The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 18, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 5
This In the Survey From Her
tha to Hillsboro, Llcctrlc Line
The "American Citizen," played
by i local troupe from Mcminn
villa, at the Crescent laat Saturday
evening, wu well received, and
gave splendid satisfaction. Doty,
aa the citizen who eschewed nis
Americanism in order to eave hia
clients, who bad been swindled by
hia partner, wai a success, and
Mirs Irvine, aa bia wife in name
scueuuu on,y1lhe1. ?? myr?ing ll'SL1!
saving hia Kood name, waa very
Eaulnctr Donald, of tb0rri!oa Electric, good. Wortman, aa "Sims," and
l ri. Sa.urdav Ubrt Tilbury, aa the promoter,
' . , Ia 11. a mnml I half aitfl
inrt waa fln all lb wav throuuh
Chief ldiginm Donald, or the Ore- Iny tlmft tnat "Mack" wanta a
gou Kleolrio Railway, with a line good bouse they can coma to tbia
in nwminiRtinn between city and get it. Hon. C. V. ualio
a aa 'i v ' - - - i . . .
Portland and Salem, and with two jy-j fl
survey ueiwem . . Brt nair In comedy or pathoa
Bertha, connoting with the Salem-
Portland line, was in town naiur- M Tucker of jeffarBon,
day, and in talking with tne Ar- Oreeon. were here Saturday, look
gna reporter, said that the survey ljng over the cl'y water and light
it.u ..... .ill itmit.tlH viva Dlant. Jeffrson baa voted bonda
VU IUII "7 " " 11 .. . A.nnnn .1
19.. .su ..., f,.r the in tne aum oi u.uuu ior me pur
A III IIU attat- " - -
them a 12 mile tangent
uninitiated it iniirht bn wrll to
atate that a means an ab
solutely etraight line and true
will mean a dandv teed. He
atatra that bia road In not a hot air
nrmioaiiluii at all. and they are
not hmldina in the newspapers
Whether or not they build, he
Lxpcct new Structure to Last
Thirty-Five Years
Waa Rejected,
aa Too Ex
poe of municipal light and water,
the town to own and operate a
., . . i
deep wen waier system aim a regu
lar system of lighting. The town
ban 400 inhabitants, and this
amount will give them a service
for years to come, even if the town . .
should grow greatly. They were m".
.1 J I.L L..1 it... 0iO.
won pitmseu wim wuat iuoj o
here in the way of system and
The Countv Court, consisting of
Judge J. V. Goodin, and Com
missiotiers W. J Butner, Beaver
too, and C. B Buchanan, Come
lius,'met hat Saturday, and opsn
ed bids for the construction of the
Scholia bridge across the Tualatin
River, near the Groner & Rowell
mill. There were but two bids
offered, one for a wooden span and
one for a steel span. The steel
span bid was entered y- A. E
Eberhardt, of Walla Walla, and
be figured that he could put in the
80 foot span for 11825; repair on
old piers, $100; trestle work, $620;
a total for the work at
- . i .1... auliitl hut
iiBiro, TV. ""'" V. I In M..n Hmilh aUtoa
1 II H llllff. BIKi IIUDVUCI ... "
pay; aim wnemer uiey
D. B Ueasoner offered a bid on
the same work, only that be would
put in the Howe truss of timber,
for $1747.44, total, and the coiv
tract was awarded to Mr. Reasoner
The timber will be tarred, and the
court estimates that the structure
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moulton, t will be good for 35 years It will
bo have been visiting at Dr. A. I be a covered bridge, and there will
that they will in all probability
put in wood water pipe as the iron
pipe baa raised to a price above
their limit.
be new piling
driven under the
people want
11 would I'll
must dig up too much for privi
Mr. Swignrt, president of the
com osn v. recently wrote the Argus
that be would bave s onuming 10
say to the people of this jxiriion of U. Bailey's for a few days, depart
the countv after a short time, and ed Saturday morning for Portland
it is summed that be will come Mr. Moulton has a position with
through with his proposition as ItheSanteFe Copper Mining Co,
aoon as he knows what tie ran uo in New Mexico, in the metallurgy
In the way of construction. department, and they aoon leave I Jamaican
to take up tneir residence in ma. --- . . , , ..
r.. tr it. it i n.,..,n.,. lipa aefllinn or the world.
r. ji. uowiuy, ui iii. ...vro., r- - nuMe into tins section, sni
s ami m u u at i sjft ki assoma n i r - -
wss in the city Saturday. w..,uiu..7 bel j the TnUfpenden,tiD , recent
Hanr Harms, of bevond Glen- mm ' w issue, to a communication, must
... .n a rami culler KatnrJav The United Artisans, of Diller. have encountered abort shrift at
VW,- ' ' . .. . . .' . . .! II' 1 It... S .
..... . i he Id a very tileasant Dasaei social uorvains, receuuy. noro m
rrsns Wilfennaca ana wue, oi i wlni n;iu- Wt. .nt h him in the Oregon
m k VIIOII MBit SSI i'lllvj i inoi ?v vu i wief vvmv "j -w . - - 0
n-a.lio Airaninfl Ttinrsi ! tl natt I All
um,J' little literarv nroaram. and the
Lawrence C. Brown, of Iowa basket salee. amountins to $25.
Hill, was in the city the last of the weut Into the social entertainment
week. fund of the order. II . A. Hubbert,
Satisfaction guaranteed, in the foreman atthe Third Street mill, of . u.k in the public .choo. and 1 they
ii. IIP... I III... A I LI11H niLV. WIH ID llWIIUIUUfl. . . r. - r
vwran tinvo -un, ...i .
Lamkin Co. Farm for sale: Eight miles
ALBANY. Or.. April n.(To the
KJItor.) This li how that 1 were treated
in the city of, Corvallis Oregon at the
College There were tome young women
top to tnlk to me lor tnat t uaa oiven
co Uege to talk in the Y. W. C. A. but
T - 1.... .. . I I .1...
men i were iuii euiiik i i w "
Jl,n Jarkand fun.ilv of near southwest of Hillsboro; 34 acres; 8 nujor Kd ward and there were in the
John Jack ami luiiuiy, oi near ..j. !!. k.i lot of hoottluma boya that aaid that they
Farmioglon, wers tip to the county
seat, Monday.
John Abbott, the Forest Grove
jeweler, was down to lie county
seat, Monday.
Geo, Haase. of Canton, and who
Is working for the Tanner mill, was
down to the city Sunday.
did not like to tee
niggers talking to
anceeaBily cleared; good pasture; ulte women So they told me to get of
living water; small iruit; log Darn: the campua they would aiiowea to ten
minuu io get oi ineco uc(e ground
indtut half of that time were gone
small house; ideal dairy farm and
is on milk route. 11,050 and easy
terms. Inquire at Argus olbce.
Frank Wallacs. of First and
Washington Street, left thia week
for Hammond. Oreaon. whioh is
Already So they aaid that i could not
come to the achool and talk to the whit
girla the president said to them that if
be were bowling At Itiein ti tney am not
care thev had no rieht to care for that
they wer Nothing but one nhorae atude
So he aaid to them that you cannot
Bother that man so then i do not hold
you up in thii thing ao you let along this
man ne la not Cluing Homing u.u u nicy
want him to be l'unish they will come,
to the one that have aomelhing to do
I dependent phone, 144. Eggs
t v n;t.uni ulm l vea tin in situated a mile or so tins eiae oi
i, frt,.il,illa alxivri (ileni'oe. was in Fort Stevens, on the toiumma
ik. nii Mnni.v rirnnnn. I Itivor bar. Us noes to work in
v vni . , I
11W Kei.lav On of the old """J VJ
- ' 1 - , 1.
nma.a r ik. rimxnvi pimntrv lirown L.eanorn enKS, 10 eacu
1 1 III Ul w. v - - J I w "
was in town Monday morning.
A. J. Richardson, of Portland
. r . .1 . t. ! -
was out suniiay, tne giiem 01 me
brother in-law, Dr. F. J. Hmley.
Hon. Chas. V.Galloway, slate Uvered to any part of. the city
land agent, and an appointee oi
Governor Chamberlain, wua in toe
.!. O 1 .
cii nunuiiv. i . . w . - i li lucv wcic mn w
' i- li, ui . whn ma heart Rnenams .. : ..... i .i.... ir .i...
. ..... it i uiMi.i . w -r . i mev can inai nite uw ium ilch u umi
Gents' and boys doming, un . ie W(!e.. UD n that section. Lice then I donot care to Any thine bad,
line now In Kuh, Puuban x ris- u. ioij rAito lmt Mondav evenins So then t will
. ii ur.i. o- - -- r -1 ,., .hi.
oner mneeruy maneav n. f Ur bia home in l'ortland.
t. a
rungoui.D. w.iUnar alooV .ml noultrv
... I HRtMaj w.ww J J
J. H. McNamer and C. W. Mc- ,.Alia vVfttkina remedies are
Namer, of Forest Urove, wore down
to the county sent, Monday, look
ing after horses
Wanted: Farms and lands of Urove, Ore., Paoifio Phone )4. The Knight Tacking Company of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad-
Paul T.unilauer. who boueht a Portland report that tney had a
dress J. II Foreman, L'05 East Li .k. wat Ilnlon church, verv successful season at their
Morrison. Portland, Oregon. in the oitv Cider Factory at Cornelius,
i .aniia.nir neaioa 10 ran. o iucv neio tu oubuo u
i . . r. ... i l : I
of the Kural spirit, me reaiiy r tH - ., . f
great farm and stock paper of the 1". . DresBea oa Bhare. aB
aettins. for 50 cents: also full blood with the So vou cannot bother him it
Buff Leghorn eggs lor natCDing you ao you win nave wouoie on your
nnmnaea Ml ennla for Rfittinir of 13 hands So they were chasemg about the
purposes, oU cents tor selling oi twt of corvaUU at nMnt nd Ti,e
ftira. Agnes uowan, umauuro. u- tktle ril)ki unlil lale nouri of Ule niKnt
US- and if vou call that Decent then i donot
want any of that So then i were coming
down the C. K, K, R, Track, April the
Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook, nth, About Dark ana i met a, coupeia
w j... u.ii : ii...,, irolne. Down the track riaying iu ne
WRB id muuu.y, uuK.uB ... --..j r. . M b and ,nch Uke ,f
ill that nice uo you tuei
en i donot care to Any th
close on thia forlhat i
would not like To have sister to go there
in that colleeee.
That Is how thev oone me some oi
them hoodlums want to be bad, that all
. . . o 1.1 . U'... I.U
what farmers and dairymen should LecturJer Traveler Exsplorer of the Most
use for best suocess. Z. M. LaUue, pirt 0f the World.
acent. 404 Pacific Avenue, Forest
northwest, was in the city Sunday.
and who has
r-Jnavers first built in that fection,
k .. .U. ..l III. first
jytS up to vuo liuuuijr w" ...
of the week.
Nick Kemtusr, of Cooper Moun
tain, and who Iibb grown hops on
We sell a complete line of utoves ,he KCUBtomer 8nd Rbout
narawnre, every farmer around here has his
Come and see them ...J . ;.i ; n,- n0.
.3 l a ail i oa 4 a n ass a sa
T u nil.,.nn of IWverton.and "u. """"1 "u7."'
" i - - . ., nrnokerv. eto. uoine ana see mem , - !. . .u. n.
bfinn there fiirioe tn8 . 1 . . . CaBK 01 pure uiucr m ujo umur
auu Bo F p.v bu, Breater portion oi tne
Schulmerioh Bros.
J, M. Qreear, who
uva ti
hill for
many seaeonfl, waa up
to the city Saturday, on business
at the court house.
Sam 8oren8nn, who was injured
last Winter, down on the river,
was in town from Furmington,
Monday. He expects to soon be
able to navigate without the use of
Speaking of groceries if you
want the finest staple and fancy
groceries to b found in the market,
try John Dennin. He is after your
trade, and once a customer, alwayB
a customer.
Mrs. J. W. Hflwell and F. J
Williams, of this city, and Warren
Wllliama. of Mountoindale. went
to Summerville. Saturday, to at
tend the funeral of their siHter
Mrs. Frazier, whose remains were
iuterred at that place, Sunday.
DDle iuice is shipped to the Knight
nas Deen in Fackms Uompany s pianr, ai rori
California for his health, returned Und, for the converting into cider-
the last of the week. He says that vinegar. The company is to put
he found cold, raw weather down I up more tauks this summer in
there, much to his disappointment, anticipation of an even greater
O.K. Kindt and A. N. Davie., rJJyLT
. ... i .L. rp.,. aGCOUub OI lUO uiuio wkidiy n&icnu-
ofKinton, were in the JJowledge of the Cider Factory
day, on business. Mr. Kindt re- e fc Tq
ports seeding as very lai. aown in hQamsa ftt
that Section. ... nm-nolina the enmntnv is now
Our line of spring dress goods con trading with the farmers
commenced to arrive irom around there for cucumbers lor
New York. Come and see tbem. nioklinir purposes, and intends to
Schulmerioh Bros. erect tanks and buildings this
rr n :...n. r iIia noana Summer to take in and salt tbe
, v, ivvM J r ..a.,!-- ikia Foil no a rahnrvA
ior me preu uo ui vu.rr . . pA,(lani1
DVUUA 1U1 . v. . . - x
A basket social will be given on
the evening of April 15), at the
Flint Sohool House, for the purpoBe
in the city Monday, on business.
J. S. Robinson, of Farmington,
was in the city Monday, and called
on the Argus,
I'll saw wuuvui -wv.,, i
Carl Meier, of the Rood Bridge oI pmohasing an organ for
section, was in the oity Saturday. Bor.0ol. Everybody invited, 1
Jas Gibson, of East Portland, please bring baskets.-Mies West
was in thsoity Tuesday. . . , loott, teacher.
All kinds of hardware. C. A.
Lamkin Co.
Job. T. Rooks, of Vinelands, was
in town Saturday.
D. B. Emrick, of Scholls, was in
the city Saturday.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argus, $2.00 per year.
Max Weethofr, of Beaverton,
was in tbe city Friday.
Fine lot of onion seed in bulk at
the Climax Mill store.
Jacob Jacky, of beyond Glencoe,
was in the city Saturday. -
D. Mclnnis. of near Farmington,
was a county seal visitor Saturday.
Fred Berger, of near Bethany,
. . ri i . i
was in the county real naiuraay.
II. Wehrung & Sons carry a full
line of Heinz' pickles and bottled
F. Schoen Sr , of Cornelius, was
down to the county seat the last
of the week.
Are you a smoker? Then call
fir the Schiller or Excellence
0egon manufacture.
Born, April 14, 1907, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McCourt, a son, weight
12 pounds.
I am agent for the Judson Blast
ing I'owder. J. w. anoerveiaen,
Royt Ore. Both 'phoneB,
Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, of
Portland, were out Sunday, guests
at the E. L. Abbott home.
We are sole agents for ths cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, f!J7 50. Schulmerich
Fred IIaafe;of west of Farming-
ton, was in the city Monday, and
made the Argus office a pleasant
Golden Polish Pegs for sale;
setting of 15 for $1.00. J. u. Pel-
lette, Hillsboro, Route 1, Pacihc
States Phone.
Julius AsbBhr, of South Tuala
tin, and Gerbardt Goetze and Carl
Pfsh). of Blooming, were in town
For sale: Youne Poland China
sows, to litter in May. Dam and
pigs have registered sire. Bowlby
Brothers, Cornelius, Route 2.
II. T. Buxton, one of Forest
Grove's pioneers, was down Satur
day, turning in assessments made
in his section for the current tax
For sale: Seven head of work
horses, well broke, ranging from
1.000 to 1,300. Wm. Smith, Glen
coe. cn Goodin place. Address
HillBboro, Route 3.
Fred Somraers, formerly of near
Mountaindale, died Friday, at the
Good Samaritan Hospital, Port
land, of liver trouble. Deceased
was about 42 years of age.
For sale: Full blood Scotch
collie doa. two rears old. Will
make fine stock dog. D. C. Bur
ton. Tortland, Route 2, one mile
east of Cedar Mill.
Captain Paul Reimere, who has
a neat little property in tbe Bloom
ing section, was down to tbe coun
tv eeat Saturday, and made the
Argus office a pleasant call
For centleraen'8, ladles' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We hNve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
C. A. Ogden, superintendent of
the Oregon Nursery ranch, was in
Monday morning, with his teams
taking out a carload of ornamental
shrubbery for his Spring planting
Threshing outfit for sale: $1100
takes it. Complete, including 16
H. P. engine, Advance Separator
woodsaw connections, etc. Address
P. O. Box 115, Forest Grove, Ore
Claude Robinson, for years
compositor on the Argue, spent
Sunday in the city, for ten
months he has beeu on a ueppner
paper, and he expects soon to go to
We have just recaived a carload
of Utah Land Plaster. AIbo a full
supply of blasting powder. If you
want salt, remember that we have
just received a carload. Anderson
& Son, Reedville.
A. J. Smith, of Goldendale, who
lived northwest of town thirty
years ago, was down last week,
the guest of his son, Wm. smith,
of Glencoe. Mr. Smith is one of
the old pioneers of this section, and
thinks we have a great future.
Alfred Cummings, formerly of
Buxton, is now up in the Van
couver Island country, Brisish
Columbia, where he is cruising
timber. He writes he sees no such
timber up there as we have in Ore
gon, and particularly in the moun
tains above Buxton, and over in
the Nehalem. He says that Van
couver Island beats Oregon for
rain, and up there it goes one better
on rainfall that while it rains 11
months in Oregon, giving us a dry
August, that up there August is
also a wet month.
Caught at Vancouver, Wa9h ,
Last of The Week
Feet Went Back so Bitn. Mo Dis
grace to Run when you are Scared."
Chas. Patton, the negro who
broke jail two weeks ago last Fri
day morning, was caught at Van
couver, Wash., last Saturday, and
Sheriff Connell went over and got
the prisoner, Sunday, and he is
now safe in the Hillsboro county
jail. Patton takes his re-capture
philosophically, and sayB he will
take his medicine. He was seen
in tbe jail Monday morning, and
unburdened himself as follows to
tbe Argus reporter:
"Tbe first day I laid out in the woods
north of town, and I had to "lay low"
aa the boya were passing me every few
minutes. I a a under a big log and
couldn't be seen. You bet I waa scared.
When night came, I walked back down
First Street and could ate tbe jail lights
a winkin' at me an' I said, "not fer me,
twioklera." I went on south, and made
into the timber in South Tualatin. I
waa cold and hungry and I d assent show
my black bead in daylight. I jea' went
to a henbouve once in a while, in the
ight, and pulled a rooster off the roost.
fer I had to live, and I would eit to
ungry that at timet I thought I would
ttarve. I finally made Oregon City after
dayt an' days, and my feet were to lame
that I could n t make no time tav, "It
nt no disgrace to run when vou are
skeered," is it? I went over to Van
couver, and there they pinched me.
ow, look heab, Mr. Newspaper man,
don't ycu go an' run no great big story
about this. I never robbed Thornburgh
at all, jet' as shuah as there'a a God in
Heaven. I guess, though, I'll atav in
this country for a while."
is today indispensable on the
dressing: table of gentlewoman or
eentleman. Not only does a Pompeian
Massaee perfectly cleanse the skin, but
removes v rinkles and blackheads, takes out
stiffness of the facial muscles, animates the
tissues, and makes the nesh hrm ana sona.
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and takes away shaving-
soreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation in maintaining- a clear
and healthy skin.
Price 50c and 91.00 per Jar
he Hillsboro Public school nine
went up to Forest Grove, Saturday,
and played the r oreBt Grove school
nine, returning with victory perch
ed on their banners, the score be-
ng Hillsboro, 14, and Forest Grove,
The Hillsboro aggregation has
beaten the Forest Grove nine sev
eral times, and the lads at the
county seat are now challenging
any t am in the county under 16
years of age. The lineup was:
Hillsboro Forest Grove
Ford , c Sttke
reetnan p Carson
Newell lb Man
Asbahr 2b Mills
Ratchelar ss Nichols
Greer., 3b Shaw
Conklin If Russell
Commons cf .Christian
Long, Schulmerich, rf. Moore
I'ltcher freeman struck out J4, and
Pitcher Carson struck out 4. Umpire,
Building Material
We have just received a large shipment of Shin
gles, Lime, Cement, Brick, Fire Brick, Fire Clay,
Sand, Gravel, Fibered and Unfibered Plaster.
See our prices before buying elsewhere.
Climax Feed Store
Both Phoaes
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his farm 2 miles north
west of Banks, at 10 a. m., on
Bay mare, 8 yesrs, 1600; bay mare, 4
yrs, 140c; bay geiamg, 7 yrs, 15C0; Day
gelding, 9 yrs, 1300; gray gelding, 1300;
sorrel mare, 1300; oiac anving norse.
8 yrt, 1000; bay pony; black cow, in
milk; 4 dry cows, Iresn this bummer; 2
3-yr olil neiiers, iresn soon; yearling
beiler, 35 ueau sueep; 3 luuioer wagons,
3.jxn; buggy; several aets work
harness; 2 sets of single harness,
hayloader, plow and numerous other
articles. Also about 20,000 feet rough
aud dressed lumber. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Bale: Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, one year's time, ap
proved note, 7 per cent, interest.
Lj. F. LA USI Ii! Mo.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
- A 1 l ' I
fg' EveryJily j
TTTEV J.U InC"- Wnt 8 groceries, and ev II
j j'j-'-j vjr i3m T!"t e,3r am''T should do ut tke jua- M
' ItI'I' l A. TSl tice to give ut a trial, We carry I
! - 7 ' awarl a line of absolutely Dure and I
I I- - . SSblI groceries, and we take I
I vr -rrrJfraME- pride in giving everybody cour.
1 LMMMii-i-ilj teoua treattn ent and the certain .
L IZZj ty of satisfaction. "Get onr
I I Tj i -prices and compare them with
I 11 tJ" j i "bat you are paying.
Eighty acres of land, within three
miles of Gaston, twelve acr
cleared, of which one acre is in fine
bearing prunes. Forty acreB of
good timber. Will largely pay for
place perhaps pay all. Log house
on place mat one couia occupy
until he built. Half mile from
school. Thirty living springs on
property fine for dairy ranch.
Terms, $2,000, nail down, balance
on time. Reasonable interest.
Anyone wishing to look this place
over can write a day or so before
comine. and he will be met at
station and taken to place E
Beet, Gaston, Ore.
Vegetable and Fish :
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey CO. Son
The Best of All Beers
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Reed and
Miss Julia Richards, of McMinn
ville, . were in the city Sunday,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, A.
Rahn. Saturday evening host and
hostess and their guests were ser
enaded by the McMinnville siring
band, which happened to bs in the
city at the Crescent. Mr. Reed
returned Sunday evening, and the
ladies are remaining here for the
Draft and driving horses for Bale
at the Cornelius Bros.' old stable,
Forest Grove, Ore. E. D. Bogan,
Paciflo Phone Main 31,
E. J. LYONS. rroprUtor
2fe Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.