The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 04, 1907, Image 1

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1 3 .
NO. 10
Sam J. Smith, I'tniuoly of
This Comity, WiinJs Divorce
Another Memoir ul IIi'uVn Tillaiii'uk
When J. T. MiNmmra went to
TilUllltXlk lllt't Kllll, Hlnl (Vlll'
homo with a repututi m !M ii c!eiilb
ml informer mi t ! who Hold
boo.e c-mlrarv to th'i statute of
the sU'o of On O'l, ho nlro hai
another littls c (mpoiIh on 1: i h mem
oirs. While, tin r.i Iih ii.i I with a
family whom lord ni il ouster
Bum J. Smith, well known at For-
est (irovn ntnl also don tbi'i wiy.
A a chwing ( ti!itir, Si'ii MH"1 hie
wifn it ilivniro in tl! Mullnrv
in aU court, tl. other day, nid
name J. T. MoNamur as to
It will Ihi remnti.lcrrd thai
llricklnp rmno luck from tho cohkI
city and noon afterward wm cnui'hi
In the riil.U-ry h mom nt the
Tualatin ami mmiI no f,ir ooo year
at Halem. Mr. and Mr. Smith
wero ufamed nt I ly tupia, Wash.,
Urick iri nt Salem and it in mil
recorded Hint ho villi be taken to
Portland to wilttrM the trial.
Mine Wilin Woptfenor departed
Sunday evenioR for F.uropo. She
went to Victoria end Vancouver
and from there fh: eop over the
Canadian I'liml'ic, to Lake Superior
where ehe crams the lakes on a
steamer. At Montreal he slops
several days ami satis on tho Km
IirepH of Ireland for f ,ivr ol
lis WnifioT, who has ht'nn in
truclor of inno at l'licilio I'ni
versity for several tenon, goes to
take courcca at l!cr!n and it-Diia
She expects to remain until next
Soring, when sho will return to
llillphoro, and again take her po
eltion with the collide,
Minn Waguener ia the lirnt Hills
horo girl who has taken so imp rt
ant a step in miirii'iil culture. Shu
will be accompanied by Minn He
trice Hidden. Mica Grace Wilton
ami MiK Field, of Portland, am
the young ladies will he together
Something new: Mexican drawn
work, on how inn machine; 30 beau
tiful ib-viviiH, editable for fancy
shirtwaists, pillow tope, underwear,
'nU'rpiei'fH, etc., on anything from
(incut Indian I, men lo Itulchera'
inen; learned in one to three
epHoiia. ?! per leH:m . ivu ana
ee pamilee. Mr. J. J. Hill, 2nd
.v. Kailroail Streets. Aleo ureHP
making and family sewing. Sat
iefuction guaranteed.
Ililleboro baa been plighted, and
thai without juet r au or provoca
tion. The Saturday lllade, pub-
lielird at Chicauo, and making a
ep'-ciiiUy of peculiar incidente, rum
tiraiulma Wood'a 120 h birthday
under a du'e line rtfiidirg "Ililla
boro, Idaho." The lilade will
plenee correct, or we'll gt Orand
ma to give him a piece of her vig-
oronH mind.
Herman Collier and M. N. Hon-
ham have bought the ptuie at Lau-
r l, and will make a try at the
mercantile bueinoia. Mr. Collier
Ii.hh a wide ai'utiaintanca over in
Uiit Kectimi, and Mr. Ilonhnm bap
been principal at the Laurel school.
lhey Hhoubl to aide to keep the
croditora away from IhemHelvoa In
gtHid eliHiie. The Argua wiehea
them luck.
lUnchmrn on tho North I'luine
f-ay tli it tho Heeeian Fly haa done
no damage ul all no far ton Bf anon,
and tho proepeuta are fine for I
good grain yield. The aphie, gen
orally in evident'B, ban failed to
make his vieit to hurt, and alto
netli'T, with timely rai iih, old
Washington bounty will again
make good uh the chief of them all.
It will be of interest to know
that ono 1). IV Townaond, of Salem
is attorney for thoe who will at
once file Pint ajaniBl the Oregon
California to force them to sell the
liunlrt granted the company for the
Imihliiig of tho lines in Oregon
The attorney baa connulted with
I ongremman Hawley on the caee
Several have riled in thia county
Wendell Pavic, who recently
bought 70 acrep, half of which ie
cleared, in the Shady Brook sec
tion, wuH in town Saturday, and he
in well pleased with Inn purchase
In fact, he could have taken
thousand dollar for the bargain
nithin a woek after he made the
purchase. "Vanhington County
against tho world, says Davis
Hop pickurs winding to pick at
Kay Hop harm. Witch Hazel, will
please register at the ranch, or
send their names for regietery
with number of pickers in family
to tho undersigned. Fine accomo
dations. Frank Weieenback, Man
Can Kill Ilticks by the Fif
teenth of July
GcllioK Tbcir
Ironn ia Onltr
llillebjro sportsmen are getting
their shooting irons ready for the
open soasoii for killing buck iWr,
the law releasing the close ecaHcn
on July 15. Dix-m can not he kill
ed until September 1, and after
that the killing will ha on in earn
est. Ililleboro and Forest Grove
hunters are going to eturt for the
Nehalent and the coiirft ratig'i on
July M, or a day sooner, in order
to ba on tho grounds at daybreak
on tho 15lb.
George Armentrout, the dicciple
of Kennirnoro Cooper, at
(Irove, Chas. Miller, Chas. SUveris
and nam arley are getting ready
for another trip to the bills, and (;
Ulaser and Dr. W. I). Wood, E l.
Wann and m. Nelson, of thn
city, are to bo in at the dawn, and
it is even whispered that loo
lucker, who came here in the fif
ties, was seen oiling up h irt old
''lietfey," the other day, to tak
just one more crack at a venison
lorn Sain, of liaston, wnl not
bunt this year, aa he expects to
rope his buckB, it b?ing rumored
that he has a half dozn eo tame
that they will lick suit from bis
Mr. A. L. Croeni and Miss Hose
Lehman were united ia marring
at the home of George Croeni
Portland, June 27, l!H)7, llev. W
J. Johnston of the M. K Church
officiating. The groom is a w U
known Bethany farmer and the
bride is a daughter of one of Beth
any's prominent farmers. They
have taken up housekeeping at the
Crooni Brothers farm, this tide of
' - , ' 1
v; "s
through tho entire European tute
lage. Miss Waggenor expocla to vitit
Rome, and Archbishop Christie,
at tho instance of Judgo C, E.
Kindt, gave letlora of introduction
addressed to a high dignitary of
the Church, which will insure her
an audience with I'opa Pius. Mifs
Waggoner olso has a purport from
the II, 8 Secretary of Slate, which
will be of Eorvioe to hor abroad.
J. C, Crockor, of Mountaindale,
was a county soat visitor, Monday.
J. C. Smith. Groonvillo, and
Henry Smith, ContoiviUo, wtro in
the city Monday.
J. A. Kirkwood, of Itfedville,
was up to Win tho celebration
grounds, Monday.
Fresh milk cowa for Palo. 1). P,
Corrieri, Hillsboro, lloute 2, near
Kelsay ranch, 1. J miles southeast of
Ben Hon .aik, of West Hillsboro,
brought in a hen egg, Monday, that
meaau.ed ojxaj.
8. L. Barnes, of the Ladd &
Heed Farm, lleedvillo, was up to
the county scat Monday.
Wanted: TeamB to havil lumber
by the thousand from mill. Union
Lumber Co, two miles north of
Cedar Mill.
D. C, Kirby, of Reedvillo, and
who waH in the Oregon Artillery,
under dipt. Itiley, waB In tho city
Gents' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
cher Sincerity makeat H. Well
rung & Sons.
W. H. Mc.Corraick, of Laurel,
was m Monday. He and the Ar
gus man are going to take another
trip to Walla Walla some of these
days, just to see how tho wator
tastes up that way.
ArguB and Oregonian, if 2.
John Berger, of Bethany, was in
town Saturday.
Wni. Scbulmerich, of Inarming
ton, was in town Friday.
John B. Stewart, of South Tua
latin, was in town Saturday.
II. C. PearBnn, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Saturday.
I,. Iv Shute unloaded a new en
gine and baling outfit last week.
J. B. Tamiisie, of near Gluncoe
was in tho city Monday.
Sam Kuez, tho B?thnny iut
chant, waB in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grillith, of
Arleta, wero guests of Mrs. Mary
Malooe, Sunday.
John Witt, of south of town
brought the Argus in the finest six
foot branch of Uoynl Ann cherries
seen this season. For size they
were world beaters and for lUvor
the best ever.
F'or sale: Holstein bull, prnc
tically thoroughbred, coming
years old. Iine for breeding pur
noses. John Schneider, Hillsboro
It. 4. residing one mils went of
Phillips. Phono, Pacitio States
Hillsboro, 40x3.
The jury in tho case of Chas. II
Dodds, of Portland, versus J. II
and Alice V irlz, suit for nllegei
balance due on rental of a house
in Portland, disagreed, and Judge
Claude Greenr dismissed then.) for
further consideration of the ca?e
Richard May, of Cambridge
Iowa, and who has been traveling
in California for his health, was
here the last of tho week, tbo Riiost
of his brother, James May, of ine
lands, whom ho had not seen for
several years. Both wore in the
U. 8 service togothsr during the
Civil War.
Thos. Franklin, from Morris
town, Tenn., is here, visiting with
John Bettis and family, on the
Hawthorne ranch. Mr. Franklin
juBt arrived from California, where
he has been tor aorae tuno. lie is
but 22 years of ago, and stands
six-feet-six and doesn't know
where he will land when ho gets
his growth.
Miss Emma Mohr, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Win. Mohr, of West
Hillsboro, has entered the Journal
contest to Bccure a scholarship in
one of the best oollegos of the
Northwest, in order to complete
hor education. Miss Mohr is a
bright young lady and the Argus
bespeaks support for her from the
hundreds of friends the paper has
m the county. Every Bubocription
will help her.
J. A. Kri.-ger, of Verboort, wae
in town Siturdiy.
Peter Var.debey, i f Verboort, was
in the city Saturday.
(). P. Kernan, of Helvetia, was
n Arju? caller Saturday.
P. J. Lill'gsrd, tb! Laurel hop
roer, wan io town Friday.
H. E. Watts, of south of Reed
villo, was in the city Monday.
W. A. Finney, of S llwood, was
in tbo city tbo last of the week.
J. C. Wils m, of Bethany, wti in
own Monday, on probate business.
Comn Ueiorier C. B. Buchanan
was itown from Cornelius, Friday.
Reader will find two real estate
sale ankles in this weet's Argus
M. Cantwell and Chas. Meach
am, of Mountaindale, were in town
Lev., of the M. Ii
Church, went to Eugene the last of
the week.
C. E. Hurst wii in from the B.
Cornelius' ranch, beyond Glen
eoe, Saturday.
Born, to J. F. I'eeienboom and
fe, of K'y, June :;0, H07, a son,
weight 12 pounds.
(ieo. of Clapton, was down
from the Tanner sawmill to spend
the Fourth at tho old town.
Thos. Wann is out for tho Na
tional Holiday. Ho is at present
in the employ of tho city of Port
laud. I
Editor J. F. Wood, of the News,
Fireet Grove, was io town Friday,
and while here locked over the
Wanted: A girl for general
hoiifework. Apply to S. L. Barnes,
Ladd A lteed Farm, Reedville,
II. M Basford, who recently pur
chased the Cornelius Brown place,
southeast of Newton, was in "town
Frank Keenan, one of the old
settlers up in the Vinelands' sec
tion, was down to the city the last
of the week.
Mr3. Grant LandeFS, of South
Tualatin, brought in an egg lo the
Naught Grocerv, last week, which
measured O'.xSi.
Farmers of F'armington and
vicinity can weigh their horfes,
bay, or heavy loads, at tho John
Kamna place, at popular prices
Wm. Bagley, the Leisyville hop
grower, ami wno nos tue largest
individual yards of any in the
county, was in town Monday.
John Papas, who has charge of
the Greeks at work on toe P. K.
N , wits down to headquarters,
Mond.iy, on probate business
I), W. Dr.nt was up from Reed
vilie, Saturday. Mr. Dant was one
of tho forlutiato o:.os who held his
wheat for the top of tho market.
Does Not Look Like a Pervert
as Chatted
Road Was Readily Furnished by Bis
Detective Andrew Vaughn Friday
brought out Andrew Hoereth,
charged with a statutory crime
against a daughter under 1G, and
Friday evening Andrew B.osl, a
Portland business man signed a?
surety on his bail bond and tho
prisoner, who is a hardworking
German, was given his liberty, to
appear later and am-wer the fear
ful charge lodged againet him. The
defendant workel for years for
Myers, the park keeper of Port
land, and he has always borne an
excellent reputation. Hoereth has
mar.y ir llu'nlial friends who aver
that he cacnot be guilty. He is
industrious and now owns a 10
acre tract at Swedt-ville. The old
man keenly feels the disgrace of
his arrest, but would pay nothiog
about the cafe. E. B. Tongue is
defending. When brought to the
sheriff's office Friday the old gen
tleman was very downcast. A
Portland friend who had read cl
his arrest, but who did not find
Hoereth in Portland, telephoned
Sheriff Connell that he would fix
bail. This was unknown to Hcer
eth, and when Sheriff Connell told
him that "Andy" Boeel would go
his bail, for the first tirce after hi?
arrest the prisoner saw soma humor
in tho situation, saying: "Andy" is
under arrest; Andy arrested me
(meaning "Andy" Vaughn) and
now "Andy" keeps me out of jail
a case of the "Andrews." "That is
good. I shall not go to jail. One
nigbt in jail is kenuffl"
.MLkitSmi I In I ii rl Win
pifYour skin may look cleanj
after washing until you I
L see the left -in dirt that I
Your skin may look clean
after washing until you
see the left -in dirt that
'Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out
of the pores
Jjit u thil paper i wbit until it u compared with lomethim whiter, K your
l kin may took clean unttf joo try a Pompeian Maaufe and kc ihe lert-in dirt that
it bringt out.
You have been waihing with rap and water but will the dirt remained. Yo
thought your kin was clean, but wondered why it waa tallow and why La
wrinkln grew more in evidence every year.
Pompeian Mawaire Cream gently rubbed Ira and then gently rubbed out will
bring with it the dirt that soap has never touched, nourahe the akin, putt
roy blood in the cheeki, leu nature do it perfect work.
All good barken apply Pompeian Manage Cream it it a great relief after
ihiring and tenda to nuke the akin monger and leu lerurtire.
Ladiei appreciate Pompeian M mage Cream because it stimulates the circulation
and gires bright, clear complexion.
Com: in tot free sample and copy of the famous booklet "A Treatise on Facial Massage.'
Pompeian Cream it sold at Joe and t.oo per jar,
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Hop pickers wanted .r0 acre
yard. Hood accomodations. Please
register now. S. L Barnes, Ladd
iV, Keed Farm, Reedville, Oregon.
J. L. Barnard, who was in the
real estate bueinoFS here, years ago,
was out from Portland, Saturday,
greeting his many old time friends.
Dr. Wood U hurrying prelimi
naries for putting in his brick ou
Second Street,. Ho expects to have
the sliuoUire completed by the
time bad weather sets in.
F'or gentlemen's, ladles' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
Wo hsve thorn for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Sheriff Connell and associates
sent thirty hoad of bunch grat-s
horses over to Tillamook, the last
of the week, where they will dis
pose of them to TiUamcokers.
0. W. Kelly, who is state organ
izer for the Association of Equity,
a farmers' union, was in from Vino
lands, Saturday. He expects to
start bis organization campaign in
Speaking of grocerios if you
wnnt the finest staple and fancy
groceries to bo found in the market,
try John Dennis. Ho is after your
trade, and once a customer, alwayB
n customer.
Geo. A. Brown has leased the
Milne warehouse, and is ready to
receive hay or grain for storage, at
reasonable prices. Farmers are re
quested to give him their patron
ago. All business will receive
prompt attention.
Clerk E. J. Gndman went to Ti-
gardvillo and Tualatin, Saturday
and Sunday, and says the Oregon
Electric is grading to beat the
Mormons down in that section
Ha Btales aleo that they expect to
have the credo ready for the track
between Portland and Tualatin,
ami perhaps the Willamette River,
at Wilsonville, within n very fow
weeks. Tho big bndiro will doubt
less be finished by the middle of
J W Baldwin to K N PUehr et als
5 a Wm Sttkes donation $500
A II Pritcliard to J M Hiatt 49.38 a
Andrew Harper donation aS5o
Alancon Flinman to Jaa Baldwin, tr
iu lot 2 blk 35 Forest Grove 300
Martin Tessler to Albert Vogt. 6.51
a Taylor Ferry road 1 139
John Pearson to Western Timber Co
So a sec ntjorw , 1
Esther Haycock to Geo L, White,
3.S1 a Sol Etuiick donation 2500
T C McXatcer to Gtorgia Hughes,
tr lot 1 blk 33, Forest Grove 1225
Cornelius Cowry to Aug Lovegten,
40 a sec 31 1 1 s r 5 w. 100
O & C U K to Charles Oechner, 40
a sec 35 tins
R II Greer to Samuel Gowan tract in
M Moore douation 100
V A Marklev to Hallie Buoy lot S &
6 Witch Hazel I
M'ch'ts Saving & Trust Co to A B
Carlock 3'2o a sec 21 t 2 n r 4 w. . .4S00
Mrs Wilson Fuller to Lottie Robin
son o VJ4S a 15eaverton 2o
,1 11 Shields to Geo T Rasmus 20.30
a Sol Miattuek donation 1540
B BaiiRerter to Daniel McKinnon,
mo a sec 33 5: 28 t 1 n r 4 w ioco
Ernest ScliHcr to lilise Schaer 15 a
Henry li Bones donation - 1
J W Hates guardian to M J Cruni-
can 20 a sec 31 t I s r 3 w 500
Rubina Boadnian to S G Hughes, tr
blk b 1-crest Giove 250
W li Thorne to A B Oarlock, 40 a
sec 2 t 2 11 r 3 w
Kenvou Crandall to same, So a Pec
2D t 2 n r 3 w 900
Strongest Directorate in County
Within three months after opening for business
this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the
list is growing every day. Successful men date
their going ahead to their first bank account.
Your deposit is solicited.
Does a general Banking business. We pay interest on time
deposits. Leans and Discounts. Exchange bought and
sold to alt parts of the world. Until oar new brick is com
pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Main, our bank
ing house is located four doors south, on Main.
Board of Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.
Thos. G. Todd, J. W. Fuqua,
Ex-County Commissioner.
John A. Tliornburgh, Cashier.
Forest Grove, - - Oregon
100-acro farm for sale;' fine soil; 87
acres under plow; naiance cooa
pasture; no limber. Located one
mile from Witch nazal btation;
four miles from county seat. Ten
room bouse; two barns; good water,
two wells. This is Cue for dairy,
or purchaser could cut into small
tracts. If sold eoon goes for $60
per acre. Abstract to date goes
with deed. Address or call on G.
J. Palmateer, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Bailey's Big Store
There is going to be some trouble
between Brother Edward Harnmao
and the city duds unless the gen
tleman from New York puts back
that spur at Shuts Tark. The
roadmaster had the spur taken up
a few days ago, and later put back
some of the iails, but replaced only
a short piece of track. I his i8n t
satisfactory to the council and
mayor, and Mr. Edward will have
to come through or put up $350 in
Uncle Sam s coin.
Herman Matthes, who for ten
years has been running an engine
in a logging camp on the Columbia,
was up from Clatekanio, this week,
and ssvb that times are the best on
the river for all that period, lie
has been spending the week with
relatives at Laurel, v
Fred Hchoen Jr., who lives south
of Cornelius, was in town Saturday.
Fred ia the father of a fine daugh
ter, horn to his wife, June 18.
Henry Kamna, of Blooming, was
in town Saturday, lie says crops
look fairly well out that way.
We sell SELZ' Shoes;
They make your feet glad;
They make your feet look stylish;
You walk around like your feet
were comfortable.
Vici Kid, Box Calf, Vellum Calf,
Patent Kid. Blucher, Ball
and Oxford.
J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove
Physical Capital
all gone? If so, take Iron-Tone and fill your
treasury of health again.
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore.
Sfte Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines,
we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis
ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes,
Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive
. prices. See our window.
Wm. Josge, of
town Saturday.
Lenox, was in
K. C. Mulloy, of Laural, wm ia
the city Saturday.