The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 04, 1907, Image 4

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Paints and oili. C. A. Latakin
Francis Cot, of Laurel, tu la
town Monday.
Fresh Garden Seeds at John
Dennis.' -
J. C. Smith was down from
Green Title Friday.
Bay your ecbool tablets' at Mc
Cormick e.
Pre. Berry, of Gleneoe, was in
town Monday. ,
Simonds Croes cut aawi. C' A
Lamkin Co.
A. J. Wilkee, of Scholia, was in
town Tuesday.
Thoe. Murphy, of Mountaindale,
waa in town Tuesday.
C. W. James, of Cornelias, was
down to the city Saturday.
John Hedlein, of Blooming, was
in the county seat Monday.
Geo. Robinson, of beyond Lau
rel, was in the city Monday.
Wtn. Bachelder, of Gleneoe, was
a county seat visitor, Mondsy.
X. H. Jones, the Vinelands car
penter, was in the city Saturday
A. W. Donelson and wife, of
Newton, were in the city Monday.
J. E. Zimmerman, of beyond
Shady Brook, was in town Tues
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lamkin Co.
Chas. Walters, the Gleneoe
blacksmith, was in town the last of
the week.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture
Call for them.
Percy Allison, wife and child
were out from Portland, Sunday,
guests oi relatives.
I am agent for the Judson Blast
ing Powder. J. V. Vandervelden,
Roy, Ore. Both 'phones.
Tl r i .1
duuu urueecu, una ui mo young
men raised in the West Union dis
trict, was in the city Friday.
Miss Sueie McKinney, attending
commercial college in Portland
was out the last of the week.
F. W. Cady, of Beaverton, and
who is postmaster at that place.
was in town Tuesday afternoon.
A few left, both for
lady and gentleman, will be sold
out at cost. Schulmerich Bros.
Draft and driving horses for sale
at the Cornelius Bros.' old stable,
Forest Grove, Ore. E. D. Bogan
i'acinc f hone Mam 31.
Frederick Johnson and son
Oicar. were unfrom Farmintori
Saturday, taking in the county
Biggest shipment of corn ever
received in Hillsbaro. at the Cli
max Mill store. Get in and order
your land plaster early.
Z. M LaRue, well known all
over the county, and who formerly
lived at Scholia, was down from
Forest Grove, where he is now lo
cated, Saturday.
For sale: Some grade Jersey
dairv cows. 940 to 160 each.
miles south of Scholia on Newberg
road. f. IS. Skinner, both phones
We sell a complete line of stoves
and ranees, hardware, tinware
crockerv. etc. Coma and im ttinm
and get prices before purchasing.
ocnulmericb Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tabor,
parents of Mrs. L M. Hoyt, of this
city, left their Oregon City borne
this week for an extended eastern
visit, to be absent all 8ummer.
We have ordered a car load of
wire fence direct from the factory
we can save you nve per cent, on
same if ordered immediately .
Schulmerich Bros.
If you want a few lessons on ho
to catch gophers with a gun, just
go out and see Chas. Meacham. of
Mountaindale, who has shot 56 in
the past year. Mr. Meacham uses
16-calibre shotgun shell, and he
gets them nearly every time.
For rale: Good SDan of mules
8 and 9 years, sound and true,
weigh 1150 and 1250: vounar horse.
bay, 5 years, weighs about 1400.
r. A. oatcbHar, east of rJiusboro,
near Newton, on rural route, No. 2
Fruit Inspector W. R. Harris, of
forest Grove, was in town Fridav.
and stated that he expected to
make an extended visit into the
Sherwood and Middleton country,
within the next few days. Mr.
Harris says that along the line of
the Southern raciao, in this coun
ty, hundreds of orchards have been
given care and pruning, much
spraying for the San Jose scale.
He expects great results by next
J ear. After this Mr. Harris says
e expects to look after the orchards
which art infested in those districts
which an back from the track,
and where owners have disregard
ed the published notifications to
clean up and get rid or tne pests.
If you want to tile your place,
ft figures from the Groner &
Rowell Company, of Scholia. We
re the largest manufacturers of
drsin tile in the county, and nave
sold our product far and wide If
you arc going to build to tne spring,
wt our figures or brick, building
blocks sto. Wc also furnish lam
ber, rough and dressed, t of all
kinds, and; deliver if required, in
su-'isnt quantities. Address us
tt Ei.lEtoro, R. F. D. No. 2.
City and Country properties in Oregon, Washington;
Idaho and Montana, for sale or exchang'e.
Idaho wheat lands in exchange for Valley lands.
Hillsboro Office, Main Street; opposite the Tualatin Hotel
R. L. Cate is better equipped to raaKe quicK sales of Hillsboro property than any
other real estate dealer in the state
FIRST, BECAUSE Mr. Cate's Portland office advertises extensively, both locally
and throughout the Middle West, and secures many inquiries for
farm properties daily.
SECOND, BECAUSE Mr. Cate's Hillsboro office is in charg'e of a live young
man, who has been for many years a resident of Washington County,
and Knows that district thoroughly.
THIRD, BECAUSE the two offices worhing in harmony, mahe an effective sales
organization which cannot be duplicated.
226 Stark St.
There will be a dance at Alpha
Hall. Cornelius, on the evening of
April 6. Good order is insured
and a fine time promised. Floor
maoagerB, Ora Cook and C. E
Reiling. Music by Walkers' or
chestra. Numbers, $1, Bupper in
cluded. L. E. VanLum and E. H.
"Wanted: Men to fall timber,
cut and bock logs, by the thou
sand. Will pay 60 cents per M
Also want one ekid driver. Will
pay $2 and board. Thompson
Bros. Lomber Co., Mountaiodale.
Pacific States Phone, Gleneoe,. No.
I wish to sell my farm containing
152 acres. 110 acres under culti
vation; good bouse and barn; good
orchard Three and one half miles
south of Hillsboro and one mile
west of Farmiogton. For further
information apply to E. Burk
halter, Hillsboro, Ore , R. F. D. 2
Notice to Veterani
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting of the Washing
ton County Veteran Association at
Cornelius, on Thursday, May 2,
and we desire lo call the attention,
and urge the attendance of all the
old soldiers of aoy war, as there
will be very important busioees
brought up for consideration.
Stephen Morgan,
Pres. Wash. Co. Vet Ass'n.
Horace G. Fitch, Secretary.
The Knights of the Maccabees and
the Ladies of the Maccabees will
hold their fifth triennial state con
vention in Portland on April 15
The Southern Pacfiic will sell
round trip tickets for one and one
third the regular rates for tbo oc
casion. Parties of over ten attend
ing baseball games, etc., from one
station can also get the same rate
from the road.
Grand Rally Women of Woodcraft held
at Portland, April I and a, a round trip
rate of one and one-tbird fare will be
given all woo attend, where fare is more
tban 50 cents.
For attendants to the Central District
Convention Christian Church at Kugene,
on April 4 and 5: Round ttip for one
and one third fare.
For fifth triennial state convention,
Maccabees and Ladies of the Maccabees,
to be held at Portland, April 15, the
Southern Pacific will give a one and one
third fare for the round trip.
- -fast Caa.e.
Dusty I woke up wld er start las'
Weary-What wuz de trouble?
Dusty I dreamed dat I wuz la er
automobile aud de blamed thing blew
Up. Brooklyn Eagle.
Pajia Knew.
Little Willie-Papa, why la It that
all our coins have a woman's hand
tamped ou them?
Mr TaJalHlt-Tf -Mfrlt fVn-mT mn
moaaytalka. Pack.
R L.
Administrator's Notice
Notice ia hereby given that the nuder
igneu i) as been appointed oy the County
Court of the State of Oreeon. for Wash
ington County, administrator of the n-
tate of H. C. Smith, deceased. All per
sonit having claim- against said estate
are hereby notified to present the wiia to
me, vended as by law required, at the
residence of the late David Smith, in For
est Grove,. Washington County, Oregon,
wuiiin hix motiuw iromtnaaate nereor,
Dated this SMi dav of March. 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of H. C,
Smith, deceased.
(First insertion, March 28; last insertion,
Apru zo.i
Administrator's Notice
Notice Is hereby eiven that thenndenlirn.
ed ha- been by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Washington County,
duly appointed administrator of the es
tate of Alex Agitelee, deceased, and haa
duly qualified and entered upon the ilia
charge of bis duties as such. N ow, there
fore, all pentoos having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present
the same to the undersigned, at the Law
Office of Bagley A Hare, in Hillsboro, Or
egon, within six months from date here
of. Dated this 20th day of March, A. D.
Administrator of the estate of Alex Ag
gelles, defeased,
Hagley &, Hare, Attys for Adm'r.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersign,
ed, administrator of the estate of Bins L
Lilly, has tiled with the Ceunty Court of
me ciaieor Oregon lor Washington Coun
ty, im final amount us such administra
tor, and the Court has fixed Morula.
April 22, 1907, at the hour often o'clock of
said day, at the court house in Hillsboro,
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account. If in
there be, and for the final settlement of
sam estate. H. M. FiTMAN,
Administrator of the Estate of flina L.
Lilly, deceased.
H . T. Bagley, attorney for ad miiibttrator
Notice of I mal Settlement
Notice is hereby el van that the under
signed administrator has filed In the
County Court of Washington Co ity,
Oregon, his final account as admit, ; -a-tor
of the estate of Jost. Duerat, deoe i,
and that the same haa been set for I r
ing and final settlement, before said
court, on Monunv tnril 99 igw -i in
o'clx-k A. .!.
Dated at Hilbiboro, Oregon, Ibis March
19, 1H07.
Administrator of the Estate of Jost.
Duerst, Deceased.
W. N. Kairntt. Attornnv r,,. A,1,
beautifully iiluaratodL sood i
a year
a ysar
and araclei about CaUonia
and all the far West.
a moodily pubilcitioa devoted
to the farms inter ert of the
a book of 75 Beset, costaiaioa-
120 colored pfeotos-aphi of
pictumqiM -pots ia Calif oraia
and Ongoa.
Total . . .
AU'for. .......
Cat out Ail sitWiiiiauat
sad lead with $1.50 lo
Portland, Ore.
Nancy A. Johnson, I'laiutirf,
Sarah E. Sphere and Win.
Hpherx, her hunlmiid,
James W. Hiuith, Haiunii
tha Nmitb, William K.
Hniith and Smith,
his wife, lfrmlunK
To Jamps W. Smith, Hatnautlia Smith,
William K. Smith and , IiIh wile:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
add each of you are hereby required and
commanded to appear In the aWe enti
tled Court and answer the complaint filed
therein against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first put liga
tion of this summons in the llillnhoro
A'gus, the first publication thereof heinic
March !, I!7, to-wit, on or Ixifnre the
l'tth day of May, IMJ7;snd yon will plrusn
take notice that If you fail to so pcnr
and answer raid i-oninlaint, the t'laimitl
will apply to said Court for the rlnr
prayed for In ber (,'oniplaint, to-wlt. for a
decree adjud(ing that the PlitiiiliU and
the Defendanta are the own fin in fwN. I tu
ple of ell of the following describeil real
property lylnjf, being and silunte In
Washington County, Oregon, and known
as: The Northeast Quarter of the North
west Quarter of .Section Twenty-nine,
Township Two North, iUiiiie Two West
of the Will. Mer., containing forty ai-ntt;
that the Plaintiff is the owner of an undi
vided fmir--evenths; tlist the Defendant,
Sarah K. Sphers, is the owner of an undi
vided one-seventh; that the Defendant,
James W. Smith, is the owner of an un
divided one-seventh; that the Defendant,
fctamantha hniith, is theownirnf an un
divided1 one-fourteenth, f-nd the Defend
ant. William K. Smith, is the owner of an
undivided one fourteenth of said prem
ise above described: that said prniuiHH
cannot be partitioned, ami that the same
be sold by a releree appointed for that pur
pore, and the proceeds of such sale m ap
plied: First, to the cants nnd ilisburMe
uients of this suit; second, to the costs
and disbursements of said sale; third, to
tha payment to the l'laintill' of the sum
$51.48. taxes ail vanned and paid upon said
premises from to the data of the fil
l:igof the Complaint herein, and fourth,
the balance of the proceeds of said sale to
be paid to the l'laintill ami the Defend
ant in accordance with their respective
rights fixed by the Dec: ee of said Court,
and for such other and further order as
may be necessary and proper.
This Summons ia served upon you lv
order of Hon. T. A. Mcliride, Ju'dgn if
the above entitled Court, made and dated
at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Jf.'rtti day of
March, 1107. which order proscribes that
you shall apiiear and answer on or before
the expiration of six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this Kuininons,
to-wit, on or before May 18, lfm7.
AtUjrneys for I'lalntlft.
Executrix' Notice
Notice Is hereby given that I.'the iiiuler
signed, have been, by the county court of
the. Bute of Oregon, for Washington
county, duly appointed executrix of the
estate of Charles Ijelch, deceased, and
have duly qualified as such. A II persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the surnc to me,
with proper vouchers, at the Law Office
ofW, N. Barrett, In Hillsboro, Oregon,
within sis (0) months from the date hor
of. Dated this December 20th l'O.
Executrix of the estate of (Jlnirlui Luich,
W, N. Barrett, Attorney for Estate,
Administrator's Notice
Notice Is hereby iriven that the nmh
ed baa been appointed by the County
Court of Washintrtoii countv. iimmn bv
an order dated the 2!th day of January.
t fMT 4 J.. .1..,.. . u.i ... . ...
w'i Auiiiiiimiraioroi mo KHlHlAor Jumna
Fitzgerald, defeased: and all Dnr-oiis liav.
lug claims against said cmIuLo are hereby
notified to present the same with the
proper vouchers therefor, to mn at th
law office of E. B. Tongtio, Hillsboro,
Washington County, Oregon.
Dated this ad day of February, 1007.
C. AKBISHEK, Administrator.
E. B, Tongue, Attorney,
tlclnhold Leonhardt, I'lalntlft,)
vs. I
Mary Ionhanit. IWeudanl.t
To Mary Innharlt, defendant almve
iiiti name in me niaie or uregon, you
are hereby notified that the plaintiff haa
filed a complaint against you in the above
entitled court and cauwi ami vmi -r- ham.
by required to appear and answer the
" "oiipiaim or ma anine appearanr
Lhi.lYnll mi (i- lr iI.a Im-
.... B . . ,11. .Wfl .T U
u.rilrfi.l K 1 1, j ....l... ..r .... k.ll .1 c -
to-wlt: On or before the limb day of
"I1"1! "u ii you lau so to appear
and answer the complaint or file fonts ap
pearance herein, tne plaintiff will causa
your default to be entered and noted and
win appiy 10 1 ne court ror the relief pray
ed for In said complaint lo-witt A de
rree forever illRaolvfi.. iU hamd-..
rimotlV now Pliatlni Iv-lwaan wmi -,.
plaiutifT and for inch other relief u to the
conn iiikj nee m prowr.
The date of the first publication of this
siiininnna tu lit. t-lih .law tf af-.h inn?
and this smnmnna is to be published on
every i nursiisy or each week tut a period
nt . 1. L. -
... .uwcmuQ nw-.. w-iw-lll Mil
'f'tlfM RllllllllOn. t. f.lit,tUliA,l 1, n-ilu- .
the Hon. Thomas A. MoBrlde, Judge of
me aitove eiuiiieu v ourt, made lu Cliain-
uiirs mis uin (lay oi Maren, IMJ7.
Attorney for F Iain tiff.
Administratrix' Notice
nonce lanereoy given, mat I, me under
signed, have been by the County Court of
i no nun ui urvgun, inr rfsaningion
County, duly appointed Administrator of
tt.A ... .... il" 1 I. . .
..nn nntdvc oi naniuHi Averii. ueceaaea,
with the will of said deceased annexed,
and have duly qualified as such. Now
therefore, all persons having claims
sgalimt said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to lue with proper
vouchor s at the law office of W. N, Bar
rett, in Hillsboro, Oregon, within aix
months from the date hereof,
Datod this 17th day of January. 1907.
Administrator with the will annexed of
Samuel Kveritl, deceased.
W, N. Barrett, Attorney for Estate.
Administrator' Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the tiader
signed lias been duly appointed by the
County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for
Washington County, Administrator of the
Estate of Cecelia Kalsch, decease d, and
has duly qualilled as such;
Now thoreforeall persona having claims
against said Estate are hereby notified to
present the same, with projier vouchers
tliero'or, to me at the law office of Hagley
A lime, at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated March IHth A. D , 1907.
, , (Signed) PHILIP KALSCH,
Administrator of the Estate of Cecelia
h alnch, deceased.
liagley & Mare, Attorneys for admin I -t'ator,
Executor's Notice
Nof.iC- In tlAfitltW 0lu.ll tU.
slgnod has been by the County Corrt cf
..... - iw((uii, wr ma uoiiniy or
WaHhiiigton, duly appointed and con
firmed, under date or January 26, 1H07. as
executor of the laat will and testament of
j.i ana aiiiib reiers, uoceased, and that ha
has duly riualiflud as such executor.
NOW. thllnfll.A all k-..fnM
clainm against the estate of the said Anna
mana reiers, ueceaseu, are hereby re-
iiiiicu nnu rwpin-iu u presoiii ma same,
with proper vouchers attached, to me at
the law ofliceof John M. Wall, In Hills
born, or to me at my residence In the pre
cinct of North Forest Orove, Oregon.
Kxnrmlor or the laat will and testament
of Marin Anna J'ctera, deceased
John M. Wall, attorney for executor
Dated at Hillsboro, thla 31st day of Jan
uiiry, l!Kr7.
Charter Oak -loves and raogei
0. A, Lamkin Go,
Second Street, Courthouse, UllNboro
When You Buy Shoes
Buy Good Shoes
A Hue Liuc of Taney Slippers for Men.
The best shoe in the market is the Till
Kinucy shoe for meu. Also a fine line
for boys, also school shoes. The tast
heavy work shtes for men. Rubbers for
uieu and boys, at
tit 9 r m mi
U)e Farmers' Mutual
of Portland, Oregon
Held its Auoual Meeting January 16, 1907, at the
Logus Hall.
rirst. Amount of pioprtty nl rik iK-c. ji, 115 f 5 1,04.1
Auit of ri-ks .iililrd iluriiiK the rar .,,., m.s
Auit of rikt ramrllcd during ibe jir ,$) i
Net amount of rinks lVc. ji, f', 74').-V7 '"'
l-att-M ainotint on any one rik ,., i.oui u
SeconJi Amount of rn'i'ivrd with iipplii iitionH,,, ,n6 tt
Atnt of rash received from amrssinruH ttyj 47
Total ill(onlc.. , fl.WtJ
Thlrdi Auiouut tmid fur Iihmch dtif ing the car fn 6j
Atnt jxiid ollirvrs, ilirrrtors and ui iiti.. ,. -f j
Anit of all other viicniH'i , , , .15 W
Totul rxprmtitures .., ,1.771 i
Tourlhi Amount of raidi on bund .. fm )H
Anil of miaid pti uiiiiin , jn
Total awls fh,t w,
Tlflhi Liabilities, none,
J. J. IF.KN. Sec retary.
The advantages of this Association in com par
ison with others of a similar character are:
I. We insure not in tiiic citi km, and ran, ihrrrforc, mil be
affected by large conflagration.
. We insure on t.v Tint iikst Fviuf m ilpincs, ami p by
old shacks and houses with slovrpiK-!i through the roof.
3. Our assessments can only ,e t siiti To -av i.iwhks and not
for expenses,
4. We insure no mcsinhss i-KorKHTV, uo stores, no fnctorirs, no
saloons, no hop houses or fruit drier.
J. We take care not To oviiR-iN-ii kH, slkking to the "two
thirds" clause of the val-ic.
6. Our meetings arc held in Hie City of Portland, the Im-uu-w
center of the stale, where nieniljcut can kami.v attknd and krrp Hie
institution iinhkk contkoi,, so Hint it hiiai.i, nkvhr hhcomk a
cb apt of a few.
Agents iu Washington County are:
I. If. C. I'KAHrioN, Cornelius, Ore., U, 1', I, No. 3.
a. W. J. R. Bkacii, Forest tirovc, ( Ire,
If you wish to join apply to the nearest agent
or if there is no local agent, iu your vicinity, send
your name and address to
J. J. HERN, Secretary,
565 East Yamhill St., Portland, Ore.
mmumm mw.wm m m mm m m
Richard Uirjci,
A. B Jensen, lH'fendai
To A, B. Jensen, the alxtve niuiicd do
fendant.: In the name of the Htiito of Oregon:
You are hereby ooniinaudnd and required
to be and appear in the Circuit Court oi
the Htata of Oregon, for Washington
County, and answer the complaint there
in tiled against you 011 or before the ex
piration of six week from the datn of tlm
first publication of this Numinous in the!
"Hillsboro Argus," the llrst publication
thereof being on the 7th day of March.
1M07, to-wlt, on or before the IHth day of
Apr., 1W7. And you will plcaso tuku
notice that If you fall to so appcur and
answer said complaint, the plHintlir will
take iiidgment against you for thn sum of
.'l4.00 lawful money of the United Hlates,
with interest thereon from Apr. 2. IWl,
at the rate of six per cent per annum,
unit mr ilia iinnt- and ,1LI,.i... ..I-
this action, and also a Judgment that, tlio
iiMiowiiiuaescriuna real property, to-wlt:
The North i of the Southwest "lunrtnr,
and the North ol the HouthHMt liiartur
of Section 18. T.3, N. K. W. of the Will.
Mer, attached In the above entitled
action at tne suit or the abovn named
plaintiff, be sold by thoNborlll uf Wash,
ington County, Oregon, as upon ex
ecution, and the proceeds of such xalu
applied toward the satisfaction of plain
tiff's claim, upon which Judgment is
This Summons Is served upon you by
publication by order of Honorable J, W.
Uoodln, County Judge of Washington
County, Oregon, made and dalaiF at
Hillsboro, Oregon, on March 1, U)7,
which Order requlroa that you nppour
and answer said Complaint on or bolero
six week from date of the llrst publication
of this Summons, to-wlt, on or before
April IS, 1007.
Argus and Oregonian, $2,
..Central Meat Market..
fucoaeaore fa O. THbmtj
Keep constantly on hand a fiat
supply of fresh meats of all kinds.
A Now Era In Prloe
We are goiii to sell meats tt prices low
er than One which prevailed in
the past. Call in arid see us. We mean
business. 'Plume and Free Delivery
Main Street, opposite Tualatin Hotel,
Hillsboro,. Oregon, .
A new pnpeenger tntin nchedule U
hh followft:
Lcayes for Portland
l'orcst Grove local
Sheridan Flyer , , , ,'
Forest Orove local...,!!
(!orvallis overland
. . 6:f6 a. 111,
. 9:03 a. in.
,. 1:4'- p. ni.
.. 4:31 p. i.
m. K:4i , in,
,,ia:o7 p. ni,
.. 5:36 p, in,
. 6:7 p, m,
Arrives from Portland
Corvallis overland
1'orent Orove local
Sheridan l'lyer
Forest Orove local. ,, ,
Leaving Portland
Corvnllis overland y;,0
1 a. ui.
rnrrsi wrove local , 1 1 w a. lu.
.. tl:ao p, 111,
. . 8:1x1 g, in,
. ,io:aaa. m.
ArrivM in Portland
Forest Orove local
Sheiiilau l'lyer.,...,,, ,,
Forest Orove locnl
Corvallis overland,, !.!.' !,'!,'! 6i50 p! ni!
The KortBt Grove local doeg not
carry baggage.
-:5' p. m.
Argus and Journal, $1.75.