MILLSIOKO ARGUS, AFKIL li. 1807 Enter at th Post-offlo at HillaboroJ Orfon, m second -cla null aaaUer. crossed Hie ttoM vprtoi'a, Ti, do you thluk baa eom? LUCIUS A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper Subscription: On Dollar par Annum. laaaed Every Thursday -BT- IjONO MoKINMET Marlon Page looked up brightly from i the book she was reading. 'The kiug of Patagonia," tbe stiitirwted. "Nonsvns. Marlon: ivm't be sulyl This la really somebody out of the or dinarya. real social lion! I give yon three g uesaes. Take the first" "But I'm no good at giiesslus, pro tested Marlon. " Tou'll have to tell me." "WelL tben. hold your breath! It's Burton 8turg tsr "Burton Sturgisr repeated Marion j alowly. "Isn't thst a aensationy rrid Miss Congressman Herman, that was, gward. .inking into a chair at Mar- will toon know tbe jory'a rerdict lon't aide with a swish of bemffled k.-w . nr..L:nt.. Tk. U n skirt. "Fancy such a great explorer, back t Waihtngton. There no wrlter ,Dd statesmiin U1 Is chlWlug doubt but what Brother Herman to stop at Winduiere for a day: I've had that photograph of RooeeTelt always been taiuiht to supikw that ... . .1 l tnch pwil avoided hotels la the and himself entered at the trial as WgM'5,,t,ie naven.t T0U, But "exhibit A." It is really a shame it seems he lived some place near here that our "patriots of 1S96" are SO when he was a boy, and he wants to , . atop and see It on his way through. ! u.tuiy uacu. i iuPno8 famous people always want to Tlslt the haunts of their early life. dont they? And Mrs. Barrtngton-SVlls Our friend, W. J. Bryan, who is happen to know him. so shes gotng v . i.i ii i i 10 give a lea ror mm in one oi me av somewhat o! a talker, and who gen- Mna tw, aftornoon erally talks to good account, ha -a tear been distanced by the president "Yes, a tea. You might know she'd ., . n u never let a Hon escape. It's In the They say that Mr. Roosevelt even Faniuhlir , nj you talks in bis sleep. It appears that tr to serve fruit punch." th Ulk "IT echoed Marlon. . . .r . . . . "Tea, vou. Mrs. Sells told me to tell tog, in lueoo uajo ui vunuu juui- nalism. Eugene Debs says the president should be impeached for high crimes, and bases his statement upon the grounds that Roosevelt expressed violent opinions against Moyer and Hey wood, charged with complicity in the murder of Idaho's ex-governor. you. She was coming to asa you ner clf. only there Isn't rime. Ifa nearly half past 10 now. and you havent the faintest Idea how much there Is to be done before this afternoon. I should be scurrying? about this minute Instead Portland continues to grow apace, and it is but a matter of a few years until it will outstrip San Francisco, It took new blood to start things going, but the old fel lows'are taking', their lesson to good account. The comic papers still ridicule Mr. Bryan. Thii is very appro priate, as the comics believe in a 16-ceat settlement, and Mr. Bryan's dollar is too big for tbem. THE MARKETS, This morning's market reports, compiled from Portland quotations, are: Valley Wheat, new, 72c Barley feed, 122.50 per ton; brewing, $23; rolled, $23 50 $24.50 Oats, White, $29.50. Oats, gray, $28 $29 per ton. Bran, I17f IS per ton i fj"w&m "BUT THFI'BI so BLC8I1T, MABION. LAUGHED with fiurtoa BturglVfn tow. "My dear," she wheeled. "Wt me prs seut Mr. Sturgls. Mr. Sturgi. Miss Tage. See that he has enough. Mar Ion." and. playfully wavlu her pudgy hand at them, she went back to her other guests. "It Is a thirsty day." said Burton Sturgla. taking the sherbet cup that Marlon held out to him. "IV you think you could manage to put la an other cherry. Misa Tagel I'm awfully fond of cherries." "But they're so eluslTe." laughed Marion. "They always seem to slip out of tbe ladle. I lust think I've caught one, and then It get away. "It's like the small boy and the minnow." agreed Burton Sturgta. hla bored look giving place to a smile. "There! lou're missed It again!" as a refractory cherry with a little splash sank to the bottom of the bowl "I doubt If you could do as well cflwl-M&r!on. "What do you betr he said boyishly. "Two wafer and half a macaroon.' "Doner He seised the ladle and wn In the midst of an excited dipping when Mrs. Sells came toward him like a ship under full sail. "They're calling for you. Mr. Stur pis." she said, "and this room Is too small to hold them all. We shall be mobbed If we don't hurry." He put down the ladle with a regret ful look. "I suppose I'll have to, then.' he said and followed her with lagging steps. Marlon leaned her chin on her hand and looked after him. Her moment of momenta was over. She bad met her Mnl face to face, and not one word had she spoken of all that his personality and work had meant to her In the past two years. A flush passed across her face. "I might at least have told him that I had read his books." she said to herself, "but It's too late now. I've had my chance and lost It What a little stupid he must think me If he thinks of me at all!" Then the line of chattering guests be gan to thin. One by one they were de parting. Mrs. Barrlngton Sells round face was lit with contentment It had been a most successful afternoon. "Even she had something to say to him." thought Marlon disconsolately. There was a quick step at her aide. She looked up. It was Burton 8turgla. "Well, that over!" he cried, with a shrug of delight "And, heavens, but I'm Klad to be back In this corner with you! Do you know. Mis Page, you're the ouly girl this afternoon who hasn't said 'Quaint lovely, charming and deliclousP I'd like another cher rr. oleosa. And will yon do me a favor?" "Delighted," cried Marlon gayly. "I've decided to stay over another day, and there'a a place near here I'd tike to show you If you'd care to see It Will vou come driving with, me to morrow ? For an Instant hi eye held her. Understanding, humor.camaraderle and a something deeper than all these pass ed between them. "I should be glad to," said Marlon NOTICE OF APPLICATION LIQUOR LICENSE FOR IS THE OOVNTY COl'ttT OK T1IK STATK OK OKKUOX. KOK WASH lSUTOX COl'STY In the Matter of the Appli''Miu Rolert T. Kimiwm, f,.r Ll U UMl sptrititoim, vimm and man uouont in iw uimitiiitc thau one gallon in IIiiki.mi rreoinet, nslungtou fount v. lrgon To the Honorable County Court of the Mate of Oregon, lor Wa-hiiigion County: 1 he uiitieralgnou IVtitionen. li-tal vo ter of Milium l'rrtm.i. Vainni:tou County, tirvgon. ami iii,MUutn-; ma jority of lha loiral votoia of naul I'rwiiu1 and being actual rciH'tiUoi -itM uv m.-(, and haviuc actually reutsl in .:! lint ton rrrciiu'l thirtv ilnv inmu'liuu'ly preceding the date ol tins IVlilK'it, would repctfuUv petition vour Honorable lliaty anU ask tnat a l.U'eua to Mnl M-trit liou. vinous and malt minor in l quantities than om c:t!lou in liuMon t rertnet. aliiiiKton onntv. Oregon, be framed and iwntl to Uolx-rt T. Sunt son, reanlenl of Kant I'pviiu'!, for a wr tint of one rar. IVsted lumaHh ilav of March, I!i7. CORWIX t HBDO. All kinds of Fresh Meats. Prior 1 sonable. Will meet alt competilio. Chickens and Poultry always oa upon order. Fret delivery to alt of the town. W buy fat slock. MtPIMMI Second Str00t, HUtoboeo, Of SAMSON 1 he llamlsomo (oHh Stallion XAMK D MrPherson T B Perkins Martin Hart Mas HurnliolrtT John l.lert l"rrT awion rc Stephens " W N Jaoolwon S D Hiielianan &lfrel Cuiiiiiiinin Chas Hinea Herman I-iatilmu Allien Hledaoe J amen T Turk i W Howard Lewis 11 Holt 0 J Memlrnhall H M M linger Kli Milla O M Arnold W H Allen, P K A N A II Kniersou H Stowell Thomaa UcKsrlund Frederick Hitrv Kov C Kair Peter Sittn X P Xelwn Kdwarvl Baker 8 Pauley M Ui nil hart Carl Ciller J H Fix her Seigle Holt M oenzrr (i H KitKle t has I jiaoU W M JollUHD'l Harrv ljtzott 0 8 lirain Henry Toher W C I linen Ueo Kr.stur J Meyers TO WHOM A II Mnllh Chriatv Ki'l rs( Jr ' J 11 Kmck John Hurt O K I'llirk Clias I! Mrpliens t II liullock K lirvn -r John W Hansen .1 ,s ll'ivUia John Koliir TlnixtoroUrilliu V Mrvera W 1 Haker llavi.l o'l..iiii. il Vine Ormlult C lturr Pen I'mnf J K Hail.y J N t ll'l-tn Aiiihri liniiiilm dust .S hnihlliii A J hi. t,.;ili (i SV W K Mlnlwoll T l MelLuKite A riini'Mii J S Iitfiinl Kme-t Coupler Chan Woll U Clt'iiiileiiina; Win liiiviiioml i M li.iv inoinl Krink llailev Until X Hoi(trs iii l.ipiert Cha l.ippert it II Slowttll Jot Iturvholxer Kl llut!lie J Mllllll A M ltonlai tieo Fislirr Edison's Cold Mould ed Records in StocK PRICE 35 CENTS p A E. L. McCORMICK 11 1H SbORO ..... OBECON Weight, ljuv, 7 years old, 11;k1-1iovii, finely built. Just tltc horse for gets that make the most serviceable horses for farm ami driving purposes. Will Stand the Season ol l)07: Al lite Jolly (mm, four mnl one hull mile mntltwrnt of IlilUboio, near Hie .Siotelt i huteli. TliK MS: Nititjl seivicr, Coll to stand nud mii k, f in. Caie (i pie vent, but not teapoiimlile (or hi ciiUiiIh. Fsrtnets iliAiiUI see llii liorte hrloie !rrrt)ii( II has the proottioii that will plriie. SUMMONS of sitting here talking. There are oceans of people to be invlted-all Mrs. Sells' friends and the cottage to be put In order, and the decoration we've simply robbed the flower beds. Hay. valley timothy, $15I16: And Mr. Sells wants to know If yon clovar. $9: grain, $9(1 $10. won't take the trap this morning and Potato, jobbing price, $1.85 " ter me ferM nd railins vlne8- rz W per sack There are a lot np the road by Bend er". Toil know the way. I'd come with you, bat I have to fill the vases and half a dozen other things." She skipped down the veranda steps and then paused. "What are yon go ing to wear?" she asked. "Mercy," laughed Marion, "I haven't bad time to decider "Well, then, I hope you'U choose your gray silk muIL If perfectly fascinat ion look like a dear little mouse retail msrchanU ol this city, at a I In It I'm going to grace the occasion meeting iu tbe city hall, this eve- Ple blue. That's not a pun." And nine. Forest U rove was organized H"8 DVV"im nwueu ai. u iuu last evening. Mr. Merrick is a Eggs, fancy ranch, 19c. Batter, Creamery, 25 27 Jc. Lost: Bunch of keyi on key ring; with Ben Selling's name. Leave at Argue. Chas. B. Merrick, editor of the Retail Grocers' Magazine, iB in town today, and will organize the log. veteran of the Cuban uar, and has seen plenty of territory, but the Willamette Valley suits him above all other localities. If you want tit tile your place, get figures from the Groner & Rowell Company, of Scbolls. We are tbe largest manufacturers of with the same Impetuosity with which he had arrived. A few moments later Marion drove briskly along tbe road, a scissors aud garden knife on the seat beside her. "To think," she mused, "that be should come todayf For two years past Burton Sturgts had stood to ber for an Ideal, a hero to whom she had meted out a generous hare of girlish hero worship. His drain tile in the county, and have I books occupied a favorite corner of her sold our product far and wide. If I bookshelf, and a picture of him, cut you are going to build in the 8priog, from current magazine, was tucked get our figures of brick, building wy ,n urawer OI uer ue8K blocks etc. We also furnish lum ber, rough and dressed, of all kinds, and deliver if required, in suuicient quantities. Address ut at fiillsboro, R. F. D. No. 2. LaBt Saturday some boy unhook ed a horse which was tied in town, took it out of tbe cart, and rode the animal to Forest Grove, to the I mourned as she stood cutting the vines, baseball game. One young lad the sunlight glinting on her soft hair. was taken in tow by the sheriffs 'Tm not a bit good at gushing, like office, but he stoutly maintained otoer girls, that he had not taken the animal. "A mere ml She had known that It was possible that he should some day meet him. Still she bad not thought that It would be aa soon as this. Indeed, she might have known him before bad she made tbe effort to do so, but Grace Seward's description of ber as a mouse suited her exactly. "I'm afraid It doesn't take a gray gown to make me one eitner, ' sue A Woman's Back Has many actios and pains caused weaknesses and falling, or other displace ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp toms of female weakness are frequent headache, dizziness, Imaginary specks or dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw ing sensation In stomach, dragging or bearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic region, disagreeable drains from pelvic organs.faint spells with general weakness. If any considerable number of the above symptoms are present there Is no remedy that wTHjrl ve Quicker relief or a mor per- maient Thee than Dr. Pierce's Favorlt PrekjdKrooIt has a record of over forty years of cur It 1 the most poten Invigorating tonic aiid-Streiunhenim aS vine known to medical science. It Is made ol tlie glyceric ex trie U of native medici nal roots found In our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at tested under oath as correct. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa vorite Prescription" has the written en dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prac tice-more valuable than any amount of non-professional Usttituoriiala though the latter are not lacking, having been con tributed voluntarily by grateful patient in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's Ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy or knows composition, even though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby. Y our interest in regaining health is paramount to any selfish interest of hit and It is an insult to your intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know what you want and It Is his bust' ness to supply the article called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tbe original "Little Liver Pills" first put np by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago, much Imitated but never equaled. Little sugar-coated granules easy to take U candy. IT MAY eo.Ni'KUN: Notice is hereby given, tlmt the uinler- signed resident of liiiiion PriH-inet. w aaninirton lomity, iir'Kn, win, mi Wnines,l. iv, the 1st tiny May, l'.i7, at ten o'clock A. M. of saiil day, pro'ent the foregoing petition lor l.icemw to .-il ir itiious, vinoii sod malt linor-tiu I. un ion Precinct, Washington County, Oro- gon, in less quaiitllies llisu our gallon, lo Met ouniy -onrt ni ineM.uool urK"H, for WMliiiiKtoii County, si the omrl room In llillsrmni. Orrxnn, ami at caul time ami pi we will ask Unit a l.i-ti lx Issued lo the uiuleniKneit applit-nui, to sell spirituous, vinous ami mull litiuurx in Bmton Precinct, Washington County, Oregon, lu less n u n 1 1 1 1- limn one gui. Ion, for period ol one Year from the of th issuance of such "Mi-rnsn. Dated this .Hth ilav ol March. UOIIKUT T. elMPso.V. Applicant. Ragley & Hare, Attorney for Applicant. WOOD BIDS WANTED. The School Board for District No. 7, Hitl.sboro, will receive staled bids fur the furnishing of sixty conls of four foot lir wood, to be cut out of sound, live fir timber, not sccon 1 growth, nnd to lie de livered at the s .-hool building at a latc this summer, to be fixed at the time for opening bids, which will lie on April 2", 1907, on the evening 01 sua nay. J lie right is reserved to reject any or all bids. K 11. Collins, llt:nriiuin By order of School Directors. in THK cincrir cor rt or Tin STATK OK ORKUON, XK THK Ctl'NTY bv WASHINGTON Allrt A. Mea.l, Plalnlin,' vs. Marv A.Shepanl and Unnbard luvoliiteiil tonipauy. Mar tha r'raine, Henrietta Krume, Harry Krani nd Milton It. Wliitnev, Cbarle k'airrhiUK Hsrry K. MiHinry, hull lord B. Idd nn I Krank llriiin, K. ceivrrs ol' the I.Ollllurd III-vc-'tuirnt Company, Corpo nition, lVfenUaiiU. To M irv A.Sheiiard slid Lomliard In- vmtiueiit t'oiiiiaiiy, Martha rrmins, Henrietta Krsme, Harry K'rauie and Milton It. w hitnev. :iirlm S, Fair- iii!il, Harrv K. Moouey, Maiiford H, la.l.l and Prank lUgerman, Keotiv- em of Hie lA'iulwrtl liiveatnient C11111- iiany, a CorHiratton,lh lov named lf leiotsnts: 1 11 the name of the Stale of Oregon, you and each of you ate hereby nHiitrwd and coiuiiianriisi to appear 111 in aoov en 11 tie. I 1 ourt in tne anova eiuuie-i caui and answer the Complaint therein tllM Htiuinst vou. 011 or before the eiiii ration ol six weeks from the data of the Drat mihiicHtion of this Siiimnoiia in th llilis- isiro Argus, the lirsl pulilicatloo thereof lieiiigon theJHth ilav of March, l'W7, to- wit. on or before the 131 h day of May U7: a id you will tilean take notice, that il you fail ao to appear and answer, lh rtaitititt will apply lo th Court for th relief prayed lor and demanded In his Complaint, to-wit, for a decree adjilditllig tip. I iWrn-itiK the I'laiiitlll to be the owu er 111 fee simple of all of the Kast half ol the northwest Unarter ol .Section tins, Township Two North, Itauge tour West of the Will. Mer., in Washington Couiitv, liregoii, containing eighty acre: that tbe clninia of the lrfm daiita and eath ol 1 he m of, In and lo said premisen are with out rtuht. and that nutllivr of aalil it feuilitiits Imve any right, title or liitereal w hutever in said iiriiinlaHi alov deacrlh- ill, ik any Mniou thereof; that the ! faioUnts suit each of them be lorevrr iwrreit ami precluded from any claiiiia or any ntiht, title or Interest III or to saltl nremisesor any iart or iaree inereor, sdverse to the Plaintiff: and for aueb other nnd further relief as may he nee snrv aul liroix-r, This Sniiiiiions Is served lixin you by puhiientiou by order of Honorable Thoot- . ,1 I.. it.. . H.S A. ..ICITIlie, J11I1KVUI HtniTV Villi tliil touil, mails and dalMl lu on Court 1111 the iilh day of March, !Uu7, alilch (Tiler reoiiirrs you aud each of Tou to aiuiear and answer on or before lb cipiritlmn of six weeks from th dale of. I he lirst piihiicatlon or this numinous, to-wit, on or liefor May l.i, HAIil.tY A It A KK, F. W. DELSMAN Address, llillstxn o, It. I . i). So. .3. r i i tm m m. Jt m . m . - m mmm. s WElNHARDSioadsugKo The best of all llccrs. Bottled for Medicinal Use 1 At V. V. WILEY'S ::: at::'1: m 130 Attorney for l'laintlir. ARDLAMONT H'ationpry ol all kind at the l'harmacy latent In atylish cor- recpondence, callinv card, en- iveloppp, etc. Call and aea the i stock. ARDLAMONT, the full-MootU'tl Clyilcsdalc Stalliou, dark bay, three years old, wcihiujj 1600, built ou uhkUI lines, a sure foal-gcttcr, and comiug from tlic Iwst stock ever imported from Scotland. Will Stand the St-tson of 1907 in Wasbiugtou County stud at the farm of T. R. Davis, i)t miles northwest of Hillshoro. Hi sir by Kalimior, lie by Millioiiairr; his iire'a ilsm col by Priac Llewellyn. Ilisliist dsin was by Ucnliv;n, lie by Mmterof llrautyr. His xraiul dam wn by Mrrrv Mssou, he by Prince Al fred, his dam by Prince Ajsne, nl by piinrr t'hsrlie, tkiti; fust priz at lincasliir; Ktl by lilancrr, lirsl piie at tilaKow, he by Broomlield Champion, got by tllanccr Hrcond, his ilmii I'cnuiy by Prince of Wales, brat at MsmlirMcr, Scotland, pit by Criirrnl, hi ileal Uarlillg, got by Sampiun, he by Lofty, th t'.Utw prciuiiiin horse of I.H56. These horses were all reistried t'l)deilnls, seme of tbem being impotted from Srotlaml in tine early days by the Chalmers. Siugle Service, $5.00; To Insure, 10. Por further Information rail ou or mldreiu, CHAS. DAVIS. Thon. 314' Line. Hillshoro, R. V. 1). 3 a An Eye-Opcnsr In the mornltiK lnurran elu.tic huoytnl tplrlt iu! ftucxena thriwtfrimH the da jr. GVBUS NOBLE mm sre whiskies of the finest qiuillty. They ar palatable, riri in iriies lu muke a Tiei the perfecting of the KoaLa btsods. efTcctive, of eiquille Isspirt All thai iriies lu miike a n fact. Dsr ticclleBt. rfrrt whisky hu eatcrcd Into thciuf At mil BARS, CLUBS Hav yoa tried DEALERS. W. J.VAN SCfllYVEt k CO., lac, UstrlMm, NtTUNB, OafL r Valuable Horse Dies of Poison SHERIFF'S SALE lie was allowed to go. If thiel thing keepi oa the authorities say they will act, and send the perpe tratora to tbe reform school. DR. J. H. KNOX, D.V.S. Office: Bogan & McGreer'a Sale SUble Forsst Gaovx ' i mouse," she repeated to her self that afteruoou as she mt in a fern embowered corner of the tliiy re- Notice is hereby given that by virtue of of an execution Issued out or the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiron, for the Ooun- ' 1. . S x 1 mmMnn rnnm hohln.l a liner,, out vlnsa ty Ol WaslllnKWn, UatOll ne lt OBy OI " " i.,.;i lfi7 l'.ii.l.,nr I V Krhnnh i.loln. Graduate of GrandRapids Veterinary Col. Five years' successful experience in treatise horses for lameness. Practice all modern surgery. Castration, Spay it2. Nerving for Relief of Chronic Lacne. Operation for Roaring. Fac!c States' phone 31. Independent, 561 CtT.e antwered promptly, day or night. bowl filled with pineapple and Its attendant sherbet cups and plates of delicate wafers. Beyond, in the drawing room, was a swirl of pink and white and blue, a mass of (taffy gown and pretty wearers, and In the center of them the portly figure and triumphant face of Mrs. Barrington Sella. Beside her, Immaculate In white flannels, stood Burton Bturgls, a tall, thin man with a commanding profile and dark balr lightly touched with gray. "He's Just aa I Imagined he would be," murmured Murlou, "even to tbe little bored look that settles around his eyea and tbe quick way he bus of throwing back bis head." till, and against F. T. Kane. Defendant, on s judgment for the sum of Hit Hundred and Seventy' Six and 71-100 Dollars in United Htates Hold Coin, with Interest In like Gold Coin at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 5tb day of December, W4, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make sule of the real property herein after described, I have levied upon and pursuant to said execution, 1 will, on Monday, the 20th day of Way, 1807, at the south door of tbe Court House In Hills horo, Washington County, Oregon, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A, M. of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, all of the following describ ed real property, lying, being and situat ed In Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly descrinea as loliows to wit: Lot 9 Block 1, West Portland Heights, Washington County, Oregon Every now and then a group of girls Konthnast quarter of Section 11 T.2. N. Arltt nr. t hpr tnhln with llttla f "' fflt!r- auiiiKwii .oi iny, exclamations and thrills of laughter. fc Mcuse and the Lion. rt, I". a gaatniiwf ' s k Mfe "Oh, thank you, Miss Page! How cool and delicious! Oh, girls, Isn't Burton Sturgla fascinating, and aren't his books too lovely for anything? Let's go back and talk to him again." Aud the group would break away from Marlon and return, to the ring that urrounded the great man. From time to time Marion caught snatches of their feminine chatter. "Your charm ing books, Mr. Bturgisl Adorable! Quaint! Delicious!" Presently Mrs. Sells broke away from ft-y circle anfl. waddled, up to Marlon Oregon. To satisfy the sum of six hun dred and sixty-five and 3U-100 Dollars in United Htiilps Oold Coin with interest thereon in like Oold Coin at the rate of six per writ per annum from the 1st day of April, lb07, and for the costs and ex pennes of said nale of said writ. Said sale will be made subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon, . Dated at Hillshoro, Oregon, this lltb dap of April, 1007. J.W. Connell Sheriff of Wanhlnfton County, Oregon. By F. T. Kane, Deputy. L, ii. Langlny, Attorney for Plaintiff. Fresh Dennis.' Garden Seeda at John 7 ( J ' ' - Prince Henry, the Clydcsdale-Percheron s'allion, owned by Henry Schmelt zer, dhd at Beaverton, last Thursday night. Frank Paul! opened the ant. nial, and has sent his stomach to Corvallis, for analysis. There 1 abso lutely no question but what the stallion died from poison, but how or when administered, or whether or not by intent, is only a matter of conjecture. The stomach shows that some strong corrosive poison baa been taken by the borse, and it might be arsenic or corrosive sublimate, The horse was a valuable animal, and tlie lots i a severe one to Mr. SchmelUtr. W. B. CATE & SONS Breeder and Grower ol wnd Dealer in Registered Hereford Cattle, Clydesdale Horses, Poland China Hogs, Shropshire Sheep and Angora Goats Young things of both sexes, of nil kinds, foi sale nt very reasonable prices. Our foundation stiN'k isw liu liil from tin- l, families of their respective breeds in the V. S. and luiroic, n-Kunlu iw of cost. The individuals we are selling arc cxii ptiui ully useful to I' dtic Coast trade, having la-en bred nnd niiwd in the Willamette Valley nd are thoroughly acclimated. Iln d by such sires us Ilinu llruiii uiel for cattle; Millionaire (imported from Si oilanil) fur horses; Wil lamette Chief, by Cist kiiiims Chief, by ('.mnl 1 Know for hogs, aud equally good fur sheep ami goats. A Young Clydesdale Stallion Iu service to a few marcs; $w to insure. Young Full Blood Blatk Spanish Jack; service, $12 Horse aud Jack for sale. Pasture for all .stock for breeding, at reasonable prices. For Sale: Fifty acres rlosrcd land in the vicinity of Ilillsboro, on rural mail and milk route; near telephone line. Fine location; good building site. Inquire of Argus. Catllo pasture for Spring and Hummer. Good tame graeeea and plenty of water. Good fenoea. Will take stock beginning with May 1 . (. W. Marib, Corneliui, Ore., R. F. D. 1. - . . COQUET (50527) The PercKeron Stallion, Imported From France in June, 1905. Color, black, with star in forehead; weight, ior 18 wJ"8? Foed April I0' wnctl by "Cedar Mill Percheron Co. Is recorded by the Pcrchcron So ciety of America as No. 44233. Will Stand Season of 1907 as Followst Mondays, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., at ,los. Council's, near Olo.icof Tueadayn, 10 to 4, at I,add & Itecd l'arm, Reeilville Wedneg(layH,ioto4;at.IorinWelcl.'s,mil. norih of Ilcaverlon on Can yp!?.R0,d?"'itl?5",' Vtm a"" H'-lyH, at ttn,u Kniu-place" tte homibS . Wrni,,R,0f Thly. Friday, and Saturdays, It! ' Termst Insurance, $17.50; to Insure, 15; Season $12; Single Service, $8. ' HERMAN GLASttE, Manager -j S