The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 25, 1907, Image 1

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seen Argus.
Si i
NO. 10
liftfe IIS LLAIllls
Judc Mclliidc Decides That
Auspluiul was A'c 1 1 P.tid
Hiit Honor Htclilot AvfiiitHt Exliiiitiibnt
Snkol Ti t
Juilu" Mcllridn derided lnt Friday,
altor two days of lo-minc,, Unit lr,
A. A. Amphind, iif Urn I'urlliiinl
Kx Radium IfiUlittlto, WI'H eiitith'd
to no more money than ho Lid u
cii v ml wbhh wan fircervk
rendered Alex Di'imond'n wifo nt
childbirth hoiuc iiKiiithH ii'o. '')u
Portland phyididuii find IV.i'i,
nod two times Iih tiinli voluntary
non-Kuit, bihI would Hun Com
mence OVIT llj'uill.'.lT ll'i lihd
again in Portland mil limn to
clinch tli coiudiii'Uit. and keep
him in court liuinoud nnnHcred
mid rhiimtd iJiIOl.'il dAiniigia by
rrunoii of i iiotMn f nt practice
A ur! 13 rn I itgn-od to having tlii'ciue
trind horo nnd it i htn;n of venwr
Whh Hfturod. Whilo the e mit de
lidod li m miitl wan not (Mliih d to
dining)) lie licit that Auipluinl
wan well paid for the, nu'iiM ntxl
udcwh of 1 1 i h Hiirgical (itid oli-ddri-ml
work nod Diamond in .7.,f
ahead of W lint hi' would have been,
vn bin lawyer' fee, Ltd ho paid
without 'tu-i'liiO).
J. M lmy, of 1'oltUlld, Mid
Itaghiy o llari defended thecal
lor Diamond, Mrs, Diamond's
parents rt!idn near ('i-dir Mill.
C. K. 1 tar liuuh, of Siholls, and
who wiib working (or the ironi-r A
Howell Ciirn nan v, died Sunday
morning, about (i 1 1 1 ; t k . from an
attack of heart failure, Mr. liar
baugh and family wont jt'rupy iiij;
tiutt clone to tlin Hehol!' bridge,
and early in the morning nroie for
a lew ioinulH, nud then ruiuriud
to bed. His w i f j noticed t tint ho
breathed heavily, and receiving no
response ton ijtntctiou. fuinuiontd
neighbors. II died, however, ho
fore aid arrived. Ilarlmujih wan
4S years of ego, ami foindtd th
MeMinnville News point) years apo
The paper win Inter nerved with
the Reporter II in widow and
aevnn children eurvive him. Corn
nor Urown wont to the llarlomnh
hotiifl, aeooiu 'Hiiiotl ly Dr. V. I
Wood, an : was ul
llret thought 'that Mr H ibiu;ih
might havo t.ik'Oi prison, i 1 1 1 r by
accident, minlakitij? it fir niidiciiif,
or 1 1 V dorian, hut an eviiinmnlion
hy the phyaiciaii di'pellod any
audi throry.
Ilarhiiuuh hud b- t n with Iho
(Ironer .fe Itowell pooplo ah oil tao
monlhi1, coiiiinK thoro from I'ort
land. IHh fundly had heen with
him hut a few WHtk, For the pint
few yenrH lot had b.'on in the nn!
estalo huhiiuiis in Spokauu.
Clef). D.iroly, of b iyo;il 1 1 rncoc,
wad in town B'llurdsiy.
John Uti'-t, of ih:u i'.cthany,
was in town Saturd y.
Dance at the iilatforin, Shnte
Park, Haturdiiy oveninj?, July 27,
Tickets, $ 1 CO. Walkcra' orcheflni.
Mr. and M;. V; F. Adkina
Lave returned from an extoiukd
Btay at Si:nnide.
l)ana at the platform, Shulo
Park, Saturday ovoniug, July 27.
Tickets, $1. Walker' orchcBtra
MiBB (trace dol l, daughtor of Or
Cole, of l'ondleton, i'l u guctt of
MiuB Lucille huhrio.
Baldwin llroa. bavi hud tlie
foundation for the Wood loiolt, and
the walls will Boon bo ei noted.
Dr. S. T. Linklator U puttioR an
addition to the roar of tho building
a door North of the Arnue oll'uso.
Wanted: A Kirl for general
housework. Apply to H. I. lUmcH,
Ladd A', llcod barm, Jiaodvulo,
Mrs. A. It. Bailey has been in
Portland a few dnyfl, attending her
mother, Mre. J. 1). Merrynmn, who
ia convalescing from an attack of
For contlemonV. ladles' nnd
childreii's hose you can do no bet'
tor than to buy of John Dennift.
We huve them for everybody, ivnd
at pricoH that aro valuer.
Job, Willianifi, who in filins in
the kiic'iim wouuh above Kdatv
WaBh., returned tho lirnt of the
week, after a vacation with rela
lives in this city.
Lost, between (Jornel'rta and
Roy, purse containing eniall eum
of money and huncli ot keyB
Leavo at Arcuso'lioo. lloward.
One hundred and fifty nix from
Kuroft drove, HillHboro, Cornelius,
Dilley and (iaston, went to Carl
ton, Sunday, and watcLul the colts
liciit Curlioii'H crach-a-jack hill
toiim, the Kcore being G to 3. Up
until the fourth Inninx it was horse
1'i.llarn, vdien the Carlton n ins put
thnii runs acrona the plate. Forest
'trove continued to hang up dough
nuti until tha nizth and seventh,
wliMiilhey liaHted the hall tor sii
neuron. Tho colls did lloo work
with lint two or thrte eoHtly errorH,
ami it wax a groat game, Copple
:ttod, John Wirlz tatted, Bettis
toil tod, the two Hohullr. hoys batted,
I'.iilton batted, (tetter hattxl, Moore
htittod, and Davuh liatted the
whole bunch did great stick work
ut the la.-t, and it was a game
worth the candle, liettin made
one bnd error hut the nay he Bayed
the diy was admirable. la one
inning ho only pitched 10 over the
plate, and three men were retired
at the none of th catcher. It Is
intimated that Carlton loat .'500 on
the Kiune, the Carlton hoys betting
the limit. Carlton U a pretty lit
tie mill town tip In Yamhill, and
the young fellows are a neat look
ir(? bunch of boye all tho way
through, and there was no rowdy
Urn. The Col U play McMinnvtlle
n-xt Sunday, and it will be a great
iaiue. Kneh has won a game and
tlin coming event decides which Is
the butter team.
For Hale: Holelein hull, prac
tically thoroughbred, coming 3
yours old. Fine for breeding pur
pones. -John Schntiider, Hillsboro
K. I, residing one mile weet of
Phillip. I'hone, Pacific Htatee,
HillHboro, I'.ix.'i.
I'ncla ICenyon Crandall, who
colobralfd his 77th birthday Sun
day, July L'l, left Jionday for a
two weeks' outing at Astoria, Sea
dde and llwaan. Mr. Crandall
baa been a renident of the I'aciSc
dupe hince 18V2 and in all these
years ban txen oaHt but two times,
making the trip to his native state,
New York. In 1S71 and 1872. He
ban Bt on WaHhington County grow
from four or live hundred acres ol
plow land to one of the richest
counties in the state, and be ex
poclM to live to see Portland, which
had hut two or three business
hotiHeH when he arrived, grow to a
city of tUO.(HX).
We carry the beat shoe on the
market for the money. V, L
DoukUh and Dr. Heed's famous
cuBhion shoes for men. Leading
makes for Indies. Latest etyleB
nnd finish. II. Wehrung & Sons
Kev. A. Uohinson, pastor of the
Presbyterian churches ot Tualatin
Plains and Reedville, has gone to
Mcacham for a week s outing, with
Ihb family. 1 here will ha no ser
vicee at lleedville next Sabbath,
but tho pantor will preach at the
Tualatin Plains Church in the
morning. In c&hb of funerals or
ottior important affairs Mr. Robin-
ioii may be reached by telephon
ing to the J. J. Meacham farm.
For Bale or exchange: Cigar
and fruit stand, good established
location, in city of Portland: will
trade for city or country property
in Washington County. A good,
paying business. Impure of hu
ratli Proa.
ltankft beat Cornelius last Sun
day by a score of 4 to 3, the win
nii) scores being made in the
ninth inning, when it looked aB
Muiiilt Lorntiiins bad too game
ciucneit. ine nailery tor uanxs
was Cantons and Bernards: for
Cornelius, CornehuB nnd SholeB.
Statute CuveriiiK Method of
Determining to (instruct
Teachers Muit be of Uii;li Order, and
Vradusle f lonlilutioat
Anent the agitation now going on
lor a High School in Washington
County, the Argus has hoen re-
uested to give the law governing
the method of introducing such an
institution. It simply requires a
majority vote and after this has
been canvassed the county board
selects a site. It requires but a
petition signed by one hundred or
more qualified electors, who mut
be taxpayers, to get the matter to
an election. The statute follows:
Hop pickers wishing to pick at
lay Hop Hariri, Witch lla.9l, wit
please register at the ranch, or
send their names tor regietery,
with number of pickers in family
to tho undersigned, rune aocomo
lalionB. 1( rank W eieonlmck, Man
While. Fast, A. C. Shtite had I
visit with F. L. Uay, who has
hnrco of the dining service on the
Pennsylvania road, out ol New Jer
ir .1 r IT I
eey. no etaies mai mr. nay, wdo
wan raised near late city, nas a
tine position, and that his dining
service ia the best they encountered
on the trip.
Speaking of groceries if you
want tho iiiicut staple and fancy
eroneriefl to bo found in tho market.
try John Dennis. He iB sfter your
trade, and once a ciiBtomer, always
a customer.
Those wishing to pick hops Id
tho yard formerly known aB the
Milne-Schneider yard, ana now
owned by me, will pleaBe register
with me at the yard, at Leisyville,
in perBou, or by mail, addressing
II lbboro. Ore,, Koute ;i,or iu.
Cornelius, Hillflboro. W. J. Gregg,
Mr. and MrB. Gay Lombard, o
Portland, have cone to Alaska for
an outing, and during their absence
tho'tr Hon. Master Ben, 18 here tan
ti care of his grandmother, Mrs
T. H. Toncue and he appears to
bo making good.
Larkin Reynolds, ot Phillipe, waB
in town Monday, on business.
ro i"r', wa id
f H
W 1H 111
vein, w.n
Tlicrrnuy leclllisheit in any Cuimlv
tliis Slate out- or more (.'uuutv Hujli
Si-bixiU; proviilrO, that at any (.'i ni ral or
tjecml election lirld in huiiI (.uiinty aflrr
i iitmiaie uf thin act a uiaiotitv ol nil
the van cast l ouch electiDii upni the
proKnitinn to entiibhsli (Xiuiitv llih
School Oiall he in favor of -tithli.)iing
ami luainUining micli County ilili
School or icIiooW at tilt I'xjH-tise of sanl
The County Lonrl, at any ecnrral clcc-
tiou to Ix liclil in any County after the
Mtsta)(c 01 t""1 ct,iiHin the prt-wntatioii
f a u-titioii nailed liv one liuuilred or
more iimhlieil elector, taxpayers of aiil
Count v, mufit xutiiiiit the qut-nt'ou of es
tablishing and tnaintaimiiL' a Countv
Hii;b Sibotil to the eleclnrs tbervof.
Tlie County Contt, if they tleein it i n-
iwilient, may order a st-cial elcclioti for
such purpose. Such election Uiall U
conducteJ in tlie manner provided bv
law for conducting electiotiH. The ballots
for inch election nhall coutiin the words
I'or Cuuntv 1 1 i i h SchiHil. Ves:" " For f imv
County Hik'i School, No, anil the vatcr
nhall indicate hi choice an provided in
the Australian tmllot law
If the majority of all votes cast on the
proposition to establish a County llih
(school are in the allirmative it shall la
the duty of the County Court, within
thirty day alter canvassing said vole, to
locate the said school tit gome suitable
and convenient place in snid County,
The County Court shall also estimate
the cost of purchasing a suitable lot,
erectmif a buildine and furmsbini; the
Mine for the accommodation ol such
hool, with the cost of couductinir such
school for the next twelve mouths; pro-
ided, that the County Court, or the
Hinh School Hoard, as herein constitu
ted, may rent suitable rooms for the ac
coui inodation of the School.
All teachers employed must be
graduates of Oregon State Normal,
or graduates of some institution of
collegiate or university grade, or
holders of state cer tinea tee or di
plomas, and the echool is open to
pupils who have passed the eighth
grade finals.
In cafe the vote Bhall he favor
able to a High School there will lie
no expense for a site, and condi
tions can easily be met that will
furnish a splendid library for the
use of the school.
A ri;i'H Ht,d (!:;
John Itittor, if
town M n day.
A . Kri"eer, I
town Monday.
j. ii. n.-owo,
the city Monday.
Dir.iel Stulirr.
in town Tue-day.
Sherrian ''
wae in town Kriil,..
J. J . Whitli-n, 'if i."ir
was in loan .Saturday .
L. C. Brown, of I ), a Hih, was
ov-r to the city Tti'-rday.
John Ko ;h, of lib v: Cii.-ndius,
wae in ti e city Sa'unhiy .
Y. C. Direty, d bfy-.tid (ilui
cue, wa in town Slur Uy.
llet.ry Brock, of -uutii Tualatin,
as in town the lai-t of the week?.
N. (i. McD-.r-a'd, of Kii.ton, was
up Monday, gi ttu reudy fur hnr
vest. (loo. Loeb and ;f" wcr'' out
8unddy, jiii'S'.s i:t lbi Archhoid
Misr Ona Fooril h-i ro'.urned
from en uutin,: a: t'ar-' !i Spring;.,
Mr-. Join 1 .'- oiipat.i.-d
Mr. and Mrs. V. 1,. I.yiio mi thtir
Tillamook trip.
Pom, Juiv 21, I Hi", to Mr. and
Mrs. J. It. PowhI,..!' N. rtb liilis
horo, a datiditr.
J. A. Cornely, of !,':br, t of
Beavfrton, im in to-vn "'(. 'isy
looking after nome -',r,! y t io:,!;.
Ceo. WhiCey, lut'-ly wi'li M.iy
Brod , (Jlenc ip, i nu iki'1.! toe
Polnon Iuipliiiei.t Co., of Portion 1.
01 IA
Superintendent's Annual Re
port an l.xhatistive One
Fifty Thousand
Teather' Work
Paid for
The superintendent's annual school
r-iort for the year ending June 17,'
11(07, show) an increase ever the
preceding jear of 130 pupils in i
tho schcol population of the county i
and of 4 1 )'J7 oO in the amount of!
county fchool fundn apportioned.!
Teat.h-M' wng'-e h&ve increased
from an average cf !i.75 to too.-'
for m :l? k-itchers, and from j
t till to -til It fur female teach ;
ers, Tiicnicount of county school
f ind app r'i'oif 1 kj, a9 given be-!
low, .$;i!.ss or (there being I
iVAu fchool children) iff, 05 perj
Kxtrac'.ii from the annual school j
r-ii'.it (,how the following: !
iK-,we ii 4 3151
etweeu 4 ,V 21 31.75
l' CI!) 'llt'S
. ... 62:7
.... 2799
for teacher' wa';es I49J13.93
Kent cf momsund S'te 25.00
l ite and chooI supplies 3617.84
Ki p.iir.i and improving grounds J022 Si
v. ... ,.-i.n .i - io ...
ith Fonie white spots on. eais , Pri,.,in,, f .,u
hell, leather s-rap. ii rf-wurd j und wdnants 4S95 50
Mr. J. 0. Bi.nd, lhlii-b '10, U. F. In-.nrance 13S.51
1 U.lerks salary 1206.94
' j Libraiy bouks 140.93
Jobn Smith, ot (ircer.viMi. and ! AU other purposes 2341.32
heodore Ureen, late of Doty.'.- , , ,. , L "
sulk linil r.'i.',! l' 1 1. n r I Ia .. . . . T .
the Greenvilbj nction, were i:i the:
city Saturday. j
pray your Now is the
time to spray l.cfore the vine tets
too heavy, and tho lite ti o thick.
e have ouasit chnv end w mil?
oil Foap in stock, (.'. 15. Buchan
an iv Co.
J. F. Keeher, of Wilson
was in town Friday.
VV. K. Boucsein, of above Moun-
taindale, was in the city the first
of the week.
Wanted: Teams to haul lumber
by the thousand from mill. Union
dumber Co, two miles north ol
Cedar Mill.
Henry Backer, of Gaston, and
who has been working on the lan
ner loRginn force, was in town
Hop pickers wanted for .r0 aero
yard. Good accomodations. Please
reaister now. a. L Barnes, LaUu
& Reed Farm, Reedville, Oregon.
-ran, r
:rcl: :tise
Mill f.ed, short-,
hurlt-y, mid llinj-i, ih
sale at the M ilr;e w
A. lirown, !'-?(-.
Frel Narrup, (f this
Bank-, and who his Ii'-ahI a
farm (tit of ti e e I'd tim'-i.-r, was
in town Tuesday.
(iirl wanted fur central lsotii-e-
woik, family of Ism. P ! ru'.ii'g
ace? for good cot-k, and non eth
er ntt'd apply. Ir.ijuin! of Arjius.
Strayed: I.-irue, liht red cjw,
Numlrr r,f diys attendance
A ve!. .at chilv attendance . .
Summer i.f schools visited
A v -t,.pe time each vin't, hours. .
Nurnlief ( miles traveled, about.
as.i on baud June l, 1906 $'j3.6S 1
Uejtivid from Co Treas from I
: '-t r-lct tax 13570.93 j
Reed from Co Treas from coun- j
ty school fund 3&1S4.59:
Mate school fund 10341 lo
I Kate ijillsaoil tu.tion 4f),03
js-au o! bond and warrant ... 1775.00 '
Oi ; Co Treas from library (uud.... 1.7s !
Cue 1 Library from oilier sources. .. . 1 10.4s,
li'.niMKce on acct of losses M 42 ;
In in all other sources. 5127.53 1
7 msssm
Your skin may look clean
after washing until you
see the left -in dirt that
'Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out
of the pores
Ju4 tn fP" hi'e until ii it compared with mhin whiter, to your
kin majr look cltin until jon try Ponnpcun Muuge ind vt the lelt-in iirt that
a brings out.
Von have been wuhinf with toap and water but Kill the dirt remained. You
thought your tkin was clean, but wondered why it ml allow and why th
wrinkles irew more in erldmce every year.
Fompeiaa Muute Cream gently rubbed in and then at gently rubbed out will
bring with it tkt dirt that Soap has never touched, nouiithet th tkin, putt
rosy blood in the cheeki, lets nature do its perfect work.
All good barben apply Hompeiaa Mauage Cream it ' a great relief after
thaving and tendt to make the tkia ttranger and leM wnsitie.
Ladiet appreciate Pompeian Manage Cream because it ttimuUut the circulation
and gltet a bright, clear corr.pleiion.
Come in for free simple and copy of the bmout booklet "A Treatise oa Facial Massage.'
Pompeian Cream it sold at 50c and l.oo per jar.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Tctal . .
; on uand June 17, 1907.... 10.sckS.46
JtrlpoT. A. McBride closed circuit
court lent week and there will be
ii..- further biisine?s uutil the No
vea.h?r jury term, except for a day
or s., mi specially Eet cases, per
haps. I do fiaal chapter of court
Strongest Directorate in County
Within three months after opening for business
this Bank had over $ 100,000 in deposits, and the
list is growing every day. Successful men date
their going ahead to their first bank account.
Your deposit is solicited.
Does a general Banking business. We pay interest on time
deposits. Loans and Discounts. Exchange bought and
sold to all parts of the world. Until our new brick is com
pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Main, our bank
ing house is located four doors south, on Main.
Board of Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua,
Ex-County Commissioner.
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Forest Grove, .... Oregon
o!int ltdd et aL, default and de
cree; Ure?n vs Green, decree of divorce.
The countv c.urt ia having
rooms nrrotiged at tho court huro 1 tlfcws:
ho that the thcriff will ho.vo the Nora Hill va Daniel,HiIl, divorce
present county trcafurcr'ti roam; jcran ted ; Sitfun Batke vs Anna
the tre neuter wi.l huve the survov-1 invoice granted; Holland vs
. t 1 1 1 .t. - 1: . . . ....
or a room, nnd tr.c eurveyor hit? i in.o&ue?, mecuanic b neo, non-euit; 1
moved upstairn. Tha clerk and i'-ian liond vs B F Wagley, and
eheritl will alfo lmvo mora vault s,uue verfti8 Sheriff Connell, ftiita!
room. I fir 'fUs'iOO from each defendant,1,
,. ... , . , , I di.smisjcd; Unas A Wymau vs Car-
1 lltlCC ticrilli : J 1'lV.tV
the Barley h"pyard, I.eieyviih
will pleat-e reietf r at tho furin, or
at the law cilice oi Utility cY Hare,
either in person or by letter. Please
register prior to Au,;urt ! ).
A.9eefor Wilcox lus employed
Ward Downs to help him write up
the fttipofiiiHK roll, this HM.-on
property lint being eo nnnli more
extensive than ximihI the.t it
impossible to tinish the work alone.
lhe timber asscssiiient h:8 occu-
eioned a hip port cf the increitte,
hut aido from that tho roll ha-;
been growing Ltrer each cttt'on.
Loet: Netr Cornnliu3, or Fiire?t
Grove, Eiicpherd dug; yell or, with
dark crny on KlioiiUlcrt; rather
equore nngo; nn?ers to li'imo of
"Jim." Riwiird; no'.ify T. A
Hoodenply, (uvlon, Ore, II. F. 1).
No. 1.
Commissioner Buclmona e.nd
Ja?per Ilcevep, of Cornelius, went
up on Ciales Cvet k, noove t hp old
Lyda mill, tho hr.H ot the week,
taking their families with them
for an outing. They kilhd a doer
right acrosH tho ftreain from ulere
thay wern camped, one of the ii'tle
ones Boeing tho veninon tlret. She
remarked: Oh! sen vh:it a pretty
cow over there, only thre pt'ine-
thins: the matter with her horn?
they're crooked." Tho tuea eooii
had the caw transformed into a
buck of course it was a buck, for
there are no doss tbU time id the
year and had venison- to
give Jude Ooodin a piece, as he
happened along jus t us tlioy were
Bkinnirg the game.
Est aytd: Two yearling hidft-rs;
one drk r'd. cnrry'nr; P'"!! belt;
has small whito etrip 00 both nide.H
of back-belly; othor is dorsoy, light
colored, hnpt ah;mt tivo weeks,
Wm. Rohs was in Monday morn
Ing from North PlainB, and shipped
two registered bucks, one to Inde
pendence and one to Newberg.
Al cedar shingles for sale in any
quantity. Also cedar fence poets".
C. S. Reynolds, Mountaindale, Or
egon, at store.
Chief Engineer Geo. L. Davis,
and his astistant, Engineer Abry
were in the city Saturday, on bust'
ness connected with the P. U. 0 N
Cedar Bbingles and cedar hop
poles and cedar fence post? tor eale
in small or car loan lots, 11 de
sired. Hannan & Son, Buxton
Mr. and Mrs. Green Hale and
daughter, Miss Alice, of East Port
land, are out for a camping vaca
tion at the Mineral Springs, west
of town, on the Hale property.
Hod Diokers are requested to
register at the VV. B. Jolly yard, 2
mileB north and a half east ot
Hillsboro. Yard of 33 acres to
nick, and vield heavy. W. B
Jolly, grower.
Louis Vandercovering, of Ver
boort, was taken to St. Vincents
Hospital, Portland, Monday, for an
operation for appendioitis. He was
onerated on that evening, but there
was no hopes, it was said at the strayed from near noi tl)we?t of
time, because of the amount of pit Beavei ton. lit ward. Jos A. Cor
which bad formed. nely, Bcaverton, Route
Bailey's Big Store
The Fourth of July committee
hc.ri paid ell its bills except $6, and
thin includes all the expenses for
the celebration; all the work done
on h'p grounds putting them into
eliapo end getting them under
brushed; besides leaving $110 worth
of lumber on the grounds for future
ute at hute Park. The city bo
far has not expended one i dollar,
and it went so far as to appropriate
11)1) toward putting the grounds
m etiape, tho money remaining uq
drawn. One hundred dollars of
the work, however, put on the
park, came from subscription
money collected by Ed. Schulmer
ioh on tho right of way, and not
needed by the committee ou that
proposition .
The Milne, warehouse has been
letted by Geo. A. Brown, and he
ij ready to receive hay and grain
tor sdurogo at reasonable priceB.
All storage business will receive
prompt atteutiou. Geo. A. Brown,
M. S. Woodman, of Banks, was
in town Tuesday, and called on
tho Argus.
T. A. IIoodenmT, of near Gas
ton, waB in town the laet of the
U. 1). Sehroeltzer went up in tho
mountains above Buxton, Tuesday.
George Hathorn, of near Laurel,
km in town luesday.
J. F. Reedier, of Wilson River
was in town Friday.
II. Ethiuian, of Cornelius, waB
in town Monday.
August Rossi, of Beavertou, was
in town Monday.
J. W, . Copeland, of the Harris
1 Bridge, was up lo the city Tueeday.
We sell SELZ' Shoes;
They make your feet glad;
They make your feet look stylish;
You walk around like your feet
were comfortable.
Vici Kid, Box . Calf, Vellum Calf,
Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball
aud Oxford.
J. E-. Bailey, Forest Grove
Feel Like New
Iron-Tone benefits the first day and makes you
feel like new in a week.
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
ity' which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore.
15he Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines,
we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis
ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brufhes,
Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive
prices. See our window.
Mrs. 0, M, Uggerta.