The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 11, 1907, Image 3

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    HILL380RO AR0U3, APRIL 11, 1907
Work to Commence Within
HOorllO Days From Date '
Clurtrf Kriiirc Thirty Day' Nolicc.
I'aHhtu Condenser
The city council linn tWub'd to
iUnk First Btri-et from below the
oiiliimr, North eithr to Milne'
cornier, ami lhnc eait to Second,
or Klraight on up lirt to lUnoline.
Thin will give the city a planked
strict dear to the lpot. Other
planking will m done, but till in
the moHt in) pur tit nt a nearly all
the hauling gors over thin run to.
Thirty day advertising in required
atd thou jiiHt an soon a the Htreot
OQiiimittmi ('an got tlm lumber the
niiterial w ill ln liiil.
A peculiar ooitiriilt'tire about thin
work in the fact that ohm of the
city' paper nmilo a gruat roar
about the trml' condition in last
wefk'a iHHiic, while in another
column wan the advrrtUraiint to
cure the affair.
The work in ijui'Htion will lie
borne by the city and property
owner adjacent, the latter paying
00 tiarttr of the (iptmne.
Mrt. Matilda Frszler, a daughter
of the lain Hamttrl and Kluit Wil
liam, of Hilletoro, died at l'hoe
nil, ArituiN, April 5, I'.H)?, at
which place ehe had gone to better
her health. Her huham) eurvivett
her, but watt too ill to accompany
the remain to Hummerville, Union
County, (or interment, w here two
daughter aud a eon are buried.
Dectaaed wan horn near Hill
boro, in lsf.l. Hhe leavea two
children, a eon, (ieortre, and a
daughter, Minn Maiie. One eixter,
Mra. J. W. Howell, and two bro
ther, Warren William, Mountain
dili), and K. J William, HilUbo
ro, survive of the immediate family.
Jtnitt It rinnr(n appointed adminis
tttor rnUIe Jauirit McNultv. deceased,
lite ol Sherwood, bonds st f ju,
Appraisement riliite I linn Anderson
file! unit )ru vril.
Frances Marl Thwnilp appointed d
HlluinltRtfU (it ratiite ol James Thwaite.
ltt of Mmlrr lirtilj-e section; bonds t
Anna Miller appointed imrilln of
Inez. Miller, minor, lionil t fioo
W It I.yd appointed rterutor will of
W M I.vda, deoensed, lute of Gale
Creek; John lleUIer, Joha Hticksoti and
Jo l.rc, prisrt.
Inventory tiled in estate lute fluid
Peter, ul Corrielina.
(iimnlianrihip Jolm ami Thos Wetel
closed ul recoru.
Kxtate of Mil am Mlnrr, deceased
chwtd of reconl.
lionet ol guardian or Murtu 1 Mltier,
fttble tit niiud, approved.
Kiecutom of will of lute l-'edde Cats
ten authorized to distribute iiHi to
Fatiuet Tk Notice
W. B. Cato it Boa have a line black
Bnanitth Jack at the Hawthorne
place, and he will be placed in the
itud Una eeaHtin. Kirn. era who
desire to rame ujulett that will be
marketable should look this fellow
over. They alno have a fine young
Clydesdale etallion that will be in
the Btud for a fw select mare.
8. I Heetler was up from near
Reedvtllo, today.
Samuel Tunetall, of Phillips, was
in the city yeeterday.
J. B. Imlay, field asaersor for
east of tho city, was in from Heed
ville, yesterday.
Win. Jesse, of beyond West
Union, was a county seat visitor
yesterday morning.
Andrew Jack, of Farmington
and Herman Collier, of .Scholia
were in town thin morning.
John Reichen, of West Uulon
reports that five of his Bull' Orping
ton eggs weigh one pound. Who's
Chairman 11. B. Collins, of the
school board, is advertising for GO
cords of fir wood for the schoo
George II. Reeves, one of the old
timers of Cedar Mill, was in the
city yesterday morning, the first
visit to the county seat lor a year.
Not a word hnB been heard of the
negro who escaped from jail a few
days ago, and it. is more than
likely that he is over in British
Columbia, and still running.
The pastor will preach at the
United livangolioul Church next
Sunday, both morning and evening.
Midweek services on Wednesday
R. J. Welton, who has been night
operator at Oakland for some time,
is here and is handling the West
ern Union key for Agent Pratt
J. J. Hill, formerly of the res
taurant on Second Street, has
bought the M. Moore property, at
the foot of Second Street, and will
conduct a boarding and lodging
Geo. Washington and Grant
Zurnwalt leave Friday for Tilla
mook, where they go aa witnesses
in a "liquor without license case,
(ieo. doeHu't at all relish the trip,
even if there is ten cent a mile in
the journey. "Bricktop" is the
ad who worked Waebiogton into
the trip, and he did it in fine shape.
W hen Oeo. started to come home
from Tillamook, lat Kail, he took
a small llask along to cheer bin-
up coming over the big hill. lie
Pid for it, but, later, when "Brick"
wa gathering evidence as a deputy
eherilf, and knowing (ieo. bad got
ten the "helper . over the hill, be
found Washington in company
wilb Grant Zurnwalt, in this city.
Brick said to Washington, "That
fellow says you didn't pay him for
thoee two flasks." ' Sure, 1 did,"
said George, "and, besides, I loan
ed you money to buy a flask at the
same time. Bricktop had the
evidence that he wanted, admitted
in the presonce of a witness, and
as a result the two make the trip
over to aid Sheriff Crenshaw.
WaHhington, however, thinks it a
sort of a Greek gift, and doesn't
appreciate it at all.
I am now prepared to show you
th Cbaa. Stevens .t Bros.' sample
of the new Spring style in ladies'
silk, cloth and wash hirtwaist
suits; also of dress suits and dress
kirts, made to your eimcial order,
and of your own selection of goods.
Silk and cloth coats also carried
i rarry a standard Una of corsets
. a i i it
and underskirts, i win is giau 10
bring my goods to your bouse upon
request. Independent Phone, No.
204. Mrs. M. K. Caudle.
The weather bureau states that
the rainfall is excessive only by a
half inch or a trille over. From
the falling weather this Spring it
would appear that we were I inch
ahead of usual precipitation. Yes
terday wa had the first bright and
genial day for several weeks, and
it looks as though the weather is
settled at last. Bloom is coming
slong nicely and with no frost
there will be a fine fruit crop.
Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn
eggs, 75 cents per setting. 15 eggs
n eel'ing. Incubator lots at re
duced prices. Phone, Pacific
States, US Roy Exchange. Mrs
Peter Vandernaoden, Greenville,
Ore., R. F. D. 3. '
Marion Hoflman, who formerly
lived on the hill east of Gaston,
was badly injured a few days ago
by th Astoria it Columbia River
Ry. engine, at Moeck Crossing.
Hoffman was driving across the
track, when the engine struck bis
load of lumber amidahips, throw
ing the team one way and. the
driver and load the other. He
will recover.
For sale: Very swell canopy
top surrey, nearly new; strong,
durable, has lamps, and is thor
oughly modern. Goes for 180,
Mrs. JMlersnn, biii Clay Street,
Portland, Oregon. Or inquire of
Kurath Bros., litllsboro.
Sheriff Connell and assistants
have already oollected about
IIOU.OOO on this year's taxes. Of
this perhaps seventy thousand was
collected on the rebate plan.
Deputy Kane is busy getting the
money turned over to Treasurer
Jackson, and so far has turned
in $77,000.80.
In April fall the tunny abowera,
All uature'l dreaaed in gay attire,
.Spring on ua many a bleaaing pouri
A at anon which we all aduiirr;
And wben you're out in UilUhoro
Na matter whether a1 or cheery, '.
Come in and see wbat'a to be iltown
At l'almateer'i Confectionery,
W. F. Hoffman, who has been
working at the Wilsonville bridge
for the Oregon Llectrio, has re
turned home on a vacation, caused
by indisposition. He states that
the bridge will be completed by
For sale: While Plymouth Rock
and Brown Leghorn cockerels, for
breeding purposes. Can also sup
ply eggs for setting purposes from
each of these varieties. 1). B.
Cooley, Hillsboro, R. F. 1). 4, lo
cated near rhillips, one mile west.
Basket social at Leisy ville school
house, Saturday night, April 20
A prise will given to the basket
sellina for the most money. All
are invited, and ladies wm please
bring baskets. Good program will
be rendered. Miss Sturdsvant,
We carry the best shoe on the
market for the money. W. L.
Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous
cushion shoes for men. Leading
makes for ladies. Latest styles
and finish. H. Wehrung & Sons
Manager Harry Stuart, of the
condenser, started a waw of men
to work, Monday, off Iba Improve
ments at the depot. TIm ompao
wants more warehouse room, ana
carpenters will be employed At tit
work for several weeks. iwN1
The Scholia Peroheron Horse
Co.'s stallion, Tapageur, will stand
the season of 1907 in the vicinity
of Tigard ville, lieaverton, Reed ville,
Farmineton and Scholia. Farmers
are requested to see this horse be
fore booking.
Will Bell team of horses, ageB 3
and 4, weight, 1300; or a mare, age
0 years, weight, 1250 or 1300.
Write or call on Wm. Raynard,
Hillsboro R. F. D. 2. Independent
Phone, Scholls, 5433
Mrs. Hugh B. Purdin and
daughter, Bessie Bennett, were in
town, Sunday, gueBts of Mrs. W.
R. Barrett.
Divides Over Twenty-Four
Thousand Dollars
Money Ua Been Sent out to Vsriou
School Clerk
Supt. M. C. Case has just made an
apportionment of 24,097.7O for
the public school of the county,
and tbe aversge smouut per pupil
of school age is narly 1.00. The
amounts to each district and the
clerk to whom the money was
drawn follows:
J C !Jrrben f.?5' 7
II ('. Filth 721 6o
J II IWi-r 291 10
Jobn Mnrh 32? yo
O M Calloway 143 5&
Kobt ThoiupMin 31
l'eter Moscow 2 W 90
Iew Power I 4
Joa Cuimrll ,, .Ho 40
Abnrr l'.rit(K 5' 7"
lljt K X HurilinK 246 iju
12 1' It IU-rl) 344 4"
A C Carstfim 307 50
J W Vatnlrrvcldeii 270 60
I. J Corl 2173 00
l,ouU Wilrox 27S Ho
(iro I Jack 33') 20
J B frowning 352 60
fume Kcwdl 332 10
jojt A W Wrihl 123 tx
at 8 A I) Mik 270 60
22 Win True 4m no
2jt II HThjurd 615 00
74 Mr J Ji'isou 82 xi
2$ It C IVantoii llH 90
26jt J C Mirtinajti 414 10
27 A T Huiion 303 50
28 I W A Job union 1H4 50
29 J Millar - 3h' jo
30 Jobn Kane 352 to
31 V. Coir 147 6o
3a J K Bate llH 90
33 ('.runt Mniin 164 00
34 Win Ftldt 53 30
3Sjt J " Custin 49
36jt N I. Wllry fc2 00
39 I. K Itirrly 2J5 50
40 C A Tlictll 25S 30
41 AC Wirtz 254 20
42 Cha C Ctnpahnw 159 91
43 Mr R KTmnibo 205 co
44 tic 11 ton Phillip 229 60
4j Thomas V Falrlwnk 237 Ho
4'ijl I.oui I-'iiiiau 53 30
47 1 I, Lindsiy 19 J 70
4H It ( Vinreiit. 109X80
49 Arlbur Hill 11H 90
49jt C M Holt 53 30
50 W W Jauith 213 20
51 C I' Kmiier 77 90
52 C-i Imnl (iort.e - 250 10
53 C M CcM)wr 254 ao
54 Jobn Schneider 43 30
55 Alfred Cuerber 295 20
55jt I K Uallat 45 o
57 M 8 Itarne 209 to
5 Wm Klepben 16H 10
59 Cba A Miller 143 50
60 K S Locke 9S 40
61 ("art IlerKgren .... 77 90
6ijt J K Sinitli,.... 164 00
63 J I North'tip 1S4 50
64 W K Newell 1 14 Ho
66 K K fithaie 1H4 50
67jl J A Johnson 200 00
m KiiUu ruH- Leiiiieii 45 to
69 C H llnteinan 73 So
rrtnl IlnrKdorfer 49 20
J 1' Aydelott 102 50
J II Rinck 254 20
I C Clutter 106 60
Krwin Hitter 422 30
A B Carrinus 192 70
Wm Kelly 11H 90
1) II Bailey 192 70
KreJ Hu iillolzer tt 50
S 1 Reader 1 13 90
J A Messinxer 164 00
erert Berber 303 40
W K Shuver 139 40
MrsG Williams 67 40
H4jt I lteuschkcl 11S 90
K6 Mrs M Iju'inermiiii 106 60
8H l-'reil Uiij(er 578 10
X9 tteorie Harrow 221 40
90 Otto 1'arsoiis 200 90
91 Albert Delhlea 114 So
93jt W W l'arretl 20 50
94 . X A Cassner 135 30
95 A l Cbristenscn 196 Ho
97 Wm Vunderveldeu 4S7 90
9.H Krdinand Greener H6 10
99 M h Rolterts 188 60
toojt A K Switzer 45 10
loijt Chu Thompson 36 90
I03)t W K Young 20 50
io4jt O F Cooke M 41 00
Dave Doty, the popular theatre
manager and actor of McMinnville
and his excellent stock company
will, on Saturday, April 13, present
Nat Goodwin's great comedy to
Crescent patrons. The members of
tha oaat are well known la Hills
boro lind to many they need no
Introduction. The company la not
made up of amateurs but of people
who have bad considerable ex
perience in stage work, and it is
Mark sacts plainly to avoiir con
fusion, and alBO mark weight
Apply, to the Hartrampf feed btore
for ' information as to deliiry.
Notioa of sale will ba given later.
James Hi . Sewell, Thos. Connell
and K:' Tongue, committee.'
N. C. J. Christianson, of Laurel,
was in the city yesterday,
Schulmerich Bros, are headquar
ters for wire fence. We have sold
eight miles in the last 30 days.
Cheaper than lumber.
John Loftis, of beyond Glencoe,
was In last evening, and says tnat
with a week of good roads the
Dotato oron on the hill will be
moved to market.
Argus and Journal, 1 1.75.
Supervisor J. II. Dorland was in
from Shady Brook Tuesday.
Right goods right prices C. A.
Lamkin Co.
C. Matthies, of Laurel, was in
town tbe first of tbe week.
Juet received a car of dairy
chop at the Climax Mill.
Win. Raynard, of near Scholls,
was in the city yeBterday.
Barrington Hall coftoe is the
bent you can buy. Get it at Greer's
Al Young, the Banks' black
smith, was in the city Monday.
Carlo d of Utah land piaster at
W. K. llollenbeck'e, Roy, Oregon.
J. Millar, of Meed ville, was a
caller at the Argus ofiice yester
day. J. II. Fierier, of abovs Banks,
wss in town yesterday, payine
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcellencia. Tbeee cigars are of
the liest stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Mrs. Millenbergcr, ol Tigard
ville, is the gueet of her son, Jaj.
f'l. I Alt 1
miiiefineruer, una weea.
For rent: Six acres fine tillable
and in city limits. Inquire of B
W. Barnes.
R. Raemuen and wifo, of near
Retd ville, were in town yesterday
The Cnet line of fcprine drees
goods arriving daily at II. Weh
rung it boriB.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bower, of
near nchollo, were m the city
Dr. Katon, of Forest Grove, will
be in Hillehoro April lb Have
him fit your glasees.
II . C. Pearson, of Farmiogton,
was in the city yesterday after
New style shirtwaiuts, spring
ice, now in from the East. H.
Wehrung it Sons.
J. B McN'ew, of Reedville, and
W. H. Reiling, of Greenville, were
in the city yesterday.
Ladrfe', gents', and children's
shoes, spring styles, arriving daily
at II Wehrung & Sons.
H. C. CarBtens, of Roy, and J.
F. Cargtens, of Banks, were in the
city today.
Buff Leghorn egg? for hatching.
Inquire of Mrs. Geo. Ledford, Fir
Street, between Second and Third.
Herman and Henry Boge, of
Farmington, were county seat
vicitors yesterday morning.
Mrs. Wigga anil the cabbage
patch, and other attractions, in
Uilleboro, May 10. Particulars
David Wenger, well known
around Helvetia, is indisposed, and
had to call medical assistauce the
first of the week.
For sale: Jersey red boar,
coming two years: also Id six
weeks old pigs Henry Delsman,
Rood Bridge, Hillsboro, Route 2.
Gottfried Scblaefli, of above
Mountaiudale, was in town yester
day afternoon.
A number of men wanted for
mill and yard work. $2 25 per
day; board, $4 per week. Groner
it Rowell, Scholls.
Loring K. Adams, formerly a
law partner of Hon. W. N. Barrett,
was iu the city today, greeting his
old time friends. He is now prac
ticing law in Portland. '
County Treasurer Jackson is
busy 'his week, paying out school
money and also entering up money
to the various funds, recevied from
Sheriff Connell on tax collection.
H. D. Schmeltzer wishes to
notify the farmers that his Perch
eron-Clydesdale stallion, Prince
Henry, will make about the same
circuit this seasop, as he did laet
, Mrs. Laura Hoogbkirk, of Rai
mer, Ure., Grand Ubiet ot the
Pythian Sisters, will make the
local temple a visit on the evening
of Friday, April 12. All members
are requested to be in attendance.
Baa Collins, the civil war vet
eran, jpraa In the city the first ot
the week, the guest of his brother,
Capt. A. M. Collins. He is at
present a resident of Seattle, and is
on his way to California for a
short visit. -
The Scholia. Percheron Horse Co.
wants a good, reliable man to take
care of their Percheron Stallion,
Tapageur, for the season. For par
ticular inquire of Ferd Groner,
oholtSjOn iiilleboro, H. J
! TeVeighteen disc harrows, $27:
twelre-eich teen , $ 29 : re v ersi ble d iacs
just the thing for hopyards, $27.50
and ifoO; also plows, narrows, ana
ipringtooths, at right prices. Nel
son Hardware Co.
' Dr. C. W. Lowe, of Eugene, was
here yestetday. The Dr. says the
McMinnville Dramatic Club is all
to the good and that Hillsboro
people will miss a fine play if they
remain away from the Crescent
Saturday evening.
Public dance at Alpha Hall,
Saturday eve, April 20. Musio by
Walkers' orchestra. Tickets, 75
cents, lunch included. Good time
assured. Everybody come. Begins
at 8:00 o'clock.
Executive Committee Ap
pointed by Mayor Dennis
Attractions Will be Secured Early and
Bit; Time Warraated
Pursuant to a call to perfect ar
rangements for a Fourth of July
celebration, Mayor Dennis presid
ed at a meeting last Friday night
and upon motion appointed the
executive commi tee to arrange af
fairs and appoint sub-committees:
John Dennis, J. W. Bailey, W. W.
Boscow, J. C. Greear and DeWitt
The executive commitee meets
tomorrow night and the minor
co mm it tea will be named and every
efiort will be made to bave the
Fourth of July celebrated in a
manner never before eclipsed.
There will be athletic contests of
all kinds and a baseball ground
will be fixed up in the Shuts park
for the occasion. Senator Fulton
will l)e "fpoken" at once and he
will be the orator of the day.
Jacob Tracbsel to Susan Tracbael 10
a D li Dustm donation & 2 lots
Gray Oak Tract $ 1
Jona Wolf to Lulu Stewart, 4 lots
I'urdy' d Dilley 125
Annie J Jobnson to John Templeton
yz of lot 1 blk 41 Forent Grove..... l5oo
F W Brampton to h S Porter, 4 lot
blk 2 Purdy' ad Dilley 325
Lizzie Spaulding to Mrs Andrea
Madison, lots 11 & 12 blk 7 S P ad
Forest Grove 675
Jatpb Holmes to U F Holmes, 40 a
sec 56 t 2 s r 2 w 200
9 H Graham to S Matsumoto, 4 lota
N Tigardville addition 1200
Cbas P Kruger to Albert C Kruger,
160 sec 35 t 2 a raw .2200
Nancy Banks to Geo A McDonald,
lots s blk 2 Banks 170
Cecelia Beard to Geo A McDonald,
lot 3 blk 2 Banks .. . . 325
Margret Callahan to Vivian Tomp
kins. 2.21 A Hinman donation.. 50
F W Keils to G:o W Moore, lot in
Branford ad. Forest Grove 12oo
May V Galloway to Elisee Meresse,
i5 a Oru Brown donation 1000
Naucy Banks to W II Lee, lot 2 blk
2 Banks 75
J I) Iiousley to Phoenix Lodge K of
P 40x99 feet on Second Street 2400
Herbert Notter to J J Kelley, 160 a
sec 24 t 3 n r 3 w 750
James Russell Bennett, by will, to
Jas G Bennett 160 a sec l5 t 2 r 2
Littleton Lindsay to Geo Williams,
5 a sec iS t 1 sr 2 w 250
Victor Deiuicon to T W Xorby, 160
a sec Jtiorfiw 1040
Joll Forbes to Daniel Schmeltzer lot
1 blk 18 Forest Grove 1425
Robert Nixon to Western Lumber Co
80 a sec 10 t 3 n r s w 1
Ailcy Monroe to Western Timber Co
160 a tec 12 t 3 n r 5 w, 1
David F Kuhn to Western Timber
Co 40 sec 11 t 3 n r 5 w 1
L C Walker to W A Clapshaw, 5ox
loo ft blk u, Walker's ad F Grove 100
S L Woodard to II K rsoble, So a sec
32 t 1 its 1
K J Lvon to John Handel 31 a Jo-
siah Hall donation 3000
l'arius Taylor to John C Trmlinger,
1 ract in 1) lay lor donation 90
1 nomas Iselson to Aug Lovegren no
a sec 9 t 1 ntw 100
Tualatin Mill Co to Thaddeus
Wbeaton, 1 ) a in Tualatin 360
G S Campbell to R H Greer, Agnes
Campbell propetty, S Hillsboro. . 600
Thomas Whalen to Patrick Whalen
I40 a sec 36, t I r 2 w 5
Phoebe Kiudt to P J Whalen, 0.55 a
Kinton 22
F O Drury et als to Samuel Gowan,
0.95 a North Hillsboro 600
At The Crescent Theatre
American Citizen April 13
Florence Gale April I7
Old Maids' Convention (local). .April 20
Ward's Minstrels April 2?
Murray & Mack .May
A Texas Ranger .....May 15
Old Arkansas May 22
The Rajah of Bhong., .August
Thorn & Orange Blossoms.. October 26
ArgUB and Journal, $1.75.
Peter Almquist, of Reedville
was in the city today.
Wm. Boucsein, of Mountaindale,
was in the city today.
Harvey W. Miller, of Shady
Brook, was in town yesterday.
Henry Toelle, on the Ed. Schul
merich ranch, was in town this
J. J. Morgan, an old time Hills
boroite, was in the city today. He
now resides In Portland.
Preaching Bervice at Witch
Hazel, Sunday afternoon at
Reedville services next Sabbath
at3 0 clock in the afternoon.
Everybody welcome.
ev. S. J. Lindsay, of the Evan
csiical Church, has been retained
nere for another year.
J. M. Greear, who has been in
Southern California for his health
is much improved and will start
for Hillsboro m a few days.
R. L. Robinson, of Farmington
waB an Argus caller this morning,
and he Btates that the' farmers of
his section have made a splendid
campaign against the San Jose
scale. Hundreds of orchards down
that way have been given heroic
i treatment in the line of pruning
'and spraying.
Do not get the impression that
the McMinnville Dramatic Com
pany, which plays at the Crescent
Theatre Saturday evening, is made
up of amateurs, for it ia not. The
Company ia made tip of talented
people who have bad considerable
experience on tbe stage, and the
management assures its patrons
that the company is superior to tbe
average road show. Mr. Doty
under whose leadership the pro
duction is givenis an accomplished
actor, and his work is alone worth
the price of admission. "An Amer
ican Citizen" is a roaring comedy.
Come out and have a good time,
and let us show McMinnville that
our hearts are in the right place.
The McMinnville orchestra will
furnish the music for the occasion.
Saturday night, April 13th. Seats
on sale at McCormick's. Get in
the wagon and boot.
For Bale: 25 head of high grade
sheep ewes with lambs, about a
month old. Price per head, in
clusive of lambs, if taken away
soon, $10. A. N. Cutting, Sher
wood, R. F. D. 4. Residing near
Kin ton.
A joint birthday party was given
Mrs. Albert Lincoln and Mrs. C.
D. Farnham, of near Glencoe, at
the home of the former, on April 3
Those present were: Mrs. J. W.
Jackson, Etta Jackson, Ray Jack
son, Mrs. C. Barber and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Berry and children,
Mrs. C. Walters and son, Bert, Mrs.
F. Maddox and children. Mrs. J.
Keffer and daughter, Ethel, Mrs.
C. D. Farnham, Mrs. Clemens and
children, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln,
Clyde Lincoln and Sherman Smith.
Dinner was served, after which tbe
adies indulged in an old fashioned
We sell more agricultural im
plements thao all of oar compet
itors, put together. The reason
we ship direct from tbe factory,
and pay spot cash for them. Come
and get prices. Schulmerich Bros.
Farmers and orchardiets of near
Reedville shoud bear in mind that
here will be a horticultural meet
ing at the Reedville O. of W. Hall,
on Saturday, April 20, commenc-
ng at 1:30. County Fruit In-
pector Hams, of Forest Grove,
will be present, and Hon. Wilbur
Newell, of Gaston, and president
of tbe State Board, will deliver an
address. Commissioner Reed, of
the Multnomah District, will also
be present. B. N. Sproat, Secre
tary Reedville Horticultural Socie'
Mrs. Gowan will be at the green
house in boutn niusooro every
Thursday until her stock of
shrubbery, bulbs and flowers are
sold out. Come early to get the
best bargains.
Southern Pacific engineers were
out the last of the week, making
plane for the survey of the new
joint depot, to be used by tbe
southern Pacific and Pacific Rail
way & Navigation Company. It
will most likely be placed at the
foot of Second, and between that
and Third Streets. The old depot
will probably be used as a freight
For sale: Fifty head of Angora
goats, half of them being nannies.
$2 00, after shearing. Also one
graded Durham bull, about 2 years
old. T. S. Sutton, Laurel, Oregon.
A bunch of about 70 Greeks quit
the P. R. & N., Friday, and came
down to get their money, Saturday.
It is stated that they quit because
they were not allowed to work
when it rained hard and were
unable to accomplish much with
their shovels.
Wanted: To buy a 1200 or 1300
pound horse; must be sound and
of good disposition. J. M. Brown,
Wells Fargo ExpreBS Office, Hills
M. Schnur, of Chehalem Moun
tain, has bought the Cummmgs
property in Southeast Hillsboro,
and will Boon take possession. Tbe
sale was made through Edmund
Cornelius and Zach Gragg.
Onion seted, Yellow Globe Dan
vers, for sale, from selected stock,
and other varieties. Address E. J
Thomas, Beaverton, Ore.
Mrs. Cheadle, formerly Mibb
Rice, was the guest of her parentB,
West of the Long Bridge, the first
of the week.
The millinery stock of Mrs. A.
M. Wells is now ready for inspec
tion, and the ladies of Hillsboro
and vicinity are invited to call.
Mrs. Ed. Moore sustained a fall
on a flight of stairs this morning,
and was rendered unconscious for
a short time.
Theodore VanDyke, of Verboort,
was in the city today, and made
the Argus office a pleasant call.
Harry Hall and wife, were in
from beyond Glencoe yesterday
Born, April 8, 1907, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Jacky, of Glencoe, a
For sale. 50 Angora wethers, at
$2 per head. R. B. Collins, Hills
boro, Route 1. Pacific States phone.
Wm. Bagley Sr., of Leisyville,
ard Wm. Bagley Jr., of Center
ville, were in town yesterday.
Lost: Bunch of keys on key
ring; with Ben Selling's name.
Leave at Argus.
John Halvorsen, of Farmington,
was in the city yesterday.
Argus and Pacifio Monthly, $1.50
Physician and Surgeon
Office Ballav-Mnnran blnok. upstair.
Ruoma 12. 13 ami Id. Rsilnci Kmth-
wl coritc? Baseline and Second Htrwn,
Both 'Phones.
S. T. L1NKLATER, Id. B. C. II.,
OfBc upstairs over The Dolta Drug btur
Ruldane East of Court Hontw, ;
in lac corner of the block.
8argon Southern Pacltla Railroad Co.
Consultation in French or t.v'iwh. ur
fic upstair, over L. M. Hoyr i.0'1. store,
north side of Main Bt., Hillalioro, Or.
F. J: BAILEY, M. D.,
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Residence on comer 8econd and Oak Sta
Oregon Phone Main 116.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D.S.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phone. HillcWn fW
Room 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block,
street. Over Dennis Store.
0m. R. 0agtr W. O. Mar
Booms 1 and 2 Skate Bulldinf
Office, npstair, over the Post Office,
Hillahoro, - Oregon
Room 3, 4, & 5, Morgaa Bla, Hillsboro,
Office Opatalra, Bailey Morgaa Block,
Kootus, 1 aal i.
Office, Up Stair, Central Block.
Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Room 3, 4 and 5
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In.
suranee Business. List your farm with
them and find a sale. They will treat
yon right. Add your tale to onr list.
Call In and see us.
Main Street, Hillsboro, Or.
Dealers In Marble and Granite Monu
ments and Tombstones, and all kinds of
cemetery and memorial work. Write uh
for particulars. Address 335 E. Morriaon,
: T. R. Imbrie :
Deals in all kinds of Real
Estate Wheat LandB, Farm
Lands, Stock Ranches and
Range Lands. Reclamation
and sale of Desert Lands a
specialty. Fine investments
for your idle money. Write
or call at office.
Room ia, Chamber of Commerce
Portland - - Oregon
Varnish and Brusham
Paint and Dacoratlng
In any of the modern styles, by an
experienced wood-finisher. Also
painting, papering, tinting nd all
kinds of interior decorating.
H. OESSNER, Hlllaboro, Ore
Dailey Bldg, between Third and Fourth .
Oontraotor and Eulldar
Estimates given oa UclMvf building
Moff,:riMCaW mm.
RmMmnm, Mafia' mi 0"
milahopo, - - CMtzsm