HE lnlILLSBR VOL. XIV. HILLSBORO, OREGON. APRIL 25. 1907. NO. 6 THE ROLL Must Hereafter Pay Tax on $15,000 a Mile VALUE NOW OVER HALF MILLION Iirorit Protest Expected but Kalae is to tMBtid ' Assessor Geo, i. Wilcox bus raised the Southern Pacifio roadbed as segment to HS.Ol.'O nr Ulilfl, Bl against last year's aHaeMrnont at 110,000 r mils. Tho total as eminent fur the Southern In this county is now 510,120, for 1007, as against M.1,700 for last year's roll, There will be protests from the Harriman liuf, no doubt, tut the valuta will most likely stand. Timber lamia will got a crack-a-jack of a rawe Farm lands In ome locality will ba raistd fifteen or twenty per cnt , but this is i.ot a cotupariton to tho railway rait, which, on tho road bed in exactly fifty per cent. The rolling Hock is now amosHHi at 1,000 per tniie. SPECIAL TRAIN It isn't evory day that a man In the billa baa a t-p cinl train carry ing a phyeician to attend him at midnight. Last Thursday nlfht a telephone was reodvwl from Bux ton staling that Frank O'Donnell had cut birueelf wiih ao ax, and that he would bleed to dcnlb before morning. Dr. K. J. Bailey wan called and bo communicated with General Manair.fr C. H. Lylle, of the I U. A N , who raid that be would mid out the passenger coach if a dialler of life w as at stake Engineer Follette steamed up and left out at midnight, with the Dr. When they arrived at Buxton they found no or e waiting for them and the Dr. finally fuund a horse and rode to the O'Donnell place, where he found tho patient bad inflicted a scalp wound that was iol at all dangerous in fuel the young man ate break font the next morning with a very good appetite, The party who did the tola phouiog was somewhat excited, or else wanted to he sure that bis message would bring medlral aid. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will Bell at publio auolion at bis farm 2 J miles north west of Banks, at 10 a. ru., on FRIDAY, Al'RIL 20 Day nitre, 8 yen.ra, ibuo; bay mure, 4 yra, 14a.; bay R'tMlng, 7 W I5fi bay gldlrn,9)-r, lyoo; Rray gelding, 1300; orrel mare, 1300; black i!ti viujj home. 8yti, 1000; bay ony; black cow, in niiis) 4 (try cows, ireno Mil summer; a i yr urn ucwcri, iresu soon; yearling iclfer; jj head sliceo; 3 lumber wauonii. JHn; buggy; irvcrat Kli work arneaa; a eta of tingle harueaa, haylonder, plow ami uunicroiu other artlclci. Alio about ao.ooo fret rough aud drMcd lumber. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: Under $ 10, cash; 10 and over, one year's time, ap proved note, 7 per cent, interest. L. F. CARSTKN8. B, P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, Don't for got the danoe at Glen cae, Saturday, April 27. Jasper KetlVr, of Glencoe, was in tbe city Saturday, L. F, Carntens, of Manning, was in town Friday. All kinds of hardware, C, A. Lamkin Co. J, J. Meaehom, of Mountain dale, was in town Friday. Saturday Evening Telegram and Argus, Jfa.UU por year. H. Tetorson, of Rood's bridge, was up to the city Friday. J, C. Bnaoh, of Olenooe, was a caller at tbe Argus, Monday morn ing. Are you a smoker? Then call for tbe Schiller or Jixoollencio Oregon manufacture. N. H. Jones, of Vinelomls, was In the oily Friday, returning from a business trip to the boholla dia triot. We are sole n gents for the cele brated Chatham fanmill. Price, complete, $37,50. Scbulmcrioh Bros. B. A. D. Meek, of Mountalodale, went to Portland, Monday, being called there on the U, B, Grand Jury. Draft and driving horses for sale at the Cornelius Bros, old stable Forest Grove, Oro.- K, D. Bogan Paoifio Phono Main 81. The P. R. & N. is already re oeiving shipments of eggs und veo from the Vernonia country, the farmers now being able to haul to Buxton and return home in the ame day. Mrs. Ed. Shaler, of South Tuala tin, drove a horse and buggy into town, Friday, and tied the rig at the chain. She then rained the shield under the seat and a ben Hew out. Upon investigation she found two eggs. The ben was busy increasing the Oregon egg product whan the ranch was left and the driver knew nothing about it until the shield was rained. A grocer who happened to witnoes tbe affair said that this was ths finest ex hibition of hen intelligence that he had ever witnessed, and he tbinks biddy noticed that the eggs were always brought to market ia tbe buggy, and she wanted to facilitate mutters by making ber deposit in tho vehicle. farm for sale: Eight miles southwest of Hillaboro; 84 acres; 8 to 10 acres under cultivation; bal ance easily cleared; good pasture; living water; small fruit; log barn: small house; ideal dairy farm and son milk route. 11,050 and easy terms, Inquire at Argus office. Washington County came In for goodly share of jurors for the reoent call of thirty by Distriot Atlorney Bristol and Marshal teed. The following were sum moned from this section of the state: fred Elligaon, farmer, Tualatin; S. A. D. Meek, farmer, Mountaindale; W. II. Lyda. saw mill man, Forest Grove: J. A mbrie, ex-county clerk. Ilillsboro: and Julius Asbahr, of -tiouth Tual atin If people do not respond tbe U. 8. Court has a way of send- ng out a Lencn warrant after tbe delinquents. Messrs. Meek and mbrie were excused and returned borne Monday evening. Brown Leghorn egga, IS each setting, for 50 cents; also full blood Buff Leghorn eggs for hatohing purposes, 50 cents for setting of 13. Airs. Agnea Uowan. Hillsboro. In dependent phone, 144. Eggs de ivored to any part of the city. There are several bad sidewalks n town, wbere loose boards are constantly flying up and tripping people. There is liable to be a damage suit some of these days, especially should a leg be broken. Mayor Dennis has notified tbe marshal that the street committee Is desirous of having all property owners, where there are defective sidewalks, notified at once so that repairs can be made, if not by tbe owner, then by the city at the own er a expense. Watkios' stock and poultry dies are foods and Watkins' remei what farmers and dairymen should use for best success. -Z. M. La Rue, agent, -104 Pacifio Avenue, Forest Qrove, Ore., Pacifio Phone 294. Ferd Groner, of Soholla, was In town luesday, Mr. Uroner save that labor is vary scarce down his way, but that the mill now has a full orew. Tbe Soholla Percheron Horse Co., be says, has been offer ing 150 per month and board for i man to handle their stallion, but t has been almost impossible to get responsible men to look at the position. We sell a complete line of stoves and ranges, hardware, tinware, crockory, eto. Come and m them and get prices before purchasing. Sohulmerich Bros. A. T. Heldel, of Shcrburn Coun ty, Minnesota, and who is the guest ol bis brother, F. M. Heidel, was a oaller at tbe Argus offioe. Tues day. He thinks that Oregon is a splendid country, and predicts a great tut a re lor tbe coast section. His family is yet in Minnesota, and they may come here later, for permanent reBidenoe. Mrs. Richard Sandford, of Glen ooe, was in tbe eity the first of the week, and filed with the county clerk the last will and testament of tbe late Dr. Sandford, the pio neer physioian. The instrument leaves the widow all the real and personal property, and to each of (tie children a small sum of money is bequeathed, Danoe at the W. 0. W. Hall Glenooe, Saturday evening. April 27. Walkers' orchestra. Tickets, 75 cents. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. John jMBber, eon and daughter, are here from Colo rado Springe, Col., to spend the Summer on the W. B. Jolly farm, northeast of ton. Mr. Jolly and family have moved out from Tort land for the Summer. Our line of spring dress goods have commenced to arrive . from New York. Come and see them. Scbulmerioh Bros. Editor Woods, of the News, at Forest Grove, has returned from Michigan, and again taken obarge of the paper. For a year or so he has been managing a daily, in the East. Gents' and boys' clothing, fal line now in Kuh, Nathan S FiS' cher Sincerity make at H. Web. rung & Sons. E. Helvogt, of Reedville, was In , town Fridayi m Nineteen Years Yet to Pass Until Opened MRS. JOS. WILLIAMS HAS PRIZE Eiptct to Opes Fruit at Their Goldes Wedding hirty-one years sgo this Summer young woman pioked blackberries on the river aboye North Yamhill, oaoniog the fruit in anticipation of her approaching wedding. Her fiancee was with her when the berries were gathered and canned. be next year they were married. Can by can the berries disappeared until there was but one left and that Is still left, and tenderly and carefully watched. Tbe can will not he opened for nineteen years more, according to their plans, and the seal will be broken when they shall have lived to the date of their golden wedding, oa they expect to live that long, only for tbe purpose of eatine the berries gatbored so long ago on the sun-kissed bills of tbe Yam hill. Who ia there so gross as to say that sentiment is dead and gone in this commercial aae? Bring him here and we will cive him full membership in tbe Ana nias club. The couple who satbered the fruit are Mr. and Mrs. Job. Wil- lams. Mr. Williams is one of the pioneer bopmen of Yamhill, and is still well preserved. If Mrs. Wil liams has stood the test of time as well ts he, both will be bore in 192C to open that jar. BETHANY SURPRISE dolightful surprise was siven Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dysle, of Beth any, on the 17th inst. Those present were: Lydia Sines. Msctic Keichen. Alice linger, BtTtlin Kyacr, MtU Hansen. Slartha hdieir. Llsie Grossen. Carrie and Liziic Ilebrrlein, Edua and Hcdwig uysit, iMiaaim MarKaret heltrli, Annie HtM, Ktnma Kunz; Messrs. Henry Spits, n a. minim, ruinp uieu, int-Uros scn, Arthur Keinhartl, Christ Reichen, rred Grossen, Wnlter, Fred and Vernie Dyslc, Fred and Donald Ucberlein. Peter Kyscr, trert lie., Horwn Heintuy, Abe Stoller. Will Bcrreth, John Kunr, Her man Krugcr, Will Hcuscn and Mr. Jos- pu. A delightful evenina was eciov ed by ail, and the hours were spent n games and music. L?gbt re freshments were served, and the party adjourned voting Mr. and Mrs. Dyele admirable hosts. Satisfaction guaranteed in the A. Ocean Wave Lamkin Co. Washer. Chas. M. C. Lincoln, of Glencoe, was a oouoty seat visitor, Monday after neon. David O'Donnell, of above Bui' ton, was in the city Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mays, of Glencoe, visited at North Yamhill, Sunday. Hugh Smith and Peter Peterson. of Forest Grove, were down to the oity Tuesday. Mrs. Otto Wismer, of Cedar Mill, was a caller at the county seat, luesday. I am agent for the Judson Blest ng Powder. J. W. Vandervelden Roy, Ore. Both 'phontB. Ralph Imbrie and Will Emriok eft Tue Bday for Tillamook, where they will work lor the P. R. & N. J. B. MoNew, of Reedville, and II. L. Burohell, of rarmington were county seat visitors, Satur day, John J. Goebel, of beyond Lau rel, was in the county seat, Tues day, for the first time since last Fall. Judge w. W. Jdolcomb came down trom Uaeton, Friday, and went on out to Bethany to visit relatives. Chas. Hickethier, of Cedar Mill recently found part of a diso drill, new. It was picked up on tbe Portland-Cedar Mill road. speaking of groceries if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to be found in the market try John Dennis, lie is after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. Deputy Sheriff F. T. Kane, Cal. Jack, G. A. Patterson and T. H Tongue went up to Lyda b mill, on Gales Creek, Sunday, on a fishing expedition, and returned home without making a single raise. Jeffries, who went out near town, landed twenty-two. The boys Bay they are not biting, and that ia all Mill there ia to it, Boy your school tablets at Mc- Cormick'a. Fred Myers, of Glencoe, was in town Friday. Simonds Crocs-cut saws. C' A. Lamkin Co. Henry Miller, of Witch Hazel, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Born, April 21, 1907. to Peter Geisbers and wife, of Verboort, a son. Ira Watson, formerly of Forest Grove, was in the city Saturday evening. Cbas. Willoughby. of Cooper Mountain, was in town Monday morning. J. J. Hills, of county seat West Union, was visitor, Monday afternoon. Myron Beard, who has been at Scott Mills for a few weeks, was in town Saturday. Frank Keenin,of Vinelands, was in tne city Monday, hauling in potatoes from tbe bills. Golden Polish egaa for sale; setting of 15 for $1 00. J. G. Pel- ette, Hillsboro, Route 1, Pacific States Phone. John Vanderwal, the old reliable insurance man, was in totvn Sat urday. He has an advertisement for live etock insurance in another column. For sale: Young Poland China sows, to utter in May. Dam and pigs have registered sire. Bowlby Brothers, Cornelius, Routs 2. W. B. Btreeter, of Portland, and who is selling a great deal of real estate down in tbe metropolis, was out Monday evening, tbe guest of bis brother-in-law, J. W. Bailey. John Heitkemper, of Portland, and who is running for councilman for the Sixth ward, was in town Monday, the guest of his relative, Henry Delsman, of Rood Bridge. For sale: Seven head of work Dorses, well broke, ranging from 1,000 to 1,300. Wm. Smitb, Glen ooe, en Ooodin place. Address Hillsboro, Route 3. Geo. A. Morgan injured two cf bis toes while loading logs at Banks, last Saturday. He is able to navigate and will soon be as good as ever. For sale: Full blcod Scotch collie dog, two years old. Will make fine stock dog. D. 0. Bur ton, Portland, Route 2, one mile east of Cedar Mill. The Hillsboro Lumber Company is Boon to put an extension, forty feet in length, to the rear of their mill, westward, so as to give them a larger capacity. For gentlemen's, ladles' and childrec's boso you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennis. We huve them for everybody, and at prices that are values. Walter Bennett, who recently left tbe Btllard barber shop to superintend the Schomburg ranch, at Mountaindale, was in the city Monday, and says that ranch life agrees with him splendidly. Threshing outfit for sale: $1100 takes it. Complete, including 16 II. P. engine, Advance Separator, woodsaw connections, etc. Address P. 0. Box 115, Forest Grove, Ore A. C. Shute and wife reached Los Angeles, Friday evening last, and report a splendid time in San I'rancieoo. lhat city, Mr. Shute says, is building up wonderfully They leave Los Angeles, this week for Isew Orleans. Claude Greear, of tbe Climax and Roy Greearof the Pharmacy went to Wallula, Wash., Saturday night, and lrom there, Sunday went over into the HorBe Heaven oountry. They returned after 6ee ing all of the bunch grass country that they wanted. They report W. P. Tucker as working for the railroad company at Wallula. On April 29 the Oregonian wil publish an industrial edition for the purpose of Eastern reading. The number is to be replete with individual experiences of the cap tains of all lines, and should exhaustive, as well as a fund of in formation. Be sure and get number for Eaetern friends. Put in your order for all you wish at Cave's, and he will see that you get them. Washington oouoty will be well represented. An extensive petition has been sent to Superintendent Fields, of the Southern Paoiflc, asking that P. G. Vickers be retained as agent at the Hillsboro etatioo. Mr Vickers has given splendid satis faction in the few week that he has acted as agent, and the people of Hillsboro, while respecting eemon ty rights, and all that, are tired of having agents changed every few days. The Argua hopes that Mr. Vickers will be kept here; Tbe people here have known him ever since ho was a boy, and they are satisfied with him. B. F. WAGLEY HEARS OF DAMAGE CASE Conies Over From Sound and Accepts Service SAYS IT IS CASE OP HOLDL'P Will Fight the Affair End te The Bitter F. Wagley, of Tacoma, arrived in the city the first of tbe week, coming here npon bearing that Sheriff John Connell bad been sued by Mrs. Lillian Bond for ten thousand dollars damages. As the Sheriff had gone to Forest Grove as peace officer, when Mrs. Bond was ejected from the restaurant. nd went at tbe instance of Mr. Wagley, he felt that he should come over and see thecfficial pro tected . When be arrived he found, as well, that he too, had been sned for ten thousand. Service was made and Mr. Wagley says be will fight tbe case to tbe bitter end, and that he will not suffer what he characterizes a "holdup." George Bond, the husband of the woman whobas sued for the twenty thousand dollars, a few years ago worked at Centerville, later going to the Sound. Tbe cases can not go to trial until Fall. Mr. Wagley eavs he is not afraid of any verdict being procured, and will risk bis caee with a Washington County iurv. Ie promises the Bonds, a fight for bis money, as be wants to carry it himself, FOR SALE Eighty acres of land, within three miles of Gaston; Twelve acres cleared, of which one acre is in fine bearing prunes. Forty acres of good timber. Will largely pay for place perhaps pay all. Log house on place tbat one could occupy until be built Half mile from i t mi . scnooj; lniriy Jiving springs on property fioe for dairy ranch. Terms, $2,000, half down, balance on time. Reasonable interest. Anyone wishing to look this place over can write a day or bo before coming, and he will be met at station and taken to place E. Beet, Gaston, Ore. Argus and Oregonian, $2. J. J. Krebs, of Farmington, was in the city Monday, Paints and oils. C. A. Lamkin Co. S. L. Hollenbeck and Thos. Murphy, of Mountaindale, were in the city Monday, laying in sup plies. Smoke the Schiller and Excel- lencia cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. Mrs. A. B. Flint, of Kinton, was in town Monday. She expects to visit with a sister, at Hardman, above Heppner, for a month, in the near future. Freeh milk cows for sale. D. P. Corrieri, Hillsboro, Route 2, near Keleay, ranch, 1 Jmiles southeast of city. F. W. Cady, Beaverton's post master,-S. N. Hills, of Portland, and II. G. Vincent, of Beaverton, drove to the county seat, Saturday, and made the Argus office a call. Attorney Card, of Taooma, was in town ths first of the week, in the interests of his client, B. F. Wag ley, who is fighting the $10,000 damage case brought by a Forest Grove woman. Daniel Burkhalter, of Farming- ton, was in the oity Monday. Dan says that the condensers in Wash ington County have made it pos sible to make the dairy business very prosperous. George W. Taylor, of Seaside, Oregon, was in town Monday. Mr. Taylor is a son-in-law of Geo. Miller, of Cooper Mountain. He says tnat Uearnart rark is grow-J ing rapidly, and that Seaside, too, ia making a healthy growth. Chas. Rhoades, former owner of the T. D. Humphreys' home plaoe, on Seventh Street, has contracted with builders to put up three cot tages, for rental purposes, each to cost in the neighborhood of $1,200. Mr. Rhoades thinks there is a rent al demand, and has faith that it is a good investment. Hon. Thos. Macauley, of Me nomonie City, Wisconsin, and who was Bsveral terms sheriff of his county, arrived Tuesday night, and went on out to visit bis niece, Mrs. Sandford. Mr. Macauley has been in Southern Oregon and Northern California for several months, and is now on his way to his old Wisconsin home. MAGGAGC CREAM' is trxlav lndisnensable on the dressing table of gentleman. Not Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out stiffness of the facial tissues, and makes the Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it flexes the muscles and soreness. Most women of this preparation and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE AT OUR STORE Price 60c and Hillsboro Pharmacy Building Material We have just received a large shipment of Shin gles, Lime, Cement, Brick, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Sand, Gravel, Fibered and Unfibered Plaster. See our prices before buying elsewhere. Climax Feed Store Both Pboaes lifflJA!! GOODS I i-rjirA?3L I ffwillj Wants good groceries, and ev B ; M'j 1 YliW ty 'n,ilT honld do ns tie jua H -j---T? iJLi lice'to'give na'a trial. We carry fij j ' a'line ,of , absolutely pure and n ' iC9h groceries, and we take II Iur--Zlfmr pride in giving every body ur ' s teotta treatmentnd the certain- II ' ass-i T" I tyl'of 5 satisfaction. Get our II , i ftBT i J ' price and compare them with II , - ' , t7Si' Jj' , "what you are paying. II II si n SJ A Vegetable and Fish MARKET Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. P. J. Ritchey (SL Son A k Your face is a mirror and reflects the condition of your blood. Iron-Tone makes rich, red, blood and a healthy complexion. For sale by all druggists. Price, 50 cents. Let us send you our little booklet, "Renew Your Vital ity," which tells you what Iron-Tone is and what , it will do. You can have it for the asking. IRON-TONE CHEMICAL CO. Address Grover Medicine Co., Woodburn, Ore. Ufe Delta Drug' Store Hillaboro, Oregon Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accomnto date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts. gentlewoman or only does a Pompeian muscles, animates the flesh firm and solid. takes away shaving recognize the value in maintaining a clear $1.00 pr jar EverylFamily J f Mirror