Entered t tho PwhjSIcb t tt'Urbowt Oregon, S HrjcwrM mall matter. LVCIt'S A. I.OSU. Editor. County Official Paper Huhfc'riptioti: On Dollar rr Annum. Uaard Krrry Thursday McKINNKY WASHINGTON rOl'NTY, OKKtiON Population, So.ono. First County iu dairying; 1 100 caws rondeused milk daily: two ti? condensers; billions of feet merchantable timber, thirty million feet annual cut. nearly double product thi year: richest of irardeu lands in the world: bulk of count v can drive to Portland and re turn inaday; linest market; jrreat hop district; flue school system; fi nest climate on coast; mild winters: no county debt ; best nature! and best read people in world. population con sidered. Best iu cvfi-ytuinff. HILLSBOKO County seat; 2 .000 people; Six churches, Protestant and Catholic; two banks; two telephone systems; biy milk condenser; sawmill; two railroads: and electric line coining. AND THKRK YOl ARE! Washington County farmers arc realiiine wore and more what thf Portland market means to them One firm alone buying 200 tons ol hay at 15 per ton and this ie but one of many purchases is an indication of metropolitan demand that should not go unheeded by prospective home seekers. Bui close to a good market. J hat is the secret of prime location. Sunset magazine for the current number does the Northwest superb ly, and Oregon and Portland come in for a splendid reeume. Port- land's present building bcom if something wonderful in scope, and leads all other cities cn the North west coast. The kickers are again after ele tion of senators by the popular 'vote. Of course, those who wish the people to rule favor it, whil those who believe the masses unfit to select are against it. This is the week for the Times' man, of the Grove, to relieve hit etomacb, and if be dce.n't pukf like a vulture, scaring intruder away from its test, it will be sur prising. Portland is to have Ringling Bros.' circus in a few days and Big Bill Taft comes in under the same moon. Portland always waf lucky. The Deacon Resents a Rematlc Last week I heatd a feller say, While walkin' 'long our street: "My land, but I don't understand, Why out in this retreat, The people seem to foe content, An' never seetn to care l'trwhat they miss, iu towns like this There's nothing but the air!" This made me mad, an' I turned loose, At that there city chap, An' warmed him up a round or two Jes' like 1 was his pap Whi n I got through a-talkin' to The lad, his face was red; He 'pologised, an' was surprised Hut this was what I said: "This 01' Hilltown seems good to me, A quiet country town, Where all the while, the people smile, An' never wear a frown In all this place you know them all, Fer quiet, peaceful folks, Who never hurt your feel in 's w ith Sarcastic, wanton jokes. It seems jes' like the folks 'at's here, Are made of diff'rent clay, Thau folks 'at live in cities fine, Where liners fret thequav An' where one hardly knows ltitwdf, Nor has no friend 'at's dear Out here we know tliein An' cultivate good cheer. every one, Thcre'ssomelliin' 'bout the very streets That makes you feel at home An' somethin' 'bout the very air That kills the wish to roam The oaks a-growin' in the yard; The roses bloomin' sweet; The smiles that greet you when you walk Along the shaded street. "Old fashioned folks," you say; you're right; From grandpa down to child; But when the Lord made village folks, I'll bet he winked an' smiled, An' said; These folks aint much bong tong, Jtiit yet, they'll prove the best Fer quiet, little country towns Mean love; and stren'th; and rest," J. R. Bailey was down from Bux ton this afternoon. W. C. Hines, of near Banks, was a county seat visitor, today. Born, to B. F. Friday and wife, of Banks, August 7, 1907, a boo. Born, to Harry Holocher and wife, of Hillsboro, August 1, 11)07, a daughter. Dr. Via was down from Forest Grove yesterday, on business with the County board. There will be no morning service at the Cong. Church. Sunday nnfinnl of Ian a - Pknintlnti Wn. S:00, Elder In; ccCui'ysr.j; it.: pulpit. Mr. anil Mrs. H.iUUiit, ftuiuie from Californ ia to their home in Portieroy, Wash., were suests, t day, of Mr. LinklaUr and Mrs. Barnes. Wm II. Marten and Mr?. I.iilie Hendrix, both of HiSl-horo, were thif af.ernwn granted liotnse n wed. Sunday School Convention The Greenville Sunday Hchoo' 1 s trict held ita anr ttl corvcntu n a Buxton, Aug. ;. Five Surday Schools were rrprefented and a very interesting program a given The addrts-es fcivn by K;v. Phipps, State Worker in the Sun day Sehool. Mis. Hidden, if t'.e W." 0. T. I'., Uev. U.dnnso.n. and Mr. Holiinger, wero f specially .in teresting. A very pleasant fv.iMire of the convention was th dolichtful Uicclieon prepared by the ii'x':n ladies. Advertised Letters Jack lurk, Mrs Alice N barnes, Yi Berths itietiuan, Mr. Courtney, Mi .1 W Cook, George Oucrst, Maty A Kwtnjj u) Wm H.ini. Mrs J I' llaiii''it.nt, John .lorden, A I Ingram, Jones Lumber to. Mrs IdelU L Mitchell. Wm MelUm i!,l. Mrs jzie Nclsju, .1 U Reed, U.ilpli KerobU, Alexander Robinson, V.r.t F II Sumner, W S Simpson. Wi'ans Sun:!;, B T South, Mrs J M Smith, l-iuiu.i Thompson, I;n-.k Turm r, Pr.t V. i worth, Krtck Wto, Rev 11 Y -trick. Miss Minnie Collins, oce peckiige. B P. Comflius, V. M August 6, 1907. PROBATE Peter Vandfco-veiiog j panted administrator estate Louis Vand? cievering. B (Merntan, Peter Evers and Aotone Krieger, ap praisers ' Otto Bruuke appointed adminis trator es'ate Albert Bieland. August i let fur hearing proof o' will of Wm Janiie:on, deca:cd Sept 16 set for hearing tiul set tlement esa'e Kiiubeth Gri'z mach?r, dtceated. Emil Kuratli files bo; d in sun. if $1"00 as guanliuu of Adam r ni ton, feebleaiinded. BOWSERKGUER Tl-.rngs He Planted Have a Hard Time of It. WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. Ther Are No Flowers or Vegetables, but a Good Crap of Almost Every thing Else Pocr Man Is Heartbroken Over the Affair. Copyright, VM, by Honvr Spr;tj?ue. The Dret robin hud tn-an cly inadu IU appeuniiK-c iu the lat diiys of March whim Mr. Uuwser roturned tmiue frum tho ijfHri one evening hrih'lnsr a pack age under his arm. Win n questioned as to Its contents he n-plinl: "I have been in vt-xt i iii iu K'mleu seed. Last isprlni; I suited tmi !ii; before planting anything, but I urn not to be caught thnt way av';!u." "Hut our buck yard dwi not ' t su:i enouirh," pruteKtcd Mrs. Howr, "mid you know the Ko!l U full of bilrkbaU and mortar. I don't believe you will ever make anything yrow tle-ie.'' ''But I will show you to the contrary. I met a gardener today who ave use a few valuable tlpn. I'll have a Harden this year to delight the heart. I not only need the exercise, but I have tired of buying wilted vegetable at the grocery. I want my fresh radishe, lettuce and tomatoes with the dew on them. I want tbings to look homelike around me. We are penned up here like a lot of Hiivuges, with no Heutinient to nppeal to us, and Hornet lines I feel I TOW) THAT IP HUE AH M(.(H A:-l 1'I.T J!i:H FOOT ON OJI1 J1V THOSE J1I!DS 11 KK I10OM was Ki itE. am returning' to barbarism. I want flowers and vexetablls. I want to tfeem a part of them. I want my len derneiej and xoodness to come back." Did Not Discourage Him. Mrs. Bowner didn't encourage or (lis courage. Kho knew that Mr. Ilrnvser would lie tinpoKud by ca(H ami hoys and trauqm and thundei'Ntoi'mH and late frosts, but at the name time she. hoped that 1'i'ovidnice might be on hn Bids. As Boon o the froHt was out of tho ground Mr. Kowser boiiKht n spade and began 'wnrk. He struck brickbats. He struck cob blestones, lie struck clothesjilns nud clothes propo. He Ntruck wire clothes lines that Uad mysteriously disappear ed years ago and had never been heard of since. JflTj-heprP1 him from b-o-V r.-t. it ii.f! u.iui.. i:o,.ji..i'iiU iwn ' ri th. Jl.t.'vdili,K TlH UI' tW I nU.nc the iiiiey u.l stoped Bt tin gi t. a huu If li had murdeil hi wife ami wa-i pii parinn a gte I And it snowed. Mint It hailed, and It i rained, and tliii wer thunderstonu ; He t"t vet. and he was ouxeretl with i mud. and he b!lierst his hndi. but I he hmnj t his ot. lie had et out to ; imd e a uartten. and nettling ould : d:ui!! him. t'm t-ntT dlrTei-'iit sva ; siens hiie be m niakluc I ho Hower and veeiaMe lds lrn. ltoer 1 j utht him to five up the WMik, but he j tinanstdy ninick his left palm with I !i! rich! tNt a d ivplled: ! ";ie up iintMtiji. Mrs. lt ser. you d- n't Kuov me yet. I am a determined man 1 said 1 wouM make a canbm, i'nd a K'irden t will make thousli the lsctn em fall." Mr, I'onser lni:i:ht n hhovel, a ra stid a In e. lie Kmijlit n load of rich s o'l tr. in a farmer to mingle with M k -kbats.. He tu'i;ht piam ftvm the ! ri-M. He tefcht eoltqt from th livery stable. 1'her were two hour' wei!; for h!ui e.-ery eveuius after din uer. Uefoie the 111 nth of April had ended bis tm,k les;n to huuip and bt sb i'.ldeis to lop, and he irrew hidlovt eiv1. ,i'id bis voice was horu, but n nH Mix !!oer N-Ckjel him to plv ll rp and so tl-Meu he replied: "No rMiiejr f,i tlsU. I have t ont t nee.-tnpb-h semethhur. and I'll ae e.enpli-h it or di in my track " lie sowed lettttiv and radish sedi tie s.nve,t oiiioli eit and b.uubt ti I'l .tJ p-iUts. lie provided for ptliup kins anil hollyhocks lie plaii'isl wa fennel. n and cantaloup' iieed.4, and h arriu.?d for .summer squashes. Th iloiliesi'mes were lKted up. and the c.k w is told that tf she an much a put h r fisq 011 one of those bd twr d-Ken tv -is sure. Iist of ail. he went about the yard planting smitio.ver mf.1 wherever thero was a vacant spot. The nutitlower par tVu'arly np;vealed to him. It vr an emblem of Inmnvuce. It had 110 pulli utMit It It was inemuHKi nml frauK It tiirii-tl Its honest face to the xim vi ery meniliiir and was not afraid of aj Inrest iT-itiou. Mr. llonser wculd hate IS) 0! them la his tardea, and aa he walked among them nt erentid wttlj It!" liai.ds l-elitnd his back he Mould t at i'nto with all uiankiud. Rciused t Buy. lurlHi; the uuiritli of spading, ihovel l:c.,. boe'ni. rakiuii and twwltig aud p'atitia,- Mr, Bowser wa railed on by men wb;i want'd to s.!l him uew rutlk cows and vvlu had hogs aud heus to 1! si, ,so ,,fi hut he t timed them away Tarccs v:i:i!ed to sell htm automobile i'ld ballo ms. but be shiKik hl head and planted more Kimtlower seedn. tie wan oJ'cred atix-k In oil wells and cojpr m!u" at ridiculously low Dgiirir, tint he waved them aside. Members of the !:i.r 1 il l ll ijs' club called to ak hlui to dwiiver an addre.s. but th addnm he deliven'd made their hair ntniij up It was only when the month of May tv.13 ten days old that Mr. Kowger flu-i-l.e l hi work and waited for results. 11" had done li! share, aud now nature niut t. the rest. There caru fronts and taiiuder shower. Boys Invaded tho yard und ipllopeil over thti tteda. Io?s g-it in ami dug for bones, and cuts scratched up the soil In search of ttva jtirp. but be was not discouraged. It was when he bean to call out iu Ills siei ;i n''htly and talk about flower atid vegetables that Mrs. Bowser felt that she oiiijlit tii call the doctor In. He was siit for. He declared that Mr. Hawser had lost fifty pounds of flesh in six weeks atid that If he did not cc: ;o working he would uot be lung for this world. He found one shoulder lopped down four indies Hiid one leg contracted six. and be eMlmated thnt the sj.hio was six Inches out of plumb. He aSd all this and much more, and Mr. Kover listened; In grim slieuce and tli'.'n answered: H'K-lor, I'M have a Knnh-u If I have to walk around In It after I'm dead." Green Shoots Appear. One cveiilng In the hitler days of May then; Here some greeu shoots to be observed on one of the beds. Mrs. Howor and the cook were brought out to view them, Hud Mr. Bowser turned h!s hear owny to concetti his tears. The garden was isiutlug on. Nature was reaching out her band for a shake. That iilk-'bt he not "it of t)d Ave Ulf ferent times to to the back window and nee that the green shoots were all rlr.rhr, eod In his Klee he called out that he would murder the human hy ena who dnred to rob him of them. Alas, when nmrnliiK came those grt.-a shoots were no morel Two or tbrwl uV;s in search of prime beef booea had entered the yard Urtwam tlOMM snd iIuk and scrub-bed and pawad un til noibin),' was left Mlfc' Bowacr loked for Hi outbreak, )Wlt noun fol lowed. Mr, Howsr' face simply took on a new kTlimiesR, and he made and replanted the tcd. A week laler there were other greco things s howing up all over Ihe garden. A warm rain had popped everything out of the (.'round like rapid transit. That evening Mr. iiowser smiled mid Inmrbeil for the rimt time In many days. He hud l'otfgbt tb iliflil aud felt thnt. he had won.HiHe Wttld even Iden tify the hollyLockH from the aunflow ers. He went to bed like a loan who ho i done a j;iod deed and km bin reward lu view, nod the cook made na her mind that if he was 11 paranoiac ht was not dangerous. tj, Garden Wi Ruined. That night came a ttmndershower, but Mr. Bowser slept nnd recked not. The Ihundeibolts spared lila (,'arden, but still when he arose In the morning he looked upon a scene of devastation. A prowling dog had discovered a eat In tlie alley at midnlht aud run her Into the Bowser Kardeu and neross and around It. Other eats had come to her asHlstauce; other dogs had mixed In. Amid the flashes and the reverberation a great bnttlo had been fought. No matter which side won, all had escaped with their llve. It wim the warden that had been ground be tween two millstones, ftot a green thlliK remained. Sunllowerd, holly hocks, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbera nil had been squashed to squash and' trampled Into the mud to bo seen nevw' again. Mr. Bowser looked fiom a back! window nod turned away. Mra. Bow-j ser patted blm softly on tha back, and lm 1'ltr lliinrtt mi ita 1. ......... ...wl ..1...... hli eyes. He waa a walloped man. tf. QUAD. Card of Ttunk The undersigned wish tn tliai.k all ,,. Mas , ; i Hie lne.t.i lor their iyniintbv and kit dms . . 1 .i -ii "11 .1. .,. de Si'urcs e t llUilis lnve II durir.g the tllneh and vlath ol our Mvved fou and brother. William. Mr. and Mra. t UriU'ti. '"": '' H'1" -'""",, if 1 . this 1 ul , v:vrii teb. ) iuul color H!ul ,U,J"- tv, this ....ubiHH.u A trim-dv which Greenville, Ore., Auy. I'.K'.. luIt, u-n K" !l 1 ''" l' ,l,r l,a tte iu K'Vd iuallh nanr, van In- tc'ud Artftis and Orfnian, $2. iq. u t priionu the- mr work in otbri . , . ,. . C.l-.. Kcttd l!:t PETITION FOR LIQUOK LlCI NSti IN T1IK COI'NTV COl'RT ! I II! . , r.Ml-tn- OKI lii'N. lOk WASHINGTON Ci'l N TV In the Matter uf the Xpptu-.tti.m of .1 M. Miller and W.lhm V 'mns bo I.e. " . tO MllspiMlUOUS, viU0U..1C,!.1l.,n !..,....!, in If s.s 'quantities Uu ,.,!:.. , IViitv Tuviiict. To the Honorable lounu t'ent ol the Slate of Oiegoii, for V.i-hmv;toM Coun- p 'The m.dersie.ic.1 ,stitu.m-.s. hrd voters of I'airy 1're.i.i.l. V,.,b.crU County, On non, and on-i:imm;.t mi Irt? of the leal vot-t ! mi.I I'tceou ; iiud Iiiik actual iiMil. nlMi v...! l'u einct and havim; .letn.il'v nulnl in m,d rrveinct ttutty d;tv s iiimi diiSt lv pir.i.l ing tho date of this H't.tieu, uoc.l.l ic sjU'Ctftllly n tition v mil llollollb'c Po.lv anl vvee.ld ask th.it a lnt..s- to sill spirituous, vinous and null It .nets .:. less ijuantita-s ib.tii one i;:ilt.ii, iu 1 ' ,0 v I'uvinct, V.ishiiit;tou fmnttv, ti ...'. I K'antrd and isMt.-d to J. M. Mil.. 1 slid William Vouni;. tvsiili-nts ..t t I'reciiu-t, such license to K- fot ipn..! of one year. M 11 l'aikcr, Itcnrv Siis'Miirr. M ii.oi Vandrnbrook, Klttett sptt .i.iboiouvh. Thco (Went-, l-lli .ser.MIU.t..uvl!. ..hn AdcUttu, tu-orgc .hi.U1hv, .' nhu'Ii. Martin tiot iii.tns, m Simiii, I vv M Coritiadry, llenrv .iitdeln v , Wm I' Heard, Frank Klim nun, .dm S.is'. :uer 1) W Rainwater, V A IviHs, 1 I. 11, i-u... Win SpiradborotiKh, W II ll.ikcf. ,1 11 Kimlel, t'hss I) N.mchn. He Mc. ... Ainlrrw Tleti'hrr. Mil tin l:.i!in, Wn, Kafncr, Chas Riitnii;. ii k il'U r, Wm Selling, K I 15cm, 1 M Ku.lci.J l' t tv, Samuel Ruder. .1 M Ki tiol.U, c Krynolds, Arnolds '.in I .em leii, Itt'tnv Stdilcr, W T Ni-tiKiiicr, 'i mk Ki-m;r Chiis J Herb, W S Nihlrr, Win ,m,!i 11 i.'Uidcti, F I, 1'rangrr, t' '.vinK tit-v , 'lli.w Vanderaiiden, Ch..s Spa -nitg, I. t' Ken d.tll, John B Rivnolds Sr. I nd I l.vdi. J Bert Reynolds Jr, W .In r 11 T. .id. John Hetb, Wm Kobe, 11 11 I'.ti.l.rv, Albeit Sjiieriligs, W H inU v , J kru i;i i, J Spirting, Anton Mimns.n.J Ken;ri. r . anuerntuleii, It iiii.!ou,t-!cn, I o . Yandefiwmirn, A J V.oultluv, lUurv Vogt, K L Hoy, 1 iv-d Willie, IS 11 Mor gan. Ciimel K-ros, T W Morgan, IV'.er Messeon, Frank Vandomrh n, 1- liucili, Claud Lvila, J 1 l'riekvlt, Am:'i t M. Crvrr, T ll Jones, Z N N-rlrv, V 1' Not lit rtip, John lions, J.s- Irron-r, I. J I'tcj s, II II HelUel, S Crrps. th.is F Ruth. Wm S Ik'llM-l. R Rtilii, Frank M-!l.. W I.otijworth, W C Sehnn.U r, I It 1.1 v Mark., Fra k Crrps, A!U-tl Van.loun-ivu A- W Mills, Wm O Walker, ohu r.i:.! well, John Cillt-spic, W II Moilill, dor VandrrJindeii, M.trlia Cut 11c, R. iu Crop, Noah F Ncwhauscr, John Ffd.v, Jacob I.utison, John M Rts Ur. .1 A Newhauser. Bert Friday. W 11 t;.-ki!!. l'.eo Schneider, Fri! spn, 1 ('. Kit'.. 0 S Gallowav, (U-o W Herb, I! !' Ii.mI, Ht-urv Cav , Ji-ss,- j ! (.!, r f p. ,:, ..( JB Newiiauser, ll.trrv Jorticll, j..im Narup. ' To whom it may com-t ri:: Notice is hereby xivcu th it the nudi r signed will on Wednesday the .p.li d.iv . f Sept., ion;, at too'ebak a. m.i.f that day present the forrj;(Hni jxtition f..r ii- cense to sell spirituous, vinous ud mail liquora in Ii.ury Frecitiet, W.whinKioit eounty, uncoil, in less ipiatmtit s than one gallon, to the County t'.mtt of the State of 1 irt'Koti, for Was!iiut;toa Conn' . , at Hlllstxjro, Oiron, and at said tma and place will ask that a license 1 e. medio the iindersnedanpbeamsto.,!! spirituous, vmoiisud n'.iit b, , , Hairy I rennet, Washington Counli, iir egon, in less piautitit,s tlmn one k-'IIou. for a K-riod ot one year from tin- t! ,,- . ( the issuance of such licenv . Il.ited this 3.,l!i dav of July, I William Yoitng, ... M Mill. ,. , , ., Af.ll. 111.-, " M'P" cants. Adminutrator'a Notice Koli.-e is herr-by K.ve that ll,.. und-r- siKie'd has liwu, liy mi Order c! Ihe ( no n. ly t'oiirt, uihiIh and enterr-il on lb- lo t (lay of A. IK. 1st. !.7, uppomlisl Hlnui,i- trittor ol the esluto of Louis amle, ,., , ,. inn, deceusfd, and all M-rs.,us h.tvo,;- Claiitm BKaiint said Kslute am hereby m lil'osl to pre-fiit the Wlliif, oi;i,in-r Kb the proper vouehttfa tlirL.re. to II,,., , lersij(iied at the Jaw OTUni of K, I', Toi.(fue Iu lillUboro, Oirgnn, 00 or I fore ix month froai MMttlote Wmil, IiiiWd thh.ljfday f Augutl, A. ii. Iutf7. " ,' VWVtt, ' VANIiKf OKVPIUIKO. AdminiMmtor. E. ft. louirue, Attorney. Building Material Wcliave just received a larjre'sliipiiK'iit or Shin gles, Lime, Cement, J'.riek, I'irc liritk, I'ire Clay Sand, Gravel, I'ihered and UiiChcrtd I'lusttT See our prices hefore buying elsewhere. Climax Feed Store Doth 1 ACkNowi inoi i r t', S V-'oi pit, Imiiur. hvint! tbtrr im!is n. ulnut ol Si'oci. Ore. on K I I 7, siv- ' I tit is rniphntu allv "f""'"irl"1 ',',-!,' u,,,,"'v ,,"1u m I .hd si me llilft- -! Hfc". At (list ,.,c I ,. dtUrtcicdv M.dtnolo..'- 4, ,; )( ir ,,-miU ttml the b.nk '-' " !'';'t'"l "t-d tl.roth.-r .u . v " ''' " 1 !'v ',,'''""' r"'rh ,,.,,r WrM. it.s.ippc Hc l I he tfOOC.S l'l4 l.omb,. h,v v bfn.q. .rn.hi. ' ''' l r"'K "t"'""1 -' t1""1' '"" ",u:, "lv VA"e" m.d lbi,mK b t'.r hmo. 1 Kot p.o.npt ..- brt Itom ll. .' Kidney Till, I ! k .'OA ot .,.,., el !.. mMchbot , vv b bs v r , ";.t ,rl'"iU " u-'.U'.lv." . , 1,, .,;) ,, ,vh, ; -,. (,,( ,-!,, ,,.lt! ,., 1 ,, . Puii ii... . m .k. , ,,, (,,, ii,, ion. I i t . ;, ..;..', 1 I'm cum, le.ii.'i, oid tike Ml, . , GORYIN & HtDL 1 " ' " kie.ds of l-'i.-sh Mcds. I'tuve n?a- s.u Will l.'.-.l 'II .-i.ftitni. etc. kci.s u.t I'.mkuv n!.iv ' b Hid iisu ...Irt. lire .Manv to nil pit , t. We bav In nt.fV. Ooih ... Sccom! Street, Hillmhoro, Of liisiuv Your Stock liouH- fur luni-s ititd bvcstisk .'ll'd vvbctl V'll le-i- eec v ell li! (ll rs'i Ooi. t Inkr el' . ners ln 11 It is not tirt-t'sMiv. i.ikr out n p-'lo v IN l: t 1.1 t-1 i: toMl'tN 1 .nil acrnt fi t t!ir Nlli o i! l. v.--slovk Ai.i uttoit, li!nn aaiui.t dr. lib fiont nuv t ttise. in-(.tnrn bur. - Trti.ie rrasonablr. JlMIS V AN 1't 11W VI . Ilcavi t Ion, dr., I;. !'. P. No. 2 Tin- old trb.e'ilr tire iin.u.n:rt man. BICYCLE SHOP lik' clcs, ('mis, I'lnliiclLis aii.l Sew iif Machines lo paiu-u aim vk'.uu'i II. ttli saw tiling am! siilitu-. Also agents T 1 r tu-w Uicyvlvs. Call iis Ufnic linyiiij; of .m- ltint; wui k ili 'in,-1. lscw litre F.R.DAtlEY, Mht St., me, I ol Schutnturlvh' a Slorm SUMMONS IN 1 M 1 1 OI'K.in' I'lU'lil ot ill s I V I I. u' oi;i lioN. IN' it V A -HIM.'I' N '. l S I V f,,r , . !,.-,t-..r, ,,!., u,!, ' ' . lir.tnt :-lf ,n To t.r.o.i --li l.-n-Uot , .b-.'re I hi!. -n r, l..c aist. n.tti.ed de j., t .,.,...:( in. -si ,t,. ,.r oi.v.o y.. an- liei.-ev i.s,.i... t., wmr o..f.-.sf l tl. .-.tiii. mitt ii..-U:M v"o ". Ho '' ' " '"'I ' "' ! . 1 ,e - 1 ..r I.... '' "" s' I'' ";- ''. "' 11 '"' Vl ','(' ?!''," J''-"""" , H h bond., .,( , ,(,,,., ,. j,t,,v t. i.k. tit.- .t.ifi.i,'. ,....iii bh.i' .1.- v nd'tii', r i 1 o-.. I,- r .- no' ,t,, r I . f, 'I i i i '.Ic.Ih .1 m .i.t.t. ' ';' ' Hon... .1.:.. I, A , J,,'v, '.;. sK..V.!.f Mill I ,i...i,r.i. .,r -it ..i-r.-.-i'.e !-. k, nt t.l. ';. 1: August la. pm,, ,) ,,,!,. ,, i,i-l I nl.ii.' 1: ...ii. Mil') l v, Pr-i.ii.' .V vt.t)j, '.1 ,. AtW-iM't) I'w ),rfnli Jf. Adminia'ralor's Nol.rc to fjredtton 1 is leu Lv en en Ilia! ll.e im.i.r :;'.! . M-iel-iy. Il.e .V1I1 .1 . ..I 1 '" ' " 1 1 ;" ' "'in. y 1 ' .0 Wish l'l-'t"" 'v, "i"i:cn, duly ;....o!ilc.l "dhoiii.ra!.ir ol tin. oilale ol .l,,lm .N. l i.in r. .l.-c,,.,..!. : ''". licf'L.r.', all enditort of said L. r. l.v rr,(i,ir,.-l t ,,-s..ot ri.i.ms v.: in .f..-r ..it,.b..rs t :l,.- Hw I '"b" M. Wall, -l llt..H.r.., nr.. ,'g'i. niib'ii i .... M1-.HH10 from ibi'.lai,. or tie. iir-t ii.ii, -hi. ,,,, ol ti,-,N noli.. ahieh iti. 1 . v!i,v .41, pv;, I'll. I . M l'.o'.IN-..S A.tiolf.ltra'or ol 11, tl iaiooi I !'!" ieoti'i, .loin, M. Wall, Al!ortn .d.nii,iM. 1 ml .r. i'. , ... '.. Notice ol l: mat Settlement '"''"" i I.' ri-by ll,:,t . , , i,, l,.r .1 .tdoioiei, ti.,r 1,1 ll,.- , .,i.,o- i.r,,,, '" ' I' ve, lit, 1, , iVM , y , ..Id ll. , - ,M I-,,. I, ,:, l,,.d , 1 Miniv r.,nr! 1.1 i-lHin-iou Ooonlv, o,. ''''"". "' a 'I'-iunl in n,. tlul,,, '''" v'' ,:il',i hearti.K and -III. mi, ,,. ;, ,-,., (, '"'"!','' 1 lh" ' "'Hi lloiibe, in HlUsli,,,,,, Or.,. ,n, M Uv A, ' 'I -I W, UK),, ill ()a. in. i.r.ald day ... .John i;i;ow n, Adii'iiirsiraloi' of I i.w uttfU- of Sam ml ..v ei.ll, 'ice, as, ,), With lh Will ol .nu eas '"' aillK-xe.J, W. N, farreK, Alt'y for ,,ln,i,sln,lor. Phones r Life in lswli.it ymt vv.tut, iniuliiii.tl ua, 1 .,. 1 . v.. .1 '.. .1 11 t'l H I I lit II.' t1 1 J 1 II liMlhci' limliiKjs A t din j.K U' litu' liK's, .s.ulHv., iuU:;, whips, I, it .,, iiu-s nf all kimls, atpl ri! at .M,, i'.ih'i Ik- ilnp'i. .tli-tl in i !.ttu!( ,t ami u m 1 ui.itt: It ip iiMi'.'n'u in!, t i 0 if. c'df M pan w it I. . ',' thitlr pii'iiipliV, .I1tl ih.Oi'i s Ii .. . n .i.o.'.t.tiiU'. Jsltip in ! Im. n i . t . 1 1 1 1 p.iv!.'!i;vv', i-ii S-iui:4 Iu 1 I, I !;'; ,' . jM9KMM0MVneee.1 I rioncer Harness A t ntrf:!r..vtii'F,J!A,r.;K:wiw iiuriM. VW.&f b. t-r . I COQUET (50527) Tltr I'lTcluron Stullion. Iinju'ttnl From Kt aiu in Junt. I'KH. j i j j ! Color, hi. ttk, w it It star Iiatiti- 11 it'll. Apn! ii .Mill let. I,,!.!! Co. Is fiety of A nit 1 it .1 ar, No. Will Stanil Si iisun of 1)G7 a-s Kollowji Will I c ill .; t. ' only at oiic-hall mile t.i ernot .v!n:; .- ; s 'a l! filtue (ot J t t t Hill C0. Grills PAINTKRS ami DJXOKATOHS Stlt . i.s.,n a l.v J. t 1 ,- s . tt .-1 Weilowi.il. in all lint s of piutitin;1 an.! .'. a "uiiuRi anl will j'liaiaiihi' otuwoik. We al tarry lull lint of Wall I'aptr, I'aiubs '.nii';-.l.t,',, Oils, t li- il p; n Shop ami store opposid Main St., nt-iir J!il1tt1) w. . cats: & sons lirci'tlcr, nml (.rowers of .mil Di'ttleo. in ivViisU.vl Hereford Gil lie, ( lytk'stl.ilc Horses. I'olrjml ( liinu llofjs, Shropshire Sheep iiiul AiKjont (oals Voun,; lhmr, of l,lh .,, n -i, of nil kinds, (, mtU- at u n 1. .e.eliaW i'lnct. (it :,,,i, lain, 11 ..I,,, 1, Itt-te.i front Ihe I" ' .tinll I Jbcii r.-.petitve I'l.cl-, in Ilic V. S. mid Mur..'. iej;.itdl. I 'I be indiiidiiul't iu- it te M llnif nit tMi piioiallv tivbil I" '"j1" ( "a I li.ide, havinr la, ,i bi.,1 nnd lai'.cl Ml the WlH.im' tle Vallry and an: tlmionehh aulu nai,, 1. ;,,d ,v ,,, b '.lies a-. b an Hi"1"' in. I oil llr , M il I ioii.nte ( 1 in pot b d pool Scol laud 1 lot loo e, ""J I'liiicU. fhit-f, tli'i kaniei t'lii.r, l.y (',il I Kicw b'i b"!:'1'"1"1 opiallv e.ood for Im p sn 1 :,,nt., A Yoiiikj ()tlest!itle Sltillioii In service to a few mures; 10 lo insure. Yomiq lull Ulood BUk Sjninish JuK; service, $12 Horse and Jack for sale. Past lire for all sh' for lreediiij;, at reasonable prices. if m :'-: - tc m, , H WblNMARD'S The best of Bottled Leather I MS J tl 'V iin 111'" I t't in our M.ti jiess, -, 'i !i;ii m Jl.lllv I' ' : 1-!t:.I- licit 'ty , t v aim u i . Vto ' I.-, I, " ' ' ' ! " ""'.Int., '' rt 1 04 1 o . I.. v...-. c. etua.t in !'n! t in a-!; :. It, ii);u; ia ". 1 1:. .! hv (,'ivlar itvi '.led !.y If.c i . : . ..t:..n S JJ-'.vV in- h.tnt of I !! 11 (illlvlc, air 'Uit. ShonF ; " IIIM,4 TiainaM 1 titan V all . ( j,S; j. . Iu .u:v, ! v liu! :.t 5 vitv .'.1 hofiie ,i HIJiMAN CLASI1".. Mng'tr t s r t i i thai an- ti. :-!. - I'ayiir Hit.;.' Si-, . ! barn Third. Hillsboro a If t ' t tail , r. mm sarJ (On drauji'il) all Beers. for Medicinal hc BUUUWl t V fcl u m. ILI . - Lit inLKlll A J 11 At W. V. WILEY'S " . T 1 . . i iii i I ii w