iHE JnllLLSB VOL. XIV. HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNE 13, 1907. NO. 13 0R A IS V i TILLAMOOK TOP Pacific Kail w n y & Naviga. tlon Company Ituys LnRluc TO REACH THE BAY IJi FEW DAYS Will lay Tbrct Mile of Track at Ooct a Olkcr End General Manager C. 1C. Lytte slates that the Pacific Railway Sc Navl Ration Company has bought a fifty too angina aod tho loctmntivo will be udIosJoi! at Tillamook between tho 21at and 2'th of the present niOQtb, along with Ihrao ruili'S f steel. Tbu purchaie wai made to eld construction over on the other ad. The whistle of the loctuaoilve will jir tbeotr drum of Tillamook people, but it will bo a feature that all will end ura with a smile. Tbe company h a!o ordered twelve fltt cam for tbe Tillamook end of tbe line. The United Railway Co, baa a franchise before tbe cty council, asking for righta down Main and .Second and aUo out Dateline, from Second Street, went. An Mr. Ly lie baa always made good the Iranchiae will moat likely be granted. An exclusive right ia not asked, at all and there will be room for all comera. DAIRY COW SALE The undersigned will aell at public ale at thehocue place, mile east of Bethany, and 3 milt N. W. o Cedar Mill, on the Portlaod road at ten o'clock a. ru. on THURSDAY, JUNK 20 Two borsea, blacks, broke siuiiie or tloublr, good for driving or saddle borses weight, 91 J each; Twelve head of choice fialry cows, grided llolstelns and hhort horns, average test lor 6 months, 4 i-u per cent., ages raogtug from 3 to 9 years average per cow same period, per month III 04 each, 4 co m I ti ir fresh to August a fresh In September; one fr-sh in I)e cember; two fresh in February; three not bred yet, thoroughbred hhoitliorn bull i yttrt, 1740 lbs weight; 2 Horn; double hack hsrness, leu logallon will cans. LUncb at noon. g. Terms of rale: Under $10 cash; $10 and over, eight month' lime, aiz per cent, interest, approved note. A. L CROENI. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, lav rill A BANKS' FIRM The Foreat drove Colta Bunday defeated the Deroa team, of Port end, in a ten inning game, with a aoora of two to one. The team were very evenly matched all around and league ball waa put up at all times. Tbe game was snappy and appreciated by a crowd of about 400 people. The day waa marred by a lot of scrapping and after the gams was over, there was little "rough bouse." It is understood tbat tbe Devoee want a return game. Foreet Grove bas a fine team this year atd every ons i a ball player but they bad no walkover wiih tbe little fellows from Portland. R H Alexander, of tbe Fern Leaf Fruit farm, located 6 mile couth of Ililleboro. is now selling tbe Wilson and tbe Brandywine strawberries, for canning aod table ue. Tbe Brandywine is the finest canning berry grown, iou can buy thm at Hoffman & Alien s, Foreit Grove, or at place. Address II. H. Alexander, Cornelius, 11. K. D. No 2 Special service are being carried on at the Tualatin Plaioa' church evening this week, exoept Saturday. Rev. Milligao held services Wed netdty eve; Rev. Mote, Tbursda evening: Rev. Birkbolder w preach Friday evening: Wundey morning Paator A. Robinson will occupy the pulpit; Bunday evening Rev. Unas. 1'blpps will preacb, and will aleo occupy the pnlpit Mon day and Tuesday evenings. Wanted: 22 cords oak and 12 cords aeb, 4 ft. lengths, oak to be no larger than 7, nor smaller than 4 Inohee In diameter. Ibis wood wanted on board cars any station on this division of 8. P. R. R which takes lbs Hilleboro rate Only good, sound wood wanted Will pay prompt cash on delivery of wood on cars. Please quote prices. Albert N, Stanton, R. No 4, IllllBboro, Ore. The Beaverton A Willsburg cut off is getting its right of way right along, and the Southern 1'aciGo is eipected to soon commence con struction on this end of the line Tbe Oregon Electrio has graders at work near Bertha, aod tbe line ia dotted with crews from the top of the bill on into Portland. Farmers wanting good, heavy smith shop at Phillips. , Cheaper than you can make tbem yourself. Painted, 2 coats; The baseball fans have started to strip off a diamond in tbe Tongue field, west of town, and juHt south of the Baseline road rbe boys are getting a team togeth er and expect to play eome good ball. They will play Verboort, Sunday. For sale: Holnlein bull, prac tically thoroughbred, coming 3 Fine for breeding pur COUNT! BOARD DUES One Thousand Dollars County Road Work VIEWERS APPOINTED FOR 2 ROADS For Long Hat of Claim Arc Audited For May Werk Tbe county board met last week and transacted a large amount of business. Tbe court adjourned Thursday evtning, and visited tbe work at Cedar Mill, Friday, and then relumed here Saturday to take up the question of tbe read near Cedar Mill, used by a traction engine of tbe Unioo. Lumber Com pany. The business of tbe court was as follow: OW Hioes, Diet 21, given ap proprlatioo of $75 for additional road work. D C Rogera to be given quit claim deed on West Portlaod lot cn payment of 12.50. Udoq oelition of brice Wilson tbe school districts 87 and 78 were changed. Road petition of M K Buck et als denied a remonstrance out numbered petition. DrWl) Wood appointed eecre t&ry county board of health. Gateway established for Leonard W Hill, petitioner to pay all ex penaea. Delinquent tax lot 21 blk 5 W P Heights ordered cancelled upon payment of 13. Tax of 1906, 80 a and other land 1 2 n r 5 w, Jame Buroes, cancel, ed. A B Todd, W W Lewis acd L C Walter appointed viewers to meet at 11 Mattiesons, near Gaston Juoe 18, and view road, petition T W Bain et a I. Thos Madison, J A Zimmarman aod L C Walker to meet June 20 aod survey road petition J W Haines et al. Tbe following claims were al lowed: ' C B Khorey, " onn iwrwicK. John McClaran " II Todd. " " L J ItolU, M " , , Chris Schindler, " T Fletcher, " ' - u Brooner, " " I V. Dickason," " V M Kclay, " W W lw, " " J Kreb, " ' Jacob keiclien, " ; W Stitt, " " Siuion Nelliten II h Flint. ' " Mm T J Kinc" " C R Adams k Co, roads etc.. Martin Vannehcy, relief 6 75 Clyde Lincoln, bridges...... , 47 05 W (fo1iu, roul trap loco 00 W Hhute, " " 75i 70 Mr Anna Caik'v, roads .... 500 Mr Klwoixl Haines, relief 6 00 J W (kxxlin, tal judve 71 04 (' B Durhanan, sal com , 15 20 W J Butner, al and roads 59 40 R M Dooley, refund tax it 30 4S - 611 - 3 - a 43 - 8 68 -- ' 7 S . 65 30 00 ..- 35 00 W 75 72 00 ... a 10 ... 12 jo ... 25 00 ... 25 00 ... 17 50 35 i ... jo co ... 17 50 ... 7 5" .- 75 6 87 51 55 FIVE MEETINGS HELD IN COUNTY Saya (race fiore, R Vincent, " kaufltiian, " Jai Brydtn, " lliorubiirli J A Buy your school (ablets at Mc Cormick'a. Captain Collins ia trimming up tbe trees in the courtyard square Deposit your money with the HillbboroComtoercial Bank L. and C. Schmidt, of Helvetia, were in town Tuesday. Judge Hollis, of Foreet Grove, was in town lueeday, on lege business. Stationery, pens, playing cards ledgers, journals, etc., at tbe Pharmacy. Hon. Ira . Purdin, of East Portlaod, spent the fir&t of the week in tbe city. J. W. Marsh, of Centerville, was in the city Tuesday, on probate business. C. D. 8fatey,of above Greenville was a county teat visitor Monday morniug. Becj . Scbolfield and wife, of Cor nelius, were down to the Farmers' Institute, Saturday. Born, to E. Goff and wife, of South of IlillBboro, June 8, 1907, daughter, weight 12 pounds. Freeh milk cows for Bale. D. Corrieri, Hilleboro, Route 2, near Keleay ranch, 1 j miles southeast of city. MWE INSTITOTE AT GBANGE DALL Ion. James Withycombe Holds Interesting Meeting Trolley Line are tbe Caoly' Traoportatloa Hope Ion. James W'itbycOQibe, formerly of thi-s county, and now director cf tbe experiment station at tbe Cor vallis College, was in the county aat week. Mr. Witbycombe con ducted meetings at Sherwood, Lau rel, Foreet Grove and Btnks, and then wound up tbe series of meet ings at the Grange Hall, this city, ast Saturday. The see-ions were very instructive.al biugh not large- y attended, owing to the busy sea son ol tfce yeir. Me6?rj. witny combs and Judd, of Turner, Ore gon, stated to an Argus reporter tbat 10 all tbe-.r travels over the state, in Washington County they fouod the ficeit cultivated farms; the fioeet dairy berdt; and tbe finest farm homes and outbuildings At tbe session here Win. cchul merich lectured on tbe manage ment of the dairy herd, and his ad dress was a masterpiece. Prof. C. E. Bradley, a graduate of Pacific University, and now assistant chemist at the college, lectured on "Plant Food in Soils;" Mrs. Ida Kidder took up the queslioa of "Travelling Libraries for Farm ers, Mrs. Austin Buxton, of For eet Grove, ''Home Economics; "Mr. E. T. Judd, "Tbe Draft Horse." Mr. Withycombe talked on agri culture, and in bis address struck the keynote of the great need of this county transportation facil ties. Mr. Withycombe said in part: "Washington County, by reason of its location and rxb soil, is destined to be come tbe bom: of tbe small fanner. Dairying, fruit growing and truck farm' 'ing will be tbe principal features of this section. This county has already made splendid development along tbe line of dairying. Last year nearly a million dollars' worth of canneA aeatn and great M liau if - '-'MCtd, 1 e ftT elfin mot? rrAr rlfion vaa omaa aaiu iwn vibaii k after washing until you a oca wic icii'iu uui uiai Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out ol the pores .. . . Jo M this pper white amil it it compared with tomnhini whiter, to your lua may look dean until yea try a Fooipeiaa Munfc idnthi Urt-m 4irt that k brinft out. Yoa haw beta Wtthiag with Ma an4 water tat 3 the sift remaiaea, Ym thought your ikia wat cUan, but woe4re4 why k was aUlow ao4 why tha wriokla frew more in eridenc erery year. Pompeka Muu Cream gently rubbed in uU thea gently nibbed Out wOl krin with it tht dirt that Soap has U4VT loudud, nouru the ikin, pud rory blood in the cheek, left nature do itj perfect work. AO good barbers apply Pompom Mmuc. Cream it fa a great relief arte throng and tends to make the skia Mrooger and leas aenwire. Ladies tppreeiate Pompeiaa Maangc Cream btcausc it bmulaut tbe circoiatioa and ghret a bright, clear caenplexioa. Come m far free sample and copy of the rauoos booklet "A TreatissM racial Mssatga. Pompeiaa Cream a sold at jot tod fl.oo per jar, Hillsboro Pharmacy itJlAMO'd) .a- 25 CO Talk about machinery and hard ware floor spaces-tho Willis Hardware & Implement Company, of Banks, wax visited by an Argus reporter last Saturday, and it was discovered that Ibis firm has 11,000 years old feet of floor spaoe, to say nothing poses. John Schneider, Hilleboro of the ground used on tbe outside. R. 4, residing one mile west of Tola firm gets its machinery by the Phillips. Phone, Pacific States, carload aod bas a big supply of I liillbboro. 4Ux3. Mouormicic ana yjoorne binders, Df F A j, Df A Btl, mowers, rate, teuaers ana ciover )u ,nj 0bi r.nir r, . T.he..1r,i,n "l00 8ta 1750 sustained while driving to Buxton lliZ ll depot. Dr. F. J. Bailey attended bunohers. The firm also carries a full slock of stoves and ranged, tinware and thelf hardware, and recently re ceived a carload of buggies. Tbe Willis people sell to farmers for a radiui of fifteen miles and their price ire money savers. 7S TEAMS WANTED Masouio delegates to the Grand Lodge held at Portland thia week. The Grand officers will lay the cor ner stone for the new Commercial Club building while in Portland. , For gentlemen's, ladies' and childrea's hose you can do no bet ter than to buy of Jobn Dennis. We h&ve them for everybody, and at prices that are values. Wanted, on P. R. A N. Grade, near Senator W. H. WehruDg is bo Buxlon, at once, 75 teams, wltb far recovered tbat be is able to get drivers. Wases. 14.60 on slma and up town and attend to business. Pacific Mates Tel Co, relief.. Bcals k Co, r and h B Imlay, assessing and col w Livetniore, r and n Wallace Brown, witness S N l'oole, assessing ami col M Collins, jauitor etc Thos A McBrule, circuit judge.., faith White, witness D A Mrs Ritta Behnke, witness $5.00 works on wheelers. Apply at Argus and Oregonian, $2. Ray Kyle aod Jas. Walters, of near Cedar Mill, were In town sat urday. Thurston Buxton, aeseseing For ast Grove and vicinity, was io tbe olty Saturday, conferring with As lessor Wilcox. August Irmler. of Cornelius, and asrent for the Mitchell-Lewis & Btaver Co., was in town Saturday H. A. Hinshaw, traveling freight agent for the Southern Pacific, was In town Saturday, a listener at the Farmers' Inetitute. A. M. Carlile is also able to viBit the buainesB section after a wrestle with the measles. Speaking of groceries if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to be fouod in the market, try John Dennis, tie is sfter your trade, and once a customer, always a customer D. B. Reasoner is putting the finishing touches on the Scholia' bridge, lie was up and remained over Sunday with bis family. Draft and driving horses for sale at the Cornelius Bros.' old Btable, Foreat Grove, Ore. E. D. Bogan Pacifio Pbone Main 31. Mrs. A. R. Linooln, who bas been visiting at Miltonvale, Kan eas, for several months, has return ed to Hilleboro. The Hilleboro Commercial Bank Ed McCntcken. witness Geo H Wilcox, assessor too oo eight milk cows, all in milk, and ivu C5S1, w.vuc u n. ...... z u 0Vjyer can select number from herd uciumu naiiuunK:i, nuiicDa i ni w .r in r m tt a r w-a r Fomt r.rnve Timea. nrintinir c ui lJ' Ur8J, 00 II. VjOI Groner A Rowell. r and h g 64 nelius' ranch, 2 milea N. W. of w O Ponelson, relief. 16 6j Glencoe, and on Cornelius R. F. D, v w narnea, assessing ana coi 7a 00 1. Tohnson Bros, r and h i8 67 WM Jackson, ct 3000 Pensioners have been getting . ."wurer... 50 00 tneir pay checks in a continuous A J Roy, relict 125 bo I v"w f"" K Morehack, r ana h 45 55 " ujb. 11 w repurteu iuv 11111s Jos. Pongratz, the - Buxton butcher, was in the city Friday. Mr. Pongratz says that business is good up his way, Meat Bales to the Greeks, however, are not very has safety deposit boxes for rent in large, ob they buy mutton trom tbe 1 fire proof vault, 91.00 per year farmers, rauuon is ineir strong rj0me and see tbem. 1 , . 1 Ole." I TTnnfainna anrl Mitfa A a, Herbert G. Moulton. who recent narted tbe laet of the week for ly wedded Miss Alios Merryman. their home in Tillamook, after of tms city, and wbo a tew weeas week's visit with C. Blaser and ago went to British Columbia, as family, chief engineer for a mining com pany, has gone in that capacity with another company at a salary of $5,000 per year, a raise of $2,000 over bis last position. Mr. Moul- ton is a graduate of tbe University Gents' and boys' clothing, fa line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis cher Sincerity make at H. Weh rung & Sons. Ora Cook and wife, of Cornelius were down to the city Monday. 27 00 9 75 r, lui Groner & Kowcll, r and h Hess Bros, r and b Ufllsboro Lumber Co, relief Heeves & Reever, relief Knvin Ititter, assessing and col Glass at rruuuoninie, sta W O ltonelson, relief, tml snl 35 co T Young, r and h 20 00 - 5 35 A Morrill, " 4 50 1 Godman, clerk etc, Oregon & Washington Pipe Co r h 16 95 The Irwin liodson Co, sta 6 05 Blanche Rice board 9 00 Lawrence Iiixon, ex board 9 00 Mrs U C Woodbury, exam board- 9 00 Lee Byers, exam board 9 00 T leung, rand h 4 75 4 lo SasyaWa!- frfT,? Tir j;maajl imj. 6 (Jbiel MoLacblan, of the r. 11. & 4 62 N.. visited with bis fatnilv in Port- 4 land, Monday. Walter Zuercher, formerly of Helvetia, was ia town Tuesday, celling his North Hilleboro proper ty. Hop pickers wanted for 50 acre yard. Good accomodations. Please register now. 8. L Barnes, Ladd & Reed Farm. Reedville. Oregon. Hugh Rogers came down from Boxton, Monday evening, seeking medical eer vices for a bruited hip, bis wounds. Lost: Small black mare, with three white fast and white streak in forehead and on nose; branded "A" on shoulder. Liberal reward. MVi Write or phone MoCormick Bros;, . 1 T 1 ".. T.l J- Til ' 4 00 -Aurei, vro. xauepenuttDi r note " I r:iu e. 1 t sii .h 2 00 1 uiiia, cosb tor eaitf. x wui sen . 5 00 ,127 50 , 7 00 .301 si . 2 20 . 8: 00 up in all directions. Large Tarms are being subdivided, and tbe small, weAl fertilized farm is rapidly gaining su premacy. The greatest problem confronting your county today is the road problem. It will require the very best of macadam roads to withstand the wear and tear of the heavy loads of milk hauled in the Winter time. Such roads will cost from $3000 to $5000 per mile and perhaps the county trolley system, as advocated by the recent State Grange, will be the practical solution of this ever prevent problem. Tbe plan is certainly worthy oCthotoueh consideration. Even if you construct macadam roads tbe cost of hauling per ton per mile will be at least 5 cents, while the trolley cost bas been demonstrated at but s cents or let. The lower cost, and the rapid transit, there fore, oresent the trolley idea in a favor able fight. These lines, tf constructed, should not be butlt parallel with the lines of rati way now in existence, or under con struction, but as nearly a possible be placed at right angles, so as to be used as feeders. There is a good prospect for readjustment of tariff schedules in the near future, and if this shall be effected rthe cost of steel rails, diminished, will not make county trolley building pto- niouory." Strongest Directorate in County Within three months after opening for business this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the list is growing every day. Successful men date their going ahead to their first bank account. Your deposit is solicited. THE FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK Does a general Banking business. We pay interest on time deposits. Loans and Discounts. Exchange bought and sold to all parts of the world. Until onr new brick is com pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Main, onr bank ing house ia located four doors south, on Main. Board of Directors: W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres. llios. tr. lodd, J. W. Fuqua, Ejc-Couuty Commissioner. 'L Thornburgh, Cashier. Forest Invr, Oregon ooro ana forest urove get more pay checks of thia kind than any other towns of their size on the northwest ooast. In June tho farmer loads hia hav. We houe Ills crop will turn out well. He la tne countrv's sura lnain-atav. For without him we naiiKht could aell. rtow some soli tuts ami otners that; The wants of people always vary. If you want sweets -I'll tll you what, ury raimaieer's uonteeuoneiy. , .:. L. J, Palnmtear, Prop, Mrs. F. J. Bailey returned from 75 00 Washington, D. C, and the James town Exposition, Monday, after an absence of about tbree months. Mrs. Bailey went East to attend the National convention of the Daughters of the Revolution. For aale: " Ten room houae in John A Johnson, rapt snl 50 co gooJ ir; b orchard; 2 lots w J Butner, ft etc.......... 20 45 fn . ' ' K1'v f . . Geo w Mcliraw, supt sal 14 50 " -"" .v.uu. j T Young, powder 270 45 house; 8 blocks from railway. Goes Max wiek, witness msi atty 4 40 tor $a,uuu; ipiaiu aown, balance on j w hoi neu, sai a m uep...... 3 o im9i loquire 0f ArgUS " " exp ana ooara pris 11 70 1 - - H L Russell, sup sal and roads 147 5 Owing to the fact that E. E JC Callahan, bridges 35 97 Lv tie has the ownBrshiD of the VvZ S8 73o United Railways he ha. moved Beach & Keffer, roads ' a 16 the engineering ofhoea from this Tualatin Mill Co, bridges 1331 city to Portland, 80 tbat it is not lne Argus, printing .-. 11 uu L, W House, roaus o 09 Andrew W Barber, niowina yard.., 3 00 J B Imlay, assessiug 6 00 Schuluiericn. Bros, roads 27 05 Davies Bros, lumber 15 44 Chris Schindler, roads... 30 V John Beyer, sup sal..... 3 75 Briegs Bros, r and h a 65 Stevens Bros, r and h 10 00 Hess Bros, bridges- 78 03 City light and water 22 50 II T Buxton, assessing and col 81 00 M C Case, salary, postage, etc 72 96 " " office typewriter 100 00 Willis Ireland, salary and postage 159 35 Hillsboro Independent, printing... 24 05 C E Hedircs, r and h.. 4 10 Max Wilk, witness 4 40 K S Robinson, supt sal 17 00 ti W nines.. oo 00 ohn I Bailev. ass't col 178 7 John Nyberg, sunt snl and bridges 78 05 (.; W limes, r ana n Thos Murphy, supt sal 20 00 A Reverman, " " . 25 00 M G Nease, ass't col 2080 co B G Hcngey, supt and r aud h 119 90 Peter Vandehey, relief 77 09 W G Prescott. ass't and col 500 00 G Hager, r and h 11 30 S E Olson, r and h 350 00 Wm H jooa, necessary to bave two corps of draughtsmen. Mr. Abry, assistant chief, loaded his'othce furniture Monday evening for shipment. Mr Abry has been a familiar figure in Hillsboro for 13 months, and his 30 oo1 mtiny friends regret bis departure. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will Bell at public auction at his place, on the Base Line road, six miles east of Hills boro and three miles northwest of Beaverton, at ten a. m , on MONDAY, JUNE 17 Nine head mHk cows, all in milk and giving gocd flow, and al coming in next Fall for Winter milking, ranging from 3 to 7 years graded Jerseys and Shorthorns test 4 to 4.50: fine Shorthorn & Holstein bull, aged 15 months large and finely made. ierms 01 eaie: uasb, or one year's time, 8 per cent., bankable note, iwo per cent, diecount on cash. GEO. HOLSHEIMER John Vanderwal, Auctioneer. Argus and Pacific Monthly, $1.50 Wm. Heltzel, of Banks, was in town Friday. Albert Keehn, of near Cedar Mill, was in the city Friday. Anton Meeuwsseo, of Verboort, was an Argus caller Friday. Ira G. McCormick, of 'Laurel was in town Monday morning. John Vanderwal, of north Beaverton, waa in the city Monday, rustling live stock insurance. F. L. Brown, of Laurel, was i the city, TueBday, and called the ArgiiB offioe. He saya that the Laurel married men want to play the Hillsboro married men here on tbe Fourth of July. Vegetable and Tich. MARKErE Fresh Vegetxtka tad Pish i call. Mketijtfp6site Tua Street, Hillsboro. We deliv P. J. Ritche. fll-sVV-) t Taken Iron-Tone is immediately ti and thus begins its good w For sale by all Druggists, us send you our little bookie ity," which tells you what it will do. You can have it Address Grover Medicini pxxstiUHKBi aj I WINHARD'Scon 1 The best of all Be Bottled for M Sf3 i At of at Ufe Delta D Hillsboro, C For that tired, run-dowi ALTI-TC The ideal Spring Medicine, uJGr ,jfialn Of Oregon. j ff