The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 25, 1907, Image 3

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Confectioners Sold Openly
1 Ami Are Arrested
lc Cream I)ikicoi'd in Viututlun of
The liJ wan off Hiinday lnot In this
oily, and UN a result two confection
ers have Ix-on arrested. Lorne
rluittor and II. A. Wa': fir were
both ruiuinniiHiI Monday to appear
before JikIko II. T. Hagley, Tties
lay, nnd plmtd. They appeared
and pleaded not guilty, ami Mr.
1'nlatateer will lm triel Friday
(tomorrow) and will demand a
jury trial. Ilolh confectioners
were wido open Sunday, and after
the 0:30 train arrived, with a cargo
of ice cream, ralinaleer'n wa the
htiMmt jduce in the city. The
place was trowdud, for it wan sul
try, and Ire cream wa the aolace
ought. On Monday Deputy Dig
triot Attorney Wall hud many
wltnoN-ii Itrotight before him and
late that evening complaints wore
worn to bv that officer.
Ikglny ,fr Hitro will defend the
cam, and they will make a detr
mined fight to protect thir clients
There in a ntrong H-ntiiuent against
closing then teieita on Sunday,
and people generally think it savor
too tnui'lf of blue laws, The pros
ruling oltlcer, however, uonfonds
that the law must be enforced, and
will pouvii-t if ho ctn do an.
Forest Orovo and Iteaverton
confectioner, it U ?aid, had agreed
to retnaiit open, but at thn last
moment they weakened, leaving it
for tbo county mitt partiea to make
te)t of the law. The tune i at
tracting much interret, and the
a Hair in getting to he more or less
Thomas Kii'tf, a htriuer remdltg
about two tmlea eut of (Jaaton,
dropped dead whiln nxding in hie
field, Tuesday afternoon. Dr.
linker and Jud K X JIrding
went over to the ranch from Oau
ton, and it wa decided that an in
fjupfct was not nccoesary ae the
fact wan clearly MlaMi'litd that he
was subject to heart failure. Cor
oner K. U. Urown was notified hut
decided the expeneoof on investi
gation was uncalled for. King wan
about fifty years of ago, and leaves
wife and Mineral children. The
funeral took place today.
Fiirmers Tlc Notice
W. B. Cate A Son have a fine black
Spanish Jack at the Hawthorne
place, and he will be plnftd iu the
tud this eoaxott. Fanners who
desire to raise mules that will he
marketable ehould look thin fellow
over. They aleo have a fine young
Clydesdale stallion that will bo in
the stud for a fsw select mares.
Argus and Journal, f t .75.
0. C. Whitinore, of 'Laurel, whs
in the city yesterday.
Frank Keenin, of Vintdands,
was in town the first of the week.
Louis Meyerp, of near Laurel,
was an Argtia caller this evening.
Lout: JUinch of kt-ys on key
ring; with Hen tiling' namo.
Leave at Argus.
L. W. IJoiiPe has relumed from
a trin to tho Snrinea. on the Co
lumbia, Krong enough to lift an
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excollcncia
Oregon manufacture.
Stationery of all kinds at the
Pharmaoy latent in rtyliah oor
respondence, calling cards, en
velnpee, etc. Call and eeo the
Jack Wright, the Forest Grove
horse buyer and poller, baa roturn
ed from Prineville, where be wont
after a bunch of horeos, He sys
that horees oro about rh high thero
as down bore, and thorn is very
little profit in making the trip.
A freight car bearing a loud of
Carnation cream was nufUring
from a severe jam, received in the
yards, here, yestorday, tho entire
front of the oar being bulged tor
ward. The conductor thought the
load would carry on into Portland,
where It will be nec6Bnary to trans
fer to another car,
Agent Bohlipp, who sells tiokots
on Fourth Street to West Sldo
travelers, while tho company haB
no depot, make9 the trip out of
town and goes ahead of the oon
duotor, Belling paHlcbonrd as he
goes through the oar. The com
pany expeota a ticket office some'
where on Fourth in the metropolis
before long.
Jury servico in justice court,
whero one gets but ono dollar per
day is not much Bought after these
days, but Constablo Redmond to
day rounded up six to try the case
of State ys. Williams. Excuses
were of no avail, and the following
wereswornin: Ed. Sobulmerioh,
K. L. Abbott, J. W. Hartrampf, R.
H. Grcor, August Tews and James
11, Bewell.
Albert Ives, who Rome mouth I
ago wa confined in the county jail
io default of bail, and who was
charged with having lived with a
woman ' not Lie lawful wife, the
other day had Cbaa. Williams, of
near (liuton arrested. Ivoa claims
that Williams assaulted him, but
William, on the other baod claims
that Ivea was the aggressor. Any
way, Williama, who comes from a
family that will fight some, gave
Ives considerablaof a physical pol
ish and adorned bin features to a
fare-you well. Ives then swore out
a warrant, nnd tbo caite is being
tried by a jury in Jmlk-e '.alley's
court, today. Williams is wedded
to a step-daughter of the coin plain
n; witness.
I am now prepared to show you
the Cbas. Stevens it ltroe.' samples
of the new Boring styles In ladiea'
silk, cloth and wash shirtwaist
suits; also of dress suite and drees
skirta, made to your epeoial order,
and of your own selection of goodH
Hilk and clolli coats also carried
carry a standard lice cf corsets
and underskirts. I will he glad to
bring my gooda to your houreupon
request. Independent 1'hono, No.
2(14. Mrs. M. JC. Caudle.
The Washington County Veteran
Association and the Ladiea' Auxili
ray will meet at Corneliuc, on next
Thursday, May 2, to decide opon
the place and date of holding tboir
annual reunion. The old veteraus
will bavo a cordial invitation to
make their encampment at Hills
boro and remain over on the Fourth
of July. For the llrtt tiino in
years II illeboro will have a place
for loom to pitch their, tents with
out putting them on ptivate
grounds. That they will come
here ii a foregone coiicIuhioo.
tit April falls the miuny showers,
All ntturc't ilretned in gay attire,
.Spring on u tunny t blowing pours
A scHDOn which we all admire,
And when you're out In IlilUlioto
No matter whether J or cheery,
Come in and see what's to be shown
At l'slmntccr's ('ontcctioni-ry,
The Forest Grove echool nine
came down last Saturday, and beat
the local school nine from Dan to
Hsersheha. The local lads were
so badly beaten that tbey havn't
reoovoretl their breath, yet, but
tbey lay between gasps that the
ovB from the "knoll" can t do it
again, lbe
tcora was lometbing
me i ) io ii .
Thoroughbred Crown Leghorn
eggH, 75 cent per sotting. 15 eggs
in Bet'ing, Incubator lots at re
duced prices. Phone, Pacific
Htates, 38 Uoy Exchange. Mrs
Peter anderzanden, Greenville,
Ore., R. F. D. 3.
l is reported tint Lafe Pence is
again about ready to reaumo work
on his bin Huiiio orcDcattton.
Pence Is an indefatigiblo worker,
and hart more string to his bow
than one. It is not likely that he
would spend the thousands he line
without a loophole for further
financing the project.
J. C. Qreer, who bat a shoo store
on Main street, acrots from the
Tualatin, is going out of business.
Mr. Greer has reoontly been at
tacked by a sort of locomotor ataxia,
r.iul he ran hardly navigate. Bee
Inn announcement in
Teaming is again in full blast,
and the way lumber is being haul
ed In from out-country points is a
surprise. Last year the hauling
was something enormous, but it
looks as though this eeanon's tun
will be greater than ever.
uotinty judge uoouin has an
. V jit a
advertlKemont in another column,
asking for bide on a bridge across
Kook Creek, near Uethany, and for
a fill of 1100 feet, on the road lead
ing to the lioge k Ennes mill
Contractors will take notice.
The Soholla Peroheron Horse
Co.'s stallion, Tapageur, will stand
the season of 1007 in the vicinity
of Tigardville, Beaverton, Reed villa,
Farmington and ooholla. Farmers
are requested to see this horse be
fore booking.
Hopgrowera are reporting f
splendid growth of vine. W.
Boscow eaya his vines are up sev
eral foet already. Mr. Boscow
still lias hie 1906 crop on hand,
but eaya be can get ten cents for
them any day
We carry the bent shoe on the
market for the money. W. L,
Rouolus and Dr. Reed's famous
cushion shoes for men. Leading
makes for ladies. Latest styles
and finish. II. Wehrung & Sons
The Modern Woodmen, of Reed
villa, will give a danoe at Allen's
Grove, one mile north of Heodvillo,
on Saturday evening, May 4.
Tickets, 50 cents, Good music
Everybody invited.
Tbo Scholia Percheron Horse Co.
wants a good, reliablo man to take
oare of their Percheron Stallion,
Tapageur, for the season. For par
ticulars inquire of Ferd Qroner,
Scholls, on Hillsboro, R. F. D. 2.
Reedville Presbyterian services
next Sabbath, at 7:30 in the evo
ning. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all. A, Robinson, pastor.
For sale. fiO Angora wethers, at
$2 per head. R. B. Collins, Hills
boro, Route 1. Paoifio States phone.
J. II. Davie, of near Mountain -dale,
wab An Argus caller the first
of the week.
For a good smoke try tho Schil
ler or Excel lencia and you will
try them again and again,
McCuhe lirotlicrs Now Ship
ping in Machinery
Expect to Establish Compressor Drill
in Work
Machinery for the McCabe Broth
era' tunnel contract is now teing
shipped from Butte, Montana, for
the construction work on the P. It.
it N., and the firm expects to start
active operations in a few days.
The tunnel will be electric lighted,
and compreseor drills will be in
The rock work is easily worked,
and there will lo no timbering.
The walla will doubtless receive a
ooaling of concrete when fioished,
Inside of six months the work is to
b finished, and the firm rxpecti to
get ioeide the time limitation.
Last Saturday eveninz.some thirty-
one of the Reedville people walked
in on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Itor
wick, and honored them with a
party. Games and music wore the
order of the evening, after which
a lunch was served.
Surprise partiea seem to be ouite
the go in Reedvillo at the preeent
time. Mr. and Mrs. Dint were
surprised last Tueeday, April
wiulo quietly sitting by tho fuo.
Acrodof forty-one went to the
0. 0. W. Hall where room was
plentiful, ami everyone bad a good
time. 1 ho lunch consisted of ice
cream and cake which was con
tributed by the party.
Those desiring to take advantage
or the usual annual Mohair pool
oan do so by bringing their pro
duct to the Hartrampf Warehouse.
Mark sacks plainly to avoid con
fusion, and altio mark weight
Apply to the Hartrampf feed ktore
for information aa to delivery
Pool will be sold on April 27.
James II: Sewell, Thog. Connell
ar.d E. B. Tonguo, committee.
tl 1. I'itinuo, guardian Myron and Clad
y Hewitt, miiiori, rrport taint e vnlued
at f-U4i HI. Cl jack Jr, Willis Ireland
and I-, 1, 1'crkins, appraises.
Frnnctl Thwaite Tilea bond of fSc o as
ad ui x of estate of Jmnts Thwaite dee'd;
1) r Cortlert, J C Hare and Kdwiml Smt
to appraiaera.
May 37 set for hearing petition to sell
realty nute John Souimera, insane.
Sale of realty of Leopold Jlates, minor
Real extivte Albert Schoer, minor, or
dered told at public sale.
Kutejost lluernt, deceam-d cont'd for
final aeltlement to April 1
Alice S and ford appointed executor of
will ol late Dr. Sandford, of Glencoe; to
aerve without bonus.
Sin L Lilly, deed; closed of
Geo Duerst appointed ijuardiaii of
Emma lhierst, lnsauc, bonds at j6,txx.
ConaUnliue Miller released m to atnte
control, and guardian is relieved of 1 a
F W Cndy appointed executor of estate
of A It Cady, without bonds; II O Vin
cent, W II Livelihood and J A Auder
aon, appraisers.
Ktnte DavtU Purser, deed; closed of
Louis Sieeetitlmler aopoiutcd adiulnie
trator estate Vrt Soininers, deceased,
bonds at f7,ooo.
At The Crescent Theatre
Murray & Mack r May
A nexat Kanger , May 15
Old Arkansas Mav 22
The Rajah of BUomj.,,.,...., AiiRtist
Thorns & Orange Blossoms.. October 26
Mr. Chas. Ellsworth and Miss
Minnie A. Bower, of Scholls, were
united in marriage at tbe M. E.
Parsonage, thiB city, on April 21,
ltiOi. Rev. Balknan officiating.
The groom is a well known young
farmer m his vioioity and the
bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Bower, well known at Ililla
boro, Cedar Mill, and Mountain'
unle, and who now reeuie near
Scholls. The Argus tendors con
Eighty acres of land, within three
miles of Gaston. Twelve acres
cleared, of which ono acre is in tine
bearing prunes. Forty acres ol
good timber. Will largely pay for
place perhaps pay all. Log house
on place that one could occupy
until he built. Half mile from
school; Thirty living Bpringf on
nropertv hoe for dairy ranch
APlllin, T,vuvi uuii iiiinti, isaiauw
on time. Reasonable interest
Anyone wishing to look this place
over can write a day or so before
coming, and he will be met
station and taken
Best, Oostou, Ore,
tiUce E.
Argua and Journal, $1.75.
Argus and Pacific Monthly, tl 50
Yrm. Bit-hup, of Glencoe, was in
the city today.
Right goodg right prices C. A.
Larrikin Co.
John Herdlein, of Blooming, was
a county seat visitor today.
Harrington Hall coffee t the
beet you can buy. U;t it at Greer's,
W. J, Ingram, of Farmingtoa
wa a county seat caller today.
M. (1. Rhode?, of near Reedville,
was a county seat visitor today.
For tale: 10 pounds extra ssloct
ellow Denver onion seed. J. KJ
Miller, Hillsboro, Ore.
Webster Phillips, of Coriielius,
was down to the city this after
noon. The finest line of spring dren
goods arriving daily at II. Weh
rung & Sons.
Last night'i) froct injured the
early strawberry blooms consider
ably, in thia section.
For Bih: Jery red loar,
coming 2 years Henry Delsman,
Iiood Brido, Ilillsboro.
Mte. Melvillo Parrkh, of Wil-
ur, WaHn., ih tho gueHt of her
mother, Mrs. W. It. Barrett.
Gottlrled fichaefli, of Mounhin-
dale, wai down to tha county seat,
New stylo ehirtwaistH, epririg
ce, now in from the Eant. H.
Web rung & Sons.
Manager Brown, of the Brown
umber Co., above Banks, was in
the city the first of the week.
Ladies', gents', and children's
shoes, spring style, arriving daily
at II, Wehrung it Sons.
Tho Argus this week printed
bills 'iT a horse away up in the
Bike Oven country.
Fresh milk cows for sale. W.
B. Cate, Hawthorne Ranch, tnst cf
this city.
W. C. Jackson, of Glencoe, was
in the city today, accompanied by
Geo. Darety, who is taking a va
cation. Mrs. Wipg and the cabbage
pa'ch, and other attractions, in
Hilleboro, May 10. Particular
Come to the vesper service in the
Cong. Church next Sunday, at 5:00
n the afternoon.
I have oponed a blacksmith shop
at Reedville, and am prepared to
do all kinds of country work. M.
B. Going, Reedville.
Schulmerich Bros, are headquar
ters for wire fence. Wo have sold
ei;ht mile? in the ln?t SO days.
Cheaper than lumber.
Clerk Godman has granted mar
riage licenses to Michael bturra
and Ida Ilorstmann, Cornelius;
and E. C. White and Maude Mont
gomery, of near Middleton.
Strayed Vrom Cornelius, a bay
mare, weight about IKX; smooth
shod nil around; mane clipped.
Reward. Notify C. 15. Buchanan
Kuratli Brothers have sold tbo
J. J. Hill place cf 2-1 acre?, foruies
y the Llnch Haas placo, 10 the
Five Oak farm, to John Fisher, of
Idaho, the consideration being
Cattle pasture for Spring and
bummer. Good tame grasses and
plenty of water. God feiioe.
Will take stock beginning with
May 1. U. W . Marsh, Cornelius
Ore., R. F. 1). 1.
Tho morning service in the Con
gregauonai unurcu nexi ounaay
morning: "A Call of God." There
will be a vefter servico at 5:00 p
m. instead ol tne usual evening
Mauacer rtilmateer, of tho Ta
cinic siatea central, wants a eooer
bright and indtiitriou9 yourg man
for night operator, and to also
help in etore. Inquire at central
Mr. H. Huntemtu, who has the
peach orohard southwest of town
savs ne lias sived a few ot ni-
peach blooois more than ho di
lEt year. I lo saved tho bloom on
big young trtea by keeping them
covered nights.
Peoplo who come here to lnoate
have trouble in getting houses to
rent. Houses, houseB everywhere,
Dut not ono to rom. aoroo more
enterprising properly holders should
put up some modorn cottages, nnd
they would furnish interest cn tbe
W'hile Mr. and Mrs. Sam John
son were passing tne Jackson
school bouse, Tuesday, tbo hore
became frightened at a bov on 1
bicycle, and commenced to stam
pede. Mrs. Johnson jumped nut,
but landed under the wheels, and
was severely wounded. She was
brought into town for medical nid,
and wrb taken home in tho after
If you want to tile your place,
get fignreB from the Groner &
Rowell Company, of Scholls. We
are tho largest manufacturers of
drain tile in the county, and have
sold our product far and wider If
you are poing to build in the Spring,
got our figures of brick, building
blooko etc. We also furnish lum
ber, rough nnd dressed, of all
kinds, and deliver if required, in
sulhcient quantitim. Address ua
at Hillaboio, R. F. D. No. 2.
Ianiilics Will do Well
Head Rulings
A Children's Disease Are Prevalent,
Read np
Aa the whoopingj cough, murnpe,
and dipthtbsria are prevalent here
and there all over the county,
although not dangerous, it might
bo well for familie.? to read tbe
ollowing rules laid down by tbe
board Tof health of . th State ol
Oregon. Tho rules governing
luarantine and action fallows.
Kt't.R xv.
No person shall be admitted Into an
public, parochial, or ptivate school, or
calleue or Sunday school, from an
hoMie or building in which has recently
occurred a ce ot dangerous tomrauoi-
Cftble disease, without hint prrtentiug
certilieUe, signed by a reputable physi
cian, mat nil car.eer ot communicating
Mich disease is past.
KCI.K xvi:
o pareut, guardian, or other person
having charge or control of any child or
children, shall allow or permit any child
i:r cnijiiren 10 po rrom any House or
building iu which a esse of smallpox,
lipMheria, membranous croup, scarlet
fever, whooping cough, or ether conta
gious disease has recently occurred nntil
uch house or building has been propcr-
y flisnnectea, ana ouarnniine has been
removed bv the Health Officer.
Rl l.K XVII.
Tt stiDll lie the duty of every physician
called to attend a perron S'ck, or sus
pected of l-einsf sick, or in the absence of
a physician, every householder, wherein
uch sickness is found, to report in writ
ing witain twenty-four hours thereafter,
giving tbe came and residence of all
cases of cholera, yellow fever, smallpox.
liplillicria, memSjranous croup, scarlet
fever, typhus (ever, tvphoid fever, or bu
bonic plague, or any other contagious
disease, to the County Health Officer, or
other health officer ho has jurisdiction
in lue territory.
M J 'Kinnev to J W Shule, So a sec
13 t 3 n r 5 w
Paul Wii giird to Laura Whittuore,
lots 17 and iS, Conulius environs. 5700
Paul lerrick to C V Tigard, 10 acres
at Tigardville 1
Wm Daniels to J W I'earl, 14 a tear
fk-averion 10
O V f'.ark to Wm Keidt, tract in
Clackamas and Washington Co. . .6oco
O V Lloyd to J W Shute 160 acres
sec 1 1 2 n r 4 w 1
W () Ifocken to Geo L IWasscr 5 a at
lavtrtou 1350
II C Atwell to Cits Ericksou, 10 a
liearJ-HUey 600
Michael tjuigley to Aug Weiucrt,
a sec 10 t 2 s r 1 w 939
Benjamin Nobles to R L Donald, lot
1 sec ttliriw 2000
Jemima Hill to John Fisher, 24.47 a
, ( unstable u 1 c 26CO
M J Kinney to J V Shute, i6o'a sec
?5tJB4w 5
J h Harris to B A Lai-sen, 5.95 a near
Caston 1000
Ann K Cady to E B Martin , block 3
Keavertou , 1
VV V Marsh to Western Timber Co.,
160 a sec 1 t 3 n r s w 1
Mary Finch to L C MeCurdy, 2.35 a
Lawrence Hall die 600
J X Swift to Elmer Scheese, tract
near Dillcy..... 1036
A C Davis to August Lovesrren, 199
a above Gaston 6000
Josetih Tauzcr to Reinhold Krueer,
50 n sec 30 t 1 s r 1 w 16-0
Thos Howe to M Schnur, lot 1 block
38 S C addition 975
Henry Huber to Western Timber Co,
t7-9i a sec 2 t 3 n r 5 w
'flios Howe to M Schnur, lots Wk
2 S C add Hillsboro 350
John Jordan to Columbns Whitinore,
20 a near l-aurel 350
Same to Calvin Whitinore 20 a near
laurel 3;
V H Whiting to B F Tucker, 40 acres
sec 23 t 1 s r 2 w
I) Germmnis to W W Daniels, lots 8
and 9, ''Cray Oak" 568
Julia AUphin to Mvrtle O'Neil, 22 a
in -R S Tuppcr die .... 3
R I. Sabiu to W M Owen, 40 a sec 19
t t n r 4 w
Wm Reidt to tt L Donald, 79 a iu
Washington and Clackamas Co... 5775
Mntrvrie I'lm to W R Tucker, tract in
lot 2 bik rt, Forest (irove 800
Robert J Bates to August Lovegren,
co a uunntha Horner die 2100
J K Rites to August Lovegren, 260 a
l.ucintlia Horner die 9450
J I) Eates to the same, 161 a iu same
rt 1 c 735,0
W M Owen to Daniel.McKinnou, 40
a sec 19 t 1 u r 4 w...., 400
Geo II Waite to Thomas Howe, lots
4, 5, 6, bik 2, S C ad 350
Lois 1? Jones to M D Jones, So a sec
33 t 2 s r 2 w
Lena Xolatul and Bridget Hazen to
1 R & N, right of way for Tilla
mook railroad
Moses J Lyon to Julia Lyon, tract in
sec 34 t 1 s r 1 w
Chester V Sandstone to S White, 10
a sec 6 t 3 s r 1 w ;. 600
John Harms to Carl Gribner, 160 a
sec 22 to 3 11 r 4 w 723
Carl Gribner to J W Shute, 120 a sees
14 and 23 t 3 n r 4 w 2700
If L Marston to Henry Tevis, 104.20
a sec 31 t 1 s r 3 w . 1000
Nellie E Whiting to B F Tucker, 40
a sec 33 tisraw -. . ..3000
Wm Schmidt to Albeit Crocnt, iS a
near Cedar Mill 1500
Elizabeth Dunbar to A R Roberts;
9.09 a W B Chatfield d 1 c 1600
V. W Moore to I J Hill. M Moore old
home, Hillsboro 900
Fviffalo Pitts endn", water tai
and Champion Hty Press, ready to
run, complete, for 1500. J. A.
Moore, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 2,
residing just east of Hillsboro, this
b'uIo of Newton.
I Arcrna anil Puciiio Monthly. $1.50.
Chief Engineer Geo. L. Davis, of
the r. K. A .V, and who bas been
with tbe read since it first con
ception, is laying at tho point of
deatn at his home in Portland.
His physicians say that there it
but little chance for recovery, and
that only bis remarkable vitality
will pull bim through. Mr. Davis
bas host of friends along the line
from here to Tillamook who hope
that he will pull through. Mr.
Lvi was firet attacked by la-
gnppe Jong in the Winter and
partially recovered, later takini a
For sale: 2-5 head of hieh grade
hep ewes with lambs, about a
month old. Price per head, in
clusive cf iambs, if taken away
soon, ?lu. A
Cutting, Sher-
wood, R. F. D
Residing near
G. A. Lawn had a narrow escape
from injury, yesterday forenoon.
He was in town and bis team was
in front of tbe Greear feed store.
He was backing to the store front,
when his team became scared at a
rope which was being u?ed as a
pulley to unload bay at the Second
Street barn. They backed and
broke the coupling, and Lareen
was precipitated into the middle of
tbe wreck. He escaped without
being hurt, but it was a miracle
that be escaped without a broken
leg. The team was held, prevent
ing a runaway.
We sell more agricultural im
plements than all of our compet
itors, put together. The reason
we ship direct from the factory,
and pay spot cash for them. Come
and get prices. Schulmerich Bros.
Fred Jobe, of Irvington, Port
land, was taken before Judga U. T.
Bagley, yesterday, upon an infor
mation filed by Harland Kelly, of
Vinlands, charged with shooting
a grouse out of season. Mr. Jobe
pleaded guilty and wan fined 115
and costs. The ehooting was done
up near Mouctaindale. Deputy
District Attorney Wali swore cut
the complaint Monday, and Jobe
was brought cut from Portland
yesterday morning to answer the
Mrs. Gowan will be at tho green
house in South Hillaboro every
Thursday until her stock of
shrubbery, bulbs and flowers are
sold out Come early to get the
beet bargains. Independent phone
L. E. Gotham, formerly of Trout-
naie, will at once ouen a barnees
1 ii .
shop in the room formerly occupied
by a butcher shop, opposite the
Nelson Hardware Company's store,
on Main Street. Mr. Gotham will
be prepared to do all kinds of gen
eral repairing, and will nave a
complete stock of harness, collars,
and team supplies. Handwork a
specialty. Give him a trial.
Gsoeral Manager C. E. Lytle
spent the best part of last week in
Portland, where Judge Burnett
listened to the trial between the
Lytle road and the Astoria &
Columbia river line, over a dispute
on the right of way in tbe Tula
moos section, along the beach. The
r. K & N. people think their cp
ponents haven l a leg to stand on
Oiiion eeod, Yellow Globe Dan
vers, for sale, from selected stock
and ctber varieties. Address E. J
Thomas, Beaverton, Ore.
The Oregon Electric line has run
a survey right through the reel
dence cf C. Laiseu Sr., down on
Eiet Main Street. The line i
completed as far as Forest Grove
and another preliminary is being
run, Engineers are thicker than
tleas all over the plain between
Beaverton and the Grove.
If you wieh to spend a few quiet
minutes ami at the same time par
take of a most refreshing and de
licious ice cream, visit the Den 0:
Talk about industry besides the
immense amount of sweet cream
sent to Portland, and the butter
and choeee manufactured, Wash
ington County is sending out 1000
cases of condeneed cream each day
Jumping from eighth place, to first
place in dairy product, inside of
four years, is going Borne.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excellencia. These cigars are of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
A committee appointed by the
lliilsboro Keed & Cornet Band will
eoon interview the business men of
the city in regard to how insistent
they will be as to public concerts
which means that they will ask for
a small contribution. The idea is
an excellent on?, and ehould meet
with favor that ib substantial.
Ladies' knit and muBlin under
wear, latest patterns; embroideries
and laces finest line in the coun
ty, at II. Wehrung & Sons.
At the horse salo in Portland on
May 1, 2 and 3, E. B. Tongue will
oiler lor sale Our Choice, and
gray more, out of Snowbird, sired
by Lovelace; W: II. Wehruntt wi
sell a colt, Minwal; and Mort Hal
lott, of Forest Grove, will boII his
team of brown colts, broke as road
sters. We are now serving the best ice
cream iu the city the cream that
won Li&rit lot itself labt year
Honboniere ice cream. Den of
Cherry trees are in bloom and
they are very profuse this season.
The little touches of frost, however,
are thinning them out.
Physician and Snrgeoa
Office P.i ley-Morgan blix'k, iip,tli-.
Rooms 12, li and l. Kesideiira South
west corner Karelin and fceooml Htrt-ets
Both 'I'honea,
Office npfttatrt ovnr Tb Delta Drug; eUors)
Rbsideoc East of Court llncw.
In tb corner of ths block.
Surgson Southern Pacitie Railroad Co.
Consultation tu French or English, tit
rice upatairs. over L. M. Hoyl tVs. store,
north side of Main St., Hilhtboro, Or.
F. J. BAILEY, M. D.,
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Henidence on corner Second and Oak Sts
Oregon Phone Main 116.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phonea. Hillsboro, Ore.
Room 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey BUx-k,
st reet. Over Dennis Store,
Sm . Baglmy , W. O. Harm
Soonu 1 and 2 Shute Building
Office, opatairt, over the Post Office,
Hillsboro, - Oregon
Room 3, 4, & 5, Uorgan Bik, HUlsboro.
Office Upstairs, Bailey Krgta Block,
Rooms, i an! a.
Office, Cp Stairs, Central Block.
Morgan Bik, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 and $
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
E. J, LY0S8
m m 1 n.
Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In-
snranee Biwiue&a. List your farm with
them and find a sale. They will treat
you right. Add your sale to our lint.
Call In aad see as.
Main Street, Hilleboro, 0?.
Dealers in Marble and Granite Monu
ments and Tombstones, and all klnda of
cemetery and memorial work. Write 119
tor particulars. Address 335 K. Mormon,
: T. R. Imbrie :
Deals in all kinds of Real Z
Estate Wheat Lands, Farm
Lands, Stock Ranches and
Range Lands. Reclamation Z
and sale of Desert Lands a J
specialty. Fine investments
for your idle money. Write Z
or call at oflice.
Room u, Chamber of Commerce
Portland - - Oregon
Varnish and Brumhaa
Paint and Doooratlng
In any of the modern styles, by an
experienced wood-finisher. Alao
painting, papering, tinting sml all
kinds of interior decorating.
Hm GESSNER, llilluboro, Ore1
Dailey Bldg, between Third and Fonrllu
Oontraotor and Dulldar
Estimates given on allgclaMesof building
thop.'.FIrmt'. aiuf Mmln ttm.
IhiWMOt, asffcnrf mf Oak.
- CrtZ-3