VOL. XIV. HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY Hi. 1907. NO. 18 Will Have a RvKiiI.ir old Time drying Match in Future NEiriltK CFFKES V.)K MONtY Like Jeremiah, Will Djo Smkdutli Astics inj Tlio Formt Urovo prtjiwrn at Ihhki one of thoiu- aro dMrg coiini'li rahl growling b.c.tnu tho court don not upend loll of in jiwy on roads up that way. Ah a malti r of fuel Fortnt drove ha had morn money punt in it vicinity by ."infold than Uillclioro hitf Lad, nulfide of that which cornea from the regular road fund Jh'.' court Iihh h n t money on (ialea Ure;k, leading in to the (Imvo, and it lan made many other rpproprutioiiH that benefit Forest drove, while UiIIh boro, ay'ule from the bri!gs which cover hole It ft by the Almighty, hat had nothing outsido of the rKU lar road Uk. Wht' the uso of a newspaper making il-ilf ridiculou over Home iiiopoeition of which it known no'.biug? The paper's Hint! about politic ui.d voles ia Himining in oonciilcr.ttiiin of the UvX that the oolli'ge city hat the highest if fioe within the Rift of the people of the county the clVu-a of rtate mm; ator an well ax the otlicn of coun ty surveyor. Clerk (Sodiuan wax a Tigardville man; Sheriff Con null wan a (iluucoe tnio; Uiconlir Ire land it a (ircttnville man; TrcaB urer Jackson was a Pilley man; Judge (l.)odin wai a (ilencoe man; Bupt, Cane was formerly a CJalea Creek and Forert tirovo man, 1 when elected to olliee; Cornelius has one com mi dinner and Beaver ton has the otherJehu! I -n't it lime for HilUhuro t get in and weep becaune ita cilixeim get neith er offices r:or road appropriation? Oreat Scott, we have ruiinethiiig to cry about I CiJ of Tliuki IS. (1. Leedy, ex elate master of the Oregon Orange, and who ii till active in affairs of that instl tution, was up from Tigardville, Friday, and called on the Argus. Mr. Liedy aays that crops are flee down hla wav. and that hav baa ..... . . ' .i.f..n. i,i..i iiuisborou I.IHIIU UUI n U1IV4VI I Ul 1 , WUOIMOI IV the poor early prospects. He aayi that the Tigardville and Tualatin seo ions are l.KiklDg up coni'dera Idy nine the Oregon Electrio bia been conKtructing tbeir line. For aale: Holatein bull, prao lically thoroughbred, coming 3 yeara old. Fine for breediog pur poses. John Schneider, Hillsboro U. 4. residing one mile weal of Phillip, l'hone, I'aciQo Slates, Hilleboro, 4'.x3. Two or three people lave tried to get a petition to run a saloon at AGITATION FOB A BIG STREET FAIR First Attempt was Grand Success MAY HAVE ONE THIS FALL B. P. Coraellui, Pout Matter, Major Den nil Favor It and In all probability Hillsboro will have a street carnival thin Fall, and there is considerable agitation on that subject just now. A few years sgo Hilleboro gave a rout-inn lUi.lt. but that trowincr rjlaca street lair, and it was a decided - - - - r m-euiH to have concluded that it success. There were exhibits of wanlH no more of that business In Lur varied industries, livestock, the town. However, it is saw t"l mtnufsclured arUcle, Xo , aDd it a goou saioon man wouiu come alonir. and build un town, and away from the school house, he ' scope ami quality. Together might stand a chance of getting a I with the exhibit there will be I ! . f . L - I . majority 01 ine signatures in me bores show, eay those who wiBh to precinct. have an Autumn demonstration. Cherries have been bounteous in m , suggested that the firet week yew una season ana iney " tlter hop picking the tiuie Het si f k w . i tu:' rot Matter B. 1'. Corneliui sayf iiiriauo. r. . ...uto, i"i.i"wi can have a str-et fair tint city, Saturday cut a small bougb eclipaa any that tnlKht be held la the of the "liing" variety that Was Willamette Valley, for we hare every itK larcr. Mlnsraand thing here but mlDetal and we'e wot "v. lei u bave a itreet lair, it will awaken neen tlila year, there were 4U Dos public pride on our rexourceaand pic lorries on three inches of bougb, ducllooi. and ttimulate people to rant nd that's go ng some. "U,,..D "er. imn- uc"lf , . .... - -rfc w. - vv ... ... J. M. Iiridffcs. of west of town, our light under a half bushel. Let ut .nir.U ti.iht tn Ikia nffl IK the world what we can do, and i ;.i -i i ... ahow them rlaht at home. Give us a uu-eaicinu aim purnr, uuuviuiun ttfee, f,lr by ,l m,t n axpenitve pair of glasses, and Mayor Dennis: "Give tu a itreet fair. aevotal dollars in silver, lost on the! We can beat the world from Jersey calvei fourth by Mrs. Fred Bulling, of ao"n l VI?.?. l " , g near Laurel. It pays to advertise , lni,iHn. u. a. u... wbon ycu live in an nonesl oom ouraeWea, what we can produce here munity. The Argue extends thankl I until we "ahow" othera. I'm for the Mr IN .1 oca in kshair nl thu rl lair. oeers. We desire to thank our many friends who ao kindly tendered sympathy and help during our re cent bereavement, tlia death and funeral tbwquies of the late wife and mother, Mrs. Henrietta liar relt. N. A. lltrrett and children, Tortland, Oregon, July 10, 1W7 llilbboro Bind, of which Mr. .Shuts is a member, met tbem at the depot and tendered them a serenade They report a 6ne trip David Dobie, of Tortland, and who deals in timber lands, was in town from Portland, Sunday, lie goes east in a few days, to tell WaHhington and Columbia county i ruber lands. Oliver and Carl Huston, of Port- arid, and who are sons ot 8. B. HuBton and wife, were out Mon- ClatiB Jee, of Hanks, wan in the city Tuesday. Mrs. A. II, Sprsr.er,of Heaver ton, was in town Tuesday. Julius Aabitbr, of fotith of town, was over to the county scat I me day. Adam H-iil, the Centervilln black smith, was in tho city Tuesday evening. Chief McUcblan, of the P. II. & N., was a Portland viailor yester day. Freeh milk cows for f1o. U. P, Corrieri, Hilleboro, Route 2, near Kolsay ranch, I Jmilee HouthcaHt o city. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Lytle atu daughter, Marian, leave thu Lint of the week for an outing ut 1 1 11a mook. Louis LiuHtenH, of Manning, am one or the old time Bawmilt mon of that section, waa in town Mon day, accompanied by bin wife. Mr8. Pratt Viekora, w ife of ai?ent Vickers, of the 8. P., and lwr mot h er, Mrs. Lund, of Cornelius, aro spending tho week at Ulfidetono Park. Jos. Williams nr.d wife, of abov Gaston, wore in town Mouloy Mr. Williams i ono of tho big ho growers of his diHtrict, and eay the vine is looking fine up bin way Dan Bailey, of Blooming, was in Monday, and reports Inn father Calvin Bailey, who was critically ill for some time, as improving considerably. Hop nickers are requested to register at the W. B. Jolly yard miles north and a half nasi of Hillsboro. Yard of Il.'l ncres to pick, and vield heavy. W. B Jolly, grower. II. B. Nicholas, a Portland at toroey, was in town Monday, re turning from a trip to tho Neha lem. Mr. Nicholas Bays that Bux ton is doing all kiodu of butmiesd tnese days, owing to the mone spent by the P. II. A N. Company Eucono Hunlfcioaer and wife, ol Tillamook, have sold their place oyer in the bay county, and or rivod hero Friday, to remain r month or so, and they may per manently locate this side of the mountains. Argun and Oregnnian, $2. A. Andorcon, of Helvetia, wait n town Tuesday. Peter (Irween, of beyond Went I'nion, was in town Monday. C. KeliH", ff Farmington, wan an Argus call'jr Tuesday morning. Frank Bo.ver and wife, of near Kchollf, were county Beat vieitorp, Monday evening. Pom, July 15, 11)07, to Mr. and Mr. L. J. Palm alter, of this city, a eon, weight eight pounds. Danre at the platform, Shuts Park, Futurday "evening, July 27. Tickets, 1 CO. Walkers' orcheBtra. Julius Meyer, of above Green- vine, wa down lo we city Mon day, taking out full citizenship papers. Wanted: A girl for genera housework. Apply to S. L. Barnes, Ladd A Heed Farm, Reedville, Oregon. J. J. Krebs and family, of Farm ington, are over at (iaribaldi.be- yond Tillamook, lit an outing at the beach. Wanted: Teams to haul lumber by the thousand from mill Union Lumber Co, two miks rorth of Cedar Mill. Gto. K. Payne has bwm appoint FOREST GKOVE HAS Restaurant Woman and Con sort Arrested at Banks JAILED BY DEPUTY SHERIFF K&SE Irate Hufbaad Goes With Officer to Ideotifr Forest Grove bad no more than re covered from the two ten thousand dollar damage suits brought by Mrs. Lillian Bond, one against Sheriff Connell and one against B, F. Wagley, for ejection from a res taurant, the cases being diemissed upon outside settlement, than the lively little college city furnished another bit of scandal, thiB aleo being connected with the restaurant business. Same lime ago one T. J. Andereon and Mrs. Kate Bradley went to Forest Grove and worked in a restaurant, the two being con eidered as man and wife. Monday evenug, on the Bnei.dan train, Andereon was commit out from ed regular carrier on Route 2 out Portland, when the husband, Geo of Hilleboro, with Frank Lackey M. Bradley, assaulted the pnrloiner as substitute. Al cedar ehinglee fur sale in any quantity. AIh.t cedar fence poets. C. S. Reynolds, Mouutaindale, Or egon, at store. 21. A. C. Bhute and wife returned m-eiiay evening from an extended rip Fast, making Jamestown, New ork, and all large cities Card of Thanks We deeire to thank those who o pn, kindly assisted us during our re cent bereavement, the death and funeral obsequies of the husband and father, the late Jacob W. Hat- clrffe. Mrs. G. A. Ratcliffe, Geo. W. Ratclifl', II. T. HatclifTe, T. R. Ratclifle. Scholls, Ore., July 10, 1007. Tba ten year old daughter of Fred Walter, while picking cher ries last Thursday, at the home near Phillips, fell from the tree. day, they will goto ine uoston fifteen feet, and struck her arm on colUge in a few days, to spend ala lard bucket which was tied to vacation at Nye Creek, on the New ber waist. The tin cut a terrible port beach. wound at the elbow, and the bone ,. . i ,,l was broken so that both ends pro i no nay cruu ibs rotuvcicu hocji ,.j.j tu. : -I -.. ,u , ... , ..j HUUni, A UO till BIDU tUI IIIVU MIO a rnn nnrml with nrnnnenlN. ana ..... r , 7 1 , ,! ... I el oow joint, making a very eenoue goou coyer uay ,n WOund. The fracture was com uc. ,1 : ."I pound, and it may be tha the v.movoy nas ueen fo nog iu - .ow j hfl - .1 I I U n ihnnb Mann IT . " " . . T. .u .u-. formerly. Dr. Tamieeie attended uowever, roiUHB to taae lor urui . citta iiinoiny. V7Z WW l 1 4 mm John Roberts, of above Gaston, was down to circuit court, Monday, and it took Judge McBride about two minutes to grant him a di vorce from hit wife, who deserted him last Spring, and went back to Eugene. Before the wife left him she told him that she only mar- grooeries if you tied him in order to get a home for Forest Grove beat Banks, Sun day, by a soora of 17 to 9 at base ball: Cornelius beat Sobolls at a b'lL'gRr tally, and Hillsboro beat Heaverton at a still larger one. Forest Grove plays Carlton, Sun day. Speaking of of bis wife's afftctioos. The two fought in the smoker from a mile the other side of the Multnomah line, clear into Washington Coun ty. They were finally separated, the husband hearino AviriAnna nf Dick Hundley, who is running a the fistic encounter. Anderaon ent uopyard absve Gaston, is down on to Forest Grove, while the bus this week, helping out the home band came to thia eitv and asm lOlKSOnOrtn 1 lains. nt a warrant fnr thu nir Kafnu Judge H. T. Bsgley. Deputy four years with the Wilkes BroB.' Sheriff Kane, in company with the Abstract Co., is taking a vacation prosecuting wnneB8,weni to uanks, at Carson Springe, Wash. where they found them staying as ... , ... , man and wite. inis was evidence v :vLn: .&" theywereplacedun cottage at Nye Creek, luesday. H.nWHlt lfe aotAL h., Th Hop pickers wanted for 50 acre were landed here about 4:00 o'clock yard. Good accomodations. Please Tuesday morning. register now. . u liarnea, iaaai xoe nueoand was seen by an it Reed Farm, Reedville, Oregon. Argus reporter, Tuesday morning, .i ou...- n. . -l. nd said brstion groundp, a bicycle. Party tiary. The woman is as much to blame can have same by proving proper- the man. We have five aa fine enti ty and paying for advertisement. dr ? you could find anywhere. I am r J A l.larkcmilfi atari Via nVi1 la. Icquire at ArgUS ofbee. 10. R. & N. shoos for a number of Years. T K llorr nf dravo T?iior Wanli ana am now wornine in a 1'orUand shoo. was here Tuesday, the guest of his 11X7. St brother, r rank Barr-. He returned gon atatuie is good enongh." Tuesday evening, accompanied by The man and woman were taken hiB mother, who has beeu visiting before Judge Bagley Tuesday bere lor a lortnignt. morning, and waived examination J. C.and Claude Greear return- Tuesday afternoon they went before or) hn loal r.f tho tunalr frnm Hnnn. JUUge MCOriQe and pleaded BUUly ...... . . ir ... ., . , r, - c ner, where tbey went on business vv . . uri w oe They report plenty of money up in 'eD,ien,1 m n sentence Decause me the Morrow county district, and u"BUU"ur' ". T 'Tuw ... ,nt ihincri r lU-filr ot atrial. Asked if be bad any. . ., biuuK tu ear tuo uoiauuau nuuir bpray your Hops: Aew is tne gon 6aii that he bad not ran awa- timetoeproy before the vine gets w;th the woman, but that she had too Heavy, and tne nee too tnick. arri?ed at Foreet Grove Rnd he e navequaesia cnipa ana wnaie nad tried to protect her from her on soap m eiocK. v,. a. micnan- husband, as she said that her an iv Co. Unniian hull anA hn wnnlil trill li I - .. . . . . i James McClaran. of Gales Creek, Judge McBride sentenced Andereon and who is ngt-d 72 years, stumbled to the penitentiary for six months, by petting bis feet into a wire, and the woman to the county jail Your skin may look clean after washing until you e tki laft.trt Hirt that Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out of the pores Jut at tUs paper b whit writ it lamytni m'nh omthin whiter, jour aba mar look ckaa antil ;o oy a Potnpcin Uumft uU aeo tho ltft-io aUrt that it hrinft out. Von har bn waahinf with loop aiU wattr but atill tho 5rt rcmaincol. Yo thought fow " turn, kos woaocraa whjr k n allow as wbr th wrioklcl pvm mora ia rnitwet ttmj ftar. Pomaciaa Maaaato Cream icath robM in mi then aa teatlT niokeJ out win ktinf with it tk4 dirt that SMf kS mtvtt touched, Maraaca tho akin, pott nop Mooa ia uw caecu, iota aatara oo it pcrract work. All foo4 Wracra apply Ponpoiaa aaaaaafo Cream it ia a rcat relief alter ahain an' traoa U auk th akia trxorifer aa4 lea aaatitioc. Laaiaa approeiote Poarpeiaa Maaaafc Cream btcauat k anmulataa th cktulaiioa aa4 rrci a briglit, clear cefnpkxioa. Come ia fcr free sample and copy of the Eunooa kooklet "A Treatia oa Facial Mft-' Pempeiaa Cream ii aoli at oc aa i.oo pef jar. Hillsboro Pharmacy Strongest Directorate in County Within three months after opening for business this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the list is growing every day. Successful men date their going ahead to their first bank account. Your deposit is solicited. THE FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK Does a general Banking business. We pay interest on time deposits. Loans and Diaconnta. Exchange bought and . sold to all parts of the world. Until oar new brick ia com pitted on the corner of Pacific Avenne and Main, our bank ing house ia located font doors south, on Main. Board of Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres. Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua, Ex-County Commissioner. John A. Thornburgh, Cashier. Forest Grove, Oregon want the finest staple and fancy the Winter, and told him other groceries to be found in the market, disagreeable things. Roberts is a try John Dennis. He is tfter your good natured, big fellow, but this trade, and onoe ft customer, always was little more than he could a customer. stand, and so he invoked the court Deputy John Wall and family for reho'' are camping at itoaericK raus, 1 For sale: Driving mare, gentle, abovo Forest Grove. Mr. Wall fine driver, not afraid of auto or goes up in the evering and returns cars, ?afe for woman to drive; top to his law ouices in the morning, buggy, harness, and in good re For gentlemen's, ladies' and children's hose you can do no bet tor than to buy of John Dennis, We hsve them for everybody, and at prices that are values. pair, for sale, entire outnt goee at a bargain, for $200 cash. S. J. White, at Minoemoyer place, 1J mileB north of Reedville. Bailey's Big Store Sunday, and fell on a piece of tini' ber, breaking a rib in the region ol the heart, Dr. Linklater went up and attended the injury. The Hilleboro Lumber Co. is for three months. Geo. Krebs, of Helvetia, was in town Monday. Qeorge Ireland, the painter and building a email addition on their decorator, is again in town. be Some one is going to get in seri ,r m . !- v n oub trouble if they do not refrain H. T. Ratolifle, of Kansas; Geo. L u.,: 1: ' r... ; lUtcliffH, of Walla Walla, Wash., pT K' : fT" 7 1 n II I. . e 11.. I mvbw aa viuvi v mv ana t. n. i.ftiouuo, 01 ouuuhb, Artll, wftM ia krt niiA in II. ft n Iff Tnaalatr ami PBll. I . . . . J noiu n uio uhj ucDuoj. wm- nV and thv oat fha nnnr ea on me Argus ouioe. thronirh other oarties than saloon Fred Myers, of Chehalem Moun men. Hillsboro saloon keepers are tain, and U. 8. Alexander, of Iowa very careful about this proposition Hill, were in town Tuesday morn- that of giving liquor to minors . I 1 ll Jl . 1. . 1 i - Jl ing. ana 11 me aepuiy aisinci auorney n n nin..l. th oM time saw. nnla out who is giving youngsiere v 1 j - - 11 . . 1 1 11 :ii .v.;ii m. -nA V,r, i nw ninninr, we' anu wniBsey mere wm out beyond PhillipB, was in town prosecutions Tuesday. For sale or exchange: Cigar Klmnr Rarrntt. of Eaat Portland, and fruit stand, good eBtabliehed n. in town Tueadav. and called location, in city of Portland; will nr. rho Arona. trade for oity or country property " O I, oiir 1 t. . a . 1 t 1 1- il - n u ws m wasningion jouniy. a guou, d. t. jvirawouu aim rua. hnainnaa Tnnn r nf k'n i...!, . r.m unnin. rv r? HCIiunua. noio uu nuiu iimuiiiii t hn Inaf nf tlm wfinlr . sen uenderBOD, ot uenderson x wm XNeison.oi me weison nara- H0n. Cornel us thresher and ba er . I n a aI .1 . waio uo., was oui me urai 01 me maDf was in town Tuesday R. L. Banks and Dr. Burgess, of market for the monev. W. L Banks, were in the county seat Doualas and Dr. Reed's famous Tuesday. I cushion shoes for men. Leading Fred Cornelius was over on the makes, for ladies. Latest styles Wilson this week, after deer. 'nd nniBh. H. Wehrung & bons mill, in order that room can be made for the cang edeer. The track has be6n laid for their load ing spur and it makes things look like business at the millyard. Lost on celebration grounds, Hilleboro, on fourth: Hand stch el, leather, containing pair of rIusS' bb, and small sum o( money. Re turn to Argus omco and receive liberal reward. Glasses are ot value to owner. Fred Bulling, Laurel, Ore. Wm. Markway, of near Banks, was in town Saturday. J. E. Price was in from north of town, Saturday. M. H, Nelson, of beyond Olen- coe, was in town, batnrday. J. C. Lamkin and W. V. Wiley were Portland visitors, Friday. Alfred Guerber, of Helvetia, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodin, of If Asfatri la OMAHA t b t-v v Awa n , . 1 11 an 11 . I LUUUlnTlUM TICIO iU IVTIU VTVI r I' HUH, V.t. lUlUUni, Ul I rJUUit'LUU, QnnHnw virju, nurio uo a a m tuc uiug We sell SELZ' Shoes; They make your feet glad; They make your feet look stylish; You walk around like your feet were comfortable. Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf, Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball and Oxford. J. E. Bailey. Forest Grove t w4ir- increases vital unergy busioeee, is down for n week's visit with relatives and frienda. He reports the upper country as hV' ine a fair crop this season. He is in tho cooter of the finest wheat belt in the dry plateau region. L. J. Hold, the Cornelius thresh erman, was in town the last ol the week. Wm. Robinson, of near Laurel, was in town Monday, on business with Circuit court. Hop pickers wie-hing to pick at J. B. Phillips, cf west of the Ray Hop Farm, itch Hazel, will Boge iv lnnes mill, South Tuahv please register at the ranch, or tin, was in town Friday. : ... 1 .1. i. : senu meir uaraes ior reiiisiery, am:,i, r ..i...ii. with number of mokr in family forcJ p R & N down to me undersigned, rine nccomo- lq jb.,.m ir.!.ia a .ions. trank Weisenback. Man- 1 ' 0 neor. Uernardt uoetze, ol isiooming, , was in town axonaay, ana Bays me Mr. and Mrs. Peter fielson, of ia lonkinf fine out his wav. near West Union, entertained about eighty five neighbors, last Satur- Dance at the platform, Shute clay evening, tho occasion being Park, Saturday evening, July 27. their eldeat daughter's thirteenth ncaeis, ?i. waiaers" orcnesira. l!l .i... mt. - u nn,i uinuuay. xuo uuun " ' F " jj Hall of ghad Brook, "! , r ; "'j l and Wen Davis, who reoenlly u.gui -auuwiviim m KontthflHarvavNorthriinfarm. o ' J - - r - , n.AHA 1 inn.. II.B laai rt Iha n..1 nervea. 1 no Dan v aeoarieu name- ward at 2:00 in the ranrnlog, well Cedar shingles and cedar hop plenred at their evening'e enter poles and cedar fence posU for sale taioment at ttie noppitame iseieon in smau or car loau iow, 11 ob' home. 'Bired. Uannan & Son, BUxlon, :: Iron-Tone increases the activity of all the vital or gans. It drives away that tired, all-gone feeling. For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what it will do. You can have it for the asking. Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore. S7e Delta Drug Store Hillsboro, Oregon Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines, we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mngs, Brushes, Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive prices. See our window.