Mai yr ol She i1 liT IIILI.S1H)K0, OWKl.ON. AUGUST I. 1007. NO. 'JO V0I- Koy Topper, tin U year old in of lllard Tiiinmr ii th l)r A '. It. Bailey place, northeast of town. JUkl - ' ( '. .Mtitfj iai'T, iiurMiranfc oi li'w n( "n I'lWMv' I'llV i01"1" llng bi life, Sunday i i uM V 1 1 1 .Hl'. reaulloflrjing .. hlvea lot ol .ll i u!d h ny hfea, which had swarm- I ...I 1.' k I. II . l I . ui l Munlci .i .i. ..... tj s,i.!.'i !." ' '.. POMOSA (IIIAM'iE ,.Md.-' - l.T.r.- ' intiM"1 1 " i.ib; tl- U the cn!t lb l'' 1 tl hard'y ' ' SBtJr at.d ; : iSivi" 1 Tb hn- ''' 1 4fildl i'-'!' irv. 1 .1 and lighted in a trrtt. II tied himself up in the tree about lwen y feet high, and sawed n(t ihtlimb 1 1 which dm hi wt dinging. When ih limb struck the ground I buy immediately swarmed lmek lilt ill llllt IrM Btlll ..llll1IMtl.l Kjiiicf i tnimiit the youug uiu about tin lace, Iieail ami hand. At It wa lit-J iu lio had bard work to gel ....... it. i ii i!.:i .it i .i nnnjl. '(. fK . ... ft.f4lfJY lliMii.ii. , t i. nuwun ( lliw y0Ung ni( ,ul probably, in i'.i.-v Snyder, j iipvinty riv alingara were , I .Whitt 1 tkn Iroai hi feoo Ami btJ. it-'. I all,; Kit avtd: Two yntriiiiii hifer l.ndorsci Abhcssoi Wilcox lu Timber AnHcsMiunt DEllAKKH KUK THE I'AKltLS mif ,1 I.I' i i !k i -t'i: cufl I1'- ! 1 out ". t: hia. T!- bll! h d ! ' ' Ijhjj ivii'i mil. !.! ir fv.nn I ! i i huu!'. k to UitUN to ' T. Pau y , t:.- iJUlitj-d !'" thtt h ki J,n.i ihit c'liiui; tkv. con: pn ion ii:ii"t i , i. I in unii i irt ml. ctrriui amt 1 Itoll: .. i -Ui umill hi tn ilrin on Imlli nlilea , r I of hafk Ully ; otbor i Jery, llgbt ormumrr by j p lll0Ul B'WMk-i ami tin '"'irtvi from ir nortbweal ol i l,i trio .Miionn j bparrrton. Kwnl. lot A. Ctr -i ili I ""!?, Hrerton, Koute 2. , i.or.ti Mm. Mr. Clin. Kmriok, of North i u-l .tn l livrJ ! Plain. b piokeJ 2tt) pound of i tr it po ' '''kborriw, IbU iKaon, anJ told ' " ' ' ' i thnu for IK 4i Midi putliog up . S'lli'lH tt II . l l . , II ' ' i mioubo ir nurai iamu um, iur. ..! tl.- un ; , uir;ck Wi,-0M to thank li who 1 !c !iit!."r, a ti.iK-hi ImrriM from hir. Hat aou ' - - - " LJward. atd IS. I in tlmUilliani county barrrtl lubU, whur b will work until aflr cutting and tbrttah in. I-Aiikrr, n in I ii. thi- It y li i o .!.-ir I r i I,. 1 i .''.!'. il WU r. M'd luUl'i r dul ill . Il I 'li iu i-I.W ir i.: .i I II IU 1 .... V" .. i hi l.nv lion Yntm. Witch lUfal. will I : r -ri't wrM " ' , ' .. . ,1 ,,, .nyr w,u I'1": "iMr tl lh Unch,' r ' j.t f t untd tlnir nauifii for rrgialrrr, . r, ;! " with numlmr of idrkvra In family ,! by tho twlb., v..:lvc.:..u,.i M-... I'll u iiiu hfi ,ro l.r.-ucblih''r' lh,.v I i i , r i-u'lim f H ' t Mwld V lit at 0Mil jurivf I ruJ I vfrn. tn.l whol r mny year r- i,.! .'f bi mur-j.t st Viucniila Himpital, Portland, . i I" bir;july 2tl, I'.'UT, from appaodicitlt. ,i tic. IVny niidjxi,B i,iiPl4t ttiitalned an operation x:wc kilii'-l hull, : rlv in tbn wwk. and It ibi Kn Want Catuuiitlr t Limit up Cni- poiilt Wrallh 1 1, C I,.;i, of l' H'Hl (Srovn, wa in t' ii .Mniidiiv. J li lUiinn. of I'.'aVKiton, wan : in iiitiii tlii Uit i'f lint Mi'tk. I.i.ilin lull ii k, of liravrrloll, in imi ii Monilny nvfiiiuK- .l io Million nitMuvrr from miiitb uf tln rivrr, Monday. Mri. lUmxt Mavi mid 'on, I' n d Kvi-non, urt -1 1 j ) inj an out in, at t'lircoii, Viim1i. Mill f'i'.l. cliirlH, bran, rollml bnliy, luidJliiiKM, chop, etc, for (.ili. ut tlm Miltin narvhiiUMi, by lii'n. A . brown, Ifcmf. Koy I. (irfi'iir, of lh I'barinary, irturiiHil Monday nviviinH from a hli rl vacation ut Naaport. Klii-inbol I Sdmtankf, of Onltr vilin, im in tin' city Monday, tak ing ii look at tlit l!ii'Mn"tuitor. i (iirl nnttM for uriiral liouiw- ork. funily of two. Hl ruling The Waabington County ponumu tlraoga, which uu-t nl Tn 1 1 1 1 1 . July 24, and Mia. Clara Waldo, alata lrclurer, viaitd, w. an im- iiortanl .punion. Tim It th h '!- dorB Awwaor Wilcox for hi tim ber aaMMitiuer.t, and alfi riulnrn-H llm tintititiiiliiin (if a iMiniui' li t' of - - o. j - Ovale look Into the ci r oratu ! n"i (or k od cook, and nona of tb varicua valu .-f ' ' ""' ' "I'p'.v. Ii'l'' Ar.u. the VMted inlrrrala. Tlia f.-llow- C. A. IM-rron, forumrly in lb ll.i TlMIlt 111' MIMMI'-H ai liliaioil, ) in town Friday and Saturday. nntrd Ti'iini" l haul luinlmr !.v it,., id iiiui.d from mill Union I.iitnl.'r In, to miUa iiortb of (Vdur Mill. ini reaolutiona wro mlopttul : Whcrra. Tlir Nalmual l.iniitr, tic Stale I'.ianite an.) many ul..i 1 1 1 it r j langr. ai wrll Hie ip:c at mt.r.; av .IriuaB'tfd Itie rn Imriit o( "t ; rrla IkwI law, anl Vbfa, Thuae Uo .up .mi K. ir- niiu In l uii.'ir lir i lar i iki ii . . .. ,. uoactioo toK.atu tin. ,a.i .lr....i..l ..I : M. I I-M.d.'r-on, ot I ..riiHlU. Ha 111 Jilf lot Itllel ttoin in-rt-ior loin ,n own .tiouony. 1 1 " t--v." o( l r dtllrteiil trr o.iii'nU-.. ibm- 1 r I tt r t l!irvliint' in a day or rn. A frditr cbinilc for Hale in any iii.ii.t!lv A!a. ceditr I'tiue poet. ('. S. K.'Mi il.U, Mountaindal", Or- lllllffllll) I! II I IF 111 C m m WMmmMM E I ; 1 ; J tv- Ir' "VirV'l .JU . i i i W ft . . . I,4Mi County Scat ltos Win Score ol is to .1 YISiruKS tOlLUN I HA I IKKLV AN Kaiol (luvn Utitra at tlltmullc lluint li 'x (. Ij It ktoWfS, Ttil llie "til f '1 l!''n I lila much acl"! tel Icl i n ilrmaii'l (loin c.aiy Hi" 'i in) dr. mti ii ramtiital ft l'oitKtrniii "t t nile.t tit Miort'. 21. and x-l gin: '.h- cii.'f no chance tbouKbt that be would recover, togM ennii !:.!. It - r t-i juft ii'y ; even though hi caim wa critical inir.'ft M- S -vib r rcmaiutd ; when oieralinn waa rtaortetl toby wwal '' .tn.i i' tn' d fantetic the a'lrgeona. irkk. on U. :IUvre wb-. er try ! Th) Mi,M Wir,houa- bai been ing to run .! w- t!,e pf r.".ra.or f.:,flw ty (ino. A. Urowri, and be ttw trritii-:v. iiiforin-moii i,a and srain rtL'.l l,",lwou ,,!f.,r .toratia at l.ricea. i,titrd.'r-r nt-st I" ,n .m ,.Mi.a ... ,, i ,1 KiumKU ill5ltl.-i. ni.i SIM kUlOr. lfTMlK-l'll Ol I'KtlV. U V"" gHMatiif. p'.r.lKw ib-t b HI. ii tr , ir.l i I). M . Mcl .acblait, of Port- llilt rttimoalbl ulticr, wuik (or an. I . , . vol.. for Iheeiiacttncnol a( rt. ..; land, "JH-nl "") ' " ily, l,w- n ith li r htinl'Kiid and eon, ol trie Wbarraa, t u.lre out ncciit mol- l , . j; f. ; aurwmttil auu i"" '" "! . r.t.,,,.,1 rnojt-ny ii ciilirf noi ucd ii alt -i j Hop jurki-r vmi nt fil for ouairo, Jura IH I V IK ("cr ami ut naiv VlllJ Ii.i.mI .'CliUiHl:lUOII. I irf tairn; lbtrlofr. 1. II j ' ji,.f ,,w , lUruee, I.add Thai Va lllii'toll . nillUV ' ' . .. .. , .,, I., . "..a., la.toma lie a.-.t.. l A" . M'tulvUlO. v-rcgou. the Stale Oiaageiu a.,Hiiuli.'K aciu-j .... nk u,.,,y l running 2.r.s ; .,0,t thc .i,y; ..nh. public aeiuimtnl da mamliMK tbai Voni , di'ino-r here and at I-ureal itrove ir Aaarawia uw tbelr lull .orr lo ; ,r() n)l( rull1ij, n (heir full Clpac- mM am 1 1 lir ami i-i.tliutnlr ttra'lll at , , Cliaa. HU'riMi. of ltuxton, inn- iiird Ilia e in-, an I llltTH wnn th daili'i ol' llfiyn JiUl t: what " ; thn fii'- i.-i tmtfl in t; Th (th.r-i!, ti. k; ".-.! i in 1'itoii on; ami noaii) , ; . ...,n.ioB (Jeo. A. Itrowo. uiaiiii. r, ll'W eait i, U. M. Hnydr,j Jacob Mauaa, of near Bank, nail . 'hI.ii ' wa lu-re, in ' tbn tbreabera, luwt balurday, and MM ail priairn.. t.,,.... ! ,iy a jurt anil uniiotni ri;. " . tUtr ! .ot, niwetin loriit'iiw" aim RttMtve.1, That. I" oa !,,,, .,.... ......Uinillt Mlialt UtU wuccUlljr eoiiitneiol Hi -"' " ' , , ' ' ..' . ,,,.), llf lMll Ul -hkl fr... Hank, and it liktt WaabttiKton vounir ntwwi ' " ( --- - . - i ia the valuable tiuibrr Umt of ilir ; ...nv at Argu ollice. Keward. nutnl-er from here, who witm-caed courtly, which ba he'i'f;e j Mrn, t. M 1'gerla. the play. Carl Cbriatianeen. nf above JtUI- :,a"U '"! , .. i . .i.. i.u. on I line in anil nea. me rotrn tun. ini'ffi uirougn wn i i"i : ., ,. , , i . . ! t , i , r, ,,t- i,. liia ranch t rove Co t by a o ire of 1.1 to d, of t ho wink, on route to ma raucn '. , ,.,. ' l ( '.tn nt v Sunday, at lb rorent (irov P l.rcA lounty. (. , . courtly, wiui ii - a (mall tbai o( Ibe lai biir.Un. ibrtrby , - i n.... . i., an.nuiilialmtit il. '.""" .HUH, ."n- - lolb laiabl .toirty o( llm lonnly SOME OLD HELICS l.ridllt tU'.'K III Kintan Cit.v. ii'nl afu-r thii Madaf received no n. t.' hi int-y from the (U, and to her ni-'i-r town, Itic itfl fro n 'i" i !' dl!ai-H;' 1 DnydiT .i 1 i i th gatv.B, tfoirg in th M:ji)un ... t .i.t..... . I, . ttm n cr iit'.i'cn niiiiti i ins" """ b who t. v d-i 'a '; aeaaon. ii. iovc mi I who; '!. -:','!.' t;u f f'li. 1 Clma. Herb turtiml out wheat for him thit vialiletl .'ii buabela lo the .rni Thia aliout aa flood aa tha Kaatern Oregon-Humaier fallow grain, bnt it ia probably bettar raire in trio raiier mia fli'i'lC To wboio i' ii: i y i-oii'-ern : I call ii'.'- ,'i'.!, to S- -. 107 I ol BHin-T ' iMoii' ,iinii',(itrd C'jdi-n n i. -1 .-i 1 1 c - of I lp HI, ahiih r--u-lj :t ' f lioA-: - 1. . ,r ii t n li fiven iy i t -. t or r t-ul li-mi" kept open on svUv. "N''i i-i-r :. rli.ili k."p opfi) any hot.?- or '-n in wliirli iiitoxicU ing li,j't ,r , . i;.-pi. f ir ri'tnii, mi the fimt (lay .,f !),.) wi ck , C iliiinlil'ly Mllfl S-.i.-l iv, or p. vi'. or f"!l. or otbtrni-") o.Mio-.' nt' iul'ixi'it'.ing li'l'i'irH i, n Uiit day; any per eon Violating tin- M-. ti ,n cbull b;i finetl io any h in, n ii ex;: iliiiK twenty five nnr i tii m ten dolhra for Mnb i.-- , m.d ctich firm t'( be for tin- u,.. i f ( i)nirnon acboo! io the ciiii'.'y id wbi'di thi rjff-uiH- Win C'lin 'i, , ; ted : l'i 0 v idn I, thai tbiH lictiun, -o x nt it piohihit keep Ingnpcr: h h'.ii ; or r'.o;ri,ehiH n" Ipply to t'lvern k'p' n " On an I i.l.i r Sunday tbn 2-Hth day uf Jul, 1!)7, thy fun iointr atfltion nf our ftatut'H will itrictly i-;if)f,-.,l in the 1'ifih Jndi fial h; .'r,, I .uiSr,ii:i(? tlio : lien nf Clur-kaiiiiiH, CInlHop, Cohini bi and Wmliiniiton. Dati.l, OrcHi City, Oregon, IbiH 2-ltb dity u .l ily, l'.tOT. (iilUirt Ii. Iledj?J', iJiHtrict. 'Attorri'ty fur tlm Fifth Judicial MiHtriol, Btato of Oregon. AririiH und OreKoniaii, $2. Htuii Ornduir, f-f nbove I.mre), an in town Monday. Waiitml : A (irl for penural hoiiHswork. Apply to H. I-. li irnoc, fld ,v Rwl Farm, Kcilvil!, Oregon . Frit, llnf.-nor, of Ildvtdia, and N. W'liin-r, (f Laurel, wro in town ib IbhI of the vvci'k. (''edar (.hingloa and codar bop l'l'lia an cedar furies pmt? f'"1 n Hiniill or car load lotn, if do if'. Wxuutin tf.'- Son, iiuxton. J. W. llailey and bin brotbfr-in-jw, V. II. Ktreter, went in to the T'iiHk country, Tucnky morning, via North Yamhill, and they will IlilUlHiro'a hall team went ii airainat Kanka. Inet Suinl.iv on tin hi I.h al grouuda iuol the hUuirbttr f. wua aoiuethiug terriln-. r.vt ry one of Ibe home team phytd reat bill, while the lUnka teuiu wtnt to pincea from the very flirt, it up ptiaring that it m an nil day I r tbeiu from beitt to pooi't-l. Clay Krefiuan'a rurvea went too imirh lor the viaitora, and when they did bit there waa nnthiiig to it b'.t cutn at the btHtit. Koy Moore, for tl.u locale, amaxlii'd out two Imme rm.H and Itali'hrtliir a l'i n niiniii.' aonirthiiig gri-ul. Fo ir I, (Mil h:ii: for Mill-ooro, lieiil I'riMi'iiii in chae. All llci home hoy,, wire in the giime iu grtat f rni. Caratrne, who pitched !in ball July -I, Lad a bad day, evolouCy . Hank' pitcher wa htidly built d and lUrrett, the catcher, wan in had form, and halted poorly, he generally being g od lor nice nork ilanka renraMly threw th" ball away, an.l.a they won the Fouith of July game against CotneliiM, the Hillaboro Umn b'ela highly elated at the Hioie. Tint lino up waa: ltlllltlOfll Clay Ktrcinail I I'lKltlt c Knv Mooir I b li Sin it Ii l h Wallrr Movr lb j lllll lluiiiphicyi ur skin in;iy look clean r washing until you t-.,.. ll,,, loft. in lirt lh-4t r nr.. it i. mi i i. iu. ' ! t ...,,....;.. .. M...-. ji i wiujm i. in vii:uiii win iMiuii uui d tlu? pon s , t . 'in. I'-'i't i. intf -iiiiii '. i. I t' ll ! v k l ---.'l l,:.f, y,M r,y 4 -, Vin.t in f t fir I I'uim-f L "; u .' t ff i'l t tlrt frniliti'l You t .f w f-yr! iy it wM u!!' f.d hy ti iif" ,th atifrfliiMg Vklii'er, 0 jroyf :p Mn i jr. A ' tiir irtt m dm t-, !tt watli rg Vk.'h fh 'Ui'ht '' i tlf tn i lifit n . m fvitViiif fvaiy vif, 1 .. 'oh M .wjff t K"ff ; i i-'I tn f -i ,t' si (rntly ribbed out w'll r.' h t'i i (h rfttt Jiv hat -.uiheJt i-"imli' tin ikm. put l" I ' ! tn !.r I i.erk, I lll'if .., Id ;.rff., t W'r li . A 3 (.'itkri i; j y i'ornp-nn Mjj(p t r rani rt it jrret iflifl jftrr ij i ifivlt i-.j n.ine if. lit n f r t! i a. e-r r-ri m tmw. ie , i in 4 li jlif, t-ii jifi..-;i. i ).' .i'ht Uiit b.liiff "A Ttmmon l-'acbl Wtc. liillsboro Pharmacy am waaMU Slrontjcsl DIrecloralc in County Itiivry llatilirUr .r I . Kav Tavlor .c t John Mi l r I f H.itiki , , . I' I ata'.rtia lUnrll M. Kitli , . Ili-n l'lir'il- ! icl Scblegrl , , l-..irl Wilaoti l.culcr ltrlati'1 , . Clav lloo'.rv . .. Mi rhrianti W'itltin tlm-i' iiK thi:; K;uik It.i'l mir list is i;tow ini; -' -"' )' I heir ;ft'.-r el ciiim- fur business 4 . ' ... inn .:(( i in iscjiosits, ana mc (1.1V. Siu ccssi'ul incu ilalc C. A. Cavell. who baa beencruit in tiinljer for the county lor tha pant three iiumttia, ctiina iq iuea .lav niorninir. am i baa liniahad hit labore except a lew aectiona over in the ChehalMii Mountain neigODor hood. This ho expucti to crulae thii week, and tben in ooun.y e liin.ite will bo complete. Tim buiiae of (i. W. haker, of ILaverlon. had a narrow eaca f,,,,,. t.iirfiinii a wook aao Saturday Tbn blare atarted from a apark r,,., ti,M kiti'hnn Mtnvs iiina. Aliout hix feet e (ture waa burned bofore ii... iirA .im fitiniruianeii. a how Hue will replace the pipe. Speaking of groceriei if you ... ..i I im httnu vv a ii v ' a.. - - t- , e,ifw.riitu tt IkA found in theiuarkot. try John Dennia. lie ia nr j"-" trade, and once a customer, alwayi a cUHtoiner. ri vv Hknr. of near Bnaverton, ft b Ik trim m mnt hii hrother. Hi- laa Haker, at the Union depot, In pi rtUnd, the other day, and the : I ..Ha aa U lit nioal The via rSIJOgllllloil irnn " , . . itor thinkB Oregon is a delightful place, and after a short viait U ahniit perHiiaded that be will Boon locatn in Oregon. tr... -i. Tin ronni bouee in I' or ri". it I . good repair; barn; orchard; I lots . .... i.i,.oW frnm school ill iraui, uun - house; 3 blocks from railway. Ooea for 12,000; laJ .owd, iiii"' lime. Iiuiuire of Argue. A. C. Winney.of beyond Glen coo, while painting at Maya Broa. Htoro, Saturday, in stepping fom i..,i,i,., tn another, fell and bad- UllU lOW'.'.i ---- .' . - V bruiaed one of bis iMt. n - in and had it attended by a phyBb ciau, and will I laid up for a wee. or ten daVH. Frank Uallard, who eettled here lontfld some fruit TJKSVi. .,ij will bear about a bushel K . . . ..... ... have a euuu vidiu KalUrd beKinB to think that Ore. ron beats Nebraska, aner ... nil. ... Rf orVi tf nf Mniintaindale was in town Monday, bringing in a i uA. hn rAtnrned to I on lun.1 afur a viait with her parents. Cbae, and John Hereof Green ville, were In the city Monday af ternoon. j ami-May, ofVinelands, was in town Saturday. Some few yeare ago Attorney John M. Wall did some legal worts l-r the late K. W. Simuiona, who mar ,il iha widow of Ur. Mill, the founder of Hillaboro. The old gen tleman bad no money ana gaie Mr. Wall aome territorial warrant which he had vainly triel to real- i.. In manv veara. Mr. i'n AO ft.. " J 4 lie on ior mauj , ------ look the warrants becauae of their jt price tlmt am valuue. Win. Schuliuericb and l. luirk- X'VK thB viaiiora batted to baiter, of Fiiniiiiigton, were in the j,, the hand, llilleh.iro goia to city Monday afternoon. Win. baa .Scholia, Suiulay, lo play with the -. ...I f .in a lllll til lllll I I . jiiai itiuiiK"! ni'u. local nine, 1 il.iuno ill couuiy. For genlleincn'rt, ladlea and FAMILY REUNION children's hoau you can do no l-ut- ter than to buy ol John 'ennis k Sumliy lhe 8hulB .,rvWM W Ilia VO VII -1 " ' J 4 ' a i i . ! . 1 I Your deposit is soluitcd. Till rOMST GROVE NATIONAL BANK l'..ri n ((to-ti.t llnntciiif." l iiMiHvt. Wr pay iulrrral tm time ili-'M.Mla' I-oniii Kti.l liiM-iuii'.t l'.xcbuige loi;lit and ml. I to l! t'Btla of t he wot .. 1'iml our brick U coiu-plrte-l on I lie cottier ol I'm -y'li: Avetiur (tint Main, our bank n t; bi.uite la IiabIciI lunr (loots couth, on Main. Ho.ird of Directors: V. It. 1 laities, Pits. )im. li. Hailey, Vice Pres. Tln-s. ('.. Todd, J. W. l;uqua, Kx-Conutv Cum uiissiotier. Jehu A. T hornburgh, Cashier. forest (irtwe, Oregon a-nanaiiiwiataiai iha scene of a family reunion that ...III l..n.. I.m l..,l,.... IwrMil l.v Hie yalue as relioa, never thinking that j MBmi Jtaker, id beyond parlioipauls. Mr. and Mra. W. M. .i I Uniim nf valutl 1 he I t .. ... i., I..,..,, M,,i,,litf ami hii VH U.,u,,, nl lvanuau I'llV Flovd inft-Y wifuiia ... w ... - r.,1 vwirft ill i in . i'ftw... i. i iiiiipum w. -.... - - i . - - j t..t Uuialaiure. however. toik "P, ,i,,,t bn will atatt tbruebiuii about TUnaom. their eon. and Mine llcaaie . .-n- , .in., the mailer oi na u" ., rilorlal warrants, and Mr. Wall ro- minded lhe committee that bo also bad some of the paper. I ney have been paid, ni i"" Blim l" r uan ' i iim ha Ixien tor warded tbn attor ... lu.l Himmnna. the etorj giMia. received the warrants from Mrs. Hill an" ene oecaum ...m. Simmons. There woro tour war rants, two of which were dated August 19, 1JM. ami iwo uin, tviV....... ill I HI'.). The fnc9 of the paper amounted to, and ti... .ara tiavaii B io I'nviu ft.".. )d Simmons uieu ai mo poor farm several years ago. PLATFORM DANCE ti... ;n I.a nlatform ilanco nt I Uflv ff... i the Shute Park, Saturday evening, Augusta. Toellesorcneaira. u- freehments served on groiinos Tickets, 75 cents. Dmoe pivilum electric lighteJ. us one. DIES FROM DKEAD DISEASE Wm. Relben, the 21 year obi son of 0. Hfliben and wife, of near H.nka. died Friday Irom ceroora. spinal meningitis. Debased was . ...... Lnl liiituta a young mn m oucim) i and (ulte popular in his Heotion. "....i r'ltmmiRHioner liutnor, of VOtlllkJ v......-- ii...,ft..i.. was in town Saturday, litoi"l " - . , conferring with Judge Goodm. Frank Bower, of near Scholia, .t . l ,.nol I4lnr. was up t mo coiiuiy noaii, .,.... day afternoon. 1 ff!ll..l... James Gibson, a lormor jimeoo roite, and who now reeidos at ltccd- v llle. was in town naiurnay. i T 1 WlrVwnnd.of Uod Vllle, Wllfl In town Saturday, enrouto to rur ant (liove. III.U ViiniTV. of PhillipH, was in the city Saturday. C. Yungon, of Helvetia, was In town Friday. r T rancla. nf Tualatin, was up'Vri'dav, the gueBt of relative and friend" wetd, of town. ni;tl.nlntniia and family. were uri from near Farmington, Saturday. Ill inn 11 i'k'i m l IVIIinvriM i m '-... - will atari throahiug about Tianaotu. their eon. and IS the lira nf next week, (train louks lUiiHoni. their duugbler, were llie liou nut in tlmt ercliou, be ays. Kueeta of tho 11. P. Cornelius Funi U':rV r tlu, tonS'" W lL " Mr- Uanao.n ia a nieeo of Mr, El V nr." S Lot Cornelius, and as the vieitoracould cuebio, sbmis for men. Uading "lav but a day or it waa deed d i. u n 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i ......... ...,.. to have aa many relatives an could innkee or uiuie.i. j.airrv ctjivn - - . . , , .,, II,,,.,,.-,!. -.,u, Wjja-l, J-J I. ; .n. Sister PuncratiuH, of Ward, Wfir0 tlx irty one relatives present,1 WiihIi., Sinter Mary, of Mt. Carinel, Mi(JB willurs being thu only parly j id North Yukiina, and Sister .Moore, 0,jU;ja 0f n,e family. Those pren- of Vancouver, were here last wetk, ei were: miosis of their father, J. A.Moore, iml Mra. W. M. Ransom. MLv. i i . .1 1 A I jiwl tt...,. I'uiiainii I l.iv.l Uatiaiitn. a llll'lll rr.. ami nroiiii'ia, . . .. ' . . Iter of lhe Kaiiaaa Cltv Hnatd o( 1 HUgll.l'lllliauiy. iml slock ,.;xl.,mK,; Wm. Ransom, Snruv vour bnim: Now is lhe Mia l'earl l'aiton, Mrs. L. Walton, too heavy, and the lice loo illicit. MjM jUr, comflina. Nelsin Cona-tiua, Wo liiivo iUUBHiii chips ind whule purtuml; Hun. U. 1". Comrliua ami wile, oil roup iu htock. C. B. lllichan- It. I'. Cornelius and wile, Ksllier, i.l.i.lya U " and lien Coruelnis, l-'red Cornelius, ttil- an iv- Co. - ., ... .11... i 0...1, i win., i.. nam vuMiei'"'. . ""' - O U. DowiiH, tho forilinr Forest N. Tompklm.. Mra. n. J. Barren, . u ',. ..' I i known al lebbie llarrett, Hillaboro; hlmer Maya drove veteran, and well known ai Ton.D.ina. Mia Anna tliitl place, H exporting the M. Tolll,,uiiia, Miaa Anna Willera, lil.-iicor. Johnu' cily lionkn under contract. A bountiful dinner waa served, lie is Inning money on the job, he anij refrosbinenta were on call says, but will slay with his work throughout the day. until liuisbed. Tl18 Kansoms departed Monday i ,.i.,.l in f.t i iml linnio in Kansas Citv. and HOD piUKlMB Ol" Ilijucnwit m ft v..v.. - , rooiHtvrat tbo W. It. Jolly yard, 2 returned with pleasant tnoii.onis miles north and a half east of of their Oregon visit. IM bi uiro. Van o .l.i acres 10 Bailey's Big Store Wo sell SKT.Z' Shoes; They make your feet ylail; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Viei Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. liluchcr, Hall and Oxford. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove ; George Cypher, of above (llcnooe, was in town Saturday. Annua McFoud. of near Mniin taindale, was in town Saturday. ffr-anlr Harborcr. the bin six foot- er of West Union, waa'in tbo city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kmmett Quick, of above Buxton, were in the city Mninlnv. hn Kluik, of Uuxton, wue iu nick, and yield heavy.---W. B Jolly, grower. John Zimmerman was in from beyond Hlonooe, Monday. Mr. Zimmhrnriii rnconuy iohi a vmin hlo homo by heart failure but as Home balm to his bad run of luck, a day or ho after be won a goia watch, us a Weekly ICxaminer pre mium, unl.t or pxe.hanap.: Clear I W . r:i,w v n . . . , 1 ..t.l!.l...1 and fruit slunu, roou e T . mnn . . KUnk re location, in city ot 1'ortiana; win milo lrom in WiiBliingtnn County. A goon, . iortland. lie paying oi nu advertised this rath liroB. f r n !..!.!.. I .i n,!..l t rta In e t.. i ibMv ltidknan and wife, start U1H yaril lonnuriy n-nunu an ...w.. - -- , Mili.o Hchnoitler yard, end nonday for a vacation, spending a owned by m, will please registei oi umir uiu ... . ......... .u,.- with mo nt tho yard, at I.DisyvilleM the former home of Mrs .. ... i. ,.,.,!t oiMraualmnan and a nortion of the out' in iwmon, ui uy nuiu, i., r ---- , . . Hillaboro, Oro., Uoute 3, or K. g at Mr. Belkuap'H former homo Cornolius,Ui:iiboro. W.J. Gr Benton County, lhey expoct ' I I . n 1 n V .ill in i.fib U UU KUBVU ftuuuv vuicd nuDRD, That Tired Feeling If you have that tired, don't care, half alive, dull headed or despondent feeling, you need Iron-Tone. Kor sale by all DntRRists. Priec, 50 cents. Let us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what it will do. You can have it for the asking. Address C.rovkr Mhdicinu Co., Woodburn, Ore. 15.! the Si Condel years,! grootir Miei hnd'j ll'iiley today, i Mr. . Glnnco Dr. visitor, IShe Delta Drug Store Hilhboro, Oregon Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete line of Shavers kequis- 1. ,.. 'ovatc . rims. IMUUn.', UvSi. Mil 11 "'""'i - r" , y ' Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices, oee our wiuuuw. j 7 5 J at 1 unt duer for a fow Uiya.