The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 30, 1907, Image 1

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I 1 I
NO. 11
c Class Out o One Hun
dred Ninety One
nt List
til ('ra'tuatcs
Lur l-
tie Vn
agaiu In trouble, lh f ituo down
tj Itm rmuily fill Monday morn-!
log and tried In have n nn Halt
t'rtifk ppoplo or jfnif'l f r dinlurh
lug ft Dueling. II rUinm hi
wrvkM t t in'.t rruplril and alio
rlftinm that rtftrr lh ccr !- h
iu slni' It ly an tt i:d t h ut Home
cue lhrw n rock nt him. N war
rnt were i'HU'd a hi pitwd did
not epiir to be vtiry C.roii a t
who should Ih ndjud:-d puilty.
"tftucky" in Ihe t-iilun-tl giitl
man whom tt Arfttu chii;d with
wearing a dirty xhirt, act which
abortion cairn d th n'tr to wU r
the I ntlfj niloit with a tlirtirr ar
lir.lathau lui idiirt jnd that was
dirty enough. Hwwk wiit Ironi
hern to Buxton; had trouble there
and wanted little Lid arretted,
all in the c 'irit of Cliri,t, of court;
then wmt to J.atinl, whfre ho
claim he w Riven a contribution
and afterward einitui-d come of hi
hearer rubl-ol hini of elt-vru dollors
down near the .MulitioiMth poor
ftrin; thiui turning ii at l'irvl!i,
whirn tin HUtdt'fitn whacked him
fnw 1 inert, and inw ho rdtow up in
(Iodic Wuttliington County, where
Its sennit to have all cortH of trouble.
Swackhiiinrr is an illiterate follow,
,. x, Jiinn I ft.
Silver I.'af Cairn will have t
i i . .. : . -i
flilclHlin irerm ciiiihisuiik hi
ncilnlloun nnd eonptt, and linn. J.
V. Himiitoiia, ol Portland, will du.
liver thf nddwi. Thnro will l:o
he a drill that will hi ( apeoU! In
imcl. In the alturnoon Ihera wilt
l) athMiri. bland on the
Hurry (leorjra, of Antoria, and
who wan crard'on of Mr. lr.
Crong, vt Korwt drove, an dron ti
ed at Astoria, in You up.' IUy, Uht
1'iiduy. 1 ha young man wan nit
mditiK In company with it Mim
WiiiUrrd Hitmiiic, and a gUit (d
wind KwunK lh maul Ikwwii around,
Htuunlce hiii) and ptc'pitatinf;
him into th water, (imirge iwam
a tew tftroktrt, in a circle, and tank
l.'.furu a launch, which wa nt-ar,
could Ifach him. (JtorK waa an
acccpli-d junior at Stanford, and
wqi a bright yr.ung man.
Karnt for ca'c: Kight milw
aouthwaat of Ilillalmro; III acren; H
1 1 10 acrH un;lr cultivation; bal
anooraaily clenred; good patlure;
living wtttrr; small fruit; log ham;
email hou; idt-al dairy farm and
i on milk toulo. tl.O.'iO and eany
Icruii. Inquiro at Argun oflico
Tho old bouce on thn Jem Moore
homcftoad, at (Jrecnvillf, burned
Sunday evening, about D;), eup
aud with all bin of bi'iiiif a i DOKhlv from incendiariftn, al
fi-llouor of the though the b!
mwik and lowly
Naxareim, netum to havo a penchant
for miking, or enditvoring to
make, arrenti.
Tho undesigned ill ftll at public
tale, at their eawmill, two mik
North of litnka, on tho V. U. A. N.
Railway, at ten o. in on
SATl'ltDAY, JI'NIi 1
JUy liouc, In yem, fiK'li(, Iitnck
lion, 5yfr, 1550, bay lxtrt 10 ytntn,
ijfio; hUck limn?, j yenr, I.S"; (!ra'
hone, i4v; Imy liotic, 14V ; black Ain't
bay, ili.o t( h, hoitri. All nft K"1'.
honcut wutk homcn; 4 i iloolilr w.itk
lurneo, In rikxI iluoliic ir.ilc l
lutck, roml curt, llirce lunthrr waumih,
3' ml J U '; b'K 1'lwiiiii, i1(h:, liiixlhu:
cbalm, Mrtlchei. hunch will be mel
at uoon.
Terms of Sale: t'luh r $10, chhU;
over that Hum, ono year's time,
UankablH note, at teyen pt-r cent.
iniereet. Two per ctnt. cir, catdi
B, I'. Cornoliua, Atuuioncpr.
Win, Scliulmoricli notifies the Ar
gus that Kuriuera' lntilutpa will
be held in this county, na followa,
in June: Sherwood, June I: For
ent(lrovo, June II; llnnka, .luno 7;
and Hillhboro, June 8. Montalew
that an attempt iti beinir nmde to
have Webater, chief of the Dairy
Bureau, of Wuehington, 1). C, b
nere lor one or two of the addreaes
Here will bo a chance for nil ceo
tiona of tho county to boor noma
good lectures on farming and dairy
log. Later it hin Loon decided to
hold a meeting at Laurel, Juno
iih the bla.a might have n
larted from mice woiking among
um!c hm. lhe house wbk mini
many year ago in faol, lion. V.
N. Itarrett, of Huh city, was horn
in tho reeidfiice ono year after it
wan built. Two men were keeping
"bach" in the houxe, but bad gone
away the nigbt before. I pon their
return Mooday morning they fount
their domicile reduced to ashea.
Milk cowh for rale: I will Boll
eight milk cowe, all in milk, nnd
buyer can eelect number from hero
of l'.).-C. K. Ilurat, on It. r. Cor
nelius' ranch, 2 miles N. W . or
(Sltmcoe, and on t'orncliua It. V. U.
Dr. F. J. Hailey, health oflicer
for the county, went to 1 igardvme,
Uht Thureday, and iiiarantinni
tho Ocba family, Ruaeians, now on
the HiiIuh Norman place. Lou'ihii
Ooha, aged 13 years, is aftlictwl
with amallpox, and a rigm ipiaran
waa eBtablinhed. One amallcr
child baa already recovered from
the malady. The Ooha but recent
ly bought the place, and brought
the Infectious disease from the eaet.
ty Superintendent M. C. IIahh
la io tha lint of Kighth tirade
hiatca thin week, and lOd pupils
given diploma out if 11 ap-
p. IhiiIh. forty an patiwd con-
litiuiully. t i'hla I, the Wgeht
claSd u the hinlory of the cmnty.
The following ra te granted diplo-
Iit. 1 - l-.lbcr Wilson, I.iint.l.
Ditt. J Allc I.timl, C'lnn lun.
l)it. J -J'jIiu Mnlii.y, llrtt.f Clioo
bem, Maiimi Ctfim!, Mynle Mi Clarl:
in, My I'tiNit, I.iiocl.
11. Sin.lli, Orm-ium,
Koulc 1.
7 Uti.l AtClnvm, l!;nnia Mulir,
Acltitnc ihrcii, All'r i,'. clitiun', M.irv
Amlrriutn, l liailrt !;i t yt-r'tU! . Willie i;,
Isylur, l.eeie It. ct rrt il, Warn he
Mowumn, Mae luii'.m, C'.iailwm Uoiihly,
Marv A. St-well, I.ulu Ik i!rUm, MuU'lc
(rillith, Marjjuet I'.uodin, l.ura Taiiiio
ic, l.i 1 1 e Ani'x iicr, I hru.Utc II0I1I15 Hint
ionattl C. Vaulit, llill-lnito,
Uul.4 Drlla Mava, llillbuto, K. ,.
l'nt. ii Ivlna lliimlley, Ivlitb l.aiiib,
llrllc Jiibnaun, Opal Wilkrn, t'.rrr
I'rcliiii, t'.onlou Kui;bt, Waller Wolf,
I)ist. int. l.Uie Penuia, Atta I'lirdy,
HaroM I tin, r.atin.
Dial. 15-Uita Marnini, I.loyl I.ei!ni,
Carl Mrtliitli, t'lltiie I.illlelialrs,
I'lortnce Maioi, i;ii.ibrtb Carlyle, lldiel
liuxtoti, r.eie Sopimij'toii, l,,iura
Pavulion, Cecil Cbiiatian, lilcy Walker.
Krnnard I'ixmi, limit Shaw, Iv-in Nuble,
I'nul Hi y 1. Nellie Juliiisoii.l oref t ('.rove.
Dint. 17 Kathrine Mcliniis, llillstu)
to, Rutile ;.
Dial. ljnlim bchernir, 1 rcJ
Scbrroer, liltie McMurpbty, Violet
IhitliUer. Paul Wayncr, Ilrtcl 1. Work
man, Henry II. 1'iKclier, Rowbuid A.
Itnolley. Ulsic C. Calwell, Ik'iiverton,
Route 1.
li-.t. 19 Zellman Nail, I:ibtl
Tbmima, HillsU'ro. Koute 1.
I list. jj-l'Mua Montcoiuciy, Lenora
MitUnitla, Frank Montgomery, Slier
hckxI. Hist. J.ut. Kay I'., llienes, Ward I..
Ilainen, Russell I Inward, Koaa M'oiu,
I'tla School, Altec I.ecily. Uenverlon.
Dist. 7 l'.niiierv I). l.nMonl, liuima
M. BuKcb. lora V. Sclimale, Forest
('.rove, Koute 1.
IUl. ;. t'.eo Culver, Gates Creek.
Dial. .v)l-.ttKl Iticrly, Key lUeily,
Itcavcrtoo, Rotile y
liist. 4.1 Mioiiavl
Sliainburtf, I'.eaverti'D
Dit. 4.1 Karl
Route 3.
litl. 4! Knlh Col
Hint. 47 l.illtHii
Koute V
ist, T4 I.uhi Hebettein, Harry Vet
eraoD, Koaa Scbmidt, J'tui Schneiiler,
IlilUboro, Kout'! 4.
Dial. 51 Mollie Kilter, l.eo. urens,
Kmiim I'etiemteiu, ltillsNiro, Route 1.
llikt. sS Arlina Krebs, Ivlva Kooin-
stm, llillsboro. Rome a
(ico. Iiledaie, of (Ireenville, wa
in th city Saturday.
Depoeit your money with the
Uillrhoro Commercial I'.ank.
T. C. Mceban, of Farmington,
km in town Monday,
liuy your rchoul tablets at Mc
('oniiickV. J. J. Meacham, of Mountatndale,
wrb in tho city Monday.
Mrf. Will Wolf, of Went Union,
was in the city Monday.
C. K. Huri't, of beyond Gler.coe,
n an Argus caikr Tuesday.
I am r.ccnt for the Judnon Ulant
ing Towdtr. J. W. Vandorvelden,
lljy, Oti. Both '(bouts.
Mm. L. A. Whitcouib and
daughter, Mies Meryl, vetted in
I'ortlaiul, Holiday.
Wanted: Teims to haul lum-l.t-r
Wbeeier M'n'fg. Co., Hills-borj.
Orcgtdi 1-lcctric Officials
Here Triday ICvenint;
Committee Appointed at Mass Meeting
Busy Gettio? Rights
Anton Nadiw, of Laurel, was in
the city Monday, and colled on the
.Suti tru-ry, pen?, playing carde,
l'd;; rp, jour Hale, etc. , at the
Jack Wright, the Tomt drove
honnoan, vma in tho city tlm UrHt
of tho wick.
J. C. Schulmerich and Robt.
Bank?, of 15 i rikn, were In the city
Mr?. Ktnily Hankin?, of Port
land, i?, 1I10 nueet of her tioter,
Mrs. (ieo. K. Barley.
N.Womer, of Laurel, and who
has lately joined tho i-mooth-faced
brigade, was in town Monday.
Miss Nora Miller, who has been
teaching in the Hhady Brook sec
Dr. J. I'. Tamiesie presided at the
mass mectinp, at which 75 people
were present, Friday evenitg, to
consider the proposition from R. L.
Donald, chief engineer of th Ore
gon Electric people, asking for free
right of way for a lino from Boa
verton through to the county spat
C, E. Deichium was appointed
secretary. Mr. 1). nail stated that
his company arked for the right of
way, and Ihcy would Mart to work
as soon ts Ibis was given them,
and thev Lad a irancltke cn the
Hilis'ooro c! reels. Us said bif
company would build and have the
line io (..tra i in innda of a year,
but be wool! not pledce completion
by January 1, owing to weather
conditions and scaicity of labor
Mr. McDinald, of the Nursery Co,
was present, and said bis company
would give the right of way through
their property, acd Mr. Jenkins, of
near Cedar Mill, also signed to give
right of way, as did Wra. Brofcden
I pon motion the following were
appointed as a rigbt of way com
mittee, and they havo alrcedy
secured over half of the desired
! I JmRSSBffl
SprYour skin may look clean
after washing until you I
Your skin may look clean
after washing until you
cat fVik lft-irt Hirt fhxft
r kJ Li 1 lit UUI UiUk
WPompeian Massage Cream will bring out
of the pores .
Juif u th paper if white nnt3 it it comparei with wmethini whiter, 10 your
ikin may look clan until joo try a Pompeiao Maaic and tec the left-ia dirt thai
it bringa out.
You hare been waahinf with ioap and water but Kill the dirt remained. Yoo
thought your ikin ni clean, but wondered why it waa tallow and why lh
wrinkle Jrrw more in evidence frery year.
Pompeun Muaage Cream gently rubbed in and then at eently rubbed out will
bring with it th dirt that soap has never touched, nouriahea tha tkin, puta
roy blood in the cheelti, lea nature do in perfect work.
All good barbera apply Pompeiao Maiuge Cream it it a great relict' after
sharing and tends to make the ikin ! ranger and lea tentitive.
Ladle appreciate Pompeiao Manage Cream becauae it stimulates the circulation
and gives a bright, clear complexion.
Come in for free sample and copy of the fa mom bookrj; "A Treatise on Facial Massage.'
Pompeian Cream is sold at 50c and 1.00 per jar.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
lion, has gone to Han Fruccibco for couceseions: J. . bhute, chair
a visit. man, Jame H. Sewell, D. Ueghit-
to, M. McDonald, J. C. Kuratli,
A T. HaJfcl, J. A. Imbrie, It. II
, , , , . , naiad, iiviiu laiiutinui auu vvuu
i(.i:ijf laiivii, jiiuin-n eiiutiienrk ui iit lotrall
Frrh milk cows f jr sale. 1). P.
(lorrieri, Hillsboro, Route 2, near
Fischer, S.uma-1
Koute 1.
Miller, Hillsboro,
Slienvooil, R. 5.
U.iker, Slierwootl,
SherilV John Cnioell has bought
a lot nut South of the J. V. Mor-
can roidenee, and will build bim
a home in the not distant future.
Wo are pole agents for the cele
bra'.cd Chatham funmill. l'rice,
Chris, raterson, of north of town,
was in the city Monday. Mr
Petsr?on baa cma of the tineet five
eeks' colt yet Been thia season.
Mr. Earl Ilollmibeik nnd Miss
HadieKeen, of this county, wore
united in marriage at tho homo of
tne bride's niothnr, Mrs. Delia
Keen, of Cedar Mill, on Sunday,
May 20, 11)07. Mr. Ilollenbeck is
well known in the Motintaindale
vicinity, and is a son of W. F.
Ilollenbeck. Mrs. Ilollenbook is
well known in Forest drove,
Mountaindale and Cedar Mills.
Moretz Schmidt, of Helvetia,
was in the city Tuesday.
L. M. Kuder nnd wifo, of near
Roy, weroin tho city Saturday.
MiB BcBflie Schomburir started
Monday, for a three months' visit
with her uncle, nt Kvanston, 111.
For gentlemen's, ladles' and
ntlil.lrar.'a !.,. ...... .... .1 I. .1
ter than to buy of John Dennis,
We huve them for evorybody, and
i prices that are values.
Mrs. J. P. Niman, of Latlrange,
Indiana, ih in tho citv. bavinc ar
rived Saturday, nnd is a euest at
the home of her son, A. Niman, of
Jwr Street. Mrs. Niman baByBold
her property in Ladranco.fftnd
expects to permanently locato in
1M. Oi Lillie AyrcH.BenvcrloD, R. 3.
Hist. 6-Jntne Hrady, lvituer Tliomna
l'orllanil Route ?.
Dist. 6;it. tllmm Miller, l'ortiana,
Route 2.
Dist. Ho Waller Larson, l.nurel.
Iiiai. Si 1'ercv Sliaver, Maurice !1-
hrvHth. l'earl R.'Reeil.Osvu-BO, Route I.
DiHt. S,S I.ntirn (.owitian,
Smith. SherwiHiil.
nut- ut Mnrlui Uertinnls, rorcsi
Grove, Route 2.
The Kr.ichta of the Maccabees and
the sb-ter lad the Ladies of the
Maccabees will have a rousing
celebration at the Dooley Grove,
$ 37.50. Schulmerich near Grr-envillo, on Juoe 8, and the
public is generally invited to come,
bring their basket dinners, and
have a d.iy in the cooling shades
There will be refreshments on the
ground4, and the exercises will be-
o-in nt 10:0i1 in thn mornini?. cnen-
tints' and lutys ciothinR, t-ill ej by lhe Verboori bind. A 6ne;
propram will be rendered by the
Knights and Ladies, and mortgage
ou Banner Tent's new Hall, will be
burned. J. A. Werleiu, of Port
land, will deliver the fraternal ad'
dress. J. J. Jeffreys, of Portland,
will deliver aa address. Mrs.
Lampsoti, the state executive cf the
L. O. T. M. will be in attendance
-ji p- Tsr
' ' ! -
Every" Family f
Wants good groceriea, and ev
ety fami!yhoutd do na t&e jus
tice to give us trial. We carry
a line of absolutely pure and
fresh groceries, and we take
pride in giving everybody cour
teous treatment and the certain
ty of satisfaction. Get onr
prices and compare them with
what you are paying.
lino now in Kuh, Nathan & rie
chit Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung A Sons.
Mrs. A. C, Latham, of Portland,
was in the cily tho lirst of the
week, the guest of relatives and
The Hillsboro Commercial Bank
has safety deposit boxes for rent in and wil, iv0 one of her character
tiro ptoo vau.t, $1.00 per year. iglic iectore, on the Ladies' auxili
Cumo and see them. The LaJiea ive a Mac.
John Joos, of Portland, was in cabee drill. A baseball game be-
town the tirnt of the week, return- tween Banks and Verhoort will be
ina from a visit to his Glencoe in- a feature of the field sports. The
tweets. dav will be concluded by a grand
n- .r. 1 ooiol ball in the Maccabee Hall in the
11 mil uiui uiivinii iiwiDcrt iui omc
at tho Cornelius Bros.' old stable, evening.
E. 1). Began,
Vegetable and
Fresli Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all-parts of city.
The P. U. A N. has let a con
tract to tho American Bridge Co.
tor I! Hlcel hriduss. each 150 feet in
length, on the Tillamook end of the
railway. Contractor Wakefield
will HrMit the structures, which nre
to bo of steel and cost, combined,
in the neighborhood of .lU,UOU
Thn bridges crof-s the Wileon,
Kilches ami Miami rivers.
Kor sale: Ten room bouse in
good repair; bum; orchard; 2 lots
in tract; ono block from school
house; 3 blocks from railway. Goes
for 2,000; 11200 down, balance on
time, Inquire el Argus. lloodin had a small sized
strike on last week, down on the
(inrnnll road ; The teamsters want
ed an eicht hour day, in conform
ity with the regulations bb io umo
on state work, but A. K. Mead, who
;a fnr.mmn for the county, was in
structed that ten hours would be
the time.
On Cornell road, be-
tweon Portland and Cedar Mill, a
purso, containing a sum of money.
Ownor will call, prove property,
pay for adv., and tate property.
Bring proolB to Argus omce.
John Krannick, a son-in-law of
Geo. W. Morgan, of above Oleucoe,
was brouuht up from uocKy rouu.
last week, Buffering from a severe
out from an ax, BUBtaineU wnue
cutting telephone poles, vt. i-mn1
later is treating the injured mem
Watkins' stock and poultry
fnnda and Watkios' remedies are
what farmers and dairymen should
lion for bcBt success. A, M. Lauue.
agent, 404 Pacifio Avenue, l orest
Grove, Ore., Pacific Phono 291.
E. K. Lytle, president of the P.
It. A. N., was in the city Friday
evw&ifh the guost of his brother,
C. K, Lytle, general managsr of the
Mr. W. O. Galaway and MUs De
Kite Friday, of near Banks, wore
wedded at tho M. K. parsonage,
Hillsboro, May 211, VMi, Kev. ttl
knap oflicialing. Mr. Galaway is
a mwchant, and tho bride is n
well known young lady of the
Ranks' section, aod is a daughter
of Mrs. Fanny Friday.
Korert Grove, Ore.
'acifie Phono Main ol.
lhe dog poisoner is
. . . . ... i.
tne city, ana uirce canines wins- n.lnn , nnna r. ,auma
ed out Monday, about eix o clock . . w (4 ,0 on Blil18 ar)d
on wheelers. Apply
in tho evening, hd. Wann was
otter of a very valuable dog
Sneaking of groceries if you
want the finest staple and fancy Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Kelley, of
'rcconee to be found iu the market, lnelands, were in the city batur-
try John Dennis, lie is alter your day.
P. J. Ritchey (gL Son
abroad in
Wanted, on P. R. & N. Grade, near
S..1. Jack and II. C. Pearson, of
tho Kannington section, were in
town Saturday.
J. C. Miller, of abovo Glencoe,
wna io the city Tuesday, and call
ed at tho Argus otlico.
Ira K. Purdin. of Portland, was
in tho city Saturday, tho guost of
his sister, Mrs. V . IN . barren.
Hon. V. N. Barrett was able to
be on the streets, Saturday, after a
week ol confinement in his room
Adam Hereert, who in tho past
has been in the sawmill business
at Blooming, waB in town batur
Don't forget the auction salo of
bunch grasB horses at MoL.rccre
stables, Forest Grove, Tuesday,
June 4.
Conductor M. C. Webster, the
Southorn Pacifio conductor who has
been on tho West Side passenger
run for 25 veurs, was injured in
Portland. Sunday, by boir.c Btruck
by a street car at Third and Wash
Streets. Mr. Webster sustained n
severe tcalp wound, and was taken
to bis home for medical trcatmont.
He h able to bn out again. Mr.
Webater is on the -Portland-Cor-vail
is run, and haR hold a position
with the comoanv so hing that
everv traveller on the West Side
knows him.
trade, and once a customer, always
a customer. !
The Mienes Lena and Lillian
Goodin, daughters of R. B. Goodin,
of Salem, foimerly of th'iB city, and
who was once county clerk ol
Washington County, graduated
Monday evening from St. Vincents
Hospital, as trained nursos.
Brown Leghorn eggs, 15 each
petting, for 50 cents; also full blood
Bull' Leghorn eggs for hatching
purposes, 50 cents for setting of 13
Mrs. Acnes Gowan. Hillsboro. In
dependent phone, 144. Eijga de
livered to any part of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loftis, of
Glencoe, II. T. Buxton aud wife, of
Forest Grovo, and B. K. Donny and
wife, Beaverton, are attending the
state Grange session at Hood Kiver,
this week. J. C. Corey, of Mouu
taindale, is also a visitor at Hood
For sale: Good milk cow, in
milk; full blood Jersey bull, eli
cible to renistry, yearling io Aug'
ust. Also pure Chester Wbite
sow: will pig tho last of May. N
W. Chilcott, Hillsboro, near J?ittU
Streot etition.
Herbert Moulton, U. of O. grad-j
uate, has bsen appointed Chief
Engineer of the Sante Fe Copper
Company, of San Pedro, N. M.
Mr. Monlton's falary is $o,000 per
veiir. Tho official wedded MIbs
Alien Merryman, of this city, a few
months ago.
Talk about transmigration cf
souls but there is no, there was
a gopher down near Farmington,
that at some time must have been
a man, and a mean one, at that.
John Sorenson, a farmer of that
section, had for several weeks been
catching gophers, using the old
time gopher gun, which dis
charged by a spring. Mr. Soren
son had caught all tho gopher
family but the old father of various
generations, and each the man
and the gopher was after the
other's scalp. Sorenson went to
his gun Friday morning, and it
didn't lay to suit him. He dug
down to the muzzle of tho gun,
took hold of the end of the weapon
and started to shoot it, when Mr.
Gopher jumped out of his hole,
sprung the wire and discharged the
gun, causing Mr. Sorenson to lose a
portion of one of his hngers, the
shot entering hia digits in several
places. Seeing that the man
didn't tumble over the gopher then
tried to bita Sorenson's hand but
by this time the man was mad, and
finally triumphed by killing Mr.
Gopher. Sorenson thinks that for
downright cuteness the gopher
beats "Br'er Rabbit." Mr. Soren
son says this is just exactly as it
happened, and that it the gopher
had boen big euough ha would now
be filing a suit to contest Soren
son's title on the grounds of
adverse possession for ten years
and boat the Sorenson heirs out of
the farm.
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