The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 23, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 10
I 1 1 LY i l
ji re t
Now lias l.ntinncc Into Port
land's Business District
Proiliti7 of
A r of
Moil til Aijo
K. F, I-y of the i'acillo Railway
Navigation Company, has bought
ST majority it the stock of lb
United Railways, and h now holds
the whip hand on getting hi Hills-boro-Tillamook
railway into the
business district of Portland. The
United Railway Co., which bad ft
valuable franchise in tbo oily,
down Front 8tret, has bad
temneatuoua existr-nco, because
financleri were afraid of the prao
tlcalitv of the men behind the
project. In othr words, wh'ri men
of nionoy bavo anything to do with
a railway they want noma one in
control who ban nude sucoos of
ratlrnml Mr. Lvtle bat
mad a good purchase, and, an bit
bomb) cover a line into Portland
the road is already Qnuncetl.
Heveral mouths nco thn Argm
When people tell you there in no
common honesty, don'l yon bolieve
(hui. Within the past three
months two jnirBea have been found
by men in thin vicinity. In each
case the parlies came at one to tbf
A rem ottke and bad the "finds"
advertised. While the sum of
moner in each case was not large,
yet it represented enough to make
anyone Willi dishonesty in mem
banz to the theory ol onuing ir
keeninir. It is theso streaks of
common nonoeiv inai Keens uie
race programing to bigbor ideals.
Farm for sa'e: Kight miles
southwest of Hillsboro'. 84 aciea; K
to 10 acrea onder cultivation; bal
ance easily cleared; good pasture;
living water; email Iruit; log barn:
una bouse: ideal dairy farm am
1h on milk route. 1,050 and eawy
terms. Inquire at Argus olhee.
H. C. Bherrlll, who has been
principal in tho Hilgard, Oregon,
publlo school, has unisoea ft very
Buoceaaful term, and baa cone to
Awboy. Washington. Mr. Hher
rill writes that he likes Western
Oreaon better than the Katlern
oart of the state, lie writes mat
the city of LaGrade has struck
artesian water, and tbla will mean
a treat deal for that part of the
slate, as the volume of water wil
Leftutllcieot to irrigate the entire
(Irande Ronde valley.
Wanted: Men to fall timber
cut and buck lose, by the tbon
sand. Will pay CO cents per M
predicted that Mr. 1-ytle wonld gi AIho want one skid driver. Wil
control of the United Railway pay $2 and board. lbompson
tiumoaition. a bo needed it to make Bros. Lumber Co., Mounlaindile
..... . . I ....... . rt.
good into rorllamt.
Loss, who succeeded tho Lo
Angeles people, and then found be
could not swing the aflair with
capitalletH, wanted too much for
the little hold bo had. and it was
only a few days ago that he finally
came to terms and sold to Mr.
Mr. Lvlle neither denlra or affirms Uie
fact that tie lift bvun)it, but It it a cer-
talntv tint he liaa mailt the deal. The
I'rout fitted line It of mud value to Mr.
I.vtle. fur. Iirtlilr clvlita him an intrt
into the citv. It islvca him a frauclilae
that makes nil other luici pay lilm a toll
on each car making tlown l-ronl Mrett
Thla. U couue. wilt cover Southern l'a
clftc auil the Oregon Klcctric linen, liotU
ot which will hove a li g IntaincM from
thi on, wiiil especially. afttr the South
ern Pacific take iti fieilitolI the 1'ourth
Street line. That couinaiiv will either
hive to pay the aire) Inline a toll, and
cfv their freluhl that way Into the
terminal, or tmy toll to the Lytle en
Mr. I.vtle already hna aold hit hotida
for conatruition to I'liriland, ami the
mortgage i on recoril here nt the Coun
t Becoriler otin:e. ine ileal i con
alilered one of the best lioanclal moves
ever maile on the t nil way checker board
ia tliit nectiuu of the Northwest,
The undernignrd will will at public
auction, on her farm, 1 mile south
of Old liathany and 2 miles north
west of Cedar MillH, at 10 a. in , on
T C it ESENTT 11 E AT i IE
oiningof AH Congregations
on Sunday, May 2
ublic School Will Participate in the
gray team, 8 and j, 29": Krn.V mare, 8
years, Ijoo; hay uiare, s year, IJ.SOigray
hore. H yra. m: iftay home, 8 yra, iflno
li head itood iluii v cows, unit fresh anon
with teat ofino: a venrliiiB heiferi, tbo
rounhbred Jcraey bull, x yearn; Mitchell
farm wnuou. t'l! Stiiiklmkcr wtigou
iU': inrlnir Wiiifiin. hayrack , rubber Uie
tun liiu'uv. road cart. McCormiik bind
er. Clmmnlon binder, new Duborne
mower, hay rake, Superior iliac drill, fan
mill, 30T10 Cycloue thresher Separator,
with wind atacker: 2 14-iu plow, 16 Inch
clow. ii Inch nlow, culllvAtor, a bar
rowa, iteel lever nnd wood frame
roller. 3 act hnrnca, a ilbl nml one
gle, cream aeparator, milk ti tter, ia io
Kallon milk -an, urubliliig machine,
Clackfmllh outfit, ainfile and dbl har
"po'on hay fork, and nmncroua other ar
Iclea. McCorinlck mower, Lunch will
be aerved at noon.
Terms, under cash; f to and over,
8 months' time at 6 per cent., bankable
J. C. Knratli, Auctioneer
I'hiliD Pezoldt. ol rinllina, was
in town the lat of the week.
Saturdoy Evening Telegram and
Argua, if2.00 per year.
Peter J. Brown, late of Cedar
Mill, and now of Latourelle, was in
the oity the last of the week.
Wanted: Teams to h;ul lum
ber. Wheeler M'u'fg. Co., Hills
boro. John Witt was over from bia
ranoh south of town, Monday, and
. says everything is looking fine over
his way. .......
Davios Bros',' of above Banks,
will have a public salo of. horses
and wagons at their mill, 2 miles
above Banks. Their notice appears
in another place ia this iatme.
Watkins' stock and poultry
Paciflo Btatea Phone, (llencoe, No
Talk about your fat cattle and
finely improved farms but just
take a drive out to the Phillips and
Bethany. Within twenty years
there bas Wen a wonderful change
out that way. Tbee sections are
arcdlv settled by the 8wis and
Germans, and there is no place i
the county that has a better air 0
thrill than tbece settlements.
Kdythe Toater W'eatherred, ol
Berkeley, Cal , aud who has junt
returned from a trip to the Pacific
Inland, waa in the city last week
the BueBt of T. 8. Weathered and
family. Mrs. weatnerrea is no
connected with one of California
foremost magazines.
Kdward Curran. editor of the
Condon Times, was in town Satur
day, and called on the Argus for a
minute of comraderie. The Argus
aud the Times beiug two of Ore
gon's foremoet religious weeklies,
the visit was rite with spiritual interest.
For sale: Good milk cow, in
milk; full blood Jersey bull, eli
dible to reaistry, yearling in Aug
ust. Also pure tneeter v one
sow: will pig the laet of May.- N.
W. Chilcott, HillBbaro, near mm
Street station.
Thos. Mann, of Ibis city former
ly, and now in the mining camps
above Spokane, is down for
vacation. Mr. Mann is working
for the Federal peoplo. He was in
the Philippine service, and alter
bis return went Kast of the moun
tains. He will remain down 1
fortnight or so.
tare will be Union kervici'S and a
oinini of all cnni'rezalions. at the
Crescent Theatre, Sunday, May 2
lev. AitHlin, of the Baptist Churtb,
will deliver tho Memorial sermon
at 11:00 in the morning, and the
public are cordially invitd. All
memWrs of theO. A. U. awl nil
soldiers of all war, and the meiU'
:ers of the Retwf Corp", are ecpec
ially invited.
Thursday, Miy .".0:h, Decoration
Day, will be obsirved by ritualistic
ceremoniej at the cemetery, at 'J:30
lbs morniiij?, the wtatbor per-
m Utinir. There will be rxrciieB
and addreitees at 2.00 in the aftt-r
ooon. W. 0. Hare will deliver the
adiirens. and the Hillxhoro B:md
and the teachers and purulit of trie
public school are requei-kd to as
sist in the program.
A detail of veterans will vim ine
cemetery on May TJ to mark toe
sraves of veterans.
The afternoon oremonie will be
held at 2:00 in the court houno.
Vino Ornduff, of Laurel, was in
tho city Tuesday.
Deposit your money with the
Uiltf boro Commercial Batik.
Henry Kveritt leaves for Lent,
Oregon, thin week.
Mr. Enrl Wallace, was out from
ortlat,d, Sunday.
MiHH Marie vibited friends
in I'ortland, Monday.
10.4: McMionville College pin,
with monogram, McM. Ple&ee
ave at Argus oftke.
Hatiefaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Sink in Co.
Hon. Ge. W
Arranged so That all Por
tions Have Sessions
Dr. Witbjceaibt Will be la Attendance
and Lecture
Dr. James Witbycombe, an old
lime favorite with Washington
Patterson was out Couotv. and who is now vice
from l'orllocd, Tuesday, the guest director of lbe rjcrvallis college,
of his son, G. A. Patterson. , . . . , T
I am ascot for the Judson Biasi
ng Powder. J. W. Vandorvelden,
liny, Ore. Both 'phones.
Dr. Wm. I'ittenaer bas received
bin diploma from the North Pacific
Dental College, of Portland.
Stali tnery, ppns, playing cards,
ledgers, journals, etc, at the
has set dates for four Farmers' In
stitutes, all to be beld in this coun
ty, and so arranged that every sec
tion can have the benefit of these
splendid meetings. The Vice D
leotor will be present at each (f
these meetings and deliver an ad
dress, and Wm: Schulmericb, of
Pharmacy. rarmioeton. who is standard au-
thoritv on dairy stock, and their
Grove, spent Sunday with her
eiHter, Mies Vivian Brown.
Money to loan on real estate or
personal security. Xo commissions
or bonus to pay. Batos reasonable.
Henry Toelle, on the Ed. Schul-
merich place, south of town, was in
tho city Monday morning.
We are sole agents for the cele
brated Chatham fanmill.. Price,
complete, 137.50. Schulmericb
B. C. Hollenbeck, I. H. Maxwell
care, will lecture at each of the
four meetings.
Prof. Webster, of Wssbiogton,
D. C, writes that be will try and
be in attendance and if he arrives
dairymen should not miss bis ad
dresses, as he is one of the best in
formed men on dairying in the
United States.
The dates are a9 follows: Sher
wood, Jane 4; Forest Grove, June
C; Banks, June 7; and Hillsboro,
Saturday, June 8.
As these sessions are scattered so
7) E
Your skin may look clean
after washing until you
see the left -in dirt that
Pompeian Massage Cream will bring out
of the pores m- ,
Jiut M this paper it white antil it a compared with KHDetbing whiter, as jovt
lun may look clean antU joo try a Poai(eiu Mwp mi tf the left-ia 4irt thai
it bririfi out.
Voo have been wuhing with tap uU water hot ttill the Crt rrmainei. Yoa
thought your tkin waa clean, but woedereel why it waa tallow ane why the
wrinkle grew more in eridenc every year.
Pompeian Maieace Cream gently rubbed in mi then a gentlr rAkei out will
bring with k tht dirt that soap has nevtr touched, noaraho the tkin, putt
rote btoci in the theeki, lett nature to ita perfect work.
All goo4 barbert apply Pompeian Maaaage Cream it it a great relief after
having and tends to rruice the akin monger and leat aentrDK.
Ladiet appreciate Pompeian Maauge Cream became k ifinwilf the circulation
and give a bright, dear complexion.
Come In for free temple and copy of the famout booklet "A Treatit on Facial Manage.'
Pompeian Cream it told at 50c and Jt.oo per jar,
Hillsboro Pharmacy
and Jobn Briggen were down from tbat.aU sections of thecouutycan
The undesigned will sell at public
sale at their sawmill, two miles
North of Banks, on tho P. It. A. X
Railway, at Un a. in. on
Day liora. lo yeara, weight, ifii; black
borae, 5 yeaia, 1550; bay liorac, 10 years,
15110; black mare, 5 jcara, 151.0; Kra
liotae. iicr: bay liorae, 14 V ; black an
bay, 1100 cl), Iioraea. All arc good,
honwt work bortra; 4 acta ilouble work
liarneM, iu ;ool sbnpe; ilouble tratcd
back, road cart, three lumber waxous,
yi and 3 lR cbaina, doa, bimlinj;
chaioa, airetchers. I,uuch will be served
at noon.
Terms of Sale: Under $10, cash;
. .
over tnal sum, one yeare ume,
bankable nolo, at Hoven pr cent,
interest. Two per cent, off, cash
over 110.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctionoer.
Mountaindale, Monday.
Geo. McGraw and Wm. Trickett,
of Banks, were in town Monday,!
enroute to the Grand Lodce I. 0.
0. F., held at LaGrande, this week.
G;-nta' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Xatban & Fib
cher Sincerity make at H. Weh-
rung & Sons.
participate, readers of the
will remember the dates.
Brown Leghorn eggs, 15 each
sotting, for 50 cents; also full blood
KnfT I.nffhnrn ptrun for hatchiiiK
laud purposes, 50 cents for setting of 13
e tin- Mrs. Aenes Gowan, Hillsboro. In
deoendent Dbone. 144. ltacs ue
livered to any part ot tue cuy.
Assessor Geo. II. Wilcox states that
ezuects his force to finish
The modern Woodmen, of Reed
ville, will have an all day picnic at
the Allen Grove, one mile north of
Reedville, on Saturday, June 15
Silver Laf Camp will have
John Rudolph Guslakon, aged splendid program consisting of
19 vears. died at rigardville, May
17, 1007, and interment was in the
Tigardville cemetery, Sunday.
Fresh milk cows for sale. D. P.
Corriori, Hillsboro, Route 2, near
recitations and songs, and Hon. J.
W. Simmons, of Portland, will de
liver tbe addresd. There will al?o
be a drill that will be of special in
terest. Io the afternoon there will
ba athletics. Stands on tbe
foods and Watkins' remedies are
what farmers and dairymen should
use for best succosa.Z. M. I.alluo,
agent, 404 Pacifto Avenue, Forest
Grove, Ore., Pacific Phone 294.
U. G, Gardner has installed the
'Scientific" cold tire setter in his
shop on Third Street, and tho ma
chine is one of the boBt on tho
market, doing the work that usual
ly took hourB, in a very Bhort time,
and with ease. The machine ia
operated by air, and is hydraulic
in nature.
Leo Bullock and wifo, of Salem
k n 1 ir 1
were nere aunuay ana raonuay
ouests at the home of Mrs. G. B
Reynolds. Mr. Bullock is a grand
son of Urandma Mary uaroBey
Wood, who celebrated her 120th
birthday in this city, Monday.
For sale: Ten room house i
good repair; barn1, orchard; 2 lots
in tract: one block from school
house; 3 blocks from railway. Goes
for $2,000; $1200 down, balance on
time, inquire ot Argus.
Mrs. R. M. Kvle. of between
Bethany and Cedar Mill, died at
the tamilv home last Friday morn
: ... . -
ng, after an Illness covering several
years, ueceaseu was aiuicieu wuu
Speaking of groceriesif you
want the finest staple and fancy
groceries to be found in the market,
trv John Dennis. He ib sfter your
trade, and once a customor, always
a customer.
Found: On Cornell road, be
tween Portland and Cedar Mill, a
puree, containing a sum of money.
Owner will call, prove property,
pay for adv., and take property.
Bring proofs, to Argua office.
John R. Bailey, who has been
doing some timber cruising for the
countv. uo in above Buxton, was
down to the county seat ine nrsi oi
the week.
cruisme ii inner ior mo county oy
the middle of July or tho liretol
August, and the entire expense of
the work will not exceed $.,C00 or
)500. If this estimate ia n;it too
. ta?1! l I. - a
ow, ana flir. vtucox Hunan noi,
the county will on tbo additional
valuation, receive enough to pay
the cruUinp, and leave several
thousand dollars of a balance to
the credit of taxation. This should
be cheering news to taxpayers who
iave other than timber holdings,
as it will mean fifty cent pieces and
dollars galore, spread hither ami
It 1b noted that Columbia Coun
ty will follow suit and cruise her
timbor for taxation purposes. This
ought to make old Scott Cornelius,
aBBsesor of Clatsop County, feel
good, a8 he was the pione er assessor
in the state to make timber cruises
(or taxation
Kelsay ranch, limileB southeast of Lroun(B wilt furnj6h refreshments,
city. and there will be dancing afternoon
Mixa Pearl Smith. attending busi- and evening. The exercises will
ripsa rnlWn at McMionville. visited beein at 10 in the morning. The
with her aunt, Mrs. ir.. U. WC- puunc ia coraiauy mvueu
Kinney, the first of the week.
Fresh milk cow, with calf at eide,
for sale. Apply to John Zuercher,
Hillebaro Route 1, residing in
Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Patterson,
T. H. Tongue and Cal. Jack, of the
Shute Bank, spent Sunday at the
Aodrew Jack home, l'armington
V , ; ; - t
ammj.fflm FveiVTamilv
Mkg Lveryrami'y
L-j'fr?jr 1 i 1 Wants good groceries, and ev-'
i ''."ii V?f Tt i fc?-" e,T famlly'ahould do us tkc jna-
! jnj" rrM'gS tice to give ua a trial. We cany
I , p nawK m uuv u. m j
I f I f,esh Rroceriea, and we take II
I I 'i li ' I nrirl In crivlnv Mervbodv COUT- II
II I : i...irnnl and th certain- II
I I hii r, y of "lirfaclion- r
III ll raA -1. prices ana compare mm eim
!l I! g !J.J::::' J. what you are paying.
Starearet M. Berrie was born in Hen
County, Iowa, February 4, 1S69. In
1SS1 she lent ner motner, ana at wxieen
years ot age sue removed 10 urann
Island, reora9Ka, wnere, m august,
tSi7, abe was matried to Thomas J
Larkin. of that Dlace. To this union
were born two children. In December
The Hillsboro Commercial Bank fo;10'win came t0 Hillsboro. in which
has safety deposit boxes for rent in place she spent neaily all her remaining
fir-fl nrofif vau t. sfi.iKJ ner vear. ine
- w f -
Come and see them.
J. A. Zimmerman was up from
She was married to Charles S
White. February 1803, and with her
husband moved to Yamhill County in
1001. She died May 8, !Q07i of tuber
culosii, and waa buried May 10, in the
I. O. O. V. cemetery, Hillsboro.
She is of a family of nine children
all of whom died in childhood.
C . . . I 1 I, ., .-l.n .1 . ,1 nnm
Draft and driving horses for sale d h. Mary Larkin, remain to mourn
tha Cornelius Bros, old Stable, her earl v death. Deceased was a mem
Ore. E. D. Began, ber of the M. E. Church, having joined
were in 1097
Roseland Farm, near the Harris
Bridge, Tueeday, the guest of his
daughter, Mrs. Fred Adams. ;
Forest Grove,
Pacific Phone Main 31.
Saturday and Sunday brought
quite a rainfall and old Washing
ton Countv is as green as 'uuia
Ireland," The precipitation was
of immense value to this territory.
Threshing outfit for sale: $1100
takes it. Complete, including 10
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to alljparts of city.
P. J. Ritchey L Son
Bently McCormick, tbo three year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. K. h, Mc
Cormick, residing on Third Street,
had a severe burn Tuesday morn
ing, and the flesh, on one side of
his chest, and one arm, was badly
cooked. Mrs. McCormick does not
know just how the boy ciught fire,
and thinks perhaps it might have
been from a match, struck by the
little chap. She had been burning
caterpillars a half hour before, and
there was no blaze leit irom ine
rair which had been used. As soon
as she discovered that the child
was afire she smothered the blaze
at once and telephoned her hus
band for a physician. Dr. Tamie
Bio responded and dressed the little
aps burns, lie will get aiong
all right, but it waa a narrow 68-cftpe.
Mr. Robert P. Wirtz and Miss
Katherine Stribich, of Forest Grove
were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's father, Mr.
John Stribich. Wednesday. May 22,
H. P. engine, Advance Separator, 1907, The groom is one of Wash
ington County's popular young
men. and some years ano was
a... . 5
ny cause
woodsaw connections, etc. Address
P. 0. Box 115, ForeBt Grove, Ore.
" . 1 . 1 1 m . 1 ; J
Dr. W. F. Adkins and Arthur deputy county recoruer. iuunu
Adkins departed the first of the is popular 10. rgresi urove e social
ioln- circles. A nosi or inenas
ed a surveying party for the Paci- them every rppina.
ho Railway it Navigation uom
F. W. Schultbeiz, of Bothany,
was in town Monday, and called at
the Argus oflice. Mr. Schultheiz
says the Union Lumber Co., of near
Cedar Mill, are doing tine sawmill
business down that way.
There is a likelihood of a race, a
mile over hurdles, between Dr.
Coghlan's horse, Humbert, and the
Oregon Kid, owned by E. B.
Tongue. If the race is pulled off
it will take place at Hillsboro, and
probably on the Fourth of July.
W. r. Wiley's pointer, "Duchess
Mr. and Mrs. Wirti will make
their home at Cornelius, where Mr.
Wirt ia in business.
Weakness from any cause is cured by Iron-Tone.
It strengthens every organ of the body auct makes
rich, red blood. . ; - ! '
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
y Address Grover Medicine; Co., Woodburn, Ore.
Daniel Stoller, of Helvetia, was a
county seat visitor Monday.-
Herman Koehnke, of Jobe's, was
in the city Monday.
M. 0. and Herman Collier were
up froni Scholia, Monday,
John Schneider, of near Phillips,
was in town Saturday,
Geo. McGraw, of near Greenville,
waB a county seat visitor, Saturday.
1 he best or all Beers.
WEINHARD'S (On draught)
Bottled for Medicinal Use
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We bavo them for everybody ,and
at prices that are values,
Thos. Madison was up from
Farmington, Monday. '
John Halvorsen, of near Farm
ington, was in the oity Monday, 1
Wm. Markway, of near Banks,
was a caller at 'the Argua ollice,
R. II. Groear and J. M. Grcoar,
renreBentinc Montezuma Odd Fel
lows' Lodce. of this city, and Mrs.
J. M. Greear. representing tne
kdieB' auxiliary, left Monday after
noon, for LaGrande. to attend the
eessions of the grand bodies.
Mrs. Claude Greear departed
II, has'reooived two first and one Tuesday for a visit with her mother,
second prizes atlbe Portland bench at Brownsville.
ahow.. Ihis young one 1 a L Li Langley, of Portland, was
pair with his Irmh Setter, Bel e, t Monafty, 0n business at the
who took hrst prize, ana won a bu- Bnerifp8 0fj,ce
ver cup at the show two yearB ago. .
QranijLLftdgc in Portland this week.
ill :, t i . fi
I At v V WII FY'S 3
a maioritv of the United Railway
atock, it has set pooplo wondt-ring
if Mr.' Swigert will build to Hills
boro. The Oregon lfilectrio is now
grading in the outskirts of Port
land, and when Bertha is reached
it will be but a short shift into the
I county seat.
Julius Asbabr and Henry Brocks,
ot South Tualatin, were in the city
For sale: Young Poland China
sows, -to littor in May. Dam and
pigs have registered sire. Bowlby
Brothers, Cornelius, noma a.
Sfie Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
For that tired, run-down feeling, try our
The ideal Spring Medicine. We guarantee it.