0 HILLSB0R mi I Or vol. XI IIILLSBOKO, OKIiGON. AUGUST 29, 1907. NO. 24 :; ipii i t' pawl UN. .LlAM.U...I.j t-l ShvrilU Ul 1-VIIV AM.lllH Meet Srirl.iri ul lu iu" Cll MlJ( nl.on, liiJti .i IviLiwl Ik Artciiii'i s" "':,'' I inrrMIti! will Hint.. ul ill I' '.. b held In ! Ih" t'Uu tv vttil liv l'.irl ami auUuiioii.l owners t inaka lh Utlitou river road from Y'ut limvi) in TilUuiook in auto th'ifitlghfate, A- not Mff in lo turn I mill th hearty approval of thn farmer and othera, who nun that road, 'Mm principal nhjrctiou I that, bh thn rml has many gr:ile and eharp turtiK, it would I irciiiclv daugr-rona fur tr-ama to m suddenly confront! by a whirzing -imI.i on it grade or other pierng cf road A tatter route fur an auto road to Tillamook would lit via Sheridan iul tin Grand Hot. tin Indian Afc!ry. Thn latter route It longer, but much iiftlnr for auto I M. II. Nelson and J. C. Ifcacli A ii J Wife HAVE A CLOSE CALL, SAItKD.U Nf.Uon'a Houte Stl ua H(f i Two IID C1I)I Interesting Letter to Mayor John Dennis i of i l'iiwttitil, BUlfuflllilr. ' H mtlT I ire coii. ' riH'i Tim vicinity of (iltruc ha l ri il i.op!, and tho toKibiIily a shining mark this Hummer f .r arndmU would I gteally thunder Ults. Tim -! etr'n- rtorin a few week ago, did some damage If you want t. til your placo, in that .notion hy striking Clyd.t gt bgur. iroui tli (jioner A I ttUiAu ' Urn who-h t.ur.-.l ,owi Company, 01 Nbo lis. We ,, ., . . ' " . . - with Hit coiitdntit i ri kid lari-ini oiBllui(:iurnr(l 01 jmi tli l- t iitrtltoiia ui inn t . i ' I I i U . .1 . .. t . "A fr i-ill. lt!,.M wtr j.f.ltH-l far and ni.ln. If o'clink, during a thutulir t-howcr i iii i' ttit-ir ym r going to build thin rail, M. H. Neiwin was krux-kl T ,1, of il.tt ,,r 8ir l brirn, J'tnUliog on lh ol(1 Kreiimu fUcf lll'H S f .-. IB!IM lUrilllO IIKU- l-r, rotiL'li and ilrctowJ, of all J;ih. Ko'ili, tif r,' r Kny, wag in town Mopdny. J. (.'. Millt-r, t.f f Arcad d in tru:'., n in thr city Tuwday. J'crry WaUon.of liuzton, wkh in lii- city Tut-i-day , I'.-irn, ti Mr. and Mrn. Frank iUrr, of Hilialxiro, Au;ut 2", Kirl. Chiekm for .Several down WSTS T(J TALK TO THE RESIDENT t'ir.f'.y Sprirjr; chick"?!. Mrs. J. A. Hohhit, Fourth A- (Uk. J .hn M. Wall and family have rcturnd from tln-ir Summer home ell CrAf Cre-k. Yht fa'.-: Hinder, thranbinj; ma chin outfit, orU!il haw mill, etc Will fell chcaji. Kuratli IJroc. Mrn. I. II Maxwell, who lives ceir Mouolaiiidale, wae in town Monday. For bh!o: Full blooded Shep herd i.!Hp At llio Hillcljoro race trck And Tell Him Something About Grand ma Wood, i Years Old oltb .rl.ul UJ cl,l!U, 1 lhtlM I and bin team ei wnted hut without ht hiving n A c a i-l ..v.:.i..-. ..tin.' I in mi' ti"i) ' Li,..i ..... .)!.,... if .....,:.i runaway, mil wiuioiu mucn onm A I f I IM j mim", n u inn ji i r mi a I ' - i. ,.f irMKiic f,)r ill l(n :ti( ii-ii.oi nutitiiim Ailiirixa ut ifo, l ikih arinne Ifoni ui li-iii-n'l, iuiiiKro, i,, r. t. i, it grounJ, Mr. llron ran to mh ! !. . n luttii v f.-. ! yo" are nanuiK itrirn eitpu iuiuk, tiou-e ana intitiu u on lire in uo f ,,!,( ,,,., jHfiHi u your oruer ihn neja. j, niiai-m, the electric n il i Uit ,1.. ht o'lpiil i .... . . ,. ... , lulluweil the inleolione w III ill ll ill'l" IPli III' IU It, unun, Mka.1 '! a.U-MHer.1 '";,,lfafr,1toWJorally,tbli Moniu( I" ' l'r,-l-,,"tt,',l;k, or in future iuM, 1 rtdIitt'ii'l '") .i r(liriub enough to reiuemWr IttaJkM'ay l.-afi f 1 "!VR ! th.t th. m i a new man at the ipmTiaioual (.lie rid-emah I'V , ,, h,, j, wrki,lg under the th prior uwnrr w.tbm time yr -1 1 .a. v t l not Uing acjuaint Thikeilaa M,elu tl. vr. ' 1 i tlaw community. If we do lkifi feature, but jnuvol. n Uit j ()ul Rpt ,ri(alliuUt wi,h our ,trorii ihenUx f.int d-iiti'"it ")'jM1l U. general .ublic in due time, M0.n.y tbe amount with j ,,iwpvrr h wU1 l0l )rtt .rtU!w we S pet cent -a!ty ad.icl. '!,, tiut fffurl in that rriT acertiti. -iti btch entitle ; ,ilm.tit)) km o ium'upioit It r u.n j rinr j . :l. . . I l. a. ...I.li.-.ta I Bn aim ci ii" in " Jubn C. Young, oflic clerk of Feo- ator IJourne, junior representative of Oregon in the United Statee Senate, recently wrote to Major; Dennis, asking for information as, to Mra. Mary Ramsey Wood, agf d 120 years. It appears that Senate r. Bourne is interested in Mr?. Woid'ej Kulph Imhrie, al Uroundg. history, and wantB to show Prci-; Hup picking will begin Monday. dent Rcosevelt what Oregon's; Sept. 2, in W. J. Grej-g'ii yard wonderful climate will do, aDd thtt M.ire picker war. led. I'boue, I'a- without the aid of pilla or ipfcac. ciiic H -ate. :jlx. The letter follows: 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richardson, To hi Honx, the M.iyor of HilUboro: of lVrtiai.d, were out Sunday, l.D"" afe ftnal0f, "0U'De; pin; from an Oregon pnptr. At your! cooveoien -e I wish you would look into inie,tH of Dr. r . J. JSauey ami ifo. 1 1 . 1 t t imet .iiercner ana Auranam f,nti .h,th,r t not hc k artual'v Iluichen, ct Cedar Mill, were in town i jo ytr,, suteJ, or whether it is a M'.l.drtV on bucinerg connected newpar.)r yarn. If the facU ate given with the Mrs. IVlcr Senften estate. '"V"",.'. i.;.rf,n IUC IICUIIUU Ul lltC H51'IVi.. A the ca&r cf Mary Ramsey Woou, and I in i.iru.i ilia i..iiiiiirtifa wiPit ii m i :ir irL -1 1 r 1 1 . li c I buu nun u rui i If th- Argii .... I up to ii uuil .m , ,.' .., , N , -' " i ; uti and wifn auccoeJt-d in putting out the fire, More eeriou lUniane was done. Mr. Nelou was slight-! ly bruiaod liy hi fall, but uther mini wan nol hurt. I ... . t , . -..v. - - - i nnu ibi. yuu, n uu His neighbor, J. I.eac n anu;,;. p.rovrn. lecgce. vrifV the .tatrmcnt asto Mrs. Wood's wife atso had an rxperienct! with the i . . age; state where the family bible i to be litihtuinB. It came in ovrr I he I !r- Bni1 Mrs. 11. I. MSir, 01 (oumi; bere Jacob Unions die-l-the li.l..l,l,nll r anil knOCkf-l luuHUII.Ilu, id.uiuvu i ucrunj .i mmi-'i.ii Mjuiun mi .imu iu"j - , ., phone in pieces all over n; n w. , . i.nr,t.nii oldeat woman in the world. I do not Mrs. Helen was etunne.l liy the j w...r...v . know what Senator Bourne object is. Wehru, Mid Sons will give want a repetition of such e emcn- For sale: Thoroughbred BWk. Mill fr-eJ, shorts, bian, rolled not wish to bother him if it is merely barley, middling chnp etc, for Klg'the clipping referred to dale at tb .Vilne warehouse, by hDli aik j.ou caD aiJ(1 ,.,1 t0 . I'.rovrn, leesce. and Mrs. II. nl. returned Tu a visit with Mr. Ruth A. Blair, verified to show that Mis. Wood is the Your skin may look clean after washing until you see the left -in dirt that Tompeian Massage Cream will bring out a i oi ine pores . Jart u thia fopCT white ntil if it cooifarH with imivliin wbitn, m your ticia rruy look titan until yoa try a Pomptiio Muufi uui tie left-ai eirt that k bnr.p out. You hive tx-ra wuhinj with nap in 4 ltrr but Kill the irt retnainea. Yo thought your ikin wu ttrax, but wonaerea why it wat allow u why th wnnklea grew more in niAmu erery year. Pompean Muue Cream ently rabota in mi then a fently rubbed out will bnr. with it the dirt that soap has never touched, eouriaha the ikin, run iwj blood in the cheeki, lea mture do rca perfect work. AU rood barbm pp!jr Fompmn MjMage Cream it a peat relief after iliav-n; and teaik to make the ikia itroaer and lea tenaitin. liin appreciate Fompeiaa Mtmkp Cream bacauat k atimulaua the circulation and i a i br.jht, dear complexion. Come in for free amp ind copy of the fimom booklet "A Treatiat on Facial Maaafe.a Fompeiaa Cream m told at 50c and fl.oo per jar, Hillsboro Pharmacy it nth iritert lf ire the cipifatiunjwitb each cib purchase amount- tal nlayfulnets. The lightning ! rlnr pigs out of registered stock; pUce on earth jn whicn t0 Hve .,i ung to l t', a liiket which entitles .truck at both ftirms at alwut the I about 2D head graded Angora ,l ' ..( ii. ui.i.m that i vi n to drawing on the following same time. tbi mulkate plan dms nut apply 1 1 '"-: ll I " ". f 10 IJ to l,I'e 8 'I'Ub ,al toth ltfi" Irvv vr,M,! :,, io C'lsiiwa. by letting go his thunder it th. .!..,.', ( f oili.-rrs f ir lb ! trade; 3rd pr-.-, .. in trade; 4tb bolt tu that vicinity twice within v. vi, ,,;( i u i',.t.rn.!t'fit. Lady's :i : shoes; uth la moutb. j.l:. "... il .in, ituUe. iair Men's !.50 ehoes; (Hb V""" " L," kne ,,nl. suit. ;l.W WHY NOT NEWPORT? HW WliCB I fN-vreiaiy . I'li'im ; y - i ' Fiirsetoy, of t'ltwp, tie te i Ptflklsiil of tlie AsiK-iatnU. TEAMS WANTED Tmohi wantfd fur tho railroad fur inula betwH-n lltutoit and Tunnel So. 1. Sixty dais work. Will pt55d iN-r d.iy. line dairy A. J. Mcl'alte. Contractor, Portland Huxtoti, Oregon ... i ,, . . i :r .1 r .i v L , (,!!' Kr idav lw y wish to iend a Sunday at our, b, rails, were n town rr day. Wfll'iu. uko a Sat M1 here Mr Urown so a a trin. stay over Sunday, and lollea Binl lot near Hie muuv i i. . 1 ,, fr , . i.. x,. t, t.. r v . return Monday, and your tare, rfis, WrcHhr,! un( h. A - rVo(l can ff;8V9 Ulllsboro at S:tn. i, Argus ami Oreonian, ti. Iirill l'.irdsH of Frt tirove, tu in town Friday lst. Mm Jcttni. I.illigard is vn-i' iiig feisadi at Cacad l.ocks f r s few day Jipir Keller, wtut it in I be e.w Bill lu.'iuess out Ixiyiiiid tib'tici ", u iii town Saturday, wetnug that tin" old aatislicd look. H, Wsiiner, a nuWtaiitiai Swiss famir-r of Hclvetm, w us in to.ui Friday for harvest supplts. Mrs. Krmvt iUiiiiltun.ot lilUs, aowiinpanisd b her two ( Inl Iron, -in His city, a guiMt of hr f ain r, O.W,lll,dl. H.'Wehrung & Sons arc bend 1Hrtrs lr tbnis' Furnlt-birg tioodn, tti,,i Miiiii.iii.i'ti ail wool Onilerwear for Ladies. U. Hunt, 'tnnn, who bus a peach "chard smithwest of town, n in the city Sttiud iy. His p-Mich crop u very light this ponsim, but 'Ml he hail wero fupt t b. W have ordered ii car load .! Irsfoncii direct from the factory. "ScaiiHuvn you livn per ctmt, on J9 if ordered iuimodinlc.Iy wliuliiKiric.h Uros. Robert JohnHon, a pruininent 'ir Mill fotmw, and W. II . omith, of l'ortland, f r years with MO. R & N,( wre in town Sat- uruay. 8. A, 1). Monk, of Mmintaindii!o, no whoso fatlior, tho lato J. L. , aas Orcgon'H lirst U. H MirBbnl, was in town Saturday. & I. Kuratli, of llillslhiro, ex 'Mttler of conveyancers, was in the J'ty yesterday, on bimiucHt- Wash 'Won County News. Por Rent: Farm of 117 acres, vf 100 acres under plow; on rural and milk route; 2 milea from Ullleboro; teloph.mo nonnection. Jof lerniH call Farmfira' line, l'uci to Btatta 2St. ..Al coinnninicationH intended for JSl.fw. 'ould Ira addtesKed to 4 Mt Kinney, publiBhera. This "vonisnt u made for tho roanon '"'Jitters addrespedto Mr. Lonrt, "ormerly, cannot bo opened by " Holy editor, iii u hli'.h OiiHH "jy be delay of important busniesB 'Olended for tho paper. I'atroun J'11 kindly note the ehanRo in the "fB name whon writiiiK to the V". Make all reiniUanoos pay to Guild & Mi Kinney, fur th" s, aiol saui no woum u s -ur H.tord.v. and return plua ca.htobuy more cows or s ; Mon rancii ii unuvi mdi i , . r,ii ml tn aay, auu uavc o ! ";i evenings at the beach. For a sea- 11. Wrhruog .V Sons, are re gori tic,ei gooil until October 1 lor .i a. ii i:. - h.J i i.:.. :n -,,, I'uH'iim iii r in 1 1 line oi on" irmnrn vonr ruuuu trio nui w' timkjo. consisting oi lii ,,u you but 0 (W Kt.iriu Merges, liroau cuun, t-i r.aU L. M. HeBte, OriS-n, K. F. D. No. 3. Mike Abp'.analp and Fred GroB sen vi"itd the Kuratlia Monday. Mr. Abplanalp will take a trip to Washington, where he has friends and iclativee, lcfore returning to his home in Tillamook. Mayor Dennis has taken up the matter, Ceaverton, IB1 bas given the request ail the at tention possime. COTSWOLD BUCKS FOR SALE Chimin, and fancy Press IttWde It will pay you to call in, and get their price In-fore going elsewhere to buy.-II. Welirung .v fons. Fiifiiut No. 1 of tl P. R- N t'ti u In. h was taken to 1'ortland A HOUSE BARGAIN Ifnr le: A ten room house, new ly built, city water, electric light ed and each room and closet is liuhtod: two norches, each lighted; t:., wluili was laaen to io.. -. r, . - . 1-rkson I have for sale several fine, la'ge and young full-blood Cotewold buckB. Addreee or call on Jos Cawrse. five miles northwest of Shaking of groceries if you HilUboro. or Cornelius, Ore., B. F. want the tinct staple ana lancy n i groceries to bo found in the market, try John Dennis, lie is iter your Q p Bondi of Carlton, was in traiie, ana once a cuaiumer, ainno 0VQ Monday. , ru F. Muhly, of Blooming, was in Mrs. Marshal L'adJox of The (own Sftturday. Dalles, and whose husband is in ' the O. U.iV N. train service at The h, k. Barnes, of Lebanon, had Dalles, is here on a visit with her business in Hillsboro Monday, parents, C. 1. Kiuiberlin and wife. gam. Orndorff, a hop grower of Mrs. Maddox leaves for Inde- Laurel, was in town Monday, pendence the last of the week. Kglher of porUftnJi Judge A. F. Sears, of the Mult- was in the city the last of the week, noniah Circuit Court died sudden- a guest of Miss Marie lunzat. the burrowed bom the two and one hsll blocks ir terms M. Hunter, or Kurat- engine imrrowcu .." ,v,im..n,l m .i i..rit.. ii n i iirnm wi union. -, . noiiinerii iniiuu v.mu'"; thsalwenceof No. 1 going ciw ' ''; n -.1 I sl-ii.r.iuv mnrnillL' i0. u wviui ' :.. r. .... ul,.,.a f.ir iU rpt'll I it now m ".."t- " , , . , m- .,.,,,. I 1 nave recciveu mj I '-- I"' " .... tl .llma i and all uesir K o ut '" 11 WebrucgiV W Ul line o l jt nN aml bave their thHu g rUnuel, rianneoivr. - ure ukeD, Satisfaction guar (imghatns l-ave juev ar.n.u, 1 nleei, Buil cipanea and press ate bfiiiR fold t the old price, n . , .. , amJ brir)g Ine vmiare familiar with market con- ; . ,.... vour BUii look - - . 'll ... i ItnV I I wmi jw - win pay jo . anB.,.. Tews, the tailor (iotleibZtiercher, of this side of sv,l..ai Mill an A Mr. Motzlor. wao . , - v.mmi ...i.t, I m i i1, miii ii"n .l. tw,ar,i nn inn same hop yard near Lmrel, was in town were i. i .. i 1....I1 mil anew bioyt . . . , rrmy " ., ... u , town. Wattmiay. , . I :. .!... Ilrt HAIU 111S liuim ",r i' L. I. thn thenrice. For Rent:-i:W-cre ii riii ly of appoplexy on the 25th inst. in Portland. Uovernor Chamber- hin appointed Judge O'Day to suc ceed him. There were numerous candidates, but O'Day knocked the persimmon with ease. Those wishing to pick hops in nns. ii vi't "y early, before another advance Wehrutig A' Moiis. in farm, it for dairv rur a r.. ""V ' . . 1 W ' 1 I 1 U'.. .r I he exc usivb AgeuiB wi .. , fl o0iitt o ninsimro. thnftmiouj W.I, I'oi'Klis shoes, en.r ba8 j,rivilsge of buying for Men ami nuye. . gtocH, leeu, em. ini""0 :;;,0,sM tHland .r.(X); Hoy'i sboei i,l n Koehnkeii Hillsboro, R. . $175 and VW.-ll. wing ftf c ColliMi of Soholls, and O.ltlS. mlin b nAW Lhe new editor of the Ar- u..i,u,.r;i.ra to the Argus 'llllJ I ,,0m nn. wad a caller at the hivor.tior more years in uv",.. Qir,ce. Saturday. '...i i.i r.in of I.IK) ner year, it , , ....' ,,i in i no i"" ' i iko Hon ptCserB are rtijui,Du m huoI. imyment . mado before the l op P he,v Bi Joly yftrd, 2 i.i .1 o .ur nut. '"I ., , i.l nl nf ibi oi vi i"'" m hb norm ami a c"t,,l ,,...1.11 atoclr of Ladies' Shoes .,., Yard of K acrea VMII l"l . lllllWM Wa handle me .... ,i ,i u)avv.--v. n nave jti " i. . ' iinotis Prew. winy Jolly, grower. ..die.. '2.50, 3.rjl) and .uu. .. d dft h II. V tdirung it Sons. f Reodviiie visited friends in Alfred Ladd, of Eastern Oregon, niiigboro last week, returning ... :., .u,n Maturdav. Mr. Ldd home Friday. has purchased the Whitla pUce, Wfl Rre BgentB for the Peering near Urtenville, and will move ins 0()borne harvesting machinery, family up there in ftooui a ftnd have a complete line on nanu, Wo are sole agents for the K. N. received direct frouitne laciory. i, 1 c Co clothing. The kind that Schulnierioh Broe. it 1'. l-'O. C1011OOB. , . -,.. .t,l;ooliola,0on thn both parson ana putPD "v f. l. laiuigaru, won .' well dressed man. ii. """'""b- Laurel anu rariiii"B."i - wl " . n. I... ami nallml nn the Sons. town oaiurunj v- - IraPurdinof Portland, with bis Argus. . t... KMoft. will leave for n. Vincent, a leading busi- KSown on Sept. 11, to attend Lee9 , Beaverton , wm In the Fair, on uis way uuuic v ymgiioro fnuay, will visit his old home in Brown I Mj County, Ohio. Meivin Trains to and from Portland Monday and Tuesday were crowded to their ntmost capacity. It was circus day. Many people from Hillsboro fcaw the elephant. Strongest Directorate in County Within three months after opening for business this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the list is growing every day. Successful men date their going ahead to their first bank account. Your deposit is solicited. THE FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK Docs a general Banking business. We pay interest on time deposits. Loans and Discounts. Exchange bought and sold to all parts of the world. Until our new brick is com pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Main, our bank iug house is located four doors south, on Main. Board of Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres. Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua, Ex-County Commissioner. John A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Forest Grove, .... Oregon r Baileys Dig Store nr .! ..Ml I il Ct for a lb. and the beat quality of had. Our prioeB are the lowest. ir Wehruna & tfonB. Howell, of Beaveiton, was in town Saturday. ' Paul Landauer, of West Union, was in the county seat aaiuruay. Centerville dance: All day the yard formerly known as the uance at the Centerville Hall Sat- Milne- Schneider yard, and now uruay, au.ubh 01, wuiuiu .a. owned by me, will please register ine morning, r.veryoauy iuui. with me at the yard, at Leisyville, Herman uaierman. in person, or by mail, addressing a. L. Stover, who for several Hillsboro, Ore., houte o, or I . I years has been with the Depart- Cornelius, Hillsboro. W. J. Gregg. ment 0 Agriculture, experimenting For Rent: S1G acres, 253 clear- with irrigation in the .Northwest, ed land. Will rent for cash, or was ous ssunuay, a Kucbi . iuo a. grain rent if to right party. Can K. imorie nome. talus possession uctouer 1. Appiy The Milne warehouse has been to T. B. Davis, Hillsboro, Route 3. ifiag(Mr Vjv Geo. A. Brown, and he Farm in tiue condition. ia ready to receive hay aud grain John Bailey and W. F. Adkins, for storage at reasonable prices, who started to navigate the Ne- All Btorage business will receive halem river from Pittsburg to the prompt attention. Geo. A. Brown, Bav, leturned Monday having been Lessee. rained out. They went about half j. n Kuratli and family return- the distance by boat, and conclud- ej Monday, from a two weeks out- ed to defer the trip to soma more jng at the Carson Miueral Springs convenient soaEoa. IThe rain gave them a sudden Btart Hop pickers wishing to pick at homeward. J. C. reports a Ray Hop Farm, Witch Hazel, will ant outing. please register at the ranch, or jj. E. Lytle, according to the send tboir names for re gistery. Snnfeenman Review blames cashier with number of picksrs in lamily y. Cooper Morris for the failure of to tne uiRiersigueu. rins ttuuomu- tne yrg0n Trust cc savings nana-, dationa. Frank WeiBenback, Man- Morris's business methods were the sger. basis for Mr. Lytle e criticisms. F. C. Hallaril exniDiteu a Drancn r.0 TI t pnr,iin r,Unobt.r nl of epg plums Tuesday, from the M Barrett,) whose husband I. llarrincton rancn, center viae. 1 a . K ,v nf . trPRtifl It Beema almost incredible that a in portiarj(j ia8t Spring, while bingle Btnall branch can support so rknR for Lafe Pence, had the muco iruu, uu vtcBuu ... "jB mi8fortane to lose nearly 1WU by anything by halves. Its in the . u f the Oregon Trust & climate and the soil. Havinus bank. Mrs. Purdin and B. S. Alexander, of Fern Hill children are now living in Port Farm, ha9 about nine tons of to- land, having lately returned from a tnntoes which are now ready lor visit to the Yakima valley where the market. These will be sold at she has a farm. Forest Grove and Hillsboro. His gtom8 in August are unusual in address is Cornelius, Boute 2. It Oregon, but an electric storm paBB you wish for any amount, Mr. ed Qver thi9 Btate 5ast Friday Alexander will deliver. nJght) doinR Biiht damage in Sheriff Conceit this week has a various localities. In Eastern notice calling, under the law, for Oregon and Washington there the remaining half-payments ot were cloudbursts and more eerious taxes, which must be remitted by damage to crops, especially to ih f.rnt Mondav In October, or wheat. The Btorm came from the nuffer a heavy uenaltv and interest. Southwest. Hilleboro and vicinity Thn law foross the ollioial in this was treated to copious showers on matter, aud it is not optional with Saturday ..but there will be no dam- him. 'age done it rains uo noi conunue We sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vict Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove No Appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, are all due to thin, ness of the blood. Iron-Tone makes rich, red blood. For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what it will do. You can have it for the asking. 'Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore. fohe Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes, Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices. See our window. t I 'easoo, aud save delay.