The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 11, 1907, Image 4

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Pilot and oils. C. A. Limit In
P. S. Anderson, the RefedvilU
merchant, waa in town Monday.
Freeh Garden Seeds at John
Daniel S toller, of Helvetia, was
a county seat visitor, Monday.
Buy your school tablets at Mc-
Arnold Vandomelon, of sear
Boy, was in town Monday.
Simonds' Cross-cut saws. C' A.
Lamkin Co.
Ben Patton, of sear Olson, was
up to the county seat Saturday.
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave washer. Chas. A.
Lamkin Co.
W. B. Cats and W. R. Cate were
at Corvallis, Sunday, gueeta of the
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Andrew Peterson and Anton
Jacooeon, of sear Keedvule, were
in the county Beat Saturday.
I am agent for the Judson Blast
tag Powder. J. W. Vandervelden,
Roy, Ore. Both 'phones.
IL D. Schmeltser is agent for the
Birdsell wagon, one of the beet on
the market for heavy or farm work.
A few cravenettes left,' both for
lady and gentleman. Will be sold
out at cost. Schulmerich Bros.
L. F. Carstens, of above Banks,
was down Tuesday. Notice of
public sale at hia place is to be
found in another column.
Draft and driving horses for sale
at the Cornelius Bros.' old stable,
Forest Urove, Ore. E. D. Bogan
l'acino f none Main 31.
Mayor Henderson, of Cornelius,
was down to the county seat Sat
urday, and says that ha and his
son have bought an entirely new
threshing outfit for work this Fall
Biggest shipment of corn ever
received in Hulsboro, at the Ch
max Mill store. Get in and order
your land plaster early.
Rev. H. L. Pratt, once pastor o:
the Hilleboro Evangelical Church
has again been selected presiding
elder for tne Oregon conference,
which was held at Corvallis, the
past week.
For sale: Some grade Jersey
dairy cows, 140 to 160 each. 34
miles south of Scholia on New berg
road. r. si. bunner, both phones,
Peter v anderzanden, of above
Roy, was in town Tuesday. Mr
Vanderzanden thinkB a tile factory
would pay out in his section, as
there is much use for it in his
We sell a complete line of stoves
and ranges, hardware, tinware,
crockery, etc. Come and see them
and get prices before purchasing.
o i :v t
A basket social will be given on
the evening ol April 19, at the
Flint School House, for the purpose
of purchasing an organ for the
school. Everybody invited, ladiea
please bring baskets. Mies West-
cott, teacner.
We have ordered a car load of
wire fence direct from the factory.
11' . ,.A . .
n a cai obo juu ug per cent, vu
same if ordered immediately.
Schulmerich Bros.
W. F. Hoffman, who has been
working for the Oregon Electric
line at Wilsonville, is home on ac
count of indisposition. He states
that the company will finish its
big bridge down there by August
1, and the construction is being
rapidly pushed all along the line.
Cattle pasture for Spring and
Summer. Good tame grasses and
plenty of water. Good fences.
Will take stock beginning with
May 1. G. W. Marsh, Cornelius,
Ore., R. F. D. 1.
The amount of pruning done on
orchards through the center of the
county, this year, is gratifying to
those who take an interest in horti
culture. Everywhere along the
line of the Southern Pacific, from
Gaston to Portland trees have been
dealt with severely and the San
Jose scale has been sprayed until
further orders.
For sale: Good span of mules,
8 and 9 years, sound and true,
weigh 1150 and 1250; young horse,
bay, 5 years, weighs about 1400.
P. A. Batchelar, east of Hilleboro,
near Newton, on rural route, No. 2,
D, E. Pizer, whose wife runs the
restaurant on upper Main street,
was badly injured while working
on a togging train over in Wash
ioeton. Tne injured man was
taken to a Portland hospital, where
he is (retting along fairly well. Mrs,
Piier went , down to Portland on
Saturday evening's train to join
her husband at the hospital.
Blacksmith wanted: Chance for
all-round country blacksmith to get
outfit and do a nice little business
at railroad country station. Will
all plant or lease; or sell on in
tallment. Good location. Ander
on & Son, Reedville, Ore.
Irvln Dooley, of Greenville, and
who ia a veteran of tne epanisn
American War, Philippine service,
rts Saturday adjudged unsouna
ia clad ana committed to the
f-'r tergal at Salem. Mr.
r'-'T z kn filing for several
r ' i tzi tla relative thought
' I ' C-i fee b cared for by the
City and Country properties in Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Montana, for sale or exchange.
Idaho -wheat lands in exchange for Valley lands.
Hillsboro Office, Main Street, opposite the Tualatin Hotel
R. L. Cate is better equipped to raahe quich sales of Hillsboro property than any
other real estate dealer in the statei
FIRST, BECAUSE Mr. Cate's Portland office advertises extensively, both locally
and throughout the Middle West, and secures many inquiries for
farm properties daily.
SECOND, BECAUSE Mr. Cate's Hillsboro office is in charge of a live young
man, who has been for many years a resident of Washington County,
and Knows that district thoroughly.
THIRD, BECAUSE the two offices worhing in harmony, mahe an effective sales
organization which cannot be duplicated.
226 Stark St.
Portland, Ore.
I Second Strait. Courtltoviso. Hillsboro I
experts for a time. His hallucina
tion is that he has visited the
North Pole, and has published a
hook on his discovery. His friends
look for him out in a few months.
Wanted:. Men to fall timber,
cut and buck logs, by the thou
sand. Will pay 60 cents per M.
Also want one skid driver. Will
pay $2 and board. Thompson
Bros. Lumber Co., Mountaindale.
Pacific States Phone, Gleocoe, No.
One Dennis O'Connell, of Port
land, has been sued by his wife for
divorce, she alleging that he claim
ed a woman needed a whipping
every few months "to make her go
straight." The Portland papers
say they were wedded at Glencoe
in 1893, but a search of the records
fails to show any ceremony having
been performed at that place.
LaFrance Circle and Vine Maple
Camp W. 0. W., of Cedar Mill,
will give a joint dance at the Wood
man Hall, near Cedar Mill, on Sat
urday, April 27. Admission,
gentlemen, $1.00, members of the
order, however, will be sold tickets
for fifty cents.
I wish to sell my farm containing
152 acres. 110 acres under culti
vation; good house and barn; good
orchard. Three and one-half miles
south of Hillsboro and one mile
west of Farmington. For further
information apply to E. Bark
baiter, Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. I. 2.
Notice to Veterans
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting of the Washing
ton County Veteran Association at
Cornelius, on Thursday, May 2,
and we desire to call the attention,
and urge the attendance of all the
old soldiers of any war, as there
will be very important business
brought up for consideration.
Stephen Morgan,
Pres. Wash. Co. Vet. Ass'n.
Horace G. Fitoh, Secretary.
The Knights of the Maccabees and
the Ladies of the Maccabees will
hold their fifth triennial state con
vention in Portland on April 15.
The Southern Pacfiic will sell
round trip tickets for one and one
third the regular rates for the oc
casion. Parties of over ten attend
ing baseball games, etc., from one
station can also get the same rate
from the road.
Grand Rally Women of Woodcraft held
at Portland, April I and 2, a round trip
rate of one and one-third fare will be
given all who attend, where fare is more
than 50 cents.
for attendants to tne Central District
Convention Christian Church at Eugene.
on April 4 and 5: Round trip for one ;
and one third fare.
For fifth triennial state convention. :
Maccabees and Ladies of the Maccabees,
to be held at Portland, April 15. the
Southern Pacific will give a one aud one
third fare for the round trip.
Nannies For Sale
Fifty head of Angora nannies, bred
to registered buck. S. B. Law
rence, Sherwood, Ore., R. 4.
Ranch near Scholls.
If you want to tile your place,
get figures from the Groner fc
Rowell Company, of Scholls. We
are the largest manufacturers of
drain tue in the county, and have
sold our product far and wide. If
you are going to build in the Spring,
get our figures of brick, building
blocks etc. We also furnish lum
ber, rough and dressed, of all
kinds, and deliver if required, in
sufficient quantities. Address us
at Hillsboro, R. F. D. No. 2.
For a good smoke try the Schil
ler or Excellencia and you will
try tbem again and again.
Ajgus and Oregonian, 12.00.
Administrator' Notice
Notice ia hereby given that the under'
signed haw been appointed by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Wash
ington County, administrator of the es
tate of H. C. Smith, deceased. Ail per
sona oaring ciairns against laid estate
are hereby notified to present the same to
me, Termed as by law required, at tne
residence of the late David Hniith, in For
est Grove, Washington County, Oregon,
wutjin nix moutna from tne date bereor.
Dated this 20th dav of March. 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of H. 0.
bmitb, deceased.
(First insertion, March 28: last insertion,
Apnt &.)
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersign
ed bat been by the County Court of the
Mate of Oregon, for Washington County,
duly appointed administrator of the es
tate of Alex Aggeles, deceased, and has
uuiy (jiialihed ana entered upon the dis
charge of his duties as such. Now, there
fore, all persona having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present
tne same to tne undersigned, at una iaw
Office of Bagley & Hare, in Hiiliboro, Or
egon, within six months from date here
of. Dated this 20th day of March, A. D.
Administrator of the estate of Abjix Ag
gelies, deceased.
ttagley & Hare, Attys for Adm'r.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersign
ed, administrator of the estate of Slua L.
Lilly, has tiled with the County Court ol
the Btateof Oregon for Washington Coun
ty, his tinal account us such administra
tor, and the Court has fixed Monday,
April 22, 1907, at the hour often o'clock of
said day, at the court house in Hillsboro,
Oregon, as the time and piuce for hearing
objections to said tinal account, if any
there be, and for the tinal settlement of
said estate. . H. M. PITMAN,
Administrator of the Estate of ftlna L,
Lilly, deceased.
H. T. Bagley, attorney for administrator
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby riven that 'the under
signed administrator has filed In the
County Court of Washington County,
Oregon, his tinal account aa administra
tor of the eHtate of Josl, Duerat, deceased,
and that the same has been set for hear
ing and final settlement, before said
court, on Monday, April 22, US7, at 10
o'clock A. ttl.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this March
19, 1907.
Administrator of the Estata of Jost.
Dnerst, Deceased.
W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Administrator.
Nancy A. Johnson, Plaintiff, "1
vs. j
saran a. apuers ami wm.
S pliers, her himhaml,
Jame W. Hmlth, Hainan
tha Smith, William K.
Hniith and Smith.
his wife, liefentbintM.
To James W. Smith, Hamautha Smith,
William K. Smith and , hi wife:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required and
commanded to appear in the above enti
tled Court and answer the complaint filed
therein against you in the almv'e entitled
cause on or before the eipiratinn of nix
weeks from the date of the first ptil.lica
tion of this summons in the Iiillshoro
Argus, the firxt publication thereof being
March 28, PW7, to-wlt. on or brfore the
l.'ith day of May, lH07;and you will please
take notice that if you full to so appear
and answer said complaint, the I'laintitt
will apply to aid ( onrt for the relief
prayed for in her Complaint, to-wlt. for a
decree adjudging that the I'liilnlilC and
the Defendant are the owner hi foe sim
ple of all of the following described real
property lying, being and Miliiute In
Washington County. Oregon, anil known
as: The Northeast Quarter of the North
went Quarter of Section Twenty-nine,
Townehip Two North, Kange Two Went
of the will. Mer., containing forty acrn;
that the Plaintiff is the owner of an undi
vided four-sevenths; that the Defendant,
Sarah E. Bphers, is the owner of an undi
vided one-seventh; that the Defendant,
James W. Smith, is the owner of an un
divided one-seventh; that the Defendant,
Bamantha Hmith, is the owner of an un
divided one-fourteenth, nd the Defend
ant, William E. Smith, is the owner of an
undivided one fourteenth of said prem
ise above described: that said promine
cannot be partitioned, and that the same
be sold by a referee appointed for that pur
pofe, and the proceeds of such sale be ap
plied: First, to the coHts and diNburse
ments of thin suit; second, to the costs
and disbursements of said wile; third, to
the payment to the Plaintiff of the sum
151.48, taxes advanced and paid uiioii wild
premises from 1H92, to the date of the fil
ing of the Complaint herein, and fourth,
the balance of the proceed of Raid Male to
be paid to the Plaintiff' and the. Defend -ants
in accordance with their respective
rights fixed by the Deciee of said Court,
and for such other and further order as
may be neceaary and proper.
This Bummons is served upon you by
order of Hon. T. A. Mcliride, Judge of
the above entitled Court, made and dated
"at Hillsboro, Oregon, on 25lh day of
March, 1907, which order prescribes that
yon shall apiiear and answer on or before
the expiration of mix wneka from the date
of the first publication of this Summons,
to-wit, on or before May 13, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Reinhold Leonhardt, Plaintiff,)
Mnry I-eonhardt, Defendant.)
To Mary Leonbardt, defendant above
1 n the name of the State of Oregon, you
are herebv notified that tha oWlutlrr hu
tiled a complaint against you in the above
entitled court and cause and you are here
by required to appear and answer the
saitl complaint or hie some appearance
thereon on or before the laat day pre
scribed by the order of publication hereof,
to-wlt: On or before the 2Uth day of
njiru,, aim it you ran so to appear
and answer th complaint or file tome ap
pearance herein, tiie plaintiff will cause
your uuiaiiit 10 oe entered and noted and
win apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for in said comulaint to-witi Ada
cree forever dissolving the bonds of mat'
moony now exlutlng between you and
plaintiff and for such other relief as to the
Court may neein proper.
The dale of the firm publication of this
summons 1 the 14th day o. March, 11W7,
ami this summons is to be published on
every Thursday of each week for a period
of six succewdve weeks between said
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of
ion nnuve oniiuea .oun, made in Uiam
uera in i.i mn nav or Marcn, l07.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice hereby given, that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Washington County, Administrator of the
iwiaie oi ceceiia Kaiacn, deceased, aud
ban duly qualified as such-
Now therefore all persons baying claims
against hhUI Enisle are hereby notified to
present me same, witn proper vouchers
therefor, to rue at the law office of Bagley
u.rjr,at nuiHiioro, uregon, WlHlln SU
niuMui irom me dale of tills nolle.
Dated March 18th A. D., 1007.
(Siirmul) PHILIP KATxrtH
Administrator of the Estate of Cecelia
naiscn, deceased,
Bagley die Hare, Attorneys foradmlnU-
When You Buy Shoes
Buy Good Shoes
A Fine Line of Fancy Slippers for Men.
The best shoe in the market is the Till
Kinucy shoe for men. Also a fine line
for boys, also school shoes.
heavy work shoes for men. Rubbers for
meu ami lioys, at
mmmm m m m m s m . v m m mm m
&f)e Farmers' Mutual
of Portland, Oregon
Held its Aunual Meeting January 16, 1907, at the
Logus Hall.
Flrsti Amount of property at rik Ik e, ji, 1905, .,,.,,
Amt of rUl added during the vt-fir
Amt of riidts cancelled during the )
Net amount of risks Ike, 31, n.6
largest amount on any one fi-k .,,,
Second, Amount of cash rrtVivrd with application,,.
Amt of rash received fiotu wm iiii. ............
Total income,,, ,,, ,
Tlttrdi Amount paid for loc during the )cr,
Amt paid otlicrrs, director mid ,; hh .
Amt of all other r) tic
Total rieuiliturc .,
fourth. Amount of rah on timid
Amt of iiii'!i premium. , ,,, ,
f M.'M" '
VSA 75
aiS ho
f Ml Ui
Tidal n tn
Fifthi Liabilities, tionr.
J. J. IVF.RN. Screlry.
The advantages of this Association in compar
ison with others of a similar character are:
I. We insure not IH THK
affected by large coiifkgriilioim.
a. we Insure UNi.Y TttK iiiist vnu m ii.niNi-.H, an.l
old shacks and bouM-s with stovepipes throtili the roof.
J. Our assessment cau only 1- 1 m n th iv i.usm h mid not
for tiirnses.
4. We iusure no iiiikinhs,i hmoim'ntv, 110 More, no fuctories, no
saloons, no hop houses or fruit driers.
5. We take care Not to ovkh whi ar;, Htiiking to the "two
thirds" clause of the vabic.
6. Our meetings are licl.l in the City of Portland, the l.twluens
center of the stale, where members can k.vhii.v attkn d and keep the
institution t'NDKK CONTROI., su tllllt it (illAt.l, NKVKK HKlliMK A
cm aft of a few.
Ageuts in Washington Comity are:
I. H. C. Pkarhhn, Cornelius, Ore., It. No. j.
. W. J. K. IIkacii, Forest (irovc, Ore.
ClTlKs, and run, therefore, not be
piiwt by
If you wish to join apply to the nearest agent
or if there is no local agent in your vicinity, send
your name and address to
J. J. KERN, Se cretary,
565 Fast Yamhill St., Portland, Ore.
& ;;:;:!, . .: m m: mi
beautifully illustrated, pood atorini
and srtkUs about Caliiomia
ad all lb far West.
towi arb eouirrnr mmi
awathly pubhutioa devoted
to ths farauag icier mU of tb
book of 75 pmm. ceattiaini
i, 120 colored photofnphi of
' pictawqus ipoU in California
aod Oragoa.
.Total . . .
Aii for: v: . . . . .
Cat aul thii advertuement
ad sead with $1.50 to
Notice to Contractor!
-. ' ' :
Sealed bids will be received until Satur
day April the 13th, 1907, at 2.00 p.m.,
by the County Court of Washington
County Oregon, and then opened for the
construction of a bridge acroe tbe Tm1
atin River, said bridge to replace the old
structure known as tbe Scholls bridge t
the Groner & Kowell uw mill.
Plans and specification may be eeen
at the office of the County Clerk on and
after Monday, April lit, 1907.
The successful bidder will be required
to furnish good and sufficient bond for
the faithful performance of the work
before entering into contract for ssme.
The Court reservee tbe right to reject
any or all bids.
J. W. Ooodin, County Judge.
By order of the Court.
Charter Oak stoves and range.
C. A. Lamkiu Co,
; Richard Ulrlci, Plaint! ir.
A. B Jensen, ' Defendant,
To A. B. Junscn, the almve imincd do-
S in the name of the Statu of Oregon;
I You are hereby commandod ami required
i to be and appear in tiie Circuit Court of
j the Htata of Oregon, for Washington
j County, and answer tha complaint tlioiit. ,
i In tiled against you on or before time
f piration o?sl wock from the datn of the
Hrst publication of this Niimnmm, In thn
1 "Hlllaboro Argus," thn lirst piiblicallon
S thereof Mngon tho 7th day of March,
l 1907, to-wlt, oilor bedore the' istli day of
t Apr., HW7. And. you will plcaHO take
j notioe that If you fail to so appear and
answer Mid 'Complaint, ths plaintiff will
take Judgment against you for the sum of
imM Uwful money of the United Htat. s,
with Interest thereon from Apr. 2. I!KW
at thy rate of si per cent per annum,
and for the costs and IIhIhiihciiiciiI.s of i
thtaMtlon.andfliioaJudKinont that tlm
following described real projierty, to-wit:
The North J of the BouthwcHl Oimrter,
and the North Jol the Houtlxwt Quiirlm'
of Beotlon HI, T 8. N. It. 4 W. of tlm Will.
Mer,, attached tn the above entitled
action at the suit of the above named
plaintiff, be sold by theHheriH ol Wash
ington County, Oregon, rh upon ex
ecution, and the proceeds of such salo
applied toward the satisfaction of plain
tllf's claim, upon which Judgment 1m
This Hummons Is served upon you by
8ubllatlon by order of Honorable J. W,
oodln, County Judge of Washington
County, Oregon, made and tinted at
Hillsboro, Oregon, on March 1, llio?.
which Order requlree that you eppeiu
nd answer said Complaint on or before
six week from date of the tlrnt puhUrtttlon
of this Biiininous. to-wlt, on or before
April 18, 1807.
..Central Meat Market..
Keep constantly on hsnd fine
supply of fresh meals of all kinds.
A Now Era In Prlo
We are going to sell meats at prices low.
er than those which have ptevailcd In
the past. Call in aud see us. We mean
business. 'I'houe and l'ree Delivery
Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.
6M a. m,
9:03 a. m.
i -A'i p. m.
4:31 p. m.
A r,flw passenger train nchedule is
aft follows:
Leaves for Portland '
I'orest Orove local
Rlierlilsn Flyer
I'orcst llrove local.
Corvallis overland
Arrives from 1'ortland--
Cum IU over and H:4j m.
itt0"? ?Me l0CBl ,a:o7 P'w-
Hlicrldiml'lyer,. 6:26 p. m.
I'orest Grove local , 67 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Corviillls overland 7 ,0 m
HorcHt Orivve local
Sheridan Flyer , a..0 d ,u
i'orC.tGrovyioCni:::::::::;:j:ip: -t
Arrival in portlmd ,
?'f'"l'wl 8:00 a.m.
Sheridan Flyer io;ao a. ni.
Forest C. rove local a:,o p. m.
Loivallis overland,,,. fijjo p. m.
The Forest Grove local doei not
carry baggHgo.
Rtationery, pens, playing cards,
Mgm, journals, etc, at the