The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 27, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 15
1'upiU Take l.xaiiiiitatioii
June a ltd I I
M:fcN I'Ass (;mii; on cdmiiiiox
Huixtsklul l'uiU I mm all Out WhoIi
Intoil County
There with lifiy Hii.-ftH ful Htiilnti
who wtra t-miitt'il Kighth Grade
diplomas at the futility rxuiniiM
linn written Jw" l'l and 11
Si'Vfii iii'tf'l conditionally ait
will earn their tlinliinM itt-xl Feb
ruary. TliH j;i ml uu(ch
MuU-l Ki n. r
llrilltii'i' l.ulij:
Urlw-nn Mntr ll
N nnr UmM
Willu- lumiii
Kuium ("..iiii-iii
I i.iiiumi t in rnr .
Al. KntiiiiMili
C In y Km-win
I'.ttllll t'.tuiii
I uilliv l'.if.lry
limine Hl.iikwr.iltiii
Mm- Bulluril ,
Ilur Multipoint 1 v ...
Paul Abtuliilii
Ihiimi' MiiiiVi-im
Wliinii' MniiiM y
(Mum t'lutlnn-ii
Itov Pan
IIU lir
U'ulnii-lii J.ii k
I if Mr Nisirn
llrul.ili NicihUiiiiik..
,llillii!iin Kuiili I
.1 'i.rn lui'i ki.uli j
l-on-it (lunr
II1IU! mm
Uuiilr t
" 1
" V
Mjlairl I'll linn t.,,.. '"tlicliii Koiitc J
Kuy Vil'iti sIh'iwibmI Kciulc i
I. II II Iff 'l'tltt)lK4l 'I'llill lllll
Mary St luuiuiii "
I) V JflllllHH" "
Marv WWII I'.nle Crrck
M.iIk-1 (iruvr " "
MmKurct Muiin Cornelius Kmitr 1
JiillU i'llrlli Slii rwiwxl Untile 4
(lir K.vitiin NfttU'iu Kuulr I
KitllitMl 1'ittlrrtim Ill uvi Mini
Norn litii'wll I'liriifldii Until
loll Kdllll- 2
" 3
,. llilliliutu INmli'
,.SfiiMc lloiili:
.... I'm t hltltl Kollti'
C.:l!l-H CllH'k
I'otlt mil Koitte
" " i
Anna MHrr
J'rnrt llnmra
MuiV Hrriniiirr ...
Hrll'lc Kullllltl
Mm HcrHrm..,,.,
Siiii IIoIImiUi-..
lilwt lilt-.
l.Uir lU-lirthn...
I.rii Krlirll " '
llrlcn kurKrJ
Jlriil Tikic Slttiw
Iva I'llcli "
Mary Wilton "
Alum (wi-n. SIktwihmI
Aiiiisi ll.inke "
I'mum-iI Coin'liUinmllv
Smmifl MiitHi L'dtnclmt Kniilf l
I'liuU-th A Ik iiiHiin II
F.riictl SU-iU'ilt-r Vi'tisl limvc
(lity I'itlitT , ( irifiivillr Kniilr i
I'ninriit Knl.iiimm IWiivfitoii
lmi lui hcr I'nTtlmul Uniitr i
illllilli St lllllt I'dtllllllil Kulllf l
John II. lliiiuhhreya reluriiod
IIih lt t( tli wet-k from ll'xu
Hivr. While there be met Joe
Stiiyhiftt), the Imliitn who wai ouce
chief of the Klic.kitl, nl who
forty yxarH uk ilgrimKf
acroHM WMhington County with
Ins liravuM on vmitH to the grande
UoihIh and Hiletz Indians. "Joe'
nuked him ahout lr. llouer, long
iiince paHhetl away; about Dr. F. A.
IJaiWy, and iiuiiioroua other li
iihuim of thin aectiou. Joe i a full
hloodcd Indian, hut enjoye the die.
tinctinn of Mug yard hons in the
Hlrahirry yardn. Htranje to Bay
all the picker like him, and they
vet alonu liuelr. Hint la one cape
where the eujircmai-y of the lied
Man ia etttal'liuhnd.
U him often heen oaid "Yamhill
agtiiiint the world." A trip up to
that county, Sunday, waa one not
naktilated to give Wanhington
Count v ticxiple a lonainir, to leave
her greeu lielda and running hrooki.
Nowhero ui there are to hs found
i-rnpH that compare with oura, and
Wellington County's grain fifldn,
or other crop. 1 he comparison
Hininlv to"" to ehow what dairying
will do for a unction. There U no
nature like continuum grain farm
nit to roh the roil of fertility and
llht.e id no farming like dairying to
kut p up fertility.
Something new: Mexican drawn
work, on auwing machine; 30 beau
tiful diwiRim, mutable for fancy
Hliirtwairt. pillow tops, underwear,
ctiiitcrpiecwi, etc, on anything from
niiMt Indian J, men to mitcbers
Linen: learned in one to three
ImoiiH. $1 per leumm. ( all and
Hen HMiinlea, Mr. J. J. Hill, 2nd
A Streeta. Alao ureas
makine and family sewing. Sat-
iffnetion guaranteed.
The Scholia' Maccabees had a
roufinir picnic at that place, Fri
day and Saturday, and on the last
day Congrensman Hawley was
present and delivered a rousing ad-
drens. Mr. Hawley is an exhorter
of the tirnt water, and cave the
hoys Fiatcrnity right off the reel.
It isn't every day that a place the
hi,9 of Scholia has a real LongreBs
man on exhibit.
In Jtinr tlin ftriniT IosiIh It in liay.
We luiim lilit rrop will turn mil well.
Ila in llit nmiilrVn mim liimil-iiUy.
I'or willitnil ti I in we nmiKltt u& kII
No mitno ill (III ami ntlirm thai;
Tlin wmilt of etiile lwyii vary,
ll ymi wnl nwmiIii -I'll lll you what,
Try I'aliimliier'a Ctuifoollmieiy.
K. J. I'almatvor, I'rtip.
Hoys Put up Fine fiaint, Hut
Lose Out by 2 to 1
Defeat Sullereil lliit Sratuo
The open snanon (or deer will bo
gin July lri and cloao Nov. 1, a
to bucks; does can bo killed after
Sept. I, and to Nov. 1. The limit
is live deer in ooo eeuson.
The open Beanon for elk !h from
Sept. 15 to Cot. 1.1, and tho limit
is one elk for tho urapoii.
OrouHH, pheasautu, ring neck of
China I'lumeant open biiukui
from October 1 to December 1.
Limit le 10 birdH in one day.
TroutApril 1 to Nove.uber 1.
Ducks and geime September 1
to February 1.
Hunting licenne residents of
state, 1; non-rehidenle, $10 per
100-aoro farm for Hale;' lino soil; X?
acres undor plow; balance good
pasture; no timber. Located one
mile from Witoli ila.'l Station;
four miles from county seat. Ten
room houne; two bariiR; good water,
two wells. This is fine for dairy,
or nurchasor could cut into pmall
tracts. If sold soon goeH for sfSO
per acre. Abstract to dato goes
with deed. Address or will on U
j. Palmateer, HillHboio, Orogon.
Fred WollI", of WeHt Union, was
in town Saturday.
II. Itssimifioii and wifo, of below
Reedville, were in town Saturday
l'eter VanderherR, of near Cen
terville, was in tho city Saturday
Peter Orofleen, of beyond We8
Union, was in the city the lust ol
the week.
Wanted: Teams to haul lumber
hv the thousand from mill Union
Lumber Co , two miles, north o:
Cedar Mill.
Ed. Wolf, injured at tho Wiley
corral last week, was well enough
to be moved home to Cornelius, the
last of the week.
The Southern Paoilio tore up the
spur at the Shute Park, last week,
and it iH again being int in. The
contract with Sewell wan that if
they tore up the track they iniiBt
pay $350. This contract was held
by Sewell, who transferred it to J.
W. Shute, who, in turn, conveyed
it to the city. The ollioial who
took ud the spur did it in ignorance
of the nsreemeiit. and when the
com nan v was notified of the terms
the oflioiala concluded it wiae to
put down the Bteel again.
Mr. Si'luneltzer, of Forest Grove
and father of II. D. Sohmeltter, of
this city, had the misfortune to
shoot one of his lingers off, Sunday
morniiie. while setting a gophe
gun. no naa lorgoueu mat me
machine was loaded. Ibe snot
badly injured another finger, as
well, and it may have to be ampu
tated. Dr. Via dressed the band.
Frank Suess, the Corneliusite
who is playing ball with Spokane
this season, again, is making a
record at the bat and in the field
Ho has been making some great
plays for bis team, aud ia just as
good in the field as behind the bat.
For some days he has ben fielding
on account of hurting his arm and
being unable to catch.
Hops held over from last Fall's
sales are now being sold at seven
cents, and within ten days nearly
100 bales have been shipped. A
few are yet holding on for higher
prices and some allege they are go
n to hold until August, in hopes
that they will get better Ugures.
Hon pickers, winhing to pick at
Hay Hop Farm, Witch Hazel, will
ileaBo register at the ranch, or
send their names (or registery
with number of pickers in family
to the undersigned. Hoe acoomo
dations. Frank Weisenback, Man
Farmers wanting good, heavy
hrviceable hav racks, 15 and 10
feet in length, oan get them ready
mado at the Win. luegy black
smith shop at Phillips. Cheaper
than you can make them yourseii,
Painted, i coats.
For sale: Holstein hull, prac
tiimllv thoroughbred, comina 3
vears old. Fine for breeding pur
noses. John Schneider, Hillsboro
U. -I, residing one mile west of
Phillips. Phone, Paoiuo States
Hillsboro, 49x3.
General Manager Lytle left Mon
dav mormns for a trip over to 11
lamook, where he went with the
officials of the P. R. v. N. to look
over that end of the line. The
party went in by automobile, via
Doo Mendenball, of above Bux
ton, and who has been freighting
for tho tunnel, was down the last
of the week. His son, Geo. & ,
who has been at Lob Angeles, Cal.,
fur pome lime, accompanied bim
Z. N. Seelye, of above Kinks,
was in town Tuesday,
J. C. Smith was down from
Greenville, Monday.
Buy your school tablets at Mo
Argus and Oregonian, $2.
DoWitt Merrill, of Ileedville, was
in tho city Friday.
John ILtlvorfen, of Farmington,
was in town Friday.
Diivi'l I-ebrau, of below Scholia,
ran in town Monday.
Kli l''e, of Cornelius, was down
tn the c.unty peat Monday.
Henry Boge, of Farmington, was
in the city Monday afternoon.
T. ( Me&diam, of above Moun
Uimbtle, was in town Monday.
lSurn, to Herbert Biinmonds and
wifo, of Dill-y, June 3, 1907, a ion
Horn, June 12, l'.07, to Mr. and
Mrs J. A. Krieyer, of Verboort, a
Herman Glupke, tf near Bath
any, was a county seat visitor,
G. W. Barnen, who has been as
Renins all SpriDz, was in town
J. P Philiip, of near the Boge
,fc EniifV null, was in town
IUh.h L Wano, who haB been
Pacbing at tho Buthany school
was in the city Monday
John Klink and John R. Bailey
weie down from Buxton, Monday
tvenir.f;, returning Tuesday.
J. K. Reeve?, the Cornelius stock
man, was down to the city, Satur
j day, acc jmpunifHl ly lnos. laiDot
Freeh milk cows for eale. D. P,
Corrieri, HtllBboro, Route 2, near
Keleav ranch, Hmiles southeast of
John I.ippert, the Buxton car
uonter and builder, was down to
the city Friday, greeting his caun
ty peat friends.
Gents' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
cher Sincerity make at H. Weh-
rung it Suns.
1). J. Barrett, S. P. agent at Cor
nelius, aud Couutiipsioner C. B.
Buchanan were down from the city
without debt, Monday.
Mrs. L. L. Whitcoinb, of Cottage
Grove, and Mrs. H. Wooley, of
Portland, were in town Sunday,
guests of Mrs. R. Cave.
Eugeno Jackson arrived from
Grants Pasj the first of the week.
He is engaged in mining down in
the hills of Southern Oregon.
The nroeram for Sunday, at Shute Farmers of Farmington and
Park, where the Veterans will be vicinity can weigh their horpes,
in camp, is as follows: Preaching hay, or heavy loads, at the John
at 11 in the forenoon, by Ksv. kamna place, at popular pricea.
Cephas Clapp, of rorem urove, nop pickers wanted for 50 acre
congregationalist; at lu'M in Uie (;00d accomodations. Please
afternoon, Rev. lllake.of Cornelius, iaier now L i3arne8i Ladd
Methodist; at s;iw in me evening, k Ueed Farm, Reedville, Oregon
w..lil rh,rh Tho aim? nr SUSS Jennie nuey, oi neicuer,
ill ha arranged hv the Vf.r oils luano, ib i, ww.uiiiuip, ruo
Defended II. Wintringerode
Here, Thirty Years Ago
Kijjhty five people from Hillnboro;
185 from Forest Grove; a dozen
from Dilley and a drzen from Gv
ton, and a like number from Cur
neliti, went to McMinnville, Sun
day, on an rxcurHion train, to wit
ness the game of baseball betaeen
Foreht Grove and McMinnville.
It was a good naliired crowd, and a
fine exhibition of bull. The Col'H
were there with the goods, but they
were just a trille ehy. ' "Koppy,"
who put uj gilt edge ball at all
times except one wild throw to firpt
base, which gava McMinnvillo th
winning score, blames himself for
the Iopb of the game but hero
deemed himself so well at the L it,
and worked bo hard at ehort, that
no one blames the plucky lad. U
was jiint simply a tost up which
would win. The pitcher for McM
was Kood. but Old Man B-Mtis
itched good ball all through the
game, just the same, aud ha field
ed one line drive to the pitcher's
box that was a peticherino of a
catch, and then whipped it to first
and ehut out the man who tried to
make second on the bit nod wan
killed at the intititl bag. It was a
good game and Forept Grove
shouldn't feel sore. They can't
win all the time, and they have a
fine an amateur team as any town
could wish. Every man is a play
er and knows the game. The boys
play ball good enough for anyone
who is a baseball fan.
Hillsboro beat Farmington on
the Hillsboro grounds at a score
that would satisfy the man who
has run completely out of ciphers
Roy Cook umpired the McMinn
ville and Win. Schulmerich kept
cases on the Hillsboro game.
5 TI
Say be Thinks Hiiod will Nut be
M. Mendenhall, the noted criminal
awyer of Portland, and who de
fended Wintingerode in this city,
thirty years ago, and who finally !
succeeded in saving the prisoner's
neck after he bad been found
guilty of murder in the first degree,
was in town Tuesday morning, tn
route for Buxton. Mr. Mtnden-
ball has been cat, and returned
about CO days ago. In talking
with'an Argui reporter Mr. Men-
denhall, speaking of the Orchard
case, at Boise, said: "I do not
think that the state will convict
Haywood. I firmly believe that
Orchard bad no understanding
with the Miners, an! that be was
working for the mine owners. TbiB
is borne out by bis own evidence
Watch it, and you will see that
every time that Orchard planned a
crime, according to his testimony,
he saved some little scrap of evi
dence, like a piece of string, etc.,
to corroborate his story. This he
would not have done under any
circumstances, Lad he been in the
employ of the Federation. It is
the Pinkerton proposition, to break
up the Miners Union, in my eeti
mation. Haywood
7) im
Your skin may look clean
after washing until you
see the left in dirt that
Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out
of the pores
Ju4 u th pfr ia whitt ntil it compare1 with lomethinf whiter, M your
linn may kk clean until jou try a Pampciaa MaoaC and at the Icft-in irt that
k arinp out.
Yon haTe Wen waahinf with rap 11U water but Kill the alrt remained. Ym
thought your ikin waa dean, hut wondered why k wa tallow and why tht
wrinkles grew more in erideac retry year,
Pompeian Maage Cream gently rubbed in and then at gently rubbed out will
bring with k tKt dirt that toap ht nlr touektd, nourahea the ikin, puta
rwiy Mood ia the cheeka, lea nature do ita perfect work.
Ail good barber apply Pompenn Maaaagt Cream k ia a great reliei" iftte
ihaelng and tendi to make the akin atranger and leal aenatiee.
Ladiea appreciate Pompeian Maaaage Cream becauac k rrimii1" the circulatioa
and giees a bright, clear complexion.
Come in foe tree atmpie and copy of the famoua booklet "A Treatiae on facial Maaaag,
Pompeian Cream ie told at 50c and i.oo per jar.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
will not he
choirs. These services are a union
of all congregations The program
was arraneed by the committee.
Messrs. R. Crandall, F. A.Haines hnne von can do no bet-
and J.W. Hartrampf. Everybody . lQ b o John jjennis.
' " . . a
The undersigned will sell at the
Jos. Fnedel place at Helvetia, o
miles southeast of Glencoe and 3
miles we6t of PhillipB, at 1 p. m., on
Four and one half dozen hens, 5
dozen young pullets; cook stove,
heater, 2 rockers, s chairs, 6 bed
steads with springs and mattresses,
almost new; table, dresser, coucn,
lot of dishes; shovels, forks and
garden tools, grindstone, 2 X cut
saws, lot of nice house-plants, and
many other articles.
Terms of sale Cash in hand.
Administrator of estate of Job.
Friedel, deceased.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Strongest Directorate in County
Within three months after opening for business
this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the
list is growing every day. Successful men date
their going ahead to their first bank account.
Your deposit is solicited.
Does a general Banking business. We pay interest on time
tlepoaits. Loans and Discounts. Exchange bought and
sold to all parts of the world. Until our new brick is com
pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Main, our bank
ing house is located four doors south, on Main.
Board of Directors:
V. B. Haines, Tres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.
Thos. G. Todd, t J. W. Fuqua,
Ex-County Commissioner.
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Forest Grove, - Oregon
of her uncle, 8. A. D. Meek, and
family. She will remain a month.
For eentlemene, and
We hsve them for everybody, and
at pricea that are values.
Mr. and MrB. Geo. Cypher and
If n - A T an4t- uraa ra in
James B. Cypher, aged 2.. years, u'uv. .-tiirnln. from
ieu in roruanu, June n, r.v, , ..,- , .u ,,.,,ij kb
..1 ..... K,..lw in fl, U 0r.llltlu,.uOio lUOJT
"III .v..... " f.,., T.a R nnhlT
Rlverview cemeterv. Mr. Cvpher luucia' v
was ill but 3 days, his illness being Geo. Ill Ragley baa taken out a
peritonitis. Deceased was born in license for warehousing wheat and
Ohio, and came to Orseon when cram t the nulls, near Center
two vears of ase. His widow, lor- vi e. lie will ouy wneai as boou
merly Miss Lottie Ueiling, of near Us the market opens, and p9y the
. . . a 1 .1 . . i 1 - - " .
Greenville; his tatner and moiner, roruanu price.
Mr. and Mrs. Uao. Cypher, 01 near gpeftking of groceries if you
Mountaindale; two brothers, Henry K f , .sUnifl an,i fanCv
ana isier, a nouii '";. ' erocorics to lo found in the market,
Mrs. A. A. Vtormell, Hofiftiia, un iB sfter vour
tir.i. . r-- m n i?;l, v.ri.'J . . . .
uhbu., mis. hi. .v.. trade, ami once a customer, always
land, and Mibs Jeesie Cypher, at a CU8tomer.
home, survive of bis immediate '
J .1.. n t i'. VT .1 Flsio
Orecon, Columbia County, waa in
city, and now editing a paper at town the paBt week, a guest of the
Cottage Grove, entered himselt in K. waggeiier iamuy. ue mi out
the candidacy of clerk ol toe Mi- Weilneeaay lor niB corps.
nreme Court, made vacant by tne Mnl. w. fo. Hftie. t w;u ell
death of Clerk Murphy. : j , m5ik C0Wfli an jn milk, and
Lot: Small black mare, with buyer can select number from herd
thrA white feet and white streak of IS.C. E. Hurst, on R. P. Cor-
in forehead and on nose: branded neliue"- ranch, 2 miles N. V. of
'A" on shoulder. Liberal reward, I.Glencoe, and on Cornelius R. F. D.
Write or phone McCormick Bros., 1
r 1 r rJ 3 . Ill
i.aurei, ure. ...uepeuucuv . ,u, A flw Btftrted q Qm of the r0Qmg
C. W. Talmage, practicing law at in ths Tualatin, Sunday afternoon,
Tillamook, was in the city tfatur- out waa pxtinguiBhed before the
dav. oreetiDa bis tnends here. He fire .Kmnrtinent reached the place.
Bays that Tillamook is going nhond a mattress was destroyed and there
finelv. and tnat ine r. k. im. is was but little other damage, ine
. - . . .. , 1 . . . . ..
going to make tne place worm fire originated in a room over me
living in. kitchen annex and now it started
A. W. Wooley, of OreSon City, a mystery, as no one occupiea
has bid in the operator's key at me room wm uiBu, uuw.
this place, and will be here in a few F A nftni08 aU(i A. W. Barber
weeks to relieve nooi. weuon. air.-
Welton has made many friends
while in the city, and they wiUJre
gret his departure.
Joeepb Friedel, of near Helvetia,
and who died June 10, ltlllT, was a
The undersigned will receive seal
ed bids for furnishing .5 cords of
four foot fir wood, cut from sound
old growth fir, same to be delivered
at the court house prior to August
15. The right is reserved to accept
or reject any bid.
j. w. uonneu, Mienu.
Hillsboro, Oregon, June 17, 1907.
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and Fish, in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
single man, and his will, which
was filed in probate last week,
gives his property,'1 amounting to
about $1,000, to the German Bap
list Church, of Betbany.
went to Nevvberg this week, to at
loud the Btate encampment of the
Grand Army. Their wives ao
compatiied them, the gentlemen
eoinor as delegates. Other at
tendanta who are delegates by
reason of . being past poBt com
manders are R. Crandall, Franklin
Dotv. R. Waggener. II. k. Simp
son and wife and lfiugene JackBon
rIpq visited the encampment,
Late Mouday evening John
Howard, of near Laurel, went to
the Laurel store to do some trading,
acoompanied by his wife and cbu
dren. While he was in me store
and the wife and children were in
the vehicle Borne one Bhot a rocket.
The swish frightened the team, and
they turned in a circle, throwing
Mrs. Howard and the two children
out. Mrs. Howard struck on
stump and her lower jaw wbb
broken, her right elbow injured,
and several of her teeth loBeeoeu.
Dr. Linklater went down and at
tended the injuries. During the
ruuaway Herman Collier s buggy
was demolished. Mrs. Howard is
resting well, but her injuries are
such as will take weekB for re
Laurel M. Hoyt disfigured his
countenance early Monday morn'
ing, by reason of ditching himeelf
He was turning the ureacent mei-
tre corner on a bicycle, and was
suddenly confronted by a go-cart,
trundled by Dr. W. D. Wood. To
avoid a collision Mr. Hoyt ditched
himself and was soon thereafter
gratified by observing beautifu
prisms and tints settling around
one of his optics. When he went
home his wife didn't recognize him
and he had quite an argument be
fore she would let him in at the
door bo L. M. says.
A $350 mare, belonging to John
Lord, of below Newton, broke her
bridle at the courtyard chain, the
last of the week, and ran up Lin
coin to the F. T. kane residence,
then jumped the fence, went south
to the r. K. ifc JN. crossing, wnere
she again jumped the fence and ran
eaBt up Main, until in front of the
Crescent, where sue leu ana Drone
loose from the buggy. The dam
age, which might have been heavy
to animal and buggy, amounted to
(but five or six dollars, the horBe
being skiuned on the nose a trifle.
P. J. Ritchey L Son
AT tll al 1 w
ut wnat use
is a feast without an appetite? Irou-Tone stimu
lates the appetite and gives a relish to the food.
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
Address G rover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore.
pMaMtlaMiaWllaalll MaMaaMMWM
WEINHARD'S (On draught)
The best of all Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
3e Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Besides a complete line of Drugs and Medicines,
we also carry a complete line of Shavers' Requis
ites, such as Razors, Strops, Mugs, Brushes,
Soaps, etc., which we offer at especially attractive
priceg. See our window.