HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 11. 1907. NO. 4 HcGABE BUOTIIKKS CONTRACT TUNNEL Pacific Hallway St Nnvifcsi tion (lo. Award Work SIX MONTHS TO FINISH CONTRACT Contractors Have E pcrlcnc In llurlnif Mountain After weeks ol figuring ami enli tnatea the Pacific Railway fc Navi gation Company haa awarded a contract to McChIm Brother for the tunnel work on tint Tillamook line. Th contractor will com mence the work in the tunnel above Buxton, which ia tiltendy under way, and they expect to fin Mi the entire tunnel work on the line within eix or eeveu months. Ho far the company has struck no hard rock, the character of the Buxton tunnel being ft good stiff sandstone. The Hone work out prettily and utilise it gets softer there will jie no limbering required SHADY BROOK PLAY (iranl llolcornb, oil Bethany, ia now in the Marehlield country, and write the Argue: "This ia quite a bueineaa place, and all lineg aeeui to bs ia a proeperoue condition lumbering, dairying" ami coal mining. MarabGeld ia the head of navigation for ocean going veeeela, and tbia tnakea it a fine distributing point. It takea two daya to gt mail from I'orlland. The mail laavee here each evening and goee by boat 20 miles up Cooe river and ia then carried boreeback to lloee burg. It takea aeveral horses to carry it through the mountain, and the carrier travela all night. I'eonle here ntel a railroad. Tbia N ,i rr il1 r Petitioner Spent Three Hun dred fur Good Koad DAVIES' HILL CONTRACT LET Transidlsos ef County Hoard Claim Allowed and The county commismoners ad- There will be a play, entitled "Out in the Htrretri," given by the Hhady Brook Indian Club Society, at the Hbady Brook wbool houHe, eight miles north t l Hillahoro, on Sat urday evening, April 'JO. This in a temperance play in three acta and eight acenea. In connection with the jilay there will be an Indian Club drill. Confectiona will be nerved between eeeneu, and good mimic will lwi a feature. The lmlicrotiH remark of North Carolina Pete are aide splitting:, and the part of Mr. Bradford ia a touching one, allowing what a wo man can do under trying circum atancea. The treachery of Sol Davia and hit eon proves that "murder will out." The character of Mr. Wayne cap the climax, and the old colonel finally given in and confesses that "woman takea full control." BURIAL OF LOUIE MUELLER ia a pretty bay, wilh three towna journad rnday evening, aller a situated on it Kmpire, North buar aeaaion. The petition of A. Bend and Marabfield, in all about (I. Tanner, of the Oaeton sawmill, 5 MK) inhabitant, or more. Plenty kI wief for rm f()r work of Ceh and clama galore. On my , , . , ... way to church tbia morning I aaw do,,e on a roaJ (,aHto,D one man digging clama; another nd hia mill waa denied. A. N. man trying to perauade bia eon to Paviee, of Progreta, waa given the go to church inatead of going unb urn: and an ox team stuck in the mud and that beata "eeen on Second Street in two minulea." I gueaa. The Forest (J rove papers are making a great howdy-do about an ecg that contained an egg, within. contract to do work on the Diviea' Hill, he ia to get l sO for the con tract, but to collect ISO of this from tboae who have eubticrilied to the work. The tranacripta of costs in the Hoflaber caee, Alex Aggellea in- qut, Axel Anderson inqueet were hIu.11 and all. That'a nothini. A Ueedville farmer recently brought Ktnnia Nicholeou inntieat, atria-tat to the rilf. The three allowed. rims were lined toaether. iuet like Report of viewara road survey an Odd Fellows' pin, and through petition of J. W. Key nard accepted, Llmir rnUr wan a ainela wire, and road established, Collier about theaiste of a wheat etraw. neighborhood, near Schollp, said The owner of the hen aava the bird road being already open. rnuet have awallowed the wire. Claua Jesse, of Banks, was given thinking it waa an angle worm, permission to construct a telephone Aa be is superstitious the owner aaya he thinks it is a "bunch" for him to join the Odd Kellowa, while In wife aays the hen ia simply try The remains of the Into Louie Mueller arrived from Ventura, California, Saturday night, and the funeral wae held Sunday, inter ment being in the local cemetery. All kinda of hardware.C. A. Lamkin Co. Matthew King, of Hoy, waa in town Monday. Saturday Kvening Telegram and Argue, 2.00 per year. W. 0. IIo'.lnnbtH'k, of Hoy, waa In the city Monday, Fine lot of onion peed in bulk at the Climax Mill more, Fred Maul, of Mountaindaln, waa an Argua visitor Monday. line. Koad petition M. K Buck et aid granted, road to be established at expenae of petitioners, and a! ho nir to maka imod on tiro It. even f muei lay Til lor survey, uoau 10 .-. --- . - - , -, . ben fruit haa cone down in once, open aa Boon aa graueu ana com Senator Wehrung haa the wire to pleted, and old road will then be auhatantiata thiaetorv. vacated tl- ii'k-i.. M..,,f..h,,l,,J ' W reuei was granieu 1 IIO II H'ici u.uuinw,u..u6 , v Vmn1M In PaH an, Kno n :t, .:n ...unu uw V'UUJj'iiiiji nitu uitu iuu uuivo . i i r i : . . . . . a a. . m. i i wiuepo .. b.u.b crimp .ur of y p lUilon for rwim, and eventually will have lo nrillUllnn f), BH(1Hmnn. prantp(i move. Orders are coming in so u , . B.K..- faat that the p ant can t make de- of Uf " '"uJT:.!"", ", P-yment, ffiT,.-,; W. A. Clapp in iiunriiilD lu.i im I ...., til r..l . If. ,,- .. ...,f .i :., ,,. ra,urp'"'ui "'"'J ft'-"' .,,W1U,1,.MU,.IH..l.. (J reba,e of J,-- centg U Ux rartn for aa'e: Light miles chnrged. south weat of llillaboro; 31 acres; 8 The following claims were al to 10 acres under cultivation; bal- lowed ance easily cleared; good pasture; ST Weatfal!, refund lax $097 living water; small fruit; log barn; W " Mvenio-"!, roada& highways 7 ,V 1 11 it- 1 " 1 Stelln Iloovrr, refuml tax 3 T' amall bouse; ideal dairy farm and . w SfW(,ni bri(, 64 50 20 00 flliiaa Hi I'm.nintniti at f,n A 9 Huuh tituith, of Forest Grove, 0hn liorwick. sup iiUry moo was in town Monday. lie nas J c turk, tax collection 19 ao iuet returned from a trip to Walla Cowing, aaaraaing a no vValla. where he visited a cousin, 'lutarct,; J. ). Jiiillll, ana WDO IS a oromer Fred Cornelius, witneM (list ally. to V. I). Smith, of tbia city. J. U. Victor Kin.it, la unm r.i.Uin (if lha ffuarda at the I snnsieer, ip 11- xirl.i- n..:. ?... ...1 1... I T 11 Tonioie, ana n aiis 1 ouiwuiiu jr, Tuniier, a gtMltl )K)Hltlon. Kay Taylor, nr. i.i K K llsrttan e uave jubv rtrceiTou ri..u c, ,e ,1lcoIni brlll, so 01 Ulan l.ana t iaaier. Also a IUllMhu VamlerwaU, witnras 3 40 supply of blasting powder. If you want salt, remember that we have juet received a carload. Anderson it Son, Ueedville. The Southern Pacific ban la on 1111 la route. Tl.u.X) ana easy lieall &('o, ron.ls lerma. lnoinre at Argua oflice. iui HsKry.roaJ R II Greer, relief o 70 lohn K Bailey, ajsessme 10 00. O W llinen, salary sup IS 75 Jolin NyberK. powUer & sal sup .. 49 7 T J Kitiif , sal sup I a 5" Chris hi lnmller sal sup 7 Krwin Ritter, field ansessor 72 00 C A Cavell, assessment 60 co I V Trullinuer. roails II 4 J W Sewell, sup sal 7 C.roner Si Kowell, roads 6 47 Mavs llrus, ct bouse 6 70 W j Stitt, sup sal 37 50 K I Kuratli, assessing flc col 3 00 LC Walker, roads lo 00 W I) Smith, assrsiinij & col 24 90 W M Jacksoo, ro treas - 51 10 J S Loisuiik, relief 18 00 J W Connell, sblT & dep 225 tx John A Johnson, sup sal 2 50 Ward !wns, tsx collection 104 40 V L Beach, " " 101 40 W K Taylor, court house 2 50 Schulmericb Bros, roads 40 50 City Liitbt & Water 22 10 J W Oinnell, ah ff expenses 69 20 J Wt'onnell, hoard prisoners 43 25 Matthews' 1'ost, OAK, lnuiijcnt 51 35 Wt-hrunx & Son, ct house Ik relief 8 no V K Hauler, tsx collection g6 6c F, I, Crocker, roads 1 10 00 W II Lyda, lumber 4 Ho A Keverman, sup sal 12 50 K I Crocker, roads 20 to C K Kindt, witness da 4 00 I'hilip Shea, roads 2 ct I t ( asner, " 2 00 B 1'edcrson, " 2 00 J W I'.aynard, " 2 co L C W alker, surveyor 7 00 Fred liowlby, roads 4 00 Julius Asbahr, roads 4 00 Mrs 1. 1 wood Haines, relief 6 00 Toni Reno, relief 6 00 C F, Kindt, ustice fees 3 95 h M Hesse, constable fees 6 5o (ustiive Brount-r, sup sal 12 50 .. 18 70 - 27 rxj - 3 7 " ., 10 00 .. 12 50 - 3- -o - 13 00 - 35 00 2H 75 - 22 51 - II 25 - 65 33 50 .. 1 5o 3 5" .. 1 00 .. 1 "o . 1 50 .. 1 5o .. 1 70 .. 1 So ... 2 30 .,. 2 30 .. 2 30 ,.. 1 00 ,.. 1 co ... 1 00 .. 1 00 ,.. 1 00 . 1 00 - 37 5" ... ic 00 . lo 00 ... 10 00 ... 6 00 ... 8 00 ... 8 00 ... 69 68 ... 30 65 ... 13 ... 42 CO ALLOWED TO GO FORTH FREE But Must Behave and Abstain Drinking Liquor I. J Holu, John Berwick, , " " W W Lewis, " " K O Ilaue. " " C. V McC.raw, " " V M Kelsay, " ' A B Todd, " " Jacob Keichen, " " Simun Nellsen, " " C F. Shorey, ' " Thos Murphy, " " J J Krebs, " " J K Summers, coroners witness.. IIAI.ee, .. .. C F Krv, Otto Nicholson, " " I'eter I'aris, " " John I'apas, " " Kdward HtiKlies, Fred tireenlier, " " Kllen Anderson, " " l'atrick Leavy, " " Geo l'eterson, " " Win Morensen, " " J V Chatterton, juror F; J Thomas, " C C Jack, " II M Summers, " W K Shackleford" O L Newman, " K C Brown, coroner fees I)r J 1' Tamiesie, coroneis phys. DrFJBailev, " " .. Ir F M Kobinson, " " .. I, C Walker, surveyor .1 R C Thomns, roads C C Hancock, relief J V Goodin, sal & expenses W J Butner, com sal C B Buchanan, com sal C F. Deichman, dep clerk K M liooley, reluuu tax 11 52 Frederick l'eterson, refund tax... 6 f5 L S McConucll, refund tax 8 93 Herman Hoffaber was taken before Judge McJ5ride Monday, and leaded guilty to pointing a fire arm at a woman a Mrs. Iiehnke, of near Tigardvillo. II. T. Bagley was appointed to defend young Hoffaber and the attorney induced the young man to plead guilty and asked the judge to sentence him and eufipecded sentence during good behavior. Judge McBride named three months in the county ail as the penalty and if the young man does not conform to the treaty of peace he will be placed in cou- UDement. Attorney Latourette was out Monday and filed objections to Cbaa. Miller's coet bill in the case where Miller beat P. U. on the re version of real estate cane. Bill vs. Schulmericb, taken under advisement. P. R. & N. Company given privilege to file amended complaint n the condemnation of right of way euit against V. H. Galvani. Reporter Runyon will lake the testimony in the case of Anthony vs. the Hilleboro Gold Mining Company and report eame to the court. 2 00 4 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 00 in- J l) Mann, Mrs Maggie Vim, W It Lyda, ,1 V Schulniench, 11 O Ks pus, H C John, - lironer & Rowell, luniWr... 5 00 8 60 3 60 4 40 5 60 5 60 it 10 L. Ileynoldn, of Phillips, waa up to the county eoat Sntunluy. II. Wehrung & Sons carry a full line of lleinu' pickles and bottled good a. J. V. Vandervelden, the lloy merohant, waa in the city Hatur day, enroute to Portland. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or ICxcollencia Oregon manufacture. Grant Zumwalt and Will Em rick have returned from an extend ed stay in Southern Oregon, For sale: Horce, weighs 1400 11 years old, good worker, price f 125 C. horeiiaon, Keedvtlle, Nathan B, Mead, an old lime Hi'laboro citizen, and at one time proprietor of the Hotel Hillsboro, eame up from tl rants I ana, Hatur day, and spent a few hours in the city. Watklns' stock and poultry foods and Watkins remedies are what farmers and dairymen should use for best succeea. Z. M. LaRue, agent, 40-1 Pacifio Avenuo, Forest Qrove, Ore., Pacifio Phone 294. C. A, Ogden, superintendent of tbe Oregon Nursery Company's big plant this side of West Union, waa in town Saturday, and sayB that the planting this year amounts to about 200 acres. Ha states that they have recently put in a fine lot of ornamental shrubbery. Thos. Caudle, working at the condenser, Sundav, was badly scalded on tbe left side of his face, tbe injury extending to the eye He was in one of the hot wells, cleaning up, when steam was turn ed on, The jet caught him in the face and he mane a hasty exit Dr. Tamiesie attended the injury and it is hoped that there will be no loss of vision. No blamo is ttaohed lo anyone as it was not known that he waa in the well at the time. . . - . I nuuti ia, wnti, ansa it i iw augurated a check system at the j n farmlev, witness 7 00 III T BaKley, l-loyd Dooley, II Walker, L A Long, Al Young, Atnoa McCitrily, Monroe liuber, dentil in this citv. and those having Win Helt.er, . ' . .. - I, -..II tiarcela or enm can have inem rz checked and left at the station at a amall expense. For gentlemen's, ladles and children's hose you can do no bet ter than to buy of John DenniB, Wb hh.ve them for evervbodv. and Robt .Simpson al nricM that are values. wiJ Ihmnburgh,- r R 0 Williams, Mra. Oeo. Loeb and Miss Jennie Clark Rolfe, Arnhhnl.l nf Pnrlland. wars here Nelaon Hardware Co, relief akaviawwav., v. 1 ----- I a , ( 8uDday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L, j,,,, wUBe(i C. ArcnDoia, wre. jobd win re Mra main thiough the week Brown Leghorn eggs, 15 each setting, for 50 cents: also full blood Butr Leghorn eggn for hatching purposes, 50 cents for setting of 13 Mrs. Agnes uowan, nuiuooro Van B. DeLashmutt, of Witch Hazel, left Monday for an extend Curls Jensen, juror FWSsgert, " II T Challacombe, witness J H Collier, " Ambrose Schiiiidlin, " VV K Mays, " J F Haynie, " Chna lllcketliier, " II O Vincent, " ltobt Johnson, " ltedmond & Connell team coroner 7 00 7 20 2 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 b 60 4 60 6 80 8 00 12 00 4 40 4 40 2S0. 08 roads 4 50 6 00 6 60 3 50 6 40 2 60 4 00 8 00 3 ao 3 20 14 00 ( 00 16 00 3 00 ed trip lo the Spokane country, Jaa Imlay, field assessor 6900 m horn mi ann in nnffsuHii in uubi- " ' - - j nees. Wanted: Farms and lands of all kinds for Bale and rent. Ad dress J. R. Foreman. S05 East Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Job. Williams, who is filing in a bis sawmill over at Ostrander. Wash., was over to epend Sunday Grant Bacon, with relatives and friends. Tkmrd nnl.l.n Pnliati onra tnr dln- R Fatton, VW4UI.H V'KfhU "f " I W II Lyda, lumlier 108 48 Glass & I'rudhomme, sta 2 52 It T Buxton, held assessor 39 00 A A Mead, bailiff circuit ct James Churchill, uror.,,. Fred U Adams, , Ralph Imbrie, " V A Hoodenpyl, " A .lack, " I S Robinson, r it 11' . 1 setting 01 15 for $1 UU. J. IJ. t el- CLa, K Rimyorj court reporter.. . 30 00 lette, Hillsboro, Route 1, Pacific h j Godmau, county clerk 25300 States Phone. O W Barnea, field assessor 66 00 I V.UHB iwcuui " ivuKoa vnv.ui. i.k,Mi v 4" MrB. H. T. Bagley departed Independent, sta and printing.... 56 50 Sundav evening for a month's Vhe?ler Mfg Co, relief 94s 30 00 25 60 20 00 " 20 00 " 26 40 " 22 80 " 22 80 " 22 00 " , 28 (X) " 26 bo " 25 60 .100 50 S N Poole, field assessor 72 00 M Turner, roads 31 00 J T Young, " 30 7" A H Davis, held assessing bo oo L W House, relief 16 3c Stevens liros, roads 2o 60 A J Roy, care poor farm 120 00 . . . 40 00 . . . 8 yo M C Case, aalarv supt schools . . . , 62 39 LewiB and John EnneB, ol South HlL'fUi-Lf"! ct" 'i ,. w 1 I w litis uciauui icluiiki vv uvu, t i Tualatin, were in lown monaay. R t jerkln, tax collection 33 30 n ir f.xT e n. Dr F J Bailey, health officer 90 96 was in towr Mondav alternoon, iThe Areua, printine.....' 10 oo visit with her mother at Boise, Idaho. I H. Maxwell and C. S. Rey nolds, the Mountaindale merchant, were in town Monday. AM Collins, janitor. WHS ID lUO uity wuuunjr mvmuuuu. W. W. Williams, of Mountain- dale, wae in the city Tuesday. Frank and John Dooley, were down from near Banks, Saturday Geo. A. Plieth, of below Ivinton was in the county seat Tuesday afternoon. John Bernardo, of Verboort, and J. C. Sinith, of Greenville, were in the city Monday afternoon. We are eole agents for the ceta brated Chatham fanmill. Price, complete, $37.50. Schulmerich Bros. K. C. Luce, who has territory on the Sound as credit man for the Pacific Coast condenser, was here Sunday. Schoolboys and girls will find everything in school supplies (ex cept school books) at K, L. Mc Cormick'a. B. A. Barber has been elected as representative of Phoenix Lodgi Iv. of P., to attend the Grand Lodge of that order, to be held in Portland the latter part of May Our line of spring drees goods have commenced to arrive from New York. Come and see them Schulmerich Bros. The subject of the morning ser mon in the Congregational church will be "The Future Life." The evening Bermon will be "The New Theology." For Bale: Full blood Scotch collie dog, two years old. Will make fine stock dog. D. C. Bur ton, Portland, Route 2, one mile east of Cedar Mill. J. C. Miller, of the Arcade dis trict, was in from beyond Glencoe, Tuesday, and says there are yet hundreds of bushels of potatoes to be moved in his Bectio'n. Threshing outfit for sale: $1100 takes it. Complete, including Hi ll. P. engine, Advance Separator, woodsaw connections, etc. Address P. 0. Box 115, Forest Grove, Ore. Mra. E. E. Schweitzer, of West Union, departed Monday for Los Angele?, for a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Beasie Keeb She waa accompanied by Mr. Hin-ton. I) I? 11 'leaded Guilty to Pointing Pistol at Woman From r MASSAGE CREAM1 is today indispensable on the dressing table of gentlewoman or gentleman. Not only does a Pompeian Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out stiffness of the facial muscles, animates the tissues, and makes the flesh firm and solid. Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it flexes the muscles and takes away shaving soreness. Most women recognize the value of this preparation in maintaining a clear and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE AT OUR STORE Price SOc and $1.00 per Jar Hillsboro Pharmacy PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction at his farm 24 miles north west of Banks, at 10 a. m., on FRIDAY, APRIL 2G Bay mare, 8 years, 1600; bay mare, 4 yrs, 140c; bay gelding, 7 yrs, isco; bay gelding, 9 yrs, 1300; gray gelding, 1300; sorrel mare, 1300; black driving horse, S yrs, 1000; bay pony; black cow, in milk; 4 dry cows, fresh this Summer; 2 3-yr old heifers, fresh soon; yearling heifer; 35 heart sheep; 3 lumber wagons, 3,'jxii; buggy; several sets work harness; 2 sets of single harness, hayloader, plow and numerous other articles. Also about 20,000 feet rough aud dressed lumber. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: Under $10, cash; $10 and over, one year's time, ap proved note, 7 per cent, interest. L. F. CARSTEXS. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. y ii i a n 1M AY FEED AND AlJVtA SEED STORE On account of the car shortage send in your order early for LAND PLASTER We have just received two cars. We also have the best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office 1 1. 1 1 ! DELEGATE TO WASHINGTON Mrs. F. J. Bailey departed the first of the week, for Washington, 1). C, where she goes as a delegate to the National Convention of the Daughters nf the Revolution. She will visit Jamestown while east, Memphis, New Orleans, and other Eastern points of interest. She is accompanied by Mrs. W. B. Street er, of Portland. FAIR W0LF0RD Mr. Orin V. Fair and Miss Blanche Wollord, of Buxton, were united in marriage at the home of the offi ciating minister, in Hillsboro, April 7, 1907, Rev. C. F. Hayes performing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Harry Wol ford, well known in North Wash ington County. Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to thank their many kind friends who as sisted during their recent bereave ment, the death of Louie Mueller. MrB. Daisy Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. E. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mclntire. Hillsboro, Ore., April 9, 1907. FOR SALE Every Family Wants good groceries, and ev ery family should do us the jua tic to give ua a trial. We carry a line of absolutely pure and fresh groceries, and we take pride in giving everybody cour teous treatment and the certain ty of satisfaction. Get onr pricea and compare them with what you are paying. Vegetable and Fish' MARKET Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. P. J. Ritchey Sl Son r Eighty acres of land, within three mileB of Gaston. Twelve acres cleared, of which one acre is iu fine bearing prunes. Forty acres of good timber. V ill largely pay for place perhaps pay all. Log house on place tuat one couia occupy until he built. Half mile from school; Thirty living springs on property fine for dairy ranch. Terms, $2,000, half down, balance on time. Reasonable interest. Anyone wishing to look this place over can write a day or so before coming, and he will be met at station and taken to place E Best, Gaston, Ore. speatnng ot groceries 11 you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to be found in the market try John Dennis. He ia after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. DRINK GAMBRINUS BEER The Best of All Beers SOLD BY Ghe LION SALOON E. J. LYONS. Preprlater Harry Ball, formerly of GaBton, and now of Portland, was in town Tuesday, greeting bis old time county seat friends. Gents' and boys' clothing, fall line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis cher Sincerity make at II. Weh rung & Soub, 5e Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.