v-.'.i.l';';r. . . . - - ." $2 1 14 K iu ' -,.;i ill iii:? IIILLSDOKO, OKKGON, Sl.l'TKMlil-K 12. 1007. OILLtL)KC) US. . tutu a lifcjw NO. 20 13 iii SHE! Fill! IE Ml if. -.f'.uy , V,,r, V. II. Tuft, i' L" "l ')', in 1'urllnm') l(cclMiul.y N:tht ami He: ,msr fog vlk.N IMM.K WW: 1 iil"' Ai"ii.iii.-ni Uimii'tt.r j It "i, til "I Si Member Ml. tn "! l' r,i i I v i.oii-purlmitii, tin) ''d "v.-rn! t,,i.i,H. ii.rlu.liiitf 1 i-nii:i lih ul, lllll govrrnmriii "" I'l'-I li l'ii , iiinl m ,- ' 1 rn) " "iiy ul dealing 'i tl,i- r'!..itii y m,, t,i,,.r , ' h i .' tn. I , 1 1, S.-. riry hit 1 1 I ! Ki 'i-ni i: .1 ,-i In! I ! I i ! ! I I.I I II iV : II ;J(WI.U, !""'" I'-"-:'11".' iye.fftVnM-'l " ,",''"!,,r)' nlfB. Tin r'i:ii!i.lt.-; ''i i n MioMlU'l unr .!.! cmul I" -,-! " f tin ilfi-i.ll I" ''i"t lu,i'1 :inm l !''' ''"' '' al.! "''' th ulltW.rd " ' '',, !, v 'n ;ja tb i s i 1' 11 'il-' 'v il .it i4 iiir,i. (' i v !! h fuf ! I''"!'. "'-I nibr C"H'iiy l' " :! ,jh iofiifl I ' !. ' I ' ! :wcbirt'i"',';l' II. '.il ' tiHCMtniy :ni.uf.n !."u w.il ! ti to ntiii'i1.. Ti:i f"i i!it". i :f ?iUy i ! i ti'ivr- hii i t 'i'N,t, .;,. itChmn null-, ci t!ii" !''( t. j lllll ill,ii In Uli-.'VV tii" ir ! i'-. 'i:J !!( I ,1 in hkvIiV iriticn ""'" l' lintlUKUinli 'c'ii4iil ninl Urn il- .'I'l.i.nif uii'aii.Mli.iii r f cipiltl. .'lion. I;,,... vt-it i,i.h n, .1. J IHtilK r lliij! laUa firm ' Wit t'ha;i!i .i. C in.' I',, i f ', IjUWWUUtKltr 111 t Ih'.-- fir IMlhllt til tl." il' i i' t : wWripltnit !' i i; n : l f,itl lll'i'fAliy. I'M"; I' !i! Ql;ttl'l I'd t i )! trt u hiin Vr lirkM m u,.-r i..wi in il i- '.;tlj Upon '!'.'iUifi Th" .:!(( nf !--ii ;i il it lifni' ! I l-l)lfl. Ii ii h i ' I n,. . . tUt lh oth-f ly U,a t; h i",! inaod.tUtrp, m y . nu. . i I lit in Ih c u u v l i i 1 1 a t ';' . I i r.( in liiili-'i ir.t ; n -n u, .. , inn Uic"u!'.V di-." ,i liv thh ( ViiWlhll hf I i Ii i t It i briii chiii'' pj" -.tu?w it i ;ti,t.' i 'litt.KC. III. I l! t , ' ! m i k bM',r, hi i! i I , i ,i , E .... l-'s lif liu- tn-,,. -. ir, iti.l thti" t,i,,.- r u Iiwtifei'i,! )(i,l, coin !,'.: p mi M-iinlnv i.i ,t , '.rl IIiiiw t,i r ii ri i.t.i .r- Miiiln)i-r in raili I'V liim. Tl,l if " iin-iim liy n ' .jitirn dfl " 3 lv, Sn ri'lsirv Tfi i 1 ! ' ; in i. iirmin., iu,, in whit may I.. t.'rn.r.J ,m' Mm v.,,i' i, ,li., ,J r-,iiiit, v 'I Ii" '. Miiy ltri ju ) I ?!'ii ti.n Urp. driil miuii in t lit A i .i. () It.-tnliy, lii uin.ltt k ((ihuI i i .r.'.f ,,in ii lM nuiliiMirri, !.i k.i.i i.fity i.f j,urin- ai a jiulilic "rvmi!, hi, I lu,, intorcHi in till- wiiiirf ,( ill !,,,! n.ii,,,,, -f ii-1 I.. uj.jnf,.iit in , niin ln "!' "'I " l-''.t, liim, V- ii nnt.i t,i tiU y,,tir ,lc, h.fHUm tf.'lu t,, (ir,,Pr ,v " -v-ii ( ii, i :n,y, uf j-VhulU, V i ' tli'i litfT.t iiiuiitili'turpr of 't i iii Hi (,n ruuiity, ami hv I '-'ir I'M.liii 1 far ri, I wi.ln. If I !r" to l.'lUil thlM Kll, : t n'.r iij.t;r.-n .,f Urak , building ' t ' U slwi futliidli lutit- r, r Ui.'h us,, I drmMsl, nf tl! ii t, hi, i ii.-hr if rfuirivl, in !,(! rn-iit iniit'.titim. A.lilrt'K ui) t Ii'!l"i "j".'!, l:. K. I). Nu. If iu uif (viMintj larn xii-ti liling, till ii y,.u,- i.r.i. r li'f.irw .wfi, 1. i. S. Uii't.i.'i,,!!, a limlitig diry man, 'f I1 '.irm-in;t rallfd (,n tlif rj.!ii ' tlurdsv. him! i-xhiliilisl '!)." i'f ti, I'lhi-i.; I iravrntttfiu ,' , i InlV" fix'll tlllH RfafHll Vii'imi r.iito jtn-t g.HHl iilii ii W,i, Lin;,', n 'Hiily." i-sid Mr. S.. 4, j.,;., 11, Rr ruici'il lit Hood ! , ho ul it ri v oilier (art of the M A i th lt in lirct'tiriiry, i In v lim fru.t ( i i . i ' il, ', i 1 eh )-, ft t Jolm It'-i.iiifV. F. W. iJi-lMiiiin, i,f i.i ur (iliiiici)i', h in II IS i-i . jf fi 1 1 t . ily, on liui II '.'. ' i" 1 a,.;i r i i P.4.1WI !..:! ! - . -....-....,. ,.u,.;, .-.vr., ... ,x,,,,ll v .()niiiiis-jHitH in t ,ivn Mornluy traufiK linj! lion AKiiinst Iiici'ciimvJ RaU-,: ,"i"u,,M MiM'M Anna uiul Lftiliu (,'oun.-U, tif riirtlaiiil, c.,(iit .SiinUy with Hi -if ;.ri';iN in llii.i-lMro. KAISE FKOU 7 10 J:l ll.MS Miiiitt Uituaml OIJ alvrtil n Mi Km Fill! LIFE Matra It 1U- l.o iU out Inr tlin ttuii'iiirii'i'Uiunt j.'f Mii-h 'ol'itnan, Kin milliner, at I iTiii.lius, nut wfct k. t . ,,;, . ., ,y ., ' '1" "r plior.H to I .-rj rtin for M a iiim-t ui of Hit) Orei' .n II-u . .. . , . . ' " K U' I Kroc.criHj. A cutnilct ami uji to way t ointiiiviun M, in Portland j Lt . iii,H alw;i)H on hand. Ian! Haturday, tlio (inir.n (Jrowcrc i ti f ' i i n i i -n . . " " "''. J hi; t orr.t-uiH hao hill club Will AHHociation irtctitil KfivaiHTc. pljy a return fame at HilMioro It couij.UitiH that th rate, on . i-umiy nith the lor-dl clnh. ouioni ha Urn rained from 7 to M Mim I.oreria dleaHon, formerly of ci'iita ir-r ru t. inc FVhrunry l.o-t, ' r or'T1 (irov, w;ih inarried to a Dr. and that name b lurdeneom ai;d J N'"?ri''. "' ')!)l-mia!H, lan Humlaj. f xceHivf, and calculated to crij,,,!,. .! C. M (l!1)ara, with the liild lh iudtiKtry. Tim onion men a-k " 111 I'riuiiiii Co., of Portland, ac that the old ratn Im rectored !'' in ii(jieil t-y hit wife, was in Tlir IJ i.tra we,e .be a...... f, , ., , "'"Jay. J. Ii. Triillinger, a well known Hiwtml n. n, of .Sheridan, wsh in iD'Vn 'I'u-cday laet, viitmg hin hrothiT, J . V. Truiiiur. John i:.iilty and tin Schulmer ii'h hruthi-ri- rC'tnriiid fn.nu Neha hi.i Saturday, with one ft ' inontch" i,j their credit aa hunterH. Martii d, in Hiilidtorn, .Septemher l'.'i'T, b J. W, (iot;din. Countv . 4 I . . . . , .in 4.. i h-m man a eniloail a) ! r.i loaii lot ami lm, rn In force .,r ul ,,iit 1 M rai. The r,t (rum JhlUI,,,,,, j I'uiiUii.I uu oiiidtm Hut r,si-,! doiu ; ' term a ,, riilier 'n raiWl .n-, 'r j tliallrr tlii,iiirii'n ( ltn, f r , tliaii t-atluail loin an, I 7 rruta lor cailoc) ! loll I'lnm Itcavriiiin the o,l rak- ,1 eat lui ln-eu raiwil lo 7 cen'i Mur lead .iii.l 11 itnu or It,, tln.11 no'.m,!,. Tilt la',- limit .Slirrwot'il u,s emoiml luis rrm.liii .1 h ,-fnla a , o !ut f.n !m Ui m i arlot, lott the chs,rf ban Urn 11:1 it- ih, , to l cn!. l-iiiiiiciiv ie rbiir.'e arioaua ol Intlilrr from l',,r'.!.ol In i J il.k'i' . lu -t ...r-lrol, on, I TtiuU'! wn";,7.! '""T, T'"' K il',,ajI-' H.ri rd. both of Come- I mi lii la-en nu irai,l to J.,,, wbiili thr i i- onion Kn.weia ,!t,lait they l aunot U-.r. ' un't-011' '"iCim-hu-r,, rrprn, . i:, ., I ve orderoU car load of that la 1.S1, wbrn llie i., tra e,r ! Wm hh':" dlfKl 'f"IU t,3e fCtorj. bri ttiniivf, o'ii',iite l o( 117 tu-tri. At " ('a" H',vt' J'"" five per cent, on the (nfwui lime niorr iban !i . u ice HlllitJ if ordered itUIUbdittUdr. -leNotrillo ll.r XtoinK of tin, ( , : So hu 1 Iltl-r if li Bros. Die ilmincl aitet-te.l l-v the inore:e.-,l ! rale. lim in lire in Ila.-Iwof.d (j-caincry liuiklino LEAI'S FKoy THE IHIkU floor j Only Injury Kcceiicd W SllOik LUMBER AT AUCTION SALE. "t'-V SET lIuiK-, I- :. i v f(Wt d, ,; i,, t ,v. . j .. lfch IT, I .... I I 1 r r 'm 1, mil ni o; 1, a 1 j, ;,,,..;,( tttttf ffl!'in.. 1.. i. . . , ..'II. Kflfifcur'.. n f. :. I,' r, , , H r -'w-ii !i.i,:in th I .tart h i;, y. I !4 : ""mill hivi:,j; to it,., ri li.tv JMtt thin. I . .4- it. ., 1 'l ,1 1 I I , I ' I l . ! ""Wtlf a Vi nr 'I I.. .. I .1 H'l.rly ar j ,k ,, lllari...eii t'.y,i or thr". T'!1 1?"k'iig u.ar.v..r,l,tvh.,'l I -.in 1 I'liiiuoii 1 c i; 1 111 fllO itiafev , I, rVKUlhlt !,.. ,;.t Hj. to .dale f'i" S rn'li n h i.l I , ...1 I'nireidi.. ,.,,.1 , . t 1 , ,if.'', ui, or, us- rto'll.nl,!il:,111,hi.imi(,,.t,nil ! -" v.y lllli-HU'rH. J U l,'l' iiHM'.Ht -i 1 1,,,,;;.. Mwren .lllllli) t 1 .(Ht ,.. Ifuilm In ll 1 1 MMI. ll.W.'Ht HI). I 1,,,,! hid "1 S0C,AL EN ll K l AIN.Mi N I , .... .. ' Wy Mih-rUined l,,,t F,hu 7 '?" Will N, Ihuret. ;J,''-!ly dec,,, .i,,!1 wlUt Jw.and lliinil tunhi.lli, h 'MiL x,'l,'l,,- IttiK'l.con 0 ?orv. l'-Ho.vir,K in a ! Mm ' JAlck,m''r- K"V f-rcfir. li v', " ' 's''r"l. t'otiniiy Clan I m '' 'u'l!l' Wmd l.mvn-' Sil' M . AI, r' vnimi; Mid, Nelson, V'l! ri ,,lrn V", l;lie,,f,' 'mliiie m K,"',,""i'. Li-He Oile, Ik. ' e'M,m "ItiaM.of Puttlaml. (iair !,,"r"n,,rt T,,,Kl". C ' B n,U' I,:vl J'nV KaVH k,J I'yty .Saturday aii-htn, '"m:n H a ploasH.it nllVir Bargain uVT," inth0 n'.vlnt,iUi.f ln'l'r cultivation. (lo.uJ NbSn-H'"U hlni other Went "'l('ll"'rKm:iU Iruiht. I un'lH,mn.lo,,t litu.. VNvlal!"- A' C' ,Sll"tlJ WITH lit 'inniahly. An- U r .i 11.',;, t.f Uy nrigbbor will l.tivc Paul Ii UN of Kinnr. ':' iih'.ir, 1'n'ii 1 ' n v i ? and Sinew !! '. ti.i y -ar, and I 4b) not I in v. in-.l ho will have Iiuxm nl 1 1 'i 1 e h in Uu. whole lot." "!r I, I 'in., .ii helii'veit in kfeping t' i pnt at a diiilatica by " fprin 11 and tiiulo that it 01,' lb- ..ill havo an exhibit of fill!', at tin" Street Fair. 1. (' 1 'ti, p-.'ian, a prominent 'ukiiiiirt,' f.u iii.T, hiin filed ilivor !, ,' 'l!ij;'H 111 Hsu circuit rmirt of hat ('.untv. .'ii'aini't bin wife. '!rs- V t ir.j nun, nrv. (iraoo Rob in on. Iirutirly of W'aKhingtoii nii.tv Th" coiijiU were married hi !', iif 1,1,1 y. id 11,11 pion'iit year 1" Ini-i 11.1I all i-ia ttml bis wife i. . - f a'. 1 bitu with ('ldtn'and 1' '!i! ':i;p', tb.ereby iniikinn him very unh'!oiy. Tin. wif.-'a annwer to pl.i.ntitrK riHerttioni hava not h.vti inn, Ii- public. The defendant n .i'!l KnuAii in tliii comity. I! y. t' K. ('line, formerly of iliih h.iro, in wrilii.K I" lh Oregon int hihly, from St. Paul, .Minne f li, lii.ill.'.i inelitiull id ll it attend uti'' on a leuninii of lb Kirnt liiiin",ot Heavy Artillery, the lift of the kind Hiiii'o IIih battery rtr.1 iiiu!rtil out nl Chattanooga, 1 eii.n'M'!'!', July, KSIi.'t I'J ypara itL- i. Mr. ('lino raid that Capt. Coilii.i.f litlleboro, and himself, wit" ah itil the only mirvivtiig com-.tii-d nicd oIlictTH of that faniou iiniii.aiid. Di tint run lim risk of having y.mr vn'.uabld papnrs burned or -udeii whi'tt von can hnv a Httfety depo.Dil box at tho Hillhboro Com imnciiil Hank for l W p?r year. Jii'le C. K. Kindt, of Kin ton, it.H in ih' city Saturday, und call ed on tliM Argun. 11a waa one of ilm WiiHhinnlon o.iunty dolt-gallon, wiiu lean! Secretary Tall npeak Friday night. Wo 1110 ntniU for the Decring and U.'borno liarventinR inuohinery, mid luivo h coinploto lino on hand, rccnivod dirtict from the factory. Hclitilniorifli Hrou. V. W. Phillipe, of Comi'liuB, oallotl Saturdiiy. He and hit iin.thtT, Mrs. Martha Phillips, ex petit to removo to Hilluboro, in the near future. Lnat .'J year-old Durlmu Bterr, rtid. Notify Tonl Sinay, Corno limi, Ohi., il 2 l'hone, Imlepen dent, I.ine 22, No. 65, on Bcholls I.i no Uov (Ircoar, tho driigRiril. bftB put in an aoooniiiuxlntir.n deuk for i b bent lit of bin patrons, and in vito.) them to "o it Mill i. ml, nhortH, hran, rolled b.irley, ntitldlii'RK. nhop, eto, for an b.t at tho Milne warnliotifie, by (loo, A. P.rown, lsioe. Minn I.t.roniv F,nochB, who recent ly ruturnml irom Whoalland, Ul , Will Ur ar.ii A. A. Metd, re turned hat Monday from a trip to the Nebaleiu Valley. They Mended bu-inees wilh tdeai-ure. The nnd. raigned will Hell at public !,u"1 1,3 1 H l-'sant trip, auction at Cornelius, liregun, lu- Monday wna the hottest ever, gining at 10 o'cliKk a. in on I The thonn tn.'ler repiatered iill de HK1TKM HKIi 21, P.H'7, Ur-il" in the ,hadi and inanv a During the progreH of a (ire wLii.h gutted the new llazj! wj'k! cream ery building in Portland, Monday morning lat, Jam-H W. Taylor, a son of Frank Taylor, who Lm.-rly farmed on a part of the old lhi;-r donation claim, near Hiii-li ro, waa beinrneil in by the th:i :io, RnJ forced to jump for hh life fr hi the third Kory if the huilditg. He had not noticed, white at work, that the building wa on (ire. i'.t fore he was awan; of his dinger he wad completely cut ( ff from s!l gft exitH. lhe oi.lv wav of iscn ! was. by a jump to the ground, and Tay lor, oeeini that hn would have- tn jump or ho h!,rn?d aliv?, took th chance. II.) landed on hi-) fei-t. and the or ly i. jury he rec-ived wae a pevere thock. Four otb;r men working on the roof at the time the fire broke out were forctd to elide down ropes in order to pave their lives. Confidence tho din tar.ee covered by the lean, vouoc Taylor's f6cape ii a remarkable one; an experience which he no doubt is not anxious to duplicate. Taylor haH been work'u g in Port- icd fir pome tnn?, a:ui id wi.ll known in Hillbboro. t i f f ssr-ir.. -rm, - i u mi iiinr i Al Your skin mav InnV Hoan 4 - - J W.V.U.41 after washing until you See the lpft-in riirt that p'Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out ui u.e pores . X it compared with mthin wSitrr, tu your uii.u yon rrr X ian,nn .1 J .L- l-fi. : it bring, oyf. ' ' ' Vo-4 have ,uhirj wi,h xnd . KiB iin rnT11;nBi. Vou thought yo-ir .Kin dean, b-at wonlCTed .hr it .U whr th. rif,i;.r, 8rcw more in eninct tray jrar. Kxn Um,jt Crm ,miy rubbed in and then u ttly nabbed out will bnr, Wl!h ;I the dirt that soab kai m, ",.L ,k- Z. " i in the c.Wk..l " " "" a j i tarben 1?py pompeim Maugt Cream it 4 a .rum to rrant tne licin Rranger and I, a reat relief after .en arnncive. I i J.n a, prtc:ite Fcmptian Maoage Cream beouae it Kamulate. the circulation irl t tt i brij.it, clear complawn. C " : m ( ' trn ar1' f ti famou. bookt "A TreatiaeoB Facial Muup.1 Porr.peiaa Cram a k,A at 50c and fi.oo pet jar. Hillsboro Pharmacy about .SO.OttO fuel of lumber, r.mfr- i I'hickt1 doubt rt gn tted that it ' ' ... I I .'4 4 .. i. : . . . ... ing irom 1x4 to 1x12, 2x I and 'Jxt'. i "u'"i: 1 ii-atrers on. good dry lumber. For Hen t: Farm of 117 acres, Term of Sale. 10 and under j V(-r K n acres undor plow; on rural cauhiover III), ninety dayo with ; mail and mi:k mute; 2 miles from bankable note at s per cent, 2 per llillhv.ro; t, 1, -phono connection, cent diacount for cash. j For term- call Farmers' line. Paci- THOMPSON illlOS. I.t'M. CO. It. P. Cornelius, Auct. LAW ABOUT HKING SLASHINGS SheriirConnell Iuih jiiet received a Huocnd inatallment of an "Act to Provide Againut Forept Kirei," from th Secretary of State, for free dis Iributinn. A copy of this law may hi had upon application to that oll'ieer. We publinh thii week the section which refrrs to the burning of n'.anhing, etc: Section J. llnriuK the period be1 en Inn tit and October tat, which is liorc hv ili tigtiateil the clo-.e aeason, it sb.ill he unlawful for any person or perilous to et on lite or cnu.se to le aet on lite, unv lathiiiK, chupjii Dt; . wood laud or fiin.il) land, t ilbrr hi a or their o n or the prop erty ol another, without written or piint eil pertiiiion from a Slate live warden ami compliance with the terms thereof. Thia restriction ahull not apply to the burning of log piles, stumps or brush beapi, in aniall ipmntities, at a afe dii taiuf from oilier inllamtiialile material ami iinilrr adequate precaniioua and per aonal control, and In accordant with o v ulation adopted by nid board; but il any audi burning without pcrinisMou hull result in the encnpe of lite and in jury to the properlv of nnother, this shall be held prima facie evidence that aiich burning was not sale ntnl waa a violation of this section. lo lation of theae proviiioua ahull he pun iahed by a line of nut less lhaii twenty rive dollar (f 15. ooh nir more than live hundreil dollara (f.soo oo), or by im-1 priaomnent ol not leaa than ten days nor more than throe months, l'eimiln to burn, a provided by thin section, may be Isiued by any State lire warden, 1.1nl ahall contain such restrictions n to time of burning ami precaution to he taken a may be fixed by the Slate Hoard of Koreatry or left by sai.l hoatd to the discretion of fire wardens. Any I'ne warden ahall have the rl;ht to refuse, revoke or postpone permit when it is clearly neccsaary lor public safety. Any applicant ditsatbilied with the decishm of a State tire warden ahull have the nuht of appeal to the Stale Hoard of Forestry. Any permit obtained through wtlhul niisrenreaeiitatiou ahull be Invalid and Klve no exemption from liability of any kind. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at puhlio motion, at her residonce, on the corner of Fourth and Kir etroeU, HillHboro, begining at 1 p. tn. on 8ATURD.VY, SEPT. 21. Home Comfort Range, Healers, Blue Flame Stove, iieiirooiu j Matting, Sideboard, a Intension lahles, a Rockers. LouiiKC Footstool, HuUiie Fnuncs, Dishes, Dining Chairs, llanKU'K Lamp, We Curtains Hooks Harness Maker Uorae, (x-U, Tubs, Wringer, (lommodes, Fpholstered Chair, hiteli:ii Tieasure, Sale, Scythe, Scoop Shovel, Pitchforks, Iron I'limp, and other arti cle too umcrous to mention. Terme: All sums under $10 cash in band; all sums over $10, b nwitTnAVit"- J. C. Kuratli, Auot. Argiw and Oregooian, $'2.00. lie Static The 11 ill; -b to band discoursed fi'iiif line shctinnH Saturday nuht from the band stand in the Court Hon e p!ai, and later play ed at iho t p' tiii'g of the "Hen of Sweets in i!s new location. For Sal:' About -10 well-bred ihoiita and brood kiwb--Inquire of F. W. lhleninn, 2 miles couth of l.b.nive, ocrors the road from Tual atin Plain church. P. O. address, Jlilishoro, K ll. The HiUeloro ha ball club met the Culm liue nina on the diamond of the hitter club lust Sunday, and took the Cornelius b.iys into camp to the scor; of s to 2. The Corne lius fido did notrcoro up the seven th inning. Assessor Geo. U. Wilcox as sii?lt'd by Ward Downs, is working hard on tho tif'.-vssment roll, which he I'Xprcts will 1 completed in about three weeks, when the work of extending the tax.-9 for 1907, will begiu. J. U. Bailey, of P.uxton, called Monday !aet. Mr. Pailey brought l.s head of lat hogs to Convin & lleidel, the bulcliers. Lie cays he will start bis prima dryer the last of tho week, nu baa 20 acres of Italian prune'. He reports a bumper crop of all kinds of fruit this year. Mii-s Minnie Abbott, an Argus compositor, this week received an illustrated liost cird from her sis ter, Mrs Dr. U. L. Riggers, of La Grande, Oregon, now Visiting the JiimnHlown F'air, showing St Paul's Episcopal church at Nor folk, Va. The church is of historic interest, having been built in 17- It bears the mark of a can non hall, fired into it by the Brit ish, in 1770. C. K. Bradley, first assistant in the experiment station of the Cor vallis Agricultural College, has been investigating the ditl'erent methods employed in drying hops iu the yards of Washington county this week. Mr. Bradlev ia a grad uate of Pacitio University, and a well known Washington County boy, who is making bis way to the trout as an i llicient instructor in the Corvallis institution. Ira Ptudin, of Portland, was in Hillsboro Tuesday, and informed tho Argus that himself and daugh ter. Miss hid na, will start, today tor a vii'it with relatives in Ohio and Missouri. While gone they will tt,ko in tho Jamestown hair, re turning homo via Washington, D. C, Neiv York City and Niagara Falls. Mr. Purdin's last visit East was .11 years ago. They will be gone about 2 uionthB. COMMISSIONER'S COURT i Continued from las', week i lo the matter of the netitinn of Peter (irogsen: application for re-! fund of tax as prayed for in j-,i-; tion; ordered that tax be refunded.' H G Fitch, J P, Cornelius pre-! ciuct; transcript State of Oregon vs. i Seeley examined, approved and' hills drawn for cash. ! C U Knight, J P. Butte precinct: ! transcript State of Oregon vs. Jas i boyle; examined, approved . J 11 Uirtz, J P for Fore?t Grove;! transcript State of Oregon vs W N Myalif; examined and approved,! and bills drawn f ir cash. Present ownership and road nmv l of county; ordered that County j Judge be instructed to advertise for bids formakiug present ownership and roid imp of the county. Leonard Hill, gateway ro'.i tion; ordered that report of viewers hereon be r.ot accepted, and that' thr) petition he dismissed. j William Laeev, petition for sa-l loon licenso in Gaston precinct; or-1 dered that the petition be denied.5 Uesignntion of G W Stilt as road supervisor of district number 10: ; resignation accepted. j f W kelsay, et als; petitions 1 and applications for funds in cor- j tain road district?; petitions of Fj M Ktlsay, Lipschath, et a!?, and; applications of C K Sborey and ! ni Jooa for aid for roads ba dis-! allowed. j Additional claims allowed: John Baldwin, c h ..f 7 50; J 11 Wirtz, Justice fees.... 6 50 ! T A Hoopenpyle, c foes 2 70 j Titos Murphv, sun sil 12 so! John Bever, " " jo 00 1 J T Fletcher, " " 5 cu ; J V JStitt, " 7 5o Jake lleicher, " 11 2500 J W v.iHidin, sal etc iu 00 1 I nvin-Hodsoi! Co, sta , 2 00! Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by the Comptroller: DEPOSITS March 22, $46,223.17 May 20, $89,822.2& August 22, $130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: YV. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pr., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, .... Oregon Bailey's Big Store EVANS, AN EX-CONVICT J. White Evans, who secured the right of way in this county for the United Kailways, and who has been a leading promoter in Port laud for more than a yesr past, has been exposed by his wife s former husband, Dr. Owens of Los Ange les, who says While served a term in San Quentin for grand larceny. bite admits that the charges ate true as to his Bervice as a convict, but says be was innocent of the crime charged. White baa brought suit against Owens for extortion through the medium of letters. He claims that he has paid Owens large sums of munny to prevent his past record from becoming public. Evans will be remembered 1.1 Hillsboro as a well dressed and agreeable business man, who era ated rather a favorable impression here, while engaged in securing franchise for the United Railways. It is alleged by the Oregonian, that none of the enterprises promoted by hiin will suffer through tho revelations made, as Evans acted raererly as agent for those interests Uivans wue lias gone ast, ana no is at present in Los Angeles. It is not known whether ho will return to Portland, as he disposed of much of his properly before going south. We sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. J. E-. Bailey, Forest Grove J iff x. 'X. atrat ts mzmm 'mm ,m mammu mmmmmm mi N 1 'i B H N M mm m. mmmw 1 WEINHARD'S (On draught) The best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use it w Y WILEY'S Argua and Orogonian, $2, Ufe Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes, Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices. See our window. For sale: Binder, threshing ma- Dr. F. J. Bailey waa in Portland chine nut lit, portable sawmill, eto ,on professional buiineii kit Batw Will soil cheap. Kuratli Bros. day. UJ10.