The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 08, 1907, Image 3

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More IIouhch 1
. i.i ... I Water
hi'i) H'U
Cut. I'."1
I I Ili'lVII
t ,.! tim water
hI council meet-
,t that llu'ff
reeiiloncra to
,K,l and wn'er, inn
.t aci'ii, I" 'V llr
, j, M G'.ear'a
... i ...
i.:,W hs
" . ., ..iv I.L
. , ....-v
1 riHf b:u ft UP
i i. . i- kii 1 tit nrlv
'I'1.. i.,r...f..r netted
"I "n . i .i
nut a (" """'
f,r r, end a a
i .....,..,-. i.tll it rr
A ll"" I '' !' I
J,( f re.ll llll'l
Ttf '
.,llU"l it
.hir. ,ll"vn
ill "'
Ifottl til
,,f U.nlvill'. i
i j ..,-t IllHl-N .f... All I
I ,., liu.V.r J. W, hhui.
"..... I.iiii.m II Imp
, c i I n i'ii" -
Vff H lir ivi.
l-UUl-IC SAtfe
Tbel- m .Ml al li
tl it" 1 1"--' " "" '
i! Ill ii i l.uK tU
J Ikilt -H
MH iiivv, At ur-rr ::i
4 r n, I iv. ' : ""r.
, . ., t!li ft', l-V.
. ..I.I I I .. Vl'llHtf. I
fiiciiiiti , . if !'
btb tr ,ti' ',,,:'
I . ,.iiih
Ml :bv: c '!-"r,i ' V-.
wrtrto.". V.-'t't
fwHua.l l.iMii!nf, -Kn ! Tirr
0t ihn m !
T.fni - i Kil.--Um Hi', ..n
liOib.l ii.'l-f.
I.utuli in.t,
John Klink, ttwiifr.
g '. Cdf n. iui, A iir'.ioi.ri r.
SVilieti lifr.'1'V Kivrn tht if 'r'l"
) m il l l.ot lit !.' Uikr
t)rKrti U liiuhl, rt'i'l iiv.titftli-
buil t il'I.rtnf iii!ik-, i r
4ir, tli fit)' iU -'Mii-.Sitit paini
mJ ir. "l t ''.!- I l!"' "'t of
ftimtrui t:'ii. I'M iT'I.'f n1"' t'
pliM t.) t iutiiii! f lriri sti l ww.U
lionji'id" n I ii.t ff-'iiug w id llif
walk i.
J,.in lii'iitiiK, Mayor. July -: r."7.
Nolli'r Ii"
SllIH(!i :ii
till lio'l I II:
pllf'l! It.f
It pit.
v'.y thrn lint lUc I '"'iiily
n.i cil ni-limi'iuti l
lr. Il'.ll r Mtlllt iti.'ll "I
! ..l-.l . lilltl' v I .'t- !: !
U...I t.inlihi.j in llil'-.'M'fii,
Cuimii'iii 1 1 ii Vrtnrty, si,;ilt l (
la.:, l '. !.. k . In . nii.t I niilinmi'li
unlit, Auj-iut 7. t- j, l -I I'
Wfiliiritil.iv- 'riHiilielti,
!Iiii, tijvrn! k ftli
Tliuula V.'riHril (.tiltimrl if, lUroiy
o( Iimi Iiii.k. ris m:r. li"iVkrri'lin;.
itlvii . 1 1 v 1 1 ;uvrriiitirnt.
Kri.Uv riij.'loKy, i :i')iy, '"'
yluiilnv llitnn -, iilniir. n-mi try,
juirml liKimy, l-.mj!tli tilctmi.
trhiml In.
For tin. iiiy I'prr i
Ciiiiliiriiriiii Wi-IiiphUv, Atiiii'l M
mo;, l o'i-l.. k , ill , mi't t untimiiu!
unlit l ii.Uy, AuvMint t', (7i J
O'clock p in.
WnlumiUv IVititmiiKliip, tiNtniy,
tll"KUiiliv. irn.linir.
Thilti.lny Wllllf II nrillllllrlii", thcoiv
01 lem liiitv. i't iniiimr. iilivumliHt V
frtilay - (ifui'fuiitiv, liii"ivil
VoU Citi'l iik J. W. Uallpy lie.
llsvfl that Bcuiioiiiy Is Ihi tua'l to
wcakli, J art now, any tuorn than
yoii can itmkn In in lx-liv Hint tint
nioiiii i Imnn dic cif Tillim.xik
Tf Kxk i hn-nn. J. V. atart.'! tu
mvi (27,0 t li iither day ly pnUinn
in ii iiiMitln Umril. Hi liDiiifht n
l.imfi) Hinl liiftiln Hi.liin l.rm kntn.
ml ih.'ii kUililciily iliciivxr!il kftr
an MM'iiiiiturn ft Ii fly ("hit, lint
tin iHinril lliit'kn. Kit didn t nut
Mm. Kurmliy h tiulot racket lhi
work, ami iIikii umlilpuly went In
tint Timk, illi hid l.rothtr iti Uw,
W. It Htri-ntpr. Mfnlitim Mr
lUiliy mid Mm. HtrtMiU-r irfivnl
lu.i.iK Mint t ly iliiln't likn th ilm
or.lrr Iffi l.y J. W., no tliny put up
tlm lnlill Uitr.l ntlbout linking
il iM'urB. IWily mul HtriWir
muni lmuin in ilui titnotml Htrrnt-
rr, f'fluiK futiKunl from hit rtlu
n',19 rinl.iiiit trii. IxaiiihI Ihh t-lt.ow
.in tlm nikulli', irri-ipittiii); lu tlir
lh.ur, .with -' iiHin, cut plw-H
t it i
mi oriiiuio ciiHK kiMi two
wiin. 'Dm lUnmn mimlliiU t
nl. iut IT.Vi fimtn thtii tlm of
turchmiir, nml J. W. in roti
iifiitly no cliuiri'r (if Uti Krmik
hti' nlvic, 'if yem Wut a (iuml
prvmit, Hrrye Vounwlf.'1
To ll.o I'uhlii': AHIimi((li mnntv
fllfifil til Hlllflul lllloillMH for
lii!i cm iiu'iiutit ol ri-iniri. m
urn not Ki ing out if I'U'iti'w n
tircly, Wt. will ttoiiii ! I.icjl! in
..ur Sm-oi. tilrwi dtof, with hig
,'i-r Riot Imttor lii of SwwIh, whuff
a nirh tn ii"t ill our oht tilli
iatrm,ri, well an luany li nnrn
Vi.n m f.r lantly. Jan. Mil
l)itful Attornoy 1'
iirrcnuin. l.a ailviiwj hi dni.u'.tM
in al. i all firm of Kamliliiig in hii
district. 1 1 :h lrothir, who i at
loriy for lh noloriuu Milwaukee
C!ul. advicii hi rlifiit that th
Mllwaukw thattrr llo nio
k'aiiihlniii; umlcr tlm act of I '!
ami lln-tf ! t.rmii' of a Ug Ic-gai
It t H t in it" imar future. ThTi(ir
i now uiikiiowti in aih,nutoti
t'om.ty, an I li wen m ln cave
f.r many mutiUm.
Ttioo ilw-iriui; to pick hoj t
it.ff lUulpy hopyanl, I.niayvill.
will jil.a. rgiftT at Hie farm, or
t t!,p hw c.lliiH. of llR!ey .V Hare,
Htio-r in raon or ly letter, l'lrane
rfgieUr j'fior to Auguel
The council nirt Tuesday nixht
and awd a few bills. It
t aleo vote.1, up'li inouon oi
Cuncii.inn J. W. lUiley, that it
wax the himj of the council that
iU Street Fair and rUk Show be
(ivrti Ihetifoof theetnete for the
ikvaeion. twu day, in the ltler
.,rl .,f Kenteiuher. Mayor lknni
will call a meetinn in next week
.are, f.r a preliminary organiii'
turn l r tli aiiair.
V Fifty acre cleared
hind in the viciniy of,
on tural mail and milk route; near
..t..i,!i,,.,r. line, rine location
k,mhI building Mle. impure
V. M, KeUay. toa-l uiwrvior
i, ..oih Hi leboro. wan in town
iraiorday. Mr. Kel-ay i nrro
iwliever In the ojditdog proii)Hition
and eayn that wherever uneu
. ., j urn witer i nil winier
Htimner, than elsewhere.
For eale: lUnduiad winpn, 3j
luilf -truck etyKin good repir; l"t
u. .,v,t- r,il lb hUckHinilh viee;
i till- fi'mit wrew I'la'.e
',,w. H. S, Sturdevanl.CorueliuH,
.... . . i . -.i
N. H. J mm, oi Mimianae,
i t t !lu,
A. 0, Winney, i iiiro vuv.,.,,
were in town yeteMy. mr. m
.till on crulehee, the rfuii
ijtkQ AR5U3, AUiyif e, las
Miscreant Litter limits
Mrs. Peter Scnlteii
r,Xr,S WOiHN AM) TAkfcS V)Sl
Victim of j krnidrs Scar Cedar
Mill. Khm cf Here
Home unknown robW entered the
little home of Mre. IVw r S.-i.ften,
who in agel T'i year, and who in
feeble and cri.le I, Monday night,
bout eleven o'clock, a'.d robbed
inr oi iit-tweeti tmi ami 'i"1'.
Sheriir CuriimM and theAiK'iiHre-
inrlT vinttd the SenfU-n home,
UhI evening, and the woman told
mr elory lu the Hwien tongue, being
unable to eak Knglinh. Hhe HHid
that abnit ll.'f) Monday fvening,
just belore. elm retired, slit' heard
niun one tnovint; ab )Ut th" ouUhI"
of the ho'iw mid mill-mly two
nho'.a were fired. I hi ternli'-d ti"r
and el:e left hor beiinmiu, which
. . . , i .
r inUtueda lii;liu-ii lamp, mm weni
into her kitchen. She eaw a man
etaiidiiiit by the couth door. II
advanced toward her and jointed a
revolver at her. lie frcd her
into the bedroom wlmr the light
wa burning, and told her he wit,l
ed "money." lie then ble out
the light, telling her b I quick
about handing out her pocket lo ik
He then lighted cigsr.'tto papere
llv. iii order to me what
he w doing, lie bad g:iW
Mr. Henften o eheciull make n
outcry. Hhe Ravi him h-r p :ck"
Keik and Mime money wrapped uj
ill a cloth lie then l"ft, after
eearching her led. Whoever the
man wan he evidently wan a cigar
ette fiend. He hud gne lu the
pantry window, and the old lady
ay he came in through tlii open
ing, hut from iiidicationu h did
not, an there no mark w in re the
wiudow wa raiwd, and it being
nailed, if opened it would have
ahown nrv niirk. However, the
ax was left at tin window ny uie
rc.bber. The j rolmbility t that lie
went around t j the eoii'.h ih orol
the kitchen, and found it unloiKeu,
and walked in.
Mra. Senften av the man vm
Argue th-jraciaoMotlhlj,tl.50.
j Fred Ilaaif), of Weet I'nlon, a
up to the city thi morning.
Wanted: Girl to wait on table;
ir,('iir at Home Htylo HeetaOrant.
H. W. Miller, of Hhady llrook,
wan in town yeuterday.
IVt r White, of beyond 01enco,
wo in town today.
Percy A Hi, of Portland, wa
out t'.day, vwting with relative
Mr and Mr. L. F. Carsten, of
tbove lhink, were in town today.
A. 1. McCuinHey, of Mountain-
ilii!e, w a in the city thi morning
J. L, Hank, alter whom the
thriving town of Hank t named,
win in town TVisday.
F.r a eood moke try the Kchil
er or Kxcellencia end you will
try them again and again.
Mien Koec Cave U the gueet of J
1". (Jil. on and wife, and other
fiiei.ds, in Portland, thi week.
"Suro Thing" Corn Remover
20 cent-i a bottle, at the lJintoro
II. 1
Portland detective, were out to the
ounty neat yeeterday.
Mare f"r ale. Weigh about
1 fin. iD.iiurs t.t the A. 11. John-
..n P'arm, Heedville.
Krneet Htewart and w ife, of Port
land, were guels at tba Judge
It'xid home, HunJ:y.
For eale: 5) Hack Al white
outs, in ton or halt-ton lota Ed
ward I,. Nsylur, Foreet drove, Ore.
W. A. Uaho ha gone up the
N el eon-Wilcox mill to make some
repair on the mill machinery.
T.'au'i wanted for hauling 100,
:i hi f.-t of lumber. Will j ay by
dav or by thousand Beach
Ivtfr-r, HillHboro, Iloute 1.
Money to loan on real folate or
personal ecority
Three Thousand Dollars l.x-
peuded at (ledar Mill
County Will Fat Keck on Pacific
Avenue and Dfput Street
t) It'll
The County Court ba finiehed the
rock work down below Cedar Mill,
and it i eRtirnated that three thou
and dollars have beea expendnl
in grading and rocking about 4,0M
feet of road. The crusher baa been
moved to the Thatcher quarry,
above Foreet Grove, and the coun
ty will put rock on PaciGo Avenue,
F'oreet Grove, and aleo rock a part
of the street leading to the depot,
in that city. The clerk's receipt
for AuEuet were 1173 50, and the
Ford and John Cor.lano, reoor(ier turne ,D $:JW) 40. Frank
Weieenback wa confirmed a dep
uty uherifT for the Heedville section
County Road No. 4:58, of Sherwood,
ha gone to the third reading and
will no doubt be established. The
following claim have been allowed:
V.r refund tax V)
W H t.iiiifiiiil. ro.i H t'l
W O JcoIm. i-ourt home . 2 '
I . A I'.,k1 i lr.-iilt t-t iuror "0
Hillslxiio Llr .'. urt Ikjuh 4 A.
W (j I'resrwtt. tuntr eruiaer 1"' u"
A M t'olllus, janitor, etc . '
Wolf lir., rid
(il"A I'riiillioiiiuie, ulatioiiery a. o
I, W llou, awiiiK and rol I .
It tlavi rnfl. road" - 10 '
C A t'avell, timtr oniu - !
Ii.h liiCiv miliimtfl ilut ally ............. 30
i linrreU ?
security Vault Work, ewlveru. lft
Mr, iuie j r -
M r Howe " " -
i K Howe " " f
Ui-.ll A Co, roa.i If
C K Hedif. ' ;J J5
Klines A Uwlf, Mil l js
K J Hxliuan, clerk ami .-j: w
Iruln.HiNllll Co. sla . 10 0
;, II Wilcui. amrHMor. eU? 1U1 20
W 11 Hvmi, rrfuiel tax ' "
T A MrKridv. circuit indue JJ
TIk Wilke. plain J J
bonus or
omiuiesion - at tho
Cotiitnercial Uink.
Mi. Bjphronia Kenney, of Port
land, returned Monday, after i
week's vbit with Mbs Florence
asked, wearing
a cloth over hi
ace. covering a tri oi ui u"-r,
hi eye and part of hi forehead.
1 wore a etut.ti.e warn, hi-
ihciuffht: wa about b h-el ln men-
ana ni ovrny 'vi,,nr
weighing Iw) r HJ. iH 1111,1
....Iv whieiurcj. never raising ui
' . ., iii...
voice. hue eearctncg me neo. nc
.1 mimed several cigarette paper
Aftr the man left Mr K.-nfcn re-
moveil the gag and remained at
hnnie until uiornmK. ltm woman
-ivi.. he doe not know exactly tior
in itch money ehe had, nor doe ehe
know its denomioauon.
JhritT Connell is doing what he
can to gtt the cue under way, but
!, nova there l aMcoimeiy limning
to work unon. Mr. Senften is now
-Luinff niffht with a Mr. and Mr
ftchi.IT, who live across the rod
from tbeOweu Murray home. Her
husband died a year or so ago.
The Senftens have lived n-ar Cedar
Mill for many year, and uie wo
man i in fair circumstance.
; A Unikin. road 10
id well.
Mis Opal Jar vis, of Portland
and a daughter id a prominent ed
ator. I'n f. Jarvis, is in the city
the guet of Mis Margaret Goodin
Mi Minnie Abbott returned
home the Grt of the week alter
month's vi.-it with her sister, Mrs
N. Gilnett.of Ltttell, ash.
(1 A. Wehrune left yesterday
f..r Vancouver. Wash., where he
hs some residence lot which have
r created in value euHicient to
caute him to want to see them.
All iiersons tN forbidden to
hunt foih.cir otherwise trespass on
farm near Mountainuaie,
u:.der penalty of prosecution. Al
fred hnekson.
Mr. and Mr. Gay Lombard, ol
Portland, after an extended trip
ovpr the Northwest, were in the
city Tuesday, guestj at the Mrs. T.
II. Tongue home.
Wm Maratiali, w ittiewiUlst ally
Bill Sipp
CliaH liiu-her
A A Morrill. roaU.
V'm Jai-k-oii, trva
Hfrgert Broe. lbr
Uella lniR More, relief
Wheeler M til i o, court u.mse
Conzelman Broa. roails
Mv Kro. na.l
City Water 4 Lifjlil.
Wart tiowiui. mwiwiug
v It Vincent. road
(ironer A Unwell, lrtdp.
6 (W
6 Co
15 tw
50 ')
10 3'
10 00
13 lfi
CT 52
50 oo
.! M
5T ii
u.ii.i..,.. i .mi 1 Kank. Lcoar .Mui
n-'k work g
Th,. u.liwn. ruail 2 00
Hill A Unlls, court house W
Reevea Br.., relief.. 00
Siinnn Nellw.ii. roaus -
Frank andehey
ttriiq; Br08
A 1 Koy. pwr larui
f i1 i'taM n. etc..
Wlliia Ireland, recorder and di 1
i r.,niwll. IxmrJ iiri-onera. 3 W
J W ( ouneil, eh 11 and dep
IT (i (ianinpr. roaan
i u- pn,wlnrvelilen. relief.
W W UwK upt aal... 10
C M AUumluga, uruiKes,
Chaa Carlton
KiK Four Lbr Co
Paul Iteck "
Henr- Jones
S K Olaon, toaila
JHDanae "
ilwoJai'k "
Via Jack
: On
1 W
10 00
Jo 00
is yo
zt :a
In AiiKiixt liarvesit has lgunj
True, a I I'-v1 ''ulB s""!
Itui ilicn, list's neither here nor there,
V- want to kmiw if you're aware
That Culm:.!.-..''. Confectionery,
In narmi'Kt iv it ceo I and airy;
We K ii cold ilrinka and line ice cream,
!,,.. ) ..noil folkn do much eum.
U. J. 1 aiinnicci. '"i"
hu li v,
The undersigned will roll at public
.,1.0 ,oi at her arm. nine emuu
of Hillsboro, and between Scholls
and Fariningtnn, at ten a. m., on
ti,un hoi-, t too, y seats, mown i.....
I jou, .) year, ttr.iv mare, m .
...l.tle oonv. b cows an n. ...:.
heifei: Mitcm-ii ... ,-- ,
ia,. Under, Hickory w..Ko. 3 Anch'
i.t. tinitcv. haytnke, mill, t.mver
ti.n iHiKi.. ir,.,h oime
ch.lie.i mow. .. -. ,,:1V
,l,iw, lc-l "Iran imtr.'. ...... ,
,.,l,l. r. road acraper. 3 ' w -
new i.-t shiKle hariiee. one near
Sew.' -A tuck Barnes. .. J tn-K.l
cam, cook .love, hayfork. roVv, a . 2
- ""Js
a full from a ladder, while paint-
io at Glenco.
If ymi want to spray your hops
ih.t the Greear reed
ri'iiicino. ....
... - . u .1 Str.-t Keen i oii"
,, nciiui. - -
0,1 Mo.ip and iitusia chip, m any
ti. .t,!w r of Phosnioi Tern
. . . i....Ki.n Slaters, of Hillstoro,
l.n in attendance
Will I'lrnv, -- , . ,
Tempi thi Friday evening, with
out (nil.
...1 ...ill lu. hnlil .i...i Ltncka and ropes ,
. .. .... ,i..,anl Hll 1 Will '' I Ci uw.i.-. - - .l
. . i ...rt (Ihurcb. August , n H;. mw
ttl . . a... 'i arttclea
in evei UK. '
Mr. K. (1, Whit-., d.tugliter of Mr
nd Mr. Peter Pvl, died Augt
I'.i7, in Porllnn.f, ftft-r an extend
ed illiies. One-eased wu bom in
Holliuid, Feb. IS, 1ST I, and mni
grated to Michigan with her jmr
ent, in lsSil. rouiinii to Portland
later, and to Hillsboro in l'-
Hhe wedded K. G. Whito, October
2. 1W5. and at her death win aged
!W year, ti months. Shi lenv'i to
mourn her loea a hti-hand, fitther
and mother, a brother, Tenni Pyl,
of south of Hillsboro; two elstors,
Mrs. John Johansen.of Park Place,
Oreiron. Mrs J. R. Witv. of Port-
land . Mrs, Whilo wa n woman of
weet dismmitlcin. and had many
frioiid who repret hor tintiniely
end. The funeral wa held nt the
Conorrmjatlonsl Chuich. Sunday
Hev. Howard Gilpatrick olliciating
at the obHctiuioH. The llorai ouar
mgs wore beautiful and proiusn
f Ci 111 1 tit mtfil. 1
Farewell, our loved one. sweet thy test
Yearn of tiirkness and worn with
rHrewell, 'till In tlmt ll.v rluce
We ahull In-liolj thy fucc rtKlliu
'T our to miaa tlice all our yeuifl,
And tender memoiien of thee keep,
t'liine lu the Lord to rest, for no
-le ;iveth Ilia beloved Hleep.
Sheen, hoes and hecf PBtll
Wight. Independent Telephone,
s ihi. Ice cieam aim
All are invitod.
given at
akf, I" wt.
John Johansen and wife, of Prk
. Mm. 1.. iv.
luce, cor., " , ,. , f
J ... I ,ra nut tll first Of
I I Oman", "v.v ..... ,
the week, atieiuiina
the late Mr. N hit
Term of Sale: $10 and tinder,
it 1.1 ...hit's time, an
can; over -no c j ", '
provtd note, 8 per cent, n r.
'. . n" nli Anas Hsill
Five ner cem on, r-inu .
11, P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
'"l liSLSliS Cbaa. Crance and Mrs. Drtwcil-
we canseujo" --- . ,nann. were united
,,u so ts for U's iiiouc ia true, oi v...-.-- .
. . e!f elsewhere?-- in lftrriaee at the uongregauo, ...
VOU 111." 4
men s
. . I 1 .1... A,,,YllQt i lOil..
Schuhnerich Bros. hurch, - " ;
ldaughter. p - r- -
s. J. W. 1
miiiiiu i tun utitiu t
departed yesterday mr " 0 Lity, having for some years been a
Mm. F. A.
Miss Eva. Mrs. J.
son, Paul, and Mrs.
for the
wll knowu in that
the county
at Newport. Uouular teacher
Have vou (toy fce to oum gchool8.
, cave vou money. .
.1 i Mi.bstantiat lence, i wouce io
sel a gooa euuB. -- , .
. .u i... dit rents tier rod. Stnui
niKu,. r. .. .! lil, rollectioi
..,.,-w.h nron. Th niii. waier uu "e"" v .:.
-. . , v.-j 1. I... Ikn o
... , ....nrhar of He vetu, nj wlU hereftlier ne m "3 -vy
A,f ?L( "!ri!',.?;irvmeno!tUt ? ',. A. C. Bhuto, at the
one oi me H......B , ---- u 01i co c t ons win
section, was clown to "-, T"' ha,8i to the 5th of
fcat yesterday. "h month, during banking hours
Horse, sound, weight, 1. - H T, Bagiev Recorder
cow, in milk, for Bale,-B. . I. J 0regon, July 25, 190.
North liuisuo'0. u"
Wm Jamie-eon, agod 80 years,
died August 1. He leaves a widow,
Aurolia Janntson, oi lieavereuu,
and a son, James ti., . lieavenon,
and on eon, W m. P , o! 1'ortunu.
n ;a a ill bus been filed in probate.
He leave one half of his farm of
20 acres to his widow, ana me
other half with tools etc . goes to
Ja. IS., alot'g with 1300 caBh.
Wm. D. get I2S00 in cash as bis
chare of the estate. The widow
also gclB tho household furniture
f. T. Shaver, a prominent onion
grower, ol Tualatin, was up to the
county seal una monnuK.
Shaver says the crop is lookiog
line down that way, ana tnai vntnge
are lively down there, owing to the
Oregon Electric building. The
lino is no laying steei out oi
Tualatin. Mr. Shaver is a native
of the county, and has spent 47
rear of hi life in the lualatin
section, His father. Adam Shaver,
still lives on his donation, taken
up shortly after he reached Oregon
in 1S52.
J. 11. Stewart, T. C. Johnson,
John Turves and J. J. Krebs and
their wives wont Irouiisouin iuam-
tin to Devil Lake, after nucnur
lurried. Saturday, and returned
with 2G gallons. They campen at
Cedar Camp No. 0, where the fleas.
were plentiful so they bay ana
where the water transforms one s
vision so that a stump re&emDies a
boar. Purves and T. C. Johnson
shot several cartridges into a black
stump under the delusion tnai it
was a Drum.
it's nrettv hard to head Andrew
McCahe, one of the tunnel contract
ore, above Boxtoo. GoinR into
Portland the otner nay ne wnu wu-
. -t u: f.;nrwla in thn
Chamber of Commerce building
hnnt findine some petrinea ciaros
in the tunnel, which were dug out
feet under the mountain,
2 SO
2 00
Pi 5il
2 Ni
77 f-0
lit 75
7 50
8 75
4 .Hi
J W Connell. expense....... --
Tims Wilke. a-wewmig ami cui
Tlie Arifca. printing
Dr Via, relief
A B Johnson, nds
Jos Haeck, bridgea
H Kauina "
Cornelius State Bank, brulnes..,
Hergert Bna "
D Hal li, priiinus
. t n Mflrrvman aim ..i
of Portland, were guests of A.
li.iil.iv and wiio,Buiiwjr.
If you want a good velvet talcum
i . .n fur Stearns, at te
nowuer, v
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Amus and Oregonian, $2.00.
Herman Boge, ol Farmington
nas in town this morning.
C. ChriBtenson, of near Tigard
ville, was in the city ye,.
W J Butner to Malhias Ulnien, tract
Uwrence Hall donation $i
m i v-innev to I V Shute. 160 a sec
I M J .ftof,
t r l w low
i i vinn to J V Shute. 160 a sec
J ' J '
Ii. nriw
Thus Bradley to J H Rankin, tract
1 1 Fruitful Lanos 5
Aug Weinert to l're.l Voegelein,
uiasec tot 2sr i w
Nancv Banks to Kdna E Kinton, h
lot 3 btk I Banks -
Nancv Banks to Wtu O lialaway.
n-x acres land at Banks
Nancv Eanka to Bernard Urtutan,
,i.M a uti, ft pants v"
r. w Clark to C V Tinard, q a W
W Graham donation isw
JohnR Bailey to A II ! Wulf, 2 a
aecitt3ttr4w 2o
J B Wilkerson to Caroline ransoo
ner c a Andrew Harper it 1 c noo
Ceo Schuluietich to Caroline Fessler
N S lot 4 blk 3 Humphreys' ad. . ioo
Kdiih Claiidge to E B Watson, 79 a
D B Duatin donation 1
V Walker to W O Hare, 2.36 acres
North Hillsboro 1
Anna Bvroads to Camilla Needham,
3 lots blk S r roresi o.uvc ijr-
V X. Lown to Sherwood Bank, lots I,
hlk K Sherwood 1000
Wilson Benefiel to Ferry Benefiel,
. .W lionka Ui0
Minnie Voegelein to Fred Voegelein
15 a Wilson Tigard donation
W G Hare to Jclin Vanderwal, 2 36
X Hlllaboro
llonevtnan Hardware Co to Bagley
Co. i76asecaStanr3W .300
H Scott to Aug lxjyegren, '40 acre
above Gaston.. .S
Ceo W Tavlor to tohn R McNew ao
a sec t x s r a w ;-'J"v
Ida Hoffarber et al to F H Grtti
macher Quitclaim 6 lots in Peach
vale 1
G Miner to A M Beatty 4 lots West
Portland Heights 4
t P Forbes to T L Washburn 160 a
. nnn
tec 1 1 t a n 1 5 w
"" ' i
Wilbur fl. Wiley, aor? n:r.eflly
known a; "Cap,1' hsr", and i -
who is a brother of W". V. Wiley,!
is a firm adherent of fellowship,
but he doe-n't believe in too warm
greeting upon a return to old
stare pirjr, grounds. A week or so
ago Cap. left here for Ainsworth.
Arriving ha went to steamer on
bicb he ha been working. He
wa met by the Captain and first
nflicer at the gang plank, and, be
ing a favorite, they grabbed him as
soon a his feet struck the deck.
In the friendly scuflle Wiley wa
downed and with hi fll came a
broken leg. He wa brought down
by the Captain and placed in the
St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland.
A young fellow by the name of
Ii. Walker, who came up from 11-
waco, last night, stepped fff the
train after it had started, and as a
result he broke one of his legs
right at the ankle. The young
fellow was starting to get work at
the tunnel. Dr. F. J. Bailey set
the fracture, and the young man
will be laid up for two or three
months. Walker was tleeping
when the train pulled in, and wa
awakened by the brakeman.
State Master of the Grange, Aus
tin T. Boston, has appointed the
following district deputy for ash
ington Cour.ty: Arthur Cutting
for Iiutte, W inona, Sherwood, Bea
verton, Scholls and Lecdy granges
unfi led as vet for Hillsboro, Gale
Green Mountain, Washington acd
Lewi A Clark cranee. The road
commission has W. K. Newell, of
this county, and tax commission
has Thos Paulsen, formerly of this
Etnil Kuratli and wife returned
yesterday from a trip to Willapa
Pacific County. Wash , where Ium
her and dairying rxake a second
Tillamook. While there he met
with many friends of the Argus re
porter. Souh Bend and Raymond,
on the Willapa river, he says, are
growing finely and everything
wears the air of prosperity over in
that section.
The Den of Sweeta new location,
on Second Street, will soon be
ready to occupy, as workmen are
rushinz the work of remodelling
the place. Look for announcement
in the near future. Den of Sweets
Bert Notthrap, who has just fin
ished four years in the L. S. navy
cruising mostly in the Japan acd
China eeas. has returned nome
While in the navy be has grada
ated as a steam and eiectncal en
gineer, and will try a few years as
andeman. He le visiting rela
tives here and at Shady Brook.
A. Vanderzanden, of BankB,
came down this morning, and went
on down to St. Vincents Hospital,
Portland, to nurse a broken collar
bone, Buetaimd a week ago, while
trying to head oft' a cow that was
makintr an e care from the yard
The cow and vourz Vanderzanden
had a col'ision ard the P. H. it N.
eDgine was in it compared with the
A mnther chased H. Taylor and
Fred Watson, near the Bellingher
Bridge, Tuesday night, and a lew
minutes later gave chase alter l.
Vanderzanden. The boys swear
that in the eloaming the animal
looked as big as Lyda's mill and
each of the three swears there had
been nothing to drink out that way
since the iron house was closed.
We have thoroughly overhauled
our feed chopper and other ma
chinery, and are now reaay
handle the new ctop,
Physician and Surgeon
a P.aiiT-Mir?an lilia-k. nlira.
K.hi.ii 12, l.t anil IS. Kraidencw Huiilh
l!a,eline and Nicotid Hlrwu.
Itolh 'Phone.
rWW aWirWerAi
S. T. L1NKLATER, M. B. C, M.,
OlEca nwtairs o-er The Dla Pm f tor
Residence East of Court House,
in the corner of tha block.
Hurgann Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Consultation in rrwirn or fciignsn. ..-
lice ntir9, over L. M. Iloyt to s. alre,
north aide of Main St., HUl!ro, Or.
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Residence on comer Becond and Oak Sia
Oregon I'hone Main 116.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D.S.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both l-hones. Hillsboro, Ore.
Room !0 and 11 Morjran-Bailey Block,
street. OTer Dennis Store.
HILLSBORO ------ uitfcuu.
Caa. R. Bagif w- "mrm
Booms 1 and 2 Shute BQildlnc
HILLS BO EO, . . UHi.uua.
Ofice, npstaira, over the roet umcc,
HUUboro, - Owgoa
Room 3, 4, S, Morgan Blk, HUlaboro.
l i SO
30 00
1 75
1 25
55 S
45 16
Office Upstairs, Bailey aUrgaa Bic.
Rooms. 1 an! 1.
OflSice, TJp SUdrt, CanUal Block.
Morgan Blk, Upstair, Room 3, 4 and $
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
told about finding
nntrifled bird. One ol the drillers
omauhfid tho bird and found a pet
rifled egg, and as the pieces of the
bird flew here and there the work
man uvenre that he heard several
natrifWl notes, that doubtless had
been concealed tor years. They
now call "Andy" a "nature fakir."
Argus and Pacifio Monthly, $1 50
Geome Taylor was up from the
Scholia' section, yesterday.
A. 8. Pattullo. one of the prom
inent officers of the Oswego Iron &
Steel Co., was in the city Tuesday.
W. II. Smith, a veteran of the
4th Wisconsin Cavalry, was a
visitor from Houlton, Tuesday, ana
was registered at the Tualatin.
Dance at Alpha Hall, Cornelius,
Saturday eve, August 17. Walkers'
orchestra. TickeU, 75 cents.
Come all. Good time assured.
davs. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
. ... ... 1 -1
Saturdavs. we sen mm "u
lowest prices and pay beet prices
for hay and grain u u. uucnan
an A; Co., Cornelius.
C. R. Bloyd, the eawmill man
of above Glencoo. was in town to
dv. and savs ttat the night of the
-j . . , .t
electric storm a neavy snower 01
hail fell ud at the mill. The hat
wnrn as laree as cherries and came
with sufficient force to break fir
boughs as large as a lead pencil.
The twelve year old son of Ray
Scoggine, of Boutn ol ueeavuie.
while playing ball last caturoay
dislocated a finger. He waited t
dav until the mpmber became bad
ly swollen, and men nau vi. a. u
bailey attend tne injury.
T?nr sale: Ten room house io
good repair; barn; orchard; 2 lots
in tract; one bloc irom scuuoi
house; 3 blocks from railway. Goes
for $2,000; 1 12U0 down, Daiance on
time. Inquire ol Argus.
G. W. Stitt, who was injured
Borne time ago by his team getting
the start of him while coming down
the hill with a load of 3,500 on,
was in towu yesterday, on business
with the county court.
Will rent furnished house on
First Street, between Baseline and
Washington, to elderly woman ca
nable of boarding me, or to man
and wife, without children, on Bams
terms. For particulars apply at
residence. Mrs. A. C. tfrown
AdolDh Sieerist returned Monday
avanmir trom a montu a yaunuuu
on the Columbia River and New
port, and is again at his work as
salesman lor the wenrung ovore,
.T. ft. Wilkes and wife and Miss
Ethel Waters, of Forest Grove, left
yesterday for Goldendale, wasn
ohorii thnv will OS EUeBIS mr.
Waters and lamily.for a few weeks,
Miss Lena Wirtz. of Mountain
dale, returned yesterday from a
trip to Seattle, and went on out
home in the aiiernoon
Attorney- Law mad mmmrj f
Office ovaf- Vtmhruna'a Sfmra
Hillsboro, Oregon
- . ii ..Its TLff nnila
ttcalers ill " aim ura.uw
uients and Tomostonea, and all kinds of
Lmetcry and memonal work. VVriteu-
for tvartieuwrs. auurew
! T. R. Imbrie :
Deals in all kinds of Real
EBtate Wheat Lands, Farm
Lands, Stock Ranches and
Range Lands. Reclamation
and sale of Desert LandB a
specialty. Fine investments
for your idle money. Write
or call at office. J
Room ta. Chamber of Commerce
Portland Oregon
G. itf. HUNTER
Contractor and Builder
Estimates given on Pll classes of building
Shop, Firm aarf
mmm. rnmrni mml mt Oak.
Botm Faassa
HUlaboro, "
DR. J. H. KNOX, D.V.S.
Office: Hancock& Gordon' Uvery Bam
Forest Gaova
Graduate of
Grand Rapids Veterinary Col.
Five years' successful experience in
fatiJg horses for
&nea7 Operation (or Roaring.
Pacific States' and Independent phone.
Calls or ntgkV
Ladies', gents', and. chidna
shoes, spring styles, arriving daily
at H. Wchrong & Sons. ,
lay new