The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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I I m
NO. 12
Hillsboro licatcn by Hanks
in a Snappy (iatne
DtKtodjnH o( tic m! rid. Uulsou tin
I'laj Hall
The I. It. A N. tx.k a incursion
crowd of about tdxiy t Pinks,
Bunday, to a ta 1 1 fnm bctwrcn
Hlllhii.r) and Ranks, and tbo
county rent boys ere beaten to s
ttandati)l liy th fanners. The
lltukibiy at no i ntra rgji, and
a liberal flio i of Uiu lira Sunday
morning arid itm y they lolled
the eapilols wan nil elow Tbe
aooro was 22 t l'i. H U Wilion,
who wa eff form at mtv-tid bHt,
banged t h Ois'. lull over the f. nee
ml made a a home rut-, Inn the
hatting tit rnk whitdi fo!!otd came
too latj. Fully iiKI pop! wit
nessed th guru.). Tho line up a:
ralrher , I'nmd
jillclirr , ...Hoy Moure
ib ,, , Ilnrkrr
lb , AVrHon
jb Tom William!
borUtup Sick W illlnnii
if Sl'llllllllClilll
C f , Kay Taylor
1 1..,,., ,, John Humphrey!
catcher - Cbaa liarrttl
pitcher, Urodnlil
lb... I KirU
ah,, C Oooley
,.1. Bullock
I. Leopold
, . , ,C I aritlms
! Willi.
II Leopold
played very
If ,
Tbe lUnki team
consistent ball and with a little
wore practice will hi able to go up
against the beet ol thuti. I he lo
cal team hd great support from
the girls of that section, there lm-
ing about an even hundred, all
beauties, and each aim looking a
little nicer than tho other, who
aog mors patriotic conga when
tha Hanks lad niado a good play
than you would think pwlble in
tba time Iirott--nnd thny were
fairly merciless when IlilUboro
made a bad break.
The big game, came later, and
wai between Verboort, known as
tba "Dutch Nine" and Buxton
Thia was a game of bat bender?
and the score, while large, being I
to 16, wai not indicative of the
playing, for tho ball hatted over
the fence wan responsible fur the
biii figured. It was a game royal,
and had old Houdrick Hudson,
who discovered the Hudson River,
been steaming up Dairy Crook he
would have fired gun in honor ol
the Dutch. The Dutch were out
in the field and they wore wherever
a ball lighted, unless it was over
the fence. The Hollanders certain
It played" ball on their toes, and
everr man wan there with the
goods. The Buxtonites had a good
battery, but their in and outfield
work was not in company with the
Dutch. If the Hollanders can
play that kind of hall all tha time
they can play whd any orumi
league this side of Honduras The
Buxton oatcher, Murphy, while be
ing an old league player, and al
ways there with the goods, could
give the Dutch catcher no honors
and it was a groat game to
. watch. The line up was:
catcher , Herman Bermuda
pitcher H ller-ancker
ib Jt-hn ViMider.anden
ab Cbaa Herb
b Then Jasper
a t. Frank Bermuda
r f ..Win Vuiidomelon
C f , John Bernards
1 f VA Janper
catcher ..Murphy
Ditcher Sanders
ib , , , Mueller
ab ,Vm Simpson
3b.... Moye
a ,. Chna Stephen!
I f , Kiliiar llnunan
Cf , C Holt
1 f McFheraon
Stepheua umpired for Hunka and
' Hillaboro, and C. V, Barrett umpired for
the Verboort-Jiuxton game
Samuel Wilson. Pioneer
18.M Dies in Portland
The modern Woodmen, of Heed- IPIM! WnViWI) HICUIM
vllle will have an all day picnic at iUEU I lUllIM I AOOLiO
inn Alien 1 1 rove, one nine norm ni
Keedville, on Haturday, Juoe 15.
Silver Laf Camp will have a
eplendid program consisting of
recitations and songs, and Hon. J.
V. BimuioiiH, of Portland, will de
liver the address There will alio
be i drill that will be of ipeoial in
terest. In the afternoon there will
l3 athletic. Btands on the
It 8. Alexander, of the Fern
Leaf Fmi it farm, located 5 mile
aouth of, is now Belling
the Wilfton and the Urandywine
eirawoerrien, ior canning nu inuio Htmuel Wilson, egidttl rear
ftl I I I .11 IT A I
ue. ine nranuywintie me imeei hu,i t,.,...i. ,..,. f . 5ji
. . It VII IUt'11 M U I I U 1 I lllkilb. A A M W try 7.
- - r--- i
Father f Jacob C. WINon, of Wtat
canning berry grown, iou can
buy them at IloUman A Aliens, I
I'oresl Orove, or at place. Address
II. H. Alexander, Cornelius, It F.
D. No 2.
Farm fr ea'e: Kight miles
southwest of HilleWo; 84 acres; 8
to 10 acres under cultivation; bal-
aiico easily cleared; good paHlure;
at the borne of his daughter, Mrs
Philo Holbrook, .Sr., in Portland.
Deceaeed bud the distinction of be
ing the oldest meinlw r of the Indian
War Veterans' Aesciation.
Mr. Wilaon came Went by ox tram
front lodiaua and located ou a claim
aouthraat of Olynipla, in lH.i. Tor a
....... i . u .. . i . i i - . . i .I..
living water; email fruit ; log barn: .nuement on t'liambcra frairir. When
email nouse: Ideal dairy isrm anu the Yakima vr htokr om iu ih. Mr.
in on milk route. 11,050 nd ey Wilton wai one of the fin.t t-j en it wiib
terms. Inquire at Argue cilice, iT'llX? XT..
Hannan A Hnn. of Huiton. are ' the company commanJcd by Captain
putting up a large store building, '.S,, . fwly tf ' ,,.
and the carpenters will Boon have ,killi Mlttri,tA x.; t:iha 0CCll,icI by
il comcieieu. 1 ne structure is wr, and Mra. Hoibrcok. A man whi
H, and is modern in every respect vimlng tbcm at the time of ihe raid,
tdl.l. Sirnnaon a ust nutl no the ,ure w': p me r ru.e. nD.i
,, , , , ' r a kept up aucu a hot lire on the Indians
linieblng tmichee on a fine new sa- ,h tbcy were llIU,)le lo ktt eartiie
limn building, finished in native cabin. During theiiflitMr. Wilson wn
wood. Buxton has several reM- "hot through the liody . and f..r a time
dence buildings going up ind the fE1J:
IIil blood tiicklfl
little ourg is innving uuriy. ,er .avantace.
Milk rnw. tnr lain: I will Bell Khro,1K Aooranddown on hia chil-
,, , ... i urcn, whu were nuMNieu uciow
llgni milK cows, ail in uiua, aim Mr. Wilxm brouiiht hia family to Tort
buyer can select number from herd land during is6i,aml Wm working in
ii f ltt.f!. K Hiirat. nn IS. P. Cor- a aawralll. About f year aizo Mr
nelius' ranch. 2 uiilee N. . of
Olencoe, and on Cornelius It. F. D.
KdithTozier Wealherred, who is
personally conducting parties of
tourists to the Kandwicn islands
nnd incidentally managing the
publication of a California maga
rine, called on the Argus last Fri-
Wilti'O became blind, but he retained
hia mental faculties up to the hour of hia
dentil, which win cnimcU by old age
Hit wife died 50 yeaia awe.
Mr. Wilton lived under all of the
Cieaideuta ol the United Stales nave
WaabinKton. John Adama and JHferson
In hia lifetime all of the noted warn of
bia native land, excepting the Revolu
tion, were foujjhl. Bom on the frontier
Decern iier i, iKia, lm early Hie wan
pent in bard work on the farm miring
day. The visitor, once a Ihllsboro 'he Summer moniha ana in trapping in
resident, think, the old town Is ftifI1(, of xvmUm enry
improving wonueriuiiy. Harrison, the bero of Tippecanoe and
1,.,. t .,., l.,,,. i ninth I'retident of the United Statea,
tot sale: Ten room house in Mr wilion deli(,uica io teiiiuK of tfae
good repair; barn; orchard; 2 lots mtoy ,ppy ,ilIlf ,,, chals he llB(J
in tract; one mock irom scnooi witn the nooiier log cabin ttatestnuu
house; 3 blockefrora railway. Uoee ana warrior.
1... ,0 mm. tioivi K.l.niu nn Two children. Mra. Holbrook and Ja
,.. ,4lUw,T..w.,u., - col) wiIso0t 0i Wohintton County,
vimo. inquire ui rtigun. mrvive blm. A aisler, Jlra. Mary Clinc
ni.i. t.v it,- aged 92 yeara, aluo Uvea in rortlaud
vuriB. wuuiinuH, nuniu, u i ,, , t . . .. ,.,..
John Milne tiluce, near Centerville, ao,i ))epty County Aaaemwr Samuel
ran a hay HOOK llirougn 01s leu iiolbruuk are cramlcbtltlicn of tUede
bnI Mnmiftv. whiln haulinir baled ceaaed.
1 .. 'ik. : ' . -...i tn iKa Funeral aervices were held Friday
hay, the potnt entering in the ,flefooon ,t Uieciupciof the j,oimh
lleehy portion Of the hand, JUBt be- undertaking eotnblishment at 1 o'clock.
tween the base ol tne tnumo anu interment at Lone Mr Lemcterv.
the index finger. Dr. F. J. Bailey
attended the injured man.
In June the farmer Inada bin bay.
W hop hia crop will turn out well.
11a Ih ll,u fW.lllilrtf alirtt limltl-MtMV.
for without him wa imuulit ornilil Htill.
Now Noma aoll Una and Otliera that;
Tba want of jicople alwaya vary.
If you want aweota -I'll till you wliat,
Try ralmiilflor'e t'onfmaloiuuy.
-L. J. I'almatwir. 1'rop.
A. M. Carlile, of the Seoond
Street Harness Shop, has been suf-
The Koights of the Maccabees ami
the sifter ledge, the Lathed of toe
Maccabees will have a rousing
celebration at the Doolay Orove,
near Greenville, on Jue 8, and the
public is generally invited to come
bring their tnsket dinners, and
havo a day in tha cooling shades
feeing from an attack of the There will be refreshments on the
measles. He is getting along nice grounds, and the exercises will bo
lv. now, with no bad results gtn at 10:00 In the morning, open
Think of a man of that age having ed by the Verboort band. A fine
the measlcbl program will he rendered by the
For Rontlemen's, ladies' and Kn!?ht9 and, ' a or!?.Rfe
children's boso you can do no bet- " ua"
.1 k.... -1 tk- nnnt0 burned
ill deliver an address. Mrs
Geo L. Davis, chief engineer, of ..., tk0 Htftte executive of the
the P. II. & N., has so lar recover- j,. 0. T. M. will be in attendance
ed as to sgain eBsume bis duties. ftmi wjh give one of her character
He haa been away irom nis room n8ti0 lectures on the Ladies: auxilt
1 a 1 ..a . . ... .
ooui ten aays, anu usu iuee ary 'ihe Lodies will give a Mac
call. Icabee drill. A buseball game be
SnnoVinu nf ornnnrinH if vou tween Banks and Verboort will tba f.nt Bianln nnd fancr a feature of the field sports. T
.nri,.0 in h tnnnA in thn market, day will be concluded by a grand
try John Dennie. He ia after your ball in the Maccabee Hall in the
trade, and once a customer, aiwayB ovmmii
a customer.
on Banner Tent's new Hall, will be
1 -r a iari t
.k. i K,,w nf JnKn Dunnla ourneu. J. a. n oriein, 01 ion
v.. . - " .n J in, tka fr.tomal q,
We have them lor everybody, ana "f p"
at prices that are valuee. d"8B-,i-JJ l.F01.
Wm. Schulmorich notiSos the Ar
gus that Farmore' Institutes wil
be held in this county, as follows.
in June: Sherwood, June 4; tor
est Grove,' June 0; Banks, June 7
and Hilleboro, June 8. He states
that an attempt is being1 made to
have Webster, chief of the Dairy
Bureau, of Washington, D. C, b
here for one or two of the add re sees,
Here will be a chanoa for nil bec
tions of the county to hear some
good leotures ou farming and dairy
fog. Later it has boon decided to
bold a meeting at Laurel, June
Freeh milk cows for ealo. D. P
Corrleri, Hillsboro, Route 2, near
Kelsay ranch, ljmilea southeast of
Kll Craig was up from Scholls,
Tuesday, getting shingles for the .
big bridge, wbich IV being built by
and hard
the Willis'
Cbaa. True, of near Middleton,
was in the city Haturday.
Buy your school tablets at Mc-
I). Werger, cf Helvetia, was in
the city Tuesday.
M. M. Mead, of West Union,
as in the city Tueeday.
Deposit your money with the
illrboro Commercial Bank.
Atiibfrs Tbornburch, of Foret-t
Orove. wan in the city, Saturday.
Kam OrndulT, of near Laurel,
as in tho city Monday.
Cnm J'ssc, of near Banks, was
own to the county seat Monday.
It"inhald H-anke, of near Cen-
erviile, wos in town Monday.
Gntleib ZiuTcbor, of near Cedar
Mill, was in the city Monday
John F. Carters, who i bring-
ng liansi out a? a baseball town.
wai doivn to tbo city Tmsday.
Sta'.i )ii(-ry, jifriF, playing cards,
ledgers, journls, etc, at the
John O'Brien, of near Cedar
Mill, wan in tonn Tuwday, and
all:d at the Arrui odice.
W. K. Smith, of the Davis ranch,
John . Cawrsip, and John Milne,
were in from Centerville, .Saturday.
Henry Hngrcfe, of the Dr
Wit'iyornbo firm, siuth of town
was in the city Saturday.
Herman Collier, of Scholls, and
M. N. Bonboni, principal of the
aurtl school, were in the city
A. N. Stanton, of thia place, is
superintendent of the eales depart
niontij of the Meier A frank store,
August Van Loo, of North ForeBt
Grove, has two geee which have
aid IIS eug!), and as yet have ue
clined to tet. This is going eonie.
Hop pickfrs wanted for 50 acre
ard. Good accomodations l'leaje
retister now. S. L Barnes, Ladd
Keed farm, Keedville, Oregon
Geo. Holsbeimer, of Baaverton
was in the city Monday, aod called
at the Argus He has a notice of
sale of some milk cows in another
Judge Goodin ar.d L. W. House
nere at Ctdar Mil), the first of the
week. The county court is making
arrangements to do a great deal of
rock work from the Multnomah
ine westward, to Cedar Mill.
J. w. Sewell and wite. and
daughter, Miss Mary, went to La
Grande the first of the wees to at
tend the funeral of the late C. C
.'Vezier, who died in Arizona, last
S. L. Barnes, manager of the
.add A Heed Farm, was in the
city Monday. He reports the hay
crop as rather short down his way
and says that timothy has sold as
high ns $20 per ton in the field
already this Beason.
Farmers wanting good, heavy
terviceable hay racks, lo and 16
feet in length, can get them ready
made at the W m. ruegy black
smith shop at Thillips. Cheaper
than you can make them yoursell.
Painted, 2 coats.
Oregon Development League
Will Take up .Matter
Delegates Will Attend From BilUboro
aod Forest Grove
remendous interest is being de
veloped in the convention of the
Oregon Development League June
21st and 22nd, and large delega
tions are assured from all sections
of the State as a mult of the low
rates of transportation. An ad
vance meeting of the Presidents
and Secretaries of the different or
ganizations composing th) league
ill beheld in the convention room
rf the Portland Commercial Club,
second ll.'or, 6:h it Alder Streets.)
Thureday night, June 20:h, at 8
o'clock. Tbe hone of the League
officers relative to this meeting is.
that the active men of Oregon may
be able to unite upon plans that
will greatly add to the population
of tbe State, and agree upon rome
scheme which will Bccure the co
operation of the entire population
of the State in getting the full ad
vantage of the colonist rates which
egin September 1st and continue
until October 31st.
The tourist rates, at a little more
than one fare for the round trip
and good for Oregon from all parts
of the United States went on sale
Saturday in all ticket offices
throughout the country.
Your skin may look clean
after washing- until you
tA 1 f 1 a: .L
Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out
ol the pores .
Ja at thi paper ' white until k w compared with wowthinf whiter, to your
ikm may look clean until jog try a Pompciaa MM and w the left-m dirt thai
it krirp out.
Yon hare Wen waahinf with Map and water but itin the dirt remainad. You
thought your akin was clean, hut wondered why k waa nQow and why tha
Wfiaktca grew more ia evidence every year.
Pompeian Mawace Cream ently rubbed in and then aa tenth; rubbed out will
krini with k the dirt that SOafi has never touched, nouriahea the akin, puts
ray blood in the cheeki, lett nature do in perfect work.
All food barbera apply Pompciaa Mamce Cream it ia a rex relief after
liatirif and tends to make the akin atmger and leal aenaitire.
Ladiea appreciate Pompeian Manage Cream becauac k stimulate! the circulation
and gitea a bright, clear Complexion.
Come in for free etrople and copy of the famoot booklet "A Treatiae on Facial Manage.
Pompciaa Cream ia (old al 50c and i.o per jar.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
...t n" 11, ..... u m ware noor Hpaues
u. xi. o- - -' Hardware & Implement Company
flntlhTharfenr; ' '" ol Banks, was visited by an Argus
finish the structure, . a..,.,i -...i :i ...
I iDUUiborr lac kiaiuiuav. ni.u .
Draft and driving horeos for sale discovered that this firm has 11,003
at the Cornelius Bros.' old Btable, feet, 0f floor space, to say nothing
Forent Grove, Ore. h. D. Bogan, 0f (he cround used on tbe outside
Pacific Phone Main 1. This firm sets its machinery by the
Mrs. F. J. Bailey, who has been carload and has a big supply of
east, attending the National con- mcwimcn. aim ysWi.
vention of the Daughters of the mowere,
Revolution, is expected home the Duncueru.
R.d t iko v , The lirm also carries a mu siooa
n,. vt. L . , v. , ol stoves ana ranges, tinware ami
ine iiuiBooro v;ommeroiai oana aKolf kr..Htrorn. and recent v re
haa safety deposit boxes for rent in celvd a carioad of buggies. The
fire proof vauit, $1.00 per year. WiiliB pe0pi9 Ben t0 farmers for a
Come and Bee them. ..j;a Ai .fiftfwm miles nnd their
August Van Loo and wife, of prices are money savers
North Forest Grove, were in the
city Monday, and called on the 75 TEAMS WANTED
Argus olhce.
GentB' and boys' clothing, fall Wanted, on T. It. & N. Grade, noar
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fie- Buxton, at once, 75 teams, with
oher Sincerity make at II. Weh- drivers. Wages, $4.50 on slips and
rnnot&HonB. $5.00 on wheelers. Apply at
To.... vcr. f mAnnn. a nA I works
now in the sawmill business, wae
in town Tuesday, loading cars,
Argus and Oregonian, $2.
The doily dispatches recently
told of a Hood Riyer mau who had
found over 200 strawberries on one
plant.- V. S. Tilton, who is garden
ing in South Hilleboro. counted
302 berries on one of his vines the
other day. That's going Borne, eh
For sale: Holstein bull, prac
ticallv thorouchbred. comma 3
years old. Fins for breeding pur-
posfis. John benceider, iiuisooro
R. 4, residing one mile west of
Phillips. Phone, Pacifio States,
Hillsboro, 4'Jx3.
' t
Wanted: 22 cords oak and 12
oords ash, 4 ft. leugths, oak to be
no larger than 7, nor smaller than
1 inches in diameter. This wood
wanted on board cars any station
on this division of S. P. R. It.
wbich takes the Hilleboro rate.
Only good, sound wood wanted.
Will pay prompt cash on delivery
of wood on cars. Please quote
prices. Albert Is. StantonfcU AO.
4, Hillsboro, Ore,
Eugene Huntainger and wife, of
Tillamook, were gueBts of C. Blaser
and family this week. Mr. Hunt-
singer is a native cf H,au Galie,
Wisconsin, and spent the first
years of his life climbing over the
hills, and swimming iu the same
streams where the Argus reporter
first learned to swim "dog fashion."
They hauled corn and wheat to the
same old gust mill, and threw
rocks at 0110 auother on the banks
of the Eau Galle long years ago,
when Mayor Lane, of Portland,
A Imbrie returned the last of
tha week from a week's trip to The
Dalles, Goldendale and Hood River,
after an absence from those points,
of many years. He says that
Hood River is one of the moBt pro
greseive email towns on the coast,
and that their new hotel is a fine
one, costing thousands of dollars
BeeidtB the new structure they
have several others. He says that
White Salmon, across the river
from Hood River, ehipped the first
strawberries out, but tbey were
labelled "Hood River," and brought
a dollar a pound. Goldendale, he
says, ia a town not much over half
the sue of Hillsboro, but they have
a $30,000 hotel, doing a nice busi
ness, and the town has double the
brick etruclures here. Mr. Imbrie
lived up in the Goldendale section
in 1S77, and he Bays the farmers
there are increasing the size of their
holdings, and that the small wheat
farmer is hardly known any more.
Wheat looks fine, and unless there
is a hot wind, forty or fifty bushels
lo the acre will be the yield. Gold
endale has its water piped into
town from Simcoe Mountain, twelve
miles out: has a sewer system
second lo none, and the merchants
are all progressive. Their streets
are 100 feet wide; there are three
banks, and street frontage is sell
ing at $40 per foot, whils in this
place it is bringing $J0. Their
best bank there is uot on a par
with either of the Hillsboro banks.
The Klickitat Valley has many
vacant farm houses, owing to pur
chases to make bigger tracts and
permit of summer fallow for grain
raking, and many houses along the
road look weather-beaten. The
marked contrast between the two
towns, however, was in noting a
70Troom hotel, while Hillsboro
places its visitors here ami there
with families.
Strongest Directorate in County
Within three months after opening for business
this Bank had over $100,000 in deposits, and the
list is growing every day. Successful men date
their going ahead to their first bank account.
Your deposit is solicited.
Does a general Banking businesa. We pay interest on time
deposits. Loans and Discount. Exchange bought and
sold to all parts of tbe world. Until our new brick is com
pleted on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Slain, our bank
ing house is located four doors south, on Main.
Board of Directors:
W. B. Haines, Pres. Jno. E. Bailey, Vice Pres.
Thos. G.Todd, J.W.Fuqua,
Ex-County Commissioner.
John A. Thornburgh, Cashier.
Forest Grove,
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in' Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey (EL Son
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his place, on the Base
Line road, six miles east of Hills
boro and three miles northwest of
Beaverton, at ten a. m., on
Nine head milk cows, all in milk
and giving good flow, and all
coming in next Fall for Winter
milking, ranging from 3 to 7 years;
graded Jerseys and Shorthorns;
test 4 to 4.50; fine Shorthorn &
Holstein bull, aged 15 months,
large and finely made.
Terms of sale: Oash, or one
year's time, 8 per cent., bankable
note. Two per cent, discount on
John Vanderwal, Auctioneer.
Feed the Blood
with Iron-Tone and the whole system is strength
ened and every organ of the body properly per
forms its work.
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
ity" which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn. Ore.
WEINHARD'S (On draught)
Henry Kamna, of South Tuala
tin, was a caller at tho Argus office
was drinking sassafras tea, and
Tom Devlin was getting a good
old-fashioned spanking from the
maternal slipper. Times change
and we're cettin!; old. '"Gene,"
the trout in the Eau Guile miss us
Hop. W. H. Hollis,
Grove; and Mrs. M. L.
of Forest
The best of all Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
of Benton Harbor, Michigan, were
united in marriage at Seattle,
Wash., last week. They will
make their home in Forest Grove,
where Mr. Hollis is engaged in the
practice of law.
Ufe Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
For that tired, run-down feeling, try our
The ideal Spring Medicine. We guarantee it.