niLLSBORQ vol. xiv. Hll.LSilOKO, OKKGON, AUGUST L'J, 1907. NO. 2:1 1HE a. 10 a n:s, A(ii:n fflDOW. IHE11 SliXDAY K,hKl I'" i "' " txv, Week, -in J I c.iw-i Iter Home run Of Hcuif wt r.,i.uJ 3l V,t V.ll is Wil- tularin nficii. (il'-v. and n,- ir-Jiwd t'v r". r.fiv-a on the Bijlitof Au;ii-t ... wtiMi a tiis;'kr.l burjjlAr . n'.'T. I h T h m tt Ut l Bi;hi, :m 1. h!i-r gn'ii'g tho ! (iraitditi Kluabelh Ptrry, of Itoulton, now iu htr KOlb year, mi. I who in tpry m lha ordinary woman of tU, win out th lirat ol the mi-A, tlx gut! ol J. II IKtr land and family, of Study II rook, Mr. IVtry'a liunhand wat on of the iooier phyticiatit of Iho cottt having arrivd with Mrt. Ptrry in I S I". Tholl bat probably muted mora) tick mmi1 in Oregon thin any otlitr woman In the alate - atiJ aha taya tht caa yet takt nt ol a per ton if they art not "too oorlv." A. V. lUrUr. of rati of town, it I . exhibiting a Wolf Kim Apple, at tli llcnlM Bro. rral eatata olllce The pippin tneatutea 17 ioohet In ciroumfiwenc, and weight 82 ouotitt. To apple dropped before it had ita (all growth, or it might have Uen a worlJ beater. Had it grown much larger it would bare rfjuirnl a burlap tick to bold doin of tlietu. Myor DcnniH Names ncmJay I've, August 1 ro MKKr i tuk cm nut Tboee withing to pick hope in ;the yard formerly known at the hy,?rii ":!.v Ml'' . unite Jvhneider vara, ana now do'!' th' f''!'ry iho wo- owned by nie, will please regitter Z'e to I o-h of Mr. ilh ' ln IfJTI". , i i, , perton, or by mail, add retain SM....I rnuvn-.l ,... l,llU,.00re.,LteS.or K. P Augu-l 1 : it:.. t'-u: wn ......un en- fjornellue, IlilUbnro. W. J. Clregg. tpr.l, I1''1 '' owner n.'.w s:ty. . tlx ti.-ii ti . l ' vv br n.ii.. I to' Jaui.t Harper, of Ueedville, and Uvc her !- .;' 1 I whu-U nt. ; who h teen (!." yean of thit vala bad I.h .tua,'..l iunv y I..." Mr-. .li f.r 'jy and tram, waa in town Hubert .Monday, When the elreet fair it .U'U to J.e i.u otm pjtrtully oa there will Im a purte for a foot rui-ii I'e'.wren men patt !' year I hi.. I i: - ftl'.Ud on and Harper will take a chance at t ut 1V.'J, end iiij'1- At one time, in the yeare "that m pKt an gone, Jim wat the crack-a jtck foot rieer of the conn H id nicker wiehins to pick at liny Hop Farm, Witch Haul, wil pletx register at the ranch, or eend their uamee for rrgittery with number of plrkrt in family to the uadertlgned. Fine aocotun daiiont Frank Weit nlck, Man J. T. Young and family bae re- turned from Tillamook and Ctari Imlili, tfier a eix wtekt' outing ou Lertuiial t tbo I'.inut lint. Jim lookt'ai ikonrtv a a tailor, altbouab he v the water wat darr.ed com over thore. Tbe Miloe warehouse bat been leaned by (leo. A. Hrown, and be jUijrr. A.!.ns. h reaiiy to receive nay inn grn. for utornue at reasonable pricet All nturaite buaineet will receite prompt attention (ieo. A. Brown Li-nee. A. B. Hinith, tuperinlendent of ooDHtruction lor the I . u. wat in town tbe Ittt of the ween Thoiti'wi!. . r-.l. tVier '-i.f lOl tl," h i-! ii; 1 ilt"l. a) i-'K bill I A f ..r t:.- p'ac. it i low Vilu.'l at Tl".!1 'I'"" S.tften i!o fvj.l i.l' .ol t"',!''! in cub, iu.1 this f 1 1 "i K".d cutitv. Wht-n i'.'ir SciiltiiH tlio J in 1'.'''4 l;ii fout-d to b.- qualh Mrs". Seui'i-n but ilt.Dand i lif ii-.tri'-l ia (ho liwiu. Kbt hu:i.irJ hr.d tidy d"l!.trj wh will el lo p-rsi.-n! fnr.,ilf, aud tb bdlaii of the estate j ik'en y ' fvl'.ow: Auitti.jii Ti...( - 'Htv. Nc Voik, cr. lull. I .! I'. l1' v-,'t''1 Cdtut 4 .1 (hit. I oat thir.l i pi a l! 1 k'm li Kut iQ't:i. The Itli tU'. ni'.rr (!c ilr' i'.rtll i '. r r '. i n , t.rim.iuv. ;, rty. t . !i)viit tlie "KuhU, ' in .'.low Hioirh, one- tit. OU? til!!.! Olhlll' II-'li!. U!l! fMiod.! !.v i 'i . I. Ni 1 ih.ia. Tht rfu.i !.!!. tint. I t 1" tlli Ivt ktl :i.t tutr ;'.lt Hie Allii-lk'sill Tract t'eminv, Clirui'n liwii.n, InhU i( Nn Vwr, u'l'l (li ( . iiici' M;ioo, Bi:m. llic .lire lisu l.iUn lo nit" ito j : n.t gc K t' lllei-tyithat thiot r doing up thit Hue ol tne uinnei. bu vio traced for tome of tbe gr.vle thit tide of the big opening lAii. Ufntt-lM-acre farm, 70 cleared: itood for dairy pur I .1. . I lllll.ksn i' i. ,iiii ! i, .- one ni ie touwi oi ini"""1" vv Hirnit i!..r.ti,r liat itrivileBB of buying .er, a cntin! i:ii, U' M il', v c - made . in h'r l.otir if aiT ru.i t.t with the Ml- r . ; . v Kuh; ti!'x. Chri.-t .u-t.: . f i -.r ( fXK'utjf, fur th w i 'u enirit-i i- i. rlii .'i - ibnuuli An thai Uh.l-T tlio On. eid ) i' 1 I ! 1 1 ! titirM ri dnwr, cured no agre' iii' ni wi'.h lln-m In toke i- 4) nch as il.t-.r I'.tcy ul tin j.t-ri'H.l property, tl,DH r . i t k f-vi-rl hoodr-! 1 '.i'tl !.i..b wen a great lislp ti j-r in li: r extrmvi njro. It ii ih i!:,''r.t tli" r.'il wurii'iu, who wa I atl'ul.y li h'.'. tK! I by the robbery, wh:i iMli'-d the dr.r'.f l.r lit-inj? a rcclu-e, de UrtiiMi'it t i lfK'! tli.. biiiiie of !"" Hern, null ih'1 L'rief broke (Km p.'Of i tfte p. old wo!i;ti-i'" i. I ASS M KK 1 1 N ti C A I X K I) Wed Mb x peel Ctiilntrtl I'rceui V i on I lb f raliiu . Mayor lennie hat named Winlne- ay, AugiiKt 'JSih, at MM in tl... evening, In the city Lull, a tlie time anil place fur a ini mi-e'.ii.u lo name a committee for orjaiiinini: for a ttreet fair and carulval to 1 held in thit city in tlm,; week of September. He earnently invitrt ill citimiH and biiKinprM man to be prevent and lillelmrn on the map Il-rr ne are, twenty milee from Portland, eading the ttate iu dairy pro ducllon; with the letoi on (iol' great eartb; with ten hilli.m-i an. I more of uncut liiuber: with millt Klore; with the Ihm( wli. at tnd oat belt in the tiortli wet-aml wt want to ho (reg.)ii whatne can do Tbe Portland bueinriii men will ' I, M. nih, of near Kiutou, wat j in luwn Saturday. W. F. llidlrnWk, of Koy, wat in tlie city Moi.iUy. Al. Wirlt, cf Moiintaindale, wae in town Nionday morning. .Libit Overroeder, of near Keed vilie, wai in the city Friday. II. iht. Stmpiioii, the Buxton aa- I. urn iiiitu, wan in town Monday. J. J. Ntitd.aumer aud Jacob Uiii'liixi, of near I'hillipe, were In I mn Mm. day. tlllilH. M. Jubutoll, lif Ixilow Farminglon, w iu the city Mon day, afi r bop pipe. t'liioki'ti for tale: Several doen tbrifiy Sprit. g ohickem. Mrt. J. A. Hohbe. Fourth & tak. Mm M. t'oi.nell and Mie ltcket, of 1'i.rLluiul, were gueMtt at tbt T. II. I inline home Sunday, J. .1. Meacham and wife, of Monnlain.lale. were iu town Krl help put ! day, the ("ueM of friendt. Furcate: Uiib-r, threfhing nia. cliine i. illlit, portable tawwiill, etc Wi l cell cheap, Kuratli Broe. II. T. I'.iair and wif.i came out the firnl of the w k to epeml a few Li) m with Mm. Ruth A. Hlair. Mr. M. A. 1'owell wat a Uilley viciiur, Siitulay, a guhfl of Mrf. O'Nril, formerly of Ibit place. Fur f!e: Full blomletl Sbep- At the HilUlmrn U oiven huh dv mi l mh rial I herd punt. At the MilUlMro race traint will be run out of that city j track Kalpb Imbrie, at (hound . l . I ! L.'l 1l . 'a....' . . uniie oigexniiMie. in,. I'.ii,0.iihi of Ciirnnliua. He enye that J. (!. I.u!iauan, K d.iM'u Moii.Uy. Iiopn are lurking llr.e down bit way. ( Njlorado. it to give premiumt for, lor dairy exhibita and lor oilier productt. The 1'acilio I'oat (-'on denied Milk Company will b e-ek I, , ol I'ort'tnd, wat out ed to build a cream palace; the Sundav. the ifiift of hit brother. umber induttriet will ho a At. I to j P httva in a few ilayt lor 1'enfer, put up a lumtKr product iiuu.inn;. and tlie ladiet of tbe cocnty will be rrueeted to each furiiifh one or more Iruit uri, rilled, for a Iruit ditplay, put up in 'be form trium phal arcb. ill we make a hiutom of it? Well, we gue, "Yea." It eeryloily attend tint meet- ing on Sednetday evening, oml get together and tbow ourtelvee and our vitilort that we are the hub around which Oregon revolver GOTO ShK IIIG lilLLjl Secretary of War Taft tube. In Portland, Sept. WILL SPEAK IN 1 tl E AHUOHY UllUburt Will Ak Portland Hiisinrv lien tint FRED BIRD'S DEATH Her Frank and Bert Ilmell, of Scbillf, nvr.; u;i t i th'i county font, Monday, We are ii.-nU f..r the Deerifg tid 0'ljoni'i hurvmlin inachinnry , arid have h romp'e'.'i line on hand, reeeivil dire-t fr.nntlio factory. fichuliui;; icn Brud. B. H Al-:vl r, of Fern Hill Farm, ban n'ooiH nine toi.M of to Hittoeg wb;i:ti aro now ready Inr tho m rk.t . Tij':ie will bo fold al Kdrwt (irrivn HDil 1 1 i I Isdl.-'fO . IIh addrH in C ir.joiui', ll r.'i ' you wish !ur ny amount, Alex and'-r will deliver. Ihnv ri!.:i-ived my Fall'ifl, od all deciiinj; the tiuwett p'ttterriB boiild ci 11 Kt i.nco a titl bavo their measuro tnkft. Kutief iction gunr ntwd. Suits clmii'id and prieH l. Bh in tloi nwiin and brin m3 jour work. Have your unit look light. August Tewi?, the tailor, TIih lard of direclora for Hi" horo (iit inHt SatunUv. (" Hi'hool "ill bt-Kin Hqitembir K'). The I'liUnn (-liiirL'fl will hi) fcH followHl From firm to fourth pnplo. M por year; from fifth to Hhtb, l!) P yoi'i Ninth, !f20 por year. One '"irtb of tho tuition must be paid in advit).i:e, priHitively. Tbo twrp: ' tiHcht-M will ba at fol!oB: I'riwiinal. 11. V. lUrnee: Kihtli Mre. Josi;pbH)0 (,'m:ii; Bovonlh, Mm 'i'.h; Hixtb, Mm. Fttyi;,(..f ICuRene; w?jf . . . . 1 y 1 . . '"in, Mim Kthc iNorrnnn; J? tuo f'0tb'ir diviMon. .Mien TcnrieH-ee weatberrwl: Fourth. Mien Jennie NeamiHh; Third. Mifc Jilancbe "ice; Second, Miea Hone Wilcox "Iwary, Mm. M, M, 1'ittenger. t . t r ,. j.,...., i . i.j.k r-ii am. ltiiuire oi .third of tbe man koebnke, Hilltboro, It. 4. I'ncle Htrve Nortbrup, who rroHfed the plaint it the age of 14, in 1815. wat in from Hhadjr Brook. Monday. Mr. Nortbrup bunted up in the Hbady Brook tection a.'i yeare ago, and tayi he Hill Ukei to get a tbot at a buck. wr itnt: 3 1 ti ac.rea, 25.1 clear ed Itcd. Will rent for oath, or grain rent if to right part. -tn take noHfeMion Ootolxsr I. Apply to T. K. iHvit, HiUiboro, Koule J Farm in fine condition. n k ruui.ll. who bti Ixwn in the" timber, cruiting for tbe county einco Spring, wat In town w,i.i. He bat iiut finitbetl bit labor, and turned in hit ektimatet to AdfHfwor W iloox. Hop pickert are rt ..ueeted to reaitttir t the w. n. jo j yi - milet north nd a hall eati n:ni., Yard of X acre! i i. .,.! ..! d heave. -V. I DICK, J J.illv. grower. n r.t,,n nf Plaoerville, Cal. If who haB bten vititing with " '" .. a l.i ur',.m. Mr. i (jto. W. Kelly anu A;''"- ttny and family, ol Vinelandi., rt turned bonie monuy vnr lUnt: Farm of 117 aoree ov(,r IW) acret under plow; on rural in milk route: 2 mile" from llin.ii - . i,:n L... lalannone iluo"". For lertnu call Farmers' line, Pact fio Slatet 2HI. Mrt. Mary Bird arrived home from Dnfur, Oregon, Monday evening. Hor ton, Fretl Bird, who win a forett ranger, died August 1, nl tbe foot of Ml. Hood. He I ft camp iu the inorniiiR, with a md- i i . .1. i it me nnrte arm naca uomn. n ttoptied to cut a put on hit horce to kep tne inrf away la cutting the branch liio knife ilipied and rut an artery in hit arm. He tied a tiring around bit arm, above the wound, find twitted it, but lo no avail. He re turned to camp in a very weakened condition, and two women, who were the cole inmates of tho ramp t tbe time, their bufbandt buim out for the day, did whnt thoy could, but he gradually Rrew weak er. and before a doctor could lm pro cured he patted away from hum of blood. Fred Bird wat born in Clark County, Wath., April 20, lH8l He waa roarriro to mine Rote iStarop. Feb. 1, MM. and to tbem oae daughter wat born, the widow and daughter eurviving. He wat an Odd Fellow, and the burial was under the auepicet of the order. . . . ... i - i Kemp, tne Mwiia uairy man and cht tne maker, ol Helvetia, wan in town Monday and called on the ArjiH. Autf(it Tew and family have relu ii"d from in ettended outing nt NcUrH and the variout Tilla mook beacbee. Mill f-cd, thoMt, biaii, rolled barley, middling, chop, etc, for nalc at I he Milne warehouse, by tioo. A. Brown, leeeee. II. W. Millar, of Shady Brook, n ii in town Saturday. Mr. Miller iiii-rul4 renting bit dairy ranch and moving to Forett drove, thit Fall. It. S. Alexander, of Fni Hill harm. Iaa Hill, and who it I . . t ii . -. i piece of hruelt to 'oaainK a (niecei oi email iruu aou I f.M r J tUHHIfl, nttl l't lv i'tv'H PUBLIC SALE r. V.nnv .Tnbnton. one of the j.t in. i-" i fir pioneert of thit nection, and J. II. 'norland, of Hhady Brook, were Id Monday, interetted in a Mle oi bv referee. . t a We have ordereJ a car load oi wire fence direct from the fao ory. We can Have you ny. P' - - name u onieruu i.- Hchulmerlcli urot. Mrt. Paulina Mauw and .laugh ter Mies Uorb, and Mrt. ft. m. Pupl in came in from Bank. Tuet uvincrnina. enroute to Portland. Peter White, of Shady Brook, .. In town the latt of me wa it it D..l1ln waa down from GrennvMe, Saturday. The uoderaigned will Hull aI puhlio auction at ber farm, 7 mileH tnutb nl Hlllnboro. and butwueti Hcholb and Farmington, at ten a. in., on THURSDAY, AUNUST 2'.) llrowfJ horiH-, iio, 9 ycarH, brown home, Hk, ) vein; Kf"' mare, M, 10 years, addle pony, o cow.., all in nuc, i li.irrri: Mitcliell waiioii, 3 men, mir trucki, Wmler, Hickory wiigini, .1 Inch; top buggy, hayrakc, mill, Oliver chilled l)liw. 14 l'-h; 16-luch Moluie jlow. tttel omit narrow, 4 c'n; "j H.i.-r. tw runer. 1 m-lt work liur .1. 1- 1. ..... a.. nn. Mfi.1u Ill-M, a leia munis ... art hack hameM, t teu-L'nl milk mult ilove. Iiavfork, roue, nntl dtttt doiihle blockt and rope; ilitcliiiiK .nailn. 1 e Krone, nua niinu-roua inner trtlcltt. Terms of Sale: 10 and under caeh: over $10 one year's time, a nrovtd note. 8 per cent, interest rive per cenv on, caeu uvn Ti, MUS. S. V. LAWIUCNCK. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. NEALEICH NEALEIGU Mr. Ha C. Nealeiffji and Mm. Bona 8. Nealeigh, of dales Creok, were united in marriage, Augum n, 1907, in Hillshoro, Uonnty juugo nnndin olUciating. Thin ie the second matrimonial venture be tween bride and groom. TEAMS WANTED Teams wanted for tbe railroad grade between liuxton and Tunnel ?, a o:l.. .Int.. ninvlj- Will JNO. J . cni.jr ny $6.50 per day. A.J. MoCabe, Contrantor, Buxton, Oregon. a ay, i T. It I'm vie, ol North Plaint, wat in u Saturday. Mr. Dtvit hit a big ranch that he will lent, no lice of which in in another place iu thin Ihmuo. Fred Myers and father, of Hbady Brook, wro in town Monday, and bad quite a tHlkfont with the Ar gut man, in the tongue of the FiitierUnd. J. M. White, of Laurel, was in Monday, taking out a load of hop homo Pine. Mr, White hat iuHt thretdinl. and biH wheat went 45 ihihIwIh to the acre. For Bale: Thoroughbred Berk hire pica, nut of reaittered slock; aln about 20 head graded Angora 2oatt I. M. Hi-8t', Beaverlon, Oregon, B. F. I). No. C. Utilise, of FarminRton, was in town Monday. ir. Kehte eiyt tbatoHlt aro yielding (12J buehelt to tlm nnro ilowu hit way, as regular thing, this Heaton. Mr and Mrs. M. Sauer, of Ore gon City, 'vero over Sunday, gueHtt of Walt Bennett and wife. Mr. iiuer if tho father of Mrs. Bennett ... i I ... I T ami iWrH. n.tuer is uih moiuer oi Mr. Bennett. Speaking of grocenos if you want the liucet staple and fancy L-rocenra lo be found in tbe market, trv John Diumii. He is sfter your trade, and once a ciiHtomer, always a ciiHtomer. C. A. aud Cal; Jack de imrted the last of the week for a Sunday at Long Beaoli, Waehing ton. It is now said that the boys return perfectly satiefied that the bungalow waters, both for interior or exterior uwfi, are goon enoug for llx-tii, and that the split cedar log in the placid current o Duirv is much bolter than tba for a gmicral all-round good time, If vou want to tile your nlaoe act llgures from the Uroner H tlowell Comniinv. of Soholls. We are tho lnrgoHt uianufaoturors of drain tilo in the county, and have sold our product fur and wide. If you are going to build this Fall, gut our figures of brick, building blockt! etc We also lurmsn lum ber, rough and dresped, of all kinds, and deliver if required, in suHioient quantities. Address us at llilluboro. U. F. 1). No. 2. If you want a large quantity of tiling, send ua your order bofore Sept. 1 Hon. William H. Taft, Secretary of War, will tpetid all day in Portland ' Friday, September tl'.b. He will! tieak at the Armory in the evening ; al S o'clock and teala will be re j terved for every editor, for the of j flcen of every commercial and in duttrial Imtly, for the metnhert of the laat begitlature, tbe State of- j fleers, the Mayor of every city, and a limited number of illegten from 1 all of the commercial belie throughout Ori-g'ii, but iheee' namea mutt be rportml and re.-er-, vatimiM made by Monday, Septem-! ber 2nd, by addrePHng Tom llich trdnon, Secretary of the Oregon Development I.tguu, Portland. Kvey b.dy in the State will be eliMiiie at thit meeting, in ad dition to the reeervitioiit mention ed, and it it d"ired that tl:e larger portion of tbe tudience be from otittlde of Portland, A rate of a faro and a third for the round trip hat been made for the occasion from Pendleton und all points Weft on the O. h N ,and from fl trburg and alt point North on the Southern Pacific. ! Tlie iiicnl nmt lurnl of Oinm .lvrr-; lining u the coh'ttlil latct. Tlie fnyie ; ufllirgoii aie nol ne(jlct titiK ltn op Kituinly anil llitr will be t!iuiitl4 t.f j (irople a me lo (hit Slate (o dtid bumf ! bctwea Srptcmbfr I4l ml dcltibrr ,il. t However, ilo your pt'ttieti. and wril ' notlirr lclltr jtmt x.n a vou lay iluwo lliia aper In n.iue Ititu.) in (lie older Matt who ulioiild gr tli id vantage o( tbe low one way talrt to Dirjjuu. Hue hundred prominent bininesa men of lirooklyn, New York, composing (be Uaijue, will xttd all of AiiKt sth in I'orllaml. Tlirte gentle men are trialinig the dllierenl citir ol (lit cottiitty amdying mnnlripal coudl l.ou everywhere. Mr. V. I:. Sballtr vlmted I'ordnnd laat week In (he intereot o( the Tilla mook County l-'nir and Street Crnivnl. lobe held in Tillamook AuKiut d, lrd aud 34 1 li , and wanU ilrlt-nuliorn from all over the State. Illllnhoro will auk Poitlaml t.iniiirmi men to vUlt (lie Strrrl I'air here in the latter part of September. m ax Your skin may look clean after washing until you sec the left in dirt that Pompoian Massate Cream will brina out of the pores Jo. I ihw Y'Y" until it ii cmiir4 with Kmtlun whim, M ;ur tk U.k cinn until (ou try t Vmpwi Mim ii4 ft lb Irtl 'H. dirt itut It brii'i out. Vuu h,.i Utn wuliu. witli wty ,n4 witn bul toil tlx 6rt You Ihiughl y"l ik.n w Iran, kut wun4rrt why It wm lla tn4 why tlx wiuiiilri ..w ur in tf.drmi tty fnt, l' .n M.u Crtim imily rut4 in aiU thtn it fatly ruko4 out wilt kln wuli it Iht dirt thai toap hat mntr (outMtd, iwuh ikt dun, puu iu.) bl-KM) in ike cbnltt, let, tutvtt to ita yttitn wrk. All "J buki, .ily l'uinyun Utmtft Vtrmit m i tut fl;l' fler li..( mi unit iu aitki ik ikia Mtonn rvd Itm trntiiKC. UJ.m tppircnti H.mttritn Mh(i (.ma kiuwt it MitnuiaUi tlx (Utuiatian n4 n H.iit, tint (niaWuan. Cuiruj In fi, mnifU tni tofj of Ou famsu, kookWt "A TmtiK an fuitl Mimt.' riMitin Onm li wU it (o ant jjl.oo ff w, Hillsboro Pharmacy Strongest Directorate. in County Within three months after opening for business this Hank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the list is ojowiiiK cvcr' llay Successful men date their kuK ahead to their first bank account. Your deposit is solicited. THL FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK JWi a general Hankiug buaioeaa. V pay iutereat on time dt-ooaiU. liana and l)iacoun(a. Kxcaange txiuuht and ...1,1 10 all paitt of (he world. L'nlil our new brick 1 com plrtr.l on the corner o( l'acilic Aenae and Main, our baok itif. houae ia located four door aouth, on Main. Hoard of Directors: II. Haines, Pres. Jno. K. Bailey, Vice Pres. Titos. G. TikW, J. W. iMtqua, Mx-County Cotnniissioucr. John A. Thoruburgh, Cashier. Oregon W. lorest Croe, WHY NOT NEWPORT? )j you with to iend a Humlty at Newport? Well, iutl take a Hat- urday trip, ttay over Sunday, and return Monday, tnd your faro, round trip, will cont you hut $3 00 "on caa leave Ilillnboro at H:(K) in the morning. Saturday, and return, reaching Hilltboro at i.M Mon day, and have a full day, and two eveiiingtat thelwach. for a pea- ton ticket, good until October 1 for return, your round trip will eoat yeu but Ifl.OO. HERGHRT- PITCOCK Mr. Jtoob Hergtirt and Mitt Cltra 'Itoock. lnith of near Cornelius, were united in marriage, Tlniriulay, Augut lfi, 1007, Hev. I.. Htuelm olliriating. A HOUSE BARGAIN Bailey's Big Store Wc sell SUV: Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk arouud like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Hlucher, Ball aud Oxford. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove For tale: A ten room houae, new- 7 built, city water, electric light ed and eaoh room and closet it ghtod; two porchet, each lighted; 4 on corner oi pourm v jacseou, a two and one half blockt from busi- nets district. For terms and print, Inquire of U. M, Hunter, or Kurat li Brothers. Mayor Dennis ia having a tec- oml story added to bit house on First Street. . . . . , , i i. i . .I . 11. M. M linger, cniei ciorK in mo local P. It. A N. olllcea, left Tues- i day for a lew days vacation on me Columbia Kiver. Miss Wil ma Waggener is now lo cated at Itleist Street, No. IV2, Ber lin, WeBt, Germany, where she is taking a post graduate course in music. Emily J. Fleming, of Forest Grove, and who was wedded to James A. Fleming Nov. 25, 18H7, through Attorney Mollis hat hied suit for divorce, alleging a doeor tion of two years and absolute failure to provide She tayt he makes good wageV, but kept hit whereabouts unknown to her, so that she mourned him as dend Lately she found ha was alive, and the now wants to quit mourning and get her freedom. Indigestion Puts the whole system out of order. Irou-Toue strengthens the stomach and assists it in its work. For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let us scud you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital ity," which tells you what Irou-Tonc is and what it will do. You can have it for the asking. Address Grovrr Mkdicink Co., Woodburn, Ore. I 6fte Delta Drug' Store I . HillatVtnm w Wf -maw m v Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete Hue of Shavers' Requis ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes, vSoaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices. See our window. I