VOL.XIV HILLSBOKO, OKKGON. SI- PTE MBK K f. 1907. ARggS. NO. 25 I i i .-iiuinuc Appoint SllKsMiaiy (mnitlvvs put or f'"- :i' 1 5 ; illtW Alter jolu, U-nu.H an I .. A. Ut II ! lrnfi. t imirinan Uroo, , , i Unary. Th Ml..uij! "'" .-atj.ft 'illlml: v. w,i.r. MJf and IMr'l S.hul..-nd., Urt.wk A luiry-W.tV H,!,u! till 1'ivi.. Sain M-' B,. "I a ! I rrrJ .tuoM-r, in fc,rl. MM CuW- ",,,.....! ' !- ; ;; . ti -.- 11 m....-.-' -"'' v n.iv.:.t.AV..., Kite T i- J"!," ' " ' v- '' ' elite 'l!-' M" !' " U.K I'K'I l'.. H. V a. !,., m.tn. M - t 1111 T t-': , ,. ,,- . , . r. h M" 1 . : ' ' ink ii , V V'';" iWfHr .. I'-i-m- , ,,V; V' i .ii. u. 1 sv-'";';, u (,!. i ' i t" M V. II IMtini'.UHr .! I " !' 1 ' ' tt R Itaffit, VV. K Si'.i, Mo J V !w, M. f.. . !".!!. M ' 1 W )!....! H , , u, SatU l'""n? C. ''"'. V M.gvitu. 1 i l;'" ii"''1. i"' t:,: i f!..- ... , A.!H;'V I. A 1 " v- imlll. U. l.niM. il i .W i.J. ! ! li-.M ('' ! ' j UrtuWt, tin ' a"'' 'I ''"' ' ' 1 1"""1 I d,r, FtuU; , Nhnl.. S, i ii4 . Ii '(- ! i!..i!tln .,tim. lWCimll illtmt'l l r!r. !. H Mlcxliiliililr l..nt J.ntli, Uir Bowt hi tt into Uir ilm t ( (-.m.i. Votiu'i !.l!u I I'U.r.t ui r.t WlIMM IiiXim- III lllr tiMtl Til'" Wrt::ii,; n iiur,il'. r -lr until.' ! K' '' Ide im aii.l l.m l.H-k lt. nil Kr )WlitlV w.i.!.!r. Il 'l! I" f Ux Ii. kt H j.tmli il (hi liiiji I"' llouuiw .lr Iti'Vrlt, J ct Hi" tmh, Jitu tulr l WcU, u i i iln i' Ii. JOO 6vf vtr l!. It I. 4S n !iU i m II. JJOlrn l.ili- liikrlK, 5J l rtlH i it. II. molnmlv ..tr UiUi ln. ft ." r i. h. II .!. . ..!. .1 . ... Ott U" '"'I '" lM !J X (i nil , l-lll. Ml !. .!! TWitiilt, unlit i licil. iU ti.m 'l il H1..I ru IV Wrtlltrxl.lV rvilit'ij' Utli.lr.t.-.l llnl 111' a.'.v. .i.Mr.Jj tOttUllUrr ill.niM rl ! ! J ' till ) ' ttnli, miiiuutii iiiR ih.il v !. i.'iil'l t" hnifhl mi. 1-4 t in (.'. in tu ip lnl.i t lur ciilrt mil U .1I. HILLSUURO HO l i t- t;Ol-l A ilunt t-Uifiii tPHHinliliiiK in t ill' U ' I'hhco tlknli niiuiMin, iwnit ihr-.urli Itillnliuru' rtiwlH Htur 'lay, iihk'Ii to tli tliwoiuforl of our riti.fii. Iti'nl mUIo inovcil lively ilmiii): Ilm nfiriii'.uti in virinim iliri I'limm. H'vtril tneii wr wstn ciiuiiinK il;rir hl, tnl during an fit jili.ihaily liiinvy IiUkI frniu th lirllmn of uliI li.irnftc, Uru liiuli Iritin Ilm ni l (mk triM ill front of llir Timlntitt 1 totnl, ratntt craifhinji tliiwn, i.iin.wly uiiniiiK oiid of our U)M t in t lid xKinn kfinrnixiii, I i ; lif lafl dy in Au)(Url, fuur ciiuj Ikh iiilid f.ir ii ) rt(iv'l lii-ftii-d in wm! from Ctfrk (lodnun With ti rlt-t rif riorum Uo to 'r UKiIil duiiiiK AuKUnt, tbl tiimitli ci ou rnxrl, one of ii.o Innk ii l t .n'ictd, with in i( ii.rii.i.ry (if ilm otdoMt lu-hnl.iliint. Oregon Pioneer ot r2 Hillhoro l'ioncct tI IHi t tLOSE OP K WELL M'fcU LIU! itr!ik(ii With Ptraltui. Succit tuli II ymi wMit tii tilt your jilr, t iixurw frmn the (irnutir A U.ii ll (oii)iiy, of St-holla. We r Ilm hirgrwl tinttiufarturnr of I r 1 1 n ti!r in l Ii t roiinly, nnd hv ild our rvlm l far and wide, if you am Ixiild thia Kali, ;;-t our liKun of hrii-k, liiiilding iiin k H . Wn furuiah lum i' r, Mtitfh and driaffd, of all kin U, Bifnl dolivcr if rwtiird, in i'lii'l.i ii'iit iiaiititit4. AddrtoMi u .1 JliUfii.r.., U. P. I. No. 2 II nil r n u t i ifj? Irt fiil tiling i-risii your ordi-r Iwfure Hit, I. H )'. VwXi-r, a writ knnwn and 'rp?r'rd i :liril of t'ornnliua, died .tfu ':iy. Aucu't .".I, Iini7, agnl f'J st-it lh i'ii;r 1 (.(Hired Hun fay, info uiit li-in in iht Corno !ni' ( int-rv, tln U.ld Kfllnw of 'i Hlii K v thveravo. 'I lm funeral !rnnt)i pfmilifd hy Hrv tihkc, i f thi t'oriifliua M. K l"h;rih. lUfiwd wit Ixilh ao It i.) tloW Kil l UOtflllMl. lit ' a wife inn and diiiililtr, ! -I. i. Ut'.rr Unna a tarlir in the j i',: X (irovo jmlilio artutol. j II Wi-htui 8 and S.-na will give 1 :, h pah iuircha amount !tK in r a man w nun muwta v -l tn i. dramiiK on tha fillowinit fiti; IM Tif , air of 10OI ii I Mankftn; 2nd ili, I i.W iu ra.liv Il'd ir;. "ilt! in trade; 4tb iiiii. Ladv'a I ' alioea; fth I f . . . .... r.t", pnir Men a f .l.Mi rlioe; utn p? , f, ij i snfi) jiania u, t. i. Will X. lUrrell. iniiUhinman at Arinp'tu Naval Academy, who . fi Hii:H(.ri a Year aio laat April, rritirtipd h.mie aet Monday morn . .in viait In hilt family In thia ' " ... " 7 . ' .-..t.i. i-.lv. Will hut paio-eii crouiiaoio .xaiiiinatior.a thua lar, ana iiae 1 1,., i i v He nut in the .Summer i-ruUing on lli Olyuipia, Admiral Ii. wpv k old tUg ainp. W1" oji. iul hi vacation with bU parenla ,n line t ity, riporiaiR to the Naval .,-hmi! the lant of the preeent noiith. II, NYhnmn v Hona, nre re . .. i ' . ..i 1 1..... ... vm.f llll.if M l 1111" Ol iwn The not uneiptH-lml death of Calvin lenry Adama wcurred on th' ivi- ning of thel'Olh lontaot, Hiiperin- duced liy a paralytic etfoktf, 1 hue paaaed away one ol Waeliioi'tun I'ouoty'a heat known men, and an Oregon pioneer of 1iV2 Mr Adama firat eetth-d in the Waldo lilla in Marion County, Cuming to Uillehoro In lO:!, where he rt-eidul continuoualy to the tiino of lealh, a highly rtupected citizen. Calvin Henry Adam wd' !.irt: January 7, I t-Vl, at Hlock'a t'oroi r- ALVIN IIKNIIV ADAMS Dim i CLAIMED 111' IJEA He ii i i i it"f;, '!" r - " Xi I . . : f ..if i I K ' C-: . :' ? iliJ A ratlin important tranamctnm war mtilfl in llillatmro projerly li-' Monday, whi-n (!. II. J. rcioi-di old the liilldhor.i llstd ptopettv lo Kl. Stdinlmrrlcli, Will Wiie) nd John ltailey, the roit-tiil.-f 'tttui. not being divulgeil lo the reporter Mr. rVhiiliiiericli, hever, eni l tbit tlie hotel which now hot P UW iHima, will U er.Uisid " WtODige rupjiren, mul tlutt wiira under the new itiamiKe mDt, will tut a doiil.lrt dining room. A leaee Iihh heen eivouU d by thepurchaxera lo J. W. I'.ige'ow, ltol the I.nox hotel, I'oitlnnd. Who will take piWHrHinn Home time during the preei nt week, nnd u li. innonneen thut he will have Urn' oliia oervico in hII ih'piirtmimt.! The name will remain ilm eai HILLSBOKO WINS Frank I'.ire, ol Portland, wan in town Friday. 11. ii. of Oleic, waa in town i-alurday. Mr,. K. J. I-'iia-.o! Huxton, waa in town Friday. K I. KuraUi vieited 1'ortland .-aturihiy on husiiieeH, Fii.e lin of Hmniiton-Iirown flint , at J .hn I'ei.nia'a. D ivid Wenjer, of Helvetia, n Sunn a (jj.inty w at v jailor Friday. 1 ii Wilcox, of Corneliiii, had I'usi iifet in Millwboro Friday lant. W. N Jiiirrett, wife, and aon, ritunnl from Newport laet Fat ur lay. (5. V. Mareh.of Centerville, an o'd tim'j friend of the editor, called Friday. I Ai-t Kaeletori. of I'ortland. vioit- je l r !Rliven and frienoa in Hills!)- ro Sunday. i I Chi-. liarrett and wife, of (ireen ;vi:l", v I h i t -1 the former's mother in j llilirhor ), Silurday. I A J I !)-!, of Purlland, a neph jew i f the Kuratli hrotherc, apetit j Monday in Ilillehoro. (YP no or phone to Dennis for (fnv-ri-.e. A complete and up to ' i it-- 1 i 1 1 ; a!w ;i) on hand. I W. I!. Wili in, an employee of (';() K.iv N. railroad enmpany, j m taking a ehort vacation at home. j W. !. Ifure and wife, and Henry j .Vt.-hruiy, ftt.d nife, i e turne 1 Thurg .; l iy l iht froiu m online at Near- port. W.II M lll.lrwney, who resigned Itha l.uiurt Luf-r.t of the Lsdd A j U(.i fir:a l;is-t Aj.ril, has again t.-.ki ii 1 1. :!',. M r. H. It. Dfivk whose ale noilc aoi ejir in thin i-su, has b o;',it a lodiinc hou0 in Port Itir.d. and has removed to that JiUce. D. W. Bath, etli:or of the Inde nemli -nt. lad the honor to be elect ed eccrt-tarv ( f the Oregon Prea? Afoociaiion last week. Congratu lat!or.. We are polo ncenta for the K. N A- V. Co. tlothiue. The kind that titslioth perfon and purse of the well dnw-d man. II. tUruog iv. Sun. C. A. Hanlt y, w:h in town early Monday to get a permit from the Fira Warden to burn a 30 acre ti act of flahing on hie place on North rlainp. k W. V. Io.llroiid. of Latourelle Falle, forno rlv near Cedar Mill, ia Mrs. Anthony Tongue Ilaa t'nplcasant Kxpcriencc SJIIIIOf Ml M 'i m m; nail i apiMM HOUSE AM) CONTENTS DESTROYED llutbing on Fire, Arrived now a part tf liufhilo, New York. He was married to Catherine J Hartlett, May I, IMS, in (ieneo. Illinois. They crowed the plaim to Oregon in 152, Bettling in Marion Couniy. The widow, and a brother, Wil liam Adim?, of tbia place, and the following children survive: Mr Sophia, Bowlby, William C Adam?, Hillahoro; Joe. S. Adams, Mrs Flora Pi Porllaml; Auks C. Adams, Weton, Ore ; Marion C Hutes. Idaho, He lift 2'i grandchildren and 10 great grar.d children. hbiiu i.ir ii.riv ii'ur . ,ruii 1111.1. id Mr. Adama was 87 years t 0:king after "his hop yard in this the time of bia death and enjiye-i ,y Mr ii:rood is an old average neanu imiu suicseu mm n.tuu!ii T)rtoiid wa a men, h r l ' ii . n ' - UilllltvAr.. I I... I... a.. I nil (V it I I t f '"inn nun mn unco run ttUvml laIlK ll.,. U .I.. M . .miia haul j v'' wini win) niiiitui inn" ,im Sunday at thia idaro. hv ft HJoro ol to . " , . vo ft. i iiere were no special fenlurns in the game, the local Bine oulpUying their competitor Tt batioriea wore, for llillnboio, Moore and Fourd, for BoholU, fny j nd Toole. II. T. Magloy (,f fl(!ited bh umpiro. Ilillshoro will P'y tho Cornelius nine next Sun (ly on the ltttler'a grounds. Hi. Clark, of Forest drove, county Hoat culler Monday. Monday was Lahor Day, but wilb labo xooitioiH, Everybody Ben Spooner, formerly of this """"ly, uow n bookkeeper in one oi Portland hanks, vieitod A. M. clile, Monday. ''A.Long, formerly oddtnr of ' 19 ArgiiH, and family, nro ut the ley hon yard. Al. will look er the hooks, and other duties In the yard, and at the same lime njy a spell of camping out which 0 lllil fu,.,;i ill ,1,ulil. nil- .hiuiij nut tin - i P(eniin i it... itiiKiH t.ioo.1-, l-O0Mlil'g 'I'n. nJ .lnfiii Sergm, l'.road cloth, Urap ci.or,.,, .iu1 fancy Dress (ioods. It will pay you lo call in, ana gel their priors Udore going eisewnerc to buy. II. W chrung .v nona. Formerly much straw was burn- in Wellington county each . .1 il. nrillAr ....... l.ll, III1H VPHT. LIIO . ;i idl...inff ha lid. About half if the amount oaitu ! ea-.n, will Utshipptd to I'oruami .ml 0,ot!onCily,i'riiigmguiB B.p- t.r:,lK.ut II per Ion. I be lieiwr ,.UA;ity f Biravy is bought . by the Orego'l City pitper mum. " y - of liiln u in the eiu i "'-"' jier ton. For Kent: Farm of Hi acr; ... If ui.r.U tlli lur nlow: on rural I I l fv' " I I -II. O 1,11 UI flOIll mill ami nm romr, . inil.born; telephone connec uou. F.-r term, call Farmers' line, laoi tic Sliitee V.S1. Hy the end of tl. pinwnt week nn.t of the grain in Washinton Cmuiy will I nafely harvested Tim litfht rains of last month did littlM or no damage. From con ,,rvRtive eHlimates given whea ihin yt.r will average from .K od. hu,lio!Hj.er iuiio. about -10 and hurley oil. i no g'1" ,B mod i via lit V. n i . . 11'. t.at.A nr. hired a car matt ot r.,.,.1. .Ilmoi from the taotory. .. iiv ner cent, on U o can eav' J1'", " ' .. . . same if ortlretl mimed lately .- .-tol.iilnuirich Bros ...i - ii 1 1 ..1. rl.in Cabin" ueople i ue i 1 ni l" ' : . -, , showed in this city Monday night, Hliowru ... v-iiit ..nmltt under canvass, lo aoouvow TH was estimated. The troupe nut up a mighty poor P" 1 . ,i:.t ilflrtrve the aen oroiirf patronaao they received. 1 he o v descen.fcd upon the Grove Tuesday tdgbt. r 1 1. ..t. ....... ,t. Hons are head "J.. "r: h( ntH' Furniebiog a Munsing-a all woo. ...i.Wwear for Tiadiefl. n I. Bnclier lng't the John Winter houeo aoa . - Maple streets, ima , iIVIll 111. ' ... n.iu wtiiinnmb. of Tort JM IHH linn" " t 4 land, was the guest ot Mr. L. a of the Congregational church in this city. Funeral services were held at the local church on Mttur- day, by Uev. H. (lilpatrick, and interment waa ir. the Mafoinc cemetery. A lare number of people from town nnd country were prmenl. The farm houe of Mrs. Anthony I lougue, mottier ol me late ton- gret i can Toi gue, fix mile? cprth of , HillslKiro, waa destroy"! hy Ere : last Thursday aflernotn, togi-tlier with the greater portion of itq cjn- tents. Mrs. looeue lofrmfd a; neighbor over the phone that her j I kr.tiu maa r r R pa a rt W f .Tartf. i 5 U V M ' V- nn V.. U . V . U 111 . r.vi j son, residing "one mile distant, j drove over taking thr-e men with; tiiui. When they reached the pLce ' a portion of Mr. Tongue's clothing: wai on fire, hut through the prompt aaeif-tanee of ChiU. Crocker, the 1 1 blaze was smothered, and hnvond ! alinl.t luipnli tKa tn.ti. ttilt t.nl fillf- I S fer. It i tiuiti irobable, however,! that if help had not arrived when it did, that grave c: net uueriCf j ..,1 i ...... i r.. r. : nouui nave, rrruiieti. .urs. icuuL ia staying with relatives in Hills- boro for a time, recovent g from the shock of her unpleasant exj.eriooce. She is not very ttrong, but afier the bouse caught lire, she managed to save a few article, ami it was while thus eneaoed the fire wa? CJmmuoicateil to ber dres. The! huihline was not insured. Mrs.) Torgne has operated the farm with j hired help ever since the death of her husband, eoma years ajo. Il i j hkely that Bhe will rebuild. Al rlnon fif after washing until you Yg see the lelt-in dirt that WPompeian Massage Cream will brine out I of the pores . . Jut M thii ppr a white until k it compaird with wmhir. whittr, to jrour lien ttjy look ctan until ;i try i Pamptun Mmt tnd m the left-in tin tht it bring! out. a. You hie bftn wuhir.j with tajp tnd watCT Wt Kill the rt roiuinei. Vou thought jrour ikin u clean, but wotxterea why it wt t&am tai why th wnnxirt ptw mote in eriience every yeir. Ptrmpeiu Mmi! Cream entiy ruowd in irti then u jently ruhbeil out will brir. w.th i Iht dirt that soap has neier touched, nomahet the tkin, pun twy blod in the cheelu, lea future do it perfect work. A3 laAen tpyiy Fompeun Maugt Cream k it (rot relief after having ir.i tenda to make the akin ttronger and leaf aentitive. Lae.ra appreciate Pompeian Mature Cream becauae it atimuiaut the circuit tiuo ana f:vet a or:jr.t, cietr complexxn. C'ltne in ful free larr.ple arid copy of the famout booklet "A Treatae on Facial Muaaje.' Pompeiaa Cream a toid at Joe and 1 1 .oo pe Jar. liillsboro Pharmacy MRS. FLORA McLEOD WANTED THE PARSON QUICK While a minister was prcachirg in a town not far from this place, last Sunday, a young man armed with a niarr'lUJH license stood impatient ly outside the church, waiting for i . . ....... .tii.....,.i,.., To the terniinaiuni oi mi- mm"... .v. hi.v. iha tniniitea seoiiied like cen turies. Finally he sent a boy in, tt lull triA minister to come out, iu .. , . ,, it.. t tHller wanted to see him. The boy told one of the ollicers of ii.a nhnnih who went OUtSUlOlllUI asked the nervous young man to bs natient. "Ain't he never going to ..nit'' miked the young man, mop ping the sweat from his perepinng brow, ue jui uuiiutivuiv.. .. .....,( a n " in iil tho church of llioiiiciii. ..p.", acial. "Well, 1 want mm on miahtv important business, le- plied the young man, pacing up and down. After preaching about 30 minutes, the minister came out, jumped into the buggy and away J. r 1 : 1.. t.. I Vta win nt pv tboy went speeoity mm where tne youio nu mm made one in short oruer. iu !., Iriara BH .r) dU6 tllO preftCU- or, and joy, and a fine chicken .i:r...np urni-A Biol OUfiiV tiut'ruiiii- UIUIIV. " - - O . .' t a,.A ia th iniD'itionce of gltiu, .'it... " I the impetuous youth. WIRTZ-SMITH Married nt the tesidence ot tbe the biide'g parents, Mr. and Mm. A. C. Wirtz, at aiouiimiiiuinr, Oregon, on September i, i.yt, Alder A. A. Buery, of the unnauan Bhuroh, nflioiating, iwint. v.. u't.i,, r,f Mnnntaindale. and Ij. I) tin'.,". .-"" . , Smith of Clarke County, S ashing- ton. The happy coupie wm um their home near Vanoouver, Wash. BARNES C ARM ACK newspaper man. Our Full ftatk of Ladiea' Shoes hve just arrived. We handle the famuli Drew. Selhy Co. shoes for IMit'B. W 50, 3 50 and 14.00. II. Wclirung Sons. John Caretens and K. F. Willis, of Bunks, were in towo Saturday. From them it wna learned that the tanks rehool district will Boon lie pin the const ruction of a new frame two story tchool building. Mike Aliidanaln, of Tillamook, left Hillshoro, Saturday, for a visit with A Ured IHircbolter, ot uay mnr.d. Wash. The latter formerly lived nee.r West Union, and will pay a vifit t Switzerland thia Fall, Marling within a lew days. Mm K. J. Barrett had the in des linger of her right hand caught in a clothes wrincer. last week. tearing the nail off and lacerating t hp fir.n of the diuit to a nainful de- groo. Dr. 1 J. Bailey waa called and dreeed the wounded neoiber. The late Flora Mcl.eod, was bem in Wsshinston Couotv. Oregon, near daKtcn, in laol, and died at the borne of her daughter, Mra Matteson at Independence, August 28. li07, aged 50. She was mar ried to F. M. Lewis, of Lewisville, Oregon, in 109. Her husband, her only daughter, Mra. Mitteson, and her sodb, Albert McLeod, cf Aurora, Jobe McLeod, cf Buxton, and her sister, Mrg. George Led ford, Hillsboro, survive ber. De ceased was a Christian woman and a host of sympathizing friends and neighbors mourn her loes. usv. J. A. Campbell, of the Christian Church of I'ortland, conducted tne funeral services. "Sleep thou in peace till ilawti Till overtliee at last snail oreiotuic resur rection morn, Not relatives alune tlnir tears shall shed But all who kuew her living, mourn tier ileail. Forest Grove National Bank Commenced business, March 4, 1907. Comparative statement upon dates of Call by tbe Comptroller: DEPOSITS March 22. $48,223.17 May 20, $89,822.28 August 22, $130,722.92 Accounts invited. Officers and Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres., Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres., John A. Thornburgh, Cashier, Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua. Forest Grove, Oregon r ARRESTED AND IN JAIL S. D. Buchanan, for a time a sec tion foreman on the r. K. iv railroad, waa arrested at tbe Union I depot in Portland, Sunday nisht, by Sheriff Uonnell, on a warrant issued by County ClerK Uottman, as a result of an affidavit filed in tho County Court under the Ab sconding Debtor's act, by Edward Hannan, a Buxton' metcnaut, ..hareine that Buchanan was about to leave tbia state for Texas, with out paying a grocery bill, amount ing to $128 Buchanan refused to put up bail, and ia now in the nountv iail. Hannan has begun suit to recover the amount 0! his bill. T. II. Tongue is his attorney. a.-... u.l l. Cnnntv Judge J. W. Ooodin, in bis parlors at the Court House, Aug. 31, 1907, Mise M. A. Carmaok, aged 40, and T. Barnes, 1 K. LA nt Waah ncton Coun- ageu ou, w" " - " F. M. Crablrco, who has a 40 acre hop yard at Laurel, called Saturday. Mr. trabiree was one of the luokv ones, having contract ed the 1907 crop in previous year. He expects to fct 21 seres of hiB fsrm in Frni iinette ana mayeue walnuts this Fall. W. B. Jolly, of Portland, ia now al his hop yard near this place, which is rented to Mr. Kamna. He reports bia crop in fine condition, free from mold and lice. Picking began Momlay. Mr. Jolly built a new hop-kiln this Beason, making two now in the yard. J. H. Thompson, of the firm of Tv.n.v,..onn ltroa . wno oneraie a sawmill near Mountaindale, called wfiip.tnr in couiDanv with H. N. K't. .... vij , r Fit zen, who has run tne pianer ior enrnn t mfi tisst. iur. finz8n IB leaving for Oroville, Washington, where ho has relatives anu may re turn later on. Aclion was begun Monday by Tim Nulann Hardware Company, of irillsboro, against Hay Scoggin, mViA i.a ho Andrew Jack hop yard leased, the present unpicked bop crop being attached. Scoggin had given a chattel mortgage iu the crop to the Herman Metzger Com pany, of rortlar.d, who, it is said, nrrrr.fl to advance niokina money in Knnnoin. hut failed to do 80. K. B. Tongue is attorney for Nelson A HOUSE BARGAIN Bailey's Dig Store We sell SELZ' Shoes; The' make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher Ball aud Oxford. For sale: A ten room house, new ly built, city water, electric light ed and each room and closet is ightod; two porches, each lighted; on corner of Fourth & Jackson, two and one half blocks from busi ness district. For terms and price, cuuira of G. M. Hunter, or Kurat li Brothers. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove RYALS DENNIS Married in Hillsboro, Oregon, Sept. 9 1007 ho J. W. Goodin. County Judge, Grace Ethel Dennis, and W. W. Pvyals, both of wasningion Cnnntv. Oreeon. Mr. llyala iB one of the owners of the "Big 4" eaw mill in Sooggins Valley, ana tne bride is equally as well known. COUNTRY STORE -FOR RENT A eood country Btore building, in aood location, can be leased 00 reasonable terms. Auurese, w guB office. Married, at the Court House, by Judge J. W. Ooodin, Monday, Sept. 2 T. R. Marts and Bertha Trast, both of Laurel, Washington Coun ty. Tbe groom obtained his license last Saturday. Argus and Oregonian, $2 4 f3 ;::;.::;., 1 WElNHARD'S(on The best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use At Y. WILEY'S mmmmmmmmwmMmmm wmm i r &e Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete line of Shavers l18" ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes, Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices. See our window. For Bale: Binder, threshing ma- The wind Biorm u. , ty igesh country air. Whiicoml), aunaay