HILLS80H0 ARGU5. MKU'ST T 1-V? Kiitarvd at the Poat-oAire at HilUboro Orejrun, as wvnnil-rla.w mail roattor. IIKXKY a. Cil IM, Kditor. County Official Paper Bubvription: One Dollar per Annum, Url Every ThmrsiU -BY- UV1LU McKINNEY WASHINGTON COI'NTY, OREGON FInItion, 2tlKM. First County in ttairyiuir; 1100riws comlensHl milk daily; two bijf condensers; billions of tett merchantable timber, thirty million feet annual rnt, will nearly double product this year: richest of yardeu lands in the world ; bulk of county ran drive to Portland aud re tnru in a day; finest market; (treat hop district; line school system; fl- uesi ruinate on coast; mint winters; no county debt ; bet.t natured and best read people in world, population con- suiereu 'est in everytnin?. HIM.SBORO ('OHlltT seat: 2.000 teonle: Six churches, Protestant aud Catholic; two bauks; two telephone systems. biy milk condenser; sawmill; two rauroaus; and electric Hue coming AND THERE You ARE! king mun have fsil.d t,i viiit 1 Washington County orchard. : The Argus is indebted L Mr. 1.. A. Lonp, former editor, for xalu.t- fir.t i. n.WlL0. ............ !:V,Cr r"'i,rK H PW UtllKlU Of ...v., . ."V ...,n- .;, ,,ami ,,, k,OWi umj, llient. IU iv.u-iusion: A rtiue.tv which ACKNOWLEDGE IT 11:IMioio Has to Ih.w t the Incvita liM' - Smi i s of t it irons I'rote It THE DEACON TAKES NOTICE IT IS NOT TO LAUGH To the hundreds of his friends io Washington Count? the under signed wishes te say that he thanks them all for the loyal support given turn in the years now paet and gone He feels a personal interest in them all; :n their future; in their success es and failures: in their eriefa and joys; in their families, and all that la of heart interest to them. They have treated him always with the kindliest of consideration, and helped him to build up one of the finest county teat newspapers in the northwest, without exception; and irrespective of political affilia tion has this been done. He likes you all, and if he has an enemy in the aunty he wishes him well and he isn't much, anyway. Mr. Guild, the new editor of the Argue, is not unknown to Washington County people. He is a practical newspaper man, and makes his home here. If you with to do Mr. Long a favor you will help the new Argus firm, and make it easy for him to get out a bright paper. He will do his part. As to the future of the writer of this, ho may he here for some time, and, who knows, may be working for the Ar gus once in awhile, just to keep his hand in. Thanking the best read people io the state, and with the kindliest wishes for their personal welfare, it is farewell; adioe; und lebs wohl. L. A. Lonu. Or Hiltsb'rotown srcuis lonr'v now, The people all ; nf none A-pickiu' hops out on tin- pl.iini In course, it mnt "'Kuii; long." But still it allu hriuj; the NunIi Of health to ev'iy check, An' puts a pouml or two of lU sli On those that "pear mute -.ik. An' then, agnin, it helps .i!ii. Am' ktes the kills a ri:.n.rv An' kinder loosens up oi:r ou!. With story, song an' il.uuv. Hop pickin' time jest takes me l.ck. To w hen t was a lov. An' knew t.heni all the count v 'tour,! A county full of joy. An if I wasn't iiiite so oM. With life so nearly spent. I'd take wile Nue, go pickin" hops. An' camp cut in a tent. Cure.) ve ils ilk. whirl. ) k.-i.t il.. Wi.l t.r in ko.I health sine, can 1 relict upon to prrform the uie wotk in other cases. Ue.l tiis. li. S. Cooper, tanner, living three mi.es normoMt oi M m. Vit.. on K. h l N.'. ;, ssvs: -1 just u emphatically lecor.i-.i.euu ivan Kul.ir-y rills Unlay as I .lul s ine three yean ae,o. At that time I pnvureil the tettuily at a ilruKstore ami usen itwr.u the result that the back- scl-.e wns l'.iuishel ao.l the oilier annoy j ances c.iist.l by a deraneiurnt of the ik:.ti-es disappeared. The troubles j started from lv heavy lifticR. resulting in my imcs oeing sumnrM anl ever arter thorp .s a du'l aching over mv kidnevi and through the loins. I j;ol prompt re l:e! Horn Doau's Kidney filli. I also know ol sonic of my nriyhl-ors who have uvu v.-.r leiueny auU toinu! it most i lel'.aXe." Kor s.i'.e 1V :ll ilr.llrrii. I'rii-v tn i-.iit,i I c-:ci Mibiirti Co., l".i:l!'.ilo. New York, 'i!e scents for the I'iu'ii-.! .i.t. h IJemimNr the u.uue, Kmii's, and take f.i oil.cr. The Milne wirehous hm lnfn leased bv Geo A. B.-own. and -. is ready to receive hay and grain for storage at reasonable prices All storage business will rrtiiv prompt attention. Geo. A. Brown. T Lessee. FARM FOR SALE Notice to Contra, toi s Can WIN & HZWCL T '"Hat Noti.-e ,s heiehy (jiven Out -.i'.cd will le rei-iTd at the clctk - " ' ' .1 Scl-oi iMvtrn t No. -1. tits -s t. -u. 1 'u c " until jxm p. tii., S. pleml r . I: '', 1.'' l.-ithiuc and pl.isteniit; the . tmol lun v, in Siiiddistnct-In'th lot work and m terial, and ftr work alone, the .l.v.iHt furnKlitn.iten.il. AImi tiemt s t,t Im.M itij Hue. ll.ius 1'rteiMMi. IV.t.Oi'l e.t , n i.'.'n . lire drltvriv l.all , l' ctn. V, e 1 11 v t it sl-v W i ir,,;,"i fttvtam J Sti vnnet Vti r?r, K.'ltttoro, Of 1 1 i"IHI Life in Leather JUST A FEW WORDS Having purchased Mr. L. A. Long's interest in the material, subscrip tion list and good-will of the Hills boro Argu?, the writer will hereaf ter be associated with Mrs. Emma McKinney in its publication. The new editor is a reoublicin He is, however, of the Rooeeveli, anti-trust brand, and believes in keeping close to the common peo ple, on all questions afTectine their interests. It will be the policy cf the Argus to treat those who differ from its policy with courteBV. re membering that every man has a right to his convictions, and that acrimonious discussion of politics and religion do more harm than good. The AreuB will be essentially a local . paper, striving as best it ma; to give the news fully and reliably. To the preHB of the county, it ex tends the right hand of fellowship and will ever strive to treat its con temporaries in a fraternal spirit. H. G. Gi itn. Ex-Senator Frank Mulkey, of Portland, visited Tillamook last week, and returned home Saturday in the rain, getting thoroughly wet. la an interview in the Oregonian, Mr. Mulkey philosophically re marked that the pleasure of the trip fully compensated for all die comfort. That ought to please the Tillamookers, who never like to hear anything said against the ram. 100-acre farm for sale: tins (oil: ST acres under plow; balance good pasture; do limber. Located one mile from Witch Hiz-1 Station; fonr miles from county seat. Ten room bouse: two bur.R: rno,l renter two wells. This is fini for .Uirv or purchaser could cut into snisll tracts. If sold so in sr.vs for iStl per acre. Abstract to ilste ewe with deed. Address or rati nn n J. Palmateer, Hillsboro, Oregon. THE MARKETS, This morninc's mark-. roinria compiled from Portland quotations! are: Valley Wheat, SOo. Barlev feed. t-2'2.:u ? nr t.- brewine, $2424 f0: rollH.l . i r.n Oats, White, 23 ".0. Bran, $17(2 11 j per ton. Hav. vallev tiniothv l7i,ite. clover, III; grain, rotatoes, new, f 1 (X)i $1.25 ptr nunurea. Eggs, candled, 20 m 27c. Butter, Creamery, !!2tuj .Tn:. MERELY AN OPINION. What Brothar Quackenboss Thought 01 tna runtral Proeeedinga. Th-well. ilU."' Itldii lHlIe remnrVivl old Brother Quavkenhuss, "I Isn't purs tn uo 'pinions ou tie epHi-so,lv one way nr le tuddtr iuuUsp'f, but def pvln yo de skin mid bones of ih; puh eeUln'a and leavln' yo" to dniw yo' owu excliialons. 'Twtiz dla-uh-way: EadurlD' of de funyal, itli-n hllst Patl aon Banster was dellvcrln' of an (.ru p'lnientary an address to ck- caw pso as j-o' most ever listened to. n sc- tloti nf de plaettr 'bout dat wide mid mcl.t.y dU long fotohed lonw; fuoi de ccilla' and 'acended oil dn nnhsnn'v lu.n.l m1 j.ov. i.iiuwn, .inn n m Kessier, J f kno kKi him senneloss-yiwah, ir.it Ncvhauser. !k-rt Krid.iv. V U ;n htm plumb out'u bwilness for do time r' S. bnti.'.cr, Fritz Spat, I O Kirti I) PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE IN Till: COI'NTY COt'RT OH TUK l.n: t'K tiKl't'.tN, KOR WASHINGTON' COI'NTY In the M.r.ter of the Annlieation of J. .ir,er.i:ut n Uiinin nuni; lur li.-ru U st-ll s;iiti:i:,iUs, Mtnuisund malt liijitots i:i iss illumines man one jjidlun in i Vury 1'teeinet. To the Iloiinnitdc County Court of the St .'.e of lte;oii. for Washington Conn t : The iiiidersv;ne.l Petitioners, lei.il voters of I Miry I'teetnet, Washine'ioii Cviu;ty. ('tenon, and constituting ti'ma ritv of the le il voters of snid 1'n-eiuet and lvtiiKrtetit.il rvsidrlils of said l'iv einet and bavin;; actually resided in said I"ieeit:et thirty days imiiinliatcly pieecd in; the d I'.e of this -.etilion, would re sreetfn'.lv jn-titii.tr your llonomMe Bu.lv am! would :ik that a lutnsi' to sell si.itituoiis, vinous and malt liijuors in less .iii.intities than uiw inill.ni ,,. Ii.;... I'rveitu t, W.ishiiiL'toii tnintv 1 1 1-...,' Ik- granted and issued to J.' M. Miller and William Young, reM.letits of s.iid I'reeitK l, such lieeiis to 1 for a jieriml i'i i'iie ear. M II l'.uker, Ileiirv Suslmurr, Martin an.lenl.rook. i.lliotl Sim.a.llu,..i,.,(, l'heo C.eene, Mi Spreadl)roii;li, John Adelioth, t'.core Yaiidehev, J C Smith, Martin t ioeinans, Win Smith, (.' W M vorm-ntev, lUnrv auileliey, Win 1 oe.iiu, riaim .iiueman, Jolin usl)auer l W Katnuater. i: A kirts. !' t tl.n. Win S;.readh..rouKli, V II Baker, . I 11 KkhIcI, t'has I) Yauhn, Thos Musmmi, Andrew HeVher. Martin Krilino U'.,. Kit'mr, C1:m Uutinj;, (i Kaf!u.r,' Win Kemt;, r I Herrv, I. JI Kuder, I N Ber- r , hanuiel Kuder, J M Reynolds, C F i.i- r nils, .ynoi.is am hum Ion, Henry .s.'ii-r, i .Neui).uier, rrank Keiutit r Cll.is I Ileth. WS Sohler. Wni V.,. .... . .'. le.i. I I. l'raner, C Vandetley, Tin v.Mi.:eranieit, l lias .sluing, 1. C Kim .hdl. John 11 Reynolds Sr, Fred V l.yda J Eert Kevnold's Jr, Walter K lltanl John Herli, Win Kohe, II B Daiicliey All ert Spietm-s, W Hanky, J Krieer I ')!etin.'s. Anton Miintiu,,, r t......-r I' N anderiandi ti, H Yandomi-len. Ceo an.ler?..iu.!en, A J imdehev, Henrv Vr.Kt, !: I. liny, Fn-d Willie. K I'. Mnl. .if-ui. Caiuiil IVros, T W Slorjfun, 1'eter .ue.ssfon, i-rank. aiidoineleu, F IMeueli Claud Lvda. I I I'rirkell Aim.wf to Cner, T H Jones, 7. N Seeley.A I' North i'm', .m'iiu 1.MJS. loe Igniter I r ri II II Ik-!l.rl, S Crtps, Chas F Rutli, VVm S IleHel. K Ruth, Frank Sells, W S I'OiiAorth, W C Sehneidcr, Henry ..j.wks, i ra. K v.reps, Aiiiert Vandomeleii A V j Mills, Win (1 Walkf-r tolin (Vl.l w. 11. lull!) ('ril!eDie. W It MW.iM Iu. dor Yauder.andeti, JIartin Ctieuc, Rene Crop. N(,h K Newhanser lolm Vri.la.. J.u-ob I.utisuii, Job ti M Kessler, J A . In HillisLoro, f: rs. y 'W 2nd John 1 Sli'Wv"':; ;.h tacul. ii j-i .vliu t i'it ol "UNCLE TOM'S CAD!N' Showtttjj utuk'f an iuiiiH-U'c u .;!cr-',;!.( with scatiut; c.ip.u itv lu ttu! tout, ot.Ic. Is t hat yott want. ri.niMtu-,1 u , .t kmaihip. V tt-.t- ,,y ( 10 j t-t I (M titer liHlinsiiioui" llarnoss, c, A iiiim.lili- liiii- l i. t I 1 1 II. till ! ..llMlv'N. I ttllfS. U in. ; . ,, ' i i . -. 1 iii . . 'II. 'Ill ilICS, iiii's. iJ all kitnls. :m,l M H ,1 ,,,, ' i'.ttt'l U- altiplivatcl in l'mil.u,,!, anil uit kiuausliiji n.n-.i,l, i , , il.-tu' l-i..tii.l, nn.l Ji , , ,.". ttasiMl.ll.tc, Mn. i tu t ,1.,,,, ,!. . , ,.' i "'i tiii " t. l! :: ! lxistolhi f, I'll ,vm.;.! 50O- Ktsorvt d Opt t a CKati t 50C) An iniimtiso st.it f Realistic mechanical i ts tin; '.'ci'ii . Pioneer Harness Shoo A M CAM II I . I', ,,,, r i'IK'1 I r in ri r umiiMim n n n , " HEAR Till! NOONDAY CONCERT Hy Prof. HaywtMTh's niiliiavx liills'.v I.UIS CrunJ Operatic On hiiir.i ot I ... K l'. .!. AtlmisMon, !.5' tml iV5c. A Special Excursion Train Leaves Ihixtiui at 5: is y. ;it.; i:.ink Returning, leaes llil!s!uui dk w ft fUttf 41 In ik 1 1 I.. I , CYRUS NOBLE fiffi! t,i.i.,, if .t MM.'..l li'...,' ! Iv...,.. ., lc. 1, , 6,,,, . V' ftca Nt.i.i r A . i-.r i """"mi ', I IUa 1 . i S Si 111 t 1 1 to . U., u 1. 111. !. I!!, tela'.' Well, ulwou'se, yo" know, de orjlen batter go on, uh-ka dr w.n d cawpe, aod dar wa5 de 'KriuhltiKe ua-waltln' wld polltp Iniimtlemc, hut dar wasn't auudder preacher to l ua, 80 PuhfessuU Toombs, de uudur taker, uteppwl luto d briteh, as yo" mought Hay, wld hlN inouf iili-smipriin' llk a dteel trap, and says he sawtah doguatiouHly: " 'Yo' all will plense make nut?, brud flren and glstauii, dat I tflkiM iuu'. tand right whuh do pahson uto'id, nh kaee f urn de place whuh do p!H.t-r loue fell down dar kalu't no nn plus ter fall down, uu-kase it's plimib dont down Rud tboo fallin", no mnttor bow bad I Htretehes de tro.-.f, mid wld dene few wordu of 'Hplimatlon I'll puh.-d. not uh-kase I' ntuck 011 de hnneiitnUe. bat uh-kane I take a l.ubfesnlni.Hl pride In iniih nrt and admlreii to have ae celebration go olT fit ten und Hliip abape. Wld de f udder conformation flat flU yuli isn't miicb pUHsonal si-diinentp (not by sev-ral, uli kaze our depabled feller citizen, iih-lvin' dar. done nw.. ine a balance of nix dollaLs ou de runyal of hln fou'th wlfoi, 1 11 pubse.Kl to read fum dig yuh book de r;uiah!(9 Ut wag writ to be used In a burial at ea, b'llevlu' dat dey (ioiindu Bolcrnn eholy enough to fit de 'caHlon and f;it enough funi de troof not to oauKe no vu' plasterin' to fall." "And den be done so. Dut'H de wny twuz, Brudder Biwanko. Yo' can init It over to milt yo' own bias." Tuck. S C.dlowav. Oco V Herb. U V tiui.l Henry Ca's, Jesse J Heard, (J V Hrowu,' .1 B Nt-wbauser, Harry Jornell, John N'arup. To whoiii it niny concern: Notice is hen lie (riven tl, il.o .....1... HKm- will on Wednesday the 4th day of '"i"" .i- luoiaocK a. 111.01 tluit day present the forfuoinjr petition for li cense to -ll spirituous, vinous and malt li.ji'.ors in Hair' Precinct, Washington County, Oregon, in less utiantitiea than one gallon, to the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, lit Hillsboro. Ore-con. nml t and place will ask that a licene e is sued to the undersigned applicants to sell spirituals, vinous nml malt liquors in I'airy Pieciuct, Washington County, Or egon, in It uitalitities thnn i,i i1l,... for a jK-riod of one year from the date of .r 1. 1. ..... .1...... i: .n pueu neeuse. IJated this jylh day (if July, 1907, WiKiam Voung, ,f, M. Miller. Applicants E-ilcy .t Hare, Attorneys for Appli cants. Administrator'! Notice "We Want- Votir Mtintn" (Might as well In? plain alu.n! it,, atn! in cmIi uiv-c will give yon Ivltet aln-.- 1'..: yu nn.n-.'V ll'.ui yon can get clseu here. Why? Our e.jicii.;e:. au- !;f!itct; ih. u.iter I'.u Cil . 1 '.V; i;!l'H 'M liii.; i lie. I ha! uc c niuiicy reut; no city tax; no stove vent If yon live in thi-; vicinity cau serve yon letter ami save than anyone else. This isn't lul uk Come in ami v, t mir ,iu, aud be eouvitf-ctl. ( ne of the !:trj;.v.t stocks General Merdunriiso T.. 1 1, 1 1 , iu uic cuuuiy, i ne last v.i i.ils :,i!,i (;u jniees are what count. Wc lielieve m selliu:.; j;. t li :it lstactioii. Nu'enicnilier !K,; v, jlt.u , ,,,, ly tiling mat is not all im.lit, l,n;r ;t at(j will make it right. Vours lor ,i Q .v, Rovvell Bros. & Co. SCH0U.S, KMiO f ice: .'lire sat. u v COQUET (50527) Tv PrrclnTon Stullion, ImportnJ From Krunct' in Jonr. 1)05. Color, black, vviih star in lou-m-a.!; weij'.ht, io; tS baiuls high. I'.mU-iI Aj.nl in, ti. I ),., tin! l,y Cdir Mill l'euheton Co. !s im.jtlvtl by the iVulirmn So ciety ot Ainertca as Au. .J M.V Will St.uu! Season of 1907 Kollows. W ill lie in sttttl only at honi.- bat !t ,,f Id-nnan Cl.islc, otic hall' mile east of 11, th.itiy. I "'all m -:-...ti. une j-lut! Trrmsi -Single Seivice, S; t I..U!,-, tc. will leihue for Mivin- at hoiuc ban.. Hut IIKRMAN GLASlH. Mnr Portland has a wood trust, along with some others. It sella fir wood at 0 per cord. Lafe' Pence, a pbilanthropiet of the Roee Citj, cas advertteed to "bust toe trust ' hy selling the same kind of wood lor to.oU. Meanwhile, the people smile, and wink the other eye. BICYCLE SHOP Bicycles, Gnus, Umbrellas aud Sewing Machines re paired and cleaned. Hand saw filing and setting. Also agents for new bicycles. Call in before buying or getting work done elsewhere F. R. DAI LEY. Main SI., wml of Schulmarlch'a Storm An Eastern apple king says that Aenland, Urtgon, nag tbe best or Insure Your Stock Iniure tour hnran nn.l 1i..i,.,.i. end when you lose one you will get cah. Don't take chancrs when it is not necrSMry. Take out a policy IN A MKLIABLE (O.MI'A.NY I am agent for the National I.ive tock Aaiociation. Insures ajjninst death from any cause. Drop uic a line. - Terms rcasonalilc. JOJIN VANDERWAI,. Jleavpiton, dr., K. F. v. Ho. i .Votl-i- ii l.-ruhy (fivon that tin, un.ler sign. . Iim ii, l,y an Onlcr ot t. Coun. ty t.oiin, hihiIh anil m.tereil ou th limt u.'T oi iiuiisi. llitii, aiiiioiutrU iKliiiinis trator ol ilm ..simi. ,,r l.i.i- - -. " .n,.. , niiui?. i.uvrr iuu'. (ki euxyil, nml nil rrsoiu havinK clainm uin il -aiil KstaU' are lior(.,y no- I....-, in hi.: ,-MiiMr, uiKeuier with I..D ii'j(.M. vouuiif.rH uierciore, to tliciin iirirsi((iii"i at IIih law ollice of E H 1'diiiio in IlillHhoro, Orr-goi!, on or' hi lore n inoiittm from tlindate hernol' latn tlrin 1st day of August, A I) PKT I ; 1 1 V A N DKCOK V RHINO, Aiiminlatralor, Notice to Patrons School District 4:!. Nntice H l.prehy (ivfin that tho Hchool l.nar. ol district No. !, WahhiKton uiinty, O,oi;oii, will olfiir to iiutrotia or the H'11,1 SclllMil D'lrid fi-i.i., .r,.. I e 1111I1I S-..leml.i;r 1, J!ki7, Kcl.ool DlHlrlct V arrantH in the miiiii of $1,200, in denom iiiHtioiiH of from ST,i upwanl, nald war ranlH to Lour intdrest at. ton rate of li per i l l. ir i itirii urn. ..it. i u . ... ... it,,., .,;..:...:;.' vv" "j j-"'" i'i in.-uc niu nariMi.M, lliaKlllg ; i"1.' m". iinii.o, I'tvo huh in rp years. KdHillClltH (if I iuf I ii O Wi d)i ulll !...., ..... : ...... ..... ... n... nam w.r prelci wicp, , ut in case the full amount if in ... nii.Mi-r.ofii oii.th win ne rocelveu from parties icHidinx elrfowhero. IVospci-livo piiicliaHorti of warrants will please call on or write John H. Dorlaml. District (,'lci-k, JlillKboro, Orn it. K. I). No. it. Hy order Hoard or Direr.torH. MeHarn. Calip Hall, Woi. JooMand J. 0. IIIIIh, and daloil lliin 11 h lay of AujfUKt, Ii7, St. Mary's Institute Near Bcciverion. Orcfjon, Conducted by the Sisters of St. Maiy. I,.,(.;itnl i ,. , , ,. , j ' a iik'm iieaitimil district, devtu miles uc; Jand, on boiithcrii ';;. ihc, Wtsl cf I in 'oil- Hill . Grills PAINTtKS and LHlCORATOrlS '""l'ii. t.i It. I., .Mlrr v ilu u ci 1; in all lin.'s of .;iiutiii: ami lU-cutalinn, ui.i win tnaraiitcc niu wiu k. We aK.. cany a line .f Wall I'aints, V.-truislu-s, Oils eti'.,at piit'i-s thai ate ri;;lit. Slmj, and st. -re .n,nsiU" I'ayiu- lims.1 lively bun Mum St., near Third. HilUboro lit -a a 3 t i i i t s t nun tsilv ay selitd tile, !ui!,l. ino'.li i n cnvi-n- or accessible bv convenient n,i itiKS ew, aud furnished u ith iences. Spacious grounds and special faeiliiv ..jio.vai vimuiL, unuioor oaims and exereises Course of Study is thorou.h, ci.tnjirisijur I', ini ..' (.raniinar, Academic and Cnmiereial Depai tinents' Uest attention m music, ai t and ueedleuoi k. Scliool re-o)ens 'luosdoy, .S.'((oiHi;or iOlli I'or Catalogue apply to SISIIR Sll'll;0J, liwjverloii, Ore. i k j i t, rrv. , ' r" returnded from i fbaitl in tbe world. Tbe applel The old reliable fir insurance man. I mook yeste-rJay. Sheep, bogs and bsef cattle bought. ToilepnndeDt Telophone, WI, J!.-avortr)n. J. G. Hajnee. Argus and Paciflc Monthly, $16, MarRiial Atkin'nn and fnmilv returnded from an outing at Tilla- Building Mdtcriol We have just received a lai-KC s.li ipmen L of Shin gles Lime, Cement, lirick, Pi,-, i, ick, Im.c Clay, band. Gravel, bibered and Un!ibe,ed Plaster See our prices before buying elsewhere. Climax Feed Store Both I'lioni's KiMtipanefirouaaes W. B. CATi: & SONS Hn-eilm nml (Irimtrs ot mid Drnlcrs i.i Keqistcred Hereford Cullk., ( dosdtile Ihirscs INlHid Cliiiiti Horjs, Shropshire Sheep AiKjoro (iocits I, ' ' " ,f '""'". "f H llu,l,i. f, m!,. at VUV irni-.lial.lf I,,..' , , ;'tlou t.,(( i M in i, ,, l,,,,,, ,. sl 1.. iM.ln r t 'list i! i I wr ''"": '-'i"i.ii..i '.Hy i'- f.ii t" l' ! ill .1 li ,' Ur ,,r 11 H"'1 " '" WiHaiil. U.' Vallry liii 1 1 Iii ' r i "'l'ti-l fouu .s,,,il,,l, rr lio. ii; Wil- -i. y(;,::,S,h:!::;r;:;j;;'i,r',' t:'""' 1 - A Youiiq Clydesdale Sliillloii I" service lo a fcw m;uc.i; t() islUc. Vounq I nil 00(, ,,m k Sj)(lftj u k. $2 Horse and Jack for sale. Pasture for all stock fr breeding, nt reasonable prices. it i . wEINHARD'S L 1 .i. (On diuighl) The best of all Peers. IML'gj. for Medicinal Use At W. V. WILEY'S ! I i i i i i l i 1 111,!;,;,!;.