. -l ...i ... I..,ik ,,l U'liinfflftn (U)Ufi- tr.....i. ,. ....lrrlnl Hit tilt TlU yijiuii, vi v. , - n i amv-k- - , . . y. lalmrrrt. il hai lieeU . .. t- ,.l- 117 iKnu I. hi. iter lo set (UtliCleot men roriwnv; r.rut "" ti- For t over 1W acre, umiar plow on r " -,w wiU u tn Kttilt -?l tnd roUlt route; a tnmi ""llu-l.B(. 1?,.. I...., - t.rmllr, line. PaC eoinDtnv tiitket the ntntemcot Hint it MH" " - I" . . ........nr. c,.liul out fully enpecu io nve imi. ...;. UC Pi a MM) -Oi. i.. v l TlllmiiOnk llav lif No i iiuvaa i vuinH-1 --------- - Chta. Meacham. of Mountain Uember i, 1918. d.le. Wl from hi barn loft the - - it,.r .Uv .ml frwturel tn nga- runui.:ni.r.. . . . 1 1 . nientaor one ol nta nu lr. F. A. Hailey attended hia io jurien. Iiit'tliii Ui(c, hm. Ml Ii,hl AnA reporter vinitd the old . Dudle- mm ranch norlhwept of Fred Milne, of the Grove, re- Hill.borp, laat Friday, in company 1..1.1 tvi hre. with Dneu- wtth Geo. Baeley, the owner. Mr. r . . riionia, IJagiey Denevea in ouuim-r uwn- MiM Marie Tunzat v'wited Mini Uon, nd ehowed the writer 8 acres Lola Kerns, of McMinnville ft few of land which he had Bub-soiled to lay ago. depth of about l-r inches. He rr.untv Troanurer Jackson and sowed ft crop of vetches on the land rife, returned from Newport.Thurs jn February last, from which he day eveniug. Uter harvested 2 lone to the acre.j f . a! t.ut ariu.V the IT. . 1 onn at i-ittut a (lilpll fmm I t ' . ' A I ) . i J - VI r " 1 -. QB I. LID II wimtl vwv. u..v. - " : hoitet Ht pteuikr day in Oreeon the m--- jorebay, and ran water out J fur 21 yi-ars paet. I. ... t.j ,,na rteiul fur-nwH far! I ia- tui iiuvii ' "b I V lUnard of near Forest!, ... .j .(l,tt.1 tKo -thnle - , . . "UU Vicum"" virovo w in vu -,n.j . . "Itrftct by aamiog me iunow i uoiirn wu im,;uwp. nfoper aietanCeS, wuu rnu.o uudu Commercial printing of all kinds with dirt. He harvested bis first .. n... .,.,, (r,,.n ( :iva ua trial I rmn nf rlover in inet 52 days from . iiin a Kua Ui'n.u v-. . w l-'.K " for nt at, up-to-date work. the time he put on the water, lie j ... i m now D&rvoeniiaC wuo kvuuu -va Th Cireu t Judge's tirtvate room lAno.w UBV ' . ,.r . , ... He nas aiso grown mu .1 tha Court House bft bn furn- D J the irrigated xhe bh.nl with a neat new carpet. f m come8 from Dairy Ford Groner, a leading business fjreek.and the water right belongs man of Scholh, was in town last to the mill, owned by Mr. Bagley. MornJay transacting bueinees. The cost of the ditch, and work of it o;. rr caiinir the o acres, was fm. mi. bridge, over bcoggin s cree.. - - - - - .. 1UK lliuu.wi- - tl f:,. Va.l whriiiA Tiarpnta 1IV6 in I . 1 .v... iv. nnit f ttuminir ftrtd Fouet Grove, was married to Miss lh(J ditcu wilj eiiRht, in fact, Alice Cavo. of Arleta, last week. nnl fc-din,- iino. He will thus . ,, ir.u.. Wm R be able to eet 3 crops of clover in- Wgirk buBinefs. ... fhft nund doee net ILUVU.utJ) - - O . pr.rk nmn or bake, but remains day. to ttwch iu the Portland public moist, and is easily worked. Mr. scbooli. Ibis is ner inua vctiu jonn uampoeit, a tuiun there oa teacher. man and breeder of fine trotting J Leu, HiUsboro, will buy your "horses, who bought the Underbill chickensducks, geWe and' eggs, fm, near '" '.i . ...i, riorate nortions of bis larm wiin ana pay vue tnsrmv inw iu u-u. o r -- , .. . , 1 . .. .'. t m i.U.i.. imm th KtIfv ditch, next Brewler of tnorougnorea nnoae , , , .. ,. i year. We should not omit mention M-LAf.fina nateh of corn raised by Of Clifford u. Ra-1ot, nniler irriffatioil this -" n year. It is a new variety, ana naB The letter written on ood ttionery always makes a better impression than one written on any old kind of paper and envelope. This applies equally to social as well as business correspondence. Our stationery will please your friends or customer ou account of its fine quality. It will please you on account of its moderation in price. It will please us to please you. jHillsboro Pharmacy Tb underlined will cell at public .utt(fin at Witoh Ha?.-1 farm, one 1 1 Ml. t. . ,.rt We are agenU for the Dwrtng mile weel ol iwuvine, u-Bi,,ui..B andOrlwrnaharveiUnguiaohinerv, at 10 a.m., on and have a complete line on band, SATURDAY, SKI ThMBhll 2 rrreived direct from the factory. 4h,l hortet, B.y mure. welKHt Hr, J HcbuhuMlch Bros. lT I ur-ll' III ita. iiiiuv-tii.) f" " ' i .ml mU. nf Port- ol.t. weiiht o-o, Buy colt, i yrtrs old, v-iiii - "I., I, ,,cn ft ni ch COWS, 5 laml.aif.nl Tut-aday last in ntu- cu? , - v, ll: , vr old old friend. c- lt,in. -.-rii,,,, heifer: i hlumts inrtui - .. I lfllliiatM ifw i j r , , b it,-i.l.Hlffe a tileaeant call. weiutiinti from 75 to 150 pouuut; one j Lost red mm. lira., it. , mr- unc unu, j , - - -. , olii. , . ..... ii. .tulilil no, tic. m Hue Zl. ISO. oo, ou wuump inco .iuuii ' ... 1 ,,,,-h iieiH, i.iuo 1 L Miirken. .ndaiiiroia iioats. l.uticu Line. ' ni tw uived at uoon. Ming Anna Hyln. stenogra- Tern ol Sale: 10 anJ under pherinthe 8. P. Co', odlce tn 0R8h; ov 10( oa,yw' time wun t..,.ii.,t.l viaitad frienda in HUI- i1fc.hl note at 7 per cent; I per 1 l v'l .,, .... I I'-" - ., . ia.i tMiro Saturday ana nunuay cent uisconnt tor oaeu. K it- l!.n -i ! .t .m rowt are liillktd 0"fi kimj "',um" o ANDKRSON ine 1 niini .-s'ntetcvrtf inv. It ia sabl (liai inl per vvu - lualcmiiiuinf the romitry . 7".otKVK.- V . i tj, the HillslwrO B. P. ComellUS, AUCt OuuiMmt, Mi,.,,,.. .,1 .e.L.e..i .- gram uw wi"-" .r, ..... ' 1 -v ----- r- 1- . . iL.ti iikP iiiih vrni .1 k pmiitd.,..! milk lue.ih cow. Ovct wftreiiouw uu .., v ABOUT OREGON rKUU P.irn. to the wile Hi ion. of near Forest Grove, Sept c J....V,ia. nn tVio fllh inat. I - .. .1 in 1. 10 rnl o, u u-.u;iiivi, nu ---- grown vo a neigui o iu w i, lo the wife of Earl Hall, Scoggin 8 and j8 fiitg nicely. Asa result Valley, a daughter. 0 his experiments with Summer Kalo is the favorite crop with irrigation tn uregon, air. iag ey w Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of. Call by the Comptroller. DEPOSITS March 22. $45,223.17 May 20. $89.822.2& August 22, $150,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Viae Pre., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fnqua. Forest Grove, - - - Oregon OtlttUe a pleaeant call. weiRbloK rom 75 to 150 pouuda; oue 1 , tl n..rt.am ateer year old Iterktlnte boar; Spring i;oti, -1-3 rV1 L fWa w; road cart: one 3.S inch lmntrwa. .-Notify Tonl Smay, Come- hMneM;att work harneaa; a Ore.. R.2 Phone, Indepen- 5iiC'ariii, hanow 3 horse I'itt butmw, 14 "' .. OL. II. . . . . I. ...1,1,1. nnv . le.: uiao 1 j.' j-iiiiini in ntiin 111 em u -.nw. 1 .1 m . . - kn 01 iii mirmiui 1 i. tini.iitod in tiiaklni titan at this time last year. hir.. .1..!,..... - t . I..i ...n. I ... a-rnK-ii m,ik. Unee hiilii.it tutu cl.rc-e. Krneet Haas, a Sberidan urug- m,ue,t of tho Oregon De- hue ii., -.. to the ah, la .md -:gl vittitrni his parents m una .irtnm,ni Iaeue. Hon . ilbur "..... u.l.,r,t. .nd KtlOdaV. revuru- '-r ".,.. r ,ila U,i- uvpi I'm -j ..... .. K. tNeweu. i reoiucuv ing Dome raonuaj. Board of Horticulture, nas buu A fire has been raging IWiy on i,pnMll in the following one nun Wilson river, but settlers ngni ing it. The forest fire problem Is a hard one to soive. ii.-tn Hi.tiia Telephone 1 IIB OUIUV "" - , , Company has remodtded and otb e .im...nvt the hteriorof ita C W Kcdmond and family, l;ft ,rioe j thi cty. ,.11 iiVtnriA to Dennis for trrerios. A complfite ana uF n .. t.. nil ,l,.i. linn always ou ... , n I-IaT .uKmlitt llnlfltieU van a "v,r. . : :.. i -Hlur.of Buxton, return- picking bops u;."-, ; ity, from a btiHinenB trip time to escape 1 I I . a" ft .11 anil I1IH. ItUU A inuaa n 1 1 . I l.Hn ranWHI l BUll v -1 Ucodin wont to Hankp,UVilliftini and wife, will take in Uie Wasbincton county dairymen for fpfld. It will erow two crops annually, and has yielded as much as .id tons per acre. OnonfLno. a Forest Grove wash priuan, i going to China Boon, to "catohem wilee." loo baa mere are not some romantic Vassar girls here to eave Quong the trip. License to wed were issued last -utnrdav. Sent. 14. to Beniamin E. Barrett and Kflie Wells, both of Gale Creek, this county, and to U W. Kohl and Dena Wodel. In tha ad. of the Nelson Hard ware Co. last week, the type made us pay, regarding terms on Btoves: 1 dnwn and II rjer month." It should have read; $1 down, and if 1 per week. an enthusiast upon that subject and properly, too. It is easy to leu vne ainerenoe ; tween land sub-soiled and land not so treated, the crops telling the story tn favor of sub-eouir g m. H. Bagley, Jr. is inieresiea, anu has the care and management of the place. PUBLIC SALE. a ettnm nr itmiik l.v the tiHil)'e. Tlie Mcnoii)t!i Id j-ive each ierii nearly a Powuil, hi a K'X'd awed tumbU'r fitW. thoiiBh uiiiiif tn ciiuiaa uti tiiucli more iitH ll,l. J... 1.. ..l.tllln lit 111. itn 11 .iimti;. til .UMiiii'" i" Milk, Mi ll Individual la attppoted to tat twrntv ..!...! I Mu..l. v.ur .ltd hh H inn row, r-eiinicrica and lrtti f niiii! rmii. aiitmlv the ilelnand hleh iincniitnift llie auuuat iuiioita ii ui n nmit ,p,'o piiiiuila. tui,. jo uka in the State Fair. trancttcled t K. K-'nidn. of Hchnll. "mniin- I,, iiio county ceat Btttur fay, 1 Qf.. 4 h'.i tui oil Judi' tn Hi-r. ima c-orh section u.ta Fair this week jBtfthos, or onut.ty work. Look 00t for the ftnnounceuient i Join' Tra.diBel, of Buaverton, of MiBB Coleman, tne idh..i - " '.own Saturday. He reporle Cornelius, next weex. .evirvbn Iu liituo in Viiu oniiiinii. .. . ir...kn nt Portland j. , j ....... Detective vtvun.. -- . tjn 0, p. Jloff, State Ubor LM ln tbe olty Monday, but ne 'i1,,..... . f 1 t . . . . .. 'i..a fail j vuinnni-Rioner, we nave recmvHu Mjjn t say w"'w" . "y ui i',o iaw nn,i iiiHinionoiio f HWlniniinrt tlin futlnrv inHORGtloil 1 rt ... 1 aw in to the 'lo-it- heifer calf. 5 months ! 0 1, ml und while; eeon on Shady f lJ-tmk road, Saturday, . Sept. 7. lUviar.l'Notirv Alfred Albortfl. i.C.iriiiiinfl, Itouto 1, or telephone - Mayn llros., Glonooe. 1" W . H IlflrriorCounty Fruit In I Jrwolor, of ForcBl drove, called last 5 - WaiUy. , Mri 'Harris will be 1 l)r' 'otnt a meeting of the Banks '.yr'H!,Sopt. 27, and will disouBB - "Hit i8ts, and the best way to IUH ""J " n mlik of BohollB WftS jlin j , , n town Monday, on ma w. Ul.ia Valr. . otuw " . r ., t-..ni nf Porliana Mrs. r.. . : r v Koonti i:.inrinr BOO C H. ivooui H vinivi.Ti --- IU1S n- ... H.G.vKlngn: WRsaconniyee'""101 - J T. Reed' of Beaton vietted the 'county seal Monday. 1,:- tine of Hamilton-Brown BhooB,ittJohn Benni.1.-. to ...1 a atftlement aooui Oreuou fruit that should b printed in every language a.uun.i tongue of man: . -Orei-ou eacela in lruit. v :K .....t.. ... 1I1. ai-kuow edned cause oer l'l '" -, , :... T .t.ndard Ol tue worm, 111.... f, prices from Uiulou, ai Her pear Xd hyUteVi.it of any Uher sue- ... I - .1 - I1..H...1 Wlnl.a 1 'hlr Becau;; nature has given hej . .oiltaiUiK the evy Plan StSre and 1 .unaltine just right to pro duce 1 fruit of beautiful color, unu texture, and "rivalled f avor. The last Leeislature failed protect the few elk left in the Coast range, and there is fear that that nnh e animal will soon D8 exterm inated. Hunters are already eeekinz them from Tortland and other places. P,no Tl. Ruffle v filed ft suit in nmintv Court last Saturday ftoainst F. J. Lewia, of Forest lirove. to recover $180 on a note .transferred to him by John Thorn The undersigned will sell at public auction, at her reuiaence, oq mo oorner of Fourth and Fir streets, Hillsboro, begining at 1 p. m. on SATURDAY, SEPT. 21. Home Comfort Range, Heaters, Blue Flame Stove. Bedroom Sets, 3 Carpets, Molina si,l..K,nir,l. a Extension Tables, 4 Rockers, Lounge, Footstool, Picture Frames, DisUes, inning vnairs, iihuSihB I ...in Tjhh- (ttrtainii Books. Harness mi. Pnw-lca. Tuha. WritiKer, Commoks, Upholstered Chair, Kitchen Treasure, Safe, Scytne, scoop soowi, Pitchforks, Iron Pump, and other arti to uiention. Terms: All suma under ?iu cash in hand; all sums over 110, 6 months time witn approved noie J. C. Kuratli, Auct. Baileys Big' Store We sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. PUBLIC SALE. mi.. ....l.ionml will sell at pub ino uuu".".. - -- , - ., Ho auction at ma ruj. Bouth of Bethany, t on Uillsboro Portland road, beginning at 10 a. ""'FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27' .trootl work horses, weighing 2500; 7 . 1 ...Ilk cows, , fresh, a fresh m six reti 3 lb., each; 3tf farm vra weta.jb niw. lmrrow disc, fSui-SoV. "owing Whine, hayrake. set work harness, 5 tntlk cms, nun;, .g from to 10 gallons; and other arltclea KwU. to mention. Unci, at nooitv ... , Terms of Sale: $10, cash; over iO, one - year's tme G Per cenl Joterest. pETER REICHEN J. C. Kuratli, Auct. 1 -tr-v-w - I II Bagley & Hare are attorney f plaintiir. One nf the immediate needs of Tlillaboro and vicinity at the pres ent time, ib a laundry. Thousands of dollars are Bent out of this coun ty annually for laundry which ought to remain in it. Hillsboro is large enough to maintain a modestly equipped business of this kind, and there is no doubt that a capable lauodryman would soon build up a lucrative ousinbss, ana thus keep our laundry money at homo. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove Hon nicking is progressing favor aV.lv on the North Plains, The n iglov vard will all be picked in n limit, ten davs. The hoDsare fine, and are being baled as soon as dried. The are about 14U picxers at work in that yard. Other yards Af that vicinitv are making Rood nrndreufl. and several will finish picking this week. Good progress is being made at the Gregg yard Uhstandinu the recent fire titih doatroved the large hop hOUBO. Dr. Linklater'e new frame store building north of the Argus office Is complete and ready for occup- William Kane, , v while the family was absent w6. the house. rn nnl run the risk of having your valuable paperB burned or stolen when you can nave a eaibiy deposit box at the Hillsboro Com mercial Bank tor i w per year. fiirmerlv of the Council nnat PntiHrv Ranch. Portland, has looated in Hillsboro, where ne nas started a poultry ranch, near Shiitn'a Park, breedins exclusively thn Rhode Island Red. He thinks these fowls the beBt for Oregon, as they are extremely hardy and good for all purposes. R V. Waolnv. a Forest Grove - " D J t , Implement man, has eloped with Mrs. Hond, anotner man b wne, w mart a iinknrtwn. The Studebaker pwi w Company, of Portland, has a man in nhariH ol W All 6V i lLQUiemuiH Knnao nt the Grove. Mrs. Waeley, of Lakeview, Washington, wife of the man who eloped wrwi wrs Bond, writes Forest Grove people that "Wagley ie a little off." 1 i i WEINHARD'S (or. 01 Beers. m M i ii'jaisiBiaiH .:: Medicinal Uu Delta Hillsbo Besides a complete linjt we also carry a comple " ites, such as Razor Soaps, etc., which we ( prices, i For Bale: Binder, threshing n chine outfit, portable sawmill, 1 Witt sell cheap.Kurfttli Broe. r r 3C v ArguwdQie8oui&n,,W' C-O&tl III) nlil nrnkurrlu.