The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 09, 1907, Image 1

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    w f "XT TV 1 riKnTi i i , H , j if-
Me MaLLSBRo Argos
no. a
Law Made More Strict Ite
Kurd inn Slashing I ires
Mutt Sent wltbmit Pay From Slate
Couoly (o pay
The old slashing law which re
ulril tho furnter who wanted to
burn his pi'e of brush to coma to
the county seat and ut out a per
mil, ban txwu changed and tho ad
dition has nut leaned the severity.
Instead of ptt'Mnir a law making
carrdtnes a criminal (llenae,
punishable by heavy lino and im
prisonment, tlii farmr must nil)
hunt up a permit before he can
burn hl bnub.
The new law makes Mate officers
nd three n)viiiti-frf, liy the gov
ernor, a fire hoard, and tho fir
board will appoint a aheriir, deputy
beriff, or constable, as such fire
warden, and tho appointee muni
acoit, and get hU money for hie
ervioM, if lin ran, out of the coun
ty, The Washington County
farmer will tbernforo do as Imforo.
bunt up some one who will uny him
"aye" or "nay" that he can burn a
little lnhit)g on bis own place.
The now liw will take clfeot on
May 25. A part of the new law
The chm ir moii in from June I to Oc
tober I of cat b year, which U tlie amu
a thnt provided by llie iiieitnt lw,
during which oeiid it (hull he unlawful
(of any oiio to net on lire or cause to
ht act on lire any lakhtiij(, (boiiplng,
wiutl land or hrtuh bin), niher hi owe
or the iroirrty of another, without
written permlnaiun from a Mate fire
warden antl strict compliance with the
tertna of tame, but this rcalrictiou diies
not apply to the burnine, of low pile,
attuii or brush heaps In iiinli quanti
Ilea, at a aale dintance Iroiu other lulUm
ntable material and umli'r adequate pre
caotioui and peruana! control, and in ac
cordance with regulations to le adopted
bribe board; but if an atich burning
without pcniiiiot) shall result tu the
escape of fire mid injury to the property
of another, thia ahall lie held aa prima
facie evidence that auch burning waa not
safe ami waa a violation of thta section,
Vlolatlnm of thc-iic provlina are punish
able bv linen of not lent than nor
more than "tu, or iuipntontnent of not
lea than 10 duyi uor more than three
Any Hire Warden ahall have the right
to refuse, revoke or postpone prrmits
wbea it is clearly neacaaary for public
aafety. Any applicant when dissnttslied
with the dceisiou of a St He I'ire Warden
ahall have the riht to appeal to the
State Hoard of forestry. Any permit
obtained through willful misrepresenta
tion (hall be Invalid and give no eiemp
tlon from linhility ol any kind.
Any person who arts on fire or causes
to be act on lire any woods, brush, grass,
stubble or other material beiug or Krow
liiK on any lands mil his own, without
permission from the owner, or who will
fully or negligently allows tire to escape
from his own laud, or anyone who ac
cidentally seta nny tire on his own land
or another's and allows it to escape from
hie control without extinguishing it, or
using every eliort to do so, is subject to
punishment by a line of not less than
f jo nor more than flooo, or imprison
ment for not lea than one month uor
more than one year.
It la lawful, however, to build camp
fires, in a careful manner on any unin
closed lauds, the owner of which has not
forbidden the building of tame by per
sonal or posted notice, if, before depart
ing the builder of the tire extinguishes
the same; neither do these provisions
apply to the setting of hack fires, in good
faith, to prevent the progress of a fire
then burning.
All kind of hardware C. A.
Lamkin Co.
Claus Johhp, of nuar Hunks, was
down to the city Monday.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argun, $2.00 per year.
A. Paulraoir, of near Farming
ton, waa up to the city Saturday.
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ooean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lamkiu Co.
Guy Weisenback, manager of tho
A. II. Johnson Farm, Reedville,
was in town the last of the week.
I am agent for tho Judson Blast,
ing Powder. J. W. Vandervolden,
Roy, Ore. Both 'phones.
E. A. Wolf, the one man in
Washington County who is a real
enthusiast in procuring songbirds
for this district, waa in the city
We sell a complete line of stoves
and ranges, hardware, tinware,
crockery, eto. Cmno and boo them
and get prioeB before purchasing.
Schulraerich Bros.
Klbridge Cheney, the Forest
drove veteran, was in tho city
Monday, looking over the Shute
. Park, in which the old veterans
will bold their camp, commencing
with Saturday, June 2f . The en
campment will hold June 29, SO,
July 1, 2 and 8, and end up on the
Fourth. Mr. Cheney thinks the
grounds will make a uioe camping
place, and says the old hoys will
Lave a record time. 1
John Hooker Jr , of thia city, and
who came from the Greenville aec
tion, where the boys furniehed the
champion ball players in the olden
times, haa made a league with Wm
schulroorioh, of Farmington, to
have a ball game between the
Farmington and Hillsboro married
man. The battle Gold promisee to
lurnlau nolo glory and blood, and
all the physicians of the city will
go down in a body to care for the
wounded, and the hearse will go
down to rart c 11' the dead. The
date of the bloodshed has not yet
been fixed, and the boys are scur
rying around for wool mattresses
to ue as mite for the occasion.
L. M. Kuder and wifo, of near
Roy, were county seat visitors,
Haturday. They report David
Kuder, aged 85, and one of the
pioneer sawmill men of tho Green
ville section, aa strong mentally as
ever, but that he is failing phyei
cally. The elder Mr. Kuder ex
pote to make a trip to the county
at in a few days, just to meet the
old pioneers be knew when a young
Farm for tale: Eight miles
southwest of Hilleboro; 34 acree; 8
to 10 acres under cultivation; bal
ance easily cleared; good pasture;
living water: small fruit; log barn:
email bouse; ideal dairy farm and
ie on milk route. 11,050 and easy
terms. Inquire at Argus cilice.
Mrs Lillian Bond, who recently
sued B. F. Wagley for ten thous
and dollars, was in town Monday,
accompanied by her attorney, J. N.
uoiiman, who is counsel in the
suit she instituted against the sher
iff's office for a like amount. The
plaintiff is from Forest Grove.
Ralph Wann, principal of the
lL'thany publio school, was io
town Saturday, looking hale and
hearty. Mr. Wann is considered
one of tho loading teachers of the
county, and is having line success
with bis school.
For sale: Good milk cow. in
milk: full blood Jersey bull, eli
gible to regiBtry, yearling in Aug
ust. Also pure Chester White
sow; will pig the last of May. N
. Chiloott, Hilleboro. near Fifth
8 tree t station.
After 57 years of residence in
Washington county, Mr. and Mrs
Isaac Leiay departed Tuesday to
make their home in Portland.
They leave with the beet wishes of
hundreds of friends in this vicinity.
Speaking of groceries if you
want the tineet staple and fancv
groceries to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. He is after your
trade, and once a cuBtomer, always
a customer.
Mies Jennie Reasoner. daughter
of D. B. Reasoner, has taken a po
sition as assistant book-keeper at
the Commercial Bank, and will
also act as stenographer in corres
Threshing outfit for sale: $1100
takes it. Complete, including Ki
ll. I, engine, Advance Separator.
wcodsaw connections, eto. Address
P. O. Box 115, Forest Grove, Ore.
Andrew Fubrer, of Raleigh, and
formerly engaged in the dairy busi
ness, was up Tuesday, looking on
at the sale. While in the city he
called at the Argus office,
For gentlemen's, ladles' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to boy of John Dennis.
We hsve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Miss Anna Hall, of Portland,
came out Sunday and went on out
to Glencoe to vinit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Hall.
L. N. Gilnet and wife, of Litteli,
Y ash., departed lor home yester
day, after a short visit at the E. L
Abbott home,
J. E. Long and wife, of Portland,
were out the first of the week,
gueets at the Isaao Leisy home,
Wm. Thompson and Julius Pe
terson, of Cedar Mill, were up to
the county seat Tuesday afternoon.
J. W. Hughes, of Dilley, was
down Tuesday, to Bee how auction
sales are cried down this way.
J. W. Hayes and family, well
known here and at Glenooe, have
moved to Sheridan to reBide.
Linus Brown, formerly of this
city, but now of Portland, visited
friends in town Sunday.
Frank Harberg and Jos. Dono
van, of this side of Cedar Mill, were
in the oity, Tuesday.
August Rossi, of the thriving
town of Beaverton, was in the
county Beat Tuesday.
Earl Wallace was out from Port
land, Sunday, visiting with the
home folks.
Casper Jasper, of North Forest
Grove, was in the oity Tuesday.
Green Walker and wife, of near
Koy, were in the oity Tuesday.
Paints and oils. C. A, Lamkin
Will Hire Teams and Work
Force Account on Fill
Transcript ut Claiim Allowed by Coun
ty Court
Bids were opened for work for the
county laet Friday, and the hid of
A. K. Mead, to put in the Bige A
Knnen' fill for "A" was njVcted.
M. M. Mead will s-ipennttnd the
work at so much per day. Clyde
Lincoln wa awarded the contract
for the Holcomb bridge, at $25S,
and the other bridge advertised
last week were given Mr. Lincoln
at $17 per thousand feet, board
Upon payment of $:0 Martin
Vandehey will be given a deed to a
road north of the poor firm.
L C. Walker, J. F. CarstotiB and
Jno. Caldwell will meet May 15
and locate a gateway near Loonird
Hill place, Sec. .'!.', T o N It 1 W.
J. W. Hill lax cancelled upoo
payment of $5.
Nels C. Ivereen given rebate of
$24 08, error in taxation.
II. W. Notter granted a rebate
oi 1901 and 1902 taxrs.
Peter Vanderzanden granted re
fund of $3.08, error in taxes.
One hundred dollars appropri
ated for road improvement in Dis
trict 11, available when private
subscription is all paid. Special
appropriation of $100 made for
work in road dielrict 0.
Scoggin Valley Telephono Co
given telephone franchise,
L M. McDaniel given quitclaim
to lot in Middleton on payment if
$12 to treasurer.
Transcripts State casta in juetico
court allowed: Chas. Williaoia,
L. J. Palmateer and II. A. Walker.
Clerk Godman'B feea collected for
month of April, $22(5,50; recorder's
feo, same month, $381 00.
S. G. Uhoades confirmed aa
deputy sheriff for Reed ville dis
F. M. Hill appointed supervisor
in place of T. J. King, deceased.
J. I. Northrup et ale granted
right to put up telephone line.
Petition Sol Freudenthal for re
fund, oxceeeive taxation, denied.
Aasessment of JaB Burness, Sec
5, T 2 N R 5 W, cancelled.
John Stewart refunded $1.(0
overpayment tax.
K. B. Goodm granted $2 4.5 over
payment tax.
Henry Hendricksen granted
$4 40, double taxation.
The following claims were al
lowed: Mrs Mary M Ramsey, refund tux.. $o 97
W A t'lapp, refund lax 11 52
U i ISagU-y, circuit court 15 00
W I) Smith, circuit court 51 00
lf L Beach, assessing mid col 16
J B Adams, r and h , 1 60
Chris Peterson, juror 23 8c
II J Goll, juror 20 60
W A Bellinger, inror as 60
J N Hoffman, refund tax 5 00
h A Rood, juror 26 00
C K IH'ichumn, cletk c c 6 00
Croner & Howell, r and h o
K McC'uniscy juror c c 26 00
W I) Smith, assessing and col a 70
Wm mrety, jnror c e 34 50
Wheeler Mfg Co, c h 1 00
Glass it Pnidhonnne, sta iq 71
1 ia vies uros, rami n ty 00
f J Bailey, r and 11 7
W Cave, witness I) A a 00
Adolnh Sieirrist. witness 1) A inn
O Y Cook, r and h 40 55
Cla-a & Prudhomme, sin 4 63
M Turner, r and h 44 30
w w Moscow, witness u A a 00
Bushong & Co, sin 17 t,o
C A Oavell, eruisinc timber iw 00
John Stimuli, r nnd h 1 50
J T Young, rami It 173 75
u Bftppingion a 00
Glass & rni'.thoiume, stn 9 33
W C l rescott, timber cruiser ..S63 95
Stevens Bros, rand h 38 80
Hillshoro Independent, printing... 28 so
C R Adums, r and h 10 45
A 11 Davis, assessing and col 63 00
A J Hoy, relief- 131 60
0 I. McCracken, county 1 7s
A M Collins, janitor 40 00
K J Godnmn, clerk and deputy etc,23S 10
F.rwin Hitter, assessing and col 66 to
VV connell, slienll deputy 235 00
T Buxton, assessing and col 7fi 00
W II Lydu, r and It 10 6s
I W Connell, board of prisoners... 17 50
Win M Jackson, treasurer, postage 51 00
M V Case, travelling expenses Si 50!
M C Case, salary and ollice ex 60 99
Willis Ireland, recorder, postage... 1 U qs
G W Hines, snpt sal 15 00
J T Fletcher, supt sal 25 00
M G iNeuse, timber cruiser 440 co
H G Haeey, supt salary and supr... a to
John U Bailey, cruising timber 160 00
o N foole, assessing and col 78 00
T WSain, supt salary 7 50
II II Mailer, r and h 427 n
J B Imlay, assessing nud col 7a 00
The Delta Drug Store, relief s 71
W It Harris, fruit inspector 16 50
Climax Milling Co, relief 40
G W Barnes, assessing and col 58 50
John Nyberg, supt sal 5 00
John MeClnran, supt sal 12 50
juineon isensen, supt sal.... 32 50
W W Boscow, witness 1 50
J W Cave, " . itio
Fred Cornelius, " 1 50
Ward Downs, " 1 50
joe uowns, " 1 50
WFAdkins, " 1 50
x -u tverr, juror , a ao
John lf.itiley, juror a 60
Geo l'rost, " a 40
K Y McNclly, " So
R S Robinson, bridges '. 13 00
J K 1'n kiiison, Mip'r tal 30 00
The Argus, printing 10 70
A C Winr.ey, relief 35 co
K II Greer, relief n 85
City Water & I.igbt Works 23 so
A liivcntuii, supt sul 17 50
lien Hull, witness 4 yo
Kred Su-wiirt, witness , 4 90
Rott Tompkins, " 4 90
J.iiiies Johnson, " ,. 4 90
Herthol.l I-'lau-diuer, witnese 4 90
Webb Phillips, " 2 10
IC 11 Colciimri. " 4 90
B I. Abliott, juror I 20
Gua Kronner, sup 12 50
August Tews, juror 3 00
J W Iffirtrninpf, juror I 00
K II ireer, "
I'A Scbulinerich "
J II Kcwell "
H T Kagley, justice fees
C W Itedinoiid, constable fees..
C Walter, rand h
John liorwick, !up
1 co
1 00
4 '.O
31 SS
IS o.i
9 00
13 50
John A Johnson, sup is 00
G W Mitt, sup 32 50
F M, sup 30 uo
Jake Hi ielien, sup ..,.. 32 50
If I, Flint, " , 13 75
( ' K Shorey, " 22 50
K wood Haynes, relief 6 00
Ixjnie Reno, relief 6 00
Beech & Kiefer, r and h 51 37
J W Sewell, stipr 15 00
Scliulinerieh Bros, r ft h & relief..! 22 50
Chris Srhindler, supr 30 50
W .1 Butuer, sal and r and h 36 Ho
C B Buchanan, " 33 70
V W Lewis, r and h K4 00
J W Goodin, sal ami ex 5S Kb
F M Kelsay, r and h 100 co
W M Jackson, postage o 60
I' H Vandehey, work poor farm. .130 00
I, M Alexander, tyjiewriter 93 25
I.J Hollz. sup sal 3H 7s
W II I.yda, lumber 26 76
Herbert Bros, lumber 10 03
A II Todd, sup sal 40 00
G rouer it Rowell, roads 1 76
J J Krebssup sal 10 co
J W Connell, expenses, shlFs sal,. , 20 00
John B.-ycr, sup sal 40 co
h I, I'erkins, tax collection...
Good Roada Machine Co
Ward Downs, tux collection...
5 40
3 yj
78 00
C I) Hitchcock, refund tax 471
J R Hall, roads 7 00
John Norell, refund tax 8 93
Sioionds CroHB cut eaws. C. A.
Lamkin Co.
Fred Stark, of below Schollp,
was in tho city Saturday.
C. Ildmold and wife, of Bloom
ing, were county seat visitors, Sat
urday. Stationery, pen?, playing cards,
ledgers, journals, etc, at the
James McGowan, of below Bea
verton, was in the city the first of
the week.
J. B. Walker, of below Beaver
ton, was a comity seat visitor Mon
day afternoon.
C. W. Dodson, of above Moun-
taindale, was a county scat visitor,
Monday, on legal business.
J. W. White, of above Carstens,
was in tho city Monday, and made
bis annual call on the Arpus.
Wm. Markway, of near Banks,
was in the city Monday, ana re
ports that little burg as booming.
Frefih milk cowa for eale. D. P.
Corrieri, Hilleboro, Route 2, near
koifay ranch, l jmiles southeast of
George Ilolsheiiuer, of north of
Beaverton, and David Reghitto, of
the Base Line, were in town Mon
day. We are solo agonts for th.9 cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, $157 50. Scbulmerich
Henry Johnson, of Shady Brook,
was in town friday, and reraem
b?red the Argus ollice in one of his
Fresh milk cow, with calf at eide,
for Bile. Apply to John .uercher,
nuisooro noiue 1, residing in
Mrs. H. T. Bugley returned the
Brut of the week, after a month's
visit with her mother, at Boise
Gents and boye' clothing, fall
line now inKuh, Nathan & Fis
chcr Sincerity make at II . Weh
rung & Sons.
Frank E. Rowell, the Scholia
mill man and merchant, was in
town Saturday, and wont on to
Our line of Bpring dress goods
have commenced to arrive from
New York. Come and Bee them.
Sehulmerich Bros. .
Frank Hovendon, of Reedville,
was up to the city Saturday. He
has quite recovered from a fal
sustained eome weeks ago.
Draft and driving horses for sale
at the Cornelius Bros, old stable
Forest Grove, Ore. E. D. Began
racinc f none Main 31.
John Lehman, who has for many
moons been driving a milk wagon
for the condenser, cavo the Arcus
omce a pleasant call, Saturday.
For pale: Young Poland China
sows, to litter in May. Dam and
piga have regirtrred iutc. Bowlby
Brothers, Cornelius, Route 2.
S. A. D. Meek and wife returned
the last of the week from Cham
poeg, and report the exercises of
last Thursday as very tine. They
will go again next season.
Donkey Line Pulled Tree
Over on Vtuth
Had Fastened Line to Tree, Whh.Ii Gave
way and Fell
Kenneth Campbell, 6gd 22 years,
and whose father waa tollgate ten
der on the Wilnon River tollroad
I t a number of years, was instant
ly killed in the Bufe Line Lumber
Company'e Login camp last
Thursday aflerpoon. Vouog Camp
bell was tending the donkey line,
and he had fastened it to a tree.
TLe engir.e made a pull and the
tree wsb toppled over oa the un
fortunate young man and he was
instantly killed. The victim was
an industrious young fellow and
bad many friends in the Gales
Creek country. The funeral took
place tbe lt'Bt of the week.
Talk about Mohair the Hilleboro
pool sold a week ago, and brought
in the teat eum of -1800, going at
30 cents per pound. There was
but one pool which fold higher,
and that waa at Dalla?. W. L.
Soohren, wh.; rcprpfented the pur
chaser, as authorized to pay a
qnarter of a cent more if necessary,
but the 30 cent effer wr3 accepted
The following had wool in the sale:
S R Lawrence, C A Hanlev. T Simtns.
Wm Sehulmerich, J W Shuie, Zina
Wocd, J C I'cach, Alex Gordon, It B
Collins, Thos Connell, James II bewell,
C I) Varnham, Herman I'rahl, Joa Con
r.ell, K !' 1'eters, A Anderson &. Son. J
W Connell, I W lackson. Wm Bitchel-
der, C Kehse, I, Vowera. S G Sutton.
ieo Robinson, W W Paine, W D Wood.
1 & K Young, J Dennis, I5 Chrtstenson,
'eter Uotleib, tongue estate, 1- J Bailey !
no wui fli-'ierjurgen.
Twenty-nine and one-half cents
vTaa tbe lowett price offered.
A. V. Denny, of Raleiah. was in
the city Tuesday.
F. B Clark, of Farmington, waB
the city Tuesday.
J. B. McNew, of bi-low Reedville.
was in town Tuesday.
O. G. Barlow, of Portland, was
out tho first of the week. i
Mrs. Samunl Galbreath, of Tual
atin, was in the city yesterday.
J. G. Hayne?, the Beaverton
tockrrian, was up to the county
eat Tuesday.
F. W. Lepschatt, of near Glen
coe, wae in town lutsaav. a SDec-
tator at the Bale.
T. B. Perkins, of Buxton, and
where he is engeged in the mercan
tile business, waa in the city Tues
day. H. Taylor Hill, of Portland, and
who is at his bia Mountaindale
anch for a few days, was in town
uesday, attending the sale.
Brown Leghorn eggs, 15 each
sotting, for 50 cents; also fu'l blood
Bull Legnorn eggs for hatching
purposes, uu cents tor setting of 13.
Mrs. Agues Gowan. Hillsboro. In-
dependant phone, 144. Eggs de-
ivered to any part of the city.
M. Hahn, of above Mountain-
dale, was in the city Friday, Since
the earthquake he has not heard
from W. J. Wail, who is his eon
in-law, aul engaged in the mercan
tile business at Loa Mochis. Sina
loa, to he does not know as yet
whether or not he was in the line of
the recent Mexican quake.
General Manager C. 15. Lytle, of
the Pacific Railway it Navigation
Company, departed the first of the
week for lillamook, where he will
meet with Robt. Wakefield, who
has contracted the construction of
20 miles of grade over on the coast
end of the line. Mr. Lytle expects
to bo absent for several days.
Miss A. M-utg. of England, ar
rived in the city Friday, and went
on out to Helvetia to see her sister,
Mrs. llemmy, whom she had not
seen lor 21 years. She was ac
companied by a brother, who re
sides in Portland. Mis-i Iftftig eaya
she had a very pleasant trip across
to iNew lork, and Bho is very much
surprised to find so beautiful a
country in Oregon.
- Ed. Schsuuley, while working on
a barn near Koy, foil thirteen or
fourteen feet, Thursday last, and
suHlained a severe fracture of one
of his arms. Dr. A. B. Bailev
weut out and attended the patient,
and says he will get along finely,
Mr. Schamley is well known here
and at Cornelius. The Argus
hopeB he will be able to go up
against another job soon, and
advices that ho wear a pair of log
ger's boots with calks in the soles.
,-w?Pompeian Massajze
Jut thU paper k white until it k eompartd with omhm whiter, to your
Iko my look cn until ;w try a Pompeian Muae and ice the left-in dirt that
It bring out.
You hae been wuhing with rap ,4 but ttia fa $n nm,, Y(M
thought your tk.a n cltan, but wondered why it wu allow .nd why the
wnaklei grew more in eridencc every year.
PompeUn Mirny, Cream gently rubbed in and then at gently rubbed out will
bnng wifh tht dirt that soap hat never touched, nourahe. the .kin, putt
rosy blood in die cheek., ko nature do hi perfect work.
All good barben ipply Pompeian Manage Cream- it n a great relief afW
thaving and tend, to make the akin Wronger and lea. nuitie.
Laiie. appreciate Pompeian Manage Cream became k itimuUtea the circulation
and give, a bright, clear complexion.
Come in for free ample and copy of the tamoua
Pompeian Cream a M at
Vegetable and Fish
Fresli Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey CEL Son
A Mirror j
Your face is a mirror and reflects the condition of t
your blood. Iron-Tone makes rich, red blood and
a healthy complexion.
For sale by all druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let
us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital
ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what
it will do. You can have it for the asking.
Address G rover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore.
The best of all
Bottled for
I i
Sfte Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
For that tired, run-down feeling, try our
The ideal Spring Medicine. We guarantee it.
skin mav look rlpnn
washino irntil vnn
ine leu-in tun tnat
Cream will bring out
booklet "A Treatise on Facial Manage.1
50c and f I.00 per jar.
Every Family
Wants good croceries, and ev.
eiy family should do us the just
tice to give us a trial. We cany
a line of absolutely pure and
fresh groceries, and we take
pride in giving everybody cour
teous treatment'and the'eertain-
ty of satisfaction. Get oar
prices and compare them with
what you are paying.
n draught)
- .'
Medicinal Use
Lt I .111